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n June 11, advocates and community-based

organizations in more than 50 cities held rallies, public

events, and meetings to call for greater accountability and
integrity in the U.S. financial system. The purpose of these
spirited actions was to highlight the damage to
communities caused by the economic crisis and to
underscore the importance of job creation, foreclosure
prevention and community rebuilding through passage of
legislation that would expand and modernize the
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The Day of
Action was organized by the Neighborhood Community
Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), a national membership
organization dedicated to promoting access to basic
banking services including credit and savings, to create and
sustain affordable housing, job development and vibrant
communities for America's working families.
John Taylor, president & CEO of NCRC., said, The current crisis demonstrates that consumer protections
are integrally linked with the safety and soundness of the financial system. As the government has propped
up financial institutions with trillions of dollars in investments, loans and guarantees, it has not done
enough to not protect working Americans from foreclosure and job loss, or to prevent this crisis from
occurring again. In the era of too big to fail, the public must be too loud to be ignored. Todays actions in
communities across America loudly say that enough is enough its time to restore trust and integrity to
the US financial system.
Below are brief summaries of several actions held across the country.
In D.C., NCRC organized an event on Capitol Hill to discuss the need for a citizen's movement to bring
the voice of working families to the debate over banking system reform. The keynote speaker, Simon
Johnson, a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, argued that financial reform is
The Reader
...of Housing and Community News...
June 19, 2009 Volume XXXIV Issue 13
on-line social
networking tools
See page 8.
Resources and Notices . . . . 4
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . 5
Job Listings . . . . . . . . . . 11
This newsletter is made possible through the generous support of Bank of America, Capital One N.A., Citibank
M&T Bank, and Ridgewood Savings Bank.
Communities Across U.S. Participate in Day of
Action Against Financial Institutions
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 2
ANHD INC. is a not-for-profit social welfare organization which advocates on behalf of New York City community-based
non-profit housing organizations and the neighborhoods they serve. ANHD INC. advocates for comprehensive, progressive
housing policies and programs to support affordable, flourishing neighborhoods for all New Yorkers, especially our lower
income residents.
The ANHD Reader (USPS 695-890, ISSN: 1536-6758), The ANHD Reader, 50 Broad Street, Suite 1125, New York, NY10004,
is published 26 times per year (bi-weekly) for $30 for individuals and community based organizations, and $60 for citywide
nonprofits, banks, foundations, and government agencies by ANHD INC. Periodical Postage paid at New York, NY.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ANHD Reader, 50 Broad Street, Suite 1125, New York, NY 10004. Phone:
(212) 747-1117. Fax: (212) 747-1114.
important not just to rebuilding our economy, but to
fixing our democracy. Simon said, As banks grow
bigger through deals and mergers, they increase
their ability to corrupt the political process through
campaign contributions and lobbyists. The more
banks grow, the more money they have available to
influence lawmakers to write rules in their favor
and prey on ordinary Americans through predatory
lending and other practices.
Simon pointed to the recent success of banks in
defeating legislation that would allow judges in
bankruptcy cases to re-adjust homeowner
mortgages at current market ratesthe cram down
provisionas a particularly gross example of how
major banks have lobbied against very popular
In Chicago, workers of United Electrical Workers
from Moline, Illinois, whose factory Quad City Die
Casting is being liquidated by Wells Fargo, marched
and threatened to occupy their factory, following
the lead of workers who occupied and successfully
reopened Republic Windows and Doors in Chicago
back in December.
In San Diego, the Housing Opportunities
Collaborative and the San Diego Organizing Project
rallied in front of the downtown federal building.
Their message: banks have accepted billions of
dollars in federal bailout money while failing to
provide meaningful help to people who face
foreclosure. Participants were not merely asking for
loan modifications, however. They also called on
the federal government to act quickly to create jobs
so that distressed homeowners had the means to
continue making their mortgage payments.
Organizers of all 50+ events were also united in
calling for the passage of The Community
Reinvestment Modernization Act of 2009 (H.R.
1479). The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
has been one of the most important laws for
building wealth and revitalizing neighborhoods
since its passage in 1977. However, the financial
services sector has changed dramatically in the
three decades since and the law has not been altered
to reflect the shifts in how banks do business and
other trends in the lending industry.
H.R.1479 would apply CRA to a variety of non-
bank institutions, require federal regulatory
agencies to hold more public hearings and meetings
when banks merge, enhance accountability through
data disclosure and introducing more publicly
available ratings, address racial disparities in
lending by requiring CRA exams to explicitly
consider lending and services to minorities in
addition to LMI communities, and bolster the
accountability of banks to all communities, among
other things.
