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Game Research/Design

EUROPA, up and coming:
GR/D is committed to you, the Europa player. We are producing
games, modules, variants, accessories to give you Europa Plus.
Look for the following proiects —

The Urals - Europa Xlll (3—89) Designed by John Astell Dennis &

Dubberley. The Urals displays the heart of the Soviet war machine on three and
1/2 maps that attach to Scorched Earth The latest OB/OA research and errata

along with over 10 charts makes The Urals a definite plus when added to
FITE/SE. Factory locations, additional military districts, rail nets for the entire
Soviet Union and more... $24.95 plus $1.00 shipping from GR/D.

For Whom The Bell Tolls - Europa

XIV (In Progress) Designed by
John Gee and Jeff Millefoglie. The definitive Spanish civil war game built to
Europa specifications For Whom The Bell Tolls takes you to the roots of WWII
where Hitler tested his armed might against the will of the western democracies.
This game has been designed using the latest Europa rules and will be produced
with careful attention to the standards quality that has always graced the system.

and more...
GR/D will be producing Europa - East Africa
' Russo-Finnish War
Soviet Asia
Grand Europa (in partnership with GDW)

and variants
Czech '38
The Mediterranean
Special Operations
and accessories
Accessories to the series will include special counter sheets that will provide you with the
additional armies, navies and airforces of the neutrals and opponents; extra markers and
to give you the latest in
corps counters for all the participants. We will also continue information
events, research information, OB data and interesting new previously
unavailable, in The Europa News and The Europa Association.
EUROPATM is the Trade Mark of Game Designers' Workshop and is used with their permission.
The Europa News Wand The Europa Association“VI are Trade Marks of Game Research/Design.
©Copyright‘1989. Game Research'DesEgn. All rights reserved.
The Europa News
The magazine dedicated to the Europa system
No. 5 January/February 1989
Publishers CONTENTS
Winston Hamilton, John Astell News from GRID ________
Game Research/Design ...................................................................... 2
PO. Box 591
Grime“, IA 50112-0591
Scorched Earth 22 June 1941 Fre D l
byioim M. Asiei ..................................... 3

Egrgnight German Security Units on the Eastern Front

by Shelby L. Stam” ........................................................................
Rt 2, Box 120
Brewster, KS 57732 The 1st Moscow Proletariat Rifle Division .
b y Charles C. Sha rp ......................................................................... 6
Associate Editor
Gary Stagliano Grand Europa Desi g n Re port .....................................................8
182-J Homestead St
Manchester, CT 06040
Opponents Wanted ...........................................................................8
ggllbmtissttsanton The Urals Module: An Update
e y ‘
by Denn's J. D u bbe rI ey

Charles C. Sharp
L ay out
Beyond Compass
by JameS A. Broshot ....................................................................... 1 O
Ben Knight, Winston Hamilton

Pr‘'n t'ng
Scorched Earth Errata - Jan I 89
by John M. Astell
Grinnell Graphix ............................................................................. 12
Rules Court ................................................................................... 14

TEN is the official publication

Home Front
Ofthe Europa Association. A” by Jay Kaufman ............................................................................... 16
material is copyright © 1989 by
Game Research/Design.
Debugging the System
by Tom Johnson .............................................................................. 17
_ _

Coma“ WmStO“ “ammo" at EXchange by Phillip Buhler, A. E. Goodwin, Ken Kettering,

Game ResearCh/Des'gn- Bill Stone, Rich Velay, and Mike Arthur
...................................... 18
Rule ‘51 M°V°ment At-TEN-tion! .......................................................................................19
Europa Association members,
please notify us of your ad- Bookend
dress changes by writing: by Antonio J. Munoz ....................................................................... 20
Game Research/Design
P-O- BOX 591
Grinnell, lA 50112-0591
Stubbing Your TO&E .................................................... 22
by Timothy O'Shenko
page 2

Europa series in good order. Write Right

News from GR/D Events Coming Up
If you don't have a modem and want
to write, please do. But it you are writ-
GFl/D is proposing a Europa get- ing we need you to write to us with a
by Winston Hamilton together at Origins LA. in July of
in typewriter, double spaced, or a word
this year. Details on this will be set out processor, double spaced. Submis-
As you may or may not have heard, in the next TEN, but in general we are sions are rated for payment on the ed-
GR/D will be taking over Europa. This thinking of a dinner and talk by some ited version of the article received—an
means that reprints of existing games people such as John Astell, Shelby important point to remember.
and the new games we have talked Stanton, and others not yet drafted to
about will be from GR/D. Game De- do the duty. You would be asked to Remember the Second Front Is
signers‘ Workshop will be publishing buy a ticket to the gathering which Coming iron-on we sent you last time
Second Front and Grand Europa as would give you a dinner and discus— and the instructions for more? Forget
the transistion is occurring This move sion and some other goodies in and the additional cost. If you would like
has the full support and participation about Europa. Cost for the dinner and another iron-on, just let us know.
of those most crucial to it, Frank discussion would be $10 to $15 per They are free. We will honor all rea-
Chadwick, Marc Miller, and John person. It's still in the "look at this" sonable requests for them.
Astell. stage, but watch TEN for more news.
The fact that GDW is turning the sys» Europafest is being put on by Over There, Over There
tern over to us will in no way dismiss Tom Johnson & Co. in Wisconsin. Here's the word if your sub is from
the high quality we have come to ex- Frank Chadwick, myself, and maybe over there: foreign subscribers out-
pect in the series. The quality will be John Astell will be there. Look at the side the U.S. and Canada have two
assured because the people that ad in this issue for details. There will options to remember. It you want your
were in charge of the production of be room for about 250 according to subscription delivered to you via sur-
Europa will continue to play the lead Tom. Some of you may remember face you must let us know. We Will
ing roles in the series. There will be Tom‘s demo that was put on at Origins send all subscriptions via air mail un-
new games, as announced in previ- '88. It was trememdous in that it gave less you teli us otherwise
ous TENs and notices members of a large number of new players expo-
The Europa Association have re- sure to the series. A Modest(?) Proposal
ceived. There will be additional acces— There are several counters within
sories and kits, and there will be some The Modern is On the exslsting Europa system that are
variants to the system after we have TEN has the ability to talk to you di- wrong in various respects (strength
completed the series. rect and we want all of you who want errors, size errors, etc). GR/D is un»
in short, there is much more to to write and have a modem to use the dertaking a project to produce a mas»
come for Europa. All of those who facility. We will call you, so you don't ter counter errata sheet lor the entire
have contributed to the series have have to pay for the call. Our modem system. To this end we need the help
indicated a desire to continue. Some program should be able to receive of anyone who may have detailed in-
have even suggested the series from any other modem program. If you formation as to what needs to be
move to the Far East to encompass have a document you would like to fixed. If you have spent the usual
the Pacific Theater of Operations. submit to us for publication, drop us a hours and hours on your lavorite
Well . a P.T.O. series is not out of
. . line at PO Box 591, Grinnell, IA game and you know what needs to be
the question it we could all live long 50112. Be su re to give us your fixed we would like to have the infor-
enough to see it completed, but for
phone number so we can get in touch mation. Just how many counters this
one want to make sure we finish the with you. may be is unknow tor a total count,
but suspect that there are probably

less than 60 total counters that need

TEN 4 Erratum nying John's article, and l mistakenly
drew the 1st Mot XX as a mechanized
iixing. What would like to do is issue

a 240 standard sheet with the fixed

by Ben Knight rather than motorized unit. The cor- counters and some additional coun-
rected graphic is shown below. (My ters to be used throughout the sys-
Last issue John Astell authored the thanks to Bill Stone for his sharp eye.) tem-static AA counters for Case
draft OB for the Free French units in White and the like. In any event, to
Second Front. At the bottom of page begin the project we have to see what
3 he listed an optional unit, the 1st
Motorized XX, to be used in place of
the 1st "Marche" Infantry XX. lwas re—
or .g0
the total count is. If you have informa-
tion on this, please send it to GR/D,
ATTN: Counter Errata, PO Box 591, .

sponsible for the graphics accompa- Grinnell, IA 50112. O

page 3

5th, 6th, 12th, and 26th of the Kiev the Soviet border/coast in each of
Scorched Earth MD, 9th of the Odessa MD) are as—
signed to the Baltic, Western, Kiev, or
these MDs. He only tells how many ar-
mies are assigned per MD; he doesn't
22 June 1941 Odessa MDs. Each army must be as— tell which armies are assigned or what
Free Deployment signed a frontage of at least 2 consec-
utive hexes along the Soviet border
their exact frontages are. (Example: In
step 1, the Soviet player assigned the
or coastline from 18:1724 through 5th, 6th, and 12th Armies to the Baltic
by John M. Astell 38:3014. The army's frontage must MD. In step 2, he tells the German
be entirely within an MD, may not player that three armies are assigned
Scorched Earth shows the historical overlap the frontage of another army, frontages in the Baltic MD.)
deployments of the Germans and So- and may not be assigned so that the
viets at the start of the war. These de- army can‘t cover the hexes adjacent 3. The German player secretly as-
ployments reflect the precampaign to the border with units or 2005. (Ex- signs (writes down) the location of his
planning and, especially for the So- ample: The Soviet player assigns the forces.
viets, abilities of both sides. In the 26th Army to the Western MD, with its The following forces must be as-
game, players start with these deploy- frontage 18:4024 through 18:4324.) signed as historical: all Finnish, Hun-
ments and develop their own strate- When the Soviet player actually de- garian, and Rumanian forces and the
gies based on their starting situations. ploys these forces, he must deploy German Army Norway (in Finland/
This article lets the players make their them within 5 hexes of their assigned Nonrvay) and ftth Army (in Rumania).
own precampaign planning and de— frontages. The armies and panzer groups of
ployments, within historical limits. The non-divisionalforces (NDFs) as Army Groups North, Center, and
The following rules allow each side a listed on the OB for the Baltic, West- South (4th, 6th, 9th, 16th, 17th, and
limited free deployment. I've tried to ern, Kiev, and Odessa MDs are now 18th Armies; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
factor in historical constraints, which assigned, one set to each of these Panzer Groups) are assigned to the
limit the Soviets more than the Ger- MDs. (Example: The Soviet player as— three Army Groups. Each army/group
mans. (The Germans have a mobilized signs his NDFs as follows: the Kiev must be assigned a frontage of at
army, fully deployable wherever they MD NDFs to the Western MD, the least 2 consecutive hexes in Greater
want in the territory they directly con- Western MD NDFs to the Baltic MD, Germany along the German border
trol. The Soviets, on the other hand, the Baltic MD NDFs to the Kiev MD, from 182224 through 3810231. The
are still at peace. The Red Army, while and the Odessa MD NDFs to the frontage must be entirely within the
large and growing, isn't fully mobi- Odessa MD.) Army Group, may not overlap the
lized, which limits its deployability. For the strategic reserve forces, the frontage of another army/group, and
While the border forces are good, 16th and 20th Armies must be as- may not be assigned so that the army/
many of the rear area troops are tied signed as historical. The 19th, 21st, group can't cover the hexes adjacent
to their garrison stations. Many of the and 22nd Armies and the 41st Rifle to the border with units or 2005.
strategic reserve forces are in transit Corps may be assigned to the follow- When the German player actually de»
to their intended areas, rather than ing locations (no more than one per ploys these forces, he must deploy
being already there, prepared and location): them within 5 hexes of their assigned
waiting. All this means the Soviet free within 2 hexes of Pskov (1821705) frontages.
deployment option is at best limited.) within 2 hexes of Dno (18:1902) The reserves as listed on the OB for
To use the free deployment option, within 5 hexes of Velikie Luki the three Army Groups are now as-
follow these steps: (18:2601) signed, one set to each of these
within 3 hexes of Smolensk Army Groups.
1. The Soviet player secretly as- (2Az3532)
signs (writes down) the location of his within 2 hexes of Roslavl (2A:4030) 4. Follow Rule 36 (Preparing for
forces. within 3 hexes of Gomel (18:4604) Play) to set up the game, using the
For the border MDs, the following within 3 hexes of 3810909 assignments made above in place of
forces must be assigned as historical: within 5 hexes of Poltava (4A:1229) the historical assignments on the
all forces of the Leningrad and Trans— within 5 hexes of Kirovograd 085. Have fun! 9
caucasus MDs, 27th Army (Baltic MD), (3821604)
13th Army (Western MD), 7th and 9th All other Soviet forces are assigned
Rifle Corps (Odessa MD), all MD re— as listed on the 08.
serves (Baltic, Western, and Kiev
MDs). 2. Forthe Baltic, Western, Kiev, and
The remaining armies of the border Odessa MDs, the Soviet player now
MDs (8th and 11th of the Baltic MD, tells the German player how many ar—
3rd, 4th, and 10th of the Western MD, mies are assigned frontages along
page a

