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A Feasibility Study Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Business Administration

Sacred Heart College, Lucena City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Finance Management

Lady Louise C. Constantino

Mae Fern Jane R. Gonzales

Deanne Lorraine V. Guinto

Laica R. Marquez

June 2023



MANUFACTURING IN LUCENA CITY” prepared and submitted by
RESEACHERS is partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree. BACHELOR
MANAGEMENT has been presented and passed the panel examination.



Approved by the panel examination committee with quantitative grade of _______%







Approved and passed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management


Dean, College of Business Administration


Title Page …………………………………………………………………………….…i

Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………………………ii
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………...…...iii-iv
List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………….....v-vi
List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………….vii


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………1


Business Name ………………………………………………………………….
Business Logo …………………………………………………………………..
Business Tagline………………………………………………………………...
Business Location……………………………………………………………….
Product Name & Product
Business Structure……………………………………………….………………
Vision Statement ………………………………………………….……. ……...
Mission Statement …………………………………………….….……………..
Goals & Objectives …………………………………………………...... ………
Core Values………………………………………………………………………
Competitive Position…………………………………………………………….


Marketing Objectives……………………………………………………………
Target Market……………………………………………………………………
Demand Analysis………………………………………………………………...
Supply Analysis………………………………………………………………….
S.W.O.T Matrix ………………………………………………………………... 
Marketing Mix…………………………………………………………………..
Competitors Analysis ………………………………………………………..….


Management Objectives
Gantt chart ……………………………………………………………………….
Form of Business Ownership ………………………………………………….. ..
Business Operating Hours ……………………………………………………... ..
Organizational Structure ……………………………………………………….. 
Job Description & Qualification………………………………………………….
Compensation and Benefits …………………………………….……………….
Company Policies and Procedures………………………………………………
Legal Requirements……………………………………………………………...
Technical Objectives…………………………………………………………..
Project Layout…………………………………………………………………
Business Processes…………………………………………………………….
            Production Process…………………………………………………………….
            Sales Process…………………………………………………………………...
Equipment and Supplies………………………………………………………..
Company Uniform………………………………………………………………
Waste Disposal Method…………………………………………………………

Letter to Customer
Letter to Business
Questionnaire to
Questionnaire to Business


Figure 2.1. Business Logo

Figure 2.2. Store Location

Figure 2.3. Manufacturing Site and Head Office

Figure 2.4. Map

Figure 3.1. SWOT Analysis

Figure 3.2. Packaging

Figure 3.3. VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corp. Distribution Channel

Figure 3.4. Tarpaulin

Figure 3.5. Flyers

Figure 3.6. Social Media Advertisement

Figure 3.7. Free Taste Stall

Figure 3.8. Freebies

Figure 4.1. Organizational Chart of VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corp.

Figure 4.2. Hiring and Recruitment Process

Figure 4.3. Sanitation Process

Figure 4.4. Business Application Process with Legal Requirements

Figure 4.5. SEC Business Name Registration

Figure 5.1. Floor Plan of VRRC Manufacturing Site and Head Office

Figure 5.2. Floor Plan of VRRC Store Location

Figure 5.3. Exterior Layout of VRRC Store Location

Figure 5.4. Interior Layout of VRRC Store Location

Figure 5.5. Exterior Layout of VRRC Manufacturing Site and Head Office

Figure 5.6. Interior Layout of VRRC Manufacturing Site and Head Office

Figure 5.7. Procurement Process Flow Chart of VRRC Manufacturing Site

Figure 5.8. Production Process Flow Chart of VRRC Manufacturing Site

Figure 5.9. Sales Process Flow Chart of VRRC Physical Store

Figure 5.10. Sales Process Flow Chart of VRRC Physical Store Via Call

Figure 5.11. Sales Process Flow Chart of VRRC - Foodpanda

Figure 5.12. Manufacturing Site Uniform

Figure 5.13. Store and Head Office Uniform

Figure 5.14. Other Staff Uniform

Figure 5.15. Waste Disposal


Table 2 Product Offering

Table 3.1 Product Description

Table 3.2 Packaging Cost

Table 3.3 Cost-Plus Pricing

Table 3.4 Cost of Advertisement Strategies

Table 4.1 Timeline of VRRC Activities

Table 4.2 Manufacturing Site Business Hours

Table 4.3 Head Office and Store Location Business Hours

Table 4.4 Salaries of Employees

Table 4.5 Labor Cost: Employee (Monthly)