While ANHD did not participate in the Day of
Action due to scheduling issues, we have reached
out to members of the New York Congressional
delegation requesting meetings to discuss our bank
reinvestment campaign and the importance of
supporting H.R. 1479. Later this summer, ANHD
will release a report on the troubled future of
community development lending and investment in
New York City. Stay tuned for future editions of
The ANHD Reader for updates on this report and
our Reinvestment Campaign.
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 3
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Mother Gaston Blvd Cluster announces that
applications are being accepted for 19 affordable rental
apartments at, 195 Hopkinson Avenue, 213 Hull Street,
216 Hull Street, 215 Mother Gaston Blvd, 1480 Herkimer
Street, and 2160 Dean Street, in the Ocean Hill section of
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.
announces that applications are being accepted for 38
affordable housing rental apartments at 87 Melrose Street
in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn.
Eileen Kolesar Garden Apartments announces that
applications are being accepted for 30 affordable housing
rental apartments at 668, 670 and 674 226th Street, in the
Wakefield section of The Bronx. For more information visit
the website at:
The Douglas Condominium announces that
applications are being accepted for 38 condominium units
at 2110 Frederick Douglas Boulevard, in the Central
Harlem section of Manhattan.
NHS Community Development Corporation announces
that applications are being accepted for StoreWorks III
Jerome/Saratoga, a small building rehabilitation program
sponsored by the New York City Department of Housing
Preservation and Development.
For more information visit the website at:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families announces the
availability of $50 million in federal stimulus funding to help
strengthen nonprofit and community organizations. The
focus of the program, known as the Strengthening
Communities Fund, is to build the capacity of nonprofit
organizations, whether secular or faith based, to address
the broad economic recovery issues present in their
communities, including helping low-income individuals
secure and retain employment, earn higher wages, obtain
better-quality jobs, and gain greater access to state and
federal benefits and tax credits, including ARRA benefits.
Applications for both programs are due July 7th with
awards expected in September. For more information visit
the website at:
The Administration on Aging (AoA), announces a total
funding of $5 million for the Community Innovations in
Aging in Place Program. There will be an expected 16
awards granted, with an award ceiling of $500,000, and an
award floor of $200,000. The AoA will award grants, on a
competitive basis, to develop and carry out model aging in
place projects. The projects will promote aging in place for
older individuals in order to sustain their independence.
The deadline to apply is July 15, 2009. Eligibility is
extended to various levels of governments, non-profits with
501 (c) 3 status, non-profits without 501 (c) 3 status, but
not to institutions of higher education. For more
information visit the website at:
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation will be
awarding a total of two $200,000 grants and ten $5,000
grants to local nonprofits through its Neighborhood
Excellence Initiative (NEI) work to promote vibrant
neighborhoods. Additionally, Bank of America will
recognize five Local Heroes whose community service and
leadership on local issues contribute significantly to
neighborhood vitality. Recipients direct a $5,000
contribution to an eligible nonprofit of their choice.
Applications for the Neighborhood Builders and Local
Heroes awards must be submitted by June 30, 2009 and
can be submitted online.
Continued on page 9.
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 4
Resources and Notices
This area highlights available resources and funding
opportunities for nonprofit organizations.
44 Wall Street, 12
New York, NY 10005
Affordable Housing Development
Real Estate Development
Property Tax Exemptions and Abatements
Community and Economic Development Law
Cooperative and Condominium Law
Purchase and Sale of Real Estate
Not-For-Profit and Business Law
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 5
Lawyers Alliance for New York announces its Calendar
of Upcoming Workshops.
June 25, 2009 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Webinar: Debt
Restructuring. This webinar will address ways in
which nonprofits can reduce expenses and minimize
risk during uncertain economic times. Topics to be
discussed include: modifying contracts to reduce
expenses, subletting and assigning leases, and debt
restructuring. This special webinar is for nonprofit
managers and board members. NOTE: Those who
register will receive detailed log-in information by e-
mail the afternoon prior to each webinar.
