The Europa Magazine #11

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The game that is history.

. .

World War II in Europe m

In this issue:
Complete list of German Unit IDs
New Map Art
Inside Europa
News from GRD
and much more!
Now, and for the future, Europa. . .

Europa on line
Game Research/Design and
GEnie, the General Electric network
information exchange, have joined forces to
give you access to the best gaming system
through your computer and modem.
GRID will now offer electronic Europa.
Some of these features will include:
PElectronic mail
GEnie PGame Library information
has a special pCurrent Errata
offer for Europa DBulletin Board of what's what
players for a limited PNational Real Time Conference
period of time... DOpponents Wanted
"Europa - by - Computer
Cost to join the PMagazine articles
GEnie network neoming events
$0 DDirect communication with GRID
and anything else we can think of...

Here's how you join, using your existing telephone modem - fl

Set your terminal sofware for 300 or 1200 baud, 8nl. Dial the
toll free number - 1 800-638-9636. At the connect enter HHH
and press return. At the U#= prompt enter XTX99610,Europa
When you call have your credit card or checking account
number ready to open your account and receive your personal
password from GEnie. GEnie will make electronic transfers from
your checking account if you don't want to use a credit card.
They will guide you through the setup and get you on-line very
quickly. Remember, joining fees are waived!
GRID is already on the bulletin board and we will be
downloading files to the library shortly. Our national
conference will begin ASAP. Watch for announcements on
The Official Magazine of the (hay. System

January/February 1990

News from GRD
by Winston Hamilton ....................................................... 2

¢- Edlt' Inside Europa


by John Astell ................................................................. 4

From, The Editor

by Rick Gayler................................................................ 10
Gary Swim
commlm The 2nd Australian Imperial Force
by Stuart Lee .............................................................. 14
The Yugoslav Royal Air Force
by Jason Long ............................................................... 21

Touring the (tuna. Seashore [Norway, south of M0]

by A.E. Goodwin ............................................................ 29
Design Update: Fol no: “IE BELL ’I‘IILIJ
by Jeff Millefoglie ........................................................... 33
Computer Assisted Europa
by Mark van Rokel .......................................................... 36
Rules Court
by Rick Gayler................................................................ 37
- - -
E A5290:'at'
5533a” blitb UK
RéaéopWauagky'. Europafest Update Report
.. .. by Mark Swenholt .......................................................... 42
Preregistration Form and Event Map .................... 43-44

Credits: Layout-WJ Hamilton; Magazine Designer-John Greer; Proof-

reading- Darla Hamilton; Cover Illustration: Hemz original an tor Marita-Merkur.
Scanning: Microtek MSF 3006 - Layout on an Apple Ilcx using a LaserWn'ter IINT
and Ready Set Go“. "The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack."
Page 2

Situation. Report: by:Winston Hamilton

game 93¢?“ch $c8igu

Welcome to the 90's everybody. who John Astell is; what he does with GDW and knew Frank
We have a slightly new look, a is a known fact. The same can't be Chadwick when he was attending
slightly bigger magazine, a said for me. have seen
college in Rock Island, Illinois in
slightly different name, and speculation as to who I am and the early 1970's before there was
continue to evolve up the ladder. what do. Well, the short course
a GDW. I became addicted to
The Europe News has changed its on me is as follows: Europa (as most of us did) when
name to Europa. A minor change DNO came out. Since that time l
to be sure, but it will suit our lwas born here in Grinnell, lowa. have worked with GDW as a
purposes. Rick Gayler, John I enlisted in the US. Army when I
playtester and was honored to
Astell, Deen Wood, and myself turned 17 and did a tour in the help develop some games with
are getting better equipment, RVN (camping out with guns). that company. My official title is
thanks to Mark Van Roekel. John After that I attended college for Chief of the Department of
Greer is helpful as ever on two years, became involved in History of GDW which earns me a
magazine design; Jason Long has WAW (Vietnam Vets Against the free parking space at the
signed on as text manager War). became a union organizer, company HQ in Normal, Illinois,
(glorified entry grunt), which will moved back to Grinnell when my and two free copies of each title
help to no end; Tom Johnson father wanted to retire, and took produced. (I also have a complete
(a.k.a. Task Force Johnson) now over his business. I have a wife of collection of unfolded maps of all
leads the gritty gang of gamers at ten years (Darla) and we are in the titles they have produced. Oh
the demos: Stephanie resides in business in Grinnell. boy!)
the back making sure that things
get sent and work gets done; and I
own and operate an insurance And now on to more important
my wife runs the business end of company in Grinnell (third stuff.
the business. We are getting generation); my wife, Darla, and I

bigger; we are getting better! own and operate a printing And the winners are... We are
company (Grinnell Graphix); and pleased to announce the winners
The Second Front Playtest Kit is John Astell and own and
for the Europa magazine "Best
out and about. First and second operate Game Research/Design. I
Awards“. These awards are
waves have landed in the testers' am also the Secretary of the presented to authors who have
mailboxes and everyone is busy Game Manufacturers Association produced the best article for the
cutting out about 6,000 counters. I (GAMA) and will be taking over year in one of two categories:
did the entry on the Mac for these the Executive Directorship of the Historical Article and Gaming
counters and they are only same this next Origins. Now, that Article. There were many fine
playtest versions. The final is one full plate and to break it articles to choose from and we
counters will look great. We did a down it goes as follows: deeply appreciate all the time our
mock-up on some here in the print insurance for the money, printing contributors have taken to help us
shop and they looked good on our for the interesting work, and GRD produce this magazine. The
equipment. When we get the first - well. as a young boy alwaysI
awards for 1989 were determined
draft of the Balkan Front wanted to produce wargames, run by the staff. In the last issue of
counters done it will be on a 2400 a wargame company, and be this year's magazine there will be
dots per inch machine and should involved with the industry (which a ballot and we will determine
really look super. The playtest kit many of us gamers grew up the winners for 1990 based on
was a monster to do. I spent much wanting to do, I suspect). work I
how you, the readers, vote. But
time and effort getting the for GAMA because I want to be this year's winners are: Jack
counters done. Many other souls heavily involved in the Radey, “The Battle for Kiev“,
participated in the preparation of organization of the gaming issue #7 for Historical Article; and
the kits and we all owe them a community and want to have a Roy Lane, “Russian Tactical
debt of thanks. hand in building this fine Doctrine', issue #7 for Gaming
association that will benefit all Article. Congratulations. Watch
Now want to discuss a topic that
I facets of the hobby. for this year's ballot in issue #16
has appeared on GEnie and in the of Europa.
mail to me. Most of you know I
have had a close association
Page 3

Ghost drawing winner: Well, I

a number of reasons. Next year
went and did a silly thing. did
The game is designed to appeal to we are going to be there in
not announce a deadline for entry the general market as well as the several categories. encourage

for the Ghost of Europa drawing tried and true old guard of the everyone to vote on the Origins
for a free game. Now, the system. It should stimulate the Ballot that will be included in the
deadline for entry (postmarked) series, increase exposure of the next issue and strongly urge
will be as follows: Issue #10 and system, and bring in some new
#11 are combined and the everyone to vote for us next year
players. Given the state of the for the origins awards. also

deadline is March 31, 1990. As wargame market at this time, it believe that our system should be
each Ghost is presented you will should be a shot in the arm. voted into the Hall of Fame as
be told what the deadline is. Can't
one of the most outstanding and
really say who the Ghost for #10 Media Review and a Plug: certainly the longest running
is yet, but we will announce in
series of WWII games ever to hit
Issue #12 the Ghost for #10 and I
would like to say a few words the market.
#11, along with the winners of about the magazine trade in our
the two drawings. We are going field of WW II gaming. I
would like to start the campaign
to offer the winner of each Ghost for putting the series in the “Hall
contest a free game of choice. There is a current state of unrest of Fame“ right now and ask all of
The list of games available to in the market as a period of
choose from will be mailed to you to vote for Europa next year
“adjustment" is upon us. In the when the ballot comes out.
each winner. next issue of our magazine we
will be publishing a ballot for your That wraps up this edition. G'day
Balkan Front votes on the "best" in a number of mates.
categories. This year we did not
Get thee ready. BF is getting enter the field of publications for The Ghost is below. (2
ready for playtest. Elsewhere in
the magazine there is a more
detailed ad for the game. We are
about to send out the auto-ship
order forms to the distributors.
My estimation for the release is
now May/June of this year. We A bit of trickery here, chaps. Below is a tank, obviously.
will want some playtest time to
insure that the game works and to But what kind of tank, whose tank , and where did this
double check "things" in the tank see service. What we are looking for is the make,
production stream (my model, nationality and any other tidbits you can tell us
responsibility). The box art has about this hunk of steel. Deadline for entry: 1 Apr 90.
been completed (neat) for the
Collector Series' box. Say
goodbye to the grid. We are doing
something that has never been
done before to my knowledge and
it should prove to be a distinctive
box. The black and gold color
scheme will get the attention of
anyone looking at games, the
remainder of the box will be
useful and interesting to look at.
We will have our name and
address on this box and 3 UPC
label (Uniform Product Code) as
well. The game will feature
revised 085 for the national
armies that took part in the actual
campaign, more scenarios, more
forces (the Bulgarians), and a few
other items, such as the new
maps, which should be well
received. This will be no small
matter to us here at GRD. This is
our first real game and we will do
a good job of presenting it to you.
Page 4

by Astell
EVOLUTION, REVOLUTION, movement, you could take the 1) In a few places, the coastline
or STASIS train. There were rail lines will be redrawn to eliminate
everywhere, with no rail capacity movement problems.
Europa is a living, growing game or regauging bottlenecks to slow
system. As with living things, you down. In WD, admin. 2) Ports will be designated with
growth means change. ls change movement was necessary due to specific symbols, showing their
necessary? It depends upon the the lack of rail lines in many location and size.
change, but in general the answer areas. The admin. movement rule
is yes. We could try to lock the in WD was very conservative: it 3) Fortifiedhexsides will be
existing parts of Europa into got the job done in a form I was printed on the maps, in place of
stasis, but this wouldn't help the certain wouldn't upset the play of the 'wandering' fortified hexside
system. It wouldn't speed the the other games. As I worked on counters.
completion of Europa , which is subsequent games, gradually

paced mostly by the ongoing relaxed and expanded the admin. 4) Crossing points for sea and lake
historical research, the designing movement rule, based on my and hexsides will be shown on the
of rules to cover new material, other Europa players cumulative maps. These will display the
and the testing of new games. It experience with the rule. Each crossable hexsides such as the
also wouldn't improve Europa. time the rule became more Kerch Straits, the Bosporus, the
Instead, it would result in a game powerful, and the process Straits of Massina, and so on,
system that when "finished" continues (and, I hope, ends) with replacing the special rules on
would already have a list of Second Front. (More on this them.
improvements waiting in the later.) This evolutionary process
wings. This makes little sense to has ensured that the rule works 5) Reference points and names
me - let's add the improvements throughout Europe. Had I tried to will be added to the maps, in
to Europa as we come up with get the full rule into WD in one small type. These will locate and
them. shot, it might have taken a form name small but important cities,
that caused problems in the other rivers, major mountains, and so
Given change, should it be games. forth - Bastogne, the Volga River,
evolutionary or revolutionary? If and Shewvood Forest will be
you have followed the series for The latest evolutionary change is named on the maps. (I'm just
any length of time, you'll know happening with the maps. Over kidding about Sherwood Forest.)
the answer to that onel Europa the years, a variety of
supports evolutionary change. geographical information not 6) Currently, "roads“ on the maps
Revolutionary changes would be displayed on the maps has crept are more often low-capacity
made if something was seriously into the rules, such as ports, port railroads (hence Scorched
wrong with the core system. That sizes, special crossable sea Earth's upgrading rule) than just
hasn't happened yet, as Europa is hexsides, and so on. Rather than roads. We'll distinguish between
built on a solid foundation, and I require players to remember it all, the two cases on the new maps.
hope it never will. Evolutionary I've long wished that it could be
change means working within the displayed directly on the maps, And, now for the big point. The
existing rules and components. together with the names of new style maps don't make your
changing or enhancing them only various features. When GRID current ones obsolete! You'll be
when definite, worthwhile undertook the commitment to able to mix and match both types.
improvements are developed. reprint all of the Europe games, using whatever combination of
this made it possible to consider them you have on hand. While
Administrative movement is a upgrading the maps. The upgrade there'll be a very limited number
case in point. Up until Western will make the maps easier and of overlap discrepancies. there'll
Desert (WD), admin. movement more interesting to use, but will be no more than the overlap
(faster movement for units that only slightly change their look. problems among the existing
don't engage in combat We won't be changing the colors maps - which doesn't cause any
operations or enter enemy or dimensions of the maps, or real trouble - and these will be
territory) wasn't covered in anything else that would disturb listed in a guide. Not only will the
Europa, mostly because it wasn't their ”look and feel'. Instead, the two map styles work together
especially needed. In earlier upgrade mainly involves the functionally, they will also be
games if you needed faster following areas: esthetically compatible. Mate
them up, step back, take a look,
and the enhanced new style maps
will be virtually indistinguishable
from the current ones. You'll
notice the difference only through
the ease of play the new ones

Duane Romfoe's article on march

rates ("Forward . .. March!“ in
issue #10) is the best work I've
seen on this area for Europa, ever
- and l've been seeing comments
on this area ever since got

involved in Europa design in

1978. However, don't go out and
buy heavy duty boots for your
infantry counters - they're not
going to do extra marchingl
Duane concludes that movement
rates are understated in Europa,
based on historical examples and
on various armies' doctrines for
sustainable rates of march. He's
right as far as he goes. but he
doesn't go far enough. One
problem is that actual conditions
deviate from the theoretical ones.
Sure, the Soviets expect to
sustain a rate of 7.4 to 14.8 miles
per day in snow and cold.
However, as one example, this
attacker has fresh, trained troops
and achieves surprise over the
enemy at the start of a campaign.
This case is taken into account in
the games through the surprise
attack rules, which add an extra
turn of movement and combat.)
Another problem involves the
slipperiness of some historical
examples. Duane mentions that
leading elements of the German
121st Infantry Division were east
of Daugavpils on 28 June 1941.
'Leading elements“ doesn't mean
the full division, and what are
these leading elements? In the
case of the 121st, i don't know,
but have my suspicions. Let's

swing south a bit and look at

Guderian's drive. By mid-July,
elements of Guderian's infantry
divisions had reached the Dnepr
River around Mogilev, as
Guderian states in his book.
Panzer Leader. Guderian then
reveals that these elements are
just the recon units and the few
motorized units of these divisions.
The bulk of the infantry was far to
the west, marching hard to catch
up. A division in Europa is
represented by a tidy, single
counter, but reality at times is
much messier, which causes
Page 5

of march are not sustainable

indefinitely, turn after turn.
Instead, armies tend to move at
sustainable rates, or faster, for
short periods, followed by periods
where the armies recover from
their exertions. In other words.
“sustainable‘ really isn't
sustainable. Yes, the German lI
Corps marched at 15 miles per
day for 27 days, with 11 battle
days and no rest days, at the start
of World War l. They, and the rest
of the German outer wing, were
required to march without rest
days - called for by German
doctrine - in order to maintain the
rate of advance the Schlieffen
Plan required for success. They
paid the price of this advance
when they reached the Marne.
Their exhaustion was a big pan of
why they lost the Battle of the
Marne and the chance to knock
out France. For a World War II
example, let's look at Barbarossa.
The Germans marched
themselves silly in June and July
and had to rest up to recover. in
fact, they marched too hard at
first and killed off large numbers
of their horses through
overexertion. This caused all sorts
of problems, such the lagging or
rate doesn't take blizzards into outright abandonment of many
difficulties when you try to horse-drawn artillery pieces.
account. When a blizzard comes in compare the game and any
- and they do fairly frequently in specific historical fact. One last
the Russian winter - movement is So, armies march and then rest.
example concerns Soviet units Europa averages this out. A unit
reduced to nothing, for several marching like hell to escape in Europa is rated on its long-
days on end. This sort of thing encirclement. Yes, there are term average combat and
isn't confined to the winter either. exciting cases of this, but in many movement abilities, not its short-
For example, German Panzer instances these are the remnants
forces spearheading the drive into term maximum or even
of smashed units oozing back to 'sustainable' abilities. This is a
the USSR in July 1941 were the Soviets. ln Europa terms,
slowed down by thunderstorms, convenient and, for our purposes,
these more often are special excellent way to handle things.
which temporarily turned the dirt replacements flowing into the Instead of averaging things out,
roads being used to mud. Non- replacement system rather than
physical factors also intrude here. we could have had a system
intact, hero units rejoining the where units have 'maximum'
Armies march to campaign plans front line.
and battle plans, which rarely abilities, but they quickly rack up
survive contact with the enemy. attrition and fatigue penalties as
The core problem here revolves they operate. The big drawback
As plan meets reality, the plan around what is meant by
must change, not reality. here is that this approach requires
sustainable rates of march - a either a ridiculous number of
Adapting a plan of campaign to sustainable rate is not an
the actual conditions encountered counters to keep track of things,
indefinitely sustainable rate. or a mind—numbing amount of
can't always be done on the run; Europe is a long game, with very
it often takes time and causes bookkeeping and paperwork.
many 15-day turns in it. Duane's Either way, it wouldn't be very
delays - in effect slowing the longest examples of marches are
actual rate of movement. (And, practical or fun to play - and, if it
26 and 27 days long, not even worked right, it would average
argue, a well-conceived plan has two full Europa turns. If you look out over the long run to the way
the best chance of success if the at the larger picture, these rates things work now.
Page 6

Duane's comments about mobile YOU ASK. l ANSWER to use them when playing the
defenses and envelopments being
made “impossible, or. . . far less
common than they should be" by
' your ”Inside Europa" last
issue, you said that USAAF P-38D
The only other semiofficial
the movement system is off-base. counters cover models D and 6 material is my “Rails through the
Both are possible and present in together. But. these models are Russias' article in TEN #7. This
the game. Massive, deep actually very diffean and you addresses a problem area in
envelopments are possible, with list P—3865 on the 08, but no 05. Scorched Earth's rule on
the classic problem of trying to What gives? upgrading roads to railroads. It
close off the pocket with isn't completely official, for two
motorized forces while the Sorry. my typo. meant the P-
reasons: 1) It hasn't been tested
infantry takes a turn to come up. 47Ds covered models D and G, thoroughly enough, Although it
Mobile defense is present, which are similar. should work. there possibly may
exactly in the form that Duane be a problem or two lurking in it -
claims is missing: trading space ’ What's OFFICIAL Europe? The which will be discovered through
for time and launching magazine has so many rules repeated play. 2) It's a somewhat
counterattacks against targets of suggestions. variants, additional messy fix to the problem,
opportunity. Indeed, more often
counters, etc., that I get confused introducing more rules and
get the complaint that mobile trying to figure out what rules l'm counters. Do we really need to
defense is too powerful in the supposed to be using. Help! add 27 0-6 German railroad
game! Pulling back in the face of engineer battalions to the game? I
the enemy and launching hit and Don't let all the Europe ~ talk mix hope that can think of a better

run armored attacks against a you up. The published games, fix here. (Currently, I think it may
haphazard advance can be very together with the published be possible to cut the battalions.
effective. Perhaps things don't errata sheets, are official Europa, The basic problem is that the
work exactly the way they would and nothing else is. If it's not in German's don't have enough
if Duane had designed the game, the rules of a game or on the higher headquarters to absorb all
but that's a different subject than errata sheet, it's not official, and the battalions at the start of the
movement rates. you don't have to bother with it if game. hesitate to make up

you don't want to. Supplementing fictitious regiments to absorb the

Duane and I come close to this is the semiofficial 'Rules extra battalions, as this plays
agreement concerning what he Court", which appears regularly in needless games with the
calls unopposed movement (I call this magazine. 'Flules Court‘ is otherwise sound historical
it follow-up movement), although based on rules questions players research. However, we might be
we go about it differently. When I send in - it's the answer you'd get able to get around this by
originally designed the admin. if you wrote in with that question. backdating the three German
movement rules, I was It mostly clarifies ambiguities and railroad engineer brigades to the
conservative, as I mention above. resolves mistaken impressions of start of the game and cutting the
I'm relaxing the admin. movement how the rules work. Rick Geyler battalions. Although this is a
rules in the Second Front does an excellent job in small historical distortion, as the
playtest to test my current answering the questions, and he brigades don't exist in June 1941,.
thinking on the subject. In regularly hits me with the really it may be acceptable.)
essence, l'm removing the hard ones (yeah, thanks a lot,
restriction that a unit may admin. Rick). If you have a rules problem Everything else is unofficial. The
move only in territory owned by that's been covered in the court, magazine is on the cutting edge
its side at start of its turn. you can use the answer. of Europa, giving you the latest
Instead, a unit may admin. move However, ‘Rules Court‘ isn't fully news, speculations, and
in territory that is friendly owned official. as it isn't guaranteed to aspirations in the series. You've
at the time it moves, including be completely right all the time - seen and will continue to see
territory that other units have at least, know that I occasionally
many experimental rules,
gained ownership of during that gave the wrong answer when I variants, suggestions, and second
turn. This requires only one more answered rules questions. Also. guessing in the pages of TEN. It's
rule to make it work: a unit some answers involve subtle there for your information and
doesn't exert a 2°C in the interpretations, which may enjoyment. If you like to tinker
movement phase in which it uses change after further thought and with your games (many do, and
admin. movement. This prevents experimentation. The important there are no rules police to arrest
an admin. moving unit from material in 'Flules Court" will you if you modify the rules to suit
gaining ownership and thus an eventually make its way into the yourself), or if you see something
admin. route of advance for itself official errata sheets. In the you particularly like, go ahead
as it moves. meantime, the verdicts of the and use it. If you want to play by
court serve as a guide to rules the official rules, stick to the
questions, but you're not required published games and errata
* In "War in the Desert”,
how is it
possible that an Italian tank
division has far greater strength
and is much more economical to
supply in combat than the British?
An attack strength of 7 with 2 REs
yields 3.5 attack strength per RE
for an Italian armored division,
while a British armored division
at 3 REs and a strength of 8 yields
a paltry 2.6 attack strength per
RE. (The mighty Panzers, at 2 REs
and strength 9, yield 4.5.) I
thought the British would be
better than the Italians, not
the early stages of World War
the British operated under an
erroneous theory of armored
warfare, while lacking sufficient
resources and experience in their
armored forces. In the 19305, the
British Army favored the idea of
all-armor tank formations: large
armored formations should
consist of little more (or,
extremely, nothing more) than
tanks, which would sweep the
enemy from the field. While the
British didn't field tank-only
armored divisions, they did form
tank-heavy divisions. WW ll
showed the all-armor theory to be
wrong. Instead, the combined
arms approach was proven to be
the best use of armored forces:
the tanks needed to be supported
by sufficient motorized infantry
and artillery to achieve their full
abilities. Without proper support,
tanks to equip new units and
replace losses, especially with
newer models possessing heavier
armor and armament. In action,
the armored division had far too
many tanks and far too little
infantry and artillery to operate
effectively. This formula, as all
nations that used tank-heavy
formations found, led to
excessive tank losses in combat.
As the British battled the
Germans and gained bitter
experience, they reorganized
their armored divisions for
greater effectiveness. By the time
of the Battle of El Alamein, the
British armored division had
become a well-balanced
combined arms formation. Based
around one armored brigade, one
infantry brigade, and the
divisional artillery HQ, the
division had these battalions
totals: 3 armored, 1 armored car,
4 motorized infantry, 3 artillery, 1
antitank, 1 AA, and 1 engineer. At
full strength, the division had 172
tanks (including 164 Shermans)
plus 14 AA tanks. With the US. in
the war, Britain's need for many,
high-quality tanks was being met
with American Shermans,
perhaps the best a|l~around tank
sent to Africa.
Europa shows this evolution of
British armor in 'War in the
Desert" and Western Desert,
The British do start off with 3-FlE
armored divisions averaging only
2.6 attack strength points per RE.

mortars, and machine guns). 3

artillery, 1 AA, and 1 antitank.
With around 190 tanks, it was a
reasonable formation, worth its
3.5 attack strength points per RE.

