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n May 14, One City / One Future, a collaboration led by the

National Employment Law Project, New York Jobs with

Justice, and the Pratt Center for Community Development, held a
forum to present and discuss their Blueprint for Economic
Development. Over 300 people attended the day long forum
where the focus was how the city can make economic
development work for all New Yorkers.
The Blueprint lays out fifty-four recommendations for how New
York City can raise standards for public spending, make strategic
investments for shared growth, and reform planning and
development processes so that more New Yorkers will have a
chance to get ahead as the city recovers. Many of the Blueprints
recommendations are meant to address the availability and
livability of affordable housing.
One of the key recommendations for how the city and state can Invest for Shared Growth is to promote
permanently affordable housing, an idea that is at the heart of ANHDs 2009 policy platform. In fact, ANHD
was asked to plan a panel discussion on permanent affordability as part of the forum. Panel participants
included Martin Dunn, President, Dunn Development Corporation; Dave Hanzel, ANHDs Policy Director;
Holly Leicht, Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, and Laura
Tavormina, Deputy Director, West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing. The panel was
moderated by Mariadele Priest, a Vice President at Capital One Bank.
Much of the panel discussion focused on ANHDs recent Road Map to Permanent Affordability report,
which presents Purchase Options and Rights of First Refusals along with robust asset management and
rigorous compliance as viable, cost effective tools to achieve permanent affordability. Deputy Commissioner
Leicht agreed that a strong asset management system is crucial and pointed to numerous steps HPD is taking
to build its asset management infrastructure. Martin Dunn, one of the citys most prominent for-profit
developers of affordable housing, detailed some of the Inclusionary Housing projects he has built that include
permanence and talked about the incentives developers would need to participatein a new program, as well as
the resources that government would have to pledge such as extending tax abatements and rental subsidies.
The Reader
...of Housing and Community News...
May 22, 2009 Volume XXXIV Issue 11
Organizing: Not So
Radical Anymore
See page 8.
Resources and Notices . . . 4
Calendar of Events . . . . . . 5
Job Listings . . . . . . . . . . 9
This newsletter is made possible through the generous support of Bank of America, Capital One N.A., Citibank
M&T Bank, and Ridgewood Savings Bank.
One City / One Future Releases
Blueprint for Economic Development
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 2
ANHD INC. is a not-for-profit social welfare organization which advocates on behalf of New York City community-based
non-profit housing organizations and the neighborhoods they serve. ANHD INC. advocates for comprehensive, progressive
housing policies and programs to support affordable, flourishing neighborhoods for all New Yorkers, especially our lower
income residents.
The ANHD Reader (USPS 695-890, ISSN: 1536-6758), The ANHD Reader, 50 Broad Street, Suite 1125, New York, NY10004,
is published 26 times per year (bi-weekly) for $30 for individuals and community based organizations, and $60 for citywide
nonprofits, banks, foundations, and government agencies by ANHD INC. Periodical Postage paid at New York, NY.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ANHD Reader, 50 Broad Street, Suite 1125, New York, NY 10004. Phone:
(212) 747-1117. Fax: (212) 747-1114.
Laura Tavormina stressed that permanent affordability
is possible and discussed how WSFSSH has
incorporated the concept into all of its projects. As
moderator, Mariadele stressed that it is at moments of
crisis and market downturns when we must ask what
we are getting out of our public investments.
Below is a summary of some of the Blueprints 54
recommendations that deal with affordable housing
and community development.
To Read the full One City / One Future "Blueprint
for Economic Development, visit:
Raise the Standards
Government should set clear standards for economic
activity in New York City, especially activity that
benefits from public spending or actions. Meeting
these standards whether they concern the quality of
jobs created or the environmental sustainability of
new buildings must be a prerequisite for anyone
doing business with the city.