Table 4.6 Labor Cost: Employee (Yearly)

Table 4.7 Labor Cost: Employer (Monthly)

Table 4.8 Labor Cost: Employer (Yearly)

Table 5.1 Cost Per Unit

Table 5.2 Electricity Consumption Projection

Table 5.3 Conversion of Water from Gallons to Cubic Meters

Table 5.4 Annual Cost of Water Consumption

Table 5.5 Water Consumption Projection

Table 5.6 Computation of 5-year Projection of Telephone and Internet Connection




Freshly produced products are still in demand in the market. Entrepreneurs are the

important individuals who gives answers to these consumers’ need. Usually, they form a

business if they believe that they can provide solutions and be profitable and successful in

the field. A feasibility study is a meticulous analysis of a company and its operations to

forecast the outcomes of a specific future sequence of activities. Conducting this study

can be effective for a start-up corporation especially in making an impactful decision.

First-time business owners are recommended to conduct a feasibility study to uncover the

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and minimize them. This will reduce the

potential risks that the business will face in the years ahead. Most importantly,

entrepreneurs can avoid net loss in the long run.

The name of the business is VRRC Noodles Manufacturing in which it belongs to

the manufacturing type of business industry. As stated in Investopedia (2022), the term

manufacturing refers to the processing of raw materials or parts into finished goods

through the use of tools, human labor, machinery, and chemical processing.

Manufacturing allows businesses to sell finished products at a higher cost than the value

of the raw materials used. Large-scale manufacturing allows for goods to be mass-

produced using assembly line processes and advanced technologies as core assets.

Efficient manufacturing techniques enable manufacturers to take advantage of economies

of scale, producing more units at a lower cost.

Some Filipinos only eat rice especially when money is not enough for viands to

go along with rice during meals. A cup or two of rice and a serving of protein such as fish

or meat which cost not beyond a hundred peso (PHP 100) can sustain the body longer

than any bread or salad which costs way more as supported by Patrick (2021). As they

say, rice is life. Nonetheless, people are still in a search of a food that can be a substitute

to rice which is low cost and can make a person full.

Noodles are known as a subsidy for rice especially for Asian community. As

supported by Hou and Niu (2020), noodles are one of the most important traditional

staple foods in Asia. Noodles are usually made from unleavened wheat dough and are

stretched, extruded, or rolled, and then cut into varying shapes in which noodles account

for approximately twenty to fifty percent (20-50%) of the total wheat consumed in Asia.

The popularity of noodles has also stretched to many nations outside of Asia.

Noodles are known to be originated in East Asian country, China which is

supported by Mehra (2018). She said noodles believed to have originated in China, as

‘Bing’, during the early rule of the Han Dynasty. Noodles were then diversified by

evolution and the experimentation of supplementary shapes and cooking methods.

There are many types of noodles according to Leanne Kitchen (2020). There are

different classifications such as wheat noodles, egg and alkalized noodles, buckwheat

flour noodles, rice noodles, starch-based noodles and other more noodles. To expound

one, there is what we called “egg and alkalized noodles” wherein hokkien, ramen, you

mian, lo mian and yi mian are in this category.

As mentioned by Japan Guide (2021), typical ramen noodles are long and elastic,

but countless varieties exist that vary from thin and straight to thick and wavy. Instant

ramen is a favorite among students and even those who are working. As supported by

The Daily Californian (2020), it is a classic college student go-to when desiring some

relief through food and this can sometimes get boring when you only use the flavored

powder packet. Ramen noodles is usually partnered up with various ingredients.

According to Merriam-Webster (2022), it is a quick-cooking egg noodles usually served

in a broth with bits of meat and vegetables. However, ramen noodle nowadays is not only

limited in a broth, it can be revolutionized according to one’s desire and taste.

Pandemic happens and restrictions in different areas are still mandated. Fernandes

(2020) stated that many would agree that instant noodles are a lockdown favorite in every

kitchen. She added that it is yummy and comforting. During the lockdown, people on

various social media as supported by Honey Kitchen (2021), makes diverse ramen

recipes one can make at home. The possibility is endless as long as it will satisfy one’s

needs or wants.