Location: Online Webinar. $10; Free for NYF Grantees
For more information call (212) 219-1800, or fax to (212)
June 23 - June 25: Assisted Housing Manager
Workshop. Location: Philadelphia, PA. The two-day
Assisted Housing Manager (AHM) occupancy workshop
provides essential training for managers and owners of
HUD-subsidizing multifamily housing. It is both a
comprehensive course for new, front-line housing
management staff and a useful refresher for experienced
or supervisory staff. For more information visit the website
at: http://quadel-
July 7, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon:
New York Nonprofit
Leadership Series. The Center
for Nonprofit Success is hosting
this series which addresses the
most pressing challenges facing
nonprofit leaders, and takes
place monthly from June through
December 2009. Each seminar
features 2-3 speakers and will
explore different areas of
nonprofit management ranging
from strategic planning to
executive transition. For
nonprofits who are interested in
learning about best practices,
these sessions are not to be
missed. The first session will
address how to build a strong
and healthy board of directors.
For more information, and to
register for the series visit the website at:
Calendar of Events
Submission deadline: Items for The ANHD Reader,
Calendar of Events for July 3 - July 17 must be
received by Wednesday, June 24. 2008 M&T Bank. Member FDIC.
M&T Bank has a long tradition of being
involved in the cities, towns and neighborhoods
in which we operate. As a community bank,
we understand that the well-being of our
company is connected to the well-being of the
communities we serve. We offer both our time
and our resources to make our communities
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Anthony Spinelli
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 6
Sponsor a Free Workshop and Help Your Community
Members Save Thousands of Hard-earned Dollars!
Habitat-NYC provides free workshops for New York City consumers on alternatives to high-
cost fringe financial products and dangerous property scams. Well tell members of your
congregation, school or community group about how they can hang onto thousands of their hard-
earned dollars by simple means, such as:
- Escaping and avoiding excessive credit card debt by taking advantage of free or low-cost
financial planning programs;
- Using layaway or lease arrangements to buy furniture and appliances, as an alternative to
rent-to-own stores;
- Using free tax preparation resources sponsored by the city and avoiding expensive rapid tax
loans offered by storefront tax preparers;
- Avoiding illegal and dangerous foreclosure rescue scams and other property scams;
- Taking simple and easy steps to improve their credit score, which can reduce their cost of
Habitat-NYC Loan Rangers provide:
- A short presentation on how a range of scams and fringe financial products work;
- Fact sheets and flyers that explain the dangers of scams and high-cost loans;
- Details on free and low-cost alternatives available to all New Yorkers.
This is a free service for congregations, schools and community groups that can provide
space and weeknight or weekend meetings of 30 people or more.
All inquiries are welcome. For more information or to schedule a presentation for your
group, please contact Paul Benecki at or at 212-991-4000 x338.
For additional materials, or to learn more about common scams and high-cost loans, please
This message is brought to you by Habitat for Humanity - New York City, working to empower Habitat
homeowners and all low-income New Yorkers.
Habitat-NYCs Loan Rangers Public Awareness Campaign:
Fighting Foreclosure Rescue Scams & Predatory Lending!
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 7
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 8
For more information visit the website at:
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
announces an estimated total program funding of
$13,377,274, with an award ceiling of $200,000. ACF is
expected to grant 91 awards to non-profit private entities
and coordinated networks of such entities. The Family and
Youth Services Bureau is accepting applications for the
Basic Center Program (BCP), which is authorized by the
Runaway and Homeless Act to address runaway and
homeless youth problems. BCPs provide an alternative for
runaway and homeless youth who might otherwise end up
with law enforcement or in the child welfare, mental health,
or juvenile justice systems. Each HCP must provide
runaway and homeless youth with a safe and appropriate
shelter, individual, family, and group counseling as
appropriate, and aftercare. For more information visit the
website at:
The Pratt Center Advisory Board and staff announce the
arrival of Adam Friedman as Director of the Pratt Center for
Community Development.
For more than a decade, Adam has run the New York
Industrial Retention Network, which he founded with
guidance from the Pratt Center. Adam and NYIRN have
continued to work closely with Pratt Center on research
and advocacy in support of manufacturing as a key
component of our local economy, including the Zoning for
Jobs campaign and a major study of New York Citys
industrial sector.
Its largely thanks to his work that the Bloomberg
administration created the Mayors Office for Industrial and
Manufacturing Businesses and designated 16 Industrial
Business Zones intended to create safe havens for
manufacturing throughout the city. Adam has also been a
pioneer in promoting green business in New York City
through NYIRNs RenewableNY energy efficiency program
and a Green Manufacturing Initiative that helps architects
and developers procure locally manufactured green
building products.
