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Project Report On

Traffic calculation for cellular Network in GBU

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY in Information and Communication Technology

Submitted by: Kuldeep Singh (090202027) Pawan Kumar (090202034) Rahul (090202037) Ravindra Nagar (090202044)

Under the Supervision of : Dr. Neeta Singh

School of Information and Communication Technology Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, 201308 May, 2011



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Macrocell 1.1.2 Microcell 1.1.3 Picocell 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 Frequency Reuse Receiving Power (dbi) Path Loss (db) Transmitting Power Traffic intensity (A)


2.1 2.2 System Architecture Context Diagram.

13-14 14 14 15-19 16 16


3.1 3.2 Cellular traffic Traffic load and cell size

3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4

Traffic capacity versus coverage Advantages of cellular systems Higher Capacity Less transmission power Interference Local only Robustness

17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 20-23 20 20 21 21 22 23 24-31 24 24 24 24

3.4.5 Infrastructure needed 3.4.6 Handover needed 3.4.7 Frequency planning


4.1 Analytical Technique

4.1.1 Erlang B 4.1.2 Erlang C 4.2 4.3 4.4 Erlang distribution Exponential distribution Gamma distribution


5.1 Tools Used for System Development

5.1.1 System Development Model Exercised 5.1.2 Basic Tools used for Development 5.2 Execution Mode





S. NO.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Figure- 1.1 Figure-1.2 Figure- 1. 3 Figure- 2.1 Figure- 2.2 Figure- 3.1 Figure- 4.1 Figure- 5.1 Figure- 5.2 Figure- 5.3 Figure- 5.4 Figure- 5.5 Figure- 5.6 Figure- 5.7

Cellular System Hierarchical Cellular Architecture Hexagonal cell System Architecture Context Diagram Cellular Network Architecture
Exponential distribution Cellular Project Screen Traffic Calculation Screen Traffic Calculation Screen with value Site Configuration Draw the cell in a given area Control Panel Pr Table

9 10 11 14 14 15 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

This is hereby to certify that the project work embodied in this report has been carried out by Kuldeep Singh (090202027), Pawan Kumar (090202034), Rahul (090202037), Ravindra Nagar (090202044) of M.Tech. (ICT) with specialization in Wireless Communication and Networks during the even semester of the academic session 2010-11 under the supervision of Dr. Neeta Singh.

This is to state that work reported herein has not been submitted anywhere for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Kuldeep Singh Pawan Kumar Rahul Ravindra Nagar

The information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dr. Neeta Singh (Supervisor)

Date: 18-05-2011 Place: GBU (Gr. Noida) 5


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our supervisor, Dr. Neeta Singh, for her supervision and timely support. Her wide knowledge, guidance and continuous encouragements have been a great help throughout our project work. We express our thanks to Prof. Bhramjit Singh, Dean, School of Information & Communication Technology, Gautam Buddha University, to provide all facilities required for the project work. We tried our best to develop the project more effective and efficient. We would like to thank our parents for their endless love and support. Finally, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends/classmates for their help and wishes for the successful completion of this major project.

Kuldeep Singh Pawan Kumar Rahul Ravindra Nagar


Our project specifies the traffic calculation for cellular Network in Gautam Buddha University. The project is based on the GUI. The project is done in the simulator software MATLAB R2009a . The project may be helpful for the traffic calculation and site configuration. Firstly, the user are required to enter the number of users, and the percent of active users in the area, and consequently the Inter-arrival Time and Waiting Time and then through the formulas of the traffic theory we obtain the number of channels per cell, number of cells and the Traffic Intensity (A). Configure the power transmitted and the gain of the transmitter by simply press the button and the Project also draw the cells and finally to see what was the power received(Pr) for every point of time, in the Pr table and We can also find the minimum and maximum receiving power in the Gautam Buddha University given geographical area.


The traffic calculation for cellular Network in Gautam Buddha University is designed to provide an efficient and effective site configuration handling process and RF system design. The objective of the traffic calculation process is to make site configuration easier to co-ordinate, monitor, and track and resolve the traffic problem. We can also find the Minimum and Maximum receiving power in the Gautam Buddha University in a given geographical area.