Germans could mounl mullifl'msmn German Securiiy Division

9 9 9 security mopups. obviously. this was
beyond even me scope oi Europa (at
Status Chart
least most at m
by Shllby L. sranioii
Fonunatcly, ihe German zealior orr Nine:
Facts behind Counters ganizaiionai hierarchy gave [he 62»
signers an alternative ioundaiion ior 1 The 162d lni Dlv was disbanded

by Shelby L. Stanton counting all German securliy lamest 23 Dec 41 at Slantsa. Russia and its
while culling down drastically on the
asseis wem lo the sour. twin. and
This segment will oover the Europa number oi necessary counlers. The zsisi ini Divs. On 15 May 42. the
treatment oi German securiiy units on regimen! Wuk‘l be used as [he bulk» -l<omniandani der legionslager in
me eastern lioni. There are is securi- ing block tor the German secur y Rahmen d. 162 lnianierie Divismrl“
ty divisions, 9 security brigades. and Slmclule instead ol the battalion This was eslabir‘shed at Slellin. Germany.
44 separate securiry lype regiments idea was based on the observation and iransierred lo Mi oiud‘ Russia.
tincluding one GermarirArah legion) (Ml two-ballalion secumy regiments
represented in me me rasl/
in (the norm] barely ‘usii id a 'i' me posed pnmanly oi Vurkcslanlsdie ele
Scorched Earth The accurate slrhula bat sirengih. and individual serenity monls serving in a security role.
iron or the aeiual German security ba’l'aliorls warranted no 5119mm al all moved through Remny‘ Gadyach.
iorce while keeping me oouriter den- However‘ adding an extra banalion lo Knorol. and Lubny beiore bemg With-
sity within reasonrrrewesems a llllkr a seounly regiment iuslriied a regi drawri lo Neuharnnisr, Gelmany‘ on
menial combat strength and gave
knawn triumph oi Europa craiisrnan ii red 43. There it was redesignaied
ship every ballalion the chance ior inlnrisio ihe tea. lni Div (Turk) on as May 4:
The German security campaign in game represemziiori. and lmnsierred to Vugaslavia
Russia was incredibly complex and in once regiments were chosen as
eluded a lruly bizarre ihorritic?) Mix or lire bass 0! the Gennan seoiniy ioroe 2 rump-3 displays HIE Eslonli‘m
units Most ol these elements were lar Europa scale combal in RUSSIa iorces as separate Eastern Troop
iielded al battalion level on myriad as tlhis decision was reached in May coun‘ers lor gamlnq purposes hi:
signrnerits Sucumy divisions and 1980). ii was necessary to show mosr cause or rule consideraiiuns, This
regiments exisisd. bu order lo oov German securiry units as regimenrs. measure freed Division 300 k) abth
er vast easlemvlmnx disiances many This was done in M0 stages FIISL all several separate German security reg»
security assets were parceled out in a German]: 55 P0 izei regiments were lmenls conveniently matching The
weiler oi guard posts and minuscule leii separate, giving the SSrl-‘olizei headquaners‘ aciual SCHJYIl'y wipes:
detachments spread out along the branch [he Independence and 50099 while reducing the number ol coun-
oi operations lhat rt actually posr
various lines oi oomrniinicaiion Laig
sessod. biil without lhe combat pow
er securily iorces were somelimes as
sembled to slnke panisan iargets in er that lhe army could 1005197 with us 3 1hE 7071?! was rarsed 2 May M
spoonic area operanons. but rho Ger security divisions. and designated ollvclally as the 707
man security riirrn was nonnalry axe Alter the ssPouzei regiments were lniariiene Division toodenslanaige)
cured at a low level (no pun intend separated out in June 1950. the wilh regimenls 727 and 747, which
ed) Army's secumy4ype regimenis were were pulled "0m 'PiSENe MSlons in
Ob’vmusly. his most aocuraiu dealer examined ior incorporation imo d Munich and Augshurg The
hon oi German security in Russia sions. The Sammy divisions were llr ‘bodenslandige' descriptor led to its
would have been to oreaie gigarmo nally slanaardlzed at Three Ialmoroed lnlllal 'slahc' designation in File in the
maps simicieni lo display long railroad regiments each by slignily altering [:51 its reooninrmny lo Securily oper-
lines or widely scattered depots. com their actual compositions (see Ger ations once in Russia. hnwever.
olere with individual bridges and man Secunly DMSIUH Slams marl), caused it to be relroiided into
whislle slops, deep iorests. and mieo Palnslaklng research was USEd lo Scorched Earth as a reiniorded (4 5)
minable kadts oi marshlarid, German subordinate regiments lo divisions secumy lelSlOl’l‘ lhus reflecting ils
reaction companies could race lo the based on the iollowrng prioriles ta) True role in me Russian campargn
aid or rhreaieneo way siairoris or top Was he regiment amally entitled by
pied ialegraph poles; banalions could assignment to be part at the division7
be assembled lo hold key junctions or (bi ii the regiment was nol so as
hunt down positive parachute sight signed. was ' ever anached to me di
ings, and evory now and men rust ior vision or did it serve in The same gen
lhe hell or it lhu Russian playurcould eral area? to) lino known oonnection
rear up enlire marraiea zones, or the between division and regiment could
page 5

152 Kammandam dnr IagInnsIageI
May 42 Imm Swain. ReIch (New I)
mm MIrgamd 23 :45 Sec
Mhdrawn m; II 43
May II 42

2m Sm: Eda amved Ia Jan 42 an \Mabsk ham Lancm, Vm 375 Sec xx Jan II 42 2r, 62‘, em Secumy III
land. Immaw decIaIsd div I Jun 42 mm
om Am 45 nogImenIsIacIma inlo «Mm.
m Oouvland. an Jan II 42

2m Sec ad: amvnd I Jan 42 aI aomesk hum Pmsdam.

ReIch. rovmaIIy decIaved div I Jun 42. Cum/sned m
375 SscXX Jan 42
Raglmnnls mama Im divisIan
34 . 609-, m Secuflly III

In aw 21 on 44 mmaux Apr 45 a! Hula, East Pvus- on Jan 42.I

Com/sued In W aw ch II 44

2m Sm: I)“. arm/ad In Ins! nKErISII/a WIde nut Aw 45 in 275 SscXX Jun II4I 3744549»: and 94. sor Sewn»
Courland. Iy III

2I3 Sec DIV, amved W m aIIensIve Mm om Aug 44 a! 3559;)“ JunHM aIsJaagmm 171552-544
5mm. UkarIn cumy III

22I Sec DIV. anva m IusI oflensIve Wipes om Jun 44 as SscXX Jun II 41 350 Jaeger and 4s. sIs‘ 52cm
near Mmsk, mam, W III

2m Sac DIV. amvnd m InsI uflensws Canvansd \a II aw 3-5 Sec xx Jun II4I 363 Jaegnv and In7. 505‘ Ser
II Nov 44.
mm our 4.445 anng Odav nw
Uns, Convsnsd m InI aw Nev I44 cumy III

225 Sn: DIV, :mvnd m ”S! nfleuswe Wlued em on 44 375 SscXX Jun II4I 322 Jam. and m, 505’ 54‘
my mum, Eslnnla many III

235 Sec 0w. unwed In IImI oIIensIve Converted Io InI div as SecXX Jun II4I 354Jaagarand sI. 610‘ SecuIIr
I7 Nov 44 Wipad cm 4.145 zlnng Odav Rwar lIna, Convened‘c Imam New 44 Iy III

see ow sun mv YaIsed I May 44 naav Lake "man as 3-5 Sal: xx May 44 I

as: \20‘. Ian- Sncumy III

comm HQ Yo! Ium [Sm/Iran bcvdsv polIoe VegImams. (see Note 2)

wa Sec ow, mm w my uIIens-ve V‘fiped om May 4a In 375 53ch Jun II M we Jangav and 55', I22 Secun
{he ukrame «y III

4aI DIV2 av. (Div II» specIaI Purposes) mm Aug M ... 35 Sec xx Aug I M 53 Landschmzan III and Iour 547
Pound. DIsbarIded on 26 M814? WnMIawn MaI 43 ll cumy II

442 ow z b v (DIvleI SpemaI Purposes) aIrIved 24 Mar 375 39:: xx Am 42 I

3513?, $.4- Smme III
42 :1 Spas-Damsnsk wIpea out 24 Aug 44 In Poland,

444 Sec ow. arrived m Im Wanswe. WIped 001 II May 3-5 Sac xx Jun II 4I 350 Jaeger. 4s Sacumy, 108‘
44 In Iha UkIaIne Landschuuan III
454 Sec Di avrive ' ' to“ansIve.WIped m4! EMayM arssmxx JurIYIM 375 Jug". 57 Sacumy, Ioz
naav Emdy, Ukrame Landschmzan III

707 Slam InI ow, anIved I5 Aug 4I a! KobIIrI hum MurIIch 4.5 SacXX Aug II4I v7, 747 lnlanlvy III Impruyeu
and mamhnd In MIrIsk WIpea omJun 44 amund Bar [see None 3) m 9mm IaIeI
2» sk, RussIa.

Darmagcn ssteIm Sec DIV 275 Sec xx Jun I43 Numemus mamndem bana-
Rakes 29 May 43 an MagIIev. Russia. (SS-PnlIzeI) Ian;
asImusaImmscne SSrPnIizeI Sec DIV 25 Sec xx F» I
44 I, z esImuseImmscIIe Snuvily
Amved I3 Jan 44 aI Odessa Imm LublIn am naomn. Iss-PoIIzeII III
FaIand. wiped om 09244 m. My‘ava, SImakia. I:
page 5

Facts FROM PAGE 5 Eulapa system with a total ot 44 sep

be made, did the regimenl's arrival lit arate German security regiments tor RKKA
in a t mely manner with the dleSlon's the Russian trorit, a healthy number
amval the ocmpied zone7 The add that allows the German playerto dupic The soviet Mtlltary ln Europa
ed regimems enaoled John Aslell to care the historical dispersal ot his see
luslily security envisions at as levels curity torces. The hnal regimental by Charles c. Sharp
The appropriate division choices 'Doum' includes one SennarhArah lee
were made and a resoution was made gion (by the way, at 243 the strongest "convolutions ln cardboard"
in the case ol two German security dis security veg‘lmem), three army bicycle ror this titst column on the Soviet
VlSlOrIS (201, 20:) that initially arrived security regiments (2nd, 3rd, 7thl, military in Eurapa there are a lot oi
as brigades These were hath given twenty-one army regular secunty re , possible topics to cover, general
divisional status upon game amval b - ments, and nineteen SSrPolizel re , knowledge ol the "Big Red Army‘ in
cause oi their moditred intemal re merits (including one mount ‘

World War it is rare, contused, and fire»

mental allocations, savin a later guahhed, the lath), quently dead wrong However, many
counter switch, The only division that Although regimental and divisional ol the details ol equipment, organiza»
created trouble between games was absorptions were used to eliminate all tions, and numbers will come out as
the 707th, which the Germans orticiat separate security battalions during we cover specilic units in detail. So, to
ly classitied as lntahtene 'visiori toor 19414943, another batch showed plovlde continuity with the articles
den$landlge)~a static inlantry up in early 1944 During this stage ol that have already covered the u s
sion but actually utilized as security Scorched Earth development, in July tst lntantry Division (my l) and the
The 707th appears as a static totma toss, it was decided to u e 557 German tst lntantry nivi on tTrlvrt),
tion in rire in the east, but John Astell Polizei brigades to resolve the plane this piece will coverthe Soviet tst l ’

later reconsidered this classitication lerri These were not 1ixed combat or- tte Division» the Moscow Proletaiiat
and ruled on June 5, tsao, that 'the ganizations but rather administrative Division
7070: Division will have its unit type statls F'lve SScFolizel group heade There are two problems everyone
changed to security trorn static," The quarters tEckhardt, General von Gott- has to be aware oi belore we go any
707th now appears quite property, as oerg, Pruerzmann, Fllga, and von der
a security division in both games yacht were selected as being the
turther FIrSI, while German, us
ish, and other Western armies original

The remaining army security regl’r most suitable. considering their size documems are available to the histori
merits not titted into diirisions were and location These were used to cor- anrwargamer, that is emphatically NOT
ldenttfied tor game inclusion as sepals ral separate security battalions, path true oi the Sou t Army. There are
ate counters This process tell the 53 and army, which iloated in dunng hundreds ot unit histories irom ore
the hrst part ot l944, Alter inchouse gade to army level pubilshed and
playtesting. the live brigades were thousands ot articles in various Soviel
tormally announced in Scorched journals on the war, and German inlet
Earth t’laytes! Newsletter No, 7ot ligenee reports lromthe waron 0r
January VA, 1987.
By the way. the tour other security
him in the us National Alchlves. out
the primary source maten'al, the Sir
brigades in the game toirlewanger, viet archives, are closed lhus coverr
Druznina, szmski, and the Russ- age is spotty. A good unit history or a
kaya Natlonalnaya Narodnaya Arrrilyal scholarly anicle in the Vaenno
were imamous organizatlons with lslonchelrii Zhuma/ ("Mllilary History
their own tixed internal compositions Journal") may give exact data on a giv.
and appear Without organizational en outtit, out many unit histories are
rnodtticat n, oi the 'wnat tun we had slaughtering
The linal result oi this Europa pm- tascists" variety, and practically use-
NAllllllAl gramming gives the German player a
wide range ol security torces with
Second, the histories oi many So
many contrasting sizes and lypes lnr
SillVlcE tensive playtesting verilied that the
viet units are lat more oomplex than
their tcreign counterparts, and the
available German security array has history ol the tst Rtlle D on, one or
NEEDS You the optimal ight number’ at court the most lamous units in the Soviet
ters The resulting mix ol German 597 Anny. is a good example.
cunty divisions, brigades, and re The tst Rllle Division, named in
(an Army L M "477/ merits proved perieclly suited to how
the scale ol the simulation and own
honor oi the Moscow Prolelavial
(workers), was lormed at Moscow on
ter-sheet economy considerations. n
page 7

