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OBJETIVO: Amplíar su desempeño en el idioma inglés incorporando dentro de su léxico algunas expresiones útiles para
comunicar preferencias como prefer, like…better, would rather, de tal forma que las involucran fácilmente dentro de sus
conversaciones y producciones en este idioma.

Preferencias con prefer, like... better, would rather

- Which do you prefer, watching TV or going to the movies?

- Which do you like better, having dinner at home or going to a restaurant?
- Which would you rather have after class, a cup of coffee or a bottle of soda?

There are different ways to express preference. To speak about people’s general tastes or preferences we
can use one of the following. They all have similar meaning:

Prefer + noun + to + noun

Prefer + ing verb + to + ing verb

I prefer pears to apples
I prefer going to the cinema to watching tv
My sister preferred going to the church to helping with the housework
Yesterday I went to a party and I preferred water to wine, because I was little sick.

- Would you like to drink some wine?

No, thank you. I prefer some soda.

- Do you want to go to the church?

No. I prefer staying at home.

- Which do you prefer, cooking or washing the dishes?

I prefer cooking.


Like + noun + better than + noun

Like + ing verb + better than + ing verb

I like pears better than apples

I like having dinner at home better than going to a restaurant.
My brother likes working better than studying
I like this coat better than the coat you were wearing last night

- Which do you like better, walking or jogging?

- Which does she like better, listening to music or watching TV?
- Which do your father like better, reading the newspaper or solving the crossword puzzle?


Would rather + verb + than + verb

I would rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.

She would rather marry Frankstein than marry your brother. He is too disgusting!
She would rather watch TV than listen to music

How do you prefer your fruit salad?

My friends would rather have the fruit salad by itself, but I would rather have it with ice cream.

- In some cases we use this structure in the past (came, did etc.), but the meaning is present or future, not past.
I would rather you came with us
I would rather she didn’t know
I would rather you didn't tell anyone what I said.

Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?

- No, I prefer eating at home to going out.
- No, I like eating at home better than going out.
- No, I would rather eat at home than go out.

Would you rather drink beer or wine before dinner?

- I prefer drinking wine
- I like drinking wine better than drinking beer
- I would rather drink wine.

1. Read the sentences and complete them with than - better than - to.

1. When my mother is sick, she prefers drinking a cup of tea ________ drinking a kill
2. When my father goes to the work, he like taking a taxi _______ traveling by bus
3. When my sister wants to buy new clothes, she would rather go with her son ______ go with her husband.
4. I prefer visiting my friends _____ staying at home by myself
5. Do you like green salad _______ a piece of chocolate cake?

2. Answer the questions in complete sentences according your life.

1. Which do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?

2. Which do you like better going to the disco or watching movies?
3. Which would you rather have for lunch tomorrow, meat or chicken?
4. Would you rather take a nap or go downtown this weekend?
5. Which do you prefer after dinner, washing the dishes or drying the dishes?

Answer key: 1(a. to – b. better than – c. than – d. to – e. better than)

2 (any answer)

- Which do you prefer, living alone or living with your family?
- Which do you like better, getting married or living free?