Chapter -1


1.1 Introduction
A cellular network is a radio network distributed over land areas called cells, each served by at least one fixed-location transceiver known as a cell site or base station. When joined together these cells provide radio coverage over a wide geographic area. Bell Laboratories developed the cellular concept in about 1960. This enables a large number of portable transceivers (e.g., mobile phones, pagers, etc.) to communicate with each other and with fixed transceivers and telephones anywhere in the network, via base stations, even if some of the transceivers are moving through more than one cell during transmission. Shown in figure 1.1.

Figure-1.1: - Cellular System Larger cells serve users with lower number of handoff but the capacity is also reduce smaller cells lead to increase in capacity but also increase handoffs. If a hierarchical architecture is used proper cell assignment can lead to increased capacity.

The different types of cells are given different names according to their size and function: 1.1.1 Macro cells: Macro cells are large cells that are usually used for remote or

sparsely populated areas. These may be 10 km or possibly more in diameter. 1.1.2 Micro cells: Micro cells are those that are normally found in densely populated areas which may have a diameter of around 1 km. 1.1.3 Pico cells: Picocells are generally used for covering very small areas such as particular areas of buildings, or possibly tunnels where coverage from a larger cell in the cellular system is not possible. Obviously for the small cells, the power levels used by the base stations are much lower and the antennas are not position to cover wide areas. In this way the coverage is minimized and the interference to adjacent cells is reduced.

Figure-1.2:-Hierarchical Cellular Architecture


Selective cells: Sometimes cells termed selective cells may be used where full 360 degree coverage is not required. They may be used to fill in a hole in the coverage in the cellular system, or to address a problem such as the entrance to a tunnel etc.

Umbrella cells: Another type of cells known as an umbrella cell is sometimes used in instances such as those where a heavily used road crosses an area where there are microcells. Under normal circumstances this would result in a large number of handovers as people driving along the road would quickly cross the microcells. An umbrella cell would take in the coverage of the microcells (but use different channels to those allocated to the microcells). However it would enable those people moving along the road to be handled by the umbrella cell and experience fewer handovers than if they had to pass from one microcell to the next.

1.2 Frequency Reuse

The design process of selecting and allocating channel groups for all of the cellular base stations within a system is called frequency reuse or frequency planning. The hexagonal geometry of has exactly six equidistant neighbors and that the lines joining the centers of any cell and each of list neighbors are separated by multiples of 60degrees, there are only certain cluster sizes and cell layouts which are possible .In order to tessellate -to connect without gaps between adjacent cells the geometry of hexagons is such that the number of cells per cluster, N can only have values which satisfy Equation which is given below.


Figure-1.3:- Hexagonal cell


Where i and j are non-negative integers. To find the nearest co-channel neighbours of a particular cell, one must do the following figure move i cells along any chain of hexagons and then (2) turn 60 degrees counter-clockwise and move j cells. Show in figure 1.2.

1.3 Receiving Power (dBm):

A link budget is the accounting of all of the gains and losses from the transmitter, through the medium (free space, cable, waveguide, fibre, etc.) to the receiver in a telecommunication system. It accounts for the attenuation of the transmitted signal due to propagation, as well as the antenna gains, feed line and miscellaneous losses. Randomly varying channel gains such as fading are taken into account by adding some margin depending on the anticipated severity of its effects. The amount of margin required can be reduced by the use of mitigating techniques such as antenna diversity or frequency hopping. Received Power (dBm) = Transmitted Power (dBm) + Gains (dB) Losses (dB) Pr=Pt+Gr+Gt-30*log(s(i,3));

Where, Pr is Receiving Power at Different Points. Gr is the Receiving Gain. Gt is the Transmitting gain.

1.4 Path Loss (dB):

Path loss (or path attenuation) is the reduction in power density (attenuation) of an electromagnetic wave as it propagates through space. Path loss is a major component in the analysis and design of the link budget of a telecommunication system. This term is commonly used in wireless communications and signal propagation. Path loss may be due to many effects, such as free-space loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, aperture-medium coupling loss, and absorption. Path loss is also influenced by terrain contours, environment (urban or rural, vegetation and foliage), propagation medium (dry

or moist air), the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, and the height and location of antennas.


1.5 Transmitting power (Pt)

In radio telecommunications, Transmitting power or equivalent radiated power (ERP) is a standardized theoretical measurement of radio frequency (RF) energy using the SI unit watts, and is determined by subtracting system losses and adding system gains.