29 December 1926 and served as a stationed lust autSlde Moscow, 51107 that time. a very powertul divis‘on.
parade or "showpiece" unit in Mos- ordinate to 7th Meeh corps HG in October 1942 the 1st Guards lair
cow Military District urttil June 1941 in which was in turn under 2mh Amtye lle Division, which had also been
Septemher 1939 it was alerted tor He that had lust started lorm g in lormed in September 1941 lrorn
possible action in the oocupatton o1 April 1941. The 1st Mech Dtvls n at moth Rllle Division began torming
Poland out dld not, apparently, acmeir this time was slightly overstrength: 1st Guards Mecha zed corps. This
ly move out. When the soviet army 12,000 men, an T7345, 10 1<v tanks, tell the premier Guards ritle designar
began its expansion in September 225 BT77!“ and one light tanks, 54 tioh empty, so in January 1943 the
Decemher 1939, the original 2d and 122mm no ers. and 13 45mm AT 1st Guards Motorized was 'de»
3d Rifle Regiments were used as ea» guns Dorsdertng that the average is motorized" and redesignated the 1st
dres tor the torrning ttsth and 12sth ile division at the lrontter only h d 9. Guards Rille Division. with that title it
Rttle Divisions The 1st mile Regi- 10.000 men, and the mech drvi ns ended the war. but the ~tst Rttle Divir
ment stayed with the division, which were not authorized any heavy or me siort' story doesnt end there
was rebuilt With the 51h, 175th, and dum lanlts, this was obviously a privlr in June 1942 another 1st Rllle Divir
aseth Ritte Regimenls At thrs ttm leged unit ston was tonne ‘
Kuthyshev, with
late 1939, all the title regiment nurl'Ir The tst Moon was ordered west on 4090i, 412th, 415m Rifle Regiments
bars in the Soviet Army were Scram~ 22 June 1941 and promptly ran out and tozsth Artillery fieglmem. Thrs
tried, previously they had been air item under 7th Meoh Corps, which mm sewed with 51h Reserve Army,
most entirery in sequence. with 1st never controiled it again When 1st 55111 Army and ISLGuzrds Army at
Division having regrmems 1, 2, and a, Mech went trtto action against Gudelir Stalingrad, and so distinguished itsell
and so on an'S spearheads at aohntrsk, the Bo» that on at December 1942 it became
in November 1939 the Soviel High hruisk Tank ottlcers School with a the ssih Guards Rifle Division
Command decided to dishand the training hattalion o1 T-a4s attached it- Never le111rtg a lucky unit title go to
mechantzed corps tormed in the late sell to the division, so the 8263 rating waste. n January 1944 yet another
19305 in the light or (mistaken) leS~ tn Eumna is rustihed by more than rust 1st Fltlle Division was tonned. this time
sons trom the Spanish Civil War To the torrnal strength or the division As at Nevel by 1st Baltic me command
provide some solid base torthe indt. Western Front retreated past Smor trom 31st and tooth Rifle Brigades
vidual tank brigades and horse cavalry lensk, the t1stn Tank Regiment trom The ritle regiments and artillery {Cglr
divrstons making breakthrough move the 57th Tank Division was also addr merit tormed took the same numbers
ments, they also decided to lorm Mr ed to replace tank losses tn 1he divi- agai Aoeth, 412m, otsth. and
teen 'Mechantzed Dt ' ' ns,’ The ston, and wrtn two tank regiments, on l0261h This unit ended the war in
1irst tour were convened trorn eXJSIlng 18 August it was renamed (but not re- Germany with 70111 Army
rirle divisions starting in May 1940, eouippedl as the 1st Tank DIVISlOW'IO Thus, the ongtnal tst Rifle Division,
and one ot them was the 1st rtttle Divi the uller eonlusion or German 05 an- a nonmotortzed prewar 475 or posse
sion. atystst hly 575 unit, became a mechanized 01>
These mech divisions were each to On 31 August 1941 the divtsion vision tn 1940 (13-6-9), atank d ston
have two motorized rille regiments, an won the order ot the Red Banner, hrtetly in 1941, a Guards motorized n1
artillery regiment, and atank regiment and on 22 September 1941 the 1st lle can on in 1941 (57101, and then a
By converting the 12m (light) Tank Mechanized (Tank) Div n became Guards rttle divson in 1943 (951.
Brlgade to the 12m Tank Regiment, the 1st Guards Motorized Rifle Divi- while another ten, the original 1st
the 1st Moscow Proletariat Mecha» sion The sohordina1e units did not Gds Flttle Division, became a Guards
ntzed Division was termed with 6111 reserve their Guards titles until later in rneohanized corps, and two other divlr
and 1751h mot Rifle Regimems, 121h 1942, at which ttrne the Gift and t751h sions carried the original 1st nille Diw-
Tank Regiment with 225 DTe7m became the tst and ad Gds mot Rifle 510" title dunng 1942 and 1944.45
tanks, lath Artillery Regimem. 300m Regiments, and 1:tlh became the And rememoer, this is one ot the
AA Battalion, 12311 AT Battalion, and 35th Gds Aniltery Regiment. Because more wellrducumemed units in the
93d Reconnaissance Ban , tank regiments onry had 3040 tanks Soviet Armyl Consider that over 7011
In June 1940 the lessons ot the in late 1941, 12th Tank Regiment was divisions were tormed by the Soviets
Battle o1 France hit the Soviet union, redesignated 51h Tank Brigade to em- during the war, many or them almost
and they began hastily lormlng tank phasize the intenlion to keep this unrt completely undoarmented. and the
divisions and retorrning mechanized heavily armored. and never received a problem ol the Soviet OE oeoomes
corps, this time wnh 1031 tanks each Guards destgnadon On 21 October very evident. Behindthe mass olso,
in two tank divisions and one mecri dt- the 1st Gds MrtD had 9206 men, 31 476, 5-5, 675, and 7-5 ritle tsrons,
vision. As the 7th Mechanized Corps tanks, 10 armored cars, 44 arttilery there e hundreds or variations on
lormed up in Moscow Military District. pieces, 40 mortars, 20 AA guns, and how d sions were tanned, retormed,
1st Mech Division was as 'gned to it, 950 trucks and cars. given the Gas» and, too orlen, disbanded or r
on 22 June 1941 the d perate na1ure ol the Soviet loroes at named. n
page a

as Ford/Opal were noi used prior lo posiiion has been crealed io organrzr
Grand Europa ihe ombreak oi hosii res lo assemble
a German war mac ne because ihe
daia by oaregory and lo keep ihe (low
or rnlormalion lo ihe individual design
“A momenlary lapse or Germans did nor wanl ihese imema- ream members working in ihai caleQOr
reason lional companies lo know ihey were ry This should help keep ihingsin or
going lo a war ioonng ihe resuli or der and speed ihis monumeniai pro
by Winston Hamilton ihese lwo ilerns meanl lhar ihe econs iecr along
omy was grossly undevulililed and For now, please consider wlial l

The rnrial design learn has been as» was kepl very ineiiicehr by ignoring have said Those or you who have
sembied and is now working our ihe ihe praclices ol planned mass pros wririen lo Ben or mysen aboul GEcan
lirsl problem oi GE war is ihe 51am duclion auile a drliereni piclure resl assured lhai we will wanl your
ing dale ior GP) when compared lo lhe unned Slales suppon We don‘l wanl an avalanche
As a malh problem GE has a sum which invoked a wanirne economy on or paperwork uniil ihe syslem has
and a quo‘iemi pans oi ihe problem December a, 1541. ii does noi ap- been sel up lo deal wilh ii The sys
should ilow Io ihe soluiron in shori, pear lhal lhe Germans were as curls lcrn is being hulii and line Coordinlliliv
when all ihe pans are assembled ri ning as we mighl have been led lo be should be ready lo gel inlormalion or
should add up heve Em Miller had polilical realiiies lo oanrzed in aboui srxly days
heiore any olher pan can be deal wilh He needed guns and hula in ihe nexl issue or ihe magazme
looked al‘ discussed, developed, 127 ler keeping up phvaie nonwar pro will lay our ihe drali grid we will be u:
searched orany oiher work done on duclron was necessary ro show ihe ing lo design GE lwiii also delaii moi
any oiher parl. we have lo know when hornevolkslnal all was okay iniormalion aboul now you can help, i
lo siari. Various males have been sug Remember loo, slave labor was you are inleresied You can be or
gusied, ranging irom ihe Spanish CW> used in unskilled and sernrskrlled ploV sured lhai ihere will be a Grand l'rrri
ii war lo
Oper n Barbarossa The duclion as ihe war progressed. which pa designed and published beio .
Spanish civil war seems lo be loo oilsei lhe real GNP ior war production you allempl lo collecl your social or
early and Operalion Barbarossa on bolh ihe credil and oosi side rac cunly reiiremenl check ll
seems in be loo laie ihe consensus ioring rhis one poini could be a de
will ulirmaiely deiermine ihe lime, our sign nrghirnare Presupposing laclors
my reeling isinal rl should be in 1935 such as lhose looks like lhe besi solu
or less ll you pick lhese dines you lion
Opp mleil‘i a Wanted
have begun GF on ihe eve or WWHi All rhrs is ouile speculalive uniil a
which Will give bolh ihe Axis and Al dale and amine are draiied To lhal Send your Opponenrs Wanmd ad lo
lied players ihe iiexibiirly lo examine end ihe learn is working on problem ihe edrror rorpublicaiioh nekl issue
ihoir rcspcclrve goals and obieciives Humberonei ihe dale An ouiiine and
arid nol saddle eiiher side will ihe
historical misiakes aller ihe beginnlng
simple siruciure and a sol oi pieces I The Europa Associairon oiiers a
conlacl Serwce lor members only
dures (noi sei in concreiei will lollow
oi wwu can nol begin lo describe
The basic design componenls such Send an sAsE lo GR/D and ash ior a
ihe ccnversaiions some or us have as naval module uhiiied arri esseniial lisling oi EA members in your zip
had asiollie varied hisiorres ihal can production polrlrcal evenis, and olher code area
be crealed‘ regardless ol ihe dare {A conlacl Sewrce
calegones have lo be assembled
you sian s; irom An endless and
uresome maze is placed beiore ihis
Members oi lhe design learn will lake
on lhese componenls and design
Game iiosealch’DSSign
PO Box 5m
learn as lhey approach lhe problem and develop caleoories wilhin ihe Grinnell, lA smizeosei
ihe roam laces whai may be a nearly iramework or ihe uniiied GE plan
impossible lask, bur ii may also be There Will be a Gland europa repori Igame
larn a ruropa lanaiic wilh every
and module pul our H 55
quire easy Whal would a program run in each subsequem issue ol ihe mag» ',
irorn beginning lo and in or look like7 azrne lhal will liil in some more of ihe
MM, Narvrk, Tm, Wu CW, roF, NEV
lex‘s lake ihe German High come blanks Many oi you have solicited sap, Torch, and ihe wlnler War and
mand‘s plan, pul lonh in early 1937, Spanish ciiril War vahanls irom The
suppon ior ihe projecl and have or Grenadier Now all need are a iew op
lo build sikiy panzer divisions (a ianlar lered lo help Thank you lorihis The

sy al besii By way or example, re way you Will be able lo help is lo don oonenls l‘m all dressed up wilh no
member ihe lacl lhal (ii Germany was sider whal area oi GP you leel besl place lo golll i am very inleresled in
in ihe business oi producing phvale quaililedlo work in in ihe neariuiure keeping in conlaci wnh oiher Europa
passenger aulos unlrl i944 showing we will be publishing ihe ordline and
a complele disregard lo ihe needs ol direclrng lhose ol you who wanl lo James F. vandine
a warrirne economy and (2) lhe exlstr volunleer lime and eiion io respond 740 Cenlral sr Apr Hrs
rrig mass produclion companies such lo ihe coordinalorol ihe proieci This Leominsler, MA ulAss
page a

Aslell ls lhe llrlal arbllraleren any rule conllrmallon whcse order ol appezvs
The Urals Module: changes or eddlllons bul some ol lhe
problem 3135 am new addressan ll’k
encc dlllers lrem Scorched Farm
The DH appears lo be ncal‘y Toadyl
An Update elude soyle- arrneranlllery replace lhlsllnle There wlll be no mnlol su
menl pbb Teslvlcllonsl range reslrlcr prlsesl bul my Axls oppenonls ln m=
IIonslmAxls alrdcpsslmllerlolhose poslal Searched Farm game em nerl
by Dennls

JV Dubberley npblled lo lhe Sbylels. lhe dellnlllen playlnq should lake ncle lllal lhe arr
ol lhe end el lhe lnsl wnller ler pur yal el The as Mech xx (a are) new or
Eumpa xlll, The Una ls proceedlng Doses or Suvle‘ wln|enzed unll Tar curs ln lhe Moskva MD and nel m llll
sleadlly lowards a llrsl duarler 1969 placemenl, and changes lo porl slze all map MD As cummanaer el
l -ease slnee lhe erllcle lhal apr based on hlsloncal embmk’dlsembalk Soylel lsl Ta’lk Army ln lhe Meshla
seared ln TEN 4 lhe scope el lhe capacllles The maln addlllerls le llle sealer sure wellld hka lo hnyo lllls

plolecl has become more rellned and rules wlll be lound ln lhe lecloly brlllsercn Aug M lnslbod cl nlg ll

have compleled nearly all bl lhe r27 capllal lransler rules‘ lhe relrllerce 6‘ due le lhe las ' 5‘ ylelallon cl ll 0
search For ll-qulrnlg Ylmlds. a slalus menll replaccnlenl rules, and ruleslor sanbllly ol lhe Moshye MD‘ l au ll

rcpon ldelld Nerclllber l3 lees; crl supply movemem el small unils lless wlll have lo wall l-nlll my non mm“ sl
ench el lhe games mnler compe lhenl R[1.lluwgrbads The ell nlap searched Eanhl There wll hl’ lllll
llel ls ls MOI/Med blzkw lrl lllary dlslllcl hleyenlenl procedure olhbr snlall surprlsos lo we Sn/le‘l U\
ls eulle elabolale and Wm provlde as well. blll nelnlng malnr son-ell lll
Maps. The drnlls cl maps an 29‘ playels Wllh lllslehl lrllo belh lhe eeo lhls verslen ol lhe Sovla: on re be l ll
anyand 311mm scnl lo John nslell ln granhle enemllly ol lhe Scyler llnlen updahi.‘ wnh delalled lnlormallell or
Oclnbel Tor reylew roHDwng hls re as well as llle lypts ol unlls lhel were all unlls arllulnb lrenl oll map nlllllely
y.e~_ lhe meps were senl lo ralsed ln each reglon I
e/enmally dlsmcls By lhe way, lhe lnlnnlry l.
wlnslon llellll ler lor bredllcllen hope le see lhls semen el lhe game placemenl rules have been rewrlll
'llere have nel been any slgnlllcahl expanded m a lulure nlodule (Wllh lo accounl lor lhe mdeual oll map
changes to lhe maps slneo rem be counlersl lb lnclllde all Seylel lerces lnllllary dlslrlcls llllanlry replacemenl
cause lhls rmlon cl lhe p'n,ecl was ralsed dullllg lhe war Tm: drall rules ln me on map dlslrlcls ls m) ‘0“ng
nearly complele ell -he llrne ol lhe lasl wlll he lorwerded le lhe reylew leanl lumped mlo one lolal
anlcle have uncovered some addlr
assembled lor lhls prelecl lollowmg
llona mnlerlal lhal wnl allecl some or my llnel rules scrub and lhe develop chans- Expecl lcls chnns m l
lhe lerraln on maps 23 and 29 wlll l
menl ol lhe deslgnet‘s neles module have Lempleled pl. :lmlnan