The project proponents build a corporation in order to provide a freshly made

ramen noodles, mainly in the City of Lucena. One of the many reasons of why the

proponents establish this kind of business is to solve the problem of people who wants to

have a substitute for rice especially people who are busy in this new normal. The
proponents would like to provide a good alternative that is flexible and can fuel a

person’s stomach like a rice would be. It will not contain harmful preservatives unlike

most things that are advertised today.



Business Name

The proposed business name is VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation

wherein VRRC stands for the project proponents’ middle initials in honor of their

mothers. In the project proponents’ respective household, their mothers are usually the

ones who buy the groceries and cook for the family. Like mothers, VRRC is a

corporation that will be there as a part of every family specifically as part of their meals.

Added to this, mothers are present in all generations. VRRC also sought to be part of

every generation whom is not only for mothers but also for anyone who needs an easy to

cook food. The proponents wanted to share the experience of ease and enjoyment through

this project.

Business Logo

Figure 2.1. Business Logo

The proponents design a business logo that is simple yet classic for all

generations. Since one of the proponents’ techniques in memorizing school lessons are by

using acronyms, they decided to implement it in their business as they wanted to leave a

mark in every person. The logo presents a bold font to accentuate the acronym while use

a thin font for the kind of industry and organization they are in for easier distinguishment

between the name and its industry. The proponents wanted to make sure that the all-

product details including the logo is straightforward and unconfusing at first glance to

satisfy all generations.

The color of choice in the used font is dark gray for an additional gentle polish

look. The right triangle displays the color yellow to embody the color of noodles and

happiness in every ease and eating. On the other hand, the white background embodies

the cleanliness of the noodles manufacturing location. Having together the yellow and

white background, the font color naturally pops up with its overall good contrasting ratio.

Similar to mothers, the proponents care for people who are not into bright colors but still

wanted to see clearly the details while still appreciating the total design. That is why the

proponents use a color palette that is light yet well-defined.

The right triangle in the background represents that the product will be a right or

good choice when it comes to buying a noodle. Having three lines intersected, the

proponents hope that their product, noodle, will cross paths with cooking experts,

ordinary and busy people or the people who cooks in their household and beginners in


The line that has two square endpoints represents a dumbbell. It is a reminder for

proponents to stay strong and competitive in the business field. It is also a reminder for

busy people and beginners who wants to try the proponents’ product to not worry since

the product can still give the energy they want instead of rice. The line is made to be long

for the proponents to see that the business field is a long battle and one must be ready for

any ups and downs.

The project proponents use a square logo to connote that the project is made

inside the proponents’ four-cornered room which also connotes that anything can

possibly come to life as long as time is invested.

Business Tagline

“The Fuel You Needed” is the VRRC’s business tagline. The proponents are also

consumers who wanted to solve the problem of what kind of meal to cook instead of rice

especially for busy people. That being the case, the VRRC will create products that are

fast and flexible when it comes to cooking and gives one a fuel after eating. Surely time

might pass but the demand for noodles is still in. As a result, the proponents decided to

have uncooked ramen noodles as their product. Added to this, the product is convenient

to purchase and is freshly made. However, change is constant and inevitable. The project

proponents pledge to adapt in the ongoing and future demands and conditions to support

the tagline of “The Fuel You Needed”.

Business Location

Figure 2.2. Store Location

The proposed store location is along Merchan Street, Lucena City. It is in front of

Boardwalk and it is also near the Public Market. The proponents chose this location for

its convenience since it can be reached by public transportation and for its market since it

is near the main Public Market. The proponents will rent the ground floor and it is

approximately PHP 15, 000 per month with approximately twenty-one (21) square meters

(6m x 3.5m).

Figure 2.3. Manufacturing Site and Head Office

The proposed noodles manufacturing site and head office is located along Pan-

Philippine Highway, Lucena City. It is near Total Gas Station and ACES Building. The

proponents chose this location for its accessibility to suppliers since it is near from the

transportation going in and out of Lucena City. The location is also good for labor and

sourcing of equipment and other needs of the site from in and outside Lucena City and

from other cities in Quezon or even Luzon. The land will be bought for construction and

is approximately five hundred (500) square meters excluding the distance from the road

and distance of the floor area from the sides and rear. The land will approximately costs

five digits per square meters and the construction will approximately cost more than a


Figure 2.4. Map

Product Name and Description

VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation proudly introduce their product

name, VV Ramen Noodles. The name VV stands for vigor and versatile. According to

Oxford Learner's Dictionary (2022), vigor denotes energy while versatile denotes having

able to do many different things. In relation, the proponents wanted to put their vigor in

their product and be able to pass the vigor to the people who will buy the product through

consumption. Added to this, the proponents would love the consumers to feel the

versatility or flexibility of the product since the consumers can experiment or use the

noodles the way they want it.

