The Europa Magazine #08

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A Game Research/Design Publicatidn

$4 amass: or


“1‘0 TM a 91608
The Official magazine of the EurOpa system.

John Astell
Shelby Stanton
Rick Gayier
Michael K. Parker
News from GRID
Europafest Report
GenCon Report
Origins Report
Piaytest Kit Info
Catalog of Products
The Europa Association for 1989
get the issues of the magazine produced in
$ 24.95 and allall 1989,
the free products produced for members in 1989,
and the binder, and discounts on products available to

Game Accessories:
$ 9.95 Kit 1, Fire in The East
6 printed reductions maps and charts designed to
enhance play and reduce paper work.

$ 6.95 Kit 3, Narvik

2 printed reductions maps, enlarged combat maps, and
many charts.

$ 6.95 Kit 4, Scorced Earth

3 printedreductions maps, additional charts, and
reduced TEC/CRT. This kit companions Kit 1.

$ 7.95 Kit 5, Spain

2 printed reductions maps covering all of Spain, port
charts and more, including John Astell's "Spanish Torch".

$ 9.95 Kit 6, Europa By Mail

Yes, true, people play Europa by mail and we have
it is
the accessory kit designed to help make it happen. We
also have an air system designed to eliminate the need
for a referee.
And coming soon, issues 1 through 4 of the original newsletter
published by GDW for Europa in 1973 together with issues 1 through 4
of The Europa News/etterin a book titled "Europa, Then & Now". Look
for the ad in the magazine.

Order from: GR/D, PO Box 591, Grinnell, IA 50112

Be sure to enclose $1 for handling for each item
ordered it you are not a member of the association.
$1” (Europa mania
The official magazine of the (Suntan system
No. 8 July/August 1989
Game Research/Design CONTENTS
PO. Box 591
Grinnell, IA 50112 News from GRID by Winston
Hamilton .......................................... 2

Editor Inside Europa by John Astell ..................................................... ..5

Rick Gayler
PO Box 2431
Opelika‘ AL 36801 German RH Engineers
Part II by John Astell .........................10

Associate Editor Facts Behind The Counters by Shelby Stanton ....................13

Gary Stagliano
Rules Court by Ben Knight ............................................................. 22
Shelby Stanton .
John A516" Europatest _ Gencon Pictorial
Michael K. Parker
The Italian 1st, Superga by Michael .
K. Parker .....................30
Advertising Info Available from'
GRD, PO BOX 591 EXchange ...........................................................................................31
Grinnell, IA 50112

Rule 5; Movement @utovafest Report by Tom Johnson .................................... 38

you change your address let us
know by writing 1° “5 3‘1
So you want to playtest a game? ...........................................40
GRD, PO Box 591
Grinnell, IA 50112
Credits: Europatest photos by Winston Hamilton, GenCon photos by Tom
(5511190)”! World Wide Johnson. Pictures in the magazine are from the National Archives, Washington,
In Australia: DC. and GUI Archives, Bonn, West Germany. Graphics by Winston Hamilton on
Pacific Europa Players a Mac IICX with a Microtec MSF 300G Scanner. Wehrkreise drawings by Shelby
353 Flinders Lane, Basement Stanton. Cover inspired by John Greer who gets the credit for improving
Melbourne, Australia. 3000 look and thanks from the publishertor taking the time to do so.
Europa font and
symbols designed by Scott Baxter for GR/D and available from the company (ad
In Great Britain: on page 9). The Europa News is the publication of Game Research Design and
Europa Association of the UK is copyright 1989, all rights reserved. Printed at Grinnell
Graphix. Europa is the
62 Earlston Road - Wallasey Trademark of Game Designers' Workshop and is used with their kind permission.
Merseyside, England L45 SDZ "Remember, tracers work both ways."


Europa Association of Canada
2047 34 Ave, SW A Treat And Some Tricks - Europa at Origins
Calgary, Alberta
Canada - T2T 204 Gamers from all over the United States and various points
around the globe assembled at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton
In Spain
Europa Association of Spain
June 29 - July 2, 1989, forthe annual Origins National Gaming
Joan Pares Mares Convention. had the pleasure of attending this extravaganza

Provenca 85, 08029 Barcelona a representative of GR/D. and while working the GR/D booth
Spain Continued on Page 36
Page 2

game (31:01:: Q39i$

Winston Hamilton
Subscriptions, involved, into in general, and all the keeps the system going by his long
The Association, rest. term commitment and dedication to
and all the rest... Europa; and an award to John Astell
There have been some questions @uruvaicat who is continuing his work on the
system and has received far less
about how The Europa Association Well, if there is a heaven got to see
I credit from the gaming community of
works: how do you join, what do you professionals and players than he
part of it on July 27th. In my travels to
get, and how is this magazine related conventions both as a wargame deserves. spoke to the assembled

to The Association. about what GRID has planned for the

company owner and as Secretary oi
GAMA l have the chance to see how next two years, recapping what we
We run The Association on an annual have announced recently in TEN.
things are done at many shows over
basis. Therefore, a new member who the course of a year. The convention
joins in December 1989 will get all the A.E. Goodwin unveiled the new
put on by Tom Johnson and his crew
published materials for calendar year in Eau Claire, Wisconsin was A+ in standard maps for Europa and they
1989, a 20% discount on 1989 had some interesting stuff on them - 4
every respect. His report appears in
purchases from GR/D, and a binder. this issue along with some photos of to 5 levels of ports; two levels of
However. he will have to re-up for the convention, so won't go into
I railroads; rivers, lakes, and historical
1990 to continue to get the printed points of interest (named on the
materials and take discounts during
great detail here, but it should be
known that a terrific time was had by maps); terrain fixes for the all-new
1990. By the end of 1989, members all. The convention brought Europa MM, new maps for Spain as shown in
will have received six issues of The the game For Whom The Bell
players together lrom all over the US.
Europa News, John Astell's Europa It was quite a sight to behold. All the Tolls; and The Winter War map
Almanac, and a 20% discount on our Europa maps assembled on one wall — showing the display from the Arctic
first Europa module, The Urals, Ocean to three hexes south of
what a vision!
and/or anything else purchased from Leningrad. (it's olticial now, the title of
GR/D during the course of the year. Gary Stagliano's Russo‘Finnish War
Frank Chadwick and i got to play one
The printed materials are not time and three quarters games ol Narvik game is The Winter War.) Arthur
sensitive or time dated. The and ol course the usual East Front has spent a great deal of time on
keystone to The Association is The crowd was playing at several tables. i these maps and they look absolutely
Europa News. As such, members will saw John Astell playing War in the great.
be receiving notice in TEN#9 of their
Desert, and Fall of France was
Association renewal and magazine Dennis Dubberley was in attendance
being played, as well as
resubscription at the same time. One Marita-Merkur and several other with the eight maps of Soviet Asia.
goes hand in glove with the other. titles. Frank told me (and here is a guy including the home islands of Japan.
Since the magazine is our way of that attends many, many, many He also had map 32, which completes
communicating with the membership conventions) that the program of the Caspian Sea area of the USSR,
and is our direct link with you, it is the and will be ready some time this year
loundation of The Association.
speakers, facility, and
accommodations were the best he or early next year. Map 32 will be
has seen. made available as a special oflerfor
Members of The Association are members of The Association. Watch
receiving a copy of John Astell‘s GR/D gave out a number of awards at for it advertised in the magazine.
Europa Almanacfree of charge as the dinner: to GDW for its continuing Both Arthur and Dennis gave a
promised in prior issues. Additional commitment to Europa and its work seminar on the new mapping
copies will be sold through GRID for over the past 15+ years on behalf of situation.
$4.95. all of us who play the games; an award
to Gary Stagliano, the lounder of Nuts Paul Dunigan gave a talk about the
Watch the magazine for your 8. Bolts and long time contributor to Second Front and Grand Europa
resubscription and membership the system; an award to Shelby research he has been doing and
renewal form (one and the same) Stanton who shoulders so much of John Astell spoke about
which will give the details of what is 1,000,000,000,000 words during the
the research and is the person who
Page 3

convention (which was a four day and how much those of us who play it print run. Well, i am in the printing
seminar for him.) figured that if John
care for it. Tom set the standard by business and know better.

was paid a penny a word over the which every future fest will be judged. Reprinting with no changes costs
course of a year for everything he said less, not more. Some increase is
or wrote he could retire after one The Winter War caused by the mere fact that paper
year and ink costs rise over time, but this
The game is nearing playtest stage. It does not offset the cost savings of
Several other speakers were present, appears it will email one map and using previously made plates and
as reported elsewhere. The crowd three countersheets. We may negatives. The reprint will not cause a
was very happy with all that went on. include some extra counters for some price increase - the game goes tor
About 70 people showed up in total, otherthings, but we do not have a $60 as it was priced the first time.
which was a larger Europa contingent real feel for what that may entail at this There will be an announcement on
than was at Origins. time. Details on playtesting appear the release date forthis one in the
elsewhere in this magazine. Price near future.
The future of this convention looks and release date have not been set at
very bright We have set a tentative this time. Marita-Merkur
second convention for Dallas next
year. it will occur at the same time as For Whom The Bell Tolls This will be a new game - a reissue of
DALCON and at the same site. Some the title with the new maps spoke of,

concern was voiced about having our I

have the counter mix and charts, and state-of—the-art rules, new counters,
fest at the same time as another await the rules. This is another item and updated existing counters. The
convention. The fest may be at the that we will put out for playtesting game will have one and a half maps
same place and same time as soon. saw the game set up at
and three countersheets (or more).
DALCON, but it will be a separate Origins and it looked great. As i was Work is progressing on the CBS, OAs
event, in a separate area, and will be rather busy, did not have time to get
and the like. Shelby Stanton is
advertised as such. We will be taking much response from the Europa lending his considerable skill by
advantage of DALCON to provide gamers at Origins, but met with John
taking care of the Germans, John Gee
facilities for us and to offer our Gee and Jeff Millefoglie and they is working on the Greek side and we
members an increased opportunity gave me an update on the game and have a committee working on the rest.
for buying, playing, and visiting. But the general plan for components. Tentative release for last quarter this
the test is a separate operation in For Whom The Bell Tolls will be year or (more probably) first quarter
every respect and will treated as such. first and foremost a complete and next year. We will keep you informed.
am currently negotiating with the independent game covering The Target price forthe new game will be
convention organizer, who is a Spanish Civil War. However, itwill also $39.95 with a discount to members.
personal friend, and have expressed contain a revised edition of GDW's
our needs and desires to him. He has Spain & Portugal module, some
assured me that it will be a co~event in in 1990:
additional scenario material covering
every respect possible. later war activities, and some extra Look for FWBT, the reissue of MM,
counters. Target price for the game is and Second Front. Three in one
In 1991 mark your calendar, buy $34.95 with members receiving a
your year. A record! The magazine will
tickets, ship the family oif, gather your discounted price. The game should publish issues 11 through 16
friends, and get ready. The fest will be ready by Origins of next year (remaining at six issues a year as in
be held at Origins in Baltimore with (saying that should give me plenty of 1989.) Cover price of the magazine
some very special happenings at the time to get it ready, right?) and will be will go up 50¢. Renewal iorthe
convention. A slam-dunk tor Europa, well advertised so you will have plenty magazine subscription and your
with all sorts of things planned and of notice when it hits the streets. continued membership in The
being set up. It‘s too early to go into Association will cost $20 for 1990,
details at this time, but it but one half Fire In the East New members joining in 1990 will be
of the stuff GDW and GR/D have in
paying $29.95, and will receive a
mind happens, oh boy! The reprint of this game is binder and all the free material we
progressing well. Note that this is a have produced up to the point of
Finally, i want to extend personal reprint, not a reissue, so no changes joining in addition to the 1990 TENS
thanks to Tom and his crew for the otherthan an up-to-date errata sheet and other goodies. An important
tremendous performance they gave. will be involved. We have been in point lfaiied to state earlier.
The convention was everything it negotiations with the printer. it seems
should have been and more - a fine that they want to charge more for the BIG...
example of how special this system is reprint than they did (or the original
Page 4

The Europa Association continues to carry the full line of games and the Grinnell consisting of about 5 to 7
grow. We are receiving more interest like. gamers who met off and on to play
from overseas and continue to games. He had heard of Europa
promote the growth of our system Group ll gamers are those who don't through advertising, but had no store
there, as well as in the United States. have shops, but subscribe to in his area (a Group II garner). He had
This brings up a point i want to wargaming periodicals or know about heard of GRID but was just getting
address > how big are we and how do wargames and how to get them. into Europa or wanting to get into
we get in touch with each other. Europa. Here is the prototype new
Group lll is the general public that garner, our future. His group was
Previously we had a contact service. needs education about the thrill of diversified in what they played and he
Unfortunately, it was misused and we what we do: freezing above the "A" thought they would like to try FitE.
dropped it to insure the privacy of our weather line, slogging through the
members. Still, the need for contact mud (on paper, of course). WE are going to have to go after
is there. We are going to try a new people like this. GR/D will do all it can
approach. We must stay in touch to GAMA, the Game Manufacturers to make sure people know about
help the system grow and become Association, has two events a year. Europa and have products available
better - so ~ you want to know who is One is the trade show that talks to the to get them introduced to Europa.
in your area so you can get togethef? retailers. The other is the national You are the front line and have to
Send a SASE (self addressed consumer show, Origins. GAMA is encourage the gamers you know to
stamped envelope) and we will send very concerned with making our play the system and recruit new
you the list of members in your zip products reach everyone who might enlistments.
code area. This should help matters have an interest. As such, GAMA will
and Iteel that it will meet your needs be taking a much more active role in GR/D's responsibility is to market like
as expressed to GRID. the promotion of gaming to the crazy, produce quality goods, and to
non<gamer (or in other words - those keep the faith with those people who
Another point was brought up at who have not yet gamed) and you will have kept faith in Europa.
Europafest. We had a lively be seeing the effect of this at
discussion on what the market is for subsequent Origins. There is talk of ON LINE:
Europa. Well, there have been regional mass market advertising in
10,000 Fire In the East games Time magazine and the like. As This just happened. We are currently
sold (or more) and so there are some Secretary of GAMA, and sitting on the negotiating with a computer bulletin
players out there, The question on Board of Directors am involved with
board and data service. The idea is
how to get to them is answered in part this promotion. There will be a for GR/D to be on-line with the service
by the appearance of the magazine marketing strategy aimed at the which would give those of you with a
on the hobby store shelves. This people who have not heard of us and moden a chance to get the latest on
means that once the gamer gets we will be attempting to get them what is happening. It would also pave
through the door of the shop, he or involved. it will address all three the way for us to promote PBM of
she will see our game system's groups. Europa. There have been requests
magazine and get info that way. We for listings of players and some have
advertise in the print media, so other The other day a young man of about written to us asking what games may
gamers who might not have a hobby 16 walked into the print shop here in be going on and how to get into
store in their area will learn of us, but Grinnell. He came to use the them. This service. still under
in this case we are relying on their photocopy machine. The woman examination, would provice a host of
subscribing to a gaming magazine to who runs GR/D daily operations, Billie possibilities to the players.
get the word to them. What about the Jo Ladely, noticed he was
gamers that have no store and do not photocopying wargame stuff, as she - current errata publication
subscribe? That is tough. Even puts it, and called me at one of my feedback direct to GR/D
tougher, what about those who have other offices. She told me he might current release into
never played Europa or other be interested in GR/D. By the time i 0 & A immediate response
wargames, the new life blood of the got there she had shown him The find opponents, find games
system? That is even tougher. Urals and sold him some kits and
given him a magazine. Well, he felt and much more will be accomplished
it seems to me that people fall into like he had picked the right curtain, with this service. We have been
three general groups: Monty! talking about this for some time and
now we have the chance to try it out.
Group | gamers are those who have I
talked with him a bit and found that More info will be available in the next
retail outlets available to them that he had a group sixty miles south of issue. 9
Page 5