also be Meakmg lhe loads and rall walk on lhese They are rlcl expects
llnes on map 29 Thls NIH cause lhe sovlel order 0! Baule. Unllkc ed 10 requlre a qrbal deal or llnle ll
pod rules le be somewhel more corn lhe rules lhe Sovlel order bl ballle llnlsh Mesl el lhem are llprlales 1r
plcx w are :hlnklne aboul address wlll be complelely reylsed and Teprlnlr eXlSWVfl chans appearlnq ln Search
no lhe remalnlrlg ponlens ol lhe Cas ed AH errala will be mcorporated and Earlh or lhe play ald kl‘s pwv ou
plan ln e lulure mod le er playrald kn lhe Easlerll Mllllary Dlslrlcl lerces \M l
publlshed by (SH/D lwc nee chn
More on lnal ldea le lcllcrlr al a lelcr amle ln lndlyldual on map rnlllrary (1‘57 wlll be preylded One wlll coyl r ell
llme lncl hbldlng boxes In mesl cases. map mllllary dlslrlcl moycncn: end
lhese uhlls wul ge lnlo reserve and be proylde lcr ne2dlng boxes le p ,
Rules; The Il'SI drall el lne rules ls released al a Ialer llme ly'arly ol l lo 4 unlls appearlhg lh lhose dlslrlcls Tm
now complele an preserlly dclng a
5 ""2 dlylslohs were orlglnally ralsee elher new snarl wlll be an mlrmap rall
nelor edll lo ensure lelel compellbll-ly al 3 e slrerglhs They recelyed dddlr dlslallce charl ler llle easl and wesl
wl'll lhe Scorched Earrh relebooh ‘lljna‘ lralnlng prlor lo lhelr commns map edges The rules en 0" map rall
We lylll nol be repllbllsnme lhe ennle menl and wlll be convened ell mdp lnoyernelll Wlll no longer be abstract
Tulebouk Rules lhal have been Al lhe presenl “Mel l do nol ahllclpale ed
crnnoed or added le be wrlllen ln pvo‘lldlng lor eally commllmcnl ru es
lhelr enllrely clarlllcallons lc exlsllne ler reserve ulllls Lnless hxls lbrces Mlscellaheous- Expecl le Tea
mles Wlll also be llsled Players rlllll cnler 'he rnllllary dlslncl prler lo lhulr CCIVKZ sun/s rcducllons ol each map
lhen be asked lo ncle lrl lnelr release ln lhe case cl some or lhe slrnllar lo lhose DTDVlded ln lhe plays
Scars/led Earlh rulebeen where lhe on map dlslncls lhls becomes a lever ald klls We have downgraded lhe
changes occur and reler lb The l/rals ram lssue Charles sharp came scope ol lhe "scenario” due lo lhe
lulebook lor lhe aclual change The lhreugh wnh some llne research on lack ol rel able lnlorrnallon We mlghl
lu‘es men‘selres are a corrlbmahen ol lhe ollrmap mlllary dlslrlcl lorces be proyldlnd lnlormallbn and posSlbl/
addlllons based on lhe new map coy WIHEII was recenllylerwarded lo me I
mles le ceyer pelenllal Axls comman
erage and changes lo lhe old rules lust llnlshed a scrub el his 05 and do operallons aealnsl lhe lnduslrlal
where l lell a problem exlsled John have lemarded a llsl ol unlls lor hls Tegluns ln lhe Urals won‘t know lhe
page 10

final scope of this effort until the mod-

the actual policy of the Italian Navy
ule gets closer to publication,
Beyond Compass and its reluctance to engage in major
surface actions with the Royal Navy. I

In summation, expect the module to refer doubters to Bragadin, Marc An»

be packaged in official Europa box art by James A. Broshot tonic, The Italian Navy in World War II
in March 1989!
(Annapolis: US. Naval Institute,
Before leaving, would like to ex»
Ben Knight's fine article in TEN 2 1957), page 20.
tend a note of thanks to the following about Operation Compass set me to 2. Rule 2682, On-Map Shipping,
people: Charles Sharp, for plugging thinking what can be done to make addition: "The Allied EMed shipping
some gaping holes in my Soviet OB; GDW's War in the Desert combined capability on Mar 41 and Jun 41 is

A. E. Goodwin, for providing answers game an even more accurate simula- 0." This takes into account the all-out
to several sticky issues covering simi- tion, especially as to the events of the effort of the Royal Navy to first ship
lar problems in both The Urals and early days of the desert war. As dis- troops to Greece and then to evacu-
The Soviet Far East modules; John cussed by Ben, Compass was con— atethem.
Astell, for guiding me away from ceived and executed by the British Both of these proposals would have
"weird Europa" and providing the with very limited resources and far ex- to be modified it the "No Expedition
master's touch in maintaining overall ceeded the Allied commanders' fond- to Greece" variant is used or if Marita-
continuity with previous titles in the est wishes. General Wavell, C in C Merkur is played in conjunction with
series; and finally to Winston Hamil- Middle East Forces, was being War in the Desert (or for Grand Euro—
ton, for giving me the opportunity to pushed by Churchill to mount an of~ pa). These proposals limit Italian rein-
develop a project that l have asked for fensive against the Italians in the forcement attempts to Cyrenaica dur—
since Unentschieden was published Western Desert, At the same time, he ing Compass and limit British abilities,
in 1974! Again, many thanks. Q was being told that military aid to too.
Greece was to have top priority, and
he was dealing with Italian East Africa, B, No Allied rail movement is possi-
Wavell was also responsible for keeps ble during the regular Allied player
ing the peace in Palestine, watching turn following the Allied surprise at-
the Vichy French in the Levant, and tack turn. This simulates the disrupe
protecting the Empire's interests in tion to the Allied supply network after
Iraq and Iran. To further complicate having brought up troops and sup-
matters. most of his infantry units in plies for the offensive, and for rea-
Egypt were Australian and New Zea— sons enumerated by Ben.
land brigades, which were under-
trained and ill-equipped and whose C. Australian and New Zealand in-
commanders were answerable not fantry brigades must end each Allied
only to him but also to their govern- player turn in any city in the Delta or
ments. Palestine; they may not leave these
Ben takes a stab at figuring in some areas unit "activated," They defend
of these constraints but more must be normally if attacked but may not attack
done to put the Allied player (who in until activated. An Australian or New
effect is standing in Wavell's shoes) Zealand infantry brigade is activated
under the same pressures and limita- when a division HQ of the proper na»
tions. Therefore, propose the follow
tionality is on the game board at the
ing rules changes and modifications, start of an Allied movement phase;
some of which affect the OB and OA each HO may activate three infantry
of the various units. l have tried to de- brigades. Once activated, the bri-
sign these not only to fit the War in gades may move and attack freely.
the Desert scenario but also to be For example, no New Zealand infantry
adaptable to the larger scheme of brigade is activated until Mar I41, and
things of Grand Europa. three Australian infantry brigades are
activated on Dec 40.

A. Naval Transport This proposal simulates the need to

1. Rule 2662. The Eastern Medi— train and equip the Australian Imperial
terranean, is changed as follows: Forces and the New Zealand Expedi-
Once a Klng, now but a ”The Axis player may not ship any- tionary Force before they can be com-
Memory . Who was this guy? thing east of Benghazi until the Jun | mitted to combat, and also the reluc-
41 turn. .
. This change simulates tance of the governments of these-
page 11

Commonwealths and their military add 2x 1-8 mot MG || 2, 8 (from Fall pass and give the Allied player more
commanders to allow their troops to of France). of a taste of Wavell's predicament.
be committed piecemeal and under Aug 41 convert 2x 1-8 mot MG ll 2,
I : The best way to play War in the Desert
British tactical command. They would 8 to 1 3-10 Mot Ill 200.
x is to play Marita-Merkur at the same
go to war under their own leaders and (This is to better simulate the ad hoc time, but rules of both games must be
as divisions and not brigaded togeth- nature of 5. Leichte Division.) standardized. It should be pointed
er with British troops. 2. Allied Forces: out that to accurately be in Wavell's
a. 2nd Armoured Division: shoes, the Allied player has no choice
D. The British government desig— Jan 41: 1x 3-2-10 Arm X 3,
as to the issue of helping Greece.
nated certain units to be sent to 1x 12—10 SG X 2 (from Their Fin— This decision has already been made
Greece, and therefore these units est Hour); for him by Churchill.
were kept in reserve and not sent to 1x 372—10' Arm X 1, Two final notes: First, to accurately
the Western Desert in order to pre- 1x1-10 mot AT II 102 (from Mari- simulate Operation Compass as set
pare for and stand ready to go to ta—Merkur). out in Ben's article, you must use the
Greece. Units designated to be com- The latter two units are assigned to Scorched Earth administrative move-
mitted to Greece may not leave the Greece and are restricted as per D ment rules rather than those in War in
Delta or Palestine until one of these above. If 2 SG is eliminated it does not the Desert. Otherwise the Australi-
events occurs: go to the replacement pool and can- ans can't get to Bardia in time.
1) They are sent to Greece as per not be rebuilt, and in any event with» Second, in staging Compass under
the order of battle (or by the Allied draw Feb ll 42. 1st Arm X is withdrawn Ben's proposals, have found that an

player if playing MaritavMerkur with from play Dec 42; if it is on the board
aggressive Italian player, if he risks
War in the Desem. receive one arm RP. This unit can be 2:1, 1.511, or even 1:1 counterat-
2) Greece surrenders (as per Marita- scrapped, without penalty, beginning tacks, can significantly delay or even
Merkur). Jun | 42. On Sep ll 41 convert 3rd Arm cripple the Allied offensive, especially
3) German ground units advance X and 2x 2-1-6 Tank ll 4RT, 7RT to 1x if he can
get a surrounded DR or EX
beyond hexcolumn 18:29xx (El 6-4A6 Tank X 32T. If any of these units on the 7th Armoured Division. Per-
Agheila). are on the board, no cost; it all are in haps some sort of "Graziani" rule,
The Allied units restricted by this the replacement pool, one arm RP. such as was proposed in David
rule are: 2 NZ Inf XX (4, 5,6 NZ Inf Xs), (The 2nd Armoured Division was sent Scheel's article in The Grenadier #23,
7 Aus Inf XX (18, 21, 25 Aus Inf Xs), to the Middle East below strength would be in order to curb ahistorical
Poi Carp Inf X, and Brit 1 Arm X. This [two of its armored regiments had overaggressiveness on the part of
restriction does not apply to 6 Aus Inf been sent ahead early in 1941 to the Italians.
XX (16, 17, 19 Aus Inf Xs), any British bring 7th Armoured Division up to In preparing this article have relied

inf X. Brit W Art X, or AA units and strength] and ill-equipped. See Crisp, on the sources already noted, as well
counters. Robert, The Gods Were NeutrallNew as Jackson, W. G. F., The Battle for
This restriction is designed to place York: Ballantine Books, 1961] and North Africa, 1940 . 1943 (New York:
the Allied player in the same position Joslen, H. F., Orders of Battle [Lon- Mason/Charter, 1975), corresponv
as Wavell, that is to say trying to don: HMSO, 1960]. The British simply dence with GDW, and notes and arti-
mount an offensive knowing the bulk did not have two lully equipped ar- cles in The Grenadier and Europa
of your forces are earmarked by your mored divisions in Egypt in January Nuts 8. Bolts. Comments and critir
superiors for Greece. The decision to 1941) cisms welcomed. £2

aid Greece was made quite soon after b. 2-3-8 Art X W is removed from
the Italian invasion, but the Greek play and may not be replaced upon its 1

ISSUES 1, 2, 3, AND 4 OF

leader Metaxas, out of fear of offend- return from Greece.

ing the Germans, refused to accept c. Withdraw 1—8 AT ll 65 Sep II 42 THE EUROPA NEWLETTEH
any help except air units and technical (became organic AT unit of 7th Ar- ARE AVAILABLE FROM GRID
troops. After Metaxas died suddenly, moured Division).
the new Greek government decided d. Withdraw 1-10 mot AT II 102 The lirst four issues of The Europa
to accept Churchill's repeated offers. Oct 42 (became organic AT unit of
Newsletter are in a newsletter format,
Naturally all this would have to be 50th Infantry Division). They come printed on 8 1/2 by 11
changed in Grand Europa. e. Lastly, add airtield at 19:0708 inch sheets with three holes punched
(Allied controlled initially, becomes on the left side. Issues 1 thru 4 repre-
E. The following corrections to the Axis controlled Jun I41). sent the pre-magazine format. They
Axis and Allied orders of battle are cost $3 each plus 50¢ shipping.
also suggested: I
believe these modifications will Members of the Association pay
1. German Forces: more accurately simulate the Allied sit- $2.50 each, shippping included.
Feb || 41: delete 1x 3-10 Mot III 200; uation at the start of Operation Com-
page 12

Scorched Earth Errata - Jan I 89

The German 461st Ersatz unit is a division (XX), not a battalion (if).
The German 2-1-10 Asault Gun H H, J should be 21-10 P2 ll H, J.
The cadre of the German 17-10 Pz XX 4 should be 8-8, not 7-8.
The cadre of the German 15-10 Pz XX 2 should be 7-8, not 8-8.

Change the spelling of "Kuybuyshev" (7A:4701) to "Kuybyshev."