By Aron Moss

In today's world, is marriage still relevant? Unlike a hundred years ago, a couple today can live together without getting
married. What are they missing? (This is not a theoretical question for me...)
Answer: Marriage is more relevant today than ever before in history. Marriage used to be a given. Now it is a choice. All
the old arguments for marriage have fallen away, and we are left with only one true reason to get married. We can finally
get married for the right reason.
What were once good reasons to get married are largely irrelevant today. Here are four classic reasons to get married:
- So we can live together. As you pointed out in your question, this reason no longer applies to the many couples
who live happily together without getting married.
- So we can have children. Again, it is possible to have children and be wonderful parents without getting married.
- To make a solid commitment. That's a charming one. We are getting married to make it harder to walk away from
each other. How romantic.
To make our relationship official. You could achieve that by placing an announcement in the newspaper saying, "We are
now official." You don't need a caterer to serve “gazpacho”( cold soup made from tomatoes, peppers, etc) soup in a
ballroom just to make it official.
So what are we left with? If not to live together, to start a family, to make a commitment or to make it official, why get
There's only one reason.
Marriage makes a relationship divine. Getting married means that something bigger than both of you is bringing you
together. A wedding achieves something that simply can't happen otherwise --
God is introduced into the relationship.
Until they are married, a couple's commitment to each other is a human About the writer: Rabbi Aron Moss
commitment, with all the limitations of being human. We can't see the future, Sydney-born and bred, in touch with the
we can't know what may change and what may eventuate, and we make young Jewish crowd, Rabbi Moss is a
mistakes. The chuppah (a canopy under which a Jewish bride and groom prolific writer on a broad range of topics
stand during their wedding ceremony) elevates the commitment beyond human including Kabbalah and relationships. A
relationships advisor and spiritual guide,
he has the gift of clear explanation in
speech and print, and is a profound 5
thinker and inspiring leader
limitations. The blessings made under the chuppah invoke God's name upon the couple, and bring God into the union as a
partner. You are married not just because you chose to be, but because God has said so.
Without a chuppah you can have love, commitment and family -- but it isn't holy. Only by standing under a chuppah and
marrying according to tradition does your union become sacred. Only after the wedding is your love blessed with the
divine imprint of eter

1. Write what the underlined words refer to:

a. It, line 3 __________
b. This reason, line 7 __________
c. It, line 9 ____________
d. It, line 14 _____________

2. Answer according the Reading “why get married?”

a. What were the old four arguments for marriage?
b. Why is marriage more relevant today than ever before in history?
c. What does getting married mean?
d. Why do people get married?
e. How does the union become sacred?

3. Select the best synonym for the underlined word in each sentence.

a. A couple today can live together without getting married

(pair, team, wife, people)

b. All the old arguments for marriage have fallen away

(gone ahead, decreased, gone up, increased)

c. … and bring God into the union as a partner
(superior, supervisor, associate, judge)

d. The chuppah elevates the commitment beyond human limitations.

(within, near from, away from, closer to)

4. Write a short paragraph where you show up your opinion about marriage. Do you agree or disagree with getting
marriage nowadays?

Answer key: 1(a. marriage – b. live together – c. have children – d. the relationship)
2(a. we can live together, have children, make the relationship official and make a solid
commitment – b.because we can get married for the right reason – c.It means that something
bigger than both of you is bringing you together – d.Because marriage makes a relationship
divine – e.Only by standing under a chuppah an marrying according to traditions )
3(a. pair – b.decreased – c.associate – d. away from)

1. What do you like better (in a person)? Personality or eyes? - eyes or legs? - legs or face? - face or heart? - Heart
or looks? - looks or love? - good or bad? - smoker or non-smoker?
2. What would you rather have….boy or girl? - kitty or kitten? - brother or sister? - daughter or son? - Dancing or

Answer the questions, then invite some friends and see what people answer…

OBJETIVO: Incorporar nuevas expresiones y vocabulario en inglés que les permite ampliar su campo de acción en este
idioma y perfeccionar su capacidad de interacción tanto en forma oral como escrita; de tal forma que establece y sostiene
conversaciones correspondientes a diferentes ambientes y contextos de una forma cada vez más natural y fluida.

Uso de wish
wish /wɪʃ/ sustantivo

(desire) deseo m;
to make a ~ pedir(conj.⇒) un deseo;
they got married against my ~es se casaron en contra de mi voluntad
a. wishes pl (greetings): give your mother my best ~es dale a tu madre muchos recuerdos de mi parte, cariños a tu
madre (AmL);
best ~es, Jack saludos or un abrazo de Jack
wish verbo transitivo

a. (desire fervently) desear;

to ~ sth ON sb desearle algo A algn
I ~ I were rich ¡ojalá fuera rico!;
she ~ed she hadn't told him lamentó habérselo dicho;
I ~ you wouldn't say things like that me disgusta mucho que digas esas cosas
b. (want) (frml) desear (frml)
c. (want for sb) desear;
~ me luck! ¡deséame suerte!;
to ~ sb good night darle(conj.⇒) las buenas noches a algn
verbo intransitivo
a. (make magic wish) pedir(conj.⇒) un deseo
b. (want, desire): if you ~ como quieras