1.6 Traffic intensity (A)

Traffic intensity describes the mean number of simultaneous call in progress. The term "traffic intensity" comes from the original application of Erlang-C, which was for telephone networks, and the volume of calls was described as the "traffic". We need to calculate the traffic intensity as a preliminary step to the rest of the calculations. The unit of traffic is Erlang. A = T = number of carried connections per time unit (arrival rate, call rate). T = mean duration of a connection or holding time.

Chapter -2


The traffic calculation obtained from the basis of the traffic theory, and implemented on the MATLAB through a GUI figure files. First the user are required to enter the number of users, and the percent of active of users in the area, and consequently of course the and and then through the formulas of the traffic theory we obtain the number of channels per cell number of cells and the A.


Figure-2.1:- System Architecture

Figure-2.2:- Context Diagram


Chapter -3


Cellular Network Architecture

The cellular network fulfils many requirements. Not only does the cellular network enable calls to be routed to and from the mobile phones as well as enabling calls to be maintained as the cell phone moves from one cell to another, but it also enables other essential operations such as access to the network, billing, security and much more. To fulfill all these requirements the cellular network comprises many elements, each having its own function to complete. The most obvious part of the cellular network is the base station. The antennas and the associated equipment often located in a container below are seen dotted around the country, and especially at the side of highways and motorways. However there is more to the network behind this, as the system needs to have elements of central control and it also needs to link in with the PSTN landline system to enable calls to be made to and from the wire based phones, or between networks. Shown in figure-3.1.

Figure-3.1:- Cellular Network Architecture



Cellular traffic

The project defines about the mobile cellular network. Mobile radio networks have traffic issues that do not arise in connection with the fixed line PSTN. Important aspects of cellular traffic include: quality of service targets, traffic capacity and cell size, spectral efficiency and sectorization, traffic capacity versus coverage, and channel holding time analysis. Tele-traffic engineering in telecommunications network planning ensures that network costs are minimized without compromising the quality of service delivered to the user of the network. This field of engineering is based on probability theory and can be used to analyze mobile radio networks, as well as other telecommunications networks. A mobile handset which is moving in a cell will record a signal strength that varies. Signal strength is subject to slow fading, fast fading and interference from other signals, resulting in degradation of the carrier-to-interference (C/I) ratio. A high C/I ratio yields quality communication. A good C/I ratio is achieved in cellular systems by using optimum power levels through the power control of most links. When carrier power is too high, excessive interference is created, degrading the C/I ratio for other traffic and reducing the traffic capacity of the radio subsystem. When carrier power is too low, C/I is too low and QoS targets are not met.


Traffic load and cell size

The more traffic consist the more base stations will be needed to service the customers. The number of base stations for a simple cellular network is equal to the number of cells. The traffic engineer can achieve the goal of satisfying the increasing population of customers by increasing the number of cells in the area concerned, so this will also increases the number of base stations. This method is called cell splitting (and combined with sectorization) is the only way of providing services to a burgeoning population. This simply works by dividing the cells already present into smaller sizes hence increasing the traffic capacity. Reduction of the cell radius enables the cell to accommodate extra traffic. The cost of equipment can also be cut down by reducing the number of base stations


through setting up three neighbor cells, with the cells serving three 120 sectors with different channel groups. Mobile radio networks are operated with finite, limited resources (the spectrum of frequencies available). These resources have to be used effectively to ensure that all users receive service, that is, the quality of service is consistently maintained. This need to carefully use the limited spectrum brought about the development of cells in mobile networks, enabling frequency re-use by successive clusters of cells. Systems that efficiently use the available spectrum have been developed e.g. the GSM system. Walke defines spectral efficiency as the traffic capacity unit divided by the product of bandwidth and surface area element, and is dependent on the number of radio channels per cell and the cluster size (number of cells in a group of cells):

Where Nc is the number of channels per cell, BW is the system bandwidth, and Ac is Area of cell. Sectorization is briefly described in traffic load and cell size as a way to cut down equipment costs in a cellular network. When applied to clusters of cells sectorization also reduces co-channel interference. This is because the power radiated backward from a directional base station antenna is minimal and interfering with adjacent cells is reduced. (The number of channels is directly proportional to the number of cells.) The maximum traffic capacity of sectored antennas (directional) is greater than that of omni-directional antennas by a factor which is the number of sectors per cell (or cell cluster).


Traffic capacity versus coverage

Cellular systems use one or more of four different techniques of access (TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA). Let a case of Code Division Multiple Access be considered for the relationship between traffic capacity and coverage (area covered by cells). CDMA cellular systems can allow an increase in traffic capacity at the expense of the quality of service.