316th: (gumbo
John Astell
Well, I'mupto two issues in a row, When Germany invaded the Soviet the Germans brought little better
unless something happens to this Union in 1941, many Soviets did treatment. For example, the SS
column in the mail. I’ve yet to hear volunteer their services against their raised Druzhina l and II in the spring of
much reaction to my "Attacker government. While their reasons 1942 from Soviet POWs. Intended
Repulsed" suggestion in TEN #7 - if
ranged from base - such as pure for special operations against the Red
you have an opinion on it, send a gangsterism under Kaminski, later Army, Druzhina was employed against
note to EXchange. praised as 'the famous Kaminski" by the partisans instead. Due to
Field Marshal von Kluge to Hitler to

continually poor treatment by the SS
Ghost of Issue Past noble, most hoped for liberation from and other racist Germans, Druzhina
Stalin's tyranny. These volunteers deserted as a unit in August 1943
As last time, I'll lead off with some were ignored and discouraged by the and became the Soviet tst
comments on the last issue of TEN. Nazis. Although officially Anti-Fascist Brigade.
discouraged, the eastern volunteers
EASTERN TROOPS found unofficial welcomes by many Faced with increasing prospects of
German units, which were more than desertions and unreliability as the tide
Frank Prieskop's article on the willing to take any help they could get. turned against the Fatherland, the
Kalmuck Cavalry Corps in TEN #7 tells Many Soviets sewed as unarmed Germans resorted to brutal measures.
the tragic story of one of the many auxiliaries for these units. Armed As the Nazis began their long retreat
ethnic nationalities in the USSR that eastern troop units sprang up much to oblivion, they would evacuate the
provided soldiers for the Germans. more slowly, on their own initiative families of the eastern soldiers out of
However, don't take this story as despite official policy or through the USSR. While this did prevent the
typical of the German management of sponsorship by individual Germans Soviets from using the families as
their Eastern Troops (Ostfruppen in promoting their cause. Due to their hostages, this was much less the
German). The Kalmucks were one of irregular status and German doubts humanitarian gesture that it seems.
a very few nationalities that seem to about their reliability, the eastern Instead, once settled in western or
have gotten halfway decent treatment troop units were rarely used in the central Europe, the families became
by the Germans. For most of the front lines against the Red Army.
others, they soon discovered that
hostages of the Germans, to ensure
instead, they were employed the loyalty of the eastern troops.
they had traded the nightmare of mopping up pockets of Soviet forces
Staiinism for a Nazi hell. and especially against the partisans. Even with hostages in hand, the
German government placed little trust
Nazism proclaimed that the "Slavic When the eastern campaign failed to in the eastern troops. With the lailure
race" was sub-human, and it held the end quickly and victoriously, the of the Kursk offensive and the
"Asiatic races" in even greater German government slowly changed growing disaster of the Soviet
contempt Although many Germans its position in 1942 and 1943 about summer offensive, most of the
disagreed with this ideology, many using "eastern troops," but it was too eastern troops were withdrawn from
others were tervent supporters, while late. The Nazi occupation in the east the USSR and sent to the Balkans,
the vast majority went along with had proven to its victims that German Italy, or France. While this prevented
official policy. And, official policy was liberation meant murder,
that sub-humans made good slaves, mass desertions to the Soviets, it
enslavement, and starvation. Any removed their last motivation to fight
not good soldiers. Himmler promoted hope of gaining the trust or for the Germans - the chance to fight
the publication of Der Untermensch cooperation of the populace was against Stalin's state. Only the best of
(The Sub-Human) magazine and its gone forever. While hundreds of
racist propaganda; Goring stated that these units, such as the Cossacks,
thousands were still helping or survived the transfer with good
the best way to deal with the dissident fighting for the Germans, even more
Soviets was to "shoot anybody who morale. In the east, only the most
joined or sided with the partisans. loyal remained, such as the Kalmucks
looked sideways." Hitler proclaimed New eastern troop recruits were rarely and Crimean Tartars. In the end, no
"Only the German may carry arms, not true volunteers, but were induced to
the Slav, not the Czechs, not the matter where they served or to whom
join to escape starvation at the hands they surrendered, they were turned
Cossacks." of the Germans. However, serving over to Stalin's vindictive security
Page 6 ' — '-

services. Caught between a aggressive for a turn or two . a Italian order of battle for all of World
Communist system they found temporary effect, but one helpful to War II, and I've come up with a few
intolerable and a merciless Nazi the Soviets. If you can't destroy new items for War In the Desert
ideology, the eastern troops met with everything, and often you can't, I Western Desert.
ill treatment from all sides.
always take out the airbases first.
Denying the Luftwaffe forward bases TANKS FOR THE TAKING
Frank Prieskop's article is misphrased is more important than destroying the
concerning Stalingrad, where he railroads. Those 0-8 Italian light tank battalions
states "However, in January of 1943, have always bothered me. They're
the encirclement of Stalingrad took Roy's plan of attacking the German nearly worthless and require a special
place and it was necessary for the infantry instead of the panzers is a rule, to boot. Things would be better
German troops in the Caucasus to good one. Also, hit the Axis Allied if they weren't there. Well,
they don't
withdraw..." Stalingrad was encircled infantry whenever possible. Not only have to be. Italian battalions
in November 1942, and Frank must is it weaker than German infantry, its (bartaglioni)were on paper either
have meant to say that the replacement rate is extremely low. independent or under regiments
deteriorating situation at encircled When it shows up in a section of the (reggimenri), but in practice were
Stalingrad in January 1943 forced the front line, you can be fairly sure the often organized in groups
withdrawal of the Germans in the German player doesn't think that (raggrupamenti), somewhat similar in
Caucasus. sector is very important. Smashing an concept to US task forces. On 29
Axis Allied line is a good way to force August 1940, the Italians formed an
Frank's suggestion about receiving the German playerto send stronger armored command for all tanks in
the Kalmuck unit is OK, although l'm forces there from positions he does North Africa (the Commando carri
not sure that having a special consider more important. armati def/a Libia) , under which were
reinforcement rule forjust one unit is the (independent) light tank
worthwhile. I
don‘t agree with his "The Battle for Kiev" article by battalions and the two effectively
suggestion that the unit should have Timothy O'Shenko was great. Fats independent medium tank battalions
an anti-partisan zone of control. While Tooten, a friend who's busy writing a of the 4th Tank Regiment. These
used for anti«partisan warfare, this was book, See Russia and Die, says the battalions were organized into the tst
due to German policy and not article is right on the money, and and Tank Groups plus two
because the Kalmucks were especially about how full of M'A'S‘H battalions. While these two groups in
necessarily skilled at it. With no von Mellenthin‘s book, Panzer practice weren't very cohesive, for
security training, undisciplined Battles, is. He notes, however, that Europa purposes they provide
(however valorous they might be), O‘Shenko got a bit involved with excellent headquarters into which we
and employed in regions where they listing the German tank losses in can collect the lights.
were as foreign to the population as November 1943 and forgot to list any
the Germans, think the Kalmucks
total. Totaling Jack‘s figures, just for At the same time, want to meddle

don't rate an APZOC. November, it appears the Germans with the 4th Tank Regiment. At 1—6, it
lose at least 335 tanks, and possibly is an extremely weak unit, mostly
MY TWO CENTS many more. Even accepting the because one of its battalions had
Germans' claim of knocking out 600 most of its tanks in for repair at the
agree with almost everything Roy Soviet tanks, they don't quite KO two start of the game. Well, we don't track
Lane wrote in his article on strategy tanks for every one they lose - and don't need to track - tank
and tactics for the Soviets in themselves. It the Germans breakdowns and repairs elsewhere in
Scorched Earth. And, since I'm at continued to give the Soviets Europa_(or elsewhere in WItD/WD
it, here's my two cents on the subject: "lessons in maneuver" at this rate, for that matter). Underthe normal
When Roy says destroy everything, they'd be holding a few hundred course of affairs, the tanks would
destroy EVERYTHING. Aside from its square miles more of battlefield, but have been repaired and sent back,
direct game effects, it can be a would have no tanks left, while the except that the British came
psychological weapon against your Soviets will still have a few thousand! screaming through Cyrenaica in the

opponents. In one game I‘ve played, meantime. (Similarly, British 7th

the Soviets pulled this off in the Ghost of Issue Present Armoured Division happened to be
Ukraine in July 1941. The Army taking a powder and getting its tanks
Group South player became visibly Swinging southwest from the repaired when Rommel came
depressed when he realized he'd steppes, let's take a look-see at the screaming through Cyrenaica the
have to rebuild every rail line and searing sands of the Sahara. Yesss? other way.) What propose is to bring

airbase for the next couple hundred As part of my research for Second the 4th into line with the rest of the
miles, and his play became less Front, I've been working on the Italian medium tanks in WitD/WD, by
Page 7

breaking it into its two battalions. North Africa, so seems better toit desert are the two motorized
have appear in Europe at tull
divisions, the 101st and 102nd. The
So, here goes: From the initial forces strength and riskthe Malta Table: on 102nd had the mislonune to arrive in
on the Axis order of battle, delete the Feb 42 change 3-8 Arm Cadre 133
Africa when the supply services were
seven 0-8 Lt Tank ll (9 L, 20 L, 21 L, to 75-8 Arm XX 133. The 132nd l'm desperately in need of trucks, so the
60 L, 61 L, 62 L, 63 L) and the 1—6 uncertain about. had to leave my I
102nd was partially demotorized. (I
Tank ill (4 l) and add: best reference source on North Africa believe this was supposed to be
in lllinois when moved to
temporary, but you know how that

1-8 Tank X1 at 19:0226

Lt Massachusetts, as Frank Chadwick's
1~8 Lt Tank X 2 at 1920526
goes. Once the trucks got into the
brain proved to be firmly attached to tield in other hands, it probably
1-6 Lt Tank || 1 M at Gazala, 18:4519 his body. It appears, however, to became impossible to get them back.)
1»6 Lt Tank ll 2 M at 19:0726 have assembled for operations in Well, i see nothing wrong with leaving
North Africa fairly quickly, What I'm the demotorization decision up to the
New WitD/WD ltalian Counters: inclined to do now is to delete the 38 player. When the Axis player receives
Arm Cadre 132 on Feb 41, when it l
an ltalian 5-8 Mot XX (Feb 41 and

2x1-8LtTankX 1,2 began arriving in North Africa, and add Sep I41), he can take it as a
2X1~6Tankll 1M,2M the 75—8 Arm XX 132 on Mar 41. l
motorized division or he can take it as
X a 5'8 infantry division and increase his
X Also, see no outstanding reason to
SMP total by 5 SMPs. To implement
(:3 ©l~ prevent the Italian armored divisions
from breaking down into their
this in the game, change the 5-8 lnl
XX 102 received on Feb 41 to 58

1-8 1-8
regiments. Here‘s how that goes:

7-5-8ArmXX 131 132

Mot XX 102, reduce the Axis SMP
total on Mar 41 from 25 to 20, and

have a5-8 lanX101 handyforthe

19:0226 19:0526 8ArrnXXHQ 131 132 133 5-8 Mot XX101 on Sepl41.
4—2-8 Arm Ill 31 132 133
2710Mot III 5 Bers 8 Berst2 Bers New WitD/WD Italian Counters:
ll II

Q E CD E XX XX X 1x5~8Mot XX 102

1 -6 1 -6 (I) ,_ «a
tx58lntXX 101

18:4519 19:0726 8 8 8 oF1-
Also, on Feb | 41, delete the three HI I” IH
08 Lt Tank ll (4 L, 5 L. 11 L) 55
reinforcements and receive one
Italian armor replacement instead.
C) ‘_
Finally, delete Rule 28A4, as it is no
4-2-8 4-2-8 4—2—8 3
longer applicable, All this is
Ill . Ill . Ill 3