“WISH”, es un verbo muy empleado y que se puede utilizar en diferentes contextos y con distintas finalidades, sin
embargo, se emplea más frecuentemente para expresar deseos o anhelos con respecto a situaciones o eventos que no
se pueden cambiar:

1. You can use “wish” with a similar meaning like “want to”, but it isn’t common.
I wish to see the pope = I want to see the pope.
- Another uncommon use for “wish” is with a noun* to offer good wishes.
I wish you a new year’s eve.

2. The main use of 'wish' is to say that we would like things to be different from what they are, that we have
regrets about the present situation.

Real situation: I don’t have money

Wish: I wish I had money (Yo quisiera tener dinero)

Real situation: I am too fat

Wish: I wish I was thin (yo quisiera ser delgado)

Present wishes


o I wish (that) I had a boat The truth is I don`t have a boat

o I wish (that) I were a singer I am not a doctor

- They indicate something that is contrary to fact we want, but we can’t change it.
- For present wishes, we use the past tense in the “that clause” (The word “that” can be omitted)
- After “WISH”, were is used for I, he, she and it.

Camila wishes she were taller. (The truth is she is short)
Mario wishes he were on vacation (He is studying now)


Write wishes using the situations given. Follow the example:

Example: I don´t have a car. I wish I had a car.

a. I have to do too much homework. __________________________________

b. I have to work on Sundays. ______________________________________
c. Maria has a terrible headache. ______________________________
d. Paul gets up early in the morning every day. _____________________________
e. Andrea can’t go to the disco because she is too young. ______________________________

Answer key: (a. I wish I didn’t have too much homework – b. I wish I didn’t have to work on Sundays – c. Mary
wishes she weren’t sick – d. Paul wishes he didn’t have to get up early in the morning every day – e. Andrea
wishes she were older)

WISH, también se puede emplear para hablar de situaciones del pasado, con las cuales no estamos conformes o
quisiéramos que hubiesen ocurrido de una forma diferente.

Past wishes


o I wish (that) I had gone to Cali The truth: I didn’t go to Cali

o She wishes (that) she had been elected president The truth: She wasn’t elected president.

- We use the verb to wish followed by the past perfect when we want to express regret about something that
happened or didn’t happen in the past.

I wish I hadn't done that  But I did that
He wishes he hadn't bought the black motorcycle  But he bought it.
They wish they had gone to the party  But they didn’t go

Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given.
a. Antonio didn’t pass his Spanish exam because he didn’t study enough. Antonio wishes…
b. Susanne is sorry that she didn’t go to Frederic’s party. She wishes…
c. Peter missed the English class because he arrived late at the classroom. He wishes…
d. Angie and Tom drank some whisky yesterday and now they had a terrible hangover. They wish
e. My sister couldn’t take any picture because she forgot her camera. She wishes

Answer key (a. Antonio wishes he had studied enough – b. She wishes she had gone to Frederic’s party – c. He
wishes he had arrived early – They wish they hadn’t drunk whisky yesterday – She wishes she hadn’t forgotten
her camera)

We use to wish followed by would/could+ infinitive, when we want to talk about situations we are not
happy about and we want someone else to change them


I wish he would come to the party  The truth: He didn’t come to the party
I wish they would help me They didn’t help me
I wish she wouldn’t tell him She told him.