Fire in the East/Scorched

* In
Earth. why don‘t German
assault gun battalions have full
ATEC from the start of the game?

German assault guns were armed

with low-velocity guns until the
spring of 1942. These guns were
good at firing high explosive
rounds, which made them
effective direct fire weapons
against soft targets. Although
they could fire armor piercing
rounds, their low-velocity guns
made them less effective against
tanks than high-velocity tank and
antitank guns. In 1942, assault
guns armed with high velocity
guns become available, making
them highly effective tank killers.
* Why do the Russians gain
strength just by converting a
regular unit into a Guards unit?
Soviet Guards units are no
different from regular units in
most cases.
Actually, the Guards are different
from the regulars. They tend to
have more and better men,
equipment, and replacements
than the regulars. While they
weren't substantially better than
the regulars, they have enough of
an edge to be rated slightly

the tanks would be at a higher.

They and up, however, with 2-RE
disadvantage in situations
requiring infantry or artillery. The
divisions averaging 4 attack
strength points per RE, a
' Why do 4-3-8 Tiger battalions
have split attack and defense
British armored forces learned substantial improvement.
these lessons the hard way - strengtth Whenever a Tiger tank
through battle against the showed up on the battlefield, the
As for the Italians, they have a Allied troops yelled for help!
Germans. number of problems with their
armored forces, particularly with Tank-only formations are good at
In the desert, the British armored low production rates and
divisions initially were organized taking ground rapidly, but poor at
undersized tanks. Their holding it on the defense. To hold
around two armored brigades and organization, on the other hand,
one support group, with the the ground, you really need
was a fairly sound combined arms infantry present. and some
following battalion totals: 6 approach. With one tank
armored, 2 motorized infantry, 1 artillery never hurts - combined
regiment, one motorized infantry arms again! In Europa, this
artillery, 1 combined AA/antitank, regiment, and one artillery deficiency is reflected in the
and 2/3 engineer. At full strength. regiment, an Italian armored
the division had 340 tanks, defense ratings of tank-only and
division typically fielded these tank-heavy units, hence 2-1-10
although British production wasn‘t battalions: 3 tank, 2 motorized Panzer battalions, 3-2-8 tank
always able to provide enough infantry, 1 weapons (a mix of AA, brigades, and so on. Ignoring their
Page 8

"mobile pillbox' aspect, the Tigers the important units, and it takes the attacker to pour across while
Would rate 4-2-8, but I boosted a lot of typing time simply to the defender is stuck in his
them to 4-3-8 to cover their enter this information correctly. It peacetime positions until the
defensive abilities. think 4-8
takes you a lot of time to set up next player turn isn't always
would overrate them defensively. units using exact placements - correct. Sometimes, it captures
much more than sorting and the surprise attack correctly.
* Why can 't a divisional unit use placing them according to their sometimes not. In Fire in the
its own organic engineer assignment in higher East/Scorched Earth, it doesn't.
capabilities to build fortifications? headquarters. My time's limited. The Soviet forces are spread out
and suspect yours is. too, so we
on 22 June 1941, with rarely
This may surprise you, but it can should only spend the time here if more than a division per hex. If
and it does. You don‘t see this it's worthwhile. But, is it? don't
the game forced these
directly, as it's built into the way think so. For historical interest. placements, we'd have a game
Europa works. The Europa it's fun to have a snapshot of the more resembling Pacman than
combat system assumes that exact dispositions at the start of Barbarossa - feldgrau stacks
units build field fortifications the campaign. Beyond this, exact munching on (overrunning) all
whenever they can - which is placement has at best a Soviets within reach. Despite the
essentially all the time. Troops meaningless impact on play and surprise the Germans did achieve
can dig in very quickly on their at worst a harmful one. It's at the start of the campaign, it
own, and the divisional engineers meaningless in that the first time wasn't of Pacman magnitude.
can help out by building bunkers, you move a unit a single hex Instead, the Soviet field forces
antitank ditches. weapons pits, you've already broken the reacted as best they could, with
and so on. At the time scales precision of the exact placement. the frontier forces falling back
we're dealing with in Europa, field Also, Europa gives you command under attack and local reserves
fortifications need not be of the armies and allows you to being rushed fowvard to stiffen up
considered separately and instead conduct the campaign as you see the front line. While the Germans
are intrinsic to the system. fit, within historical guidelines. It broke through at important points,
doesn't force you to move the which lead to the pocketing and
Other types of fortifications are forces exactly as your historical subsequent destruction of maior
another case. An Europa fort counterparts did - you're playing a Soviet forces, they did have to
represents much more than just game, not staging a reenactment. break through, and not simply
field fortifications. It involves Why should you be forced to march forward in triumph. The
substantial augmentation of the deploy your forces exactly as deployment rules in FITEISE
defensive abilities of the local your historical counterparts did? attempt to recreate these
terrain, involving an appreciable Instead, it makes sense to me to conditions, by allowing the
expenditure of resources. allow you to deploy your forces Soviets to deploy their frontier
Divisional engineers aren't up to as you want, within historical forces in a reasonable defensive
this task. In particular, divisional guidelines. line, which the Germans then
engineers have their hands full smash as best they can.
performing their usual tasks, such Exact placement can actually
as building field fortifications,
repairing and maintaining the
harm the playing of the games. in
some cases. The reason for this is
' You had unkind words for
Manteuffel in a recent column,
local roads. and so on. They that it can give the attacker an yet his Panzer Battles is one of
haven't the time nor sufficient unfair advantage over the my favorite books on WW II. Why
equipment or manpower to take defender. Armies not engaged in are you down on him?
on a new, big task such as military operations tend to keep
building an Europa -Ieve| fort. their forces spread out, for a Actually, Manteuffel‘s Panzer
Instead, you have to bring in the variety of reasons (such as not Battles is one of my favorites.
construction troops. wanting to disrupt the civilian too. He gives a very interesting
economy). When operations account of his experiences in the
Many early Europa games begin, both sides quickly war. and he does it
gave exact placements , hex by implement their attack or defense entertainingly. However, his book
hex, for the units at the start of plans. The attacker crosses the is by no means impartial, nor is it
the games. Recent games no border, moving along preplanned always accurate, especially about
longer do this. Why? routes with specific goals in mind. his enemies. This is also the case
The defender concentrates his for the books by the other
In part to save both of us time, frontier forces and brings up German generals, such as
and in part because exact defensive reserves and Guderian's Panzer Leader and
placement is somewhat counterattack forces. This goes on Manstein's Lost Victories. Their
meaningless. It takes me a lot of simultaneously in reality, but books give many useful insights
research time to pin down the Europa abstracts reality through on the war, particularly
precise starting locations of all sequential movement. Allowing concerning German military

operations. However, the books
lack objectivity in many areas,
such as:
1) Hitler and the Nazis. With
Hitler dead and the Nazis
discredited after the war, they
got blamed for all the mistakes in
the war, by the generals and by
many other Germans. While Hitler
was responsible for a large share
of the blunders, the generals
weren't blameless themselves.
2) The Soviets. The Soviets,
particularly the Communists, are
often portrayed as inhuman
beings resorting to measures
outside civilized behavior. This
view, tinged with Nazi racial
propaganda and fear of
Communism. helps justify the
atrocities perpetuated by the
Germans themselves in the
USSR. Also, the books foster the
false image of noble German
warriors going down to defeat
solely due to the mass attacks of
Slavic and Asiatic hordes. This
hides the fact that the German
generals themselves were
defeated in the field by their
Soviet counterparts, both
strategically and, by the end of
the war. operationally.
3) War Crimes. Many German
through my lines, he often sends
weak, motorized AA and antitank
units out by themselves to cut
railroads and block supply lines.
These are support units, which
wouldn't do that under real
conditions. Shouldn’t there be a
rule preventing this?
No! What's going on are several
things, all good: 1) Breakthroughs.
An enemy breakthrough is a very
disruptive event for the
defenders, causing all sorts of
confusion as enemy units fanned
out. If anything, the
disruptiveness of breakthroughs
are understated, and i don't want
to further limit their
effectiveness. 2) Defense in
Depth. You really shouldn't have
all your front line forces right on
the front line itself. Instead, have
divisions (units with ZOCsl one or
two hexes behind the line,
covering the area with ZOCs. This
way, even if your front line is
pierced, the exploiting forces are
slowed down as they try to push
through the ZOCs. If done well,
then there will be fewer targets
of opportunity for the 'support'
units to grab. And, yes. l've heard
the argument that no one has
enough forces to do this well
everywhere, but that's part of the
fortunes of war. You do your best

should encourage active player

involvement, not passive, where
point. The rules allow players to
take active measures to limit
breakthroughs, such as building a
defense in depth and maintaining
reserves. This is much better (and
more accurate) than rules that
passively reward players. such as
limiting the exploitation abilities
of enemy units.
All the above is fine concerning
breakthroughs, but you're ignoring
my point about SUPPORT UNITS.
No way is a bunch of 37mm
antitank guns towed by trucks
going to drive off by itself into
the enemy rear areas!
Europa shows, as it must, the
formal order of battle
organizations of the combatants'
armies. However, most WW II
armies would reorganize their
forces into temporary tactical
groupings, tailored to the task at
hand - task forces. Kampfgruppen,
Raggruppamenti, and so on. This
is far beyond the abilities of
Europa to show directly, as we'd
have to let units break down into
battalions and companies and
then reassemble into mixed-arms
battle groups. Instead, this goes
on indirectly in Europa, with the

possible, and this area is a case in

generals, particularly those on the - if the enemy breaks through in a game system assuming the units
eastern front. were involved in weak sector, you take your lumps stacked together in a hex form
war crimes, either actively and try to do better next time. 3) the proper tactical groupings as
endorsing them or passively Reserves. Despite the claims of needed. The only time it seems
condoning them. The books try to some, Europa does reward those odd is when a small unit goes off
rehabilitate the reputation of the who maintain reserves. Among by itself. Sure, a motorized
German Army by minimizing the other things, reserves limit the antitank battalion is unlikely to
atrocities and by implying that damage done by breakthroughs. drive 160 miles forward to seize a
only a few fanatics were The enemy's weak motorized rail junction by itself. However, it
responsible for them. units will be less effective is reasonable that a battalion-
exploiting into your rear area if sized battle group could and
The books aren't all bad, and they you have reserve forces guarding would do so - say, a scratch force
contain lots of useful material, key points there. Again, sure, no of a motorized infantry company,
not only about the Germans but one has enough forces to an antitank gun battery, and a
also occasionally about enemy maintain reserves everywhere —
recon or machine gun company.
operations. For example, fortunes of war. But, do you Since this level of breakdown is
Manteuffel's comments about maintain reserves anywhere? beyond the scope of Europa,
how poorly the British handled What, no reserves, no defense in
their armored forces in the desert letting the motorized antitank
depth, and a front line which can battalion stand in for such a
campaigns are very good. it's just be pierced by enemy motorized battle group works fine.
that you can't trust everything he forces? Maybe you'd better check
says, particularly concerning the your playing style instead of the That's all for now. l'll be back next
Soviets, as being accurate all the rules! time with a whole new showl Q
' When the German player breaks By the way, believe the rules
Page 10


by Rick Gayler

Hlndsight and a Look Ahead especially in the area of charts. that it usually arrives before
These were discovered so late in we're ready for it." Arnold H.
-'Educetion is learning what you the process that correction would Glesow
didn't even know you didn't have delayed shipment of the
know." --- Daniel J. Boorstin magazines by more than two With 1989 gone, what is on tap
weeks. This was unacceptable as for 1990 for TEN .7 First if all, the
Well, 1989 is over, drawing the we were already late, so the magazine is no longer The Europa
curtain on a very hectic, yet most errors stayed. The more notable News; our publication is now
exciting year. After ten months as ones are hereby documented for entitled the Europa magazine.
editor of The Europa News my correction: For 1990 we have an abundance
enthusiasm is undimmed, despite of first class material in the
being administered several strong Page 5: The third division in Table pipeline. There will be up-to-date
doses of reality. During this One's 2-6 lnf XX section should reports on pending Europa
period have been learning my
be 62, not a duplicate 61. The releases; historical articles on a
new craft through on-the-iob two regiments of this division wide variety of Europa -related
training and no small amount of should be the 1 15 and 116. topics; and "how-to" articles on
trial and error. Being a
game play covering such subjects
perfectionist by nature, this has Page 22: The two Gds SP Arty III as the proper usage of engineer
been a frustrating process. There in the 6th Guards Army Chart units, a "forward defense" set-up
just aren‘t enough hours in a day should be numbered 333 and 335. for the Soviets in FitE/SE/Urals,
to lavish unlimited attention upon In the Guards Combined Arms and a discussion of strategy in the
each issue, keep up with my Army Chart, the 1 Gds Army on new '1943 Scenario' from the
reading, play Europa. and meet 5.12.42 was redesignated 3 Gds Urals, to name just a few items.
the demands of a real-life job and XXXX (not XXX). 7 Gds Army If all goes according to plan, one
family simultaneously. was formed from 64 XXXX (not should start to note a shift in
XXX). 9 Gds Army was formed balance towards more game-play
. "Whoever wants to reach a from 7 XXXX and various Gds articles during the course of the
distant goal must take many small Abn xx, and should reference year.
steps.‘ --- Helmut Schmidt the note <3>.
i would like to extend to each
However, looking back on the Page 23: The 5th Guards Army reader a personal invitation to
past year I must conclude that the Chart is actually the 5th Guards contribute some material to the
magazine is steadily improving. Tank Army Chart. in the Guards Europa magazine during 1990.
This improvement is the direct Tank Army Chart at the top right There are so many interesting
result of the momentum of the page, the line between 2 points to be examined. Need a
established by Winston Hamilton and 3 XXXX is misdrawn. It suggestion or two? How about an
and Ben Knight, the outstanding should be one row higher. falling article on the "Panther Line?“
articles submitted by our authors, between Cmdrs:... and 5.43... . Luftwaffe jet fighter forces? The
the thoughtful advice and input Also, the note <2> does not apply 'Wallonien Legion“? Pro—Axis
from our readers, the growing to 4 Tank Army, but only 5 Tank partisans? How to make the best
wizardry of Winston‘s graphics, Army. use of truck units in SE?
and perhaps most importantly, Presenting a case for insertion of
the personal involvement of John Page 24: The Cavalry-Mechanized a resource point schedule into
Astell. To all of those who have Group consisted of 4 Gds Cav 'War in the Desert“ to keep
helped TEN progress and mature, XXX and 1 Gds Mach XXX (not construction within reasonable
you have my heartfelt thanks. XXl. bounds? An article on strategy
and tactics in your favorite game?
Things still go wrong, however. Page 25: The 144 Tank Destroyer The possibilities are endless.
TEN #10 suffered from an acute unit in the 3rd Gds Cavalry Corps
shortage of time brought on by an is a regiment. During 1990 we plan to publish a
exceptionally heavy schedule at number of scenarios and variants.
my company and the demands of Page 26: 9 Gds Tank Corps was i
am particularly interested in
the holiday season. Due to formed 20.11.44. developing a group of Europa
logistics problems. a higher than mini-games, tentatively titled
usual number of errors crept in, - "The trouble with the future is “The Europa Battle Series", for
publication in these pages. These Dean was recently accorded the - 'Everything in war is very
games would last 3-6 turns and position of Assistant Editor. simple, but the simplest thing is
would cover a specific battle or difficult.“ Karl von Clausewitz
short campaign of the war. They In addition to being a genuinely
would use one (or part of one) delightful fellow. Dean brings to And so it goes with the playtest
map and a manageable number of the magazine a tremendous kits. But do not despair! Be of
existing counters. 'The Battle knowledge of military history good humor, for your patience
Series' games would be easy to (WW I! in particular) and a love of will be rewarded: Second Front
set up. playable in one sitting, the Europa system. Although an and For Whom the Bell Tolls
and could be used for competitive old hand at wargaming, having playtest kits are now reaching
or tournament play. A bare been playing since the ripe old players hands and the playtesters
minimum of special rules would age of 10, he is a relative are swinging into action. Jeff
be used; the simpler, the better! newcomer to Europa, having Millefoglie's prototype FWBT kit
As a hypothetical example, "The joined our brotherhood only about looks fantastic! Jeff (who
Battle of Kasserine Pass' would three years ago. i view this as a provides insight on the game's
use only Map 25, start on Feb I! benefit; Deen lends a fresh design in this issue's "FWBT
43 and and May I! 43, and rely on perspective and sometimes sees Design Update") and John Gee
existing counters and basic rules. things we old-timers have are to be congratulated. And for a
Malta and all rear areas would be overlooked through force of habit. brief look at the Second Front
"factored out". The 08s would kit, see this issue's “First
address only forces active in the Dean hooked up with Europa in a impressions: Second Front".
Tunisian Campaign and victory somewhat novel way. He had just
conditions would be extremely won $750 from the SSG computer - "Idon't want to achieve
competitive. Sound interesting? game company, having tied for immortality through my work. I

first place in a contest to design want to achieve immortality

Several of these games are the best scenario for their through not dying." Woody
currently in the early stages of 'Battlefront System.‘ Flush with Allen
development and cover such cash, Dean was flipping through
engagements as Operation Husky the pages of The Grenadier Ben Knight recently asked me if I

(the invasion of Sicily in 1943), trying to decide what to splurge got my idea for "Slick and Sick
the Crimean Campaigns of 1941- on when an “Europa Notes” Tricks' from Nuts & Bolts‘ ‘Tricks
42, Operation Market-Garden, article caught his eye. It 8i Treats“. This hadn't specifically
and (as mentioned above) the mentioned the game DNO, which occurred to me, but after some
Battle of Kasserine Pass. Here is Deen had seen and admired back reflection concluded 'Tricks &

another area where input from in his college days. At the end of Treats“ probably was my
our readers is invaluable. A few the article he spied a GDW inspiration, as I had greatly
of you may actually have a advertisement on the Europa enjoyed these and wished there
variant or scenario of this nature series and was so taken with it had been more. (i don't apologize;
in rough, or even finished form. that he ordered every game at after all, imitation is the sincerest
Or perhaps you would like to try form of flattery.) In any case,
one shot, sight unseen! !

your hand at doing such a mini- was soon scrambling for my N&B
game. Finally, we need to do Deen has two degrees from Texas notebook to reacquaint myself
some playtesting prior to A&M, one in engineering and with these oldie-goldies. It turned
publication. If you are willing to another in marketing. For the last out there were even fewer 'Tricks
help in any of the above areas. six and a half years he has & Treats" than had recalled,

drop me a line and let's get worked in the field of oil and gas numbering only six in all, with
together. exploration. most recently five appearing in issue #10/11 and
concentrating on natural gas one lone trick (or was it a treat?)
-”Expert advice is a great pipeline distribution. Welcome showing up in issue #12. No
comfort. even when it's wrong." -- aboard, pardner! author is credited. For this
- Ellen Currie month's "Slick and Sick Tricks', I'd
Another notable addition to the like to review these Nuts & Bolts
During my tenure as editor have
masthead is Jason Long. who has classics, along with some
slowly been developing a network assumed the position of Text commentary on their applicability
of Europa volunteers to assist in to current play of SE.
Manager (which means he gets to
reviewing articles and providing key articles onto disk that were
feedback on the many new submitted in manuscript form). l Trick #1: FitE Soviets
concepts of play which land in my have no doubt Jason will prove a
mailbox. The most steadfast and valuable contributor to the team. 'Base elements of the Baltic Fleet
willing of these volunteers has in forward positions. The Fleet
been Dean Wood. Because of his can add tremendous power to the
hard work and invaluable service. defense of Riga. Such ships do
Page 12

not run the risk of destruction
until they withdraw back to
Leningrad. A Battleship and a
Heavy Cruiser can add seven
points to the defense {not to
mention the additional flak)!
Basing Fleet elements at Hango is
counterproductive as the Fleet
must sail back to the Soviet Union
for replenishment. '
This is indeed a tactic which a
Soviet player determined to wage
a forward defense and hold Riga
into July might wish to employ.
However, as written above, this
trick contains a major
misconception, namely that "Such
ships do not run the risk of
destruction until they withdraw
back to Leningrad." Ships in the
Riga hex must either be 'at sea”
or "in port". If 'at see” they not
only risk destruction via
Luftwaffe tactical bombing (SE
optional rule 38E is especially
useful for this task), but are
further susceptible to the slings
and arrows of Baltic Restrictions
Rule 2885. This would argue that
the units be declared 'in port," but
then they run a 33% chance of
being scuttled (Rule 2834) if the

i Join the ranks of the fastest

growing gaming association.
Join The (Europa Association.
Germans take the city. And. of
course, ships can be bombed in
port, also! Taken together. this
leaves even a 88 with poor
prospects of making it back to
Leningrad afloat. Smaller ships
would almost surely perish. My
personal opinion is that this is
extremely shortsighted strategy.
Such losses in the Red Banner
Fleet for the sake of holding Riga
an extra turn or so could
ultimately cripple the more crucial
defense of Leningrad.
Another apparent misconception
is the implication that the AA of
any ships present at Riga would
aid in the defense of the city
itself. Not so! Rule ZZBb clearly
excludes ships from firing their
AA except in certain specific
cases involving naval bombing
missions. In fact, any ship AA in
Riga would not be allowed to fire
with the non-ship AA at a ground
support mission attacking Rigal
There is one very good point
mentioned here. The
replenishment rule (2833i
specifies that Soviet ships may
only replenish at Soviet-owned

For your1990 membership you will

ports in the USSR. However,
Hango, per rule 3H, is not part of
the USSR! This means that to
replenish a ship in Hango would
require periodic excursions
through the dangerous waters of
the Gulf of Finland. Some people
overlook this nicety and base
Soviet ships in Hango, only to see
them sunk by U-boats or scuttled
from lack of replenishment later.
Trick #2: FitE Soviets

"Attempt to hold Hango. Basing a

fighter there will disrupt the
attempts to airlift or transfer
German equipment or planes to
the Arctic Theater. Remember
Hango is the only ice-free port on
the Finnish coast.’
Well... you can try this, but the
only probable result will be the
unnecessary loss of a fighter.
With a patrol range of only two
hexes, it is hard to imagine a lone
Soviet fighter disrupting
Luftwaffe transfers to the Arctic.
On the other hand, if Hango
could somehow be retained by
the Soviets until winter it would
block the naval transfer of Axis
RPs and other cargo into the only
ice-free port in Finland on the
Baltic Sea. Unfortunately, the
chances of holding this port until
cold weather defy reality.
Trick #3: FitE Axis