Table 2

Product Offering

Product Description

VV Ramen Noodles is a versatile product that

can give you the vigor and the fuel you

needed. You only need to boil water that is

enough to cover the noodles. Pour the noodles

into the boiling water. Occasionally stir for

even cooking. Wait 3-5 mins. or until you get

your desired texture of noodles. You can

drain it and mix it with your chosen add-ons

and you can also add it to your soup base.

Business Structure

VRRC Noodles Manufacturing is a type of corporation. The proponents established a

corporation to look for investors that will support their business’ success. The profits they

will earn will be used for the improvement of their products and their organization as

well as for giving back to the society.

The CEO will receive the highest numbers of shares among employees while the rest

of the members’ shares will be divided based on their contributions to the company. The

liabilities of the company will be separated from their personal accounts and the

dividends will be distributed according to the shares they own.

Vision Statement

To be the number 1 manufacturer of freshly-made ramen noodles in the


Mission Statement

VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation aims to be a renowned noodle used

by most Filipino noodles-based dish. The proponents are dedicated to provide a freshly

made noodles for every Filipino home and generation. Their purpose is to deliver ramen

noodles that will make every Filipinos life easy and effortless. They will acquire their

raw materials from local stores and maximize the use of available resources in Quezon

Province through coordinating with local suppliers.

Goals and Objectives

 To obtain customer satisfaction by receiving positive feedback and additional

orders in span of one (1) month after launch

 To be sustainable and profitable business in twelve (12) months after launch

 To gain profit and give back to the society in twelve (12) months after launch

 To be a known brand of freshly made ramen noodles in three (3) years

 To be the top provider of freshly made ramen noodles in the Philippines in five

(5) years

 To export the proponents’ product in different parts of the world in ten (10) years

Core Values

Effective Communication and Long-term Relationship

Healthy work environment and relationship among workers in the company

especially in operations can improve the company’s production. Employees will feel at

ease when working and it can boost their work efficiency.

Commitment to Operation Process

Employees devoted their time and expertise in producing products that are above

the standards and will meet the customers’ demands.

Dedication to Performance Enhancement

Monitoring the current skills of employees and offering trainings that could help

them improve their knowledge and performance is vital to company’s operation and


Product Innovation

Steady release of new ideas from the greatest minds in the company to

consistently exceed customers’ expectations.

Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility

Promoting activities that are designed to answer the various issues of the society

for a better society and well-being.

Competitive Position

VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation is different from other companies for

VRRC is sensitive with issues of the society. As a corporation, the proponents aim to

address and response to these issues by increasing the choices of consumers, minimizing

unemployment and help the society as a whole. The corporation, after twelve months of

good operations and profit, plans to give a part of their earnings to assist people in need

and the environment. VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation will continuously

innovate and will only give products that will help ease concerns of consumers.

The unique selling points of VV Ramen Noodles is its catchy name, on-the-go

packaging, great content, accessibility and affordability. The name, VV is easy to

remember since it involves two letters with one letter repeating. It is made with the high-

quality raw materials sourced from the province of Quezon. Ramen noodles is known to

fuel and comfort people from all around the world especially in the lockdown as

supported by Fernandes (2020) living up to the business tagline “The Fuel You Needed”.

Experimenting and adding ingredients may also make it better for your health as

supported by Healthline (2022). Added to these, it is sold in an easy-to-find location in

Lucena City and can be delivered right at the customer’s doorstep via call and Foodpanda




In this chapter, the proponents will give further details about the marketing

objectives, target market, demand and supply analysis, demand analysis, methodology,

market analysis, supply analysis, projected sales, S.W.O.T. matrix, marketing mix

strategies, and competitors analysis of the business.

Marketing Objectives

1. To gain one hundred (100) loyal customers each month.

2. To reach 10,000 visitors in Facebook through advertisement.

3. To receive 5,000 orders via call from the store location within a month.

4. To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the further

development of the business.