In TDMA/FDMA cellular radio systems, Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA) is used to allocate channels to customers. In FCA the number of channels in the cell remains constant irrespective of the number of customers in that cell. These results in traffic congestion and some calls being lost when traffic gets heavy. A better way of channel allocation in cellular systems is Dynamic Channel Allocation (DCA) which is supported by the GSM, DCS and other systems. DCA is a better way not only for handling bursty cell traffic but also in efficiently utilizing the cellular radio resources. DCA allows the number of channels in a cell to vary with the traffic load, hence increasing channel capacity with little costs.[1] Since a cell is allocated a group of frequency carries (e.g. f1-f7) for each user, this range of frequencies is the bandwidth of that cell, BW. If that cell covers an area Ac, and each user has bandwidth B then the number of channels will be

BW/B. The density of channels will be

. This formula shows that as the coverage

area Ac is increased, the channel density decreases. Cellular systems for mobile communications implement SDM. Each transmitter, typically called a base station, covers a certain area, a cell. Cell radius can vary forms ten of meters in buildings, and hundreds of meters in cities, up to tens of kilometres in the countryside. The shape of cells are never perfect circles or hexagons, but depend on the environment (buildings, mountains, valleys etc), on weather conditions, and sometimes even on system load. Typical systems using this approach are mobile telecommunication systems, where a mobile station within the cell around a base station communicates with this base station and vice versa.

3.4 Advantages of cellular systems with small cells are the following: 3.4.1 Higher Capacity
Implementing SDM allows frequency reuse. if one transmitter is far away from another , such that outside the interference range, it can reuse the same frequencies. As most mobile phone systems assign frequencies to certain users (or certain hopping patterns), this frequency is blocked for other users. But frequencies are scarce resource and, the number of concurrent users per cell is very limited. Huge cells do not allow for more users. On the

contrary, they are limited to less possible users per km2 .This is also the reason for using very small cells in cities where many more people use mobile phones.

3.4.2 Less transmission power

While power aspects are not a big problem for base stations, they are indeed problematic for mobile stations. A receiver far away from a base station would need much more transmit power than the current few Watts. But energy is a serious problem for mobile handheld devices.

3.4.3 Interference Local only

Having long distances between sender and receiver results in even more interference problems. With small cells, mobile stations and base stations only have to deal with local interference.

3.4.4 Robustness
Cellular systems are decentralized and so, more robust against the failure of single components. If one antenna fails, this only influences communication within a small area. Small cells also have some disadvantages:

3.4.5 Infrastructure needed

Cellular systems need a complex infrastructure to connect all base stations. This includes many antennas, switches for call forwarding, location registers to find a mobile station etc, which makes the whole system quite expensive.

3.4.6 Handover needed

The mobile station has to perform a handover when changing from one cell to another. Depending on the cell size and the speed of movement, this can happen quite often.

3.4.7 Frequency planning

To avoid interference between transmitters using the same frequencies, frequencies have to be distributed carefully. On the one hand, interference should be avoided, on the other, only a limited number of frequencies are available.


Chapter -4


4.1 Analytical Technique:

Several of the most powerful analytical technique for evaluating system performance of cellular system is based on the theory of stochastic process Traffic calculation of cellular network is calculated.

4.1.1 Erlang B:
The Erlang B formula determines the probability that a call is blocked, and is measure of the GOS for a trunked system that provide no queuing for blocked calls. The Erlang B model is based upon the following basic assumptions :

Call requests are memory less, implying that all users, including blocked users, may request a channel at any time.

All free channels are fully available for servicing call until all channels are occupied.

y y

There are a finite number of channels available in the trucking pool. Traffic requests are described by a Poisson distribution which implies exponentially distributed call interval times.

y y

Inter arrival times of call requests are independent of each other. The number of busy channels is equal to the number of busy users, and the probability of blocking is given as

Where, Pb is the probability of blocking.


M is the number of resource. E is the total amount of traffic offered in Erlangs.

4.1.2 Erlang C
y y The waiting probability in a queuing system. Unlimited number of requests may be held in the queue in this way simultaneously Erlang C assumes an infinite population of sources, which jointly offer traffic of A Erlangs to N servers. y If all the servers are busy when a request arrives from a source, the request is queued y y y The Erlang C formula expresses This formula calculates the probability of queuing offered traffic for a specified desired probability of queuing

Where, A is the total traffic offered in unit of Erlangs. N is the number of servers. Pw is the probability that the customer has to wait for service.