"Occupation of hexes 18:2024 and

2125 will deter a Soviet
reoeivelhefollowing: amphibious landing breaking the
rail line.”
0 6 Issues of the Europa magazine. Oh boy, can't you see it? Ships of
0 Official 2 inch, three ring binder. the Red Banner Fleet moves
umpteen hexes through U-boat
0 Product discounts of up to 20%. infested waters to reach one of
the above hexes. After checking
0 and free extras only members get! for damage they remains in the
hex where they disembarked their
To join send US$29.95 with your name, cargo. While there, the Luftwaffe
can bomb them mercilessly. As a
address, (phone optional), and let us know reward for this bravery. the ships
must then move another umpteen
that you want to join. hexes through those same U-
boats in a vain attempt to get
back to port. And the purpose of
GRD, PO Box 591, Grinnell, IA 50112 all this is to interdict two rail
hexes which don't amount to
much anyway, as the Germans
will undoubtedly have alternate
supply and rail routes to the
Baltic States running from Kaunas
through Riga and/or Daugavpils.
once played against an Axis
player who was so conservative
that he garrisoned these two
hexes. He later conceded the
game on the Aug ll 41 turn.
Scratch this onel
Trick #4: FitE Axis
"If the Soviets should leave any
Baltic ports ungarrisoned, a
Brandenburger unit can be
inserted by air during the surprise
turn and a regular division can be
shipped in during the regular Jun
I] turn.‘

This is the best trick of the lot. To

this day, unwary or inexperienced
Soviets continue to get burned on
this one. The most recent report
of such a mishap came from a
game waged at Europafest last
summer. The port of choice is
Parnu as Riga, Narva, and Tallinn
all have mandatory garrisons in
SE. Also note that in SE the
Kriegsmarine commando can sub
for the Burger. However, whether
using a Burger or the KM
commando, the mission must be
PLANNED in advance. (Notice
non-divisional unit from the Baltic
MD forces. More effective,
however, is to play dumb and
leave Parnu vacant during the
deployment of the border MDs to
sucker the Germans into
committing a commando plan
against the city. Then during the
deployment of the interior MDs. a
point of position AA can be
stationed at the intrinsic airbase
there. The Germans then have
wasted a commando. since these
0-strength units can not displace
the position AA, even though it is
also a 0-strength unit.
Trick #5: FitE Axis
"If the Soviets should leave any
airfields ungarrisoned, a
Brandenburger unit can be
inserted by air during the surprise
turn. Using regular transport
missions, then land unsupported
infantry (as much as transport and
the tactical situation will allow)
during the surprise air phase. On
the regular Jun II turn these
infantry units may move their full
movement allowance. This
technique is a good way of
getting infantry behind Soviet
This one works, too. if the Soviets
are foolish enough to let it
The 3-6 D6 of a 7-6 division then
would cost only 4 points to
rebuild versus the 8-6 division's 5
points. But then there is also the
l-strength unit in the dead pile to
consider... Well, you be the judge.
- 'Handle them carefully, for
words have more power than
atom bombs.“ Pearl Strachan
The recent summit meeting
between President Bush and
Soviet Leader Gorbachev was not
the first high-level meeting to be
held on Malta. On January 30,
1945, Churchill and Roosevelt met
on Malta for a conference with
the Allied Chiefs of General Staff.
A few days later, Churchill and
Roosevelt moved on to Yalta,
where Stalin, referring to the
separate meeting of the two
Western leaders earlier, is
supposed to have greeted his
partners with the sarcastic words,
'I said Yalta not Maltal“

two games to be rated with four

stars in Fire and Movement #63's
anthology of WWII Eastern Front
operational games. “Enormous in
scope, meticulously researched,

Finally, it should not pass without

notice that FitE was one of only
Page 13

that this ploy works, while my happen. Most of the commentary and lavishly produced, Fire in the
sick trick from TEN #8 was illegal, for Trick #4 applies in this case East stands as the definitive
due to the presence of the port at also. Notice that Tricks #4 and #5 operational treatment of the
Parnu, which allows the German only work to good effect (if at all) entire East Front." couldn't have I

naval transports to lend their during the Jun ll 41 turn while the said it better myself!
cargo and remain in the hex in the mechanics of the German double
friendly port.) move are in force. Congratulations to GDW and John
Astell. Q
The lesson to be learned here is Trick #6: FitE Axis
NEVER, EVER leave Parnu
unoccupied in the opening 'If the option is there. reduce a 7-
deployment. Letting the Axis land 6 division, rather than an 8-6; this :
' '
a bunch of guys in your rear is will cost less to rebuild.‘
equivalent to strategic suicide. : :

Even one 0-1-10 m It AA II can Who in their right mind would

wreck havoc with the reduce an 8-6 in preference to a They/Association: uns o'nfgan
transportation net and supply annual Subscription basiswith
7-6, all other things being equal? I
the term running from '1—l‘of
lines in the Baltic States, and suppose the point is to deploy
allowing the creation of a division each ‘y’earuto’ 12~31 of hat
your attack forces with this in year.
strength enclave in your rear is mind. Or perhaps the trick refers

criminal. to cases where losses amount to

at least 8 points and there is a
lf youjoin at: any tirne, during
The Soviets can readily garrison one strength point unit present the year, you receive; the ;

Parnu during the deployment of which, along with a 7-6. could benefits 'fdr'thefiein‘tire Ye.
the border military districts with a make up the 8 points of losses.
Page 14


The 2nd Australian
by Stuart Lee
Imperial Force
INTRODUCTION and Australian commanders. and Rgt, a Lt AA Rgt, and two Field
of the high level (Churchill- Rgts (2/7th and 218th). As usual
For some time I
have been Menzies etc) wrangling over the for Australian units, there was
investigating the Australian evacuation from Tobruk. much reassignment during the
forces as they appear in Europa. early part of the war.
This article presents the first Further, although many of the
results of my research into the Australian (and other dominion) The field artillery regiments of
land forces, and incidentally commanders were obvious the 2nd AlF were numbered the 2/
uncovers some more questions choices for higher command, they 1st to 2/15th inclusive. A medium
about railroad construction and were passed over for less senior regiment was also formed. The
railroad engineers. members of what was known as final assignments were (I think):
'the British general’s club." Nor
John Astell published an OB for was staff work in high level 6 XX Art: 2/1st, 2/2nd. and 2/3rd
the Australian Forces in an article British formations well regarded Fd Rgt
entitled "The Aussies" in E TO #6. by the Australians.
have used John's 08 as the 7 XX Art: 2/4th. 2/5th, and 2/6th
basis for the OB presented in this Much friction, and many Fd Rgt
article. disputes, occurred prior to the
Australians suffering any real 8XXAm www.mum,mdw
Unlike the 1st Australian Imperial losses. Although the losses in 15th Fd Rgt
Force (its World War | forerunner), Greece exacerbated the situation,
the 2nd Australian lmperial Force they did not create it. As a result I 9 XX Art: 2/7th, 2/8th, and 2/
(AIF) was formed as a Corps; that think the rule on ”precarious" 12th Fd Rgt
is, it had a full quota of Australians should be reviewed.
supporting units and did not need l Corps: 2/9th, 2/1‘lth, and 2/13th
to rely on the British Army for Even if the Australians have not Fd Rgt l?), 2/1st Med Rgt
those support units. The Corps had any units in the replacement
units are not shown in John's 03, pool and none are isolated, but The 2/10th and 2/15th were in
so I have attempted to fill in the they are scattered throughout the Malaya with the 8 Aus XX and
gaps. Middle East, the Allied player captured there along with it. The
should lose VPs (representing the 2/14th was in DaMin during the
So what are the missing Corps inter-governmental conflict that Malayan campaign and was never
units? In Europa terms, the only would have been sure to ensue). sent to the Middle East. The rest
units that matter are the artillery, were in the Middle East.
the engineers, the railroad Since the Australians were
engineers, and (probably) the formally organised as a Corps, I The Field Rgts were organised on
pioneer units; I will also discuss suggest that the Australian forces the British pattern, being
the forestry units (but they could be issued a Corps counter (I Aus) equipped with twenty-four 25
only have a small influence in and the section of Rule 32F2 in pdrs. In the early part of the war.
Their Finest Hour), and a 'War in the Desert' be modified they were often equipped with a
significant "what if” unit, 1 as follows: mixture of 18 pdrs and 4.5"
Australian Armoured XX. But first howitzers, and the 2/15th was
a small diversion. 'Whilst there are more than four equipped with 3' mortars on
REs of Australian units in the arrival in Singapore.
ALLIED COOPERATION theatre, the Allied player loses 1/
2 victory point per turn for every The 2/1st Med Rgt had been for a
The commander of the 2nd AIF non-engineer Australian RE that time the 2/13th Fd Rgt and I do
(Blamey) was given clear cannot trace a valid supply line not think the 2/13th was
direction in writing from the (overland and road elements only) subsequently reformed. The 2/1st
Australian Government that it to the | Aus Corps marker in each Med Rgt was sent to the Middle
was to be employed as a national Allied initial phase.” East for the Syrian campaign,
force, and not dispersed across a CORPS ARTlLLEFlY arriving too late to participate. It
number of British formations. This was equipped with Schneider
was the root cause of many The Corps artillery was originally 155mm C175. have not found

disputes between senior British planned as two Med Rgts, an AA any evidence that the second
planned medium regiment was specialised to some extent, but all Also during Aug 1941, the 2/1st
formed. were trained as infantry. Sub- and 2/2nd Boring Sections were
I do
sections were sufficiently self- formed in Syria and Palestine
not yet know if the Corps AA contained to be detached for days
and Lt AA Rgts were formed. respectively. They assisted with
at a time in support of an lnf Bn. tunneling.
in any case at least three Rgts (Bn My guess at a rating would be a
sized units) of artillery represent The RCMG built the Beirut-Tripoli
1-8 Mot Eng Bn. I Aus. section (66 miles) of the Haifa-
a Corps level asset, perhaps a 38
Art X, | Aus. Tripoli railway, supported by
RAILROAD ENGINEERS labourers including African
ENGINEERING UNITS Auxiliary Pioneers from
The railroad engineers were also Basutoland, Bechuanaland and
Corps units, but I will treat them Swaziland. The decision to build
By March of 41, all the separately due to their
engineering units had arrived in the line was taken in 1940, and
specialised nature. The Railway the 280 km stretch was completed
the Middle East. They were: Construction and Maintenance in less than 1 year, 6 months
6 XX Eng:
Group (RCMG) was authorised 28 ahead of schedule. The project
Feb 40. the units being raised in required considerable tunneling
2/22nd Fd Pk Coy, 2/1st, 2/2nd, April.
and 2/8th Fd Coy and bridging. The Haifa-Beirut
section was built by the SA
The HO, 2/2nd Railway Engineering Corps and NZ
7 XX Eng: Construction Coy (RCC) and half
2/25th Fd Pk Coy. 2/4th, 2/51h, and Engineers. The RCMG moved to
of the 2/3rd RCC were diverted to Syria between Sep 41 and Mar
2/6th Fd Coy the UK, arriving in mid July. After 42. Two tunnels in the Australian
9 XX Eng:
being used for siding construction section were driven by 61st
and repair of bomb damaged Tunnelling Coy SAEC, specially
2/24th Fd Pk Coy, 2/3rd, mm and, tracks, they sailed for the Middle raised from experienced Rand

2/13th Fd Coy East in January 41, arriving at the miners. The route was opened 20
Canal 10 March 41. Dec 42 and put to use the next
2/23rd Fd Pk Coy, 2/9th, 2/14th, 2/ day.
The 2/1st Railway Survey Coy,
15th, and 2/16th Fd Coy, l Aus the 2/1st RCC and the other half
Corps Petrol Coy The Railway Construction
of 2/3rd RCC were delayed in Company organization provided
Fremantle, reaching the Middle for dilution by unskilled labour of
Zilst Fd Park Coy was converted East in October 40. Work included
to 2/13th Fd Coy, and 2/2nd 4:1, in practice generally 10:1 and
reconditioning of the Afula- sometimes 30:1. RCMG (about
through 2/5th were renumbered Nablus-Talkarm railway, an ammo
to 2/22nd through 2/25th to avoid 1,000 all ranks) supervised 2100
confusion with the Fd Coys.
depot at Wadi Sarar, 30 miles of African Auxiliary Pioneers, and up
sidings at Rafa, and other sidings to 8,000 skilled and unskilled
at Barbara. civilian labourers during
The 8 XX Eng at this time were:
2/26th Fd Pk Coy (perhaps not construction of Beirut to Tripoli
Tasks of the reassembled RCMG line.
renumbered), 2/10th Fd Coy. 2/ included work on the Kantara
11th Fd Coy, 2/12th Fd Coy. These East-El Shatt railway following
latter 8 XX units were not On 28 Jan 43 2/1 st and 2/3rd
deployed to the Middle East.
mining of the Suez Canal in April
41 (the railway on the western ley Cons Coys embarked at
Suez with RCMG HQ for
side of the canal was shown to be Australia. The rest sailed a few
So what are we left with? Four Fd unable to cope), handed over to
Eng Coy, a Fd Park Coy and a SA Engineering Corps later; work
days later.
Petrol Coy. Together these are on the Western Desert railway,
the equivalent of a Bn. So, ignoring the impact of a half
particularly near Amiriya; and Bn of RR engineers in the UK in
construction of a rail line from 1940, we can say that by 10 Mar
Each company consisted of HO Ma’an to Naqb Ashtar using
and four sections (later called 41 there was an Australian RR
material from the 70 miles of the engineer Bn in the Middle East.
platoons). Each section (65 men of Ma’an to Saudi Arabia line
all ranks) had four sub-sections. My guess at a rating would be 0-6
each of 12 men under an NCO, destroyed by Lawrence in WW1 RR Eng Bn. RCMG.
which linked up with the road
and each with its own 3-ton truck. from Naqb Ashtar to Aqaba built
Every man had a place in a THOUGHTS 0N RAILROAD
by the Royal Engineers, and the
vehicle, with room for his kit and port of Aqaba built by the NZ
hand tools. In addition the section engineers in case the canal zone
had tool lorries. Sub-sections The RCMG does raise a few
was captured. interesting questions, particularly
Page 1 6
in light of John Astell's ”Rails begin to distinguish between engineers have been scrapped. It
through the Russias' in TEN #7. roads, minor railroads and major may be better to represent them
Clearly in the Levant construction railroads. as a 2-8 Eng X, l Aus Pnr or even
units did get ”into the railroad to bracket them with the Corps
business” even if this was ”a AUSTRALIAN PIONEERS AND engineers as a 3-8 Eng X, Aus

major distortion of their MG BNS Pnr. Since they were not as

function”. Indeed the Australian mobile as the Corps engineers, |
formation was designed to be The pioneers and MG an in the incline to the former.
diluted with unskilled labour, and Australian army were Corps units,
was so used. How does this stack but there was normally one of FORESTRY UNITS
up against the latest prohibition each attached to each Infantry
on using construction units Division. The pioneers were not Two companies of the forestry
together with RR engineers for just engineers but full fledged group were raised in April 1940,
quick construction? infantry battalions, sewing in the and were in the UK by mid July,
line at Tobruk and in the assault forming a part of the anti-
suggest that for the Australian on the fortress of Merdjayoun in invasion forces. In Sep 40 they
units at least we solve the Syria. for example. am surprised
were sent north to their proper
problem by adding an ”available the Pnr an are not specifically task. The third did not arrive until
for assembly” option to the OB, represented as the divisions are 1941, when the group was
that allows the Commonwealth only rated as 7-8. For example, to formed. These units were trained
player to assemble the Australian compare the components of 9 Aus as infantry, with emergency
RR eng unit and any British XX, 51 Brit XX and 44 Brit XX at stations on the East Coast, and
construction brigade into a BB Alamein shows apart from the should be considered when
Engineer brigade. The brigade basic nine battalions of infantry in valuing other units in the area. I

could breakdown into four RR the three brigades and the three do not know if the large numbers
Engineer battalions as for the regiments of artillery: of Canadian forestry troops
Germans. Then we wouldn't need should be similarly regarded.
a special rule allowing a 9 Aus XX:
construction unit to assist the 9 Aus Div Cav Rgt, 2/2nd (MG) "WHAT IF" UNITS - 1 AUS
Australian RR Engineer. Bn, 2/3rd Aus Pnr Bn. ARMD XX AND 8 XX

The fouran thus formed could be 44 Brit XX: The decision to form 1st
designated l/RCMG through IV/ 6 Cheshire (MG) Bn Australian Armoured division for
RCMG. and rated as 0-6 RR Eng service in the Middle East was
[Is 51 Brit XX: taken in Nov 1940. Its units were
1/7 Mx (MG) Bn, 51 Reece Rgt formed during July 1941. By
How do we account for December it was grouped for
construction of roads, railroads, 44 XX is rated 7-8, 51st is rated embarkation, but was still
and ports such as completed by 8-8. Even without the 2/3rd Pnr it virtually without tanks. It was
the Allies to give them an looks as though 9 Aus XX should expected that the British would
alternative supply route through rate as 8-8. (By the way 44 XX, a equip it on arrival in the Middle
Aqaba in the event the Canal first line territorial division, was East. The Japanese involvement
zone was lost? Where are the NZ disbanded in the Middle East 31 in the War effectively prevented
and SA Eng units? Jan 43. Also 51 XX appearing in deployment of the division to the
”WitD' is a second line territorial Middle East, but it need not have.
A word on terrain. Under SE division redesignated from 9 XX Indeed the British even offered to
rules, the Levant RR could not be to 51 XX to replace the 51 transfer two infantry divisions to
built, as one hex is a mountain regular XX lost in France which Australia if the Armoured division
hex. In fact it was. Conversely, appears in FoF). In the early part were released.
the existing narrow gauge line to of the game 2 NZ division rates as
Dames could be regauged easily 8-8 on the basis of the extra 28 It was under a similar scheme
under SE rules, yet the Allies (Maori) Infantry Bn. whereby the US agreed to send a
discarded this route as too division to Australia that the 9
difficult for the standard gauge would also complain on behalf of
Aus XX remained in the Middle
link and chose the coast route SA division, which had an Armd
1 East until after Alamein.
(really only a road) instead. We Car Rgt and two MG an.
can fix the first of these issues by The 1st Aus Armd Division was
prohibiting upgrades in hexes So if the pioneers are not in the organised along British lines, that
containing ONLY the mountain divisions where are they? Ra- is, it would be an 8-7-10 Armd
terrain symbol, or across rating the divisions would deny XX, 1 Aus with a 3-8 Armd Cadre,
mountain hexsides. The second is the use of these as engineers. 1 Aus on the back. To reflect the

probably not fixable unless we particularly now that divisional lack of tanks it should only
become available as a cadre, to
be rebuilt with British armour
The 8th Division was never sent
to the Middle East as planned. It
would also be a 7-8 lnf XX. If it
were sent then it is likely that its
associated Pioneer Bn would also
have been sent. This could be
covered by conversion of the 2-8
Eng X, l Aus Pnr to a 3-8 Eng X.

At the outbreak of war Australia

had five infantry divisions (1 Aus
through 5 Aus XX) organised
along first world war British lines.
The 6 Aus XX formed along the
new British establishment, except
that it had four an instead of
three in each brigade. Units in the translate this into GA increases introduced in TFH would
initial convoys were overstrength for the Commonwealth. It must be
and carried initial replacement adequately deal with this
more complex than number of situation. All Australian units
drafts, so I think the brigades pilots divided by 40 (approximate would appear as unsupported
should be shown as 3-8 until size of an Europa air unit) as if brigades, to be supported by
converted to three Bn the same ratio of pilots to aircrew expenditure of an equipment
establishment. applies, Australia would have point. Once supported the
provided some 434 pilots per two components could be assembled
RECRUITMENT month cycle to the UK in the last to form a division. A simplistic
half of 1941. Looking at the RAF approach would focus on the field
AlF monthly recruiting figures are Europa OB we see a GA increase
shown in the table attached, artillery only and equate an
of only 15 for that six month equipment point to 24 field guns.
taken from Hasluck. period (three cycles) from all Australia would thus start with 17
sources. equipment points, and production
The AlF was an entirely volunteer
force. The recruitment figures would be nil for 1939 and 1940, 8
PRODUCTION in 1941, 36 in 1942, 18 in 1943, 25
vary from 217 (Feb 40) to 48,496 in 1944 and 1 in 1945. British
(Jun 40). Other peaks occurred in Australia started the war with
May 41 and Dec 41. Clearly the
equipment points could be used to
307 18 pdrs and 105 4.5" equip Australian brigades (as
number of volunteers responded howitzers: enough to equip each
to overseas events (France, Crete obviously happened prior to
of the 17 militia regiments with Australian production) and
and Japanese entry), and some 24 guns. Only 30 obsolete 3' AA Australian equipment points could
provision for this in game terms is guns were held. Rifles and Vickers be used to equip other
desirable. Just how is not MG were in production, with Commonwealth brigades (as a
immediately clear. orders in for Bren LMG, MG portion of Australian production
carriers and 3' mortars. Apart was allocated to the UK and New
have also attached a table (from from 40 3.7" AA guns, only rifles Zealand).
Robertson) showing the quarterly and Vickers MG were produced in
flow of Australian aircrew to the 1940. In 1941 Bren LMG (1,077), 2
UK under the Empire Air Training Limiting the Commonwealth
pdr AT guns (576), 25 pdr Field players likely tendency to strip
Scheme. 21,530 such aircrew Guns (193), Owen SMG (102), 3" Australia of all artillery will be
reached the UK. Herington gives mortars (1,444) and MG carriers
3,678 arrivals at Bournemouth for necessary, and it must be
(1,544) were also produced. By rewarding to replace the militia
posting in 1942 (Robertson had a 1942 Australia was able to divisions equipment with more
flow of 3,671). These were made largely equip its own forces modern gear as it becomes
up of 1,913 pilots: 846 Observers; (except armoured formations), available.
501 Wireless Operator-Air producing for example 1,122 AT
Gunners: 418 Air Gunners. So guns and 877 25 pdrs. Rates per month would be 0 in
about half (52% for the pedantic) 1939, 0 in 1940, 2 in 1941 (Sep to
were pilots. do not know how to
The system of equipment points Dec), 3 in 1942, 1.5 in 1943 (i.e., 2
Production Totals .» ,. .
' ' '

AustralIan Production of Selected Munitions for the Army 1939 1945


. -

Janu‘rv ‘0 1' 1942 :7

; 1943 Wamme

1 j.
31 December

.. 1949 1941- .
1944 1945 Totals
Rifles 303m. n/a- 20,942 279,858 101,600 145,900 47,000 15, 690 4.1.1..050. .

.Vickers MG 303i 846 :.1.046 .31 436


.i'h/a : 1.97.1. '} 2,224 -

1,993 '

.Bren Gun .303In



.:.-:' 6,812 3,152 778 ..17 434

’ ’

.2 pdr.AT Gun 576.
' .

~' '
- ;


- .- fl’.900'.;'
.217pdrAT Gun. .
104' 326' ‘_

;25 pdr Guns-

' .