E3 E” 5_8
EXPERlMENTAL. but it looks pretty
good to me.
to Ki" co N

All three Italian armored divisions

2-10 2-10 2-10 Finally, let's add the

breakdowns for these two

appear as reinforcements at cadre divisions. Doing so will let us
strength The reason for this was that New WitD/WD ltalian Counters: show them in the game at their actual
the ltalians shipped the divisions 3 RE size, ratherthan at the 2 RE size
piecemeal and didn't always send the 3x8Arm HO 131,132,133 of the rest of the ltalian divisions.
entire division. The more look at this 3 x 42-8 Tank III 31,132,133 Amend Rule 3E accordingly. (Note: It

the more think it isn't completely

3 x 2-10 Mot ill 5 Bers, 8 Bars, 12 Bers you don't bother with the
right. The 131st (Oct l 42) is definitely
breakdowns, then don't bother with
shipped over as a cadre. The 133rd Rounding out the Italian the 3 RE business, either, as this has
(Feb 42) suffered losses en route to
combat/motorized forces in the the potential to penalize them too
Page 8

much. For example, being stuck with Guastaton' battalions, as the Italians
a 3 RE unit you can't break down "piazzaforte Tripoli" along with
had cleverly concealed them from me "piazzafarte Tobruch." Place a fort
means you can‘t ship it to a minor by putting them inside a couple of
counter at Tripoli (1820122) at the
divisions. During 1941 the Italians
, start of the game.
converted a handful of infantry
5-8MotXX 101 102 divisions to "assault and landing Now that Dave Hughes has found the
8MolXXHQ 101 102 divisions." In essence, these British pioneers (see TEN#6) in the
143 Mot Ill 65 61 divisions got some combined desert and elsewhere, we're on the
143 Mot Ill 66 62 operations training, in case they were
2-10 Mot Ill 9 Bers 7 Bars verge of losing that annoying
used against Malta, and some divisional engineer rule. If could just
5-8 Inf XX 101 102 specialist units. In particular, the 1st dig up some more engineers for the
8MotXXHQ 101 102 and 4th Divisions picked up Axis, we could drop the rule entirely.
1-8 Inf Ill 65 61 Guasfatori battalions, In Europa Well, I've had no luck so far, so I'm
18 Inf Ill 66 62 terms, these battalions should be going to fudge it. Let‘s assume that
2-8 Inf Ill 9 Bers 7 Bers independent of the divisions: On enough German and Italian engineer
Nov ll 42, add 1-8 Aslt Eng ll (1 G) to assets are present to justify a counter
New WitD/WD Italian Counters: the Axis reinforcements. Add 1-8 Aslt by the summer of 1941: Add a
2x8MotXXHQ 101,102 Eng |l (11G) to the Italian 1942 Special German Army 03 Eng Ill (Afr) as a Jul l
4x 1-8 Mot Ill 61, 62, 65, 66 Forces Pool. 41 reinforcement. Delete the German
2x 2—10 Mot Ill 7 Bers, 9 Bers 1-8 Eng I|I (Afr) from the Dec | 42
4x 1-8 Inf Ill 61, 62, 65, 66 New WitD/WD Italian Counters: reinforcements and instead convert
2x2~8 Inf Ill 78ers, 9 Bers 2x 1-8 Aslt Eng ll 1 G, 11G the 0-8 to the 1—8 on this turn. Use
Dave Hughes' material on the pioneer
XX XX groups from TEN#6, and drop Rule
E '5 3203 (Divisional Engineers).

1- l‘ CD New WitD/WD German Counter:

8 8 2-10 2-10 x 0-8 Eng lll Afr



., Em N ‘-
.. .
|_T'l fl
1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 0-8

(D ‘9 ..
All this, except the Tripoli fort, is
1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 OPTIONAL.

Ghost of Issue Future

Ill III II ll
8 a Are fortified hexside counters on their
’r (5
1‘ 6
g m F : way out? Why are motorized infantry
units halved when attacking into
2-10 2-10 1-8 1-8 swamps and forests? Will the next
issue's column answer these
questions and more? Will the next
issue's column add yet more
All this, of course, is OPTIONAL. More Oops. It seems Tripoli was unprinted counters?!? Beats me, but
(partially) fortified before the war. I
stay tuned and we'll have some more
ENGINEERS AND FORTS missed this fact when doing
Western Desert and Torch, even
fun. 9
It looks like missedI
a couple of though one of my Italian sources lists
91cm (gamma ‘Jsrohucté
New products from GR/D
Order from: GR/D, PO Box 591, Grinnell, IA 50112
Be sure to enclose $1 shipping (free for members)
John Astell's @urova mlmanac - $ 4.95 now available
Cities, Forts, Ports, and their
sizes, location on the map, and other important data is
made available in this comprehensive work on the game series. Updates and new
information will be provided through the magazine. Twenty-eight
pages of goodies.
The (S‘urnpa Disk - $ 3§95 now available!
Designed for the Mac, this disk has the Europa font and the symbol font on it. Now
you can get all 71 symbols by keystroke. This comprehensive font allows you to
print text in the Europa style or symbols representing the entire current symbology
used by the Europa system. Updates and support will be available from GR/D.
Sizes of the symbols are controlled as with any other font and are usable in
any Mac
application. Instructions on installation and licensing are with the disk. You need a
Mac 512 k E or better to use the disk. This disk is protected by copyright and is forthe
personal use of the buyer only. You may inquire about commercial use through GRID.

Ugggw©fi "-
A00 2:
(guru a cat
. .the button - now available. A blue and white fest button from
the first convention for $2 plus 50¢ for shipping and handling —

Order from Tom Johnson, 521 Fall St., Eau Claire, WI 54703

. .and the movie! Well, Tom is working on that. We should

have a VHS tape of the main speakers at the fest. John Astell,
Frank Chadwick, Paul Dunigan, A.E. Goodwin, Gary Stagliano,
Dennis Dubberley and more - stay tuned for details.
...and more - Shelby Stanton's comprehensive guide to the use and
history of
Europa symbols. This product will be given free to the members and will be offered
for sale to the gaming public at large. '


Page 10 -

German mailtnab (S‘ngiuecra

(S‘uruha ther of $attl¢
By John Astell

(mm: In correcting the Scorched ble for the railroad engineer troops of of the VS Battalion as the HQ of the
Earth rules on railroad engineers, I
an army group on the eastern front. 5th Regiment and then transferred
gathered considerable information on For Europa purposes, railroad engi- the HQ of the 13th Battalion as the
the German railroad engineers in all neer organization has been simplified new HQ of the I/3. (The HQ of the US
theaters of the war. As compensation to the following: companies and bat- was one of the oldest, most experi-
for having the rules changed once talion headquarters are shown as bat- enced RR engineer H05 in the Ger—
again, here's the Europa level OB.) talions, the regiment consists of two man Army, which made it more suited
battalions, and the brigade of four bat- as a regimental HQ than the less ex-
Responsible for the maintenance and talions. perienced 13th.) The net effect is
construction of railways, German rail» that the 13th is withdrawn to become
road engineer forces served in all Eu- German number and name designa- the HQ of the 5th Regiment, which is
ropean theaters from Italy to the Arctic tions for the railroad troops changed how show it in the OB. This ap~

and from France to the Soviet Union. constantly throughout the war. For proach results in a "clean" OB, with no
Faced with imposing obstacles, such Europa purposes, most of these useless counter swapping in it.
as rail nets of differing gauges, im- changes aren't significant and aren't
mense distances, enemy bombing shown. Almost all the early-war units Sometimes, the name of a unit was
campaigns, and partisans, they almost were renumbered in April 1940; later important, and this is tracked. For ex-
always succeeded in keeping the many of these were renumbered ample, there was an Eisenbahn-
"iron roads" in operation. Theirfail- again. Often the numbers would re— Pionier-Bataillon-Stabe (railroad engi-
ures in the advance during Barbaros-

main the same, but the unit type neer battalion headquarters) series,
5a and in the final days of Allied bomb- name would change, such as when separate from the Eisenbahn-Bau~
ing - were due to their lack of the Eisenbahn—Bau-Batar’l/on (railroad Bataillon (railroad constmction batta-
numbers construction battalion) series became lion) series. For Europa, both series
the Eisenbahn-Baupioner—Batail/on rate as railroad engineer battalions.
The railroad engineers underwent (railroad construction engineer batta- Those "Pionier" units that had "sz"
many reorganizations and redesigna- lion) series in the August 1943 reor- designations (the German abbrevia-
tions throughout the war. Despite ganization. To avoid needless tion, "for special purposes") retain
these, their essential organization re- "counter shuffling," I've smoothed them in the OB. This helps show that
mained fairly constant. The basic rail» out the designations. Take the VS the 15m Railroad Engineer Battalion
road engineer unit was the company.
A battalion headquarters almost al-
battalion, for example. It actually start-
ed the war as the 5th, became the
and the 15th sz Railroad Engineer
Battalion are two different units.
ways controlled the companies, usu- 15th in April 1940, and then the US (I
ally with four companies per battalion Battalion of the 5th Regiment) in Sep- Sep l 39
headquarters. Above the battalions tember 1940. | see no need for hav- Initial Forces.
were two types of regiments: head- ing three counters, identical in every- 11 x0-6RR Eng ll
quarters, which had no organic batta- thing except unit ID, simply to track 1
sz. l/1, Hz, "/2, VS, "/3,
lions, and complete regiments, which the designation changes. Similarly, VS, VS. “/6, 9 sz, 13
had two or three organic battalions. In I've smoothed out the 08 to hide the Available for Assembly:
April 1940, the Germans went to a sin- numerous headquarters swaps the 3x0-6RR Eng lIl 1,2,3
gle organization of a regiment with Germans went through. There wasn't
two organic battalions. This held for a pressing need to maintain unit co- Note:
the rest of the war, except for the 7th hesion like combat troops, so railroad The 1st and 2nd RR Eng Ill start the
and 8th Regiments, which had their engineer battalion and regimental war as headquarters, with no organic
battalions detached and became headquarters constantly were units. Each gains its two battalions in
headquarters-only regiments. Later swapped around, For example, when the April 1940 reorganization.
in the war, three brigade headquar- the headquarters of the 5th Regiment
ters were organized, each responsi- was raised. the Germans used the HQ The 3rd RR Eng Ill starts the war as
— Page 11

the 68th RR Eng III, with three organic Dec l 39 July 1942, the 8th had its battalions
battalions. In the April 1940 reorgani- 1x 0-6 RR Eng || ”/1 detached, and the “/8 became the V1,
zation, the 68th is redesignated the while the I/1 became the 11th sz.
3rd, its I/68 and ”/68 became the US Mlle; The net effect of all this is that the ”/8
and ”/3, and its Ill/68 became the In The “/1 battalion was originally the (19th) became the 11th sz.
For sim-
(the Battalion of the 1st Regiment).
sz and became the “/1 in April plicity, show this unit as the 19th

The |/2 started the war as the 56th,
becoming the l/2 in April 1940. Jan 40I
Jul I 40
4x 0-6 RR Eng ii 511, 512,513,514 1x 0-6 RR Eng ll 20
The “/2 started the war as the 1st, be—
came the 11th in April 1940, and then Mate; Note;
became the ”/2 in October 1940.
(There was an actual ”/2 from April to
The 207th, 212th, 2515t, and 252nd
Construction Battalions became Rail-
The 10th sz
was raised as the 20th,
became the US in April 1941, and
October 1940, formed from the 1st
sz, which was separate from the 1st.
road Construction Battalions, with the
same numbers, in January 1940, and
then the 10th sz
in July 1942.

This ”/2 became the HQ for the 6th then were renumbered, respectively, The 701 st Regiment was raised as a
Regiment in October, at which time the 511th, 512th, 513m, and 514th railroad engineer regimental head-
the 11th became the new ”/2. have
in April 1940. quarters (no organic battalions) in the
smoothed this out by having the 1st summer of 1940. However, haven't

become the HQ for the 6th Regi- Feb I

40 found any evidence of its existence
ment, with the 151/11th as the ”/2 1x0—6RR Eng ii 515 or disbanding beyond this time, and I
from the start.)
suspect this was a very temporary
More; unit, at best. Accordingly, I've exclud<
The US started the war as the 5th, be» The 253rd Constmction Battalion be- ed it from the 08. If you disagree,
came the 15th in April 1940, and then came the 253rd Railroad Construction feel free to add, available for assem-
the US in September 1940 when the Battalion in February 1940 and was bly, 1 x 0-6 RR Eng III 701 on the Juli
5th Regiment was raised. renumbered the 515th in April 1940. 40 Turn.
The I/6 started the war as the 2nd, be- Apr 40
Sep I
came the 121h in April 1940, and then
the I/6 in October 1940 when the 6th
4x RR Eng II V4, "/4, ”/5, 12
Available for Assembly:
sz Available for Assembly:
1x0-6 RR Eng Ill 5
Regiment was raised. 1 x0~6RR
Eng ill 4 Withdraw:
1x0-6 RR Eng || 13
The we started the war as the 6th, be- Matt
came the 161h in April 1940, and then The 4th Regiment, V4, and ”/4 were N919:
the “/6 in October 1940 when the 6th new formations. The 13th effectively became the HQ
Regiment was raised. of the 5th Regiment. (Actually, the Us
The ”/5 was raised as the 17th and became the regimental HQ, and the
The 9th sz had a mixed course: The
4th started the war, became the 14th
became the ”/5 in September 1940. 13th became the new US.)
in April 1940, became the ”/7 in Janu-
ary 1941, and then effectively be-
The 12th sz
was raised as the 18th.
became the W in January 1941, and
Oct I
Available for Assembly:
came the 9th sz
in July 1942 when
the 7th Regiment was broken up. By
then the 12th sz
in July 1942. 1x0«6 RR Eng Ill 6
"effectively," mean that the Germans Jun 40 x 06 RR Eng 1sz
1 II
swapped a lot of H05 around in July: 1x0-6 RREngll 19
the “/7 actually became the “/5, while
the ”/5 became the "/2, the “/2 be-
coming the Il/1, and the ”/1 becoming
The 19th was raised in June 1940
The 1st sz
effectively became the
HQ of the 6th Regiment. (Actually, it
the 9th sz! The net effect is as |
show it in the OB.
and effectively became the 11th
in July 1942. (In actuality, the 19th
sz did, only it was the "/2 at the time.
See the note under Sept 39.) I

became the HQ of the 8th Regiment

The 13th started the war as the 3rd, when it was raised in April 1941. At
becoming the 13th in April 1940. that time, the "/8 was raised from Dec 1. 40
scratch. For game purposes, treat 1
2x0-6 RR Eng II 106,111
this as the 19th becoming the ”/8. ln
Apr I
1x0-6 RR Eng ll 13

The 13th was a new formation.

Jul | 43
2x 0-8 RR Eng ll 12,14
The 12th and 14th were formed from
the 12th and 501st Railroad Bridge
Construction Battalions. (In Europa,
bridging units are not shown directly,
but their effects are factored into exv
isting engineer units.)

