Sessional Examination of 6th Sem All Subjects

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Sessional Examination, March-2022 Department of Electrical Engineering, AKS University, Satna Class: B.Tech 6th; EE Time: 1:30 hrs Subject: EHV AC/DC Transmission Max. Marks: 50 Note: Attempt 5 Questions as per given instruction, each question carries 10 marks. Attempt any Two among Q. No. 1,2,3,4 1. What are the different kinds of DC Links? Draw each of them. 4 Explain the Advantages and Limitations of EHV AC and DC lines. 3. Derive the expression of Power Handling Capacity of HVDC Line. 4. Explain the concept of Firing Angle Control and Overlapping in case COnverter Circuit of HVDC Line. Attempt any Three among Q. No. 5,6,7,8,9 5. Draw the connection arrangement and explain the working of the 6-Pulse converter. 6. Draw the connection arrangement and explain the working of the 12-Pulse converter. 7. Draw and explain the working of TCSC and TCSR. 8. Draw the circuit arrangement of STATCOM and explain its working. Explain the control arrangement of SVC with a proper diagram. AALS ULVLY BINOLL XL, Say) Faculty of engineering and technology Sessional examination-1, March 2022 Class - B.Tech Branh - Electrical enginecting Semester - 6" SEM Subject — Control system Time ~ 1:30 hrs Max Marks ~ 50 Scetion - A (Short Answer type Questions, Any 3) (Bx10) 1, What is control system? Explain with example. 2. Using block diagram reduction technique determine the overall transfer function of the 5 system shown below: Le} 3O— + G, -—3c)e ke 3. Define the term “Transient Response” and “Steady state Response”. 4. What are various types of test signals? Explain. > Section - B (Long Answer type Questions, Any 2) (1x20) 4. Determine the overall transfer function of the signal flow graph shown. below using Manson’s gain formula. g e h 2. Determine the overall transfer function of field controlled and armature controlled DC motor we Mids Tetm-T BTed CEE) Somesten-6 Sigrod and _ Syslero : Short answer pe Ques Hons 4 Define the towns — (org s ) @) Siqnod &) cdlien C2). Con bios Nye Sano) (F) Dicerela Time & 2. Lind wtha, Even and Odd Components % Pew St rod 4) Cost at ep + Cost Snt ° a (bh) tr sint + £3 coat 8 ett aS ; Smite a aw e Px blot TPme neuen and Ample bade, ae votth prope E yor ple. 4. Lyn? : PON Gomme Che ping and AmpUbuds Shifting Lot a SP amp! S. Caltutasz the Aeindarnentol ims peed h nd ndomntred een a Quien S19 no. DY xy = Stnbont ) i ; = Xploun [7otecie and nou + ; Signals with Lxample - ues on OP Gag ty Ey / Vd da Plot the S19 nod ( o JO= 8xGE43) where XC) W shoo 2 h n qr nee) —_f[} 1. ae Long aise oe: Proo whether the Guien sarod wo i al Wave nd mmelai c Sonja) OT al! wav “AsammelAic edhe : ALe) 9 Sabo re + LU 7 | Er ak) (b) / dt ~+t 14 —2 AKS UNIVERSITY, SATNA Faculty of engineering and technology Sessional examination-1, February 2022 Class — B.Tech h — Electrical Engineering Semester — 6" gig Brancl Subject — Electrical Drive Time Shoes Max Maris 50 Short type question(Any three) Q.1 Draw and explain the basic topology of an electric Drive. Q.2 What are active loads and Passive load? Explain it with example. Q.3 Explain Classification of load torque. 0.4 A motor drives have two loads. one has rotational motion. Its coupled to the motor through a reduction gear with =0.1 and efficiency of 90%%.The load has a moment of inertia of 10 kg-m? and a torque of 10 N-m Other load has translational motion and consists of 1000kg weight to be lifted up at an uniform speed of 1.5 m/s. coupling between this Icad and the motor has an efficiency of 85%. Motor has inertia of 0.2 kg-m*and runs at a constant speed of 1420 rpm. Determine equivalent inertia referred to the motor shaft and power developed by the motor. 2 Que: nlAny one} Q.1 Describe the steady state stability of an electric drive. Q.2A motor load system consists of two gears deiermine the equivalent moment of inertia referred to the motor. Q.3 What are reasons for using load equalization in an electric in electric drive. B.Tech EE Sixth Semester Examination, March 2022 Subject: - Electrical estimating and costing Time Duration: Max. Marks- 50 :30hour : Not Sort Answer Type Questions: (Any Five) Q.1What is estimating Why it is essential before starting a project. I Q.2 Write important characteristic of a good estimator. Q.3 What is the objective of purchase department? Q.4 Draw the Proforma of comparative statement. Q.5 What information is given in a quotation by the supplier? Q.6 Write down merits and demerits of cleat wi Sectio Long Answer Type Question 4 Q.1 Describe various type of wiring, Compare them. ; Or i i i 0.8 and Calculate the starting current for a 15 HP, 415V squirrel cage induction motor -Take p-f. e (Any one) efficiency as 0.9. B. tech EE sixth Semester Examination, March 2022 M&M Time Duration: 1:30hour : Max. Marks- 50 Note: - Attempt all questions. Sort Answer Type Questions: (Any Three) ion-A 1. Write a short note on evolution of microprocessor. 2. What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller? 3, What do you mean by addressing modes? Expiain. 4. Explain flag register of 8086 microprocessor. fe Section -B Long Answer Type Question: (Any one) 1. Draw the architecture of 8085 microprocessor and explain function of each block. 2. Draw the pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain function of each pin.

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