522 q 11.905 ‘

:25 pdr Guns (shottf


75 , 219
.40. mm AA Gun: 75 290
3.7m. AAGun :3j:-' .:'-: 497
Owen SMG .21. 555 8,710' 45, 463
2, 283 1'6 565

,AUsten .SM :
1,057. 19. 905 V.
l-j'. 1..2.83 717, '
-. 2,000

932‘ '3 837 @393:


.. .1, 444. ’CE-“

. . ,'Mor-tar 1 -229 - 300-

. .
” MG Carriers-V“ 1,544 .1084 " 4,983 "

104 -~‘
. ‘

source Reports 3-65 (passim) by the Director General of Munitions, 1

Nov 40 to Jan 46. CRS A2670(M) . .

on odd months, 1 on even transport counters to avoid Cnv: 2 x 3.8 Inf X 16 Aus,
months), 2 in 1944, O in 1945. abuses. In this case units 17 Aus
available in Australia can be in
TRANSFERS TO/FROM the Middle East within two turns, to: 3 x 2-8 lnf X 16 Aus, 17 Aus,
AUSTRALIA but the transports will take two 19 Aus
more turns to get back.
Based on the actual convoys and May I 40
their travel times, think a I
suitable abstraction is to have
off-map boxes for Australia. Allunits appear in Australia Jun ll 40
Columbo, and Cape Town. Units unless otherwise noted. Units not 1 x Inf XXX Counter | Aus
in an off-map box can move as available to be sent to the
follows: European theatre are not shown. Jul ll 40
Division H0 appearances are still Cnv: 1 x 3-8 Inf X 18 Aus
Australia: shown, rather than equipment to: 1 x 2-8 lnf X 18 Aus
Cape Town box or Columbo box. points. The 8 Aus XX is still and 1
x1-6Ian25 Aus
Columbo: Oct ll 40
Cape Town box, Australia box or Jan I 40 2 x 2-8 Inf X 20, 21 Aus
any Suez, Red See or Persian Gulf 1 x 3~8 Inf X 16 Aus
port. Novl40
Aprl40 1x8|anXHO 6Aus
Cape Town:
Australia box, Columbo box,
1 x 3-8 Ian 17 Aus
Dec I 40
Gibraltar, any UK, French For this conversion, 16 Aus X and Cnv: 1x 16 Inf X 25 Aus
Atlantic, Suez, Red See or Persian 17 Aus X must be able to trace an to: 1 x 2-8 Inf X 25 Aus
Gulf Port. LOC between them. Simply
substitute the new 16 Aus X and Jan I 41
Any of these movements require
expenditure of all a unit's MPs.
17 Aus X counters for the old and 1x8lanX HO 9Aus
stack the 19 Aus X counter with 2 x 2-8 Inf X 24 Aus, 26 Aus
either. Of course they must be in
Because of the large distances a city to convert. Feb I 41
involved, it will probably be 1x8lanX HO 7 Aus
necessary to use abstracted May II 40 1x1—8 Mot Eng Eh I
1 x 0-6 RR Eng Bn RCMG Feb I 42 (JE +4)
withdraw: Recruitment Table.
1x8|anX H0 7Aus

Apr 41 l
A.i.F. Gross, Mommy
1 x 2-8 Eng X lAus Pnr 3 x 2-8 Inf X 18 Aus, 21 Aus,
25 Aus Recruiting Figures 1

May I 41 1 x 1-8 Mot Eng || lAus September waste .

Replacements: 1Aus inf 1 x 2-8 Eng X lAus Pnr December 1941, f

1x3-8ArtX IAus .1939‘. .

Jul I 41 September . _

Replacements: 1Aus inf Cnv: x 7-8 lnf XX 9 Aus


to: 1 x 8-8 lnf XX 9 Aus Novemwer
Aug I 41 December .

Replacements: 1 Aus inf Mar I 42 (JE +6)

1 x 3-8 Art X (I Aus) withdraw: r1940f:;'f," »- '5.
1x8lanXHQ 6Aus January .

Available for Assembly: 1 x 0-2-6 3 x 2-8 lnf 16 Aus, 17 Aus. February”.

RR Eng X (RCMG X) 19 Aus March'.;_j 1,316
x lnf XXX Counter Aus 5,441"


from: 1 x 0-6 RR Eng ll (RCMG) Mayrf. 8,000

and 1 x British Cons X (any) CLEARANCE OF AXIS FORCES June‘n‘? ’1

Sap l 41 The 9 Aus XX was held in the

Replacements: 1 Aus inf Middle East to help counter the September ,
threat to Egypt. Without that October
Nov I 41 threat it would have departed November '
Replacements: 1 Aus inf sooner, and it may have stayed December 2,4415
longer had the threat continued.
Dec I 41 Accordingly if in any 1,9451
1 x 3-8 Armd Cadre 1 Aus Commonwealth initial phase on or January

after JE+6 there are no Axis units February. 2,594


Apr I 42 in Cyrenaica nor any in Egypt, 9 March "

Replacements: 1 Aus inf Aus XX must be placed on April 4.746
garrison duty in the delta or May 1
. 9,815
Sap I 42 Palestine. If the conditions are Jun'e. '
Aus inf July:

Replacements: 1 still met in the following two , 15.9.10,

Commonwealth initial phases, August“ 7,622

JAPANESE ENTRY then withdraw 9 Aus XX and the


September .. 4.453,
RCM G. October 4,016
Historically, Japan entered the November 4,702
war Dec 41, aborting plans to
Dec I 42 (Clear) December 10 669
send 1 Aus Armd XX to the
Middle East. If variable Japanese to garrison:
entry (JE) is used, then from JE no 1x8|anX HQ 9Aus
further reinforcements may be 3 x 2-8 lnf X 20 Aus, XX to be withdrawn at any time
sent to the Middle East. The 24 Aus, 26 Aus on or after JE+6. If this is done
however. the 41 US XX is

British proposed to send two

divisions to Australia from the UK Jan ll 43 (Clear +2) available to the US player (the
if Australia would send 1 Aus list was sent to Australia as part
Armd XX to the Middle East, so withdraw: of the deal to keep 9 Aus XX in
OPTIONALLY on JE if 1 Aus Armd 1x8lanXHQ 9Aus the Middle Eastl.
XX is in the Middle East allow it 3 x 2-8 lnf X 20 Aus, 24 Aus, 26
to be retained there providing 2 x Aus REFERENCES
7-8 Inf XX from UK are
withdrawn to Australia. When 9 disassemble: Gavin Long (ed.), AUSTRALIA lN
Aus XX is left alone, it still has an x 0—2~6 RR Eng X RCMG
1 THE WAR OF 1939—45 Series 1
attached MG Ba and Pioneer 8n. to: 1 x 06 RR Eng ll RCMG (ARMY)
The conversion from a 7—8 to 8-8 and 1 x British Construction Unit I.To Benghazi by Gavin Long,
reflects this. 1952
withdraw: II. Greece, Crete and Syria by
Doe I 41 (JEI 1 x 0-6 RR Eng ll RCMG Gavin Long. 1953
withdraw: III. Tobruk and El Alamein by
1 x 3-8 Armd Cadre 1 Aus As an OPTION, allow the 9 Aus Barton Maughan, 1966
Page 20

ETC #6

Desert', GDW

Canberra, Australian War

Astell, ‘The Aussies“,

John M. Astell, ‘War in the

Richard Berg, Campaign

North Africa, SPI

Major-General R.N.L. Hopkins,

Australian Armour: A History of
the Royal Australian Armoured
Corps 1927- 1972; Australian War
Memorial and AGPS. Canberra.
1978: CWRL 940.541294 HOP
E.F. Aitken, The

2/2nd Australian
Pioneer Battalion, AI.F.,
Melbourne, 1953
John Robertson, Australia at War
1939-1945, Heinemann,
Melbourne, 1981, CWRL 940.5394

B. Fitzsimons (ed.), The Illustrated

Encyclopaedia of 20th Century
Weapons and Warfare, Phoebus,
New York, 1971/77/78.
Cliffe Whitelocke, Gunners in the
Jungle, The 2/15th Field Regiment
Association, Eastwood. 1983
H.F. Joslen, Orders of Battle.
and Colonial Formations and
Units in the Second World War
1939-45; HMSO, London, 1960;
VSL sf 940.541242 G79 0r


was just before dawn one miserable morning in black ‘44,

when the forward commander was told to 'sit tight',
when he asked that his men be withdrawn.
And the Generals gave thanks as the other ranks
held back the enemy tanks, for awhile.
And the Anzio Bridgehead was held for the price of
a few hundred ordinary lives.
And kind old King George sent mother a note
when he heard that father was gone.
John Hetherington, Blarney, The
biography of Field-Marshall Sir
Thomas Blamey, Cheshire,
Melbourne, 1954
John H. Moore, Morshead, A
biography of Lieut. General Sir
Leslie Morshead, Haldane,
Sydney, 1976, CWRL 923.594
D.M. Horner (ed), The
Commanders, Australian military
leadership in the twentieth
century, George Allen and Unwin,
Sydney, 1984; CWRL 355.00922

Sir Sydney F. Rowell, Full Circle,

Melbourne University Press, 1974
CWRL 923.594 Row

Maj Gen R. R. McNicoll C.B.E.,

A.M., The Royal Australian
Engineers Volume 3: 1919 to
1945: Teeth and Tail, Corps
Committee of the Royal
Australian Engineers. Canberra,
Gavin Long (ed), The Six Years
War— Australia in the 1939—45
War, Australian War
Memorial,Canberra, 1973
Australia in the War of 1939-45,
Series 4, Civil
Volume I, The Government and
It was I recall, in the form of a scroll the People, 1939-41 by Paul
with gold leaf put on. Hasluck, 1952
Volume III, War Economy, 1939412
And I found it one day in a drawer of old photographs, by S.J. Butlin, 1955
hidden away. Australian War Memorial.
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
his majesty signed it with his own rubber stamp. Maj. E.V. Haywood MC RAA, Six
Years in Support - Official History
It was dark all around, there was frost in the ground, of 2/15! Aus Fd Fiat, Angus and
when the Tigers broke free. Robertson 1959
And no one survived from the Royal Fusiliers, Snowden, The Guns of the
Company C. Regiment

They were all left behind, most of them dead,

the rest of them dying.
STUART LEE is a member of
And that's how the high command P.E.P., the Pacific Europa Players.
took my daddy from me. He lives and works in Melbourne,
Australia. Other of our overseas
From 'The Film' by Pink Floyd readers should write to the editor
for their articles to be published
in the World Desk column
Page 21

Yugoslav Royal Air Force

by Jason Long
Production History licence-built by Alfa Romeo and expansion of the JKRV by mid-
powered the SM.79's entering 1938. The Italians offered rapid
By the late 1930's the threat of service with the JKRV. In delivery as an incentive to
war hung heavy over Europe. and November 1939, Ikarus placed an purchase SM.79's. Thirty were
many nations were anxiously order for 100 Italian-built Perseus delivered in late 1938 by the
attempting to upgrade their engines, complete with all diversion of the aircraft that were
armed forces. The Yugoslav accessories. to reequip 10 Stormi at Bresso.
government was no exception The remaining 15 aircraft were
and initiated a major reequipment Ikarus was able to complete 26 delivered during September-
program for the Jugosovensko Blenheim aircraft by early 1940 October 1939.
Kraljevsko Ratno after begging Bristol for a few
Vazduhoplovstvo (JKRV), the more engines. The entry of Italy The JKRV was very impressed by
Yugoslav Royal Air Force. with into the war in June 1940 cut off the performance of the Do 17M
the acquisition of modern aircraft the Italian supply and Ikarus V1 at the Dubendorf International
such as the Bristol Blenheim 1, reopened negotiations with the Flying Meeting of July 1937,
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79, and German<controlled PZL factory where it was faster than every
Dornier Do 17K bombers. Hawker and received enough engines to fighter present and easily won
Hurricanes and Messerschmitt Me finish the remaining 16 aircraft by the "Circuit of the Alps”. An order
109E's were bought to reequip the the middle of 1940. for 36 Do 17K's and a licence for a
fighter regiments. Indigenous further 100 was arranged very
aircraft such as the "(-2 were also Concerned by the slow delivery of quickly in light of Germany‘s
placed into production, but in very Blenheims by Ikarus, the JKRV desperate need for foreign
small numbers. To guarantee pressed for aircraft to be supplied exchange and the first of 20 Do
supplies of aircraft and spares direct from Britain. After the first 17Ka-1's was delivered on 25
and to minimize the loss of request for 40 Blenheim 4's was October 1937. The Ka-1 and the
precious hard currency, the refused, agreement was reached Ka-Z versions were based on the
government bought production in August 1939 on the supply of Do 17E airframe with the Ka-1
licences for all of the above types 20 new Blenheim 1's which were used as a bomber and the Ka-2
with the exception of the SM.79 delivered in February and March optimized for long—range
and the Me 109E. by air. reconnaissance with only a
secondary bombing capability.
Negotiations began with Bristol in After the request for a licence to Two Do 17Kb-1 bombers were
the spring of 1936, even before build 50 Blenheim 4's and to buy delivered as pattern aircraft,
the first flight of the production 100 Mercury XV engines was finishing the German contract,
Blenheim, but the needs of the denied, Ikarus began construction and were based on the Do 17M
RAF. and the intransigence of of a further 20 aircraft that were with improved payload and range
the British Foreign Office were to to have a long nose based on that over the Ka—1 bombers. The Do
delay delivery of the two pattern of the Blenheim 4 and much 17K's were true mongrel aircraft
aircraft until November 1937 and improved armament with with their German-built airframes
approval of the licence for additional 7.7mm Browning powered by French Gnome-Rhone
another year. Under pressure machine guns in the nose and the 14Na engines, armed with three
from the Yugoslav government, ventral hatch and with the Belgian machine guns, and
Ikarus began production of 40 Browning in the turret replaced equipped with Yugoslav bomb
airframes, the Mercury VIII by a Breda 12.7mm machine gun. racks and bombsight. Yugoslav
engines being built by Bristol. Further negotiations with the production of the Do 17Kb-1
Bristol could only guarantee 50 Germans resulted in the supply of began in 1939 with deliveries
engines due to a variety of 42 more engines to power the commencing from early 1940.
circumstances and Ikarus aircraft. After the conquest of Only 36 or so aircraft had been
frantically began searching for Yugoslavia. the 20 incomplete finished by April 1941 as
alternative sources. Negotiations airframes were sold to Finland production of the engines was
began with PZL of Poland, but and used in the production of unable to keep pace with airframe
were abruptly terminated when Blenheim 4‘s. deliveries. Thus only a total of 70
the Germans invaded that The Yugoslav government had of these aircraft were in service
country. Bristol suggested the begun to attach a high degree of on 6 April 1941 when the
Bristol Perseus engine that was urgency to the reequipment and Germans struck.
Page 22

24 Hurricane 1's were bought
from Britain in 2 batches with
deliveries of the first batch
commencing on 15 December
1938 and the second in February
1940 along with a licence to build
them in Yugoslavia. Orders were
placed for 60 aircraft by the Zmaj
factory and an additional 40 by
Rogozarski, with production
expected to reach 8 a month from
each factory by mid-1941. At any
rate, Zmaj had produced only 20
aircraft by the time Yugoslavia
was overrun. In an interesting
experiment, the Yugoslavs
mounted a DB 601A engine from
a Me 1095 in a Hurricane as a
part of a program to evaluate
new engines for the lK-Z fighter.
This hybrid could outclimb both
the Hurricane and the Me 109E
and was only slightly slower than
the latter.
Negotiations began with the
Germans as early as January
1938 over the supply of Me 109's.
Goring tried to dissuade the
Yugoslavs, commenting "There is
too much with which your pilots
are unfamiliar in this new aircraft.
They should convert by degrees
to such fast warplanes or they
will suffer many casualties,
particularly during landings, and
will develop a fear of really
advanced fighters." Nevertheless,
the Yugoslavs persisted and
eventually signed a contract for
50 Me 109E's and 25 spare
engines on 5 April 1939. A
supplementary contract was
signed in June for another 50
aircraft. They were to be paid for
by deliveries of raw materials.
Deliveries began in the early
autumn of 1939, but only 73 had
actually been delivered by April
1941. The provision of spares
proved to be grossly inadequate
and the Me 1098 spent most of
the time grounded. The Me 109,
with its difficult ground-handling
characteristics, proved Goring
correct, as many Yugoslav pilots
transitioning on to the Me 109.
The Yugoslavs had a very
competent indigenous aircraft
design and manufacturing
capability as exemplified by the
Ikarus IK-2 and lK-Z fighters. The
lK-2 was a high-wing monoplane
powered by a 920 hp Hispano-
Suiza 12Ycrs engine with an
armament of a 20mm cannon and
2 x 7.92mm Browning machine
guns.Eight survivors of the twelve
ordered were in service when the
Germans invaded. The lK-Z was a
low-wing monoplane with a
retractable undercarriage that
had the same engine and
armament as the lK-2. Despite
the low-powered engine, the lK—Z
was as fast as the Hurricane and
more maneuverable than either
the Me 109 or the Hurricane, but
was shorter-ranged. The initial
order for 12 had been completed
by April 1941, but after the
Rogozarski factory finished its 40
Hurricanes it was to build another
25 lK-Z's. Four were in overhaul
when the Germans attacked. A
Merlin engine had been installed
in another IK-Z for tests designed
to check the suitability of the IK-Z
airframe for more powerful
engines (as the H-8 12Y—51
engines of 1,100 hp planned for
the second batch had become
unavailable when France fell), but
this had not flown by the time the
Germans invaded.
The Yugoslavs were working on
several new aircraft designs
when they were overrun. These
included the lK-S, a twin-engined
fighter that was to be built in two
versions. a single-seat interceptor
and a two~seat destroyer.
Construction of the prototype had
just begun by April 1941. There
was a program for a fast attack
bomber that had three
competitors: the Ikarus Orkan,
Rogozarski R-313 and the Zmai R-
1. The prototype Orkan was
powered by two 840 hp Fiat A 74
low-powered engines (although
performance of the production
versions would have suffered,
due to the additional weight of
armaments and radios). It had a
planned maximum bomb-load of
1764 pounds with a forward-firing
armament of 2 x 20mm cannon
and 2 x 12.7mm Breda machine
guns with 1 x 20mm cannon in the
dorsal position and a 7.92mm
Darne machine gun firing through
a ventral hatch. The Rogozarski Fl-
313 prototype was of all wooden
construction and was powered by
two Walter Sagitta l-SR engines
of 500 hp and was delivered in
early 1940. It carried 882 lbs. of
bombs and was armed with a
20mm cannon in the nose and a
dorsal 8mm Browning. Maximum
speed of the prototype was 286
mph and the range was some 800
miles. A decision to power the
production R-313's with either the
Marlin or the DB 601 had not
been made by the time of the
German invasion. The prototype
crashed at Niksic airfield when it
was taking off to escape to
Greece. l'm still trying to locate
information on the H-1, but l'm
certain that the prototype was
never finished. [See Chart at end]
Europa 03:
Apr I 40:
x Fury

x Blen
1 x Do 22K
2F2 0/5
x Me109E7F5 1/7
x Hurri 1 5F5 0/8
x Do 17Ka 3B3 1-1/19

Group Allowance: 7
Nov I 41:
1 x Hurri

Jan I 42:
1 x Do 17Kb
333 14/20
233 1-2/21
152 1/25

5F5 0/8

4B3 2-2/17
GA increase: +1;

Service History
The primary goal of Fliegerkorps
had a difficult time converting RC 38 engines that produced an Vlll in the south. aside from
from the forgiving Fury biplane. estimated top speed of 342 mph
Some pilots had to spend 10 providing ground support, was the
with a range of 1394 miles neutralization of the JKRV.
hours on the more docile without any armament. This was
Hurricane, then 20 hours on the Attacks on airfields were planned
truly outstanding performance to try to catch the Yugoslav
Me 108 liaison plane, before from a plane powered by such planes on the ground, but this
Ewas less than perfectly executed
as the Yugoslavs were expecting
the German attack. The Luftwaffe
did gain some successes in the
south as 17 Me 109's of l(J)/LG 2
with a few Me110's of "/26 26
attacked the Furies of 32 Grupa,
destroying 11 Furies and
damaging two more while losing
one Me 109 and two Me 110's,
including one that was rammed
by a Fury. A similar effort was
planned for 35 Grupa, but the Me
109E's couldn't find the well-
camouflaged Furies and had to
settle for destroying the 16
Breguet XlX's of 2 VIGrupa at a
nearby airfield. The Do 17K's of
63 Grupa at Petrovac suffered a
similar fate with German attacks
leaving only four Do 17's flyable.
Upon hearing of the disaster
which befall their sister unit. 64
Grupa immediately took off and
bombed the German armor which
was still in a 17 mile-long column
in Bulgaria, but without much
effect. While waiting for their
next target, 64 Grupa was strafed
by 10 Me 109's that destroyed or
damaged 15 Do 17's. Total losses
by Fliegerkorps Vlll for the day
included seven Me 109's. two Me
110's, two Ju 87's, two Do 17's,
two Hs 126's and a Hs 123,
although this includes losses due
to accidents.
In the North the primary mission
of Luftflotte 4 was to punish the
Belgrade government, as per
Fuhrer Directive 25. A massive
punitive mission of 74 Ju 87's and
160 He 111P and D0172 bombers
of KG 2, 3 and 4, escorted by Me
110's of l/ZG 26 and 100 Me 109's
of JG 54 and 77 was intercepted
by 29 Me 109 and 5 lK-Z fighters
of 32 and 51 Grupa. The
Yugoslavs lost seven Me 109's
and two lK-Z's in this first combat.
Additional raids continued
throughout the day, with German
losses totaling one Me 109, five
Me 110's, two Do 17's and four Ju
87's. The Germans continued to
was shot down by flak.
The Yugoslav defenses in the
west were limited to some AA
guns and the nine fighters of the
Independent Fighter Eskadrila at
Mostar. Attacks by 4 Squadra
Aera and Fliegerkorps X based
in Italy and Sicily destroyed only
two Avia BH-33's. two SM.79‘s
and damaged several more
aircraft for the loss of a Cant
Z.1007bis and a Ju 87.
The Yugoslav bombers played
little part in the day's activities.
Aside from the ill-fated Dorniers,
only a few sorties were flown.
Targets in Austria, Albania, and
Rumania were attacked with little
result for the loss of four
Blenheims. Sonics for the day
totaled 474: 377 by fighters, 93
by bombers, and 4 by recon
planes. Losses totaled 47 fighters,
45 bombers. and 3 reconnaissance
planes destroyed or damaged.
The fighters defending Belgrade
took their toll of the German
attackers on 7 April, but suffered
in the process, shooting down
three Ju 88's and a Do 17 while
the JKRV lost eight Me 109's shot
down and others damaged. Two
Hurricanes of the independent
Fighter Flight intercepted a small
formation of Ju 88‘s, but were
bounced by escorting Me 109's
and shot down. With the fighters
flying defensive patrols, the
bombers flew unescorted
missions against Hungarian
airfields, Austrian railroads, and
German columns in Yugoslavia
losing nine Blenheims shot down
by fighters and flak, and eleven
more damaged. Meanwhile 3 and
7 VIGrupa and 201 Training
were wiped out by marauding Me
110's and Stukas.

On 8 April, the Yugoslav bombers

in the south concentrated their
attacks on the 8 mile long column
in the Kacanik Gorge. The low
page 23

Three Blenheims, one Hind, one

Do 17, and one Hurricane were
shot down or crashed.
Heavy snowfalls on 9 April
prevented aircraft from flying
except in the north where Ill/JG
54 shot down two Hurricanes and
one IK-2 of 4 Puk for the loss of
one Me 109. The Italians attacked
the seaplane base at Tijesno,
destroying three Sim XlV's and
damaging two more. The rumor of
approaching German troops
caused 31 Grupa to burn their
snowbound Me 109's, only to
discover that the Germans were
still some 40 miles distant.

