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than that of pure cocoa.

It is seen from these few instances,

of the Seuen Planets, or Seuen wandring motives of William

Vesulus) were long simply disregarded. The native inhabitants

TABLE XXXIII.--Acreage, Production, Value, Price and Exports of

Dispersion had to some extent shaken off the exclusiveness

districts. The exportation of olive oil in 1808 was valued at

(1831-1896), both eminent lawyers, Lyman Abbott (q.v.), and

in the new romantic poetry with wide effect; and Disraeli,

however, coincide with ethnical limits nor with the Turkish

modern political economy, but it had the effect of staying

quicklime, when the characteristic smell of ammonia will be

not improbably it is the formation of a new glandular organ.

coal than ordinary boat-pans. It is a long trough, of nearly

the contract between a shipowner and some other person called

senate. He was then a mere lad, amiable, well-meaning, but

is uninteresting to them, while on the other hand a group

marble monument by Giovannozzi and Santarelli commemorates

Wolayer Pass (same to Mauthen), foot path (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,306

First, Destruction of the existing class rule by all means, i.e.

cabinet of Midhat Pasha as minister of public instruction,

explorers the Acholi were called Shuli, a name now obsolete.

The scientific works of Alembert have never been published in a

island, 15 m. N.W. of Beaumaris and 262 m. from London, by the

from his pen being La Carozza di tutti (centring round an

at Athens it was represented on the shield of the statue of

as it was, produced no other work of power; nor did the

under Ferdinand and Isabella. When the Jews were banished

for the purpose of converting the Slavonic inhabitants to

Tarbes. Pop. (1906) 2283. It is the seat of a bishopric, and

around Sokoto. During Miocene times Passarge considers that

Tatler, Addison was in Dublin, and knew nothing of the

des Beaux Arts (Paris), the American Water-Colour Society,

Africa during 1853-1856 from Benguella to the mouth of the

patronage, unless it can be shown that such transfer was not

Castello de Vide (5192), Mertola (3873), Portalegre, Vimieiro

occupations. It is interesting to note that 977,336 of

Panhandle, formerly supposed to be the Japanese current, or

to impede the arrival of French forces known to be on their

These professional writings gave him a place and memorial

des chevaliers romains, ii. p. 276; J. N. Madvig, Opuscula

convention of 1885 Portugal's claim to the southern bank of

Natalie. The projected union aroused great opposition at

1851), The Psalms Translated and Explained (3 vols.,

amused by setting the wandering scholars, who swarmed to his

climate was a terra incognita to naturalists. His ardour

writer who composed the previous portions (see Harnack, op.

Law schools.

see E. G. Parodi in Studi di filologia romanza (v. 1887).

to provide for his wants and conduct the beast on which he

council of the International. Within these federations

steady fire of the Guards, and the left wing maintained its

1839 was proclaimed an edict, known as the Hatt-i-sherif of

AMERICAN WAR OF 1812. The war between the United States

Paris edition of Keats, Shelley and Coleridge had brought

The rock inscriptions in the wild district of Safah near Damascus

house. When Alaric found himself once more outwitted by the

diligens scrutator.'' He bequeathed to the exchequer all

in Italy, probably at Savona, on the 21st of August 1271.

commercial enterprise, were in reality devoting their time

Lucius, Ludus.

Stanislaus II. of Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1795

1573); L. Sanuto, Geografia dell' Africa (Venice, 1588); F.

reindeer; the United States Fish Commission has investigated

his actions in the field and the heroism of his death, are

the field telegraph, balloons and signalling, were employed.

same value as other stories of traditional ancestors. The

acetylene at the rate of twenty-five times its own volume for

pegmatite in veins and lenticles, often foliated. The later

from the cavity of the pharynx into that of the atrium, and

players. She first appeared in children's and ingenile

Oran. In Mexico there are famous deposits of a delicate green

more briefly, in Sorel's Industrie chimique minerale

rarely attempted; "changes of base" were indeed made across

\ /

noticed. As early as 1766 Henry Cavendish showed that this

insolvent. To these calamities was added an imprisonment for

1867. It includes a mass of islands in the Banda Sea (2 deg.

the Presse, and in 1844 she contributed to the Revue des

flight escaped notice, and the conflict remained undecided,

I.S.V.P. Impensa sua vivus posuit.

the northern government. The emperor returned, however,

on the 3rd of February. The British admiral was accused of

view. But even this was of importance, as the enemy were much

Fielden, Schwab and Neebe, by Governor Altgeld. The reasons

England than amongst the hills and mountains of Wales and

Tschiugel Pass (Lauterbrunnen to Kandersteg), snow . . . . . . . . . . . .9,265

often been praised. The old bearer caste is, however, rapidly

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