Aug I
2x 0-6 RR Eng ll 15 zbv, 16

The 15 zbv was a new formation. The
161h was formed in the Balkans from
the "Nowsky" Bridge Construction
The 106th and 111th Construction
(11th sz) became the ll/8. Headquarters
Battalions became the same- Apr I
42 Oct l 43
numbered 1 x 0-6 RR Eng II 404 1x 0-6 RR Eng || 92bV
Railroad Construction Battalions. Available for Assembly:
Note: 1x0-6RREngX 3
Jan I
41 The 404th Construction Battalion be-
3 x 0-6 RR Eng ll 15,83,139 came the 404th Railroad Construction Note:
Available for Assembly:
Battalion. The 9th
sz, earlier withdrawn, was
1XO-6 RR Eng Ill 7 Jun I
2 x 0-6 RR Eng ll 2, 408 The HQ of the 3rd Brigade was a new
Note: tormation.
The 15th, 83rd, and 139th Construc— Note:
tion Battalions became the same- The 2nd and 408th Construction Bat- Nov l 43
numbered Railroad Construction Bat- talions became the 2nd and 408th 3 x 06 RR Eng It 515, 517,518
talions. Railroad Construction Battalions.
The HQ of 7th Regiment was raised in Dec 42 I
The 516th, 517th, and 518th were
January 1941. (Actually, the lI/3 be- Available for Assembly: new formations.
came the HQ ot the 7th, while a new ||/ 1 x 0—6 RR Eng X 1
3 was raised.) Jan 44 I

Withdraw: Available for Assembly:

Apr l 41
Available for Assembly:
1x 0-6 RR Eng ll 9 sz 1 x 0-6 RR Eng X 2

1x O»6 RR Eng Ill 8 Note: Ngte:

The 9th zbv effectively was with- The HQ of the 2nd Brigade was a new
Note: drawn to become the HQ of the 1st formation.
The HQ 01‘ 8th Regiment was raised in Brigade. (Actually, the HQ of the 3rd
April 1941. (Actually, the 19th be- Regiment became the HQ of the 1st 9
came the regimental HQ and a brand- Brigade, while the 9th zbv was with-
new ll/8 was raised. The net effect is drawn to replace the HQ of the 3rd.)
that the 8th HQ is new and the 19th
Page 13

Facts Behind The Counters

39¢ @ermuu flbcrftiée @nétem
By Shelby Stanton
Second Front will have many the release of Narvik
exciting dimensions, and among (Norway) the following
these one of the most interesting is year, Their Finest
Germany's final defense. This article Hour (Britain) in 1976,
recounts how this Europa segment and Case White
got incorporated into the design work (Poland) during 1977.
for Second Front in the first place, Just before the end of
and then how Germany's defenses the decade
were engineered to give a playable Marita-Merkur was
basis for some of the simulation's published for the 1941 Bialystok
most dynamic turns. Balkans front. By 1980,
the foundation for a
In 1973, the initial sequence of definitive World War It

Europa historical products presented series covering the XX

the Soviet-German conflict in two European war at a grand XX
massive games, Drang Nach scale was firmly in place. Arys -—
Osten and Unentschieden. 401
These sentinel games featured The impact of these Mlelau Gllge
hexes that spanned less than twenty games was profound 461
miles each, and an elaborate array of because of the detailed Stablack mergency
individualized sub-divisional units. Maneuver

combat they permitted

These titles set the scope and tempo over entire fronts. X X
of the Europa series. Other Europa simulations 5
European campaigns followed with enabled the players to We rwolf Schubert NOTdOSt
compose Partisan

Supp o rt 8 d, Emergency Pohueal Police

ms forces in the true Although air and armor were already
fashion of mechanized introduced, they remained basically
warfare and to maneuver outside the integrated arena of the
them across countries. battlefield. The support arms were
even less glamorous. For instance,
One of the most most engineers were primarily
100 Km fascinating aspects of pick—and-shovel laborers prior to the
X X |———1 Wortd War ll was that it advent of mechanization.
X X X X produced the first diverse
Altwarp _ specialization of the Just before and during World War II, a
40 2 Kolberg military that is the hallmark wide range of units were raised to
Gross- of modern armies. Before
Born Emergemy render special support to new tank
Hammerstein Stettin the Second World War, a and mobile infantry armies. Armored
regime's ground armed and mechanized units delivered the
forces were basically degree of shock and mobile firepower
x X X different categories of necessary to punch and exploit holes
sS SS H J infantry, cavalry, and in enemy defensive lines. In the wake
Ostsee thzer Werwolf artillery with a few skilled of the mechanized onslaughts,
elements for tasks such infantry units demonstrated their
Emergency Political Police Partisan as fortress reduction. continuing mastery at seizing and
vehicular flak guns specific assignments, and proved
to ward off enemy ultimately useful for channelizing
air attacks, and special resources. Even the latest
motorized artillery Europa mling reflects the crucial place
to shell forward of the World War II battalion: railroad
targets. Even the engineers are now (quite properly)
formerly drab being broken out of their regiments
engineers and and into battalions!
Ghoggflfissomo construction crews
X X were differentiated Because Europa is the only
by new types of continental-scale simulation to depict
Doberltz X X X power machinery. combat down to battalion level, it is
also the most valid operational—level
433 Kusm"

Juterbog Much of this game of World War II in existence. By
Fl _ K_ S ,
' egan- 463 FrFankfurt
specialization was interconnecting the Europa series of
concentrated at games, it also becomes the essential
wurm'aga' Emergency mm” battalion level in strategic-level game of World War ll.
T'b°"'9" ilk” World War II armies. This interlocking of the Europa
S K am 0mm. OKW '

des Fuhror- games, and the steadily improving

SS hauptquaniers averaged around refinement of the rules and historical
K” rmark 1qu 300 - 500 soldiers counters, became more apparent as
and were thus of Fall of France was issued in 1981

excellent and Western Desert saw

or anizational size production in 1982. By this time, the
”J Spree
S forgafi
kinds of design team of John M. Astell, Paul R.
Werwolf equipment. In Banner, Frank Chadwick, and Marc W.
Political Police Partisan Emergency World War II, there Miller decided to overhaul the first two
was not enough wargames, Drang Nach Osten and
automation and Unentschieden, completely.
manpower-saving devices
to utilize a lower basic Of course, at this
stage both Drang
structure. Whatever the Nach Osten and Unentschieden
job was, a couple of were hopelessly outclassed by later
hundred men had to do it. Europa products. Much more than a
In today's military, small simple fix-up was required to keep
companies and these games within the Europa
squad-sized teams can use framework. The rules needed
modern technical extensive redressing. The historical
apparatus and computers research had to start practically from
to achieve desired results, scratch. And some very basic
but in the 19405 a large questions about Europa direction had
Konlgsbruck 404 number of people were to be considered.
required to move and
Zeithaln 464 operate most machinery One of the most basic questions was

and heavy weapons the time-frame for a new
anauver mergancy
systems. Soviet-German east front game. The
early historical research verified the
Elbe Oberheld- HJ Battalions became the probable need for over a thousand
acher Werwolf essential heartbeat of new counters for a Drang Nach
Emergency Political Police Partisan
World War II combat. Osten rendition. Additionally, the
Divisions, and regiments - rules rewriting already suggested
the massed giants of more complexities following the
holding ground objectives. A yesteryear - were now sophisticated winter stage of this campaign. These
complex range of supporting assets combinations of battalions. ln circumstances combined to keep the
was now imperative. For example, addition. a new range of independent revision within the same timetable as
armor columns required screening battalions gave field commanders the the original version: inclusive of the
and reconnaissance elements, degree of flexibility required for 1941 campaign to include the
— Page 15
1941-1942 winter fighting. Front‘s effects on
late-war German
The work on this revision project was defensive
so comprehensive that it resulted in a developments. Allied
completely new simulation, Fire in
gains or failures on the
the East. The game was released in West Front would be
the spring of 1984, and covered the critical in determining V
German invasion of the Soviet Union Germany‘s 1945
Kan Stan:
from June 1941 through March 1942.
military posture
Any Europa game covering the
against the Soviets. 100 Km
"second half" of the Soviet—German
war would have to start from there. (In The reVI5lon title
. .


fact, some German and Soviet Scorched Earth

reinforcements arriving in March and
_ 404 berrheln
and its playtest kit
earlier for the 1942 campaign and

thus not specifically engaged in the

were announced at Zeithain 464
the end of April 1986. .
1941-1942 winter battle were

From the outset, the Maneuver Emergency
deleted from Fire in the East) . playtest materials X X
stated that the Axis
in the meantime, Torch was
published in 1985 and brought the
and Soviet orders of Swaefl ”WNW"
appearance W0U|d Emergency 0 mca ice
Americans into the ”Second Front" of cover the war only
Europe Even as Torch was through December II, 1944. During the conclusion of the German-Soviet
published, design work on a revised play testing, the amount of counters campaign in Scorched Earth This
Unentschieden, the second required and the patterns of combat concept would end Second Front
Soviet-German campaign game, was verified the wisdom of this termination on December Il 1944. Another
already unclewvay. The termination date. limitation was that the game would
date of the game was now a central
design question. At one time, it was encompass only the Italian-Franco
During mid-1987, with the publication theaters. The other theaters where
expected that such a revised game of Scorched Earth, the schedule the Germans also stationed troops
might proceed until Germany‘s for future Europa simulations was (Greater Germany, Norway, Balkans,
ultimate collapse during 1945. While again discussed. One of the most
it appeared feasible to play out the
and Denmark) were excluded from
favored tentative ideas was to the proposed game,
Soviet-German war through 1945, the harmonize the termination date of the
introduction of Torch brought Western Front game (Second This limited Second Front
forcible recognition of the Second Front} with


Else n born
S e n he
Wa h n
Maneuver ‘5} Padarborn
Vi xx x x
407 SS S
100 Km Sud Muehe
467 Emergency Political Police
453 X
Emergency XX
35 ss
476 Bayornwald
Emergency Emergency Political Police Political Police
Page 18

directly incorporated into

Osmium Karlsbad the German empire, For
simplicity, a maneuver
During the actual war, only a few
maneuver area divisions were raised

x i it a © area can be thought of

like a big post in the
United States, such as
and retained their own identity, An
example was the Gross-Born infantry
Division. Most maneuver area assets
Number; Fort Bragg or Fort Polk. were incorporated into divisions
The maneuver division retreating through their area or split
not only includes all the into innumerable battle groups and
maneuver area schools, various field contingents. The use of
Grahnm’hr xx 100 Km officer and NCO courses, maneuver divisions provides an

‘——‘_‘ refresher facilities, excellent simulation device that


41 3

Hammelburg recruits, and cadres, but avoids the pitfalls of replacing or

many battle groups in the rebuilding cadres and tracking
Hohenials Emergency same region. Each fragmentary elements.
Maneuver maneuver area was
SS classified by importance 3)85 Emergency Brigades. The
Main and rated as producing quantity and quality of the 83 can
either a (a) Reinforced only be estimated beyond those
Emergency Maneuver Division, (b) Waffen-SS units already established.
First-Class Maneuver Enough separate Waffen-SS battle
Division, and (c) groups were encountered historically,
Second-Class Maneuver however, to justify one 58
Division, or (d) Other emergency brigade per district (in

Danlu (Danube)
Vienn- 9 Maneuver Division. Each
division carries its actual
maneuver area name.
addition to the SSManeuver
Divisions), It is important to remember
that these are SS infantry~type
For the game these
XM U U Wiener Menard:
divisions are numbered
soldiers in combat outfits, and not
officials or $8 personnel engaged in
according to their German non—military and criminal activities.
KStN (TOE, The brigade titles correspond to the
Organization). For 55 military districts of Germany
Bruck- example the Arys (SS-Oberabschnirfe) which, by 1945,
Leitha 41 7 _ maneuver division will be corresponded closely to the
Dollersholm the 11053 Maneuver Div. geographical proximity of the regular
Klein- 487 Most maneuver divisions
Wehrkreise boundaries.
represent a general 4) Political Police. These represent
Maneuver x X mixture of artillery and Nazi police units deployed to insure
SS iniantrymen, and are the "continuing combat will" of the
Donau Dr. Bader symbolized by crossed front-line troops. Each district
Emergency Political Police rifles over a cannonbail receives one brigade, named after
(or face—on artillery round) the senior SS-Police commanders of
based on this fact. each district during 1945. For the
included Voikssturm, reserve Specialist maneuver areas were not game these are numbered according
components, youth groups, technical counted, except for two large and to their districts.
personnel, flak helpers, fire fighters, well-stocked engineer training
policemen, fragments of regular units grounds at Gilge and 5) SA-Sturm Divisions. SA-Sturm i

and so forth. For game purposes, Dessau-Fiosslau. The game includes Divisions were added to raise five
standardization was introduced and all regular, engineer, mountain, cavalry, disproportionately weak military
are assigned consistent strengths. and SSAmaneuver divisions. districts to acceptable manpower
Designations are historical. Germany's final war effort was too levels, and to reflect the SA's
frantic to produce specialized strengthened power in the last
2) Maneuver Divisions. These battalions, although some already in months of the war. There are five of
represent the assets of major existence do show up in 1945 these divisions in the game (one light
maneuver areas (military training through the regular German order of rifle orjaeger, one mountain, one
grounds) within Germany and territory appearance, motorized, one infantry, and one
Page 19

Seathalur XL
438 Hochiandl
a cner XX
Wu and
Maneuver Warthelagor
Maneuver SA Cavalry

Warthe Gudewlll
Emergency Political Police

B'o'hmen und

100 Km
XX Gelbei
Milowitz 100 Km
Bohmesl'ls one once DFnzfg
Wischau X XX
Maneuver s§i Gofnh on
Thom SS
Maneuver Relehs Wootprouu-n
protektor “an”???

cavalry). They are named after Gr 9

(Kampfkommandant des
SA-Gruppen appropriate to the Danzig«FaldharrnhallI
Fuhrerhauptquartiers) , ’

military districts. None at these reserve panzer divisions, X X X

existed as division formations in the and replacement (Mixed) SS Dr. 6,5 HJ
actual war. Weischel
brigades for the Hatchel Werwolf
Grossdeutschland and Pajama] Fe m
6) Miscellaneous Forces. These FeldherrnhaI/e Corpse paman
represent historical organizations that Fortress divisions are shown on the the ability of German teenagers to
were raised from assets permanently maps, but in actuality represent
stationed or available in some engage in sabotage, sniping, and
combinations of other units already in sabotage activities against occupation
districts They include elements such the game.
as the Fleichsprotektor Infantry troops.
Brigade under High-Command (OHW) 7) Hitler Jugend Werwo/I Partisanst
control, the Combat Command of the These are only available for certain
Fuhrer's Headquarters eastern military districts and represent
x Oldenburg, Schleswlg- ll Pomeranla (Pommern),

Holstein, northern M ecklenburg
Hannover ..