Axis 08:
Forces, Rumanian Reserves: Change 3x1-2-6 MG X 1, 5, Res to 2x1-2-6 MG X 1, Res.
May 43: The upgradings of the 2nd and 4th Panzer Div. are scrambled and should be as follows:

1x 11~10 Pz XX 2 upgrades to 1x 15—10 Pz XX 2, at a cost of 3 arm RPS;

1x 1010 P2 XX 4 upgrades to 1x 1710 P2 XX 4, at aoost of Sam RPs.
Sep I44: 1x 271-4 Art II 774 should be 1x 2-1-8 Art || 774, corresponding to the counter.
Dec I44: 2x 1-2-6 Emrgncy XX 605, 608 should be 2x 1-2-6 Emrgncy Cadre 605, 608.
1942 Scenario: Finnish Front: Delete 1x 2-8 Mtn Pol ill 18 (SS-Pol).
1942 Scenario: Regauged Rail Lines:
a) The line starting with "Riga" is incorrect. It should read "Riga (181816) to 1B2212 to
182407" and “1B:2608 to Vitebsk (18:3203) to Vyazma (2A:3425)."
b) In the line starting with "15: 3512," "1b:47-4" should read "1Bz4704."
c) In the line starting with "3820710," all references to map 2A should be map 4A.
Abbreviations: German: RAD stands for Reichsarbeitsdienst. SS: H stands for Hohenstaufen, not Hohenzollern.
Soviet OB:
North Caucasus MD: The deployment instructions forthis MD should read: "At any major or dot cities in
the district, with at least 3 REs at each major city in the district."
Jul || 41: Add: Baltic MD: Any City in Latvia or Estonia: 1x3-6 Rifle XX 201.
Jul ll 41, From Eastern MDs: Change 1x3-6 Rifle XX 178 to 2x3-6 Rifle XX 178, 194.
Jul || 41, Replacement Pool: Add 2x3-2-8 Tank X 17, 18 lo the twelve already in the pool, making a total of fourteen.
Aug 41, Replacement Pool: The "234" unit identification is printed twice here. Delete one.

Aug II 41, From Eastern MDs: Change 2x646 Tank XX 59, 60 to 1x6-4-8 Tank XX 60,
Sep ll 44, Moskva MD: Change 2x36 Rifle XX 201, 328 to 1x396 Rifle XX 328. Delete 2x3-2—8 Tank X 17, 18
from the seven listed as reinforcements, leaving five.
Oct l 41, From Eastem MDs: Delete 1x36 Rifle XX 194. Add 1x7-6 Rifle XX 78 (w).
Nov 41, From Eastern MDs: Delete 1x7-6 Rifle XX 78 (w).

Nov ll 41, From Eastern Mds: Add 1x2-6‘ Rifle X 35.

Dec | 41, From Eastern MDs: Change 5x2-6‘ Rifle X 34, 35, 36, 37, 40 to 4x2-6' Rifle X 34, 36, 37, 40.
Feb 42, Moskva MD: Change 1x2-1-8 Tank X 79 to 2x2-1-8 Tank X 69,79. NOTE: The counter for the 69th

Tank Brigade appears in Fire In The East.

Apr | 42: Withdraw: Add 1x218 Tank 69 to the list making a total of ten 2-1-8 tank Brigades withdrawn.
Sep 43: Change "Convert: 2x14-11-8 Tank XXX any to: 2x15-12-8 Tank XXX 8, 9 (Gds)" to "Convert

1x14-11-8 Tank XXX any to: 1x15—12-8 Tank XXX 8 (Gds)."

Nov 43: Add "Convert: 1x 15-8 Mech XXX any to: 1x16-8 Mech XXX 8 (Gds)."

Jul 44: Delete "Convert: 1x17-8 Mech XXX any to: 1x18-8 Mech XXX 8 (Gds)."

Sep 44: Move the conversion of 1x18-8 Mech 9 (Gds) to this turn from Oct 44. Delete the conversion of
l I

1x15-12-8 Tank XXX 12 (Gds) from this turn.

Oct l 44: Move the conversion of 1x5-6 Rifle XX 101 (Gds) to this turn from Novl 44.
Nov | 44: Add "Convert: 2xf4-11<8 Tank XXX any to: 2x15-12-8 Tank XXX 9, 12 (Gds)."
Soviet Air Force: Add 1xG—1 air unit to the initial forces.
1942 Scenario, General Reserves: Change 1x3-6 Rifle XX 11 (NKVD) to 7x3-6 Rifle XX 2. 5, 6, 7,8,9, 13 (NKVD).

Unit Identification Chan: a) Heavy antiaircraft units have heavy equipment. b) The Replacement Army indicator for Re-
page 13

placement Army units is not shown. It is a square in the upper right corner of the counter. (See a German
reserve, training,
or ersatz division for an example.) 0) The NKVD political troops symbol is shown with the motorized symbol. This is incor-
rect; the basic symbol should be the NKVD symbol without the motorized symbol. An NKVD political
troop symbol with the
motorized symbol is combat/motorized, it is AEC/ATEC neutral, and has heavy equipment.
Terrain Effects Chart, Note 5) Addition: Rivers and lakes in Zone G are frozen during cold weather.

70: Railroad Construction. The Soviet player may build railroads starting with the Jul l 41 turn.
28A3. Ports. In the fourth paragraph of this section, change "controls" to ”owns."
28C2. Amphibious Landings. Change "enemy-controlled" to "enemy-owned."
32A2. Rumania. Change "10 more REs" to "10 or more REs."
3281. Finnish War Aims. When determining if the German RE limit in the Finnish theater is raised due to the
presence of unisolated Soviet units within 7 hexes of Helsinki, only Soviets units in Finland are considered.
3403. Reorganization. Note: The phrase "replacement pool substitution" in this rule does relerto the
substitution procedure given in Rule 34E1.
34F8. Special Replacement Pool Activities. When the orders of battle require a unit to be removed from or
substituted in the replacement pool and no appropriate unit is in the pool, the activity is delayed until an
appropriate unit enters the pool. For example, if the German 3-2-8 Pz III is not in the replacement pool on Jan
43, then its removal is delayed until it enters the pool. it it never enters the pool, it's never removed or withdrawn.
37C. Levels of Victory. Change the victory point total for a Soviet marginal victory from 8-14 to 9-14.
378. Victory Determination. When calculating victory, ignore Danzig (18:2433).
39D8. Kriegsmarine Commando. According to the rules, the Kriegsmarine commando must
use a Kriegsmarine trans—
port for naval transport when it makes an amphibious landing. However, this causes problems, as Rule 280 re—
quires the transport to end its movement in the hex where the commando landed, while Rule 2831 requires it to re
turn to port. Use the following rule to resolve this problem: The Kriegsmarine commando has its own intrinsic naval
transport ability when in the Baltic Sea and does not use a Kriegsmarine transport. The unit may use its transport
ability during each German movement phase, including the movement phase in the German surprise turn of the
Jun ll 41 turn.

In note 6) in section on the the Soviet Order of Battle,
change the reference to the 47th Mountain Rifle Division to the
79th Mountain Rifle Division. Also, add the 66th Rifle Division and 59th Tank Division to the list of Soviet Far Eastern
es which did not go west.
N 0T E S
Some of the errata for the Soviet OB comes from Soviet books and magazines that were unavailable when Scorched Earth
was under research. want to thank Charles Sharp and Karl Gaarsoe for their efforts in finding this information. Charles

Sharp has dug up some interesting facts on certain formations. since showing his discoveries would require counters not
supplied in the game, I‘ve made these changes optional. (Units in italics have no counters provided in the game).

Jan | 42: Convert: 1x4-7 Mtn Rifle XX 9 (w) to: 1x4-7 Mtn Rifle XX (w) and 1x1-7‘ Mtn Rifle /II 251 (w). Note: The 251st
Mountain Rifle Regiment and the 1/256th Field Artillery Battalion were removed from the 9th Mountain Rifle Division for in-
dependent operations in the Kerch landings, while the 1329th Mountain Rifle Regiment was formed to build the division
back up to strength.
Sep | 43: Convert: 1x4-7 Mtn Rifle XX 9 (w) or 1x4-6 Rifle XX 9 to: 1x6-6 Rifle XX 9. Note: The 9th Mountain Rifle Divi—
sion was rebuilt as a (non-mountain) rifle division, with a special organization. It was a "Cossack" rifle division,
with 14,500 men, with a permanently-assigned self-propelled gun regiment, and extra field and antitank artillery.

Additionally, the entry of the 201st Rifle Division was changed from Moskva MD on Sep ll 41 to Baltic MD on Jul ll 41 in the
above errata. The reason forthis is that the Soviets raised two Latvian rifle regiments (1 st and 2nd Latvian) as they were
driven from Latvia. These regiments fought in Estonia, were evacuated from Tallinn, and then used (together with the staff
from the 24th Rifle Corps) to form the 201st Rifle Division. changed its entry as noted to reflect this. It .you really want

more units in the game, make up two counters (2x0-1-4 Rifle Ill 1 Lat, 2 Lat), bring them into the game instead of the 201st
Rifle XX on Jul ii, and then convert them to the 201 st Rifle XX on Sep ll 41.

John Astell
page 14

Rules ©©ufltrfi Norway have any airbase capability,

which helps to explain why so many
very small places in north Norway
unit is pertorming? When does he an-
nounce this?
The phasing player announces the
Send your rules questions along with show up. Correct? When playing Nar- general mission of each air unit (and
vik, yes, cities have no intrinsic air- whether it is a day or night mission) at
a SASE to Ben Knight, R12 Box 120,
Brewster KS 67732, Please phrase base capacity When playing FitE/SE, the moment it takes off (Step 1 of the
the Norwegian cities do have intrinsic Air Phase). The general missions are:
your questions for yes/no responses. airbases. escort, transfer, transport, and bomb-
FltE / Scorched Earth Eastern Troops are listed on the ing. Note that the phasing player
Unit Colors chart as German forces, does not have to decide or announce
Can a ground unit in hex 13:0905
not Axis Allies. Are their losses added the specific type of bombing mission
move directly to hex 1820906? Yes.
to the German losses for that turn? at this time.
Can a 0-8 commando unit out of
[No, see Rule 3483, Special Replace- During Step 2 of the Air Phase, the
supply draw from special supply and
make its air drop? Yes, but airborne ments, last sentence of paragraph 2.] nonsphasing player launches air units
units in SE are not required to be in May German lnl RPS be used to re- on interception and scramble mis-
build them [no], and when Eastern sions.
supply to make their air drop (see SE
Rule 250, paragraph 3). ln WitD they Troop replacements are received are During Step 3, Air Combat Resolus
are (see VWtD Rule 25F, paragraph 2). they added to German lnf RPs for that tion, fighters flying bombing missions
The Axis OB for Aug || 41 German month or are they maintained separ- may switch to escort per Rule 24A.
calls tor 1 x 475 Sec XX 707 but the ately? Maintained separately. See During Step 4, Mission Resolution,
Rule 3451, Axis Replacements, next the phasing player decides and an-
counter is Static. A Security counter is
provided in SE.
to last sentence of paragraph 1. nounces the exact target of each
The Soviet player is about to re- 39lt Rule 39K, Luftwaffe Manpower, bombing unit prior to all AA fire in the
is used, do reorganized units come in hex. After all AA fire in the hex, the
ceive 60 RPS trom disbanded militia
at no cost or does the unit have to pay phasing player resolves his missions.
from the previous turn. Can all of
these go into just one MD or is there a the reorganization cost from the chart Per Rule 20F, surviving air units
maximum limit like for special replace to appear? No cost. bombng the same target may attack
ments? (Rule 34F1 just isn't clear to Rule 14A1b, Quick Construction, individually or combine their
lists quick constmction costs as MP5. strengths.
me.) Rule 34F1, Disbanding, refers to
Does quick construction of forts and Are Soviets allowed to convert new-
3432, Soviet Replacements, specifi-
cally case c under infantry RPs. When permanent airlields also require the ly arrived 3-6 XXs to 4-6 XXs (Rule

a Soviet unit disbands, its RPs go to expenditure of a resource point? Yes. 34F4)? Yes, as long as the "four per
the MD that it is in, in the same way a Rule 34F does not prohibit the re- turn" limit is obeyed
cadre must be in the MD to draw RPS building of Soviet ski brigades after Rule 3482: The 3 RES of winterized
form that MD's pool. Conceivably, a they have been disbanded (39011). units that the Soviets may rebuild (re-
May they be rebuilt after disband— striction #6), does that include 3 RES
disbanding unit can send its RPS to
ment? No. First sentence of Rule of mountain units from #5? Yes, but
an isolated replacement city in the MD note that restriction #6 applies only
348, Replacements, states that RPS
as long as the unit can trace a "supply through the first winter while #5 ap-
line" to that city. (The unit does not are used to replace eliminated units.
have to be in supply to disband.) For Disbanded units are different than plies through the entire game.
eliminated units and thus may not be Are there restrictions to buying
example, suppose Leningrad is cut Guards units after the above restric-
off by the Axis. A Soviet militia unit in replaced.
Does the German player have to tion (#6) runs out? No.
the city can still disband (as long as it
is not in an enemy 200), but its RPs
make a replacement pool removal it Are you limited to one commando
the unit is not in the replacement per attack and/or one commando
go to the Leningrad pool not the MD's
pool? it is delayed See SE Errata Jan modifier per attack? No.
pool. This requires that you carefully / 89 (on previous page), Rule 34F8. Can air/naval interdiction be used
document the number of disbanding It a truck unit is stacked with a unit on lake hexes to interdict tlotillas? No.
RPs and the M05 they disband in, but
that has a cadre and an EX is thrown Can partisans be built in hexes sole»
it is a more reasonable treatment than
reducing the unit to a cadre, is the ly occupied by enemy trucks? No.
the rule for special replacements. Trucks are "units" (14/), and partisans
truck destroyed or can it retreat with
suspect that the printed airtields in the cadre? Per Rule 14/, a truck is may not be recruited in a hex occu-
Nonivay are all the airbases there are
treated as a 0<strength c/m unit and as pied by an enemy unit (400).
instead of additional to cities, and this Can partisans be built in hexes sole»
makes Norway unique tor Europa such it would be eliminated in the ex-
change. ly occupied by position AA units? No.
maps. Is that correct? If yes, then When does the phasing player de- Again, position AA units are units.
none of the cities (of whatever kind) in Can warships which carried supply
cide exactly which mission each air
page 15