Adam brings to the Pratt Center a deep commitment to the
well-being of New York City's poor and working-class
At the top of Adams agenda are plans to accelerate the
Pratt Centers work promoting environmental sustainability
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 9
Resources and Notices
continued from page 4.
and economic opportunity for New Yorkers. These efforts
will involve close collaboration with community-based
organizations to advance economic development projects
and policies as part of well-designed and broadly
supported community plans.
The Pratt Center for Community Development reminds us
that this is a smart time to seal up buildings and take
advantage of contractors' availability to make energy
improvements. The following resources are available to
NYC home- and multifamily building-owners to implement
energy upgrades:
Every one- to four-family home in NYC is eligible
for financial incentives to make energy improvements.
With additional federal stimulus funding of $394
million over two years, New York State's
Weatherization Assistance Program is now the largest
in the country, able to serve about 20,000 units in NYC
in 2009-10 with about $3,500 per unit. WAP funding
may also be combined with incentives from National
Grid and NYSERDA.
HUD-assisted affordable housing is eligible for up
to $15,000 per unit through HUD's new Green Retrofit
Program for Multifamily Housing. More information at:,8001427
For information on federal and state energy-related
economic recovery programs visit NYSERDA's Economic
Recovery and Energy website at:
To learn about a statewide initiative that would retrofit one
million homes and generate 50,000 green jobs, check out a
white paper recently released by the Center for Working
Families, in conjunction with the Center for American
Progress and Half in Ten, on Green Jobs, Green Homes.
The White Paper can be accessed by visiting the website
Also visit Energy Matters for 2009 classes for NYC
contractors and professionals interested in participating in
the growing building retrofit sector.
For more information contact: Wendy Fleischer,
Sustainability Project Manager
Coordinator, NYSERDA Energy $mart Communities,
Brooklyn and Queens, Pratt Center,379 DeKalb Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11205.
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 10
The New York State Office of Temporary and Disability
Assistance (OTDA) announce a funding opportunity for the
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
program. The OTDA is requesting proposals from
charitable corporations, not-for-profit organizations and
public housing agencies for funding to provide housing and
related support services to low-income persons with AIDS
or HIV-related illnesses and their families. The deadline to
apply is July 14, 2009. For more information visit the
website at:
The New York State Office of Temporary and Disability
Assistance (OTDA) announces a funding opportunity for
the Operational Support for AIDS Housing (OSAH)
program. These funds can be used to provide services
and operational support to applicants that have received
capital grant awards through the Homeless Housing and
Assistance Program to provide housing specifically for
homeless individuals and/or families living with HIV/AIDS.
Eligibility to receive this RFP and to apply for OSAH
funding is limited to sponsors of HHAP funded projects that
are specifically obligated in their HHAP contract to serve
homeless persons with HIV/AIDS. The deadline to apply is
July 6, 2009. For more information visit the website at:
The New York State Office of Temporary and Disability
Assistance (OTDA) announces the availability of
approximately $24.3 million in Homelessness Prevention
and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) funds. The OTDA
is requesting proposals from local social services districts,
municipalities, not-for-profit corporations and charitable
organizations. A social service district applying for HPRP
funds may either manage the grant itself or distribute the
grant (or a portion of the grant) through sub-contracts with
not-for-profit or charitable service providers. The deadline
to apply is June 30, 2009. For more information visit the
website at:
Responding to proposed city cuts for programs serving
residents with HIV/AIDS, Nicole Branca, Policy Director of
the Supportive Housing Network of New York says, This
takes the support out of supportive housing. NYS
Supportive Housing members are continuing to battle
Mayor Bloombergs proposed $1.876 million cut to case
management in HIV/AIDS Service Administration (HASA)
supportive housing programs.
Among the New York City tenants living in supportive
housing are 4,007 individuals with HIV/AIDS who are
stably housed through HASA supportive housing program,
Branca told the City Councils General Welfare Committee
at a May 26th budget hearing. The Mayors proposed cuts,
she explained, will risk the health and housing stability of
thousands of New Yorkers dealing with the devastating
effects of living with HIV/AIDS.
The Network estimates that the $1.876 million funding
reduction would result in an estimated 32% cut in on-site
case management, reducing the number of case managers
working with these tenants from 198 to 135. If these cuts
remain, each case manger would be responsible for
assisting 30 of the most challenging tenants served in
supportive housing, a 50% increase compared to the
current 20:1 caseload ratio, said Branca.
