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A to Z of a

Healthy Lifestyle
Presented By: Khadija Maisam Abbas

01 02 03
Healthy Life style Elements of a A to Z
Healthy Life Style

04 05 06
30 Days Challenge Reflections Q&A
Healthy Lifestyle
A way of living that HELPS YOU ENJOY more
aspects of your life. Health is not just about
avoiding a disease or illness. It is about physical,
mental and social well-being too
The elements of a Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Physical Stress
Eating Activity Management
Balanced food Relax,
Minimum 6
with essential Exercise Meditate,
hours of sleep
nutrients Talk, deStress
 An apple is probably the first thing that comes to most of our minds when someone
mentions the word “fruit”.

 Apples are rich in fiber and vitamins which fulfil our hunger and provide us with the
needed energy along with keeping our weight and calories maintained.

 Overall, an apple is a very important nutrient supplement for our diet.

 Breakfast is THE most important meals of the day. It provides us with all the energy we
are going to need for the rest of our day.

 When including the right components, breakfast boosts our brain and regulates our
blood pressure and pulse.

 With the perfect plate, you will have enough energy till dinner and help maintain
calories and weight.
 Using caffeine beverages is like taking pills to wake up for days. It is like a plane running
on fumes when its fuel is finished and is in great danger to crash.

 Completely removing caffeine from your diet is not necessary, it is better to just reduce
the amount of caffeine we intake to once a week or two weeks, and especially not using it
at night before sleeping as it improves our sleep.

 Caffeine might be compulsory for those who work nights in offices and have a large
amount of work stress, but it is better to replace it with a natural supplement
 Deep breathing is an amazing way to relax oneself after a hectic day.

 It is useful for relieving anger and relaxing.

 It takes only 10 minutes to do a simple breathing exercise, which can greatly affect a
persons mental condition making the mind cooler and calmer
 Eating strategically is necessary for a healthy and smart lifestyle.

 Counting the amount of calories, fats, fiber, and other minerals is useful to know how
much of what to have.

 Balancing food is also important. For example, if you have eaten a box of French fries,
which amount to approx. 200 to 250 calories, we should balance with a plate of salad
which is approx. 30 to 40 calories.
 Few tips to eat strategically are:
 Watch your portion sizes
 Include fish in your diet
 Avoid sugar and high caloric foods.
 Eat atleast 5 types of fruits everyday
 Dietary fiber is one of the most useful and important parts of our diet.
 They do not need much energy to digest and refresh our digestive system, giving it the
break it needed.
 Fibers can be found in fruits as well as vegetables.
 Ispaghol husk dissolved in water is one of the best sources of fiber.
 People under the age of 50 need 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.
 People above 50 years need 21 and 30 grams, respectively.
 Fat is important in our diet, but a lot of it causes a lot of harm, even worse than obesity.

 More fat in our body is more cells that need oxygen in form of blood, which, is pumped by
the heart.

 Excess amount of fats cause our heart to beat faster and harder, which exceeds the limit
and extent that the heart is supposed to work in. This is also one of the main reasons for
heart attacks
 Washing hands properly is an important part of keeping yourself healthy.

 Most of the germs that we come in contact with come through our mouth with the help of
our hands

 When we touch an infected surface, the germs travel to our mouth via our hands which
have touched countless things throughout the day.

 Washing hands can prevent this and keep us safe.

 Travelling 30,000 feet up high in the air might look easy, but in reality, it’s the opposite
of easy.
 The disturbance of the body’s regular circadian rythms is manifested as jet lag, a very
condition disturbing our daily normal sleep routines.
 The air pressure at such height causes our eardrums to be pulled inwards, this causing
serious ear pain and little bit of hearing loss.
 Gum chewing can help most people with this problem
 Sleep is an important part of our life. Our brain needs to rest and take a break from
thinking and concentrating. And so do you!
 Poor posture, poor ergonomics, and being in the same position for too long dont just
make you look tired, they make you feel tired as well.
 A proper rest is needed everyday to cope up with everyday life and stress, as well as
dealing with problems all day long.
 It refreshes your brain for a fresh start every day, keeping you smart and healthy.
 Negative emotions are a common emotion for many employs

 Anger, jealousy, frustration, fear, anxiety, and depression, drives friendliness,

understanding, and trust away.