Write 5 examples for each one of the three uses of “WISH”:

1. Present wishes
2. Past wishes
3. When we want someone else change the situation.

Caja sorpresa
Situaciones :
1. My house doesn’t have enough Windows
2. It’s too cold, the sun isn’t shining
3. I don’t know how to dance
4. It is raining and I don’t have an umbrella
5. I don’t have enough money to buy a camera
6. I am tired, but I have to work all day
7. You drive so fast and I feel scared
8. I want to have fun but I don’t have enough free time
9. Peter is sick and he can’t go with me to the shopping center
10. Diane isn’t here and I need her
11. Girls don’t like me because I’m ugly!
12. My cell phone is old and antiquate
13. My family is going to Cartagena but it isn’t possible for me to go with them
14. I want to play in the swimming pool but I can’t swim
15. I love the beach but I am at work
16. My best friend didn’t come to my birthday’s party the last weekend
17. Andres didn’t call me yesterday and I really needed to speak with him
18. Diego can’t go with us because he didn’t finish his homework yesterday
19. I didn’t take photos because I forgot my camera
20. I couldn’t sleep last night because my neighbors made so much noisy
21. I’m sad because I failed the biology exam
22. I couldn’t enjoy the trip because I was sick.

Estructuras: Deseos con “wish”

Ejemplo: 1. My house doesn’t have enough Windows. I wish my house had enough windows
2. It’s too cold. The sun isn’t shining. I wish the sun weren’t shining.

Si se agregan penitencias y premios, procure contar con la opinión y aprobación de los estudiantes en el momento de
incluirlos de tal forma que cuando se apliquen, todos conozcan y respeten las reglas de juego.

Taller de comprensión
1 Read the paragraphs and organize them by writing the letters a-e.

The Ridiculous Wishes

Charles Perrault
"Have no fear," said Jupiter. "I have heard your complaints and I have come to show you how unfairly you judge me. Now
listen! I am king of all the world and I promise to grant your first three wishes, no matter what they may be. See that they
make you happy and content; and since your happiness depends on them, think carefully before you make them."
With these words, Jupiter returned to his heavens and the happy woodcutter, taking up his bundle of sticks, hurried to his
home. Never had his burden seemed so light.
"This is an important matter," he said to himself. ''I certainly must have my wife's advice."
"Hey, Fanchon," he shouted, as he entered his cottage. "Let us up a good fire. We are rich for the rest of our lives. All we
have to do is to make three wishes!"

"When you might," she said, "have a kingdom, with gold, pearls, rubies, diamonds, fine clothes; and all you wish for is a
"Alas," her husband replied. "I was wrong; I made a very bad choice. I admit my mistake. Next time I will do better."
"Yes! Yes!" said his wife. "I'll repeat it till Doomsday. To make such a choice as you did, you must be a donkey."
At this the husband became very angry and almost wished his wife was dead. "Mankind," he said, "is born to suffer. A
curse on this and all sausages. I wish that it was hanging from the end of your nose!"
The wish was heard at once in heaven, and the sausage fastened itself on her nose. Fanchon had once been pretty, and,
-- to tell the truth -- this ornament did not have a very pleasing effect. Since it hung down over her face, however, it
interfered with her talking, and this was such an advantage to her husband that he did not think he had wished too badly.
"With my remaining wish I could very well still make myself a king," he said to himself. "But we must think of the queen,
too, and her unhappiness if she were to sit on the throne with her new yard-long nose. She must decide which she wants,
to be a queen with that nose or a woodcutter's wife and an ordinary person."

There was once a poor woodcutter who, tired of his hard life, longed for rest in the world to come. In his unhappiness, he
declared that in all his days heaven had not granted even one of his wishes.
One day in the woods, as the woodcutter was complaining of his unhappy lot, Jupiter appeared before him, his
thunderbolts in his hands. It would be difficult to picture the terror of the poor man.
"I desire nothing," he said, casting himself on the ground. I will give up my wishes if you, in turn, will give up your thunder.
That's a fair exchange!"

Whereupon his wife agreed that they had no choice. She would never have the riches and diamonds and fine clothes she
had dreamed of, but she would be herself again if the last wish would free her from the frightful sausage on her nose.
And so the woodcutter did not change his lot. He did not become a king. His purse was not filled with gold. He was only
too glad to use his remaining wish in restoring his poor wife to her former state.