Raise the Standards to Keep Housing Affordable
11. Repeal Luxury Decontrol
12. Mandate Inclusionary Housing
13. Ensure That Housing Subsidies Meet Real
14. Improve Housing Conditions
Invest for Shared Growth
The city and state currently spend billions keeping
New Yorks economy humming. These investments in
housing, transportation, and employment need to be
designed and managed with the explicit objective of
improving opportunity and strengthening
Invest in Neighborhoods and Community Assets
13. Continue to Support and Expand the Portfolio
of Affordable Housing
14. Promote Permanently Affordable Housing
15. Maintain and Preserve Public Housing
19. Invest in Prevention and Recovery From
21. Expand Access to Fair Credit to the Poor and
Communities of Color
Reform the Process
Planning and development must take place in an
open and democratic environment, in which
communities and the city work as partners, not
adversaries, with the objective of building a
prosperous city on the strength of livable
Reform City Planning to Promote Livable
Neighborhoods in a Livable City
6. Implement a Comprehensive Citywide Planning
7. Set and Achieve Standards for Neighborhood
10. Keep the Public in New Yorks Public Spaces
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 3
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312 Eleventh Avenue Apartments announces that
applications are being accepted for 78 affordable housing
rental apartments in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.
announces that applications are being accepted for 38
affordable housing rental apartments at 87 Melrose Street
in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn.
For more information visit the website at:
The Briarwood Organization announces the sale of 2
bedroom and 3 bedroom homes on Rockaway Beach in
Queens. All units feature back yards and garages and
carry a 10 year property tax abatement.
Restored Homes HDFC announces the sale of homes in
Staten Island and Queens. Restored Homes HDFC is also
accepting applications for one and two family homes for
sale in Staten Island and Queens.
For more information visit the website at:
The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT)
has funds available, and is accepting applications from
eligible not-for-profit organizations to propose sites for new
public plazas. The DOT will work with selected community
partners to build new neighborhood plazas throughout
New York City. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2009.
For more information visit the website at: For guidelines and applications
contact Mr. Vaidila Kungys, Senior Project Manager, DOT:
Planning $ Sustainability, 40 Worth Street, Room 1029,
New York, NY 100113. Phone: (212) 442-7154. Email:
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has
an estimated total funding of $650,000 for the program
Building Strategic Alliances for Healthy Housing Pilot. It is
expected that the CDC will award six grants, with an
award ceiling of $110,000 and an award floor of $75,000.
The purpose of the program is to reduce or eliminate
housing related health hazards and to promote housing
that is safe, healthy, accessible and affordable. Eligibility
is extended to units of governments and not-for-profits with
501 (c) 3 status. The deadline to apply is June 18, 2009.
The deadline for a letter of intent is May 26, 2009. For
more information visit the website at:
The Administration for Children and Families has an
estimated total funding of $5 million, with an award ceiling
of $200,000. These funds will be granted to public and
private non-profit agencies to conduct outreach services
designed to build relationships between grantee staff and
runaway, homeless, and street youth. For more
information visit the website at:
0024.html. The deadline to apply is June 8, 2009.
The Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR)
has developed a Statewide Affordable Housing Needs
Study. Governor David A. Paterson said, this Study
represents a significant step forward in the way DHCR
develops its policies and implements its programs around
the State. DHCR Commissioner Deborah VanAmerongen
said that DHCR would use the Study, to better target
resources to address specific community needs. The
Study, and nine other regional reports, are available on the
DHCR website at, under key
Continued on page 7.
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 4
Resources and Notices
This area highlights available resources and funding
opportunities for nonprofit organizations.
44 Wall Street, 12
New York, NY 10005
(646) 435-1956
Expert Consulting Services in
Real Estate Finance and Development
Project Troubleshooting
General Finance, Legal and
A full-service consulting firm devoted to
the development of affordable housing
throughout New York City and State
Organizational Assessment
Affordable Housing Consultants
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 5
Lawyers Alliance for New York announces its Calendar
of Upcoming Workshops.
May 28, 9:00 - 11:00 am: Incorporation, Tax
Exemption, and Fiscal Sponsorship.
Location: Lawyers Alliance for New York, 330 Seventh
Avenue, 19th Floor. Free for NYF Grantees
June 2, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm: Developing
Community Affairs. Location: New York Foundation,
10 East 34th Street, 10th Floor, NYC. Free for NYF
June 11, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm: Fundraising Law and
Regulation. Location: Laura Parsons Pratt
Conference Center, 281 Park Avenue South, NYC.
Free for NYF Grantees
Cost: Unless otherwise indicated, the registration fee is
$50/person; $45/person if we receive payment at least
three days in advance; and free for representatives of
current New York Foundation grantees. For more
information call (212) 219-1800, or fax to (212) 941-7458.
The Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York
City will host the following workshops:
June 4, 9:00 am 12 noon: Managing in Hard
Times: Human Resource Issues. This workshop will
help nonprofits manage their most valuable resource,
their staff, while at the same time reducing expenses.
