Sample File: Scene One: Not Like The Others

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S o Now You’re a Hero provides advice and examples

for Storyguides running a session that brings their
players’ characters from Origin level to Hero level, starting
it’s subtle: the Scion of a God of Fortune is just plain lucky...
but when the coins always come up how you call them, you
can’t help but notice. Sometimes it’s overt, like when their
with prompts to consider during character creation and divine parents’ enemies fling monsters at them, attempting

taking the characters through four scenes centered around to goad the God into action in their child’s defense.
their Visitations. We provide examples for the four types Open the scene by asking players to describe a typical
of Scions and discuss how their origins might inform their day for their Scion. What are some of the places they
experiences. All of the advice here is malleable — you frequent? Who do they see as they head to work or classes
might want to condense it all into a single scene for each — coworkers, baristas, fellow commuters, a dog walker
character or draw the various parts out into multi-session with her miniature pack? What are the hallmarks of their
arcs. This could be run at the end of an Origin-level series, days? This sets up the status quo, just before everything
or as the opening of a new Hero-level game. It might even changes.
be a vignette you run at the end of your character-creation
Talk a little about things that are normal for the
soon-to-be Band.


session to help everyone get to know the members of their

During character creation or Session Zero, in

characters, but would be extraordinary for everyone else,
and invite the players to elaborate and add their own. Are
there omens or symbols of her divine heritage all around
her, if she looks for them? If there’s an animal associated
with his parent, do they mysteriously follow him around
addition to noting who their divine parent is and to which
or seem to understand him when he speaks? Does the
Pantheon they belong, here are some questions you might
first ray of sunlight after a storm shine directly on her?
want to ask your players to consider:
How do the characters interpret these things when they
• Is your character aware of her divine heritage? happen?
• If she knows who her divine parent is, are they in Keep in mind the different types of Scions, and how
touch? How does she feel about it either way? that origin affects their Visitations.

• If she doesn’t know, is there anyone in her life who • Born Scions are the children of a God and (usual-
does? This might be a family friend who kept old ly) a mortal. They feel Fate gathering around them
photos of her parents, or one of her Godly parent’s like a storm, even if they don’t understand what’s
minions sent to check in on her. It could even be coming. They have the sense they could take on
one of her parent’s enemies. The World and might even be willing to try. If the
character has relevant Short-Term Deeds, they
• For Created or Incarnate Scions, what is the rela-
might plunge headfirst into fulfilling them, even

tionship with their patron like? Are they continu-

if it means taking on someone who’s stronger or
ing on the path the God intended for them, or have
more powerful than they are. These are early,
they veered from it wildly?
heady days, where they’re just figuring out their

SCENE ONE: NOT inner Hero. Be willing to let bold gestures pay off.
How do the characters handle situations in ways

LIKE THE OTHERS that evoke their divine parent’s influence?

• Chosen Scions were blessed by a God who isn’t

F rom an early age, most Scions feel like they’re different

from their peers. They can’t shake the sense they’re
destined for more, whatever that entails. They challenge the
their parent, through Fate or their own extraor-
dinary actions. They might have a firmer idea of
what’s coming, especially if they grew up knowing
status quo and attempt daring feats. Many have a laundry they’d someday be tested. For them, this scene
list of questions they’d like answered and injustices they might be full of their divine patron’s representa-
plan to set right. Additionally, they seem to be magnets tives getting them ready for their impending trials
for strange occurrences. Weird things keep happening to while the God’s priests offer advice and blessings.
them, events they can’t write off as mere luck. Sometimes
Scene One: Not Like the Others 1
Other Chosen catch a God’s eye through their own Mantles of their own. Incarnate Scions might also
deeds and, like Born Scions, see evidence they’ve know who they are — or were — from the get-go.
been noticed. What about their Calling aligns with If that’s the case, use this scene to explore what
the God’s? What about them impresses their pa- happened to the God they used to be. What severed
tron, or is about to come to a head in a way the God them from their Mantle? Did the God they were
will notice? spun off from die? You don’t have to answer these
all up front; some of those questions make excel-
• Created Scions were made by a God to serve a
lent mysteries to pursue in the next scene or over
specific purpose, and through their Deeds granted

the course of the campaign. But some of the flash-

freedom to determine their own destinies. These
backs might offer insights and intriguing clues. An
Scions often already know who their patron is and
Incarnate Scion who isn’t yet aware of their origin
why they were created — their Visitation lies in
might instead play out new versions of old myths,
the moment of Creation. That doesn’t mean their
all the while feeling a strong sense of déjà vu.
players sit out the first parts of this adventure.
Instead, show them fulfilling their duties, and ex- Flashbacks are an excellent tool to use in this scene
amine how they feel like they fit in (or if they fit as well. As the characters go about their day, encourage

in) among their peers. Alternatively, this might be the players to reflect on their deeds (or Deeds) thus far.
the very beginning of their story. Describe what it This is the corner where, a year ago, they moved as fast
is the God needs them to do, and how they’re made. as Hermes to pull a pedestrian out of harm’s way. The
What are they, before they take on human form? city park’s quiet now, but last week, she joined a party
What kind of awareness did they have before the that lasted all night, and had her own crowd of revelers
God breathed life into them? The player might following her lead — just like Huehuecoyotl, even if she
even take on the role of the God for this part, as doesn’t know it yet. Then there was the time they were
they realize the need they have. out hiking and got into that brawl with a troll...