With this, he told his wife what had happened, whereupon she in her imagination began to form a thousand plans. But
realizing the importance of acting prudently, she said to her husband, "Blaise, my dear, let us not spoil anything by our
impatience. We must think things over very carefully. Let us put off our first wish until tomorrow. Let us sleep on it."
"I think you are right," said he. "But first go draw some of that special wine."
On her return, the woodcutter drank deeply and leaned back in his chair before the fire. "To match such a fine blaze," he
said, "I wish we had a measure of sausage. It would go very well indeed!"
Scarcely had he spoken these words when his wife, to her great astonishment, saw a long link of sausage moving over to
them like a snake from the chimney corner. She cried out in alarm, but realizing at once that this was the result of the wish
which her foolish husband had made, she began to abuse and scold him angrily.

(Source: Charles Perrault, Old-Time Stories told by Master Charles Perrault, translated by A. E. Johnson (New York: Dodd Mead and Company,

2. Match the definition with each of the following words.

Bundle Woodcutter Thunderbolts

Alas Mankind Astonishment
Frightful Cottage Doomsday

a. A person who cuts down trees and chops wood as a job __________________.
b. A shocking surprise _______________________.
c. A package of several things tied together for carrying or storing __________________.
d. A small house with a single story _________________.
e. The feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising __________________.
f. By bad luck ______________
g. An unpleasant or disastrous destiny ______________
h. All of the inhabitants of the earth ________________
i. Provoking horror _____________

3. Answer the questions according the reading

a. What three wishes did the woodcutter desire?
b. Where was the woodcutter when Jupiter appeared?
c. Who did the woodcutter asked for advice about his wishes?

Answer key: 1(b,d,a,e,c)

2(a. woodcutter – b. thunderbolts – c. bundle – d. cottage – e. astonishment – f. alas – g.doomsday –
h. mankind – i. frightful)
3 (a. to have a measure of sausage, that the sausage was hanging from his wife’s nose, and restoring
his poor wife to her former state – b. He was in the woods – c. His wife)

Crear diálogo
Read the story “the ridiculous wishes” again and make a possible dialogue among Jupiter, the woodcutter and his wife.


OBJETIVO: ampliar su léxico en inglés incorporando efectivamente algunos “phrasal verbs”, lo cual les permite
enriquecer la calidad en la comunicación que establece en este idioma ya sea en la función de emisor o receptor.

Phrasal verbs.

- Stand up  levantarse, ponerse en pie

- Sit down sentarse
- Put up levantar, poner arriba

- Put down bajar, poner abajo
- Go back regresar
- Go down bajar
- Goa head continuar
- Pick up recoger, levantar
- Turn on encender
- Turn off apagar
- Wake up despertar
- Get up levantarse, entre otros.

Estos verbos se conocen como “phrasal verbs” (verbos frase):

Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition.

to run --- correr
to run away --- escaparse (phrasal verb)
to run out of --- quedarse sin (phrasal verb)

As you can see, the verb “run” changes its meaning when we add some prepositions. The same happens with some other
verbs, so we have to practice how to difference and use them. There isn’t any general rule so you may need to try to
guess the meaning from the context, or, failing that, look it up in a dictionary.

I'll look after the children if you want to go out.  Me ocuparé de los niños si usted desea salir
He went out of the store  Ella salió del almacén
My father turned off the TV and went to sleep  Mi papá apagó el televisor y fué a dormir

Ej: Verbo principal “to go” = ir


go about acometer go after perseguir go against oponerse

go ahead seguir go along ir, acompañar go around recorrer
go away irse go back retroceder go before presentarse ante
go by pasar go down bajar go for ir por
go in entrar go in for participar en, presentarse a go off echarse a
go on seguir go out salir go over revisar
go through pasar por, registrar go together combiner go under undirse
go up subir go with ser compatible go without pasar sin

- “Phrasal verb” puede tener varios y diferentes significados, por lo tanto es importante considerar el contexto en el
que se emplea y preferiblemente recurrir al diccionario mientras se adquiere práctica para emplearlos.