Similar rumors on 10 April caused

most of the Yugoslav aircraft still
serviceable to attempt to fly to
more secure bases in marginal
weather. Three Hurricanes, two
Blenheims, one Do 17, and a
SM.79 crashed during these
With morale low due to the
overwhelming power of the
Luftwaffe and the Croatian
uprising. several aircraft
attempted to flee the country on
11 April. Eight SM.79's of 7 Puk
attempted to fly to Russia, but
only four reached that country,
the others crashing or landing in
Hungary. A Do 17 also landed in
that country. while one Yugoslav
pilot defected with a Blenheim
which was used as a light
transport for several years. One
00 17 was flown to Bulgaria
where it was absorbed by the
Royal Bulgarian Air Force.
12 April saw the destruction of
much of the remaining aircraft of
the JKRV as Me 110's of l/ZG 26
strafed Bjeljina, where aircraft of
6 Puk and 11 Grupa had flown for
refuge, destroying 17 Blenheims,
three Hurricanes and the Breguet
XlX's of 1 and 6 VIGrupa. Another
two Hurricanes, two Blenheims
bomb Belgrade throughout the and a Do 17 either were shot
cloud cover forced everyone but down or crashed while flying their
night, dropping a total of 360 tons the SM.79's, who found gaps in
of bombs. The 4 and 6 VIGrupa missions.
the clouds, to attack from
were essentially annihilated by underneath the cloud base at 300- On 13 April German units entered
Ju 87's of ll/StG 77 escorted by 500 feet where they were
Me 109's of JG 77, one of which Belgrade while the Luftwaffe
vulnerable to small-arms fire. attacked troop concentrations.
Page 22

24 Hurricane 1's were bought
from Britain in 2 batches with
deliveries of the first batch
commencing on 15 December
1938 and the second in February
1940 along with a licence to build
them in Yugoslavia. Orders were
placed for 60 aircraft by the Zmaj
factory and an additional 40 by
Rogozarski, with production
expected to reach 8 a month from
each factory by mid-1941. At any
rate, Zmaj had produced only 20
aircraft by the time Yugoslavia
was overrun. in an interesting
experiment, the Yugoslavs
mounted a DB 601A engine from
a Me 109E in a Hurricane as a
part of a program to evaluate
new engines for the lK-Z fighter.
This hybrid could outclimb both
the Hurricane and the Me 109E
and was only slightly slower than
the latter.
Negotiations began with the
Germans as early as January
1938 over the supply of Me 109's.
Goring tried to dissuade the
Yugoslavs, commenting "There is
too much with which your pilots
are unfamiliar in this new aircraft.
They should convert by degrees
to such fast warplanes or they
will suffer many casualties,
particularly during landings, and
will develop a fear of really
advanced fighters.“ Nevertheless,
the Yugoslavs persisted and
eventually signed a contract for
transitioning on to the Me 109.
The Yugoslavs had a very
competent indigenous aircraft
design and manufacturing
capability as exemplified by the
lkarus lK-2 and ”(-2 fighters. The
lK-Z was a high-wing monoplane
powered by a 920 hp Hispano—
Suiza 12Ycrs engine with an
armament of a 20mm cannon and
2 x7.92mm Browning machine
guns.Eight survivors of the twelve
ordered were in service when the
Germans invaded. The lK-Z was a
low-wing monoplane with a
retractable undercarriage that
had the same engine and
armament as the IK-Z. Despite
the low-powered engine, the lK-Z
was as fast as the Hurricane and
more maneuverable than either
the Me 109 or the Hurricane, but
was shorter-ranged. The initial
order for 12 had been completed
by April 1941, but after the
Hogozarski factory finished its 40
Hurricanes it was to build another
25 lK-Z's. Four were in overhaul
when the Germans attacked. A
Merlin engine had been installed
in another lK-Z for tests designed
to check the suitability of the lK-Z
airframe for more powerful
engines (as the H-5 12Y-51
engines of 1,100 hp planned for
the second batch had become
unavailable when France fell), but
this had not flown by the time the
Germans invaded.
low-powered engines (although
performance of the production
versions would have suffered,
due to the additional weight of
armaments and radios). It had a
planned maximum bomb-load of
1764 pounds with a forward-firing
armament of 2 x 20mm cannon
and 2 x 12.7mm Breda machine
guns with 1 x 20mm cannon in the
dorsal position and a 7.92mm
Darne machine gun firing through
a ventral hatch. The Rogozarski R-
313 prototype was of all wooden
construction and was powered by
two Walter Sagitta l-SR engines
of 500 hp and was delivered in
early 1940. It carried 882 lbs. of
bombs and was armed with a
20mm cannon in the nose and a
dorsal 8mm Browning. Maximum
speed of the prototype was 286
mph and the range was some 800
miles. A decision to power the
production R-313's with either the
Merlin or the DB 601 had not
been made by the time of the
German invasion. The prototype
crashed at Niksic airfield when it
was taking off to escape to
Greece. I'm still trying to locate
information on the FM, but I'm
certain that the prototype was
never finished. [See Chart at end]
Europa OB:
Apr I 40:
x Fury 2F2 0/5
x Me 109E7F5 1/7
1 x Hurri 1 5F5 0/8

50 Me 109E's and 25 spare 1 x Do 17Ka 3B3

engines on 5 April 1939. A The Yugoslavs were working on 1 x Blen 1 383 1-1/20
supplementary contract was several new aircraft designs 1xSM.79 233 1-2/21
signed in June for another 50 when they were overrun. These 1 x Do 22K 182 1/25
aircraft. They were to be paid for included the lK-5, a twin-engined Group Allowance: 7
by deliveries of raw materials. fighter that was to be built in two
Deliveries began in the early versions, 8 single-seat interceptor Nov I 41:
autumn of 1939, but only 73 had and a two-seat destroyer. 1 x Hurri1 5F5 0/8
actually been delivered by April Construction of the prototype had
1941. The provision of spares just begun by April 1941. There
proved to be grossly inadequate
Jan I 42:
was a program for a fast attack 1 x Do 17Kb 4B3 2-2/17
and the Me 1093 spent most of bomber that had three GA increase: +1;
the time grounded. The Me 109, competitors: the lkarus Orkan,
with its difficult ground-handling Rogozarski R-313 and the Zmaj R- Service History
characteristics, proved Goring 1. The prototype Orkan was
correct, as many Yugoslav pilots powered by two 840 hp Fiat A 74 The primary goal of Fliagerkorps
had a difficult time convening RC 38 engines that produced an Vlll in the south. aside from
from the forgiving Fury biplane. estimated top speed of 342 mph providing ground support, was the
Some pilots had to spend 10 with a range of 1394 miles neutralization of the JKRV.
hours on the more docile without any armament. This was Attacks on airfields were planned
Hurricane. then 20 hours on the truly outstanding performance to try to catch the Yugoslav
Me 108 liaison plane, before from a plane powered by such planes on the ground, but this
mwas less than perfectly executed
as the Yugoslavs were expecting
the German attack. The Luftwaffe
did gain some successes in the
south as 17 Me 109's of llJilLG 2
with a few Me110's of “/26 26
attacked the Furies of 32 Grupa,
destroying 11 Furies and
damaging two more while losing
one Me 109 and two Me 110's,
including one that was rammed
by a Fury. A similar effort was
planned for 35 Grupa, but the Me
109E's couldn't find the well-
camouflaged Furies and had to
settle for destroying the 16
Breguet XlX‘s of 2 VIGrupa at a
nearby airfield. The Do 17K's of
63 Grupa at Petrovac suffered a
similar fate with German attacks
leaving only four Do 17's flyable.
Upon hearing of the disaster
which befell their sister unit, 64
Grupa immediately took off and
bombed the German armor which
was still in a 17 mile-long column
in Bulgaria, but without much
effect. While waiting for their
next target, 64 Grupa was strafed
by 10 Me 109's that destroyed or
damaged 15 Do 17's. Total losses
by Fliegerkorps VIH for the day
included-seven Me 109's, two Me
110's, two Ju 87's, two Do 17's,
two Hs 126's and a Hs 123,
although this includes losses due
to accidents.
In the North the primary mission
of Luftflotte 4 was to punish the
Belgrade government, as per
Fuhrer Directive 25. A massive
punitive mission of 74 Ju 87's and
was shot down by flak.
The Yugoslav defenses in the
west were limited to some AA
guns and the nine fighters of the
Independent Fighter Eskadrila at
Mostar. Attacks by 4 Squadra
Aera and Fliagerkorps X based
in Italy and Sicily destroyed only
two Avia BH-33's, two $M.79's
and damaged several more
aircraft for the loss of a Cant
2.1007bis and 5 Ju 87.
The Yugoslav bombers played
little part in the day's activities.
Aside from the ill-fated Dorniers,
only a few sorties were flown.
Targets in Austria, Albania, and
Rumania were attacked with little
result for the loss of four
Blenheims. Sorties for the day
totaled 474: 377 by fighters, 93
by bombers, and 4 by recon
planes. Losses totaled 47 fighters,
45 bombers, and 3 reconnaissance
planes destroyed or damaged.
The fighters defending Belgrade
took their toll of the German
attackers on 7 April, but suffered
in the process, shooting down
three Ju 88's and a Do 17 while
the JKRV lost eight Me 109's shot
down and others damaged. Two
Hurricanes of the lndependent
Fighter Flight intercepted a small
formation of Ju 88's, but were
bounced by escorting Me 109’s
and shot down. With the fighters
flying defensive patrols, the
bombers flew unescorted
missions against Hungarian
shot down or crashed.
Page 23

Three Blenheims, one Hind, one

Do 17, and one Hurricane were

Heavy snowfalls on 9 April

prevented aircraft from flying
except in the north where Ill/JG
54 shot down two Hurricanes and
one lK-2 of 4 Puk for the loss of
one Me 109. The Italians attacked
the seaplane base at Tijesno,
destroying three Sim XIV's and
damaging two more. The rumor of
approaching German troops
caused 31 Grupa to burn their
snowbound Me 109's, only to
discover that the Germans were
still some 40 miles distant.

Similar rumors on 10 April caused

most of the Yugoslav aircraft still
serviceable to attempt to fly to
more secure bases in marginal
weather. Three Hurricanes, two
Blenheims. one Do 17, and a
SM.79 crashed during these
With morale low due to the
overwhelming power of the
Luftwaffe and the Croatian
uprising, several aircraft
attempted to flee the country on
11 April. Eight SM.79's of 7 Puk
attempted to fly to Russia. but
only four reached that country.
the others crashing or landing in
Hungary. A Do 17 also landed in
that country, while one Yugoslav
pilot defected with a Blenheim
which was used as a light
transport for several years. One
Do 17 was flown to Bulgaria
160 He 111P and Do 17Z bombers airfields, Austrian railroads, and
of K6 2, 3 and 4, escorted by Me where it was absorbed by the
German columns in Yugoslavia Royal Bulgarian Air Force.
110's of |/ZG 26 and 100 Me 109's losing nine Blenheims shot down
of JG 54 and 77 was intercepted by fighters and flak, and eleven 12 April saw the destruction of
by 29 Me 109 and 5 IK-Z fighters more damaged. Meanwhile 3 and
of 32 and 51 Grupa. The much of the remaining aircraft of
7 VIGrupa and 201 Training Grupa the JKRV as Me 110's of l/ZG 26
Yugoslavs lost seven Me 109‘s were wiped out by marauding Me
and two lK-Z's in this first combat. strafed Bjeljina, where aircraft of
110's and Stukas. 6 Puk and 11 Grupa had flown for
Additional raids continued
throughout the day, with German refuge, destroying 17 Blenheims,
0n 8 April, the Yugoslav bombers three Hurricanes and the Breguet
losses totaling one Me 109, five in the south concentrated their
Me 110's, two Do17's and four Ju XlX's of 1 and 6 VIGrupa. Another
attacks on the 8 mile long column two Hurricanes, two Blenheims
87's. The Germans continued to in the Kacanik Gorge. The low
bomb Belgrade throughout the and a Do 17 either were shot
cloud cover forced everyone but down or crashed while flying their
night, dropping a total of 360 tons the SM.79's, who found gaps in
of bombs. The 4 and 6 VIGrupa missions.
the clouds, to attack from
were essentially annihilated by underneath the cloud base at 300- On 13 April German units entered
Ju 87's of Il/StG 77 escorted by 500 feet where they were
Me 109's of JG 77, one of which Belgrade while the Luftwaffe
vulnerable to small-arms fire. attacked troop concentrations.
Page 24

The Italians attacked Mostar
airfield, destroying several
SM.79's and a Me 109.
The Germans captured Bjeljina
airfield in a coup de main on 14
April when 17 Ju 52's, escorted
by 11 Ju 87's, 23 Me 110's, and 18
Me 109's, landed troops which
swiftly overwhelmed the
defenders; they captured 210
Yugoslavs while losing 3 dead
and 4 wounded.
The Yugoslavs started an 'air
bridge" to Greece on 15 April with
the few remaining serviceable
aircraft, mostly Do 17's, Do 22's,
and $M.79's. The Yugoslav
government fled to Greece via
the air bridge along with much of
the country's gold reserves. Two
Hurricanes, two Furies, 3 SM. 79,
and a Do 17 were captured along
with numerous trainers and 28
floatplanes. Approximately 40
aircraft of all types reached
Greece, but many were destroyed
by the enemy once their airfields
were discovered. Only four
SM.79's, two Do 17's, eight Do
22's, and a Sim XIV escaped the
German onslaught and reached
The SM.79's were assigned to 117
squadron where they supported
the route between Takoradi, the
Gold Coast, and Khartoum. Sudan
by which most of the aircraft
delivered to the Middle East. The
last one was written-off in
January 1944. Of captured
aircraft, the Italians only

All new - all cotton - all yours

for only $9.95
The 1990 Europa T-Shirt with the
newest logo on It, pictured below.
The Shirt is U.S. Army brown.
We have two sizes, large and
recovered one
airworthy SM.79,
but another had
escaped to Hungary
where it was
exchanged in 1942
for 2 CR.42's.
The Do 22's served
as 2 (Yugoslav)
'Talkback', Air Enthusiast, 1:6,
November, 1971, p.306
Bowyer, Chaz: Bristol Blenheim
Center for Military History: The
German Campaign in the Balkans
(Spring 1941)
Green: William: Augsburg Eagle,
2nd Ed.
Green, William: Fighters, Vols. 2
and 4 of Warp/anes of the Second
World War
Green, William: Floatplanes, Vol.
6 of Warplanes of the Second
World War
Green, William: Warp/shes of the
Third Reich
Green, W. and Swanborough, G.:
”The Annals of the 'Pencil", Air
Enthusiast 30, March-June, 1986
Green, W. and Swanborough, G.:
“The Bristol Blenheim Family", Air
Enthusiast 28, 1985
Green, W. and Swanborough, G.:
'The Caproni that Nearly Joined
the RAF" Air Enthusiast, 1:2,
July, 1971
Green, W. and Swanborough, G.:
”Half-Century Hurricane", Air
International, 32:4-6, 33:1, April-
July. 1987
Green, W. and Swanborough, G.:
"Plane Facts" Air Enthusiast, 1:2,

squadron under July, 1971
Xlarge. Please indicate your R.A.F. command. Green, W. and Swanborough, G.:
choice when you order from us. Some 40 pilots flew "Plane Facts" Air Enthusiast. 2:3.
out to join the March, 1972

(M1130a m—a-n-y.
Allies, as well as
some 200 aircrew.
The saga of the
Yugoslav aircraft
Green, W. and Swanborough, G.:
'SM.79: The Hunchbacked
Sparrow" Air International, 27:1-
2. July’August, 1984
Jerin, Zoran: “The Blenheim in
was not quite over Yugoslavia", Air Enthusiast 16,
as the Croatian Air 1981
Force used several Mason, Francis: The Hawker
Blenheims that Hurricane
were repaired by Prieskop, Franklyn G.: "The
lkarus after the Yugoslav Army', The Grenadier,
collapse of No. 7, August, 1979
organized Shores, Christopher and Cull,
resistance. but Brian: Air War for Yugoslavia,
serviceability was Greece, and Crete
Order your T-Shirt from us by low and they rarely Weal, Elke et al: Combat Aircraft
flew. Also, eleven of World War Two (2
sending name, address 8: $9.95 Do 17Kb-1's, were
+ $1 shipping and handling to: ultimately
GRD transferred to the
PO BOX 591 Bulgarian Air Force
from the Croatian
GRINNELL, IA 50112 Air Force.
Abate, Rosario:
Order of Battle - 6 April 1941
Unit Base Equipment Supporting
Vrhovna Komanda [Air Force High Command]
11 Ind. Grupa Burma 9 Blenheim 1, 2 Hind 21 81 22 Eskadrila [Flight]
81 Grupa Master 14 SM.79 261 81 262 Eskadrila
Ind. Fighter Eskadrila Mostar 3 Hurri 1, 3 Me 109E,
3 Avia BH-33E
1 Lovacka Vazduhoplovna Brigada [Fighter Air Brigade]
2 Puk [Regimentlz
31 Grupa Susicko Folio 19 Me 109E 101 and 141 Eskadrila
52 Grupa Knic 15 Hurricane 1 163 and 164 Eskadrila
6 Puk:
32 Grupa Prnjavor 27 Me 109E 103, 104. and 142 Eskadrila
51 Grupa Belgrade 10 Me 109E, 6 lK-Z 102, 161, 162 Eskadrila
2 Mesovita Vazduhoplovna Brigade [Mixed Air Brigade]
4 Puk:
33 Grupa Aleksandrovac 13 Hurricane 1 105 and 106 Eskadrila
34 Grupa Aleksandrovac 7 Hurricane 1 and 8 lK-2
107 and 108 Eskadrila
8 Puk:
68 Grupa Rovine 12 Blenheim 1 215 and 216 Eskadrila
69 Grupa Rovine 12 Blenheim 1 217 and 218 Eskadrila
3 Mesovita Vazdulloplovna Brigada
3 Puk:
63 Grupa Petrovac 30 Do 17K 205-207 Eskadrila
64 Grupa Petrovac 30 Do 17K 208-210 Eskadrila
5 Puk:
35 Grupa Kosancic 15 Fury 109 and 110 Eskadrila
36 Grupa Rezanovacka 15 Fury and 112 Eskadrila
4 Bombarderska Vazduhoplovna Brigada [Bomber Air Brigade]
1 Puk:
61 Grupa Davidovac 11 Blenheim 1 201 and 202 Eskadrila
62 Grupa Bjeljina 12 Blenheim 1 203 and 204 Eskadrila
7 Puk:
66 Grupa Preljina 13 SM.79 211 and 212 Eskadrila
67 Grupa Gorobiije 13 SM.79 213 and 214 Eskadrila
Army Aviation equipped with Potez 25 and Breguet XIX):
1 VlGrupa Ruma 15 planes 131 Army
2 VlGrupa Sorlince 16 planes 5th Army
3 VlGrupa Stare Topolje 19 planes 2nd Army
4 VlGrupa Kurilovac 18 planes 4th Army
5 VlGrupa Tetovo 14 planes 3rd Army
6 VlGrupa Brezice 16 planes 7th Army
7 VlGrupa Sm. Palanka 18 planes 6th Army
Coastal Army Commando Mostair 4 planes

Naval Aviation:
2 Hidroplanska Komanda [Floatplane Command]
3 Hidrogrupa:
5 Hidroeskadrila Tijesno 5 Sim XIV
25 Hidroeskadrila Zlarin 6 Do 22K], 1 PVT-H
4 Hidrogrupa:
26 Hidroeskadrila Krapanj 5 Do Wei, 1 PVT-H 4 more Blenhelms were undergoms_ _

15 Hidroeskadrila Vodice 2 Sim XIV, 6—7 I0, 1 Sim/XII overhaul at the time of the invasion,

3 Hidroplanska Komanda but reached 11 Grupa before the end

Hidrogrupa: of the campaign.
1 Hidroeskadrila S. Krtole 5 Sim XIV
11 Hidroeskadrila S. Rosa 2-3 Sim XIV, 1 He 8 Abbreviations:
2 Hidrogrupa: VlGrupa = Air Reconnaissance Group
20 Hidroeskadrila Orahovac 6 Do 22K]
21 Hidroeskadrila Dobrota 6 Do Wal, 1 Do D, 2 PVT-H
Page 26

[1mest Wind] [Fatima
by Rick Gayler
The first wave of Second Front iftheir hex is attacked (in other words. The Bulge
(SF) playtest kits set sail in eafly the potential of destroying the The stacking limit modification
Febmary 1990, and I. like many other invasion force on the beach is very mentioned earlier applies to the
eager Europa testers, received mine real if the Germans are able to mount a Germans also, so big stacks might
with a great deal of delight. For those viable counterattack). Units may be appear on the German side of the line
readers of the magazine not involved swapped in and out of this corps prior to the jump—off of the Ardennes
in the playtest. l have prepared this marker anytime during a player's turn. Offensive. One could hardly disguise
article to share a brief look at the this. so anticipated a Surprise Attack

playtest mics and 08s. and the Needless to say. there are also many rule might be included. However.
impending changes and rules pertaining to amphibious assault there is no provision for one at this
enhancements to the system they will and naval movement. These in fact time. instead, the Germans have the
bring. Understand that there has not make up the largest part of the new ability once per game to ”declare an
been time to revise maps, paste and rules. I will not attempt to explain or emergency." Once declared, the
cut counters, or actually play the interpret them at this time. would
German player receives emergency
game prior to this report. Likewise. my anticipate. however , that creative replacements at a rate of 12 infantry
views on how the SF changes will gamers will exercise these quite and 20 armor RPs on the turn of

impact previously published games in thoroughly. testing the effect of each month for three consecutive
the series when retrofitted are further invasions, as well as alternate months. suppose the Germans can

necessarily preliminary as well, and so D-Day sites, on the course of the accumulate quite a few of these, use
not presented here. With those game. them all at once to raise new units and
disclaimers out of the way, let‘s hit the rebuild weakened ones, rush them to
beach. Westwall the front. and launch their “surprise
At the start of play the Westwall is in a attack" in that fashion.
D-Day state of neglect; however, the
One of the first questions to be German player may refurbish it by The effects of poor weather on
answered in the design of SF was declaring an emergency restoration if combat will henceforth be more
how to pack all the units of the an Allied unit is within 14 hexes of a directly felt by one's cardboard
Overlord invasion force imo a Westwall hex. While this consumes all minions. There is now a -2 modifier for
beachhead of several hexes. John his resource points and RAD all attacks made in mud weather and a
Astell, the designer. has addressed (equivalent to the "Soviet Workers") —1
for all attacks in snow and winter
this with a major modification to the capabilities for two turns. it sounds weather. This latter constitutes a new
stacking rule. Briefly stated. there are like a great buy. After restoration the weather category falling between
no stacking limits in SF (although Westwall hexes are treated as follows: frost and snow in severity and
John is toying with the idea of Westwall hexes negate AEC, units covering “typical western European
establishing a 50 RE maximum). defending in them are not required to winter conditions: rainy, muddy
However. before you get too retreat. and the number printed in the weather with occasional frost or
enthused with the concept of huge Westwall hex (ranging from one to snowy spells. and snow in the
stacks overmnning everything in three) is subtracted from the Allied mountains." However. there is now a
sight. let me fill in some details. Only attackers die roll. it captured by the provision for partial AEC in winter and
those units which adhere to the Allies, they are considered destroyed snow weather; if one's stack has 1/2
normal Europa stacking limits (i.e., and have no further effect on contat. or more AECA or AECD. there is a -1
the frontline units) are actually kept on modifier to the die roll. would imagine

the board. The remainder of the The German will also get some benefit the Germans would wait for such a
overstacked units are represented by from the destroyed Maginot Line turn to launch their armored offensive
a corps marker and placed in its box Ourvrages. These, for now at least. on a section of the Allied front held
off-board. While overstacked. these are treated as forts. without any primarily by infantry. Sound familiar?
excess units do not contribute to the expenditures for restoration. As |
attack or defense, nor are they interpret the rule. the Allies receive The Air War
considered in exchange calculations, the same benefit upon capturing any As expected. the huge USAF will
but they do suffer any adverse effects of these hexes. require some changes to airbase
considerations. This is addressed by
allowing players to build up to four
airbases in a hex.