give defensive support in the next Maybe the number of partial or full hex of 243-6 strength each and state that
players combat phase? No. cities should determine capacity with the total defense of the hex is 6.
Can a unit use rail movement on a regard to national capacity. Your con- Shouldn‘t this be 7? 6 is correct. See
line at hexes between two broken rail cern is understandable. Perhaps 143, first paragraph, last sentence.
line hexes? Yes. Grand Europa will address this but for The artillery RES in excess of the non-
Can construction units spend re now SE won’t. artillery REs defend with a total
source points to regauge railways by strength of 1, not 1 each.
using rule 38C2 (upgrading roads)? War In the Desert (WltD) Is a HQ unit counted as an RE for
There is no provision for this but it Should the 102nd Italian Div be me supply counter expenditure purpos-
sounds perfectly acceptable. Yes. torized? No. Although officially a mo- es if it is on the map giving support to
Can Axis aircraft base and fly mis- torized division, it was stripped of its one or more unsupported units in an
sions from Bulgarian airbases against motor transport upon arrival in Africa attack? Yes.
Russia? Yes. and did not regain it. if an airbase is built on a hex with a
Rule 32A4, Bulgaria: in the sen- What is the effect on AA when not city, be it reference, dot, panial or full
tence "If any he; in Bulgaria is Soviet in general supply? No effect in WitD. hex city, does it supplement the al-
owned at the start of a game turn and What is the effect on AEC/ATEC ready existing airbase capacity there
a supply line can be traced irom the when not in general supply? No effect or does it supplant it? The airfield ca-
my to a Soviet regular source of sup- inWrtD. pacity is in addition to (supplements)
ply, Bulgaria defects," should this be Does the number of consecutive the reference/dot city capacity. Note,
"If any 9111.." or "..Jrom the 1151.”? turns out of general supply have any however, that partial/full hex cities are
From the hex. effect? Not in VWtD. their own terrain type, different from
When tracing supply (Rule 123), is If an AA unit is unsupported is the clear, thus airfields may not be built on
the hex the unit occupies counted? AA value affected? No. them.
No. Trace the line from the unit but On overrunning a hex with defen— Inthe rule book for Western Desert
exclude its hex. sive air can you attempt to drive off you describe AA Suppression as a vi~
To use a resource point in construc- the air with available AA fire? No. able bombing mission in Rule 33.
tion (Rule 14A1), does that point Do mech units using sea movement However, this mission is no longer
have to be within 7 hexes (in clear incur any extra movement cost? It is mentioned in the rule book for Torch,
weather) oi the engineer unit? Yes, suggested that c/m units incur 4 MP5 Since the War in the Desert rules
the unit must be able to trace an over for sniping while non-c/m units incur seem to supplant Western Desert
land supply line (not road or rail) to the only 2 MP5 (per SE Rule 2801a). Do rules does this mean that AA supres-
resource point. See Rule 1281 and they use extra port capacity? No. sion is no longer a viable mission?
the Supply Line Summary chart. If you attempt to drive off defensive Correct.
Can security units admin. move up air during the combat phase and are Can a hex containing both British
to partisans and then attack them? unsuccessful can the attack be called and American contingents be sup»
Good questioin. No, if they admin. oft? No! ported by either or both air forces?
move they may not attack. Note that When using rule 3203, SMP Loss— Yes, but the amount of support is lim-
their APZOCs are unaffected and es, ii the Allied player regains control ited to the strength of the ground
thus they may cut off the partisans' re— of Alexandria (example), does he re- contingent. For example, in a stack of
treat routes. gain the lost SMP points? No. one US 38 and one British 28, US air
Does an overrunning unit have to Can an engineer unit use the extra units could provide up to 3 tactical
pay the MP cost for leaving the 200 MPs gained in admin. movement to points of support and British air units
of an enemy unit (in an adjacent hex) build or repair items on the map? No. could provide up to 2 tactical points of
even if the overrunning unit does not Rule 78, Roads, states, "Movement support.
advance into the overrun hex? Yes, if along a road is subject to the same What happened to the 155th British
must pay all the MP costs, whether/t limitations as regular movement," and Brigade? ln WD it appears Aug II 42.
advances or not. earlier in 78 it is stated that "A unit while in Torch the 152nd appears in
What constitutes being on the rail moving along a road pays the MP cost its place. The 155th was a mistake for
net? For example, when the Crimea is for clear terrain.. . Does this mean 152nd. The 152nd Brigade is includ-
sealed off the rail line runs only from that during rain the MP costs for ar- ed in Torch to replace the 155th.
Sevastopol to the causeway. Should- mor/art is 4MPs per hex and 2 MP5 for
n't such a rail line have some limits other types even it the unit is moving Their Finest Hour
placed on its capacity? How about along a road? Yes, weather affects Does an air unit attacking naval units
when Murmansk has been isolated road movement. in portget to make three bombing at-
before the Arkangelsk line has been You describe in rule 148, Artillery, tacks (31A)? No, only one attack. Rule
upgraded, should capacity be as how a 2-10 motorized regiment is 31 applies to 20F2i, not to 20F2h.
much as the Russian wants to spend? stacked with three artillery regiments Q
page 16

with "All overruns are resolved on the fort may be constructed from a minor
Home Front CRT. A penalty of a two column shift is
applied to the attack, in addition to all
fort. The unit begins building a fort
during its initial phase and must be in
other modifiers. An overrun may be supply. It takes one game turn to build
by Jay Kaufinan attempted at any odds, If a DE result is a minor fort in clear or rough terrain
rolled, the attacker may continue mov— and two game turns to build a minor
The following are some house rules ing the overrunning force. Any other fort in any other terrain. It costs one
for Scorched Earth we've been play- result is treated as a HX for the attack RP to build a minor fort. A minor fort
ing with here in Moorhead, Minneso- er and the force ends its movement provides a defender with a -1 die
ta. immediately. The defending force modifier in combat. (Use a fort counter
suffers any negative result rolled by with a hit marker to represent a minor
Rule 9.F.1, Retreats. Change re- the attacker. If all defenders are fort.) A minor fort may be upgraded
treat priority 3 to 4 and insert a new forced to vacate the attacked hex, into a regular fort after one additional
priority: "3) to a hex closer to a supply surviving attackers may occupy the turn of constmction and the expendi-
line/source; if unable to decrease the emptied hex even if the overrun ture of one additional RP. A regular
distance. the unit must not increase failed. The attacker may always attack fort provides a defender with a -1 die
the distance unless no other legal normally in the combat phase." modifier and negates AECA and
route exists; German c/m units may ig- Also, "German c/m units spend 1 AECD effects. if the construction unit
nore this priority." MP to attempt an overrun. All other leaves the hex at any time before the
The new retreat priority is designed units spend 2 MP5." minor fort is built or is upgraded into a
to keep defeated forces from retreat- This overrun rule is a simplification regular fort, the fort counter is re,
ing forward, an obnoxious abuse. of Bill Stone's "Hot Rod Europa" rule moved or the hit marker remains in
German c/m units are permitted this printed in ETO #6, with later suggesr place. Quick construction (14A to)
ability reflecting their purported mas- tions from that estimable 'zine, The may be used to build regular forts, but
tery of a fluid environment. advantage of the rule is that it makes without reducing the two RPs cost."
an overrun—proof line impossible. This "minor fort" rule is also adopted
Rule 9.F.1, Retreats. Add at the While low odds overruns are now pos from a suggestion in ETO, Ken Ket—
end: "Units attacking from cities, forts sible, danger exists to the attacker in tering's "A Modest Proposal" (ETO
or fortresses may ignore retreats." casualties incurred by failing to get 3331/32). The ability to deny AECA is
The ability to ignore AR results the DE result. A possible danger to sometimes wildly abused, especially
when attacking from a city or fort/ Europa inherent in this rule is that in FF and WD. The additional cost and
fortress has two inspirations: first. why some standard defensive positions additional time to accomplish this do
would a defeated attacker flee out of a no longer can be held with certainty. fensive tour de force is entirely war»
defensive strongpoint due to any ac The first turn of FitE could become ranted think. This rule is just an ex-

tion it initiated? Even if badly beaten, even more one-sided towards the pounding of Kettering's original
such a force would surely only return Germans, something that probably ideas.
to the safety of its startline, not retreat isn't desirable. But in general, greater
to possibly open ground behind such uncertainty is desirable. A defender 14.G, NKVD Political Troops.
favorable and familiar terrain. Second, cannot be certain of halting an ad- Change this section's heading to
this rule allows a badly-pressed force vance cold, until the exploitation "Fanatical Troop Types." Add:
in a city or fort to counterattack one of phase, as is now possible. And the at— "German SS units (except SSAPolizei)
the hexes of its enemies without fear tacker is now faced with the decision gain abilities similar to Soviet NKVD
of being driven from its strongpoint to attempt an overrun at the risk of political troops units:
due to its own initiative. An extreme wholly unnecessary losses at odds "Hold at All Costs: This is identical to
example of this rule's applicability is a between 3:1 and 9:1. It's always pre- the NKVD political troops rule except
siege of Odessa or Tobruk: no de- ferable from a gaming point of view to that the effect cannot be extended to
tender in such a siege dares risk an confront the players with additional non-SS in the hex and may only be
AR~annihilating his forceA-so he in— uncertainty and necessity to make used in defense.
stead resists by dumbly sitting out these difficult choices. "Conquer or Die (Siegen oder Un’
each of his own turns. The proposed tergehen): This order is issued only
change allows a lighting defense in Rule 14.A.1, Construction Engi- when attacking. It can only be issued
such a situation. neers. Change the first paragraph to: to an attacking force half of whose
"A construction unit may build a minor REs are 88. If the CRT result is NE,
Rule 13»-Overruns. Replace "The fort or regular fort in any hex, except this is changed to HX; all Axis losses
overrunning units must have a total at— one already containing a regular fort, must first be satisfied by 88 units in
tack strength sufficient to achieve fortress, or fortified area; two forts may the attack, AR results in all attacking
10:1 odds . defensive air support"
, . not occupy the same hex. A regular SS suffering an EX based upon the.
page 17

defending force's strength, the de- in conjunction with this rule, to avoid owns the hex only as long as it occu-
fenders are unaffected, and surviving abuse. In comparison, commandos-- pies the hex; upon Ieaving the hex,
attackers retreat. who never suffer withdrawal (no pun ownership reverts to the other
"Both orders may be issued at any intended) and require no planning to player," to read: "By itself, a battalion
time before the die resolving the at~ be used in combat--are more liable to or battery sized unit cannot gain own-
tack is rolled, but not after. The deci- abuse than my expanded paratroop- ership of a hex. When entering an en-
sion to issue either order is made sep— ers. It's been suggested that airborne emy-owned hex, such a unit gains
arately for every attack." units be considered supported when control but not ownership of the hex,
We haven't playtested this rule yet; I
dropping-again, to boost their com- When it leaves the hex ownership re-
hope some of you will give it a try and bat effectiveness to something like mains with the other player."
report your experiences Obviously their historical value. I've always This will eliminate much of the
it's inspired by Hitler's use of the SS thought "support" should mean just "slime" problem since battalions will
as a fire brigade and their fantastic will- that--arti/Iery support or support by no longer be able to block a supply
ingness to follow his most bloody- some similarly complementary arm, line. The presence of an enemy batta-
minded orders. and not a mere bonus when we feel lion will stop rail movement through
some elite unit is undervalued versus the hex it occupies, but that is all.
25.0, Airborne Ground Operations, conventional enemies. think the sur»

and 14.H.2, Commandos~Surprise prise attack bonus is a more elegant 2. 17C, Airbase Capture: Change
Attack. Add: "A paratroop drop consti- treatment for airborne's undereffec~ second sentence of first paragraph
tutes a kind of surprise attack. Para- tiveness. from: "An enemy airbase is captured
troops add a +1 die modifier to any at- when a friendly ground unit gains
tack in which at least one RE of Let me add that my local circle of ownership of the hex," to read: "An
airborne units drop successfully with- friends have been using David Berry's enemy airbase is captured when a
out disruption. Smaller airborne forc- two-dice Ground CRT (from ETO #30) friendly ground unit gains control or
es provide the +1 bonus if a favorable and incremental odds figuring (using ownership of the hex."
roll on the Success Table is made. At- calculator and percentile dice). [But This brings the rule in line with the
tacks consisting entirely of dropped see John Asteff's more recent 206 suggested change in 1 above and al
airborne units gain a +2 bonus." CRT in ETO #40] The overrun and lows the use of Brandenburger units
Europa gamers have been strug~ airborne surprise attack rules have to seize an airbase without having to
gling to simulate the advantages para- worked well in conjunction with these claim ownership of an entire hex (be
troopers ought to have in combat for variants. see no reason why they
yond the capacity of such a small ele-
some time now, Currently, Malta can shouldn't elsewhere. 0 ment).
not be seriously threatened by air-
borne invasion; many historical suc- 3. 34B, Replacements: Change the
cesses of the airborne arm are suicidal third paragraph from: "Replacement
enterprises if penormed in Europa. points may be used to replace an
Airborne forces are definitely under» eliminated unit at its cadre strength.
rated feel. Surely the value of para-

troops when used in conjunction with

Debugging The RP cost is equal to the strength
a ground attack was greater than the the System of the cadre. RPs may be used to re-
place a unit at its full strength; the
mere addition of their combat cost is equal to the full strength of the
strength. A paratroop drop is the epi- by TontJohnson unit," to read: "Eliminated units with
tome of a surprise attack; the expan- cadres must be replaced to their ca-
sion of the surprise attack rule to air- dre strength. The RP cost is equal to
borne ops is appropriate. Airborne These are minor rules changes sug- the strength of the cadre. Cadres may
units usually operated as part of im- gested for Scorched Earth in specific then be rebuilt to full strength in a
portant attacks--the German assault in and Grand Europa in general. The in- subsequent turn. If a unit does not
the Low Countries, the Russian tent of each will be given along with have a cadre, then it may be replaced
crossing of the Dnepr, the British Si— the change. at full strength; the cost is equal to the
cilian campaign, and Overlord and full strength of the unit."
Market-Garden. The +1 bonus to the This brings the cadre into play more
1. SF,Ownership: In the second
attack will encourage the historical paragraph, change the wording from: realistically and shows the effect of to-
use of paratroops as extra spice in "By itself, a battalion or battery sized tal elimination vs. the saving of cadres
such major attacks. The +2 bonus for unit cannot gain permanent owner- better. Currently, an eliminated divi—
all»para ops enables a recreation of ship of an enemy hex. When entering sion can pop back into existence with
the Merkur operation. WitD's para- an enemy-owned hex, such a unit far too much ease. Q
troop withdrawal rule should be used
page 18 _