When mom and dad have an argument, they usually make up the following day
(Cuando mamá y papá tienen una discusión, ellos usualmente hacen las paces el siguiente día)

I'll take the afternoon off, and will make up the time later
(Me tomaré la tarde libre y recuperaré el tiempo después)

Además, como podemos ver en muchas ocasiones el significado no es literal. Recordemos que al estar acompañado de
una preposición o un adverbio, los verbos usualmente cambian su traducción por completo:

"I hope your mother will get over her operation quickly."
(Espero que su mamá se recupere pronto de su operación)

The literal meaning of “to get over”, in the sense (to climb over something to get to the other side) is not relevant here.
Here "get over" means "recover from" or "feel better".


Match each phrasal verb with its meaning.

1. Give up ___ a. Discover, learn

2. Shut up ___ b. Leave a transportation (bus, car, train, etc)
3. Hit on ___ c. Become an adult, mature, arise, develop
4. Pick up ___ d. Remove, leave work or school for a period of time
5. Find out ___ e. Discover accidentally
6. Carry on ___ f. Interrupt, enter by force
7. Get of ___ g. Surrender, resign, abandon
8. Look after ___ h. To seek or search for; try to locate or discover
9. Grow up ___ i. Continue, continue with
10. Break in ___ j. Watch, take care of
11. Take off ___ k. Lift up from the ground, collect, improve
12. Look for ___ l. Stop talking.

Answer key ( 1.g – 2.l – 3.e – 4.k – 5.a – 6.i – 7.b – 8.j – 9.c – 10.f – 11.d – 12.h )

Taller de lectura
1. Read the following text, select the phrasal verbs and try to find up their meaning according the context, next confirm
your answers looking in your dictionaries.


Benny is my new neighbor; he is so strange and mysterious. I heard from the owner of the store that he grow up in a
small town far away from here and that’s why he doesn`t know much about city. He usually gets into troubles as he
make up stories that he acts out. One in particular happened last night when I was coming back from work: He came up
with the brilliant idea to make out that he was a hero and decided to save a beautiful damsel who was in danger. So he
made out an enemy man in the second floor of the building; a man who was hanging from damsel’s window, he ran and

picked up a number of rocks to use for ammunition against the invader. He began to set off on his attack until the police
arrived and stopped the attack; it was when all of us found up that the dangerous invader was the windows cleaner who
was doing his work. In that moment Benny broke out in nervous ran away as quickly as he could and took off down the

2. Find the following verbs in the crossword puzzle. (the translation that correspond as phrasal verb)

estar de acuerdo
seguir, continuar
volver, regresar
bajar (de carro, tren)
irse, alejarse
distinguir, divisar
recoger, levantar
quitar, sacar

Answer key: 2 (Agree with, come back, break down, carry on, get back, get off, get up, giveback, go away,
hang up, look after, look for,make out, pick up, act out, make up, take off, wake up)

Match the phrasal verb with the corresponding meaning in english:

1. get in a. leave a car.

2. get out b. be careful.
3. look after c. appear.
4. look out d. finish.
5. show up e. register in a hotel.
6. get through f. enter a car.
7. check in g. take care.

Answer key: (1,f – 2,a – 3,g – 4,b – 5,c – 6,d – 7,e)


OBJETIVO: desarrollar habilidad para expresarse en inglés tanto en forma oral como escrita, incorporando dentro de su
léxico habitual gran variedad de phrasal verbs, lo cual facilita su interacción empleando este idioma.

Continuación phrasal verbs

The Ants and the Grasshopper (Aesop’s fable)

In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant
passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and
continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the
ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew:
It is best to prepare for the days of necessity

- What was the grasshopper doing in a field one summer’s day? R/ It was hopping about, chirping and singing
- Why didn’t the ant go and chat with the grasshopper? R/ Because she was helping to lay up food for the winter
- What is the moral? R/ it is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
- Do you agree with the moral? Why?

Escriba los “phrasal verbs” contenidos en la lectura junto con la traducción que corresponde a este contexto:

Hop about saltar alrededor

Pass by pasar cerca
Bear along llevar consigo
Lay up almacenar
Go on continuar

De esta manera puede aclarar a sus estudiantes que estos verbos pueden conjugarse normalmente en cualquier tiempo,
teniendo en cuenta que el cambio ocurre en el verbo y no en la partícula que lo acompaña (adverbio o preposición)

My sister has some troubles, but she is very valiant and goes on
The street was too slippery, but it was too late so he went on

Translate the following sentences and write them according the tense given.