• Incarnate Scions come from those Gods who Throughout the scene, play up the sense that the
wish to walk The World themselves, in mortal characters are on the verge of something big. The omens
bodies, and are what remains when the Mantle is around them ramp up, to the point where even if the
severed or the God dies. Others are reincarnations character’s desperately trying to pretend she’s not being
of Heroes and Demigods who died before forging followed by a murder of crows, her friends and coworkers
certainly notice it and comment.


Example: Beth is playing Hannah, a Born Scion • Divine Messengers: A ghost comes bearing a mis-
of Ptah who lives just outside of Memphis, Tennessee. sive from Anpu, or an animikii perches on a branch
Hannah’s unaware that her father is the God of craftsmen, outside the Scion’s window, observing her actions
but as an amateur blacksmith, she takes after him. The to report back to Muzzu-Kumik-Quae. Ratatosk
Storyguide, Alan, asks Beth to describe a typical day for shows up and shit-talks Baldr’s Scion, with in-
Hannah; she’s going to work, having lunch with a friend structions from the God of love and beauty buried
(one of the other players’ characters), and plans to go to somewhere within the insults.
the forge in the evening. Everywhere she goes that day, • Mirroring Their Parents’ Myths: The bouncer
Hannah spots images of bulls: a corporate logo, her baris- at a nightclub called Tara asks Lugh’s Scion a mil-
ta’s new tattoo, graffiti on the wall outside her office. She lion questions before letting her in. Sun Wukong’s

and her friend even have lunch at a café named The Bull daughter trespasses to read beneath a peach tree,
and Scarab. Alan also mentions weather reports alerting though she’s never seen it bloom — before today.
residents of the potential for severe thunderstorms around Situations feel eerily familiar, and even some
Memphis that evening. Even though it starts out as a sun- otherwise innocuous activities gain a portentous
ny day, Hannah feels like she can sense the storm building. weight.

By the time she’s headed for the Memphis makerspace These occurrences draw the characters into a
where her forge is, dark clouds have gathered on the Procedural scene, as they gather information about their
horizon. origins and the Gods who loom large in their lives. Treat
all essential information as leads, beginning with the
SCENE TWO: information they gain from the occurrences. If there’s a
mysterious gilded box stashed in the vault the mooks are
DIGGING DEEPER breaking into, the Scions find it. If Ratatosk’s chittering
includes a time and address where she needs to show up,
the character understands.
N ow that the players know what a normal day looks like

for their characters, that’s all about to change. This is
where they truly start to discover who they are, by following
clues that will ultimately answer some of the questions that
have dogged them all their lives, and eventually reveal their
divine parent or patron.
Clues the characters uncover may include:
• The meanings behind omens they’ve spotted.
• Which Pantheons or Gods a Titanspawn considers
STRANGE OCCURRENCE their enemy, and vice versa.
Begin this scene with a strange occurrence, • Information surrounding their birth and early
something that catches the character’s attention and childhood, such as birth certificates, places they
promises answers to the questions she’s been asking for lived or went to school, unusual phenomena at the
so long. Possible ways to accomplish this include: moment of their birth, etc.

• Combat: A Titanspawn or other monster draws • Information on myths they’ve reenacted.

the characters together and puts them on the path
• Newspaper clippings, articles in gossip magazines,
to solving their mysteries as a group, or some pro-
and social-media posts featuring their parents or
fessional-tier antagonists (Scion: Origin, p. 145)
their own early feats.
cause trouble in town. They might be after some-
thing important to the characters’ divine patrons. If a variation on “learn about my divine parent” or
Or they might simply be a gaggle of easily defeated “figure out what makes me special” isn’t already on the
mooks who give the Scions a chance to show off characters’ lists of Short- or Long-Term Deeds, it’s worth

their skills and get to know one another if they ha- allowing players the opportunity to adopt them and fulfill
ven’t met previously. As the goal of this scene is to them within this session.
give the Scions insights into their divine parentage, Born Scions find answers to a lot of the questions
you might want to use the Down and Dirty Action they’ve been asking themselves over the years in this
rules (Scion: Origin, p. 115) to resolve the fight scene. It might take them back to their hometowns or
quickly. put them in touch with long-lost relatives who turn out
• A Figure from the Past: A face in the crowd jogs a to be Gods, guides, or other followers. The truth comes
sudden recollection. Does that man at the bus stop out over a pot of tea at their grandparents’ kitchen table,
just look like the person from their hazy memories or over the course of a long night poring over brittle,
of a picnic in the park when they were five, or is it yellowing copies of their small-town newspaper in the
actually him? The auntie who comes to town every library’s basement.
few years and spins yarns about the Scion’s mom’s Created Scions with no memories of their pasts find
college years sends a text reading, “We need to information about places they’ve been before and speak
talk.” to people who remember them, even if they don’t recall

