Security Fence3 12

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cs SSUES Ministry of Interior ete ay High Commision fo Insti! Security, WORE peal Vat ‘Secretariat General uh aU SEC-02 44. Security Fencing ‘These cameras shall be sited to provide a clear view of the perimeter and with adequate 200m capability to discern faciel features of an intruder within the monitored area or zone. 435. Category I Lighting Layer The Category 1 fencing system shall include a lighting layer fully compliant with SEC-04 “Security Lighting”. The lighting shall typically be installed a maximum of 3m behind the camera pole location. Lights shall be installed to be out of the field of view of the assessment cameras. 43.6. — Category 1 Internal Interface Layer ‘The Category 1 fencing system requires an internal interface layer comprised of required clear zones and an inner patrol road. The internal interface describes the requirements internal to the fencing system. This clear zone for this area refers to an area, on the inside of the fencing, system, cleared of all vegetation & obstructions, and maintained in this state. This clear zone, measured as the distance from the lighting pole, sball be at least Sim wide. This inner patrol road is used by security personnel to patrol the perimeter from the inside, It must be level, a minimum of 4,6m wide and paved (concrete or asphalt) to ensure road is passable under all weather conditions Itshall be located at the edge of the internal interface clear zone, Category 2 Fencing System Category 2 foncing systems are used at facilities where high levels of secutity are required, Category 2 fences implement a layered approach to security consisting of an extemal interface layer, anti-personnel layer, anti-vehicle layer, intrusion sensor layer, lighting layer and an internal interface layer. Isometric & elevation drawings of the fencing system are shown in figures 3 & 4. Each layer is defined below. Tweets STGTH DOOTOTD RESTRICTED. ANRighe ered to HCIS, Copylger dsrbation proiied without writes pemision ftom HCIS Page 12 of 46

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