4.2 Erlang Distribution

The Erlang distribution is a continuous probability distribution with wide applicability primarily due to its relation to the exponential and Gamma distributions. The Erlang distribution was developed by A. K. Erlang to examine the number of telephone calls which might be made at the same time to the operators of the switching stations. This work on telephone traffic engineering has been expanded to consider waiting times in queuing systems in general. The distribution is now used in the fields of stochastic processes and of biomathematics. The distribution is a continuous distribution, which has a positive value

for all real numbers greater than zero, and is given by two parameters: the shape k, which is a non-negative integer, and the rate , which is a non-negative real number. The distribution is sometimes defined using the inverse of the rate parameter, the scale .

4.3 Exponential distribution

In probability theory and statistics, the exponential distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions. It describes the time between events in a Poisson process, i.e. a process in which events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate. Note that the exponential distribution is not the same as the class of exponential families of distributions, which is a large class of probability distributions that includes the exponential distribution as one of its members, but also includes the normal distribution, binomial distribution, gamma distribution, Poisson, and many others. The probability density function (pdf) of an exponential distribution is

Alternatively, this can be defined using the Heaviside step function, H(x).


> 0 is the parameter of the distribution, often called the rate parameter. The ). If a random variable X has this distribution,

distribution is supported on the interval [0, we write X ~ Exp ( ).Shown in figure-4.1.

The exponential distribution exhibits infinite divisibility. The cumulative distribution function is given by


Alternatively, this can be defined using the Heaviside step function, H(x).

Figure-4.1:-Exponential distribution

4.4 Gamma distribution

In probability theory and statistics, the gamma distribution is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions. It has a scale parameter and a shape parameter k. If

k is an integer, then the distribution represents an Erlang distribution, i.e., the sum of k independent exponentially distributed random variables, each of which has a mean of (which is equivalent to a rate parameter of

The gamma distribution is frequently a probability model for waiting times; for instance, in life testing, the waiting time until death is a random variable that is frequently modeled with a gamma distribution A random variable X that is gamma-distributed with scale and shape k is denoted


Chapter -5


5.1 Tools Used for System Development

5.1.1 System Development Model Exercised

Waterfall Model was practiced as the Software development process model. 5.1.2 Basic Tools Used for Development Serial Tool/Language Purpose

1 2

MATLAB MS - Access

Programming Language Database

5.2 Execution Mode

Step 1:
First of all a brief description of the program, to run the program simply open the m-file named menu. A menu screen of the programs contents will appear in front of you, it consists of four parts, the first one is the traffic calculation the second is for the site configuration and the third one opens this report and last but not least the fourth one close the screen, to choose between any of those you only have to click on it. Firstly, you need to hit on the traffic calculation to determine the number of cells, so you need to press on traffic calculation as follows:


Figure-5.1:-Cellular Project Screen


Step 2:
After pressing on the traffic calculation the corresponding figure will open:

Figure-5.2:-Traffic Calculation Screen


Step 3:
So after that you'll be required to fill the data such as the number of users, percentage of active users, value of inter arrival rate of calls, probability distribution, total number of channels, carrier -to-interference ratio, total numbers of channels etc .Get the result simply press the calculate button of channel sensitivity, number of cells and sectors. Here's an example:

Figure-5.3:-Traffic Calculation Screen with value


Step 4:
Pressing on site configuration button, we get a window having Pr table, control panel, and fill the value of number of base stations. After you calculate the number of cells required the answer will be saved and automatically loaded to the site configuration screen

Figure-5.4:-Site Configuration


Step 5:
After that you hit press and it'll draw the cells:

Figure-5.5:-Draw the cell in given area


Step 6:
And then you will be asked to open the control panel to configure the power transmitted and the gain of the transmitter.

Figure-5.6:-Control Panel


Step 7:
After that you hit press and it'll draw the cells and finally to see what was the power received (Pr) for every point you need to click on Pr table.

Figure-5.7:-Receiving Power (Pr) table


Chapter -6



the site configuration, we put the value in control panel and show the receiving

power in Pr table for every point of time, in pr table. This report discussed the development of a Traffic Calculation for Cellular Network in Gautam Buddha University able to handle the traffic calculation & site configuration related all requirements easily to use the model driven approach by user. The system assists the process by reminding the processes required and draw.



[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

[10] [11] [12] [13] [14]


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