June 10, 9:30 - 11:30 am: New 403(b) Pension
Regulations. Do you have a 403(b) plan? The
Treasury Department has issued regulations to make
403(b) retirement savings plans more similar to 401(k)
plans. New rules place a new administrative
responsibility on nonprofit employers.
June 16, 9:30 - 11:30 am: Managing in Hard
Times: Lobbying. This workshop will explain the
extent to which nonprofits can freely participate in the
legislative and budgeting processes to effectively
advocate for their organizations and constituents.
Registration is required: To register visit the website at:
Unless noted otherwise, workshops are open only to
NPCC's 501(c)(3) members and are held at NPCC's office
at 1350 Broadway (35th Street) in suite 1801. For more
information visit the website at:
May 27 - July 3: Online Forum: Affordable Housing
Strategies. Hosted by Bloustein Online Continuing
Education Program, Rutgers University, New Jersey, and
organized by Leonardo Vazquez. Affordable Housing
Strategies discusses policy considerations and the political
and financial challenges that confront developers of
Continued on page 7.
Calendar of Events
Submission deadline: Items for The ANHD Reader,
Calendar of Events for June 5 - June 19 must be
received by Wednesday, May 27. 2008 M&T Bank. Member FDIC.
M&T Bank has a long tradition of being
involved in the cities, towns and neighborhoods
in which we operate. As a community bank,
we understand that the well-being of our
company is connected to the well-being of the
communities we serve. We offer both our time
and our resources to make our communities
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visit us at
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 6
ANHD gratefully acknowledges Wachovia Foundation, Astoria Federal Savings, and Ridgewood Savings
Bank for their generous support of ANHDs Affordable Housing Institute and training programs
Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development
50 Broad Street, Suite 1125, New York, NY 10004 (212) 747-1117 Fax: (212) 747-1114
Thursday, June 11, 2009
9:30am 11:30 am
Housing Court:
What happens when you have to take a tenant to court?
Louise Seeley, Attorney and Executive Director
Housing Court Answers
(Formerly the City-Wide Task Force on Housing Court, Inc.)
Ms. Seeley will walk through the various steps associated with different aspects
of housing court, provide an overview of NYC rent regulations, & focus on
tenant & landlord rights & responsibilities, with tips for owners. This
presentation will be useful to asset and property managers, tenant relations
specialists, and project managers.
Location: ANHD, 50 Broad St., Ste. 1125, NY, NY
Cost: $25.00 per person (ANHD members FREE with RSVP) Advance registration is
required. Seating is limited, and priority is given to ANHD members.
To Register: Mail this form with payment to ANHD, 50 Broad St., Ste. 1125, NY, NY
10004, Attn: Rita Mazza, or fax to 212-747-1114. (Make checks payable to ANHD)
Email Mike Bucci @ with questions about this workshop.
Email ___________________________________________________________________
Office Phone ( )______________________ Fax ( )_________________________
Housing Vacancy Survey results from the first quarter of
2009 indicate that the U.S. housing market continues to
undergo a significant transition, experiencing a rising
number and proportion of renters, and rising asking rents
even as the total number of vacant properties increases.
This is according to the US Census Bureau which released
these data on April 27. The proportion of renters in the
United States rose to 32.7 after reaching a historic low of
30.8 in 2004. This represented an increase of 748,000
renters since the first quarter of 2008. In the same period
the number of homeowners declined by 203,000
households. The prices renters face in the market also
appear to be rising. The detailed tables of the report show
an increase in median asking rents for vacant units, rising
from $679 to $723 in the past year in constant terms. The
median home price declined from $192,900 to $167,200.
Data from the most recent and past Housing Vacancy
Surveys, a component of the Current Population Survey
can be found at:
The New York City Department of Youth and Community
Development (NYDYCD) is seeking qualified organizations
to operate the Beacon Community Center at I.S. 43 Far
Rockaway, at 160 Beach 29th Street, Queens, NY 11691,
and M.S. 147 Jamaica, at 218-01 116th Avenue, Queens,
NY 11411. A pre-proposal conference will be held on May
27, at 10:00 am, at NYC DYCD, 156 William Street, 2nd
Floor Auditorium, NYC. For more information visit the
website at:
sp/Postings.asp?req_id=20090505022, or
The New York State Division of Housing and Community
Renewal (DHCR) has announced a free on-line housing
listing and locator service for affordable, special needs, and
accessible housing throughout New York State. The
service will assist renters, property providers, housing
professionals and social service providers with accessing
real-time rental housing information. This listing can be
found at The list is also
available via the DHCR toll free, bilingual call center at
(877) 428-8844.
