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ονομα(name): ‘ημερα(day/date):


Part A: Translation - 25 MARKS

[Translate the following passage into good and proper English. Pay attention to grammar and vocabulary.]
( / 25)

ό Δικαιοπολις εν τω αγρω πονει, τον γαρ αγρον σκαπει. μακρος εστιν ό πονος και χαλεπος, τους

γαρ λιθους εκ του αγρου φερει. μεγαν λιθον αιρει και φερει προς το έρμα. ισχυρος εστιν ό ανθρωπος αλλα

πολυν χρονον πονει και μαλα καμνει. φλεγει γαρ ό ήλιος και καταριβει αυτον. καθιζει ουν υπο τω δενδρω

και ήσυχαζει ου πολυν χρονον. δι’ολιγου γαρ επαιρει εαυτον και πονει. τελος δε καταδυνει ό ήλιος. ουκετι

ουν πονει ό Δικαιοπολις αλλα προς τον οικον βαδιζει.

[το έρμα - the stone heap, μαλα καμνει - he is very tired, ήσυχαζει - he rests, δι’ολιγου - soon, επαιρει
εαυτον - lifts himself up, τελος - finally]
Part B: Grammar - 10 MARKS
[Fill in the blacks with the correct form of the noun and then translate the sentence.]
( / 10)

1) ό Δικαιοπολις __________ Αθηναιος (εστι, εστιν)

2) μακρος εστιν __________ (ό πονος, τον πονον)

3) μικρος εστιν __________ (ό κληρος, τον κληρον)

4) ό Δικαιοπολις γεωγει __________ (ό αγρος, τον αγρον)

5) __________ εστιν καλος (ό οικος, τον οικον)

Part C: Derivatives and Vocab - 10 MARKS

[Match the following Greek derived words with their meaning.] ( / 10)

___ anthropology a) beautiful and elegant writing

___ polysyllabic b) tree like structures that transmit electrical signals in the brain
___ philosophy c) the study of humanity
___ microscope d) a big cell that exists to kill bacteria in the immune system
___ calligraphy e) originally meant to mean the management of the household
___ macrophage f) a word with more than one or many syllables
___ economics g) the arrangements events during a length of time
___ chronology h) an instrument to look at very small things
___ heliocentrism i) the love of wisdom
___ dendrites j) the sun’s position in the solar system
Part D: Greek Life - 5 MARKS

1. Name two staples that Greek farmers might have cultivated and that Greek people ate. ( / 2)

2. Arrange the following groups of people from the highest status in society to the lowest status in
society. ( / 3)

thetes (hired laborers) hippeis (knights)

zeugitai (farmers) pentacosiomedimnoi (millionaires)

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