Scene Two: Digging Deeper 3

The names of the characters’ divine patrons can be a lead or a clue in this scene, depending on the
players’ decisions, their characters’ actions, and your story’s needs. Chances are, the players already know
this information, having filled in those blanks during character creation. However, if they’re still narrowing it
down, have left it up to the Storyguide, or want to make the reveal a cool moment for everyone at the table,
it’s okay to keep it secret a little longer — the next scene unveils them.

the events themselves. They may find the clay from terms with their divinity and their place within The
which they were shaped and stand in the grooves where World. What is it about this particular fight that prepares
the God’s fingers scooped them from the ground. Or they them to shed their mortality and become a Hero? What
might return to the forest they only vaguely remember makes their divine parent decide to step in and introduce
and find themselves surrounded by a pack of wolves who herself?

smell like home. The answer might be as simple as “I performed a task
Incarnate Scions find another layer of mysteries worthy of the Gods,” or “I succeeded where my divine
awaiting them. If they don’t recall what severed them parent failed.” The Scion might have displayed wisdom,
from the God’s Mantle, their investigations might kindness, or valor in a way that made the God proud or
awaken old betrayals. If the God they were spun off from reminded him of himself in his myth-forging days.
was murdered, what happens when the killer learns The player doesn’t have to have an immediate
someone’s asking questions and digging for secrets they’d response for this. It’s not a test, not one last question
considered buried? the character must answer correctly in order to earn
At this stage, Chosen Scions might instead undergo
the trials they’ve been training for all their lives, or per-
form the feat that makes a God sit up and notice.
their Visitation. It’s one more tool in the players’ and
Storyguide’s toolboxes to help shape the character and
inform their themes and motifs in story arcs to come.

If they have a trial to undergo, decide what form it Failure at any of these stages shouldn’t delay the Scions’
takes. Will their physical endurance be tested? Are they Visitations (unless that’s something the players want to
expected to find clever answers to a series of riddles? explore!) Instead, if a player fails or botches rolls, work
Keep calm amidst chaos? Prove they’re capable of together to come up with some future Complications and
leading? If the Chosen Scion isn’t on the God’s radar yet, plot hooks. Maybe the character makes an enemy along the
their investigations might be in pursuit of one of their way, or the God foists an inconvenient task on them after
Long-Term Deeds or another mystery central to the plot. their Visitation. Fate might nudge them back on track, or a

In either case, one of the other areas of action might future Fatebound companion enters the story to help out.
better suit this stage of the Chosen’s journey toward Overall, remember that these are the Scions’
their Visitation. Decide which of the systems presented moments to shine and show off a bit. If you want any of
in Storypath best fits the challenges. If they have a series these scenarios to play out as a montage of cool moments,
of tasks to undertake — for example, wrestling a God’s it’s perfectly fine to narrate the scene and let the players
champion, winning a philosophical debate, and charming describe how their characters accomplish the challenges
a mythical beast — the trial can be represented as a before them. Everyone at the table has put time and effort

complex action. into creating the characters; if the dice are getting in the
way of that, feel free to set them aside.
...AND OTHER EPIC BATTLES Example: Hannah’s on her way into the city when
One or more of the Scions might also find enemies the storm breaks. The sudden downpour forces her to
waiting for them when they go digging. Either, as pull off the road. Just as it’s at its worst — rain sluicing
mentioned above, their attempts to discover who they are down, thunder so loud she feels it in her chest — a bolt
stir old rivals into action, or some other threat pushes the
of black lightning strikes the empty field beside her.
Scions to their limits. They might challenge the monster
When Hannah’s vision clears, a black bull with a dia-
who stole their divine parent’s legendary sword or drive
mond-shaped white patch on its forehead stands amidst
off the Jötnar that’s been terrorizing the small town
the scorched grass. On its back is another white patch,
they’re passing through. For both these Scions and the
Chosen, the challenge isn’t the whole story. resembling a vulture.

Remember that, while they’re kicking ass (or getting “Hannah takes a picture and texts it to her aunt
theirs handed to them), the characters are coming to Marie,” says Beth. “She’s a rancher, and she knew both of


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