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Date and Time Ordered: November 29, 2021 (7:00 AM)

Generic name: Ceftriaxone
Brand name: Rocephin
Drug Classification: Antibiotics
Dosage, frequency, and route:
➢ Ceftriaxone 1g q 12 x 7 days (ANST)
➢ Ceftriaxone 250 mg tab x 7 days, per orem
Mechanism of action: This drug works by inhibiting the mucopeptide synthesis in the
bacterial cell wall. The beta-lactam moiety of ceftriaxone binds to carboxypeptidases,
endopeptidases, and transpeptidases in the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. Thus,
inhibiting cell-wall synthesis, promoting osmotic instability usually bactericidal.

Desired effect: This drug was prescribed to treat urinary tract infection


1. Verify the physician’s order as to the To have a safe and effective administration of
name of the drug, dosage, frequency, the drug.
and route.

2. Observe 12 rights in administering the To have a safe and effective administration of

medication. the drug and prevent medication error.

3. Perform proper handwashing. To avoid the transmission of microorganisms

and prevent infection.

4. Explain the purpose and action of the To increase the patient’s awareness and
prescribed medication to the patient. understanding regarding the medication, to
alleviate his anxiety as well as gain his trust and

5. Obtain history of previous To hypersensitivity reactions

hypersensitivity reactions to the drug

6. Advise patient to drink plenty of fluids, To reduce the risk of crystalluria

as indicated.

7. Encourage the patient to adhere to the To eradicate the infection and to help prevent
complete course of therapy. the emergence of resistant strains.

8. Provide small, frequent meals as To relieve discomfort and provide nutrition, and
tolerated, frequent mouth care, and ice provide adequate fluids to replace those lost
chips or sugarless candy to suck if dry with diarrhea
mouth occurs.

9. Provide patient an emesis basin within To help the patient in managing side effect of
reach, eliminate strong odors, and offer nausea and vomiting and facilitate comfort.
ice chips or crackers.

10. Instruct the patient about the To enhance patient knowledge about the drug
appropriate dosage schedule and therapy and promote compliance
possible adverse effects

11. Store the drug at room temperature This is to maintain the potency of the drug
away from light and moisture.

12. Stabilize IV catheter to minimize To minimize or prevent the occurrence of

phlebitis. Monitor site closely for signs phlebitis, to avoid complication and improve
(redness, swelling, tenderness) patient care

Phlebitis Interventions: Apply warm

compress, To minimize or prevent the
occurrence of phlebitis, to avoid
complication and improve patient care.
elevate the involved extremity to
minimize inflammation

12. Monitor for manifestations of Report their appearance promptly and

hypersensitivity such as discontinue drug to prevent further
pseudomembranous colitis, allergic complications.
reactions and anaphylaxis, including
pulmonary symptoms (tightness in the
throat and chest, wheezing, cough
dyspnea) or skin reactions (rash, pruritus,

14. Watch for and report signs: petechiae, Ceftriaxone appears to alter vitamin K-
ecchymotic areas, epistaxis, or any producing gut bacteria; therefore,
unexplained bleeding. hypoprothrombinemic bleeding may occur.
13. Perform proper handwashing. To avoid the transmission of microorganisms
and prevent infection.

14. Document the medication given in the Documentation is done to ensure continuity of
therapeutic sheet including the date care and will serve as a basis for future
and time administered, patient interventions and for legal purposes.
compliance, and if there are any side or
adverse effects.

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