XI Brunswick (Braunschweig), "I;

‘Q 5 Anhalt, southern
x \90 Hannover 3,23


9 \‘ea:

IX Hesse (Hessen), mosl ol

Thuringia (Thuringen)
vm Silesia (Sd'll

XII Palallnale (Pfalz), Lorraine

(Lolhringen), Rhenlsh
Prussla. western Hesse XIII Franconia (Franken), Upper
(Hessen) Nassau Saar dlslrict Palatlnale (Oberpfalz), lower

B-M Boehmen-Maehren
(Bohemia—Moravia of Czechoslovakia)

V Alsace (Elsass), Baden,.


XVll West Austria (Oberdonau,


XVIII East Austria (Vorarlberg,

Tirol, Kaernlen, Sleiermark)
— Page 21

East Prussia (Ostpreussen),
occupied Bialystok area

3 I100 |

Page 22
I Quart
by Ben Knight

Address all rules ques- FitE / Scorched Earth skies made it difficult to locate
tions to Rick Gayler, Edi- Several people have asked a target even if sorties could
tor TEN, P.O. Box 2431, whether the new railroad engi- be flown.
Opelika, AL 36801. neer rules given in "Rails
through the Russias" (appear- Does cost RPs to convert
Please include a SASE, ing in TEN #7) are official or Guards units to bigger Guards
and phrase questions for optional. in this case, even units (e.g., a 5—6 Guards Rifle
yes/no responses. Men- though new units are required, XX to a 12-8 Guards Mecha~
tion the rule number the revised rules are OFFICIAL nized XXX)? No. Per Rule
where appropriate. and should be used. (RG) 34F5, only "regular, winter-
This is my last "Rules Court" capab/e, or naval ground
Does Rule 3961 mean that units" require (or yield) RPS
before handing over the rules bombers used as transports when converting to Guards
maven baton to Rick. Rick can be used to conduct air status. For conversion of
knows Europa well, and he drop missions (e.g., can para- Guards XXs to Guards Mech
should make an outstanding troops be air dropped by XXXs, follow Ftule 3401: no
judge. There have already He111's)? Yes. RPs are needed, but the "units
been times when i asked Hick
for his opinion of a rule, removed from play through
andl ifso, can gliders be used in conversion may not be re-
thought his interpretations conjunction with bombers fly- placed. " (Note the difference
were very insightful, so the ing as transports to execute a here from 34F5 where "most
court is being left in capable glider-borne assault? Yes, but units removed from play due to
hands. such bombers cannot tow glid- conversion to Guards status
ers while executing a bombing are placed in the replacement
The Urals mission
Rule 25.F
pool and may subsequently be

replaced. ")
Can bombers operating as
Axis airborne units that per- transports air drop supply Rule 1481, Siege Artillery,
form airdrops in either the points? Yes.
June states that siege artillery is
surprise turn or June ll
doubled against fortresses and
regular turn do not gain owner— Are bombers halved against major cities. Shouldn't it also
ship cf hexes they drop in or ships in mud/snow weather? be doubled against forts? No.
enter for enemy supply tracing Yes.
purposes until (1) in the Soviet Sevastopol (in the Crimea) is a
June il initial phase it they can ifso, why? True, sorties may fleet base and fortress, but per
trace a supply line to a regular be down, but thought the ma-
the rules it is not counted for
supply source, or (2) in the jor factor in mud and snow was victory and can only base one
Axis July | initial phase (re- the muffling effect on the air unitl? isn't it in reality a
gardless of supply). (RG) bombs. No, the major factor is large city, if not a major one?
stormy weather. Overcast Shouldn't it be a dot city with a
Page 23

fort counter in the hex, similar "features". Features and hex- The same way a ground unit
to the way Kiev is handled? sides do not alter the terrain "may not enter a hex occupied
That would increase its air- type of a hex. Also see the by an enemy unit" (Rule 6, par-
base capacity and make it a Europa map legend included agraph four), yet still overrun:
victory point city. Rule 378 in Scorched Earth. paragraph two of Rule 13,
lists Sevastopol along with Overruns, specifies that the
eight other non—major cities as Rule 28E, River Flotillas, states overrunning units do not ad—
worth victory point each.
that flotillas have characteris- vance into the hex until after
See also Rick Gayler's "SE: tics of both ships and ground the enemy units are removed
Victory Determination Chart" in units. Does the flotilla have a from play.
ETO #39. Note that dot cities 200? No.
are not victory point cities of Do flotillas count against stack-
and by themselves. The 1939 Does the flotilla gain owner- ing? No.
Collier’s World Atlas gives the ship of hexes through which it
population of Sevastopol as travels? No. May flotillas use administrative
78,000; for Simferopo/ (the movement? No.
neighboring dot city, worth no Can a flotilla overrun a 0-
victory points), 99,000. You strength enemy unit by itself? Does a flotilla have a cargo ca-
can build either a temporary or Rule 28E states that for all pacity of 20 REs of supply?
permanent airfield at Sevasto- overrun purposes a river flotilla Yes.
pol to improve its airbase ca— is treated as a one RE Soviet
pacity. field artillery unit with a combat Can an engineer unit that has
strength of two. A flotilla by it- built a temporary airfield use
Rule 25A, Airborne Unit Dis- self would still retain an attack its attack strength in the com-
ruption, lists modifiers of —1 for strength of 1 per Rule 148 and bat phase? Yes.
dropping into a non—clear ter- as such could indeed overrun
rain hex and —1 for "dropping a 0-strength unit. When are replaced Rumanian
into a major city hex. (This is units released from reserve
in addition to the non—clear ter— Can a flotilla occupy an ungar— status? Per Rule 32A2, para-
rain moditier.)" The parentheti— risoned enemy airbase caus- graph two, ”All units in reserve
cal note to the major city modi- ing the aircraft to attempt es- are released from reserve if
fier implies that any feature in cape? No. there are 10 or more REs of
a clear terrain hex (such as Soviet units anywhere in Ru-
coastline, road, rail, reference Can a flotilla destroy rail lines, mania at the start ofa German
city, dot city, etc.) disqualifies airfields, ports, and bridges? initial phase. " Reserves are
that hex as a clear terrain hex. No. also released per the Axis 08;
As an example, a road through for example, May I 43: Ruma-
a clear terrain hex would make Can a flotilla move to an unoc~ nian: "Release from Reserve:
the hex a "non-clear terrain cupied (or overrun a 0-strength 6 REs. "
hex" tor purposes of air drop. unit) enemy owned hex, con-
Is this correct? No. Per the vert it to a friendly owned hex, Can the Soviets land troops at
Terrain Effects Chart, partial and then discharge cargo, ports in Bulgaria? Not while
and full hex (major) cities are therefore avoiding plotting of Axis owned. See next to last
their own terrain types, differ- an amphibious landing? No. paragraph of Rule 2802.
ent from clear; coastlines are
"hexsides"; and reference cit- How can a flotilla "not enter an When the rules use the word
ies, dot cities, fortresses, and enemy occupied hex," yet still "city," are they referring to ref-
transportation lines are participate in an overrun? erence and dot cities as well
Page 24

as major cities? Yes. May a unit with zero MPs be 34D1, Conversions? No. The
According to Rule 34D1 the re moved by a movement method key words in Rule 34F4 are
quirements for a cadre to be that does not consume MPs "up to. " (If John had simply
rebuilt are as follows: "it must such as strategic rail move- written "convert four, " then you
be in a city or fortress, be able ment or air transport? No. might have a case, but as it is,
to trace a supply line to a Rule 6 states: "A unit with a no.)
friendly-owned source of re- movement rating of 0 may not
placements, and may not be in move from the hex it occupies May a German unit operating
an enemy 200." Does that for any reason. " under the Finnish game limita-
mean that at an isolated re- tions (Rule 3281) attack out of
placement city that is in the I
read Rule 223 as providing the Finnish stop line it it puts it-
200 of an enemy unit the that position AA may fire self out of supply? Or consider
phasing player can or cannot against DAS only if the posi» this: if there are German units
receive reinforcements? Can. tion AA is included in the relat- south of the Svir stop line, and
See Rule 34A, paragraph ed ground attack; read Rule
the Axis player transports sup—
one. 22A3 as providing that position ply to them by air, would it be
AA is not permitted to retreat in possible for them to attack out
Can or cannot replace an elim- any circumstances (whether as side the front line? No to both
inated unit? Can. Replaced attacker or defender); and questions. Think of it this way:
units appear the same as rein- hence conclude that it an at—
if the German unit was Finnish,
forcements. tacker wishes to tire position it would not be allowed to at
AA at DAS and then suffers an tack; therefore, the German
Can or cannot rebuild a ca- AR in the attack, the position unit may not attack,
dre? Cannot. See Rule 348, AA is eliminated (even though
paragraph four. defenders may not advance af- Ifthe Axis crosses the Finnish
ter combat, and hence, the hex stop line, is the new area they
Can or cannot convert a unit? containing the position AA will take considered to be part of
Cannot. See Rule 3401. not be enemy occupied). ls the Finnish theater so that the
this correct under the rules as limitations for German units
Can or cannot upgrade or re— written? Yes. It is the player's apply there as well? Yes.
organize a unit? Cannot. Per decision whether to risk his po-
Rule 3402, "an upgrade is the sition AA in an attack or not. There appears to be a way for
same as a conversion. " and Also note that position AA may the Axis player to bypass the
per Rule 3403, "a reorganiza- not move and fire in the same limitations of the Finnish thea-
tion is the same as a conver- player—turn (Ru/e 22A3). ter and launch an offensive on
Arkhangelsk. If he can take
Under Rule 34F4, the Soviets control of the Murmansk rail-
NKVD and mountain units are are allowed to "convert up to road and complete the railroad
winterized. What is the intent four 3-6 rifle divisions per turn
of Rule 3482, cases 2, 5. and
connecting the railnet in nonh-
to their 4—6 strengths," starting ern Finland with the Murmansk
6? An example may help: If Aug l41. If the Soviets do not railroad, then he can trace
the Soviets replace a 1 RE use all four allowed conver— supply along this railroad
mountain brigade during Janu— sions in a turn, may they use south to hex 6A:3918 (which
ary of the first winter (case 5), the unused conversions in a lies on the weather line and
this would later turn (and hence convert thus is considered to be in the
also count as 1 RE of winter- more than four in such later Arctic. This hex also pene-
ized units (case 6) for January. turn), as seems to be allowed trates the Finnish theater stop
by the first sentence of Rule line, and once beyond that the
German Army could operate May the Allied player ship city hex. (See errata on last
normally. Is this correct? Yes. units in his Western Desert re- page of TEN #2.)
placement pool to the Near
War in the Desert (WitD) East replacement pool using The victory rule currently reads
naval transport (and vice ver- that both the Axis and Allies
In the Torch scenario the AI- sa)? (This is to enable the Al- win a marginal victory if the Al-
lied Initial Forces OB lists sev- lied player to use the garrison lies control 15 points of Span-
eral HQs to be placed in rule of 32G. In reality the Brit- ish cities. What should it be?
Breakdown Boxes. Since l be- ish shipped some burnt out The Allies win a marginal vic-
l have to
lieve have them on units from Egypt to Iraq/Iran to tory at 15; the Axis win 3 mar-
map to combine them with bri- reform. No. [John Astell says ginal victory at 14.
gades to form divisions, why it is okay to use this as a house
are they placed in the Break- rule. RG] How is rail cap lost? WHO is
down Box? Because those di- too generous and based on
visions start the scenario brok- May he so ship RPS? (I think the limited African rail systems.
en down into supported the answer as to RPs is "yes": Use WitD Rule 7A4, para-
components. Thus the H03 see sixth paragraph of Rule graph four, for rail capacity
are left in the box. 293.) Yes. FlPs may be trans- gains and losses. "Spanish
ported (per that paragraph), Torch" gives Spain a rail ca-
Rule 28A3, ltalian Disarray: Is but only from one supply termi- pacity of 30 RES. It also says
an overrun considered nal to another (or to Malta if Spanish "reference cities
"comba " for purposes of this advanced rule 32.} is used). which are major ports are not
rule? (On the Dec | 40 turn, rail depots." Thus Spain has
the British can usually overrun In The Near East the rules five major city hexes, five dot
the Italian forces at hex for Egypt call tor the conver- city major ports, and five other
19:0526 which are out of gen- sion of two British light antiair- dot cities (ignore the dot cities
eral supply after the surprise craft counters to two Egyptian Granada and Santander since
attack turn. Are they perma- light antiaircratt counters, but they are not on rail lines) for a
nently eliminated?) Yes. that is not in the WitD rules in total of 25 FiEs of rail depots.
(Yes. ) Torch. Can you tell me why? This 5 RE difference will not
These two AA counters are ac- cause any problems in play.
Rule 32D2 & 3, Divisional En- counted for in the last para-
gineers: the initial phase of
In graph of Advanced Rule 326 Marita-Merkur
Jan ll 41, Int XX HQ 70 begins which requires the Allied
building a fort; in the initial player to garrison Cairo and There is a Well-10 counter
phase of Feb ll 41 (two turns Alexandria with one AA point provided, but it is not men-
later), the fort is finished. May each. You may convert the tioned in the order of battle. It
lnt XX HQ 9 (Aus) start building counters to Egyptian once the is not used in the game.
another tort, or have the UK NE conditions are met.
forces used up their divisional
engineer ability for Feb ll 41 by "Spanish Torch" (Kit 5)
the completion of Int XX HQ Can use TFH aircraft coun-

70's fort? lf H0 70 used the Which cities count for victory ters for the older games? Yes,
ability on Jan l/ and Feb I, the points? Spanish cities are The more recent the game, the
fort would be functional Feb [I worth the following victory more accurate the ratings of
so HQ 9A could start building points: 1 point for each dot the air units.
another fort that same turn. city; 2 points for each partial
city hex; 3 points for each full Q
Page 26

@urnpaieét nub @encnn


Frank Chadwick

John Astell
Gary Stagliano

Dennis Dubberley

Arthur Goodwin

Paul Dunigan

An overview of
Europa. Big, isn't It?
Gary Stagliano playtesting
"Winter War - The Russo Finnish Battle"

Dennis Dubberley displaying Soviet Asia. ;

The caption might read, "Maps, you bet!"
Rudi shares his experiences

Frank Chadwick teaches a lesson to

Winston Hamilton about "death of a thousand
cuts" while Andrew Smoot looks on. Note the Our younger Europa Players
handy play accessories kits being used!
Page 28 .

