Description of The Project: in Groups of Three (3), Students Will Write A Report Containing The

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Licenciatura en bilingüismo con énfasis en inglés
Lecturer: Loraine Galván Zúñiga
Subject: Approaches to Language Teaching Semester: V
Allotted Time: 3 hours per week Tutoring: Tuesdays

ATLT classroom project report

Description of the project: In groups of three (3), students will write a report containing the
approaches and methods identified in one (1) class observation (APA style is required).


Front page: The report must have a front page in which indicates the title of the
work, name of the students, name of the teacher, the subject, the institution and the

Introduction: The introduction must be brief and without subtitles in order to give
the reader a clear and precise idea about the topic and it should state the purpose of
the project report. The introduction should not exceed one (1) page.

Description of the teaching context: (2 PAGES MAX)

After getting acquainted with the school or institution where you will do your
internship, write a complete description of the teaching context. This
description must contain the following information about the institution, the
learners, the teachers and the teaching situation.

● Institution

- Private or a public institution

- Location
- Kind of institution (kindergarten, primary/elementary school or high
school, institution of continuing education)
- Community population (number of students)
- Socioeconomic status of the population
- Physical setting and resources of the school

• Class ( Group you are working with )

- Grade
- Students (size, age, gender distribution; cultural backgrounds)
- Classroom setting (Include physical characteristics and arrangements;
rules and routines; technology available; grouping patterns, scheduling
issues that impact teaching and learning process) or Virtual classroom
(platform for attending classes, websites, etc)

• English Language Teaching

- Is English taught as a foreign language or as a second language?
- Is there an existing curriculum and syllabus? (Include a brief description
of their main principles: pedagogical model, theoretical orientation to
language and language learning, method or approach of language teaching,
content, standards)
- Number of weekly hours devoted to English
- Expected level to reach (Common European Framework)

Theoretical framework: In this section you must present the main theories to
support your project e.g. methods for language teaching seen in class. The statements
must be coherent with the topics and the literature worked in class. It must include
citations of relevant authors in the field of study and other important sources to give
support to the project. The theoretical framework should not exceed three (3) pages.

Observation and analysis: In this section you must define in detail the findings in
your observation (1 observation) by following the steps given in the observation
You must present a detailed analysis in terms of the roles, interaction, view of
language, skills, materials, techniques and assessment.

Conclusion: In this section you must include a reflection of the findings in your
observations, including a critical analysis of the construction of this project. This
section should not exceed one (1) page.

References: You must include all the references that were cited explicitly in the
report using the last version of the APA format. You must have at least 10 references
for the whole project.

Appendices: Include any evidence collected in the observation process, pictures,

transcriptions of conversations, materials, etc.

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