EXchange Arctic, where northern Europe's

weather patterns are born. The main
stations were on Greenland and
but this is a distance of 30 hexes!
After studying the SE mle think the
reason it was written was to keep

Spitzbergen. the latter being occu- players from converting true roads
Have something to say? Post it to
pied after the surrender of Norway. (vice low capacity rail lines that have
TEN EXchange, c/o Ben Knight, Rt 2 These stations gave vital information been designated as roads) into rail
Box 120, Brewster KS 67732 USA. to the Kriegsmarine but might also lines. The only roads the SE rule pro-
have provided advance information to hibits from being converted to rail stat-
Phillip Buhler land forces on impending weather us are those in the Arctic and those in
Oh boy, more maps! | read with glee changes. is there a chance that such mountain hexes, and in every in-
that GR/D will be adding the Ural area stations would have allowed the Ger- stance roads in these categories are
maps to FitE/SE so that my panzers mans to predict weather changes a true roads and not low capacity rail
can now climb yet another mountain few weeks (Le. a game turn) in ad- lines. The road from Erzurum east, on
chain, although l will be forced to look vance? If German units were to occu- the other hand. IS a low capacity rail
for a larger apartment to house this py southern Novaya Zemlya on pro- line. (See Bill Stone‘s forum discus-
monster! Maybe we can finally find out posed Map 28, could a rule be sion in ETO #12.) Thus think that if

what happened to the Romanov fami- designed to allow the German to se- the Turks are added to SE that the rail
ly at Ekaterinburg (aka Sverdlovsk) on cretly roll the weather dice a turn in ad line east from Erzurum be made an
Map 29. Will there be a hidden Czarist vance, representing his very good exception to SE Rule 38C2 and the
gold counter in the form of 100 re- lorcasting ability? would like to hear
Turks should be allowed to upgrade it
source points? the opinions of other players on this to a rail line.
Seriously though. it is great that matter. still am uncertain if this fore-

someone has decided not to let the casting could be fit into Europa scale Europa trivia questions of the week:
eastern front end in the middle of no- operations. Any weather experts out The first Free Norwegian combat unit
where on some half maps. was al-
there? (an infantry battalion) was formed in
ways bothered that SE did not in— early 1941. What vital function did this
clude at least two more full—sized A. E. Goodwin unit perform during its first two years
maps to add to FitE. Those alone I've been studying the "Turkish En- of existence?
would almost have stretched to the try into the Russian Campaign" piece Answer: It garrisoned the lonely,
Urals. One bone of contention re» (TEN 2) a bit more and think there is a
windswept island of South Georgia in
mains even with the Urals map plan. problem with it. In the "EXchange" of the South Atlantic Ocean.
Why did GDW not bother to include a TEN 3 Bill Stone takes exception with
half map north of Map 7A to make the Phillip Buhler’s designation of all Turk- Ken Kettering
game area symmetrical? While realize
ish cities as supply sources, his objec- Cheers for the "Vlfinter War' project!
that the terrrain east of Arkhangelsk is tion being that this is much too liberal As for a name, the two best have
not exciting to panzer commanders, and does not correspond to supply been taken: "Winter War" and "White
many players (myself included) are rules in any of the other games. While Death." Maybe TSR would sell the for-
fond of coastlines, isolated towns, I
agree with Bill, think that the reason

mer name cheap. It would be worth a

and other unusual corners of the war Mr. Buhler may have done this is be- couple hundered dollars. if neither of
where we can launch paradrops and cause of the mechanics of SE Rule those names works, then try a prosaic
commando raids (see my article on 3802 (Upgrading roads to railroads). name: "The Russo-Finnish War" or
Arkhangelsk in ETO #39). The prob- Since the easternmost Turkish rail line the exotic "Sisu."
lem is not solved by the Urals module. only extends to Erzurum and there if there is one project really would

Attaching Map 28 to the east of Map are only roads further east it is ex- like to see the Baker Street lrregulars
6A and then adding a puny Map 31 to tremely difficult for Turkish forces to get to work on, it would be the
that does not align the north with the remain in supply once they advance "Outposts" project Bill Stone sug-
eastern edges of Maps 29 and 30. A any distance into the Soviet Union. gested a couple of years ago in ETO.
straight eastern edge would look And since roads in mountain hexes This interests me greatly and surely
neater when mounted. | submit that cannot be upgraded to rail lines (ac— will never be generated by the official
instead of the present plan a half map cording to SE rules) the Turkish GDW mill. know that Art Goodwin was

be created to fit above 7A. Then Map player cannot extend his most direct interested in the Outposts project
28 would run in line with 29 and 30. rail supply route (the railhead at Erzur- and did some preliminary work on it
How about it guys? um) further east. (This is due to the this spring Perhaps you could run up
This infatuation with the northern first road hex east of Erzurum being a a few flags, or trial balloons, or what-
maps brings up another suggestion. mountain hex.) The Turkish player not, to see whether anyone is inter-
During much of the war the Germans can upgrade the road irom 2121429 ested in writing and publishing this?
maintained weather stations in the to Batumi to rail status under SE rules,
I 4— page 19

Bill Stone the primary target is already destroyed were many instances where the local
Gary Stagliano raised a notewonhy by the time they come to bat. Like- commanders disregarded the instruc-
point in the "EXchange" department wise, by my reading ot the rule, they tions of the High Command. Rommel
of TEN 4. That is, the official Europa could not opt for air unit bombing after in North Africa was told not to conduct
rules (including FE, SE, WitD, etc) do seeing the lead bombers miss the pri- any major offensive operations but
not clearly specify at what point in a mary target. did on his own initiative soon after he
player's turn he must decide and/or Gary's commentary and this oddball arrived.
announce exactly what mission(s) his case led me to put the question for— propose that a system be deve|~

air unit(s) is flying. mally to the good Mr. Knight. "Just oped where the players (in a two
In some instances the mission is when doesthe phasing player decide player game) would have Army and
readily apparent, at least by the time and announce his missions?" Per- Army Group Commanders control
the target hex is reached. (For exam- haps he will be so kind as to publish their respective HQs. Issue #29 of
ple, if a bomber flies to a hex in which his ruling in this issue of TEN. [See ETO had an article on "Bro Rules"
there is no feature other than a rail "Rules Court,"page 14, column 2.] which described H05 and their ei-
line, and there are no enemy units tects. This is a start and would like to

around to harass, it's a pretty good Rich Velay see this developed further. Leaders
bet that the bombardier is aiming for I
have a computer program that themselves could be rated on effi-
the tracks.) In other instances, the does all Europa combat resolution: ciency of command or radius in whici
bombers have a plethora of targets air, antiair, bombing, and ground com- they can control units assigned to
and missions from which to choose, bat as well as keeping track of rail cap. them and, more importantly, their el-
80, while the aim of Gary's argument IfI
made this available in an IBM com- tect on combat and tactical abilities.
may be right on target (so to speak), at patible format, would anyone be inter— The way see it, if Rudel has his own

least one of his bombloads misses. ested? counter, why not Patton, Rommel,
Specifically, Gary writes as follows: Rich C. Velay Montgomery, Zhukov, and many oth»
"...for example, five bombers [are #208—830 Pembroke er generals and tield marshalls who
sent] to an enemy held hex that holds Victoria BC. commanded the armies in the field. (2
an airfield with one inoperative tighter Canada V8T 1H9
on it and a rail line. After all air combat
and flak takes place, the bombers at- Mike Arthur
tack one at a time announcing their l
have a few suggestions would like
missions as they drop their bombs. to propose to Europa players. by Ben Knight
The original intention may have been, The first has to do with the Rank and
perhaps, to destroy the fighter on the Reward Program as outlined in TEN 4. For those of you who read my edito-
ground. In this case let's assume the Why not develop that further. Stan- rialcolumn and remember what write,

bombers hit on the second try. de- dardize the criteria for giving certain I
would like to remind you that "the
stroying the fighter. The three remain- awards and make them available to best-laid schemes 0' Mice an‘ Men
ing bombers are free to pursue any anyone who is a Commander or gang aft a-gley." In my greenness I

tactical mission in the hex since they Gamemaster in multiplayer games. have sometimes called to your atten-
have not yet announced their mis- Giving out actual certificates to players tion upcoming articles, but for one
sion." with a picture of the award and the reason or another these fail to appear.
The problem here is the wording of reasons for the award being given Starting now, i shall refrain trorn this
Scorched Earth Rule 20F2a, Tactical would be nice. The document lor practice. TEN will always be about Eu-
Bombing ot Air Units. The rule states: each award could be unique or could ropa and WW" in Europe-you can
"At each airbase, the phasing player be standardized with only the picture count on that~but to maintain the re-
must specify the target of his bomb- of the award changing. A nice compu— mains of my editorial credibility will

ing units before resolving any bomb- terized certificate maker would be stop crystal—balling the next issue.
ing attacks there." (Note that this rul- ideal. Awards for each side (British, As rules questions answerer, re- I

ing appears in Fire in the East and U.S,, French, etc.) would have to be ceive clues that tempers sometimes
Scorched Earth but not in Western developed. flare during a rules debate. Admitted-
Desert or Torch, which seems a little My other suggestion has to do with ly, my voice occasionally escalates
puzzling.) adding leaders to the game. In multi- when arguing a rules point. What we
Consequently, Gary's example ap- player games, this would not be ne— need to remember is that this is our
pears tlawed, at least under east from cessary. However, in one-on-one hobby, we play Europa tor lun.
rules. If those bombers were commit- games the players, as Supreme Com- Though we compete in the game, we
ted to tac bombing of air units on the manders, have complete control of are also comrades in Europa. My wife
ground, then they apparently cannot every unit on the board. seriously
I often reminds me that "It's just a
switch to alternative targets even if doubt this was the actual case. There game," a simple yet wise remark. Q
page 20

r W book they are listed. For example, 1st

AN IMPORTANT Bookend Regiment Brandenburg is listed on
pages 192, 253, 263, 277, 281, and
NOTICE TO Books of Interest 283 ct Vol. 8 of this series. The 44th
THE SUBSCRIBERS to Europa Fans Infanterie-Division is listed on over fif-
OF "NUTS & BOLTS" ty pages of Vol. 8 alone!
by Antonio J. Munoz In effect, a battle history of every
THE EUROPA NEWS German unit can be formed by follow«
AND ing the action reports of a particular di»
NUTS &BOLTS Forthose of you who are strict fanat- vision through these volumes! Com-
HAVE MERGED. ics when it comes to accurate and plete orders of battle are listed every
complete orders of battle (AND are three to four weeks. I'm not just talk—
THOSE OF YOU HAVE connoisseurs of quality books), Biblio ing divisions but independent regi~
SUBSCRIPTIONS WITH Verlag‘s newest addition to its book ments and brigades, as well as such
ISSUES STILL OWED list might be of interest. This is their specialty battalions as the 502nd
YOU FROM N&B WILL fifthvolume in a series of which a total Heavy Tank Battalion, etc!
HAVE THE REMAIN- of twelve volumes will complete the The beauty of this series lies in the
DER OF YOUR SUB- set. The name of the series is Der Ge- large maps which take up the end of
SCRIPTION HONORED heimen Tagesberichte der Deuts- each book. These situation maps not
BY GAME RESEARCH! Chen Wehrmachffuhrung Irn Zweiten only list armies, corps, and divisional
DESIGN. HERE IS Weltkn'eg, 1939-1945. Translation: positions per month, but indepen-
HOW IT WILL WORK: "The Secret OKW War Diary in the dent units abound as well!
Second World War, 1939-1945." A "Lokationregister" is also listed.
You will receive a dollar The name of this series tells it all! This register mentions on which pag-
for dollar exchange In Each massive 9 1/ "by 13" volume is es in the book you will find a particular
credit towards a TEN handsomely bound with the highest village/town/city mentioned! Thus, if
subscription. quality given to every step in the pro- you want to locate the city of Kalinin,
duction of the books. Each volume you simply look at the register (which
you are still owed ls- is listed alphabetically) for that city.
If ranges from 550 to 600+ pages. This
sues that equal $15 In is the daily situation reports of every The "Formationregister" is well orga—
value from N&B you front in the war! The reports are given nized, too. We are not just talking
have a credit of $15 on on a daily (yes folks! daily) basis. Each about German Army units, but Luft-
a subscription to The front is split up into different sections waffe ground units, flak units. special-
Europa News magazine per day. The Russian front is so large ty units, naval units, and Waffen-SS
that Is "on the books". that it is subdivided imo army groups! formations-the whole German military
The detail of these reports is out- might!
GRID has received all of the standing, often mentioning individual True, the text in these books is in
data from Gary detailing what battalions but most often listing the German. But the manner in which the
is owed to each person that actions of regiments and divisions information is set up is so simple that
has an outstanding balance (and corps/armies, of course). At the you don't really need to speak the lan
due from Nuts & Bolts. end of the books there is a guage. Certainly this is especially true
of the situation maps and orders of
"Formationregister" This lists every
All former subscribers will re- conceivable unit (from battalion to battle. Each volume is split up into
ceive a letter of credit from army group) as to which pages in the three to four month intervals. For ex~
Game Research/Design out- ample, Vol, 8 (the newest addition)
lining the exact amount due lists the German operations from 1
with an explaination of how September 1943 to 30 November
PARTS IS PARTS 1943. As of August 1988, only Vol-
the transfer works.
umes 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 have been
This process will begin short» GR/D will be offering published. 9
Iy and is bound to take some a complete listing of
time. Please be patient. the spare Europa parts
that will be available
Thanks: GRID soon. Watch the
magazine for detials.
page 21