 Repeating positive phrases, can lift your spirits and energy levels.
 Humor promotes psyhchological well being, and improves relationships.

 The ability to laugh helps those coping with illness or stress.

 The most important things we can do to relieve anxiety, hatred, discontentment, and
confusion that plagues the human condition and relationships is to take some time every
day or week, as suitable, for meditation.

 It aims to bring inner peace within ourselves, and the world in a positive way,

 Prayer is also a way to relieve stress and achieve peace and tranquility
 What we eat between our meals effects our body immensely.

 We need to plan our mealtimes and count the amount of calories we consume.

 Snacks are important and help us maintain our energy, but an excess of everything is
 When it comes to getting organized, we are our worst enemies.

 Maintaining files or folders in an alphabetical order, using daily planners, calendars,

and reminders on cell phones.

 This helps in saving your valuable time and avoiding stress.

 The foundation of good neck and back care starts with perfect posture. The body must
be straight, but not robotic.
 Some suggestions for maintaining a perfect posture are:
 Stand up stretch your arms above your head.
 Choose shoes that offer good support and comfort for your feet.
 Sit with your back against the chair.
 The desk should be at elbow height.
 Sit with straight shoulders.
 Keeping well hydrated is essential for good health and vitality.

 We need water for several essential functions of our body

 The first sign of dehydration is thirst, followed by headaches, lost of concentration,

confusion, and irritability
 Modern life is stressful and there is no getting away from it
 Whether its coping with a hefty workload at the office, bringing up a family, or handling
a hectic social life, the demands on our body and mind are 24/7.
 Without realizing, we bring our work problems and stress to our home, which is a place
for repose and comfort.
 We should take up a hobby to release our stress and spend time, which diverts our minds
from the hectic city life.
 Following a proper sleeping pattern, is very important for a bright and fresh start to
your day.
 Some important points to consider for a good sleep are:
 Follow a sleep schedule
 Avoid caffeine and nicotine before going to bed
 Take a hot shower before bed
 Do not rely on sleeping pills
 Make sure you have a firm mattress
 Sleep with one pillow, that is nor too hard or thick
 Replace your toothbrush often.

 Damaged bristles can harm the enamel and do not massage the gums well.

 Try to use a brush that changes its color to indicate as it starts getting old
 “Prevention is better than cure.”, the main aim of a health check up is to detect illnesses
at an early stage.

 Regular check ups help us in knowing our health status; they also act as valuable tools in
maintaining good health.
 Some recommended tests are as follows:
 Blood pressure
 Urine testing
 Complete Blood Count
 Blood glucose
 Thyroid function
 Total Lipid Profile
 A Mammogram, Pap Smear, and a Bone Density test for women..
 Vitamins and minerals are also called micronutrients, because they’re needed in small

 They boost the immune system, supporting normal growth and development to helping
cells and organs do their jobs.

 Our age, gender, body size, activity levels, and lifestyle can all affect our needs for these
 Abdominal or upper body fat increases the risk of health related problems such as
diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and early heart diseases, and high blood pressure.

 Excess weight carried below the waist, in the hips, buttocks, and thighs, increase risk of
varicose veins and orthopaedic problems.
 Regular exercise and physical activity does not waste your energy, in fact, it gives you
more energy.
 It raises levels of neurotransmitters in the breveain that releases serotonin, which
boosts your energy level.
 This also develops your body’s ability of pumping oxygen enriched blood throughout
your body.
 This helps you to combat fatigue, relieve tension, and sleep better.
 Our eating habits and our choice of food greatly influences ourselves.

 If we eat fats, we will eventually become fat. If we eat healthy foods, we will stay healthy.

 Taking one small step to control our calories can turn out to be a big difference, so
choose your plate carefully and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
 Zeal and energy can make you accomplish twice as much as without energy.

 Attack your task with energy. Do not drag your feet. The more you tell yourself, “This is
boring”, the worse you will feel.

 Get interested in the work and the energy will come naturally.

 Being enthusiastic and energetic are attitudes in the workplace that can get you ahead.
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