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Name: Julia Ellerbe

Grade: 2nd Grade Date: 11/3/21

Standards/Grade Level Expectations/Evidence Outcomes
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
3. Apply knowledge of complex spelling patterns (orthography) and word meanings
(morphology) to decode words with accuracy.
Evidence Outcomes:
Students can:
a) Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
i) Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled
one-syllable words.
Materials needed:
● white board, sock and markers
● PowerPoint
● I have, Who Has? game cards
Students will be able to interpret CV and CVCe words with long o.

Anticipatory Set/Motivational Technique:

Review our Know-By-Heart words
● Have students take out their white board, sock and markers.
○ Students can draw while waiting.
○ Have students clear their boards in 3-2-1.
● Have students warm up by writing down the know-by-heart words as many times as
they can.
○ Know-By-Heart words
■ through
■ think
■ our
■ much
○ Have students clear their boards in 3-2-1.
Learning Target
● Introduce the Lesson target to students
○ I can read and spell CV and CVCe words with long o.
● Watch Magic E video
○ Have students write down magic e words from the video
○ Have students share words they wrote
■ pull popsicles
Long o with the magic e and CV
● Have students listen to “This Old Cactus” song and write down any words with long o
with the magic e and cv words with long o
○ have students stand up if they wrote the word
● Long o with the magic e and CV in song
○ so
○ those
Read Words with Long o
● read and stretch words with long o
● words with long o
○ go
○ yo-yo
○ rope
○ home
○ globe
○ flagpole
● Inform students of Seesaw activity and explain how they will complete the assignment
(students will complete later in their own time).
● I have, Who has? game
○ I have, Who has? CVC vs CVCe Practice (Free on Teachers Pay Teachers)
○ This set includes a total of 24 game cards that feature long and short vowel
sounds for a, i, o and u. The mix of CVC and CVCe words will help students see
and say the difference that the "magic e" makes.
○ The first card in the game features a green light, so that students will know they
are the first to go. The final card in the game features a red light.
● After several rounds, depending on time, have students clean the area and line up for
Homework/Assignments/Extension Activities:
Time to show what you learned!
● In Seesaw, the students will look for the activity short o and long o sort and follow the
directions for the activity and have fun! (Students will complete later in their own

● Following directions (Class Dojo Points)
○ Noise Level
○ Participation
● Completed Seesaw Activity
Visual - pictures and video
Auditory - video, song, and practicing aloud in game

● Teachers Pay Teachers activity
● PowerPoint
● Magic E video
● Song “This Old Cactus”
● Seesaw Activity

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