Jason Long, Europa veteran.

Andrew Smooth, Europa veteran.

At the front the battle goes on at GENCON.

Concentration and a cool hand keeps on winning at the

GENCON Europa Demo in Milwaukee.

Part of the GENCON demo, the new players

are shown an overview of the battle and
participate in briefings as the war goes on.
Page 30

29¢ 3mm: are“ 331"“;

by Michael K. Parker
The original unit from which the June 1940 forthe French campaign. Army. Due to the confused situation
Superga division descended was the The division was sent into combat at in Tunisia and the German practice of
Basilicata Infantry Brigade. However, peacetime strength levels, as there oorsetting Italian forces with German
following the reorganization of the was not enough time to mobilize the units, Superga was broken into
Italian Army in March, 1926, the reservists and the support units. battlegroups. As of December 15th,
"named units" were abolished and Superga fought in the Bardonecchia Superga defended central Tunisia
the Basilicafa Infantry Brigade became sector as a part of Corps, 4th Army.
from Pont du Fahs to Djebel
known as the 1st Infantry Brigade (I The offensive began on June 21st, Boudabousse. Allied attacks (the
brigata di fanferia). The brigade but 4th Army gained little ground, French were in this sector) began to
deployed three infantry regiments: pushing only a few miles into France. push the line back by the end of
90th Salerno and the 91st and 92nd Upon signing of the armistice December. Heavily reinforced by
Basilicata. In October 1934, the First agreement, Superga returned to its German units, the First Infantry
Military Territorial Division, located in Torino depots. The division remained Division repulsed attacks by the
Torino, assumed the name Superga in North Italy as part of the general French 19th Corps at the eastern
as did the 1st Infantry Brigade At this reserve until 1941. dorsal passes in early January, 1943.
time, the 5th Divisional Artillery
Regiment was joined to the brigade to In late 1941, Superga began An Axis counterattack (El/bate I) to
provide support. During the specialized training in the Livorno drive the Allies from the passes soon
reorganizations following the area in preparation for Operation 03, followed. The attack was carried out
halo-Ethiopian War, Italian infantry the Malta invasion. In Spring 1942, predominantly by German forces
divisional structure changed to the Superga as well as 4th Infantry although four infantry battalions of
binary system and the 90th regiment Division Livorno and 20th Division Superga participated as part of
was transferred to the 5th Infantry Fruili were scheduled to be convened Gruppe Stolz. Initial success was
Division Cosseria. to assault and landing divisions soon followed by retreats due to
(divisions da sbarco e di assalto). massive Allied superiority. Superga
As a precautionary measure, selected These were structured as infantry did not participate in the battles
Italian divisions began to mobilize in divisions with decentralized support around Kasserine and as of the end
Fall 1939. Among them was units for greater flexibility during of February 1943, still held part of its
Superga, mobilized in Torino on opposed landings. Axis successes in original position around Pont du
October 24, 1939. 1942 convinced the High Command Fahs. At this time Superga infantry
that the invasion of Malta was units were corseted by the 756th
At this time Superga deployed the unnecessary and Superga German Mountain Regiment. Attacks
following units: the 91st and 92nd transferred to Napoli in May 1942. by the British 1st Para. Brigade were
Infantry Regiments, comprised of The division spent from May to held in late Febmary and early March.
three battalions each; the 5th Artillery October as a part of the special naval
Regiment, consisting of one battalion defense force in the area. The general Axis retreat to the
each of 100 mm howitzers, 75 mm Tunis-Bizerte bridgehead began in
guns, and 75 mm pack howitzers; the Upon the Allied invasion of French April. During this time the division was
69th AA Battery (20mm); the 1otst North Africa, the Axis command part of the DAK along with 10th and
Engineer Battalion; one battalion of began a desperate scramble to find 21st Panzer Divisions and the Italian
81 mm mortars: and one company troops for the Tunisian bridgehead. 50th Brigade, although the tank units
each of HMG and AT guns. The First Infantry Division Superga left were soon withdrawn to another part
Napoli on the 12th of November, of the front. The final Allied assault
In March 1940, the XVIII CCNN 1942, and arrived in Bizerte by the began in eariy May. The Axis forces
(Camacie Ner - Black Shirts) battalion 20th. By early December, Superga were split into two pockets: Superga
was added during the integration of occupied the Sousse-Kairouan area was part of the southern group under
the Blackshirts into the regular army. and was moving west towards the Italian First Army. On May 12th, 1943,
advancing Allies. At this time the unit Superga surrendered in the
Superga was demobilized early in was under XXX Italian Corps which Zaghouan area and ceased to exist as
1940, but was hastily reactivated in was operating as a part of Fifth Panzer part of the Italian Army. 9
1 Page 31

Have something to I
detest versions 01 history that make draw one's own opinion - that is the
say? Post it to: any side look pure and God-like,
regardless oi the political stripe; see
democratic way. However, isn’t it
unfortunate that we can not Iully rely
little to choose between the Soviets on the recollections of those who
TEN EXchange, and Germans. The western were actually there (von Mellenthin's
c/o Rick Gayler democracies would perhaps be better numerous and well publicized
P.0. Box 2431, off it the two totalitarian nations had
made common cause against them,
misstatements being illustrative) ?
Can we better trust the conclusions of
Opelika, AL 36801, giving us the option of defeating later researchers who sift through the
USA them both during the 1940's, once data and shape their own vision of
and tor all. The idea that Stalin and events secondhand? In the final
crew, after the secret protocol on analysis it is doubtful that the real truth
James E. Vandine Poland and eastern Europe, were any surrounding the events of November
more moral than the Nazis is ajoke. - December 1943 in the Ukraine will
Keep up the good work! The News is Can Ftadey really believe this? Does ever be fully known. And so we are
definitely worth the price! How many he really believe anybody else is left with opinions...
TENS do i have left on my buying it? enjoy his history, without

subscription? I'd like to extend. the gibes at German manhood. Just There is one small point I would like to
tell the story and give the strength make about your suggestion that the
Your Ghost in TEN #7 is too easy: returns, and save the sermonizing for Western Allies should have taken on
Litvinov, the Jewish Foreign Minister a Berkeley lecture or a Spanish Civil Germany and the Soviet Union in a
for the U.S.S.R. until replaced by the War reunion! common crusade. What it the "Good
slimeball (Fladey would say the warm Guys" had lost? Isuggest we should
and caring) Molotov, in 1939. Litvinov Thanks for the opportunity to spout be content with history as it is and fry
was a proponent oi collective security otf; sorry for the lecture. make the most of it.
vs. Germany. wonder how many

lives would have been saved if the I'm glad you are enjoying the
west - and the Soviets - had listened magazine. Winston Hamilton explains Deen wood
to him? how subscriptions and membership in
The Europa Association work in this I
hear with more than a little trepidation
About the 36" gun, Little David: issue ‘5 ”News from GFt/D". of the intent to apply
Surely it is located in Maryland and not across~the-board penalties for
New Mexico? Or are there more Aberdeen, Aberdeen, prettiest town attacking in poor weather. (See
Aberdeens than am aware of?
that I've never seen... Although there ”From the Editor" in this issue.) think

are several Aberdeens, the largest of that this is the wrong solution to a
Radey (aka Timothy O’Shenko, in which is in South Dakota, there problem that does not really exist.
“The Battle for Kiev" from TEN #7) doesn't seem to be one in New GDW's instincts were correct on this
makes me wonder how the Mexico. Indeed, Little David is said to one lrom the start.
peace-loving, heroic Soviet troops be located at Aberdeen Proving
ever had a setback against the Ground in Maryland, as you state. Why should there be a penalty lor
cowardly, lying German army. attacking in mud/snow? So that the
Perhaps Vatutin et. al. felt a certain Isuspect Jack Hadey's "The Battle for events of the winter of 1941-42 can
sympathy tor the Nazis and stretched Kiev" stimulated a great deal of be duplicated for the Germans? Or to
out the war over the last eighteen thought among our readership. Like degrade attacks in poor weather in
months as a gesture of support... or me, some might even have been general?
maybe there were a fair number of motivated to do some supplemental
German officers and men who were reading (or rereading) of the works i
am of the opinion that the first winter
NOT trying merely to save their own cited in the article. Alter weighing is not far out of kilter. Much depends
skins by fleeing in lorries, like the Panzer Battles and other related on how the German handles things.
cur-like CD. of 25th Panzer Division. works on the subject, one is free to Attacks in poor weather are already
Page 32

penalized through the proper banners to the outskirts of Moscow, carried them to Kharkov, the US Fifth
channels of supply, air, movement via Vyazma. The same thing stopped Army attack from the Volturno
and terrain. them there, not the weather. Okay , through the Bernhard line and into
yes it helped. But, do not be the Gustav line in Fall/Winter, 1943
First, a quote on the winter of 1941: mesmerized by the well publicized (this against an experienced and
"We are faced with the sad fact that weather. The Axis was stopped by entrenched toe in tough terrain; no
the Supreme Command has the Red Army and it's own mean accomplishmentl), and Fifth
overreached itself by refusing to mismanagement. General Winter Army's Operation Encore in February,
believe our reports on the increasing caused some casualties, but he did 1945. would point out that despite

weakness of the troops...[l have not have the only or even the largest the bad weather, the Gustav line may
decided] to withdraw to a previously army. Normal preparations by the well have been broken in February,
selected and relatively short line Germans could have reduced the 1944 if the main assault had gone in
which hope that shall be able to
winter's role even more. By the time on the south coast (where the French
hold with what is left of my forces. the Soviets attacked in December, finally broke the line) rather than at
The Russians are pursuing us closely the Jerries had wasted themselves. Cassino. A word on the ltalian
and we must expect misfortunes to As Zhukov told Stalin on 29 operations: most of the lulls were
occur." (General Guderian, 8 November, 1941, before the supply or exhaustion induced. On
December, 1941 - the Soviet temperature collapsed or the winter only a few notable occasions did
offensive got going on December offensive began, the Germans had weather truly hamper combat
4-6.) been "bled white." in game terms you operations, although it certainly
should probably reduce much of the impacted supply efforts almost as
The German Army in late 1941 was Wehrmacht, at least AGC, to much as the terrain.
overextended, exhausted, and out of Kampfgruppe and put them out of
supply. The culprits of the disaster supply. You bet a Russky player Ifthere is a problem in the game it is
were supply and manpower could smash that up! But gee whiz, with generous supply rules for a
shortages. Horrible weather simply the Russian player complains, the severe winter in Russia in 1941, when
exacerbated a situation of the German player never overextends the Axis was just not up to it and
Germans' own making that would himself like his real life counterparts perhaps in the mud RR regauge
have led to a defeat under any did. TOO BAD! (Isn't that why we rates. But, whatever the year, do not
circumstances or weather. Long play?) That is no reason to penalize blame the effectiveness of your
before the debacle at Moscow, on the Germans in 1941 for being more opponents' good resource
October 1, 1941, Army Group Center prudent than their historical management, good supply line
reported a net shortage of 80,000 counterparts. Leave the small special maintenance and well executed
men. A loss of even 1200 riflemen edge the Russians now enjoy alone. assault down supply lines on a lack of
can critically damage a division's weather penalties.
fighting power. Tremendous losses Now as far as penalizing the attackers
had been taken by the infantry in bad weather goes... Why? To summarize, attacks in poor
divisions of AGC in August and weather should not be modified.
September when they were bashed in most instances, lulls in the fighting Perhaps the introduction of a severe
by the Russians who took advantage occurred when both sides ran out of winter weather mle which further
of the panzers‘ absence to the north bullets or men or beans. in bad

penalizes Axis supply ranges (if it
and south. Even at this point, even in weather that just happens faster and occurs) would be appropriate in 1941.
disaster for AGC was is reflected in reduced supply ranges. The RR regauge ability in mud may
narrowly averted. Things got so in game terms that means the fighting be too high. Doing anything more
critical in Fourth Army sector that Bock stops when everybody gets flipped to drastic may assure that nobody will
decided that the situation could be cadre or outruns their supply. Sure, ever get in a backhanded blow.
salvaged only by a major panzer there was degradation in combat
counterattack, and pulled 10 P2 XX ability, but this is reflected in 'loss of References and recommended
into the fray. The severe losses in AEC, halving of air power, and reading: Published by the US. Army

manpower caused by these battles reduction of mobility. When in supply Center of Military History: Stalingrad to
permanently reduced AGC's the Russians, Allies, and Germans Berlin by Earl F. Ziemke, Moscow to
strength. The culprits were lack of continued to fight and fight effectively Stalingrad by Earl F. Ziemke, Salerno
troops and supply, in all types of weather. As examples, to Cass/no by Martin Blumenson,
w h r n v n h |
look at the opening phases of Cassino to the Alps by Ernest F.
Germany. As German supply caught Operation Typhoon, the Soviet Fisher, Jr., Historical Study: Military
up, the Germans concentrated and Stalingrad offensive and the Improvisations During the Russian
lashed out again, carrying their successive blows afterwards which Campaign, and Historical Study:
- Page 33
Effects of Climate on Combat in ltalian divisions are 3 RE equivalent.
European Russia. Historically, one great advantage of
4. you guys are going to turn out
if defensive air support was its ability to
Other sou rces: Standing Fast: Soviet Asia, why not go on to be concentrated where the enemy
German Defensive Doctrine on the "Pacifica". After all, a lot of the troops was actually attacking. To recreate
Russian Front During World War II by that the Japanese kept in Manchuria this flexibility, decrease the range of
Maj. Timothy A. Wray, US. Army ended up going to the Pacific, to units flying the mission, and their
Command and General Staff College, places like Peleliu, Luzon, Okinawa, escorts, by one (as in the air-naval
Operation Barbarossa by Bryan l. etc. interaction mission), and allow the
Fugate, Panzer Leader by Hans Thanks for the opportunity to be non-phasing player to move all
Guderian, and Lost Victories by E. heard. defensive support units one hex at
von Manstein. the start of the phasing player's air
You ‘re welcome, and as for a phase. (After the enemy's ground
Here's one last tidbit for discussion: response: movement phase, but before he
Rule 37 states that "The German allocates air missions.) To allow
player gains victory points for cities he 1. See this issue's "Rules Court". proper interception and patrol ranges,
controls at the end of the game... 2. See this issue's "News Irom GR/D" the interceptorslpatrollers may fly to
The German player gains half the 3. See this issue's "Inside Europe" any ONE hex adjacent to the hex in
victory point value of a city's hex it it is 4. Well, we can’t anticipate all your which the defensive air support units
Soviet owned, but isolated." wouldI
questions in advance. As it happens ended their movement.
suggest that in the campaign game there are some plans, still very
the German player should gain only nebulous at this point, of one day Allowing a reaction to enemy ground
half the victory point value for German taking Europa to the Pacific. If this movement also solves the problem of
owned cities at the end of the game if were done, I think it's safe to assume the phasing player ganging up on
they are isolated. that it will NOT be at a 16 mile per hex defensive air with AA guns. The
scale. To say more at this point would ability to thus manipulate AA is
be rumor-mongering, so having thus obviously wrong - one does not go
James Broshot piqued your curiosity, I will say no hunting planes with AA guns! In a
more. previous game of SE, recall where a
thoroughly enjoyed #7 of The forest hex with defensive air support
Europa News; it was the best one found itself under attack from an
ever (except forthe one that had my Courtney Footman infantry division (the SS Polizei
article in it). really appreciate Shelby
division) and four AA regiments,
Stanton's "Facts Behind the lwould like to make some which is absurd. Under my proposal
Counters" column and it was good to suggestions about the defensive air all an attacker can do is commit AA
see our token Marxist Jack Radey support mission in hopes the where he most wants to attack. Then
again as well. designer will see them. A reply to this the defender has to decide if he will
is not necessary, although an opinion brave the AA or support a hex with
Other comments: would be appreciated. less intense AA presence.
1. Arewe to take the new RR The defensive air support mission is The odds of finding a plane on the
engineer rules in TEN#7 as official? quite different in its application from ground are about the same
the offensive air support mission: the regardless of whether it is flying
2. sure wanted to attend
hex a defensive air unit is supporting missions against attacking enemy
Europafest, but it was on a day when l is often not attacked at all; when it is units or defending enemy units. That
had to be in court in two places. attacked, a very high concentration of is not the case in Europa. The way I

