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I. Study these examples from the interview and answer the questions below:

1. You're doing a “Higher National Diploma” (HND) in “Social Communication”.

2. What's the company working on?
3. They're turning an old office building into a night club.
4. I'm doing a research project in Social Communication.

5. I have classes three days a week.

6. I really enjoy it.
7. I like the maths and physics.
8. I want to go on to do the degree.

1. Why the Present Continuous is used for sentences l -4?

2 Because, it is talking about things that is happening now
3. ..............................................................................................................................................

2. Why the Present Simple is used for sentences 5-8?

5. Because, it talks about repeated actions

6 Because,it talks about feelings and likes

 We use the Present Continuous for things that are happening now and for a limited period around
now: E.g. I' m studying Technical English in this semester.
 We use the Present Simple:

 For things which are always true.

E.g. Copper conducts electricity.

 For repeated actions, habits, and events. I have classes three days a week
E.g. I study English three times a week

 With verbs that describe thinking and feeling (love, heat, want), like, enjoy
E.g. I like calculus.

II. Put the verbs in the correct tense, Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Ms Davis Teaches (teach)Maths. SIMPLE PRESENT

2. Classes Start (start) at nine o'clock every days. SIMPLE PRESENT
3. AIec Taking (take) an HND course. PRESENTE CONTINUOUS
4. He is studying (study) at Telford College this year. PRESENT CONTINUOS
5. On Tuesdays, he studies (study) in the library. SIMPLE PRESENT
6. He wants (want)to be a Mine Engineer. SIMPLE PRESENT
7. He is working (work) on a project about a new Software. PRESENT CONTINUOUS
8. A lot of local people don’t like (not / like) the proposal. SIMPLE PRESENT
9 They think (think) it will increase the amount of traffic near their homes. SIMPLE
10 The old bridge is carring (carry) ten times the traffic, it was designed to carry.

III. Answer these questions about yourself with complete sentences. Write short
answers where possible.

1 What are you studying? I`m studying social communication

2 Where are you studying? I’m studying at the national university of the Altiplano.
3 How long is your career? My career lasts five years
4 Is it part-time or full-time? It’s part time
5 What qualification do you get when you complete the career? Degree in comunication
6 What are the main subjects? The areas of journalism, public relations, communication
for development
7. Which subject do you find most difficult? The research course
8. Why do you find it difficult? The methodology used
9. Which subject do you enjoy most? The advertising workshop area
10. How many classes do you have each week? I have seventeen classes
11. When do your classes start each day? My class starts at one p.m
12. When do they finish? My class end at eight at night
13. Do you have any self-study time? Yes, but it’s after hours
14. What do you hope to do when you finish your career?
I hope to find a job and get my bachelor’s degree

IV. Reading and translation.

A: Read the text and find out two simple present sentences and one present continuous
sentence. And
write them below.
Social Communication in Advertising
Consumption in the Mediated Marketplace
By William Leiss, Stephen Kline, Sut Jhally, Jacqueline Botterill, Kyle Asquith

Newly updated for the digital era, this classic textbook provides a comprehensive historical study
of advertising and its function within contemporary society by tracing advertising's influence
throughout different media and cultural periods, from early magazines through to social media.
With several new chapters on the rise of the Internet, mobile, and social media, this fourth
edition offers new insights into the role of Google, Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube as both
media and advertising companies, as well as examining the role of brand culture in the
21st century.

Introduction (chapter 1)
This chapter introduces the notion of advertising as the privileged discourse through and about
objects and situates the importance of studying social communication in advertising. For
decades, the study of advertising was confined to the field of marketing. In the limited writing
critical of advertising, attention was paid to a supposed (yet unsubstantiated) manipulation of
consumers. After surveying this literature, the chapter points out that the least interesting
question we can ask of advertising is whether it actually moves products. The chapter concludes
that advertising must be approached as a social institution and a channel through which social
change is mediated.

1.. In the limited writing critical of advertising, attention was paid to a supposed (yet unsubstantiated)
manipulation of consumers.
2 The chapter concludes that advertising must be approached as a social institution and a channel
through which social change is mediated.
3 For decades, the study of advertising was confined to the field of marketing.
B: Read again the text and translate it to Spanish.

Comunicación Social en la Publicidad

Consumo en el Mercado Mediado
Por William Leiss, Stephen Kline, Sut Jhally, Jacqueline Botterill, Kyle Asquith

Recientemente actualizado para la era digital, este libro de texto clásico proporciona un estudio
histórico completo de la publicidad y su función dentro de la sociedad contemporánea al rastrear la
influencia de la publicidad a lo largo de diferentes medios y períodos culturales, desde las
primeras revistas hasta las redes sociales. Con varios capítulos nuevos sobre el auge de Internet,
los dispositivos móviles y las redes sociales, esta cuarta edición ofrece nuevos conocimientos
sobre el papel de Google, Facebook, Snapchat y YouTube como empresas de medios y publicidad,
además de examinar el papel de la marca. cultura en el siglo XXI.

Introducción (capítulo 1)
Este capítulo introduce la noción de publicidad como el discurso privilegiado a través y sobre los
objetos y sitúa la importancia de estudiar la comunicación social en la publicidad. Durante
décadas, el estudio de la publicidad estuvo confinado al campo del marketing. En la limitada
escritura crítica de la publicidad se atendió a una supuesta (todavía no comprobada) manipulación
de los consumidores. Después de examinar esta literatura, el capítulo señala que la pregunta
menos interesante que podemos hacer sobre la publicidad es si realmente mueve productos. El
capítulo concluye que la publicidad debe abordarse como una institución social y un canal a través
del cual se media el cambio social.

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