5. To increase sales performance by 50% by the end of 2024.

Target Market

The target market are the residents of Lucena City who are working from home,

having an online class, and staying at home. The store is situated in Barangay 5, Lucena

City. It is a convenient place since it can be reached by public transportation and it is near

the main Public Market wherein the target market will have easy access on buying the


The potential customers of the manufacturing business are students, employees,

walk-ins, parents, ages from 18-35 years old.

Demand and Supply Analysis

Demand Analysis

As reported by Malaya Business Insight (2021), the instant noodle market in the

Philippines is estimated to hit $1.16 billion by 2025, a 6.8 percent compounded growth

from an estimated $832.2 million value in last year.

The figures are part of a study commissioned by Monde Nissin Corp. as part of

the prospectus for its initial public offering set to roll between May 24 and 28. It eyes to

be listed by June 7, 2021.

Based on the market study conducted by market research firm Euromonitor, the

instant noodles market in the Philippines grew a compounded 10.2 percent in the last five

years, 2016 to 2020, valued at $565.2 million in 2016. Per capita spending for instant

noodles is at $7.6 last year, “lower than other Asian countries like Indonesia ($11.1) and

Thailand ($9).

Figures from the World Instant Noodles Association meanwhile has put the

Philippines’ instant noodles demand at 4.47 billion servings as of last year, ranking the

country at 7th in its list. Monde Nissin is confident given the relatively low per capita

consumption of noodles in the Philippines compared to other Asian markets, there

remains a room for growth in the instant noodles market. Monde Nissin is a leading

manufacturer of instant noodles in the Philippines, through its brand Lucky Me.

The company is looking to raise about P55.89 billion by issuing to the public 3.6

billion shares covering the firm shares and another 540 million shares for the green shoe

option, at an offer price of P13.50 apiece. The company said the proceeds will be used to

fund capital expenditures, and redemption of obligations.

Market research firm Nielsen said the company enjoys a 68 percent retail sales

market share in the Philippines as of 2020. It is also into biscuit and beverage

manufacturing in the Philippines.

In accordance with The Daily Californian (2020), students really do rely on this

classic college staple. Sometimes it’s nice to put a fun spin on it and do a “spicy ramen”

challenge. For those of you who have no time to waste, you know you can always trust

instant ramen to keep you full for at least a couple of lectures. Another great thing about

instant ramen is its versatility. Put on your chef’s hat and cook a li’l egg to elevate your

ramen to new heights. The endearing part of some instant ramen or noodles is the little

packet of dried veggies. The ones that come with a separate packet of sesame seeds never

fail to make you feel extra fancy.

As stated in the article Nutrition Research and Practice (2017), the preference for

instant noodles is particularly strong among college students, with time or financial

constraints. It has been reported that among adults of all age groups, younger adults aged

20-49 years, consume greater amounts of instant noodles (22.2 g/d) than those aged 50-

64 years.

Pursuant to Daily Californian (2022), although it began as a luxury food, instant

ramen has taken quite a turn since then. With the average packet costing a consumer only

13 cents, you could eat three square meals a day for an entire year for just $142.65. To

put that into perspective, an average American spends $6,372 a year on food — eating
ramen would reduce that to about 3 percent of the average cost. Due to its affordability,

ramen is often called “gakusei ryori,” or “student food,” in Japan, and start-ups earning

just enough for the founders to survive are known to be “ramen profitable.”


Supply Analysis

According to Instant Noodles Industry in Philippines: Analysis of Growth, Trends

and Forecast (2017-2022), Philippines is one of the most favorable Instant Noodles

markets in the world. Being an East-Asian nation, Philippines have absorbed the instant

noodles idea and created a big market for this fast food. Philippines has an emerging

instant noodles market with popular brands in the world. Nissin foods is the biggest

player in industry with a market share of more than 60% in 2014. Philippines is ranked

9th in terms of quantity of units/packets sold in 2014 with a world’s share of 2.7%.

High tourist inflow is a major factor for the growth of instant noodles in the

country. Instant Noodles market matured in Philippines over the years and is divided into

many players. Global demand of instant noodles reached 102.75 billion units in 2014

making Philippine’s contribution around 2.7% of world’s consumption.