The "Strat Air" campaign is currently

handled 'in the background.“ This will
cut down on some of the counter
clutter as both sides generally
maintain their strat air assets off-board
in a special Available Box. These may
be called up several times during
each year (eight times for the Allies
and lourlor the Gemians) to make
"special efforts," greatly increasing (at
least for the Allies) the tactical air
punch available (the Allied air blitzes
which periodically broke the stalemate
in Italy come to mind),

Carpet bombing appears in SF, and

although i haven’t fully digested it yet,
it looks messy. suspect players

try this a few times to see how it

works, achieve something less than

optimal results, and abandon it as a

viable mission. It so, that would be a
pretty realistic representation!
A slightly modified version of Ben
Knight's "Base Hit!” suggestion from
TEN #3 will no doubt bring the
bombing of airbases into vogue. Per
this rule a hit on an airbase decreases
the capacity by one (as always). but
that another game?).

The first units to catch my eye were

the Hitler Jugend SS units. No
ordinary punks these; they are
represented currently by a 20-10 and
16-10 Panzer XX, along with a 12-10
Panzer Grenadier XX. Then there are
the V—Weapons. These allow the
Germans (while within range) to strike
at Allied ports and London, damaging
the ports and inflicting resource and
replacement point losses on the
British if successful.

Range-in hexes:




for an intercepted V1 attack

9 Hexes

-1 for a V1 attack that received an A or K result

from AA fire
Tucked away in the US counters next Other System Changes
Page 27

to the chance of being intercepted

and shot down en route.) Since this
unit isn't projected on the Allied OB
umil Aug ll 45, it is unlikely to see use
in a normal SF game.

Panisans, while abstracted, are

represented with a rather potent array
of partisan attacks as per SE rule 33.
Surprisingly (at least to me), the Italian
partisans are more active than the
French, with three attacks per turn vs.
two for the French.

v1 Attack v2 Attack
12 Hexes

also hits one air unit stationed there, to the trucks, there is a counter Toaddress the problem of "5-1
bombing player‘s choice. Any hit on bearing the name "Little David". This Abused“ (explained by A.E. Goodwin
an air unit works the same as under counter accompanies a US siege in E TO #28) there is an experimental
the old air unit bombing mission, artillery unit (rated 4-0-6) around the modification to the CRT that moves
which is now absorbed by the above board and represents the ability of the EX result to the "-1" row and the
(almost like two missions for the price this unit to launch an atomic bomb EX result to the '0" row. No more
of one). This sounds like bad news for attack against Reich torces. if "Little almost guaranteed exchanges at 5-1
Goring's guys. David“ supports an Allied ground [-6]! (And l suppose the reference to
attack against an adjacent Gemian "NE' above is no longer correct, as
The Opponents occupied hex. the counter is John has changed this result to "RA”
I will
make only a few comments here expended and the result of the attack ('Repulsed Attack“), which works the
about some of the new units and is an automatic DE. This blows a hole same, but sounds more palatable.
related details. in the German line of course
(although units with cadres would There are several movement changes
One poim of interest is that the yield some potential survivors), but related to the extensive paved road
Germans continue to rule supreme in the US player has to think twice about net in western Europe. For example,
the area of special replacements, still dashing through. Any unit entering units may move along roads at the
being the only national force (other the hex during that or the next tum rate of 1 MP per hex. even in the
than the Finns), to have a 25% suffers possible radiation sickness, worst weather. Admin. movement
recovery rate for unisolated losses. which afflicts units with a 33% chance has also been liberalized. Units using
This surprised me somewhat; had I
of elimination. (For the curious, John admin._are no longer restricted to
thought the Americans were the ones explains it is unlikely that the bomb roads and clear terrain; due to the
to break easily, but quickly ralty (or is would have been delivered by air due intensive road infrastructure admin. is
Page 28

now allowed in all terrain and across all This report covers just a few of the
hexsides except prohibited terrain space constraints. Be assured there
many highlights and entertaining willbe more reports to follow as the
and mountain or major river hexsides. features of SF. It must necessarily be playtest progresses. Q
John says, "In case you're wondering, brief and incomplete due to time and
the dividing line between the
extensive road net and the sparse

llnllmn Front
one (SE admin. rule) matches fairly
well the German-Soviet demarcation
Italy's dream of empire turned to nightmare in the
In another experimental modification mountains of Albania. The Italian army,
to the admin. rule, players are now cautiously advancing into Greece in October 1940,
allowed to move admin, through was sent reeling back into Albania by merciless
hexes made friendly during their Greek counterattacks. During the winter, the
current movement phase, so long as Greek offensive grouind to a halt as both sides
these hexes are owned at the time exhausted themselves. Behind the scenes, the
the unit moves and the other
restrictions of admin. movement are
Germans and British iockeyed for influence with
met. the other Balkan states, striving for the best
position in the coming showdown in the spring. . .
Air combat is modified in the case
where several air units are firing at a Balkan Front recreates the campaigns in the
single air unit: the exchange of fire Balkans from October 1940 to the summer of
halts immediately when the player 1941. Balkan Front is a complete revision of
with the several air units achieves a R, Marita-Merkur, bringing the state of the art
A, or K result. Thus some interceptors Europa rules to this classic game. From the box to
(or escorts) may not get to fire at all. the rules, counters, and maps, everything has
The final entry in this partial and
been updated and upgraded for this collectors'
arbitrary list is a change to the
construction mles which varies the
amount of constmction capability
based on the size of the oonstnicting
unit. Thus, for 1/2 RE construction
. One and a half "new style" maps
covering Yugoslavia, Albania, and
units MP/turn costs are doubled, 720 counters covering the campaign
a brigadesized unit is treated as
forces of Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia,
being two construction units for
Germany, Britian, Hungary, and - for
purposes of quick construction. the first time - Bulgaria
This is kept simple at this stage of the State of the art rules, based on the
playtest (we're in Stage One. which is C award-winning Scorched Earth and
the 1944 Campaign Scenario, forthcoming Second Front Rules.
covering France. Italy. and Western
Germany from the spring of 1944 7+ scenarios, covering the grand
through the summer of 1945). To win
decisively, the Allies must take all the
0 campaign and the individual campaigns
in Greece, Yugoslavia, and Crete.
major cities on the map. Lesser levels
of Allied victory or German victory are
Political rules cover the web of Balkan
also determined based on ownership O duplicity and intrigue, from unstable
of major cities.
Yugoslavia to territory-hungry Bulgaria.
Getting the kit out and the playtest Balkan Front is under preparation and will be
started is a victory of sons in itself. I'd released this spring by Game Research/Design.
like to commend all oi the people who
worked so hard to make this kit a 0 Copyright 1990, Game Research/Design. All rights reserved.
reality. Thanks folks!
r - Page 29

Touring the @uvnpa Seashore

With Occasional Excursions Further Afield
by A.E. Goodwin
My column this month will of the Otta, but that river is a and 3205. (Actually, the Lagen
consider only that portion of tributary of the Lagen system should probably extend even
Norway south of Mo [58:1620]. which flows into the Skaggerrak. l
farther upstream, to hex
recommend the river to be 10A:2906, but due to the
Southern Norwegian deleted from the maps. mountain spurs shown on the
Drainage System. The current current maps this would make
depiction of lakes and rivers on Close study of the southern hexes 10A:3005, 3106, and 3105
Map 10A has two rather major Norwegian rivers shows that the into superstrong defense
errors. main river system is the Glama/ positions.)
Lagen. The Glama is the river
First, the largest of the which enters the Skaggerrak at Additional Norwegian Lakes.
Norwegian lakes (Lake Mjosa - Frederikstad [10A:43091, but the A number of rather large
the one next to Hamar river currently shown on the game Nomegian lakes seem to have
[10A:36051) is misplaced. This lake maps is the Glama only up to hex been left off the maps. Limingen
is actually entirely within the 10A:3906, thereafter the river (58:2124/ 2224), Tunnsjo (58:2224/
valley of the Lagen (the chain of shown is the Lagen. Both the 2325), Ulen (58:2525/ 2625),
forest hexes north of Hamar/ Lagen and Glama are rather good Snasavatn (58:2227/ 2328/ 2228/
Lillehammer) with the city of size rivers far up stream and both 2329), Norsjo (10Az4112/ 4111),
Lillehammer on its northern should probably be shown. The and Nisser (10Az4013/ 4113). Two
shore. Thus the northern portion Glama would run south and east other Norwegian lakes are large
of the lake should run through of the chain of hexes 10A:3906, enough to warrant inclusion, but
hexsides 10A:3606/ 3605/ 3506/ 3905, 3804, 3705, 3604, 3504, both happen to fall across terrain
3505. Second, the river shown 3404, 3304, 3204, 3104, 3003, features which make it difficult to
flowing into the Stor Fjord west 2903, 2902, 2901, and 3000 to its show them: both Storsjoen
of Andalsnes [10A:2507] does not primary source in Lake Femund. (10A:3403/ 3402/ 3303) and
exist. The upper course of this The Lagen would run west of the Selbusjoen (58:2631/ 2630) fall
river roughly matches the course chain of hexes 10A:3405, 3305, along mountain hexsides. (Both
northern portion of the hex.
Hardanger Glacier. Hex
10Az3412 probably represents the
Hardanger Jokulen, a circular
glacier which covers just under 50
square miles (at least it's the only
glacier of any consequence in this
area). However, this glacier is
actually located at the eastern tip
of the Eidfjord (the fjord which
just touches hex 10Az3312) with
the Bergen rail line circling it to
the east and north. The area to
the west of the glacier and south
of the Eidfiord is extremely
rugged with several peaks
exceeding 5500 feet in elevation.
Both 10Az3313 and 3412 should
probably be mountain hexes.
Norwegian Rail Lines. The
current maps show the Oslo/
Lillehammer and Hamar/ Elverum
rail lines meeting in two
junctions, with Hamar on a spur
off the main line. This is incorrect
as both lines met in Hamar. The
depiction of Frederikstad on a
spur is also incorrect as the main
line went through the town. The
line from 10Az3908 to 3807 did
not exist and should be deleted
from the maps. Finally, the main
line west from Oslo is only
i. . .
, ,

partially shown; thus the rail lines

lakes lie within mountain valleys: 2606, 2706, and 2707; the upper in hexes 10A:4008 and 4009
thus showing a lake hexside Lagen valley in 10A:3005, 2906, should be connected.
rather than a mountain hexside 2806, and 2706; and the valley of
would be distorting.) One other Osteroya. The large fjord shown
the Otta in 10As3006, 2907, 2807, just north of Bergen [10A:3116/
large Norwegian lake, Rossvatn and 2808. Since all three of these 11A:1301] is larger than it should
(5Bz1821/ 1721/ 1722), is valleys are separated from each be. This was in reality a very
sometimes advocated for other by mountain ranges (with narrow fjord which completely
inclusion, but this last lake was numerous peaks rising to the 6500 encircled the large island of
quite small until several years foot level) it would seem a more Osteroya. As the entrance to the
after the war when a dam on the accurate depiction of this area fjord was less than half a mile
stream below it greatly increased could be had by adding mountain wide, and Osteroya itself was
the lake's size. hexsides at 10A:2707/ 2807/ essentially clear terrain and
2806/ 2907/ 2906/ 3006. connected to Bergen and the
Lake Crossings. in sharp northern shore by several ferries,
contrast to Finland and Sweden, Jostedalsbreen. The chain of the impression given by the fjord
crossings of the Norwegian lakes three contiguous glacier hexes in is erroneous. Even excising the
are almost nonexistent, with only Southern Norway (10A:2709, island of Osteroya, however, does
the single ferry at Gjovik 2810, and 2811) represents the not yield as large a fjord as
(10A:3606/ 3605) being evident. Jostedalsbreen and seems to shown. A more accurate depiction
cover more area than would be of the fjord would be to show sea
Tverrfjellethjollen Mountain warranted by the size of the hexsides at 10A:3116/ 3015.
Range. The two-to—three hex glacier complex. In particular, hex 3015/ 3115, and 3015/ 3014.
wide swath of forest hexes to the 10A:2709 should probably be
south of Andalsnes represents mountain vice glacier since the Akrafjord. The southern of the
three major river valleys: the glacier chain ends fourteen miles two fjords shown in the center of
Romsdale in hexes 10A:2507, south of the fjord shown in the hex 10Az3416 is the Akrafjord
which in reality reaches to within
four miles of the glacier complex
shown in 10Az3414. Thus there
probably should be sea hexsides
at 10A:3517/ 3416/ 3516/ 3415.
(also 11A:1702/ 1601/ 1701/

Vindafiord. Hex 10A23617

(11A:1802) is ambiguous, as it has
two pieces of land separated by
impassable terrain. Close study of
maps of this area shows that the
major water barrier here is not
the Vindafjord, but rather the
Sandsfiord just to the east. Thus
redrawing the Vindafjord to fall
entirely within hexes 10A:3517
and 3518 allows the Sandsfjord to
be shown directly at hexsides
10A:3617/ 3517/ 3616 (also
11A:1802/ 1702/ 1801.)

Lysefiord. One rather large fjord

in southern Nomay got left off
the maps entirely. This is the
Lysefjord and should run through
hexsides 10A:3718/ 3817/ 3717
(11A:1903/ 2002/ 1902).

Additional Norwegian
Islands. Add the islands of
Huttaroy (10A:3217/ 11A:1402,
clear terrain) and Otroy
(10Az2308, clear terrain).

Narrow Strait
10A:3417/3317 Stord ferries
Narrow Strait
10A'3317/3318 one mile wide
Narrow Strait
10A:3317/3316 Tysnes/Stord ferry
Narrow Strait
10Az3317/3217 Huttaroy ferry
Narrow Strait
10A:3117/3217 Huttaroy ferry
Narrow Strait
10A:3116/3117 Store ferry
Narrow Strait
10A'3116/3016 Hosnoy/Askoy

Narrow Strait
Narrow Strait
10A13117/3016 two miles wide

10A:3016/3015 Alversund ferry

Narrow Strait
10A:3116/3015 Osteroya ferries
Narrow Strait
10A:3313/3213 Hardangerfjord

Narrow Strait
Narrow Strait
10A:3110/3010 Kaupanger ferry
10A:2911/2912 Balholm ferry
Narrow Strait
10A:2714/2715 two mile strait
Narrow Strait
10A:2411/2410 Gurskoy ferry
10A:2410/2409 Ulstein bridge
10A:2409/2408 Alesund bridge
Narrow Strait
10A:2202/2103 Froya ferry
Narrow Strait

Narrow Strait
53:2028/1929 Rorvik ferry
Narrow Strait

Narrow Strait
53:1622/1523 Donna ferry
Narrow Strait
53:1622/1522 Nesna ferry

53:2429/2430 Beitstadfjord ferry

Narrow Strait
53:2332/2231 Affjord ferry
Narrow Strait
53:2129/2128 Otteroy ferries

53:2026/1926 Oksningen ferry

Narrow Strait
53:1824/1825 Velfjord ferry
Narrow Strait
53:1622/1623 Alsten ferry

Supply Problems. The addition

of the ferry crossings resolves
most of the supply problems in
Norway, but one troubling area
remains. This is the Norwegian
province of Sogn 0g Fjordne (the
two peninsulas west of the three
contiguous glacier hexes on map
10A). The current map depiction

effectively turns this area into an

island; changing hex 10A22709 to
mountain and adding the ferry
crossings resolves the access
problem and allows units
operating in the northern of the
Sea Crossings. The following Narrow Strait two peninsulas to be supplied via
sea hexsides should be crossable 10Az2409/2510 Vartdalsfjord ferry Alesund, but units in the southern
by ground units: Narrow Strait peninsula can still operate only
10A:2409/2509 Storfjord ferry out of supply.
Type Narrow Strait
Location Reason 10A:2309/2308 Otroy ferry In most games this will not
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait matter, as the area will rarely, if
10A:4108/4008 Drobak ferry 10A22307/2308 Otroy ferry ever, be the scene of active
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait operations. But think for a
10Az4008/4109 Drammen ferries 10A22507/2405 Langfjord ferry moment what use an Allied
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait player bent on cutting off the
10Az4109/4110 Drammen ferries 10A:2307/2306 Averoy ferry flow of iron ore from Narvik can
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait put this area to. This is the closest
10A:4210/4211 Langesund ferry 10A:2406/2306 Kvernesfjord ferry portion of Mommy to Allied air
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait units operating out of the
10Az3818/3817 Hogsfjord ferry 10A:2406/2405 Bergsoyfjord ferry Shetland islands. The area also
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait has three clear terrain hexes
10Az3717/3616 Josenfiord ferry 10Az2405/2306 Kristiansund ferry suitable for amphibious invasion
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait and building airfields (10Az2715,
10A:3616/3517 Sandsfjord ferry 10A:2405/2404 Halsafjord ferry 2714, and 2613). Couple this with
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait the fact that it is going to take
10A23518/3519 Karmoy ferries 10A:2403/2304 Frtvagoy ferry several turns for the German
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait player to even begin to get troops
10Az3418/3519 Karmoy ferries 10A:2304/2305 Tustna ferry into the area in response to an
Narrow Strait Narrow Strait invasion and you can begin to see
10A:3417/3318 Bomlo ferries 10A:2303/2202 Hitra ferry the problem. Now, if the road
58:1928 Exaggerates island's size 10Az3017 (also 11A:1202)
532232 (also 10A:2200) Exaggerates island‘s size
Miniscule 10Az3618 11A:1803) Artificial
10A:2302 Artificial one-hex one-hex bastion. Q.

Coming Attractions
Europa #12 will feature an article on German tactical
doctrine in the summer of 1941 by Roy Lane. In addition, John
Gee will launch a discussion on the Armed Forces of the
belligerents in the Spanish Civil War, A.E. Goodwin continues
to hang ten along the coast of Sweden, Tom Johnson takes a
look at the proper usage of engineer units in Europa , John
Astell concludes his study of Soviet Guards, and Mark
Pitcavage starts a series of articles on Europa strategy. We
will finally take a look at SE play balance (delayed again by
lack of space), and of course there will be our regular columns
and features.


by Deen Wood
Wonder Weapons of WI]:
The V-13
Re: (1.5. VI] Corps attack on
Aachen, 12 October 1944.
"Not to be excluded from the
bombardment, the 1106th
Engineer Combat GroupIn
defensive positions astride the
heights south of Aachen rigged an
ingenious device which the men
infrastructure in the area were dubbed the V—13. Towing an
such that it actually would take Aachen streetcar to the crest of a
several turns to move troops hill, they stacked the car with
overland, this would be a captured explosives set with a
perfectly valid tactic for the time fuse and Sent it careen‘mg
Allied player to take; but there down the trolley tracks into the
happened to be a very good hard city. On the first try, the car
surfaced highway running right exploded prematurely. A second
through this area during WW“. I
ground to a halt at the wreckage
recommend adding this highway of the first. After patrols had
to the maps as a road which cleared the tracks. the engineers
would run through hexes tried again. This time the car
10A:3005, 3006, 2907, 2807, reached the city proper before it
2808, 2709, 2710, 2711, 2712, and exploded. Whether it did any
2713. actual damage to the German
installations was irrelevant in
Unplayable Coastal Hexes. view of the impish delight the
The following coastal hexes are engineers derived from it."
recommended for change to full The Siegfried Line Campaign, by
sea hex status (and thus Charles B. MacDonald. Center of
unplayable by ground units):
Military History, United States
Location Reason Army, Washington, 0.6., 1984, p.
5321524 Exaggerates island's size 310.
5821624 Exaggerates island's size
58:1725 Exaggerates island's size 1953), P. 247.243. .
Page 33

I’M! “'IIIDA“ ’I‘IIIE Illiltli ’I“'Illls

Design Update by Jeff Millefoglie
Targeted for a 1990 release date, the beasties in FWBT. John had come across a rather
For Whom the Bell Tall: is detailed railroad map of the
currently in the playtesting stage. Yet another political faction, the Iberian peninsula which
Over thirty draft 'pre-playtest' Falangists (Spanish fascists), has suggested the need for some
kits have been distributed since been broken out from the minor revisions to the Spanish rail
the end of last November, with preexisting Nationalist units. A net. Additionally, we were
about half of the recipients third paramilitary organization, interested in seeing the terrain in
responding in some manner. Their the Guardia de Asalto (a creation both the Basque country (the
feedback has already generated a of the young Republic, northeastern coastal region of
great deal of much appreciated represented as police), has joined Spain) and the southern/eastern
errata, with more (I'm sure) on the the Guardia Civil (security) and (depending on which north you're
way. Carabineros (border). Several using: true, magnetic, or Europa)
naval infantry and Interventionist end of the Ebro valley
FWBT began rather innocently as (Kondor Legion and CW) support represented as rough rather than
a possible article l was writing on units have also been added as a clear hexes. Finally, the addition
upgrading and revising the rules result of further research on of point cities and regional
set for illlo Pasaran! [They shall John's part. The Insurgent air boundaries was desired, in order
not passl], published in The force has been broken out into its to facilitate the implementation
Grenadier #27. had been
constituent parts: the Nationalist of various rules mechanics we
fortunate enough to playtest air force proper, the Kondor planned on including.
mm with John Gee, and assist Legion, and the Aviazione
him with his design (most of this Legionaria. Several Anarchist While laying out the regional
"assistance“ being clerical in brigades raised later in the war. boundaries was fairly straight
nature). John persuaded me that and in "The Republic of Malaga', forward, choosing some criteria
a more substantial revision would have been added to further for the inclusion of the point cities
be desirable, including the augment the already was not so obvious. Population
integration of several order of embarrassingly large collection of seemed a good place to start, but
battle modifications and additions marginally effective Loyalist after obtaining and studying the
he had come across since his units.
earlier research. More census figures for Spain it
became apparent that even the
importantly, he was able to Perhaps most significantly, the existing stratification of Europa's
convince Winston Hamilton to order of appearance for many of major, dot, and reference cities
consider and support FWBT as a the northern Gobernito (Asturian, didn't always fit into clean
full-fledged Europa title. What Basque, Catalan, and Santandero) categories (Teruel, with no
follows is a brief overview of the infantry formations has been tied permanent airfield and a
current components of the draft. to Insurgent activity, helping to population only half that of any
address the problem of early other Spanish reference city
ORDERS OF BATTLE collapse by these 'little represented on the maps, was the
John Gee will be covering his governments' when confronted most blatant example). A cut off
work on the OBS in detail in a with the earlier-than-historical figure of 25,000 persons was
future issue of the Europa campaign in the North inevitably originally chosen as the level
magazine. There will be several chosen by Nationalist players in necessary for inclusion as one of
changes which should be NI”. the 'new' point cities, with any
apparent to veterans of mm. provincial capitals not already
including revised units ratings MAPS included being thrown in as well.
(primarily manifested in the form When the project began, John and
of lower attack and movement I
assumed that we would have Enter Europe's renaissance man,
factors) for many of the infantry some flexibility in modifying the Arthur Goodwin. Arthur
and artillery formations on both existing maps from Spain and (unbeknownst to us) had already
sides (over half of all Loyalist Portugal (map 23) and Fall of been working on maps, not only
infantry divisions are now rated France (western half of map 17), for Spain, but for Europe as a
as 2-3»5's and the Nationalists, and that the result would be, like whole. His typically well-
who could formerly deploy as the game itself, a stand-alone researched and thorough efforts
many as 41 divisions with 5(+) item (i.e., not necessarily a have yielded maps which are far
AFs in jNPl, now have only 16 of component of Grand Europa). superior to anything that John
Page 34

and could have produced

ourselves. Ambiguous coastal

hexsides have been eliminated;
rail lines added, revised and
reclassified as high or low
capacity (with most of the former
"roads" on the Spanish maps
properly elevated to this latter
category); port capacities
differentiated; and the inclusion
of point cities rationalized (with
cities over 20,000 persons in
1940, provincial capitals,
significant ports. and important
rail junctions now incorporated).
Additionally, Arthur has added
five reference cities, promoted
Sevilla and Gijon to partial hex
and dot city status respectively.
and sent Teruel down to the
minor leagues to join the other 81
point cities in Spain, Spanish
Morocco, and the Balearic lslands
(this last geographical entity yet
another new 'feature').