STUBBING YOUR TO&E This is just fine, given the limitations of 4th was soon to emerge from high com-
By Timothy O'Shenko the format. However, for the sake of his- mand reserve in the approved form) and
tory, it is necessary for the notes that ac- all were far under strength.
Wargaming is a synthesis of two contra- company games to give a clear explana- Similarly a regular Soviet army in theory
dictory concepts: gaming and history. tion of the historical meaning that is had three rifle corps of three rifle divisions
On one level wargaming is simply a con- abstracted so that it can appear in card- each along with varying support elements
test between (usually) two players out to board. This is sadly often neglected, and (an antiaircraft division, an artillery divi-
determine a winner in a reasonable length too many wargamers have a tendency to s.on if on an imponant line of advance or
of time by use of a map, playing pieces think of divisions as divisions (or pla- several artillery brigades if not, an engi-
and dice. For some gamers the history toons, companies, battalions, regiments, neer brigade, etc). In tact, of the armies
aspect of the game is as relevant to their brigades what-have-you) as they exist in completely committed to the Korsun oper-
pursuit of happiness as a critique of the TO&E form. ation, namely the 27th, 52nd, 53rd. and
weapons and armor of the Jack of Spades The problem with this is that almost 4th Guards (also part of 40th), the 27th
would be to a poker player. The fact that everything you know is wrong, to one ex- had only three rifle divisions and two forti»
the game purports to be set in a particular tent or another. This was brought sharply tied areas with no corps organization at
place ortime in which certain material to my attention when reading the design- all, the 52nd had two corps with fourto
forces were involved in a dynamic is of no er's notes for the game "Great Patriotic five rifle divisions, the 4th Guards was
issue to the players. A recent War“. The game is a simple one, on a similar, although with somewhat better di-
”publication” by some gamers set the tone large scale, with large scale abstraction visions, and the 53rd had three rifle corps
in their designer's notes by saying that to match. No problem there. However, with up to 13 rifle divisions.
their design time was not wasted in read- my feeling is that the designer is a little in- There is nothing wrong, mind you, with
ing books. but was more productively cautious in describing typical unit organi- representing a tank army as a 6 and a reg-
spent fiddling with counter strengths to zations and strengths and failing to point ular army as a 5 and giving the model of
guarantee that the attacker could not get out that TO&E is someone's idea on paper organization in your rules booklet, as long
very many 3-1's. Nevermind that this pro- of organization, and almost never a reali- as you make clear that while TO&E is a
duced a game on the Soviet drive into ty in the field. The designer in this case is lovely idea, the number of tanks in the line
Manchuria in which Soviet Breakthrough simply one of many who make this same is equal to the number supplied, plus the
Artillery Corps weigh in with the strength mistake, and thereby mislead their audi— number repaired from the last operation,
of a Manchuko cavalry division. After all, ence as to what is being represented. In plus the number of replacements re-
who cares? some cases, of course, the designer him-

ceived, minus the number knocked out,
Of course, most wargamers would like a self may be the one who doesn‘t realize minus the number down for repair, and this
few more scoops of history on their dice that those nice charts of how many men number is almost always smaller than the
and cardboard pie, thank you. The histo- are in a regiment or how many tanks are in authorized number. How much smaller is
ry is important to the gamers, and the a division are almost directly dependent on the length of supply
game is not only a venue for competition less in the field. line of the unit, the number and efficacy of
but also a tool for the examination of his- OK, you have my opinion, now what its repair shops, the strength of its' na-
tory through a dynamic model. backs it up? For example, let us examine tion's industry and population base, the
One of the weaknesses of a wargame as the Kcrsun-Shevchenkcvsky Operation durability of its equipment (and the in-
a dynamic historical model is the problem in January-February 1944 in the Ukraine. verse of its complexity), and the amount
of defining what a unit is. This brings a By TOR-E, a Soviet tank army of this peri- of time the unit has been out of combat.
designer immediately to the question of od would have two tank corps and a Another example. In the batttes around
TO&E (Table of Organization and Equip- mechanized corps. There were at this Kiev in November and December 1943,
ment). Each nation has its own ideal mod— time six Soviet tank armies in the field and seven German panzer divisions were en-
el of what, say, an infantry division should three of them took part in this operation. gaged in a highly mobile battle of thrust
be. A designer looks up in appropriate And how were they organized? Semnd and riposte. By TO&E, each division was
handbooks and finds three infantry regi- Tank Army under Bogdanov had two tank entitled to 150 or so AFV, while the one SS
ments of so many officers, so many en- corps, the 3rd and 16th, with 372 tanks panzer division was entitled to 231. But
listed men, so many machine guys, mor- and self-propelled guns between them. the real numbers were far different. The
tars, etc etc, plus the division's artillery The 5th Guards under Rotmistrov had 1st Panzer started the operation with 171
regiment, reconnaissance, antitank, and three tank corps, the 18th, 20th, and AFV (over TO&E!) and was quickly re-
engineer battalions etc. So that is an in- 29th, each of which had between 50 and duced to 40, 3rd started with 18 (l) and
fantry division, except that those orga~ 60 armored fighting vehicles (AFV) rather was reduced to 5, 7th went from 25 to 4,
nized in 1942 had less of this and those than the 240 they were each authorized. 8th from 16 to 33 (by staying out of the
after 1944 had more ofthat. OK, so in General Kravchenkc's 6th Tank Army was worst of the action), 1ch from 8 to 7, and
your game the umptythird division is a organized just weeks before the battle, the green 25th from 75 to 3 (l). The 1st 88
little stronger because of that extra. and consisted of the 5th Guards Tank started the operation with 137 AFV and
So far, so good. The designer must Corps and the 5th Mechanized Corps, was quickly reduced to 47.
start somewhere, and when units are reor- with a total of less than 150 AFV between Artillery strength of units is considera-
ganized to a new TOE-E, a game like Euro- the two corps. So of the six tank armies bly less volatile, usually approaching
in begin atthis time, fully half did not fol» TOE-E and remaining fairly stable unless
pa provides for the withdrawal of the unit
and its' subsequent reappearance as a low the official model (Katukov's 1st the unit is overrun or has to retreat in a
new counter with increased strength. Guard and Flybalko's 3rd Guard did, the hurry (especially in bad road conditions or
page 22

in a situation of
enemy air superiority), The Soviets would freely trade divisions ample, a guards tank army might have no
while infantry strength falls somewhere in from rifle corps to rifle corps, corps from guards corps subordinated to it, and a
between the two. But as you can see, army to army, and less frequently armies guards rifle corps might have regular rifle
TO&E is not a relevant concept in dealing from front to front. Indeed, while compo division as most of its sub-units. A
with this situation. nents of divisions were usually not traded guards army might have guards rifle corps
The only time during any war in which around, the tank corps would more than under it, but in at least one case an army
TO&E is a relevant concept as far as the occasionally detach tan brigades to be was designated guards and consisted
actual make up of troops is the field is subordinated to neighboring rifle corps or solely of elderly reservist units'. All rock»
concerned is at the beginning of a major armies. This was always a temporary at- et launcher (katyusha) units were auto—
campaign, when the antagonists have tachment for a week or two, at which time matically designated guards units, no
had time to build up theirforces to close the brigade would revert to its' original matter what their previous experience as
to (or in some cases in excess of) TO&E, corps. an honor to their weapon and in order that
or when fresh units are committed to com» Antitank guns were perhaps the most their commander might have more in—
bat. In either case, there is still no guar- changeable of items, no division in action fluence with whatever formation his unit
antee that everything is as it is shown on having the same holding of AT guns for was attached 10, Likewise, all airborne
paper, and units will have discrepancies three days running. (One of the nick- units that were converted to airborne rifle
from the ideal based on scarcities of names the Soviets had forthe 45mm AT divisions were automatically designated
weapons or personnel. gun after 1942 was “goodbye comrades", guards, although in this case there was a
Another example, involving the United the equivalent of the German tag of logic to it since the troops were of high ca-
States Army concerns the Battle of Aach» 'doorknocker" for the 37mm in 1941 .) liber to begin with.
en. While working on the design, it was Now you see ‘em, now you don‘t seems to Of course as the war went on, and more
discovered that the father-in-Iaw of a have been the practice. and more material became available, units
playtester had served in the 3rd Armored The point in all of this confusion is that could be brought nearer their ideal
Division during 1944 and 1945. While fur- there is nothing wrong with using TO&E as strength before a major operation, but
ther investigation showed that he had the basis for designing counters, but it once the guns started going again, you
missed the battle (he was in the hospital must be made very clear that reality had a would find units operating at a third of the
recovering from a wound) he was able to way of being far more complex. strength they should have on paper.
give us a good insight into the question of For the unwary, other pitfalls await. For One abstraction. that of SS units being
TO&E. When asked about the TO&E of a example, the Soviet rifle brigade. No stronger, actually has more basis in realie
combat command or task force (regiment doubt there somewhere existed a table for ty, because they had a priority for re-
and battalion sized combined arms teams what these units should consist of, but placements and good equipment, so that
- the US armored divisions had
a formal since many of them were raised under cri- an 83 division might operate with many
regimental structure that separated ar» sis conditions out of whatever manpower times the amount of equipment its neigh»
mor, armored infantry and engineers, but was available and armed with the weap- boring unit would have, This was not so
in practice it was superseded by combat
ons that were at hand, one has to be very much due to its higher TO&E as to its be-
command/task force), he replied, “What careful in generalizing about them. In the ing first in line when the new tanks arrived
the hell is TO&E? reported tothe Divi. fighting around Novorossisk in February from the factory ,— ’

sion Commander and was told to take 1943, for example, there were 9 Soviet I
some tanks, armored infantry, tank de- brigades involved. Two of them were ma-
stroyers and self-propelled artillery out of rine brigades, one a guards brigade and
the division's replacement pool and make the rest were rifle brigades. NO TWO OF
up a task force." THEM HAD THE SAME STRUCTURE!
It should be noted that the veteran in Another more common trap is the ques-
question was a major. tion of Guards units. While the TO&E of a
To further confuse the job of the histori— guards unit was somewhat higher than
cal researcher, the German Army had the that of it‘s non-guard equivalent, that only
widespread practice, particularly in italy, 5 had significance when a unit was rebuilt
to freely borrow regiments and battalions and temporarily filled out. When it was
from one division to another, loaning bat- committed it would quickly assume the
teries of artillery and antitank guns, batta— depleted state of the other units in the
lions of infantry and even field training line. Consequently, a guards division in
units for periods of days up to months. In the line is not likely to be stronger than its
some times and places divisions might neighboring non-guards division.
give up a regiment of infantry and a batta- A unit just designated guards had un-
lion of artillery plus some antitank guns to doubtedly earned the honor the hard way,
a neighboring division, have an additional and would have suffered heavy casu-
battalion extracted into corps reserve, alties in the process. Thus game design-
gain half a sturmgeshutz battalion from ers that assign an automatic higher
corps, two battalions and a fold ersatz strength to guards units may be mistaking
battalion from yet another division, only to form for content.
have the whole situation rescrambled in a Similarly the guards designation was
week or two. used in somewhat erratic ways. For ex-
TO JOIN I THE EUROPA Back issues now
The Europa Association offers
the serious player - designer -
ASSOCIATION available from
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We have the following
organization devoted to the issues of "Nuts 8: Bolts"
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Europa is more than a game. it
captures a time in history like no * Discounts on games
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Europa has brought together

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Variants and "what-it"
available only
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Cost: $3 each.
people from around the world in
a continuous and ongoing The Europa Association is an
international organization that offers
project to research and its members a growing list of benefits. DOUBLE ISSUES:
represent World War ii in the information, and events designed to
most serious and thoughful enhance this historic series of games. 10/11 - 13/14 - 15/16

manner. The project started in 19/20 and 21/22
1973 with the release of Drang The Association is currently involved
Nach Osten, the east front in in the design and development of
"Grand Europa", the module that will Cost: $6 each
Europe. It has continued to tie over a dozen games and modules
develope and refine for over together into the complete European
fifteen years. Theater of Operations during World PLEASE INCLUDE 50¢
War ii. We are also helping to sponsor FOR SHIPPING ON THE
The beauty of this system is its the first ever "Europafest" this SINGLE ISSUES AND $1
flexability. You can pick your summer. . .
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Europa. Write to GRID, PO Box 591,
Grinnell, IA 50112-0591 for ALL ITEMS SENT VIA
It is unmatched in the quality of details on loining. FIRST CLASS MAIL
research and presentation.

Here is your choice - Join the Association - or - subscribe to "The Europa News"


only want to be a subscriber to the magazine. Enclosed is $ 20 for a six issue subscription.




Game Research/Design Market Survey
We are conducting this survey to find out your preferences in the Europa
marketplace. Please read the
following information and respond to this survey.

Listed below are the current Europa titles. We would like to know which titles
you possess. We would
also like to know which of the new titles you would be interested in buying.

Europa Game l have I

want Europa Accessory Kits I
have I

fl—D I
Fire in the East ——E’—I‘_‘I Kit 1 - Fire in the East

Scorched Earth Kit 2 - Desert Pak
Marita Merkur
‘EZE Kit 3 - Narvik

Narvik Kit 4 - Scorched Earth
Their Finest Hour Kit 5 - Spain
Western Desert:EF—-r—E
Kit 6 - Europa By Mail
Case White

New Products - Games, Modules and variants

Indicate your desire for these products by number code: 0: no interest (through) 9: I've got to have this

Second Front Invasion of Europe from '43 thru May, ‘45— 0-1 -2-3-4-5-6-7-849
The Urals Maps, rules and CBS for the Soviet Union—0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
For Whom The Bell Tolls All new complete Spanish Civil War.
Russo-Finnish War The winter war. 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-®8-9
Soviet Far Asia Front action in the Soviet Far East. 0-1-2-3-45516-7-8-9
Grand Europa Connection of the entire series. 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8@
Europa East Africa The fight on the "other“ Africa front. 0-1-2-3-4f5}6-7-8-9
Czech '38 The Czech's fight the German takeover. — 0-1
The Med. -2-3-4%6-7-8-9
Naval operations in the Med - '40-'45. —0-1-2-3-4 6-7-8-9
Adlantic War The struggle to control the ocean. ——0-1-2-3-4®6-7-8-9
Pacific Theater of Operations— From Bombay to Pearl Harbor. 0-1-2-3-4-636-7-8-9
Do you have any suggestions?


MARKET C/O Game Research/Design, P.O. Box 591, Grinnell, Iowa 50112-0591
"series game from GDW


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July 27 - 30

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