Philippines is a disaster-prone country because of which most people tend to save

money for future and consume and store food which can be easily cooked during

calamity. Instant noodle is a marvelous option in times of troubles as it can be cooked


Growing youth segment and increasing working population, rising incomes and

rising purchasing power, higher brand consciousness, changing consumer preference,

growing urbanization and increase in number of middle-class populations are the biggest

drivers in the growth of Instant Noodles industry of Philippines. Also, lack of time, fast

paced life and changing food preferences are also helping Instant Noodles sector to grow

in Philippines.

Instant Noodles Industry in Philippines unlike other developing countries is

matured in nature and is largely controlled by few Cooperatives and Independent Instant

Noodles companies. Street markets and supermarkets play an important role in the Instant

Noodles industry of Philippines as most of the population does their shopping here.

Philippines has decent arable area and moderate population with appropriate

climate and water for cultivation of wheat and other crops used in instant noodles. Local

market of Philippines is strong and possess an opportunity to export to other countries as


Apart from Nissin, major brands which successfully gained a market share is

Lucky me. There are many brands available in Philippines and the market is still open for

any new entry with smart product. Recently Maggi has been banned in India and many

other countries, which have impacted Chinese market to an extent. Philippine market is

almost unaffected by this move, because of low presence of Maggi in Philippines market.

As stated in Market Research (2019), the Philippines Pasta & Noodles market

offers opportunities to the marketers owing to presence of a large base of young and

working population leading a busy life in the country who prefer to consume food

products which takes less preparation time such as Pasta & Noodles

The Philippines Pasta & Noodles market is forecast to register growth at a CAGR

of 7.6% during 2014-2019. Dried & Instant Noodles will remain the largest category

while Dried Pasta is forecast to be the fastest growing category with a CAGR of 9.7%

during 2014-2019.

The Philippines Pasta & Noodles market is led by domestic players such as

Monde Nissin Corporation, RFM Corporation, and international players such as Nissin

Food Holdings Co. Ltd. And Del Monte Foods. Food price inflation is high in the

Philippines at 5.5% which resulted in the rising demand of value for money Pasta &

Noodle products in the country

Hypermarkets & Supermarkets distributed about 70.0% of the Pasta & Noodle

products in the Philippines during 2011-2014.

In line with the Daily News (2018), while China's rapidly advancing economy has

allowed a great variety in diet across the country, one particular treat remains the

undisputed king - instant noodles.

China consumed 42.5 billion packets of instant noodles last year, according to the

World Instant Noodle Corporation, a number which accounts for nearly 43 percent of the

total amount of the product that was devoured worldwide.

In simple layman's terms that mean more than 100 million packs of instant

noodles are eaten in China each day. The surprising fact, though, is that per capita

consumption of instant noodles was claimed to be 32 packets a year in China, which

came in as less than South Korea (69 packets), Indonesia (63) and Japan (39.9).

Projected Sales

S.W.O.T. Matrix

Strengths Weaknesses
 Freshly-made noodles  Longevity of fresh noodles vs other
 Noodles does not contain harmful packed noodles
preservatives  Cost Reduction
 Only business that offers fresh  New face in the market
ramen noodles in the area.  Accessibility for other cities
 Easy to obtain raw materials  Substitute food
 Location of the store, head office
and manufacturing site

Opportunities Threats
 Growing market  Competition in the market
 Possibility of more noodle variation  Material and supply shortage
 Possibility of developing  Market trends
seasonings for noodles  Natural and man-made calamities
 Noodles as people’s favorite  Pandemic/Disease
 Expansion of the business

Figure 3.1. SWOT Analysis

The figure above presents a thorough view of the company’s fundamental

strengths and weaknesses, hypothetical opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis

examines both internal and external factors that could hold the business back or could

serve as stepping-stone for the business’ success.


The strengths of the company make them unique and provide advantage among

their competitors. The company’s strengths mentioned above are the quality of noodles.
The noodles are produced and sold within the day to ensure the freshness of the noodles.

They are only the business that offers fresh ramen noodles in the area. The raw materials

are easy to obtain since all the suppliers are mostly from the Public Market. The noodles

do not contain harmful preservatives which will suit health-conscious customers. The

location of the store is accessible to customers since it is near the public transportation

and the public market. The head office and the manufacturing site are also within the City

and the delivery of the products will be quick and convenient.


Weaknesses in the business cannot be avoided, however, they could be improved

through time and experience. One of the company’s weaknesses is the longevity of fresh

noodles against other packed noodles. The proponents’ noodles do not use preservatives

hence, the shelf life of the noodles will be cut short.

