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Hi 9th grade Van (I know you don’t like to be called that name, yet),

You did it! You made it through high school, I don’t know why I’m saying you because I
did stuff too. But for this most part this is about you, about everything you’ve been through and
everything you’ve conquered.
I would just like to start this letter out by saying, I’m proud of you. I am so incredibly
proud of you and all the hardships you’ve endured throughout the years. Okay now that all the
deep garbage is out of the way let's get into the juicy stuff. ;)

Freshman year:
I mean like you’re in it right now, so I won't give you too many spoilers for the upcoming
year but I’ll tell you this right now. You meet an incredible group of people through stem, those
people will make the most impact in your life. Probably more than any others you’ll meet in the
next few years. I know that you’re struggling with yourself and who you are, but I promise you
you’ll get through it.

Sophomore year:
If this year had a title it would be called “The Beginning of the End '' Sadly, that group of
friends I just talked about kinda had some issues. Luckily for the majority of the year all was
well. Then Covid hit, it didn’t seem like a big deal but lemme tell you it was awful. We had to
start going to online school, and that group of friends fizzled out. But you started getting close
with another group, and they were shockingly even better. Then you got into some dumb stuff,
but sadly that relationship was important for your growth.

Junior year:
This year was completely online. This is when things started getting really bad again.
Like what you’re going through now but worse. It’s okay though, you made it. That relationship I
had mentioned before was in full swing. We loved him and that’s okay, but please know that
people who love you don’t treat you like that.

Senior year:
Hey that’s me now, well kinda. I’m literally DONE with school in three days. This was a
rocky year. You and him broke up, then you started getting really close with another person who
took advantage of you and manipulated the heck out of you. Please be careful. After you finally
build up the courage to move on from them things start getting good. You finally realize who
your real friends are. We’re happy.

I know you don’t think you’re going to make it, and I know why. But I promise everything
is going to turn out okay. Not only are you graduating but you’re also going to a really great

I love you so much,

12th grade Van <3

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