Despite the advantages of an
already existing core system, and
even a published game on the
same subject, working on the
rules set for FWBT has been a
very humbling experience.
Whenever and wherever possible,
have swiped John Astell's (and
John Gee's) prose word for word.
I've also borrowed liberally from
the many fine submissions
SE. with a healthy dose of 'WitD'
thrown in (Bill Stone has already
explored and covered much of
this synthesis in his 'Hitler Turns
South” scenario, and General
Stein articles in E T0). Wherever
applicable, SE enhancements
(such as the 1/7th AEC/ATEC
proportion, partisan attacks, local
drafting, etc.) have been adapted
and included. Among the
subsystems exported from the
desert, the most crucial is the
concept (and mechanic) of attack
supply. This was an idea which
had been considered as far back
as NH and rejected as being an
unnecessary complication.
Besides, limiting the logistics for
both sides would get in the way
of 'settling hash,‘ a phrase used
around these parts to describe
seriously offensive behavior (i.e.,
a lot of combat).
One of the most endearing
qualities of mm was the wild
and crazy, non-stop, thrill-a-
minute action, particularly during
its opening turns. While this may
have had little historical validity.
it sure was fun, and played out

the first months again and again

(and again), always rolling to see
which way the peacetime, regular
army would go. David Bolt aptly
described this phenomena as "am
roller derby,‘ and after a single
the Germans and Italians were
able to maintain their air
strengths at relatively stable
levels, despite losses. throughout
the conflict by drawing upon the
pilots and aircraft of the
Luftwaffe and Regia
Fundamental to FWBT are many
of the special rules relating to the
Spanish Civil War originally used
in iNPl. Militia unreliability
(being unable to count on
formations attacking or defending
normally during the opening
months of the campaign) is still
here, although utilizing one die
roll per combat rather than one
per militia unit (another David
Bolt suggestion) facilitates
execution of the mechanic, and
some Insurgent units (Falangist
and Requete) are now afflicted as
Artillery points (whose less
specific precursors in mm,
equipment points, were borrowed
from Their Finest Hour) are yet
another reflection of the
shortages endemic to the conflict.
While perhaps unnecessary when
dealing with the (by comparison)
well equipped armies of WWII,
supporting arms (or lack thereof)
were a serious consideration in
published in both ETO and TEN Spain. The advent of the civil war
playtest, he became an ardent and the attendant level of
by those disciples of the system (and convincing) advocate for the mobilization of the unarmed
who have contributed so much to necessity of utilizing steps of populations on both sides brought
its growth and improvement over attack supply (half as big as those with it a demand for armaments,
the last several years (though the in Western Desert/Torch, i.e..
selection process has been particularly artillery, that far
each step allowing only 5 REs, exceeded the capabilities of
admittedly arbitrary up until rather than 10, to attack at full Spain's domestic industry to
now). Most important to me has strength) to properly reflect the meet. While the Rebels (thanks to
been the support and assistance lack of ammunition on both sides. their lnterventionist benefactors,
of the local wargaming grognards, (German and Italian formations,
the Bros, particularly David Bolt. particularly Italy) had less
lavishly supplied relative to the difficulty in this regard than the
While the Bros' reputation for Spanish units, are considered to
irreverence is well earned and Loyalists, both sides relied
be in attack supply whenever able heavily on foreign shipments right
worn with much pride, they are to trace a line to an Insurgent up through the end of the war.
very experienced with and owned port.)
knowledgeable of the Europa The Insurgent naval blockade of
system, and their comments and Other 'WitD" concepts include Loyalist reinforcements arriving
suggestions have been uniformly discrete rail depots located at from overseas (c/m and artillery,
constructive. major and dot city hexes (which steps of attack supply, artillery
can attenuate as the war drags on points, and armor RPS, most of
The most obvious changes to the and the depots themselves these having been purchased
system result from the upgrading change sides) and the simpler air from the Soviet Union) is still
of the basic rules set from one replacement system, used with abstracted with a revised iNPll
based on FitE to one based on the lnterventionist air forces (both 'WitD“ naval blockade table.
The reinforcements and
replacement rules (given the large
and varied cast of characters on
both sides) are still complex and
detailed, reflecting the diverse
ways in which units appeared.
evolved, and (when necessary)
were replaced. The ability of the
Insurgents to use a limited
number of Colonial, Falangist, and
Requete infantry FlPs when
building (and rebuilding)
Nationalist divisions, for instance,
may seem like just another bit of
confusing chrome (even, at times,
to the designers themselves). but
it reflects an important advantage
which the centralized dictatorship
of Franco held over the
chronically fractious Loyalist
coalition of semi-autonomous,
separatist governments (the
Gobernitos), far-left radical
movements (the Anarchists and
P.0.U.M., these latter anti-
Stalinist Marxists), and the
Republic itself (predominantly
Socialist when the revolt broke
out, by the end of 1937 it had
evolved into a pro-Soviet,
communist dominated
government, a process largely
facilitated by the refusal of any
other European government, save
Loyalist controlled Spain via a
friendly border hexside/rail line.
Pacification (an euphemism used
to describe the oft-times brutal
suppression and outright murder
of 'enemy' civilian populations by
an occupying military force) is a
crucial element of FWBT, and one
which both sides (particularly the
Insurgents. who were capturing
most of the enemy-held territory)
had to deal with. Captured cities
are pacified by being garrisoned,
with the number of REs and turns
based on the type/size of the city
itself. Once pacified, cities
provide an intrinsic defense
strength for the owning player
(again. based on type).
Various “Bro Rules' (i.e., rules
developed by David Berry and
appearing in his Bro scenarios)
have been borrowed. These
include limited intelligence
(organizing stacks and/or
employing corps markers to limit
the other player's knowledge of
their contents). incremental
ground CRT (rolling for the next
odds level on a ten-sided die if
the ratio is at least half way
there, which partially offsets the
defensive advantage gained with
publication, ultra—optional, semi-
subversive suggestions by the
designers will be appreciated and

would like to take this
opportunity to again thank the
aforementioned David Bolt (who
has played 181 turns of FWBT
with me over the last year end a
half, and contributed
immeasurably to the evolution of
the game), Arthur Goodwin (who
not only provided the maps, but
ably served as our quality control
in reviewing the various drafts),
Bill Stone (from whom borrowed

feedback), and all the other


many rules relating to the supply

and rail systems), Harald Hansen
(a [NPI playtester and the only
person who has played that game
more than John Gee and me, he
has already solitaired a complete
FWBT campaign game and
provided a great deal of valuable
playtesters who have spent time
on this game so far, especially
Greg Bartels, David Berry, Bobby
Bryant, Dennis Dubberley, Victor
Hauser, Fred Helfferich, Roy
Lane, Andrew Pollack, Gary
Stagliano, Shelby Stanton, and
Page 35

the USSR, to support it. Joseph Youst. Q

limited intelligence), battalion
stacking (allowing two battalions
Political rules in FWBT (like those of the same type and affiliation to
for reinforcements and stack together as a single non-
replacements) are necessarily divisional unit), and
detailed. The reluctance of the entrenchments (bestowing upon
Gobernitos to commit their own stacks containing divisions which
forces in any endeavor not
Qaeefie Players in Europe).
remain in the same hex for .

directly related to their own several turns a -1 die mod to The Wiesbaden Kriegspielers
defense is handled with reflect the digging of trenches,
deployment restrictions, now :.- are looking for more! I.

laying of wire, registration of Warga mars. in the Frankfurt;

implemented on a regional basis

artillery, etc.). Wiesba'd'en; and Mainzare

(thanks to Arthur's boundaries), Call Tom at 06190-1535
rather than an artificial radius Whether or not these (and other)
around their capital/supply rules will be included in the final
sources. game will depend largely on
feedback from the playtesters
The constantly changing attitude and, most importantly, John
of France (Europe's other Popular Astell himself. His upcoming
Front government) towards review/edit of the current rules
supporting the Republic is still set, further contributions to it
handled through the mechanic of (particularly those new Grand
a French Border Table, which Europa mechanics appearing in
places; 'andj'vve .will put it in'
from time to time allows overseas Second Front), and decisions our magazine; ;' Please “keep it -

shipments to avoid the Insurgent as short as possiblea’n’d it will

regarding whether rules are to be appear‘w'ithin, Thank
naval blockade by off-loading in included as core, special, [Pub]
French ports and then moving into advanced, optional, or post-
Page 36

Campsites Assisted Emsps -by Mark van Rokel

Within this forum it will be my Game picture on a disk. are required (see the magazine ad
pleasure to introduce two unique for membership information) to
technologies: countless cardboard Through the use of optical take advantage of this system.
squares, pages of printed character recognition technology, GRID, Europa, and wargamers in
instructions, complex matrices, share a picture of the current general have reserved a special
and colorful cartography (Europa 'front' with computer/Europa place on GEnie. To my knowledge
in its many forms) AND countless users around the world on a GEnie is the largest gathering of
silicon squares, pages of printed floppy disk. Actually take a video wargame hobbyists online
instructions, complex bus image from your Camcorder and anywhere in the world. Over 75
structures, and colorful cathode digitize it, then send it (via GEnie different wargame topics, and
ray tubes (microcomputers in their Email) to a friend in a computer numerous game designers
many forms). file he can read on his PC. Look (anybody remember Jim
for these PICS in the Europa Dunnigan7), game companies (i.e.,
It is my hope that in the coming library on GEnie. GRID, GDW, Microprose, and 3W),
months I can provide insight into and game players communicate
how microcomputer technology - Available 3rd quarter '90 using GEnie. In an effort to
can enhance one's enjoyment of (partially functioning program maximize your time online with
the Europa game system. The PC available TODAY): "Computer GEnie, here are a series of
(personal computer) serves as an Ready' FitEISE Rules Set shortcuts that take you right to
excellent assistant to Europa the “front.'
play, although it is not (at A complete listing of the FltE/SE
present) the platform for the rules set ready for your word After you have entered your
complete automation of the processing program. password and find yourself at the
Europe game system (e.g. there 'Top" menu (the first screen), type
is noEuropa computer game). To -Available TODAY (albeit a bit the following exactly: m 805:1
that end, the discussions herein expensive): FltEISE Intelligent and then hit the return key. This
will be focused on what I call Rules Set Smartext T“ command will deliver you to the
Computer Assisted Europa or Games Round Table and
CAE (excuse my acronym - in my A program designed to search by specifically to the General
line of work they are a matter of key 'word' or 'words" the entire Discussion menu. At this point we
survival). CAE can take many rules set and provide a list of are just one command away from
forms, the following is a short rules sections to choose from and the Europa Category - just type
description of the techniques I than to take you to the exact the following: 3 and then: 26 with
will address in future columns: passage asked for. How many a return after each number. At
times have you thumbed through this point you are no longer in
-Available TODAY: Play By that FitE/SE rules set? Great Kansas. You are deep within the
Electronic Mail learning tool. Available for the recesses of a machine where
Mac: TODAY (other Europa rules uniquely intelligent creatures
PBEM is a less expensive, swift set supplements to follow communicate by sending
method of playing Europa with available at Origins ‘90). electronic pulses across wire that
other computer/Europa users crisscrosses their even stranger
across town, in the next state, or ...just to name a few. world. In order to read and take
around the globe. part in the fun type: 2. This
This month lwould also like to command lists all the new (unread
-Available TODAY: Play By introduce you to GEnie: General topics) available to read and
Electronic Mail Tool Kit Electric Network Information respond. Note all the subjects
Exchange. GEnie is exactly what listed have a corresponding
A program designed to speed the the name implies: an information number. If you find a subject that
execution of “game turn' exchange. GEnie is a large sounds interesting type: 7 and
generation for Europa PBEM computer system that you can call then the corresponding subject
games. This product will assist by using your computer and a number.
sorting units by type, strength, modem (a computer's telephone)
compass orientation (is. north to by simply dialing a local More later; time to shut down for
south, east to west), 'rolling the telephone number (in most cases). now! (2
die”, and even printing the results
of combat.
As mentioned, a computer, a

- Available TODAY: Europa modem, and a GEnie membership

Page 37
by Gayler
Send all niles questions to: Rick Gayler, Po. implied in the past. Be sure to read it! defender's hex (Rule 9H), and (2) 'the
Box 2431, Opelilra, AL 36801. Include a SASE stacking limit of a hex is also the limit on the
for retum mailing. If possible, cite the rule Now on to some judicial p‘riosophy. it my number of units that may attack that hex
number and frame youquesfions in a 'yes", capacity as Rules Magistrate there is one from an adjacent hex.‘ (Rule 88). Now add to
'na', or multiple choice fashion. 'Design important service loan provide to he Europa thisthe second sentence of Rule 9which
questions" will be answered only as lime and player community. This service is to generate states ' unit may attack into or across
resources permit. as mudr oonsistencyas pow‘ble when terrain prohibited to that unit.‘ The marriage
interpreting the existing nrles. In order to do of these two concepts leads one to draw the
Frrst this from Charles Meyer: 'I hate to be this I must establish concrete guidelines for following conclusion: ‘A unit may only attack a
the one to give you a baptism of fire, butI
answering certain groups of questions. hex into which it may move.“ This seems
disagree with your '12-10 panzer and 2-1-10 Rather than just answering a specific perfectly logical; it combat occurs within the
assault gun battalion forced to retreat question, i strode address the problem Mitch defenders hex, the attackers would have to
through zones' example in TEN #9. The generated the question from the perspective 'move into' that hex in order to initiate a
rules state that units retreat, not stacks. To of the entire system. if at all possible. Proper battle in the first place.
further substantiate my belief I refer to rule execution in this regard will not create new
14.H.t paragraph 3. lacknowledge that this is rules, but rather will fill in with mortar any However, one does not have to look far to find
a special rule for commandos, but it is the only cracks that might exist in the current mles exceptions to this 'truism'. Consider. for
example given of how units retreat. This is a set. An example or two will demonstrate what instance, a river flotilla (RF) unit Reading
game-maker or game-breaker.‘ Imean: the combat example in Rule 28E, fifth
paragraph, one finds a clear exception to my
As I've said before, there are an awful lot of A reader might ask the SE question, “Does a nice little theory. Here, a RF and a 445 rifle
folks out there confused about proper play of truck unit count in the calculation of AECI division in 4A:2204 attack an Axis unit in
Europa games Imyself once thought as ATEC?‘ Now I could just say 'No' and go on 4A:2205. The example says, 'lf the attack
Charles did unfit John Astell straightened me to the next question. But what prompted this srmeeds, the division, but not the RF could
out. In fact, this question was taken from my question in the first place? It must be the advance after combat‘ The reason the RF
own personal 08A tile specifically because I
special characteristics of trucks as outlined in can not advance is that 4A:2205 is a hex into
suspected there were some who rule 14| that are confusing the player. Trucks which it is not allowed to move. But yet it may
misunderstood the way retreats work. My do not count against stacking (implying 0 attack this hex. Faced with this inconsistency
answer was reconfirmed with John before RES), but are 3 REs in size “for in my theory, should I throw it out the door?
publication and is the correct Europa transportation purposes'. Which NO! I should look at all the exceptions to see if
interpretation. Charles is right when he says characteristic applies when trying to follow there is a rationale for the inconsistencies.
that 'units retreat, not stacks.‘ But the key the covenants of Rule 100‘? A proper answer And most importantly, l should make rulings so
is that the units all retreat simultaneously. should expand on this specific case to include as to limit these exceptions to those cases
The exception is the special case covered in units other than trucks which are treated explicitly stated in the rules.
Rule 14.H.1, paragraph 3, which should not to similarly.
be applied to regular retreat mechanics. Are there other exceptions? Yes, there is the
A more uselul answer would be, 'No, units case of naval gunfire support, where a ship
An important point: All 'Rules Court“ articles which do not have a stacking value are not fires into inland hexes which it may not enter,
are reviewed by John Astetl. This should included in AEC/ATEC calculations.‘ This and there is the case of RR artillery units,
provide a larger degree of confidence than it answer not only responds to the specific Michmaytireintoahexwhidtdoesnot
the rulings appearing in this column were question at hand, but gives players a firm contain a rail line, and therefore is terrain
solely my own judgments. This is not to say guideline to apply to similar cases Mich arise, prohibited to them. Ttre rules specifically
that all rulings which appear here are 100% suchas, 'Do positionMuitscomtinAECI allow this and so these specific exceptions are
last in stone or will not be reexamined it ATEC calcuations?‘ okay. Is there a trend here? Tt-e RFs, ships,
necessary. In fact, there are several past and RR artillery are all mils which deliver
rulings under appeal review even now. And the Havinglaidttisiou'rdation,onemnthenbrrid longrange artillery fire (although the RFs
'rail upgrade by construction engineer" onitfurtherbyapplyingthissamelogicto are somewtat gray in this regard). However,
judgmert in TEN #5 is a prime example ottrercombatmlcdatiorrs'rrvotvirrgREs,br there clearly is logic here, after all. These
where after lurther review a ruling was instanoe,winbrizationAgain,'uitsvmichdo units' firepower can be delivered into the
overturned. But by letting John review nothaveashdrhgvduearenot'nctudedh defenders hex without the units themselves
answers prior to publication, such should be winterization wicdations.‘ Andsoon. needing to be physically present.
kept to a minimum. And in the above case, 'the
play stands'. Here's anotherwsezlhe rulesdo notsayso lnothermses, Ishculddiginmyheelsandhold
explicitly, but they strongly imply that to the concept outlined above, namely, that a
Another item to note: John Astell clarifies combat occurs with‘n the hex occupied by the unit may not attack a hex into which it may not
elsewhere in this issue exactly what defender. Just I) cite two examples to move. Consistent application of this
constitutes 'otiicial Europa'. This support this theory, (1) the battle is interpretation should be applied and
supersedes anything I might have said or affected by the terrain type contained in the reinforced. Can a Rumanian mil in the C
Page 38

weather zone attack an adjacent Soviet unit in
the B weatherzone? Can a partisan unit
attack an adjacent position AA unit which is
outside its operational area? Can a cavalry
unit attack an adjacent enemy unit in the
arctic from zone B? ls it allowed to attack
Finnish units in Friend wh'le Finland is
neutral? The answer to all at these questions
is 'No' because of where Europa combat
oowrs. Again, here is a solid concept players
may use I) resolve many questions which arise
without having to write 'Rules Court.‘

On to this issue's GM!

Europe Basic
- in an HX or EX situation, it the larger sized
force is required to reduce a division to
cadre, must this cadre retreat like those of
the smaller sized force? It so, who retreats
first? (Rule QC)
Careful reading of the HX and EX results
indicates that the instructions for
implementing HX and EX results are split into
two parts: the first part describes what the
side with the lower printed combat strength
(or the defender if both sides are equal)
must do, while the latter part describes what
the player with the larger size force
subsequentlymust do. Notice that only units
in the smaller sized force which are reduced
to cadre must retreat. The attackers cadres
not only don'thave to retreat but they may
advance, if desired.

- l’m still confused about the correct amount

of movement points consumed in overruts ln
TEN #5, this question was asked: 'Does an
overnrnning unit have to pay the MP cost for
leaving the 20C of an enemy mit (in an
adjacent hex) even it the overrunning unit
does not advance into the overnn hex?“ The
answer given was, "Yes, it must pay all the MP
intothehexornot. Regardless ofihe decision
total for the overrun and still have 4 MP5 left
with whichtomove from whicheverhexitthen

Scorched Earth
.Do position AA or truck units affect AEC/
ATEC calculations? (Rule 100)
are not included in AEC/ATECcalculations.
The same is true for ninten‘zation, enginem
arid other combat calarlations involving REs.

- May position AA and truck units advance

alter combat? (Rule 9F2)
Yes, it specifically included in the attack.
(Note thath might subject them to retreat
or even loss.)

rule, swpose a two is drawn, wl'tich causes
Finland to remain neutral. It the Russians later
invade Finland or violate Finnishair space.
what does the war level escalate to? (Rule
Violation of neer air space or invasion of a
neutral country with ground forces is not
allowed by either side within the framework
ofSE. See Rue SIB.

- Do the restrictions placed on units using

admin. movement apply only to the admin.
movemem part of a unit‘s movement. or to all
movement it does that turn it it does any
admin. movement? For example, suppose a unit
moves through three friendly-owned hexes
using admin. movement; could it then switch to
regular movement and begin moving through
enemyowred hexes using the regular
movement rate in the same tum? (Rule SB)
This is mtallouedperthe SErules as
do the airbases of the region gain intrinsic AA
as described

answeris yes.

- When
in Ruie 22At?
Rule 32A2 specifies Bessarabia becomes
part of Rumanla

an NKVD political

NKVD unit eliminated? (Rule HG)

Assuming the attacker has the greater
so the

unit is present in a
defending stack, on what CRT results is the

printed strength, the NKVD is eliminated on a

result of HX, EX, DR (which per Rule 14G
becomes an Eta, andDE. Note mat on a DH
result the NKVD unit may be chosen as part
of the defenders losses, but need not be; i.e.,
NK VD political units do not fall under the
'Required Losses" Rule 9t}.

- May the Soviet player position units in such a

way that they may simultaneowa serve in
both the Turkish and Iranian ganisons? (Rule
A Soviet unit may only be counted as part of
one garrison. Therefore a total of 45 RB is
required to properly garrison/occupy this
border region, until released.