Elected officials including Assemblyman Keith L.T. Wright,
housing for individuals and families earning less than 80%
of the area median income (AMI). This immensely
challenging field requires familiarity with the capital
markets, knowledge of zoning, general real estate
transactional concepts, contract and tax law and
architecture, just to name a few trades. Affordable housing
is increasingly developed by non-profit community
development corporations (CDCs), which are often thinly
capitalized and operate with limited resources. For more
information visit the website at
June 3 4: New York Fundraising Summit. Hosted by
the Center for Nonprofit Success this summit will take
place at New York University, Kimmel Center 60
Washington Square South, NYC 10012. The event will
include sessions on fundraising from grants, sponsorships,
individual gifts, and other funding sources. For more
information visit the website at
June 9: The 9th Annual New
York State Supportive Housing
Conference, the largest
supportive housing conference in
the country, will be held at the
Hilton New York, 1335 Avenue of
the Americas, from 9:00 am -
6:30 pm. To register for the
conference, go to the Supportive
Housing Network of New York
website: For
more information about the
conference including
sponsorships, please contact
Emily Rubin at, or call 646-
619-9640, ext.5.
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 7
Calendar of Events
continued from page 5.
Resources and Notices
continued from page 4.
125 Maiden Lane, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Tel 212.268.3262
Cell 917.862.3549
Fax 212.268.3264
Anthony Spinelli
New York City Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, New York
City Comptroller Bill Thompson, State Senators Daniel
Squadron and Velmanette Montgomery and City
Councilmember Bill de Blasio along with representatives
from the NYC Legal Aid Society, the Partnership for the
Homeless, the Coalition for the Homeless, Picture the
Homeless, Inc. and the NYC Coalition Against Hunger,
joined forces yesterday, at a rally on the steps of City Hall,
to protest the Bloomberg administrations recently
implemented policy of charging rents to working families
and individuals in homeless shelters. Assemblyman Wright
announced the introduction of legislation which would
prohibit the charging of rents in homeless shelters within
New York State. It would also force many shelters to relax
the rules by which they evict homeless tenants from the
shelter due to varying codes of conduct.
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 8
Affordable Housing Institute
50 Broad Street, Suite 1125, New York, NY 10004
(212) 747-1117 Fax: (212) 747-1114
Workshop presented by Parallel MVMT
FREE and LOW-COST Solutions To
Help You Increase Your Productivity
and Achieve Your Goals
Cost: $ 100 per person
($40 for ANHD members)
To Register: Mail this form with payment to ANHD, 50 Broad
St., Suite 1125, NY, NY 10004, Attn: Rita Mazza. For
additional information about this course, contact David
Shuffler at 212-747-1117 x 14 or email
Community Organizing: Not So
Radical Anymore
Recently, there have been a number of news reports and
articles concerning the resurgence and broad social
acceptance of community organizing generally and
community organizing as a career particularly. No doubt
this resurgence of interest in community organizing is
directly attributable to President Obamas positive
references to his past community organizing work as well
as his successful election campaign (some credit must also
be given to the attacks of vice-presidential candidate Sarah
Palin). However, it would be a mistake to define the
renewed interest in community organizing strictly within the
context of the Obama phenomena, or to limit it, as did the
New York Times in its article of Sunday, April 12th, to the
revitalization of college student interest in the subject.
The Center for Neighborhood Leadership, a project
founded by the Association for Neighborhood and Housing
Development and the New York Immigration Coalition,
starts operations in October as a training center for new
and experienced New York City based-community
organizers. The Center expects that only 20% of its
inaugural apprenticeship class of 10-12 will be college
graduates. The remaining 80% will be New York City
community residents of varying educational achievement
who have already demonstrated an interest and
commitment to community organizing as a means to
develop problem-solving leadership and promote civic
engagement at the neighborhood level. And while not
surprising to the community savvy that such an interest in
community organizing exists outside the college campus,
what may be surprising is its source.
This resurgence of interest reflects a renewed belief that
ordinary community people can influence and change the
course of events not only locally, but also statewide and
nationally. The new interest was seeded by the Obama
phenomena, but it was nurtured by a deep and troubling
sense at the neighborhood level that people had become
primarily passive spectators and consumers of almost
everything including politics.
