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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Mi High Commission for Industrial Seourty Secretariat General SEC-02 _ Security Fencing istry of Interior 4.0. General Requirements 4.1. Introduction The perimeter of facilities shall be protected by a fence system in accordance with the requirements stated in this Security Directive. 41.1. The type of fence used in a facility shall be based on the facility classification as defined and specified in SEC-O1 “Application of Security Directives”. 4.12. This Security Directive defines fences and emergency getes in fences. ‘There are four distinct fence types numbered Category | through Category 4. Category I fences provide the highest security while Category 4 fences are designated for lower security requirements. 4.13. The fence is defined in terms of functional aspects followed by specific details of fence material requirements and installation requirements. 4.14. Any gates or openings in the perimeter fence shall meet the requirements of SEC-03. 4.2, Bence Definition Methodology The following functions are combined to produce a specific category type fencing system. 42.1. The functions constituting the fencing system are as follows: 42.1.1. Extemal Interface - Encompasses the requirements external 10 the fence and generally consists of patrol roads and associated clearances. Anti-Personnel Barrier - Describes the components that provide ‘anti-personnel characteristics of the fencing system. Anti-Vehicle Barrier - Describes the components that provide piysical impediments to vehicle ingress through the fencing system. Intrusion Sensors / Surveillance Layer - Defines the installation environments for electronic, fence mounted, sensing systems & volumetric sensors that comply with the requirements of SEC- Tie Dats OSH ISTRDOTT a RESTRICTED A Rights eared HCI, Copying or tbo probed without writen pension on CIS Page 6 of 46

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