Maybe next year... if it's still in the antiaircraft assets will usually be avoid this problem is to allow the
Midwest. allocated against it. Furthermore, phasing player, at the start of his air
planes that fly defensive phase (after the movement of the
3. Re my note in the TEN#7 support/harassment missions are enemy's defensive air support units
"Appeals Court" column. Things get immune from enemy bombing attacks as described in the preceding
worse for Trento if you use (like ldo) (since they are not at a base). Finally, paragraph) to request the
the house rule (adapted from MM) the presence of defensive support non-phasing playerto replace any air
that units with heavy equipment makes a very large difference in units on defensive
cannot land at minor ports. However. combat odds much more frequently, support/harassment missions with
why not supply breakdown counters and for a much smaller effort, than markers indicating the strength of the
and id like to point out that in SE all does offensive support. planes on those missions, and to
Page 34

return the defending units to base and road upgrading rules. The allowed to combine for quick
where they can then be bombed. A essential fix - to deprive construction
marker may be fired at by AA, but all construction.
units of any role in the rail regauging
results (K,A, R) simply cause the and upgrading process, and add to
marker to be removed. This allows Second, the suggested rules permit
the countermix a sprinkling of new rail some combinations for quick
the phasing playerto try to kill/abort engineers in compensation - harms construction but not others: e.g., four
planes on defensive the German mildly (since they no regiments may not combine (even
support/harassment either by AA or longer will be able to give all six of though they are the equivalent of two
by bombing, but not both. This is not their rail engineer regiments quick brigades, which may combine), three
a perfect solution, but it is better than construction capability in 1941 merely regiments have no advantage over
what now exists. This change seems by mating each to a construction unit, two, etc. This seems to me to be the
particularly important because it allows and they are given additional railroad
a superior air force to attempt to gain consequence of the fact that the
engineers only sufficient to give quick engineering rules have consistently
control of the air, which is impossible construction capabilities to five of the tried to scale construction costs to the
under the current system, as the six), but that does not give rise to any number of units in the hex. As the
weaker air force can make itself obvious problem. Two technical
invulnerable to attack by launching a suggested rules indicate, such
points aboutthe new rules seem scaling becomes clumsy when units
few heavily escorted defensive air worth making. of different RE size are allowed to
strikes each turn. This would be
combine for purposes of quick
particularly ridiculous in Second (A) The new rules award the Finns a construction; such scaling would
Front; the Luftwaffe should not be railroad engineer. Unless a special become virtually impossible to
able to last long it tries to stay near the rule is added, the German player is apt
front. manage it different engineering units
to ship this unit out of Finland and use have different proficiencies (e.g.,
it to
regauge rails on the Greater British pioneers, which are half
Defensive support may already be too Germany/Leningrad or Greater
powerful; it one allows it more
capable under optional rules in FF,
Germany/Moscow axis. Rule 328 German penal units, which are double
flexibility, it certainly will be. To allows Finnish units to operate capable, etc.) These issues will
remedy this, simply halve the anywhere in weather zones A and B become more acute as Europa
bombing strength of planes on the and does not restrict them from
defensive support mission. expands, because suspect

leaving the Finnish theater. Finnish additional units will be entitled to

units may not attack any hex outside double constmction capability (such
Something along the lines of what the Finnish theater, but this does not as US. construction engineers,
you have proposed will have to be cramp the style of a rail engineer. This lavishly equipped with all manner of
devised and tested if we are to seems rather ahistorical and doubt
heavy equipment).
remove the abuses you point out and that it was intended by Mr, Astell.
bring more realism to the air system. Perhaps a clarification is in order. These issues would be easy to fix
[do have a question for you. If the without changing the substance of
phasing player asks the defender to (B) The new rules give a new slant the present rules by rephrasing the
return a defensive mission air unit to on the quick construction rule. The
base in order to bomb it, and then in existing rules so that they are scaled
new rules permit two brigades to not on the basis of the number of
fact scores a hit on that unit in his combine for quick regauging (1/4 MP units joining in the task, but rather in
mission resolution phase, is the each in clear weather), two regiments terms of the number of REs joining in
corresponding marker for that unit . to combine (1/2 MP each), and two the task and their relative
removed before ground combat (or battalions to combine (1 MP each). proficiencies. To take into account
attacker’s AA fire) is resolved? Various intermediate combinations the fact that certain engineers may
are allowed. This is interesting in have greater or lesser proficiency
Kenneth C. Kettering several respects. than average, introduce the new
ln TEN #7, John Astell provided a concept of "construction rating",
First, the rules hitherto have in effect reflecting the relative proficiency of
new set of rules on rail regauging limited quick construction to no more each construction unit, and rescale
("Rails through the Russias“) and a than two 1 RE units combined. The construction costs appropriately. In
corresponding new OB for Axis rail suggested rules break that barrier in summary:
engineers in SE. The substance of several respects (e.g., one brigade
the rule is sensible and well justified, and four battalions are allowed to
and it seems to deal effectively once
"Ingeneral, each construction unit
combine), and raise the question has a construction rating equal to its
and for all with the recent problem of whether there should be any limit to RE size. For example, a German
abusive use of the rail construction the number of units that should be construction regiment has a
— Page 35

construction rating of one. Some Thisconcept has much to constricted, the Germans can use the
construction units have a recommendit, even though it adds enhanced flexibility of the battalions
construction points rating equal to yet another level of complexity. It is to effect regauging on more lateral
twice or half their FtE size; such units indeed strange that the new FIR and secondary lines than previously
are specified where appropriate. engineer battalions have the same possible.
capability to repair rail hexes as their
"Each constmction task described in bigger brothers, the regiments, The Germans also benefit from the
these rules is completed upon despite the regiments being fact that the ten new FlFl engineer
expenditure of a specified number of nominally twice their size. battalions can each lend their 6 MP3
construction points by one or more to repairing broken rail lines. This is
construction units in the hex where It would be useful to apply a similar roughly equivalent to 40 MP3 worth of
the construction is to take place. A technique to destruction of items. additional rail repair, or about 10
construction unit may expend For instance, under the current rules, hexes per turn. At the very least this
construction points on such tasks it it a 4-6 rifle division can break down into would allow some of the combat
is present in the hex and expends regiments and suddenly augment its engineers to be released to the front
movement points for the purpose. ability to destroy rail hexes threefold. where they could assist in air base
The number of construction points construction or even used in combat.
expended by a construction unit is I would disagree, however, with
your And don't forget the six 6 MP
equal to its construction rating times characterization of the new rule 3802 construction units previous/y
the number of MPs it expends upon as mildly harmful to the Germans. consumed performing quick
the task. Example: An ordinary Consider this: the Germans start play regauging with the RH engineer
construction battalion (1/2 RP and with their six regiments of regiments. They are free to
hence 1/2 construction rating) which Eisenbahntruppeas before, plus ten undertake other activity as well.
expends 4 MP3 on a construction new RR engineer battalions. As you
task has expended 1/2 times 4, or 2 note, it is now only possible for Therefore, I must conclude that if the
construction points toward the railroad engineers working together new rules on regauging are harmful to
completion of the task. to effect quick regauging, and since anyone, it is to the Soviet player.
two battalions are required to
"Engineers that are stacked together combine with each regiment to Jason Long
may each contribute construction achieve this, the German player is
points toward completion of a only able to field five "quick regauging I
really like what has been done with
particular construction task, dividing teams" as opposed to the previous TEN the last few issues. i like your
the cost between them as they wish. six. The solution to this “problem" is illustrations, especially the posterior
Construction of permanent airfields to FORGET QUICK REGAUGING. Let my article on the Luftwaffe. i hope
and torts must be begun in the initial each unit regauge independently. that John Astell continues with his
phase, even it quick construction is The maximum number of hexes which valuable comments in "inside
used, and all units (other than the Germans could convert in a turn Europa". it is good to have his
workers) participating in such under the old system was 6 x 4 = 24 opinions on proposals made by
constmction must be in the hex in the hexes. Under the new arrangement, people. Having sewed my time as a
initial phase." each regiment can independently scout in the US. Army, lagree with
regauge three hexes and each him about the 2005 in Europa,
The constmction costs for various battalion two hexes per turn. though can imagine how an

tasks then would not be scaled to Therefore, the new maximum extremely large stack might have a
MPs spent per unit, but rather to regauging capability for the Axis per 200 of some sort through sheer
constniction points, Naturally, turn is (6x 3) + (10 x 2) = 38 boxes, a numbers at uncoordinated patrols
construction point costs would vary theoretical increase of 58%! and scouts and things. But don‘t

with the weather as they do now, e.g., really think that it is desirable to have a
repairing a broken rail hex would take To prevent the Axis from achieving rule that states that only stacks of over
4 CPS in clear weather, 8 CPS in poor this frightful maximum, the Soviets will 6 REs in size will have a reduced
weather. have to structure their defensive 200. just don't see how it matters

scheme accordingly. Movement of that much.

have developed this concept further the FIR engineers must be
in a lengthy article in the process of constricted in order to prevent their The columns by Shelby Stanton and
preparation, but would be interested stringing out. This argues for a Charles Sharp are very handy for
in other people's reaction to this issue forward defense by STA VKA, which those of us creating our own
in the meanwhile. carries the penalty of risking more scenarios as they enable us to derive
troops to elimination, And even if our own OB/OA's by letting us
Page 36 -
understand what goes into each including even a fellow Alabamian. Unfortunately, was too busy working

counter if we have the raw data or to the GRID booth and attending
determine if a unit was present at a It was a real treat for me to meet
business meetings to get in on any of
certain battle or not. After Shelby GDW’s Marc Miller, Frank Chadwick, the action firsthand. Maybe next year
finishes his series on the assault gun and Loren Wiseman. Class people all. in Atlanta.
units, I'd like for him to do a similar one This was also my first chance to see
on German artillery units and then the Winston Hamilton and John Astell in Asroamed through the rest of the

Luftwaffe AA and field units. I'd like the flesh after many hours of open gaming area, realized just how

Charles to explain the compositions conversation and correspondence in insulated have become in recent

of the artillery divisions and a brief the past. Sharing time and trading
history of each. can only presume
years through continuous play of
ideas with these Europagreats was a various Europatitles. Several long
that his mention of 105 artillery rewarding experience won’t forget.
tables were devoted to a game
divisions in his latest article includes Why, even got to spend sometime seeming (to my uninitiated eye) to

AA divisions. with two pals from my postal E-B-M consist of shoving around a couple
team, Mark Sturdivant and Don dozen pregnant black and white
I've received my copy of The Urals McCue. marbles. From the number of
and am fairly well impressed. The
participants, it was obviously very
maps are superb, though their The Europagaming area, ably popular at the moment. It didn't look
improbable use would not have led to manned by the congenial Bay Area much like a wargame, as there were
their purchase. did buy it because of
Gamers, dominated the open gaming no dice or CRTs, so moved on. I

the 1943 scenario without which you area. Quickly dubbed the Another game entitled Assault on
would probably be stuck with quite a “Europag hetto" by its admirers, at Hoth caught my eye, but closer
few unsold copies. one time it boasted five separate examination revealed that this was no
Europagames or scenarios running East Front title depicting super-heavy
Idon‘t think that your proposed Book simultaneously. The large number of Soviet KV model tanks slamming into
Two of Grand Europa is doable or curious passersby was a testament to an unsuspecting Third Panzer Group,
even really necessary. can‘t see any
the high profile given the system by but rather had something to do with
war occurring in 1936, as it would Bill Stone, David Berry, Jeff the Federated Alliance of
have gone against the political Millefoglie, Joe Youst, and the other Carbon-based Lifeforms and their
consensus and military reality. The Bay Area aficionados. struggle against Kruul, the Evil Seed .
Brits had yet to make a decision to
. or something like that. Anyway, it
even fight on the continent and There were two FItE/SE games
therefore the army wasn‘t ready for
was comforting to return to the
played: a wild and woolly 1941 Europatables and get down to some
any kind of combat and the RAF had Campaign game and the Main Event, serious kibitzing about a game know

just started to expand. Another factor John Astell’s 1943 Scenario from and love, As for the rest - God bless
is that researching the mid-30's The Urals in which A.E. Goodwin ‘em!
OB-wise is going to be a bitch. In my demonstrated just how much impact
own specialty of aviation can find the an excellent player can have on a John Astell's Seminar