1. Although Mrs. Sánchez is over ninety, she gets about (Simple past)
2. The teacher insists that my son doesn’t get along with his classmates (present perfect)
3. When will you get back from Cartagena? (simple past)
4. Albert gets off the school bus at 5:30 pm (Future with going to)
5. My grandfather calls up many memories (present progressive)
6. The workers cry out during the national manifestation. (simple future)
7. That letter leads up to the main topic for the meeting in the company (past progressive)

Answer key (1. A pesar de que la señora Sánchez tiene más de 90, ella se moviliza de un lado para otro;
Although Mrs. Sanchez was over ninety, she got about. – 2. El profesor insiste en que mi hijo no se lleva
bien con sus compañeros de clase; the teacher has insisted that my son hasn’t gotten along with his
classmates. – 3. ¿Cuándo regresará usted de Cartagena?; When did you get back from Cartagena? – 4.
Alberto se baja del bus escolar a las 5:30; Albert is going to get off the school bus ate 5:30 – 5. Mi abuelo
recuerda el pasado; My grandfather is calling up many memories – 6. Los trabajadores gritan durante la
manifestación nacional; The workers will cry up during the national manifestación – 7. Esa carta anticipa el
tema principal para la reunión en la compañía; that letter was leading up to the main topic for the meeting
in the company)

- My father turns off the TV at 11 o’clock

- My father turns the TV off at 11 o’clock  Both sentences are correct

- It is too hot. I will take off my jacket
- It is too hot. I will take my jacket off

4. PHRASAL VERBS can be separable or inseparable. There isn’t a specific rule about that but they usually can be
separated according the direct object.

- No direct object. In this case, the phrasal verb mustn’t be separated.

My brother doesn’t get up early
They thieves got away.

- Have a direct object. In this case, the phrasal verb can be separated.
We can’t put off the party.
We can’t put the party off.

As you know this isn’t a general rule. However you must separate the phrasal verb when the direct object is a
personal pronoun.

- Carlos came from Bogotá and we picked him up at the airport. CORRECT
Carlos came from Bogotá and we picked up him at the airport. (This sentence is incorrect)

- My car is broken down. I’ll drop it off at the mechanic.

NOTE: Some “phrasal verbs” are always inseparable, so you should look at your dictionary before use them, and
as you practice you will be able to use them more fluently.

 Inseparable phrasal verbs always remain together. It makes no difference if a noun or pronoun is used.

We set off for the beach = We set off for it.

They are looking after the children = They are looking after them.


1. Choose the correct preposition or adverb to complete the best phrasal verb for each sentence.

a. I have enough money. Don’t care about/ for the expense.

b. She couldn’t account up/for the disappearance of the money box.
c. If you are going to travel on vacation, you should to allow on/for some extra expenses in the hotel
d. The motorcycle pulled up/down beside them and the driver asked them the way to the nearest town.
e. My sister blew down/out the candles on the cake and we sang happily.
f. While we were traveling to Mellin ni my aunt’s car he ran off/out oil.
g. When we went to the church the priest advised me “ when you get into/on the church, please take off/up your hat”
h. Mom, could you wake me dowm/up at 5 o’clock, please?

2. Complete the following conversations. Use the underlined phrasal verb and a pronoun in your answer.

a. Has your brother taken out the garbage yet?

No, he __________________ yet.

b. I just can't figure out this chemical formula.

That's funny. My younger sister ________________ yesterday in only 10 minutes.

c. They have to talk over their problems.

They ______ already ____________ many times. There isn’t any solution.

d. I am in a hurry. I haven’t finished the housework. Could you drop off Mary at ballet academy at 4 o’clock?
Sure, I would be happy to ____________

Answer key 1( a.about – b.for – c.for – d.up – e.out – f.out – g.into,of f – h.up)
2 (a.hasn’t taken it out – b.figured it out – c.have,taken them over – d.drop her off)

lectura comprensiva

Read the following text.