- May the special replacements generated by

isolated Soviet losses which are used to
recruit partisan units be accumulated? (Rule
No, they mustbe spent in the following Soviet
initial phase, as implied by the fact that
fractional brigades are rounded down. This is
important for play purposes, as to allow
partisans to be accumulated opens the door
for a numberofabuses and ahistoriml uses of
the partisan units. (Such as the infamous
'Partisan Insurrection/Offensive" - we'll have
to look at this further in a "Sick Tricks'

- Exactly how long does it take for German

costs, whether it advances or not.‘ Does this written. Note that a clm unit can move admin. Eastem troop conditional reinforcements to
mean an ovemm'ng tn't less to pay movement irrlhe movementphasearxfthenenterenemy— arrive, tour turns or tour initial phases? To
point costs to return from the overrun hex if owned hexes, perform overruns, etc. during be specific, assume Kaunas is captured on Jun
it decides not to advance? (Rule 13) the exploitation phase. Be advised thata ll 41 ; does the reinforcement arrive on Sep |
No, it would nothave to pay MPs to retum revision to the admin. rule is being tested in 41 (4 turns later) or Aug ll 41 (4 initial
from the overrun hex if it did not advance into Second From to allowsomething aim to what phases later)? (Axis OB, page 2)
the hex in the first place. Only those MP costs you die above. The reinforcement arrives on Sep I41, four
required to enter the hex are paid. An turns later.
example, to clarify: Suppose in clear weather - When the engineering niles require a unit to
a 12-10 Gerrnm Panzer division wishes to be 'in supply' to build a tort, a pennanent - May the Soviet 3rd Rifle Brigade in the
overrun an adjacent Soviet unsupported to airfield, or to regauge a rail line, may the Baltic MD reserves deploy in either oi the two
motorcycleregiment in a woods hex, behind an building unit draw supply from either trucks small Baltic islands?
unbridged minor river, and that to enter the or supply points, or must it come from a No, the OB clearly indicates that it must be
hex the Panzerdivision wouldhave to move regular source of supply? (Rule 14A1) deployed on either Hiiumaa or Saaremaa
through the 206 of a Soviet division. The Either case would suffice; it only regular Island. The names of the other two islands, by
Panzer XX would spend 6 MP5 to perform supply were required, the rules would have the way, are as mllows: 13:1015 = Muhu and
the overrun: 2 MP5 for the woods, 2 MP5 for stated this. 18.0715 = Vormsi.
moving through 200, 1 MP for the minor river
hexside, and 1 MP for the 12-1 woman. The - When the Axis regains control of Bessarabia . Our group is having difficulty interpreting
Page 39
the Unit Identification Chan. What is the
correct AEC/ATEC rating (or German
Panzergrenadier units - 'Full, Full, Full' or
'1/2, HQ, Full'?
Letters should be addressed to EXchange,
The text directly to the right of a given unit Dean has indeed updated and expanded
symbol lists the ran‘ous names used to
P.0. Box 2431, Opelika, AL 36801, and his article 'Scorched Earth Without the
describe that symbol. For example, the oval should include the sender's address and North.‘ Anyone who is interested in
'tread' symbol (first on the list) represents telephone number. Not all letters can be obtaining this improved version may
a Tank, Armored, or Panzer unit. The multiple used. Those that are will often be edited receive one by sending a request, along
names reflect the fact that various nations and excerpted. with a self-addressed stamped envelope,
used different nomenclature to describe what to: Editor, P.0. Box 2431, Opelika, AL,
If at first you don‘t succeed... fix it in the 36801.
was basrbally the same unit type: the Soviets
called them Tank units; the Axis Antes, next issue! One victim of TEN 110's
armored; and the Germans, Panzers. The holiday time crunch was the chart which Peter Robbins
semicolon after the word 'Panzer' indicates was to accompany Charles Sharp's
that the next line of text, ”Parachute 'EXchange' letter. To make amends, we I know who in TEN #10 is: It's
Panzer', amlies only to the second symbol on are reprinting part of Charles' letter and fiur 'ihost'
the list. the ParachutePanzer symbol. Only the AWOL chart at the end of this column.
the German name for his unit type is listed CIENSIDIEIEII
Forrest Opper
By Official Secrets Act para 12,
SE to field such a lonnation.
A few months or so ago received some
I subpar 591/2 'Disclosure of
back issues of TEN. In one of these there privilegedinformation to the
of text for the mird symbol on
The first line
pressis unlawful." (See #12)
the chart reads "Light Tank, Light Armored, ' was an article by Dean Wood on playing
FitElSE without the North (TEN #3). Since
and ends wrth a comma. The comma imitates Two additions to Winston Hamilton's
that the word on the next line,
am rather cramped for space, it sounded 'Music for Europa ': First, Dimitri
”Reconnaissance: is merely a third name to like a good idea and so wrote to him
Shostakovitch's 'Leningrad,‘ or 9th
describe that same symbol. Notice the asking for more information. He, like GRID Symphony. Shostakovitch, along with
location of the symbol BETWEEN the two has also done in the past, replied with a other musicians fromthe Leningrad
lines of text to further denote that all three great deal of camaraderie and Symphony Orchestra, worked as an air
words apply to the same symbol. information. was very impressed. The
raid warden and fireman during the siege
point I'm trying to make is that, for the first of Leningrad. He was flown out of
h addition to the symbols and their names, time since began this hobby in '81 or '82, |
Leningrad to conduct the Moscow
chart also lists the AEC/ATEC ratings for feel like belong to something alive. was
premiere of that work. The symphony
me various unit types. These ratings are a 'member' of the National Wargaming takes up two long LP discs, or about the
basedonnalionalityarumsomemses the Association (Kriegsrat), the old American length of the average SE turn.
true frame of the war, and apply to all unit Wargaming Association, and the National
types contained within that section of the Monstergaming Society (Chainof- Or, if you prefer something a bit lighter,
chart. For instance, the ratings for German Command}, but never 'beionged“ to
there is Al Stewan's ‘Roads to Moscow.‘
units in the first section - 'Full, Full, Full' - them, since really couldn't contribute any

apply to all German units bearing either the articles to their newsletters (plus, it A two-LP turn is not the average in these
Panzer or Parachute-Panzer symbol. seemed that whenever wrote a letter to
parts; there must be something to the
the editor, the newsletter folded or theory that music increases productivity,
The AECA, AECD, and ATEC ratings for a changed its name). | now get TEN, of after all !
Panzergrenadierunit are found in the third course. and am a member of the Europa
section of the chart. Since this is a German Association. am absolutely amazed at
Rey Kanorr
unit, its ratings would be those listed in me the amount of information and the good
'All Other' row, namely, '1/2, 1/2, Full.‘ Of gibes. There are very few put-downs or What exactly is Europa T
the units bearing that particular symbol, only negative ('You're not 0.K.') type
Soviet Corps (which the USSR referred to responses. In the vast majority of the print I
have felt for a while that quite a bit of the
as 'Mechanized') are rated 'Full, Full, Full. ' on this wondrous system, I've seen controversies that crop up with regard to
nothing but the healthy exchange of ideas our panicular hobby are involved with the
- Clarification: As stated in A.E. Goodwin's and the gladly accepted building on others' question, misapprehension,
'Touring the Europa Seashore” article in TEN ideas, modifications, and errors. am very
miscommunication, and/or vagueness
#10, when usingFtule 39A, a wusewaymay be impressed and I want to do what can to I
regarding what Europa is. Is it a series of
captured, demolished, and repaired in the help it to continue. 'games' (in the sense of a competitive
same mamerasabridgeacrossamaiorriver. pastime, like contract bridge or
People who sent this question to GDW Well, Forrest, your string is intact. As you backgammon) that happen to share
previously may have received an incorrect have no doubt noticed on the cover of this certain basic constructed equivalencies
answer. issue we have changed our name to the (scale, terrain, movement rates, etc),
Europe magazine. which enable the 'games' to be combined
into a sort of supergame, though the bases
Page 40

(like chess)?

Is it

(plural of basis) of the games may have
only the remotest connection to reality

a visual monograph, or series of

operational maps for various campaigns of
the Second World War as known in
history, more or less straitjacketed into
historical lines, with an invariable historical

visual amusement (like a jigsaw

Is it a
puzzle) or aesthetic pursuit (as mah-jongg,
or more likely. Go, might be)?

an accurate political/economidmilitary
Is it
simulation of the state of Europe at some
time during the 1930's, and progressing
through the mid-1940's, open-ended as to
what might (within reason and capability)
happen or have happened in Europe
during this period of time, and
encompassing all reasonable (which is a
vague judgment that someone will have
to make) alternate possibilities and
outcomes in this geographical area with
and between the nations, territories,
dependencies, and colonies involved (note
that even the use of the term Europe is
stretched to include Northern Africa, the
region known as the Middle East, and in all
ways except territorially, many of the
states of the Americas)?

If it is a 'game,‘ then
anything can be done
does mean that there needs to be some
clear indication given by someone. as to
what part of Europe is a game (are all of
the air factors just rated in relation to each
other, in someone's opinion, and therefore
not necessarily directly related to some
sort of 'reality'?), what part is historical
mandate (if there is no other way in which
something could happen, or in which some
unit could be used, then there should be a
rules prohibition against any alternatives;
if not, then there should not be a
prohibition),what part is visual
amusement (my own thoughts in this
area lean toward units that are 'factored
in', rather than explicitly denoted, but
there are, of course, other possibilities),
and what part of it is political/economic!
military simulator (any number of points
could be indicated here, that being the
nature of something that is open-ended.
The creation of alternative mixes of units,
given different national priorities,
however, seems to be one candidate for
examination, as in: what would the
Germans have had to give up to complete
the naval Z-plan ships?)

Anyhow, this very briefly and superficially

covers what consider to be the stumbling

block to coherent thinking about Europe in

general, any specific Europa title, or Grand
Europe. think that it is the 'real' problem

behind a question like 'What should

constitute an overrun?'. What is the actual,
that concluded that subject have
generated the thoughtful commentary of
fellow Europa players (TEN #10
'EXchange'). It was not my intent, as Rick
Gayler pointed out, to propose solutions,
but rather to frame the issues that should
be debated. To that end, would like to

several of the readers.


respond funher to the comments of

Deen Wood is quite right, believe, when


he states that the counters for the Red

Army represent Soviet deficiencies. The
question is, which deficiencies are
reflected? Many prewar Soviet divisions
are 36. Post June 22 divisions are also 3-
6. The former represented a trained cadre
and in some cases partially trained
manpower recalled to service. Equipment
and logistics were lacking in all Soviet
formations; however, the pre-war
formations were lavish in their training
and equipment compared to the post—
invasion formations. Where is the
deficiency rating?

In reading my article, call attention to the


actual Soviet expectation that the

German attack would occur along the
planned axis of western Belorussia and
the northern Ukraine. It would be
accompanied by one-half the Wehrmacht
(100 divisions) and the Luftwaffe. The
purpose of the existing Soviet deployment
(yes, a straitjacket for both sides) was to
without 'violating' any concept of historical data behind the concept of the outnumber that anticipated German
'historical' parameters, and any 'house overrun as it relates to an exercise with attack by two to one. Hence, 200 Soviet
rule' is as good as any other, and all should two-week split turns (rather than divisions were drawn up to repulsethe
be given equal consideration. simultaneous movement/action), with imagined lesser threat. Now, to question
sequential action (in terms of hex-to-hex the requirement to execute the only
lf it is simply a replay of history, then rules combat), and a defined phase sequence of Soviet plan known by the Red Army
should be promulgated to ensure that a events, given the historical doctrine and troops (an idiot rule to some), while
historical outcome (as far as we know use of various military units with the accepting the deployment that is the basis
history, which is not at all an objective division as a basis from which all factors for that plan, is to exhibit selective denial.
science) is the result every time. are derived? The overall question really Are some requirements better than others
seems to be: how do we define and assign if they happen to suit my taste?
if it is a visual
amusement, then there parameters to all of the factors involved in Victor Hauser correctly states that there is
should be discussion on the most elegant this enterprise? indeed a difference between history and
means (in terms of precision, neatness, historical simulations. My intent in
interest, and simplicity) of accomplishing Well, those are most of my thoughts on indicating actual Soviet doctrine is that
any goal in the exercise. this issue. Sorry for running on so, but I'm many who play this game feel that it quite
geared, in both my personal and accurately delineates history as it was. I

is supposed to be a simulator, then a

If it
professional life toward seeing overall believe, however, that Europe reveals
great deal of work needs to be done in all patterns, rather than singular events. and history as it might have been. This is at
aspects of it, and those areas should be these are much more difficult to discuss. the heart of the issue of which rules are
identified and addressed in a methodical due to the usually sweeping area restrictive or required. The problem is
and exhaustive manner. encompassed. defining the ingredients that go into the
mix. For example, Soviet doctrine in June
Part of what is going on, of course, is that Louis Rotunda 1941 was no great surprise to the German
Europe has elements of all of these things Army. The deployment pattern alone
combined within it. This is not necessarily )
am pleased to see that my article on indicated the expectation for a stiff fight at
a 'bad' thing, but (to my way of thinking) it Soviet warplans (TEN #9) and the remarks the frontier. Indeed, German planning
Page 41

called for the destruction of the Red Army weather, finally slowed the Nazi tactical air strike and using a special abort rule. The
nest of the Dnepr-Dvina river lines. The evolutions on the battlefield to a rate result was that Soviet air power was
campaign issue that arose in late June equal to the Soviet capability. overrun on its fields during the first several
early July was not over the level of fight in turns. This result coincided with history in
the Red Army, but over the strength of the However, just when it seems that Europa some cases.
fled Army beyond the reach of the initial solutions require difficult fixes, along The problem is that German air power
German attacks. My attempt to suggest comes an article like Duane Romfoe's does not seem to exert the result it did in
an alternative to the existing two-turn 'Forward... Marchl' in TEN #10. The real life. Conversely. it seems much too
(surprise and first) hammering of the Red simplicity of the suggestions and the detail effective at the same time. Let me explain
Army does not stereotype the game any with which Romfoe builds his case whatl mean! Williamson Murray has
more than the existing lack of Soviet encourages me to suggest that this rule be examined the German in-service rate for
response to surprise turn attacks. By doing quickly adopted. Yet, the apparent fix on the Luftwaffe. After the opening of the
away with the surprise turn and allowing one side opens a problem on the other. campaign it declined rapidly. At most
the Soviets to execute their plan much as Soviet forces were simply not capable of points in the campaign it was about 50%.
the French-British move into Belgium, executing these maneuvers during the The Soviets were hit even harder by the
much as the British collapse the ltalians in summer-fall. Neither by hasty training nor lack of spare pans and new production.
Africa, or the British dash to Norway, the by logistics support could Soviet forces Rates as low as 254096 were not
game follows the pattern caused by it move to this system. As Romfoe indicates, uncommon. Now don‘t wish to propose

being an operational simulation of an the rule needs to be tempered by existing another logisticalstraitiacket, but air
already existing strategic situation. conditions. Deny this ability to Soviet power doesn't seem as effective as it
infantry the first summer-fall. Indeed, the ought to be if used in force and
Victor is concerned that a German player advance after combat rule could be denied concurrently seems damned too plentiful
who knows that the Soviets will attack to regular Soviet rifle divisions. Since for both sides at all times. So here is
can rig the information to benefit himself. attacks were especially prepared by another suggestion for the weary. Again I

Yes, this is true. However, under the Soviet forces, only Guards and other caution that this needs work. Try a two—
current conditions, Moscow knows the 'elite' units should perhaps possess this phase air system, first a strategic strike
strength. advance rates, targets, and ability. phase, and then a tactical phase. The
weather which will influence the first purpose is not to give you twice the bang
campaign. Moscow further knows on turn i believe this fix
goes to the heart of my for the buck, but rather to make you think
one that its Army can't win at the border. I
argument that Soviet forces have abilities about the uses of the air force. if air power
can assure you that no Soviet general in game terms that did not exist in the real files a strategic and a tactical mission
was privy to any of that information as world. Battle-trained German infantry (that‘s right. two separate missions in the
discussed above. Further, where did we with several campaigns under their belts same tum), roll for attrition labortsl in the
get these victory conditions? Who selected should be expected to perform better than middle of the turn.
Germany's allies for this fight and who raw Soviet recruits. Romfoe uses historical
decided on their level of participation? documentation to represent this point. Meanwhile, German repair rates are
These conditions are all straitjackets for Now I suggest the same. German infantry much too generous. Likewise, Soviet
the German player that were picked from dld perform better in the summer-fall. Not repair (roll = 1) never was that good in the
history - not from simulations. in all cases, but in a great many. That could first summer. These should be devalued,
be attributed to excellent junior officers, perhaps using a two dice table.
Victor is right that my suggestions go to bettertraining, superior logistics, and
the problem of mobility. During my writing better equipment. The combat rating With this approach. air power can do
of Soviet Strategy during the Great covers the obvious, the movement more, but at a penalty. There will be
Patriotic War. one issue continued to recur advantage is also the result of the obvious. plenty of aircraft; they iust won‘t be in-
in Soviet operational conversations during With the Soviet fix, both doctrine and service.
the summer—fall campaign. The problem logistics now have some measure of
centered around the existing German involvement with the cardboard units that Charles Sharp
capabilityto exceed Soviet mobility in the pretend to be the Red Army.
tactical battlefield. Couple this to the ...To add my two cent's worth to
German ability to reorganize and redeploy Finally. i wish to return again to the the “Victory Possibility“ debate: l
their operational forces quicker than the question of the air game. I have read more have to agree with Rotunda, in
Red Army could respond. and the situation comment on the air game than any other that cannot imagine any way the

was created that basically equal strategic element in recent days. During playtesting German military could have
forces were meeting on the operational of both mi and SE. l remarked conquered the Soviet Union.
battlefield at points of decided German oominuously that the masses of Soviet air Now, a German state that had
superiority. Worse, once the Nazi power never intervened to such effect in started real economic mob-
breakthrough occurred, the superior 1941. Charles Sharp's historical ilization for war and kept at it in
German logistics system was allowing deployment and proposed rules that something other than the semi-
their forces to continue advancing faster appeared many years ago in The feudel and slipshod fashion the
than Soviet forces could seal the breach. Grenadier provoked much comment in Nazi state did, and a political
Result: German advances continued to my circle of players. even tried a playtest
leadership that was willing to
occur until losses, logistics, and yes, with the air units deployed for a surprise enlist the Soviet subject peoples
in a real “Crusade Against by 1942 had lost over 50% of its had less than half the tanks and
Communism," might have brought motorized equipment, not very only 2/3 the artillery of the
Stalin's state crashing down. The plentiful in the first place, and the "static' Western theater around
fall would have been as much Panzer formations outside of the Moscow, and less artillery and
from internal stress as external, units specially rebuilt for the men than the defenses around
however, because the German campaign in the south averaged Leningrad and vicinity! Only in air
military alone could not strike less than 70 tanks each. Finally, power was there a significant
deep enough and hard enough to (and also from recent VIZ articles) massing on the StalingradNolga
crush the Soviet forces. the 'massive' counteroffensive at front. Of course, the strategic
Stalingrad that trapped and reserves were shunted south
Just for example, in spite of truly destroyed the spearhead of an after the counteroffensive proved
amazing victories in 1941, the entire German army was a success: but the initial attacks
German Army in Russia was launched by the THIRD largest on 19 November 1942 that
actually weaker in both firepower grouping of Soviet forces at the isolated or destroyed almost 15%
and mobility at the beginning of time (see the attached chart). of the Axis divisions on the
the 1942 campaign than it had eastern front was launched by a
been less than a year earlier! The A glance will show that the relatively modest Soviet force.
average German infantry division Soviet forces around Stalingrad 0
rSTRATEGlc AREA Men Artillery Tanks Aircraft‘
Karelia + 7th Army 340,000 3,931 220 171

Kalinin, West Fronts, and

Moscow Defense Zone 1,890,000 24,682 3,375 1.170

Stalingrad, Don, and

Southwest Fronts 1,103,000 15,501 1 463 928

These figures do not include lhe PVO, VMF, or ADD (Air Defense, Naval. or Long Range Air Forces).

Europafest ll ' Progress Report #1lam happytoreportthatplansforthesecond

Europafest place, and most details are
are in defined. well
items of information
Key follows: are as
Site - the LeBaron Hotel, Dallas Texas
Dates - August 3-5, 1990
Admission - $16 for preregistered attendance; $18 at the door

Europafest ll will take place simultaneously with Dallascon,the annual regional gaming convention. Dallascon will be at the same hotel,
but the Europafest gaming area will be on a separate floor. A Europafest badge will allow access to all Dallascon activities as well, which
will include dealer's room and an auction. hope to have a separate program book as well as the separate badges and playing
area, in

order to underline our own identity.

The gaming area itself will be a large. somewhat irregularly shaped hall. After some experimentation with an automated PC basedlayout
routine, I am confident that we can accommodate some 18 events simultaneously, including 3 Eastern front setups, 2 'War in the Desert'
setups, 2 or 3 Second Front's, and the balance being the smaller games. This includes space for extra tables for the off-map displays as
well asthe tables for the maps themselves. The exact event mix expect will be based on input from participants.

In general, anticipate that the scenarios will be defined by and the games will be provided by you, the participants. expect that my role

will be that of a coordinator who arranges for space needed by players who want to play a particular game, and co—ordinate teams for
the larger events if needed. don't expect to have a dozen different events set up for people walking in to play, because frankly, i don't

expect to find the people locally to help me carry that sort of thing off.
The Dallascon convention hours are roughly 1 PM Friday
to 5 PM Sunday. have a commitment from the Dallascon manager to allow

preregistered Europafest participants access on Friday morning, and a VERY limited number of preregistered folk access Thursday night
for setup of the exceptionally large events. If you need this for your event, contact
me early on.
lhave held out one section of the hall for a banquet area. The current layout accommodates 66 people, maximum, commit
so early to
guarantee a place. expect the banquet to be Saturday evening. Banquet costs are $18 for a prime rib dinner. [See Chan on

reverselPreregistration will be done nationally through the Europa magazine. lwill work with \Mnston in the near future to define the
details. If anyone has specific events in mind to do though, go ahead and contact me now. My mailing address is: 4437 Denver Dr., Plano.
TX75093. Please mark Europafest correspondence as such on the envelope. Regards.

@urohaieét 31110
Site - the LeBaron Hotel, Dallas Texas
Dates - August 3 - 4 - 5, 1990
Admission - $16 for pre-registered attendance;
$18 at the door.
The second Europaiest will be held with John Astell, Rick Gayler, Winston Hamilton.
and many others in attendance. We will have a series of seminars, the famous
Europafeast dinner, Grand Europa Round Table, and other events sandwiched
between some(l) gaming. For more details. read the report in this issue of the
Event map on the reverse of this pre-registration lorm. Fill out this form and return it
to the address listed below. We hope to see you at this convention which is the only
convention held for one wargame system. Space is somewhat limited this year and
we want to make sure that you have a chance to attend. Please take this
opportunity to register for our second convention.


4437 Denver Dr.
Plano, TX 75093.


zlp code

Pre-reglstratlon D $ 16
Our annual Europateast Annual DlnnerD $ 13
dinner this year will be $18
for a Prlme Rib dinner.
Total enclosed $
Page 44

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Origins '90
June 28, 29, 30, & July 1 at the
downtown Hilton, in Atlanta, Georgia
Convention Information (to get advance
registration, and all the rest) just call:
404- 925- 28 13
24 Hours a day!
Atlanta Hilton & Towers reservations can
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[In all frants. ..

Euroga for 1990

Fire III The East
Searched Earth
The llrals
IIaIkan Frant
Far Wham The [Bell ’I‘alls
Secaml Fralnf‘ ‘

' From Gama Dosigners' Workshop, scheduled for later this year.

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