The proposed cuts are premised on an assumption that
the Citys own case managers at HASA offices make the
on-site supportive housing case managers at least partially
HASA case workers play an important function, including
coordinating benefits for their clients, but it is the on-site
case managers that maintain the health and stability of this
vulnerable population, said Branca. For people living with
HIV/AIDS, health crises do not only occur during office
hours. Supportive housing case managers work in the
residences and are available when tenants need
assistance. Preliminary research by the NYC Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) shows that 93%
of supportive housing programs provide 24-hour access to
staff. Conversely, HASA case managers are only available
across the city, usually by appointment only, and only
during office hours.
Information from New York Non-Profit Press:
The ANHD Reader
is going on-line.
Beginning in the near future, The ANHD Reader will be
published as an on-line newsletter.
As we undergo this transition we will need to make sure
we have email addresses for all those who read the
If you want to receive The ANHD Reader on-line, please
send an email, with your email address, to
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation is seeking a
Case Manager. Responsibilities: Conducting assessments of
participants employability. Working with participants to develop
individualized employment goal plans: link to needed resources such
as childcare, mental health counseling, medical care, and housing.
Participants include persons transitioning from public assistance to
work, individuals with limited English proficiency, non-custodial
parents, ex-offenders, and other unemployed and underemployed job
seekers. Qualifications: Bachelors degree with a minimum 2-3
years experience or an Associates degree with 4 plus years of case
management experience. Strong writing and computer skills;
Bilingual English/Spanish required. Competitive salary plus
benefits. Send resume/cover (with position in subject line) to
NMIC, Human Resources Director, 76 Wadsworth Avenue, NY,
NY 10033 or or fax to (212) 928-4180.
New Settlement Apartments is seeking a Community Organizer,
Education Reform. Join staff of the Parent Action Committee (PAC),
an innovative grass roots organizing project in SW Bronx.
Responsibilities: Development and implementation of multifaceted
campaigns to improve schools; base building; leadership
development, facilitating trainings; research, and coalition work.
Qualifications: Minimum two years experience in organizing.
B.A./B.S. in relevant field or M.S.W. or equivalent experience.
English/Spanish bilingual. Salary: $32,000-$38,000, depending on
experience, plus benefits. Send letter, rsum and contact
information for three professional references to: PAC Job
Search, New Settlement Apts., 1512 Townsend Ave., Bronx, NY,
10452. Email: More information see, new settlement apartments. EEO/AA
West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc is seeking a Full Time
Bilingual Office Assistance. Responsibilities: Assist Executive
Director and Deputy Director in performing administrative functions
including calendar update, typing, answer telephone, filing.
Coordinate meetings and Conference calls. Order and inventory
postage and supplies. Operate office equipment as needed to produce
documents and assists in maintaining high production of necessary
material. Maintain Agencys Mailing List. Qualifications: High
School graduate, some college preferred. Two - three years
experience working in as an Administration and/or Office Assistance.
Computer Literate in Microsoft Office Suite. Bilingual a must.
Competitive salary plus benefits. Send resume and cover letter in
Word format (with position in subject line), to: WHGA, Human
Resources Director, 1652 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY
10031. Fax: (212) 862-3281; E-mail:
(No phone calls please)
West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc is seeking a Full Time
Bilingual Property Manager. Responsibilities: Maintain files for
each tenant in portfolio. Monitor and renew leases. Monitor rent rolls
and initiates court action for arrears. Prepares yearly recertification
for Section 8 and other programs. Inspect properties in portfolios.
Work closely with the Director of Building Services and Area
Supervisors to coordinate repairs with maintenance. Assist tenants
with housing subsidies and/or public assistance as it pertains to rental
payments. Qualifications: High School graduate, some college
preferred. Two - three years experience in Property Management and
understanding of NYC Housing Court. New York State Low Income
Housing Tax Credit and RAM Certification Required. Computer
Literate. Competitive salary plus benefits. Send resume and
cover letter in Word format (with position in subject line), to:
WHGA, Human Resources Director, 1652 Amsterdam Avenue,
New York, NY 10031. Fax: (212) 862-3281; E-mail:
The ANHD Reader,, June 19, 2009 Page 11
Job Listings
To place an ad in the next issue, fax copy to ANHD at
(212) 747-1114 or email The deadline
for the July 3rd issue is June 24th.
Price List for Job Listings:
1 issue: $35, 2 issues: $60, 3 issues: $75
ANHD members in good standing will receive one issue with job listing at no charge.
PLEASE limit copy to 100 words. ANHD INC.reserves the right to edit text.
To place an ad in the next issue, fax copy to The ANHD Reader at (212) 747-1114 or email to
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