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Should we go by plane to Malang from Surabaya?

By : Morinda Marsilea Sidarta (06010521013)

Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to another using a
vehicle driven by humans or machines. Transportation is used to make it easier for humans to
carry out daily activities. Transportation itself is divided into 3 namely, land, sea and air
transportation. Air transportation is transportation that requires a lot of money to use it, therefore,
plane tickets are expensive.

So the answer to the question from "Should we go by plane to Malang from Surabaya?"
in my opinion is not necessary, because the flight ticket is quite expensive, which is around Rp.
1,750,600 using Batik Air. We can go to Malang using a car or motorbike because it doesn't cost
much and only buy gasoline.

Although going by plane has many benefits including lower accident risk, more choice of
flight schedules, saving travel time and avoiding traffic jams, the lower middle class people
really object to buying airplane tickets at high prices just to go to Malang. We have more
important needs so buying airline tickets requires further consideration.

Going to Malang by car and via the toll road only takes 2 hours, whereas if you take a
plane it takes 1 hour and the ticket price is expensive, so in my opinion it is more effective to go
to Malang by car. In addition, the scenery on the highway is very beautiful. So when traveling on
the toll road is not boring.

Moreover, there are still many people who do not get an explanation about how safe it is
to travel by airplane in dealing with the risk of being exposed to COVID-19. Ordinary people see
at a glance the airplane cabin which is tightly closed and relatively narrow as a location that is
very easy to transmit disease in this case Covid-19. This simple conclusion is coupled with
several new administrative requirements and procedures for prospective airplane passengers who
will travel.

In addition to the standard health protocols, wear masks, keep your distance, and wash
your hands frequently, there are several additional procedures that are applied to prospective
passengers before leaving at the departure terminal.
In addition, it was also reported that some airports (especially destination airports) do not
have the same regulations as the departure airport. This of course makes people reluctant to
travel by plane. Provisions that increase the waiting time a few hours before departure (have to
arrive at the airport) is also one of the main factors for people who will travel by airplane to
postpone their intentions. Plus, for a trip that is relatively only about 1 or 2 hours flying, it makes
sense that people would then prefer the train or bus and even private cars, rather than wasting
time at the airport before departure.

Actually, until now there has been no evidence showing that traveling by airplane is
prone to exposure to COVID-19. Moreover, The government has released a number of
requirements for travelers using planes. In this latest regulation, there are provisions regarding
the obligation to carry out antigen and PCR tests as a condition of travel. The provisions are
effective as of April 2, 2022, until the time specified and further evaluated until the latest
developments in the field or the evaluation results from the ministry/institution. Therefore the
cost of a plane ticket to go to Malang is very expensive and requires many requirements, making
me choose to take a private vehicle

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