Candidate Obama made change his mantra. His victory
rekindled hope. As President, his calls to service for
America seeks to tap the well spring of stored energy held
in check by the growing sense of community alienation and
frustration. Community organizing is the tool that
complements and facilitates the re-engagement process. It
is alive and well on Main Street.
Hector W. Soto, Director, Center for Neighborhood
This workshop will teach you how to optimize
your use of popular online tools, including
email, task management, and social-networking
(Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in order to get things
done more efficiently.
By attending this workshop youll learn how
use new technology to organize and
prioritize your work
encourage productivity and collaboration
amongst your team members
reduce time spent on administrative tasks
Who Should Attend?
Directors & Members of non-
profit/community based organizations looking
to maximize their existing resources
Individuals responsible for infrastructure &
technology strategy
Anyone looking for more effective project
and time-management tools
Date: June 26, 2009
Time: 10-1 pm
Place: ANHD
New Settlement Apartments is seeking a full-time Organizer.
Responsibilities: Duties include organizing tenants in distressed
buildings; supporting leadership development and constituency
building; implementing winnable neighborhood-based campaigns;
working with partners on Bronx-wide and city-wide campaigns.
Qualifications: Minimum 2 years grassroots organizing
experience; track record in campaign development and
implementation; bilingual English/Spanish. Salary: $32,000-
$40,000, depending on experience. Comprehensive benefits,
included. 401(k). Send letter, rsum and contact information for
3 professional references to Community Organizer Search, New
Settlement Apartments, 1512 Townsend Avenue, Bronx, NY
10452. <>. Fax: 718-294-4085.
EEO/AA. For more information see, new
settlement apartments.
The Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation (CHLDC) is
seeking a Homeownership Director. Responsibilities: Counseling
first-time homebuyers and homeowners on all aspects of
homeownership. Package mortgages and refinance loan
applications. Conduct outreach and market agencys counseling
services and educational programs to potential homeowners.
Maintain program files, records, and complete reports.
Qualifications: BS in Business, Banking, Social Work or related
fields. Three to five years relevant work or educational experience.
Excellent communications skills. Computer literate. Bilingual
English/Spanish required. Salary: $40,000 - $45,000 dependent on
experience and/or education excellent benefits package. Email
cover letter and resume to: Rene Arlain, Housing Director, Cypress Hills LDC is an equal
opportunity employer.
The Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development
(ANHD), a member organization of 96 NYC non-profit housing
groups, seeks and Operations and Development Director.
Responsibilities: The Director oversees ANHDs day-to-day
operations, including human resources, database management, and
budget planning. The Director will also maintain and expand our
funding base, including reporting to existing funders and
outreaching to new funding sources. Qualifications: Two to three
years management experience, and significant experience writing
funding proposals. Salary: $50 - $60,000, depending on
experience. Send resume, cover letter, writing sample of
Benjamin Dulchin, ANHD, 50 Broad Street, Suite 1125, New
York, NY 10004. Email: Fax: (212)
747-1114. Women and persons of color encouraged to apply.
The Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development
(ANHD), a member organization of 96 NYC non-profit housing
groups, seeks a Program Director. Responsibilities: The Director
will coordinate advocacy around local and city-wide affordable
housing production and preservation programs, and oversee training
and technical assistance to CDCs. Qualifications: Successful
candidate will have 2 3 years housing development experience,
demonstrated ability to deliver technical assistance and will be very
familiar with City housing programs. Strong interpersonal skills
required. Salary: $50 - $60,000, depending on experience. Women
and persons of color encouraged to apply. Send resume, cover
letter, writing sample of Benjamin Dulchin, ANHD, 50 Broad
Street, Suite 1125, New York, NY 10004. Email: Fax: (212) 747-1114. Only applicants
with direct experience in affordable housing development or
finance will be considered.
The ANHD Reader,, May 22, 2009 Page 9
Job Listings
To place an ad in the next issue, fax copy to ANHD at
(212) 747-1114 or email The deadline
for the June 5th issue is May 27th.
Price List for Job Listings:
1 issue: $35, 2 issues: $60, 3 issues: $75
ANHD members in good standing will receive one issue with job listing at no charge.
PLEASE limit copy to 100 words. ANHD INC.reserves the right to edit text.
To place an ad in the next issue, fax copy to The ANHD Reader at (212) 747-1114 or email to
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