info on the French and Brits and

game by dealing out backhand blows
guesstlmate the Germans, but I‘ll only in abundance and salvaging (at least The Europahighlight for me came at
have a few clues about the size and temporarily) a seemingly hopeless John Astell's poolside chat. During a
structure of most of the rest of situation in the Army Group South wide-ranging and informative two
Europe. I'm not going to be satisfied sector. In addition to the two East hour session John gave some
if have to fudge things if the data isn't
Front games, there was also a contest thirty—five of the faithful a glimpse of
out there. I'm in favor of starting of War in the Desert: a game of Africa things yet to come, concentrating his
Grand Europa during the Munich Orientals, a quasi-Europagame set on remarks mostly around the ongoing
crisis as believe that is the first time
a scale of 32 miles per hex from the design of Second Front. Here are
that any country was ready to go to S&T gang; and a home-brewed SE some of the more interesting facts as
war. (2 scenario, “Operation Uranus - taken from my notes and
Operation Saturn”. from David Berry. supplemented by other
Available for view was a snazzy- conversations with John then and
FROM THE EDITOR CONT. - - looking prototype of John Gee and since:
Jeff Millefoglie’s new Europagame in
(which adjoined GDW‘s) met I
development, For Whom the Bell One of the most exciting new
Europaplayers from Germany. Tolls. More than sixty Europagamers
Sweden, Italy, Australia, Canada,
concepts discussed at Origins ‘89
participated at one time or another was the pending testing of a
Japan, and many of the fifty states, over the course of the convention. mega-hex concept for the Europa air
Page 37

system. A mega-hex would Front rules would be the new core counters. Several such proiects are
tentatively consist of a cluster of set of rules forthe entire Europa undenivay, but John stressed that
hexes three around centered on a system and so he is working diligently doing such scenarios correctly was
central “patrol“ hex. Some degree of to remove petty restrictions and hard work, rivaling larger design work.
flexibility would be allowed to those reduce needless counting. He We hope some of these projects may
units flying missions in each hopes to ferret out all the stuff that is one day find their way into the pages
mega-hex; for instance, units once useless detail, thus allowing gamers of TEN.
positioned in a patrol hex would later to concentrate on the important
be able to fly interception, DAS, and things. In this crusade for Combining these exciting new design
the like in any regular hex within that simplification John asked everyone to proposals with the product lineup
mega-hex. The first mega-hexes send in their ideas on this subject. listed by Winston elsewhere in these
assigned would be those which Cited as a good example of how the pages, one’s mouth truly has to water
would make the Battle of Britain work. system can be streamlined was Ben contemplating all these Europa
The rest would then fall into place Knight‘s recent suggestions on goodies in our future.
from there. It is not yet clear how the operational rail movement in ETO
mega-hexes will be delineated. One #45. Rick's Slick and Sick Tricks:
option mentioned was to print the
outline directly on the map and In a move sure to stir some debate, Here's an experimental feature I'm
anotherto use some sort of overlay. John announced he felt the results of considering running in each issue of
poor weather were not deleterious TEN. During the course of my play
Also under consideration is an air enough to properly discourage experience and correspondence l

system modification allowing limited offensive actions during mud and often run upon clever and devious
use of air power to participate in snowturns. To address this, John is tricks. Some are siickerthan a
overruns. This remains very considering implementing overall greased pole at a county fair and
experimental. negative modifiers of -1 for snow and should be used for competent play.
-2 for mud to all attacks executed in while others fall well within the realm
Another topic of considerable interest those weather conditions. of rules lawyer BS and their illegality
revolved around the new “Collectors’ should be widely publicized lest your
Series" maps. The plan is to gradually John indicated his preliminary work on opponent should zing you unawares.
phase all the old maps out and the strategic air war had revealed an The idea is to wrap up my editorial
replace them with the new extremely boring game, and he was column each issue with two such
state-of—the-art boards. These would becoming increasingly inclined to tricks, one slick, and one sick. Here is
show among other things: handle this abstractly. Likewise, the the first installment; let me know your
naval system in Second Front will opinion of this.
(a) Atleast four types of ports A
probably see much abstract handling
(minor, standard, major, and mega) as well. Preliminary thoughts on naval Slick -
with corresponding capacities noted. rules centered around transport
points and task forces. Certainly the Rule 25A states that an airdropped
(b)Clear indication of where the Allies would have enough material to unit using a glider as part or all of its
weather lines cross bodies of water. make multiple landings. Actual naval transport receives a +1 modifier to the
combat would probably be resolved at disruption roll. Many players forget
is) Reference points such as a very high “task force” level. John the important wording of this rule, or
Demyansk and Bastogne. indicated he felt the naval rules might don't realize its significance. How
actually be too detailed in some does an airborne unit have a glider as
(d) Names of rivers, lakes, seas, and existing Europa games and a step only part of its transport? Further
other geographical features. back to more abstraction was in order. reflection indicates that this is only
possible if the unit is carried to the
(e) Corrections to the existing terrain Finally, John touched on efforts drop hex by one transport towing one
where needed. being made to devise some shorter glider. This is a perfectly legal
playing, highly competitive combination of transport to get an
(f) Dual rail nets with a high and low mini—games. One such effort would airborne regiment to the drop hex and
capacity system. be to create a “Beginners Europa" benefit from the +1 modifier while
game. Sort of a quick “E“ game. only expending one glider in the
The first of these maps will appear in Other projects would involve short drop. It is easy to get into the mindset
the reissue of Marita-Merkur. scenarios within the framework of of using two gliders to airdrop an
existing games using only part of the airborne regiment in orderto gain the
John stressed that the Second maps and a manageable number of modifier, perhaps because two
Page 38 '-
gliders are mandatory for airdropping
air landing regiments under similar
circumstances. Stretch those gliders
out further!
Tom by Johnson
Sick -

Europafest is the annual reunion of published by 12th Army Group HQ

refer to the next trick as “Oil Slick in the Europa family. it is dedicated to after the war including the histories
the Baltic”, obviously borrowing giving the "hardcore" Europa player a and after action reports of the
liberally from Jeff Millefoglie and chance to mingle with the people who
Harald Hansen’s ETO article, “Slime in
headquarters. LTC Moessner was
produce the system, and others who the Provost Marshal charged with all
the Ukraine”, Here’s how this evil share their interest in the game POW activities in the Army Group.
scheme goes down: system.
Friday brought us Gary Stagliano's
The German player airdrops one of The fest was a resounding success in seminar that dealt with Winter War,
the Brandenburger battalions in a this, attracting guests of honor John The Russo-Finnish Conflict. He
beach hex behind Riga, let's say Astell, Frank Chadwick, Winston reported on the development of the
18:1716 during the June ll surprise Hamilton, Arthur Goodwin, Paul
turn. Then during the regular June It game and the special features that will
Dunigan, Dennis Dubberley, and Gary make an appearance in it. Results of
turn alargeKriegsmarine amphibious Stagliano. All the people present had the playtesting done at the fest
force transports an infantry division the chance to attend seminars, proved that this will be an interesting
and a combat engineer regiment to participate in playtests. play their simulation of this pre-WWIl campaign
this now friendly beach hex. This favorite Europa game, and mingle that tested the Red Army and directly
force cuts off the retreat of the Riga informally with honored guests; who affected its ability to tight in harsh
garrison while contributing a sizable were as willing to chat and game as winter conditions.
attack force to help insure its demise. the rest of the attendees. Everyone
Great plan, yes? Has this ever left with a better understanding of the Friday evening Paul Dunigan held a
happened to you? If so, you've been who, what, and when of Europa and a seminar on airtorces of Europa. Paul
cruelly used! This maneuver is totally great sense of family. described in great detail the proce—
illegal. The rule law goes like this:
dures and parameters used to set up
In addition to gaming and seminars the individual aircraft counters and
Rule 2881 states that Axis naval there was a book store and game
transports must end their movement group allowances for the games. Paul
shop (oddly enough heavily loaded also responded to questions by list-
in a friendly-owned port and may not
with GDW products) set up forthe ing the factors and numbers for air-
undertake any action which would benefit of those attending. The craft coming in Second Front. The
prevent them from doing so. seminars ranged from design detail, system he uses is detailed and in-
to fascinating eyewitness accounts. volved, but it accounts forthe slight-
Rule 2801 further states that Axis All of them were packed. est variations in types of planes.
naval transports must end their
movement in the hex they disembark On Thursday night LTC Karl Moess— Saturday afternoon John Astell game
cargo (including troops). ner (Ref) spoke to us about his ex- us a good long look at Second
periences during the war. Karl was Front, describing the rules,
The conclusion from these two rules sent to England in the spring of 1943
is that Axis naval transports may ONLY counters, maps, and length of the
to work on the plans for the invasion game. The game will pick up the
disembark cargo (i.e. troops) in a of France. When he arrived he was course of the war with the final defeat
friendly-owned port hex, which given the entire COSSACK plan to of the Axis forces in Tunisia, ‘43 and
1B:1716 IS NOT! The Kriegsmarine study, and worked under British Gen-
commando Sturm unit is the only carry it through to the Battle of Berlin.
eral Morgan, When the SHAEFE HQ Special options will include making
exception to this. No other Axis unit was established he transferred to it, the invasion in '43 in several different
may make an amphibious landing and from there to staff of the US 12th locations. John told us the playtest
under any circumstances. Army Group. His presentation gave kits should be ready in two months,
us all insight into the planning and ex- so the scheduled release for next
Class dismissed - see you Fall ecution of the second front. Karl also
Quarter. year is viable.
interviewed FM von Rundstedt con-
cerning the Battle of the Bulge. He After John's talk, Fludi Braun spoke
showed us maps and documents on his experiences during WWII as a

- Page 39
German soldier. Rudi served with other Europa work. Winston then The other games going were two
Panzer Group Guderian on the East went into a general discussion of the 1941 SE games, one 1943 SE
Front in '41—'42, was discharged for masterplan GRID and GDW are game, a War in the Desert, a FOF
illness and redrafted. After being working out for Europa and what the and a Narvlk. Some combinations of
drafted again he volunteered for future will bring for products and the MM and the desert were observed as
Panzer Armee Atrika. During his tour magazine. He also held a trivia quiz to well. More Europa per square toot
in Africa ('42—‘43) he was captured see how many of us could give the than any time in history (except for the
and toured the POW camps of the exact number of screw-ups on the real thing, of course).
Allies, eventually ending up in box cover of The Urals. "But, you
Wisconsin. After the war he was sent gotta start somewhere." he said.
back to Germany (East Germany). He The entire crew of Europafest
was informed that he could not be extends thanks and appreciation to all
Later that evening Arthur Goodwin
employed by the government due to those who made the event happen;
conducted a seminar on the maps. the speakers, the guests of honor,
his long stay in POW camps in the He gave a briefing on the hows and
US. He was also informed that he and the Europa players, one and all
whys of terrain, map projections and who gathered to have a great time.
could not enter the army for the same the "new" map that will be issued in

reason (unreliability). At this point he also want to extend a special thanks

the Collectors' Series. Arthur also
to GR/D for helping with the
commented that he was less than displayed the Soviet Asia test maps
heartbroken at the fact he could not advertising, printing, promotion,
(which include the islands of Japan)
serve in a German army again. and indicated that we were, indeed, games, and a sympathetic ear when
this project first got underway.
moving into the big pond. Arthur has
During his lite in pre-war Germany he taken on a huge project in mapping
related an experience where he Finally, to those who helped run the
for the Europa system and
would march for the Communist Party convention and made sure that what
demonstrated why he got the job with
during the day (depression era) and needed to be done, was done,
a very fine seminar. The new wave thanks.
the NSDAP at night. The Communist maps will have high and low density
Party paid him 25:: to march, the rails, ports (several types) printed on
NSDAP paid him 50¢, but he had to the map, named rivers, lakes, and Next Europafest » Dallas '90?
carry a torch. seas, reterence point cities and We are working on it!
historical points of interest for Europa.
While sewing in Africa he met FM
Rommel. Fludi was under a truck Dennis Dubberley tollowed Arthur,
fixing the drive train when someone talking about The Urals and the
stepped on his leet. He started to yell mapping projects. He also told of his
at the individual but saw a red strip on experience in designing and
the trouser leg and “decided not to developing the game.
do that". The red stripe belonged to
Rommel who was apologetic for Another part of the test was the daily
stepping on Rudi. drawing for a tree copy of Second
Front. The winners were Paul
Many questions followed in this most Pigulski, Jett Goereke, Chris Sweet,
interesting personal account about and Rod Severson.
lite in Germany, his escape to the
west and his tamily. The gaming went on throughout all of Another Ghost of Europa!
this. Everyone had a hand in the
Saturday evening we had a sit down gaming, even John Astell and Frank
dinner, During the dinner we were Chadwick (who seemed to be giving Gee, not too many people got
entertained by Winston Hamilton who Winston a hard time at Narvik, so re our last offering, Litvinov oi the
presented awards to Frank Chadwick, ports go). Soviet Union. Getting alittle
John Astell and Gary Stagliano. Frank harder? Well, here is an Ameri-
received a beautiful plaque marking [Publishers comment here: it matters
both his and GDW's achievements canto guess about. He is
not how an opponent ends a game,
with the Europa game system. John bound to get some reaction. He
but that the spirit of the game, and the
received a silver pin crafted in the is no boy scout! He caused alot
Europa series, be carried fonrvard.
word "Europa" and Gary received a Besides,Frank kept attacking me at of talk, but not much action.
certificate of appreciation for his early one to one and blowing me away Who is this guy?
work in publishing "Nuts & Bolts" and (damn die).]
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1989 Portugal
Spain &


27 {’ 17
(Fall 11AM
Second of France] Their Finest Hour
18 (
Sbcond Frontlb

Desert 26 6 ,3)
§econ_d__\ Fall of France Their Finest Hour

35/1” Second Front

a 14 13 r" 10A
Western Marita—Merkur Case White 2
Desert >

20 33
/Case White
Case White
\53 _

Near NAaI'Vlk

East Fire In Fire In ire In The East
The East The East
2A 2

4A 6A
21 Fire In
Near East Fire In Fire In The East
The The East
& ‘ East
22 a SE
9A 8A 7A 23

Near East Scorched Earth Ecortohed The Urals
’T art
5...,‘519/ 29
The Urals
Sea 30 3
(Under development) The Urals 31 —
The Urals


This display is provided to assist your wanderin gs through Europa. Each
is numbered and the title of the game is on the map. In those instances where
one map is used for more than one game, each game is listed on that map
. . . for over 15 years a company has given you the
best in wargame simulations - c

Now we are happy to announce a major; award
winning game is coming back into print -

"A House Divided"

Coming in October
to a hobby store near you.

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