Do Women Make Better Doctors? By PAULINE W. CHEN, M.D.

(From: New York Times – Health section- Published: May 6, 2010)
Recently, one of my patients, an elderly man, stopped me as I got up from my stool to leave his room. I had just finished
examining him, offering my assessment and plan, and apologizing for his long wait since I had been running late that day.
He listened patiently then hopped down from the exam table just as I turned toward the door, the ties of his flimsy hospital
gown flapping around his thin legs.
“Doctor,” he said, “No need to apologize for being late.” He smiled affably and added, “Truth be told, I prefer you lady
doctors. You spend more time with patients. It’s like you just know how to be a mother.”
I smiled. My patient was satisfied and believed I had listened to him well. But, truth be told, I left his room somewhat taken
aback, despite his good intentions. Did being a woman necessarily mean I gave better care? And was that care
necessarily more patient-centered?
For two decades, spurred on by the rising number of women going to medical school (women currently make up almost
half of each entering medical school class), researchers have been studying the influence of gender on physician style.
While many of these investigators initially assumed that the long training process completed in lockstep with male peers
would diminish gender differences, their findings over the years have indicated otherwise. Several studies have shown
that female doctors tend to be more encouraging and reassuring, use shared decision-making, ask more psychosocial
questions and spend more time — up to 10 percent more — with patients than male doctors do…

Write true or false according the reading. For false answers, choose in the reading the proof that arguments your

1. The patient mentioned at the beginning was too young _____

2. The lady doctor apologized because she was late that day___

3. The patient preferred lady doctors ____
4. According the newspaper article, patients don’t like Leidy doctors because they don’t spend enough time with
patients ___
5. According several studies, male doctors tend to be more reassuring than female doctors ____
6. The studies initially assumed that the gender differences would diminish because the rising number of women going
to medical school ______.

Which do you prefer when you go to the doctor, a male doctor or a female doctor? Why?

Answer key (1.false, an elderly man - 2. True - 3.True – 4. False, I prefer you lady doctors, you spend more time
with patients – 5. False, female doctors tend to be more encouraging and reassuring – 6. True)

Read the following dialogue and underline the phrasal verbs. Next, make and answer five questions about it.


John: Hi guys! How are you today?

Mark: Kind of good John! Thanks.
Michelle: I´m doing ok too and what about you John?
John : Me? Not really good! I got a cold last week and I had to be in bed whole time.
Mark : Oh my God! So you better get away from here man or we are going to be sick too!
John: Hey don´t be like that buddy!, make up your mind Mark, If I am here is because I feel better, I don´t want you to be
sick for my fault, you know?
Michelle : Yes, that´s true...don´t worry John, Mark is just kidding! Tell me John, are you going to Sara´s party next
John : No man, I don´t think so. I don´t feel like going to a party yet. I will wait for some days more, that way the cold runs
out at all!
Mark : Good idea John! hey John, do you know who is going to bring over the cake to Sara´s party?
John : No idea! Who? Do you know it?

Michelle : Well, try to look up first and then answer!
John : Let me think! Betty?, maybe Martha...isn’t she?
Mark : Yes, she is. You got it, John. She will be the person who is going to prepare and bring the cake to Sara´s party.
John : Aahh, and is she going to bring along his friends too?
Michelle : We don´t know yet, but it could be great idea, I know them, they are pretty nice and fantastic people.
John: Well, let me know because I would like to share with them too. Oh my Gosh I´m getting hot now, I better take off
this sweater!
Mark: No man, don´t do it, remember you are sick and you could be worse! You better put on my jacket and go home
now, the weather is getting cold and it could be bad for your health.
John: You are right! See you soon.

Answer key: phrasal verbs: get away, make up, run out, bring over, look up, bring along, take off, put on)


Write a text where you point up your opinion about male differences nowadays. You can consider the following questions.
- Are they tried as equals?
- Is there any special job for males or females?
- What are some of the advantages or disadvantages of being male or female? Etc.


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