Being a new face in the market means less customers and brand awareness of

their product. This could lead to a few months of low income due to few customers and

the cost of production. Another weakness would be the company’s reputation in other

cities. Since they are a new company, they cannot access and gain customers from other

cities. Lastly, noodles are not the staple food and being a substitute for rice will be

challenging to promote to potential customers who love to eat rice every meal.


Every business has opportunities to grow and improve their business. Some of the

opportunities of ramen noodles is the possibility of more noodle variations and the

development of seasonings for noodles. This would attract more customers because of the
options they will have in choosing what kind of ramen noodles they will eat. The

customers’ preference will be satisfied and the market will grow. Subsequently, noodles

could become people’s favorite food and it would result to the expansion of the business.


Not being able to control the external factors of the business will pose a great risk

but predicting them would make a huge change in facing uncontrollable challenges. The

business’ threats are the competition in the market, material and supply shortage, market

trends, natural and man-made calamities, and the pandemic/ disease. It is already known

that the business will have a hard time entering and competing in the market. They are

considered as “rookies” in the market and they are currently lack awareness when it

comes to market trends. Material and supply shortage are another threat for the business

and if faced, it could lead to loss of customers due to unsatisfied demand. Natural and

man-made calamities such as typhoon and earthquake are common occurrence in the

different location of the business. This could be a hindrance in their operations. Pandemic

or disease is the greatest challenge that the business would face. Amidst the new normal,

there are rules and regulations that the business needs to follow in order to operate their


Marketing Mix

In this part, the proponents will present strategies that will help the business to be

known and more profitable. Like other departments, marketing needs funds in order to

operate. These funds will be used to promote and advertise the products and the business

itself. It might be costly at first but it will be beneficial in the long run. The details
regarding the marketing strategies which are categorized as product, price, place and

promotion are listed below.

Product Strategy

VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation offers products that are already tested

by the proponents before its release. The corporation will only offer products with good

quality accompanied with great service.

Product Description

The first product offering of VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation is

freshly made from scratch.

Table 3.1

Product Description

Product Description Price

VV Ramen Noodles is

freshly made from scratch

with no harmful 300 grams for

preservatives. This product PHP 69

helps you fuel your body in

order to function according

to your needs.

The table above presents the photo of the product, the description of the product

and its net weight and price. VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation offers 300grams

of product for PHP 69. The brand name and trademark will be registered at IPO online.

Packaging Strategy

The packaging strategy is essential for the product to be delivered as physically

pleasing and physically compact. Eye-catching packaging will surely boost customers

and will help them remember the brand. The packaging information needs to be clear and

complete thus, the packaging label includes the name of the product, name of the

manufacturing, short description of the product, cooking instructions, ingredients and

warnings, net weight and the place where it is manufactured.

Figure 3.2. Packaging

Table 3.2

Packaging Cost

Size Unit Cost Number of Annual Cost


7 x 4 inches 150 pcs/day 7.83 312 PHP

Total PHP

The packaging has two layers. First is the cling wrap and second is the paper meal

box with packaging label sticker. The cling wrap is available at Miki Mart Lucena which

will cost PHP 0.83 per unit while the paper meal box will be ordered through Lazada

which will cost PHP 3 per unit. The printed sticker will be printed by the head office

which will cost PHP 4 per unit.

Pricing Strategy

According to Lumen (2022), cost-based pricing is the easiest way to calculate

what a product should be priced at. The website also shares that it appears in two forms:

full cost pricing and direct-cost pricing. Full cost pricing takes into consideration both

variable, fixed costs and a % markup while direct-cost pricing is variable costs plus a %

markup. VRRC Noodles will use cost-plus pricing as it is easy to calculate and does not

need much information as supported by Lumen (2020). The steps in computing using the

cost-plus pricing are listed below:

Step 1: Identify the fixed and variable cost and add it to get the total cost

Step 2: Divide the total cost by the number of units to get the total unit cost.

Step 3: Multiply the unit cost by the markup percentage to get the selling cost and

the profit margin of the product.

Table 3.3

Cost-Plus Pricing

Raw Materials Cost Per Unit

Fixed Cost:

Indirect Material Cost 7.83

Variable Cost:

Direct Material Cost 35.11

Total Cost Per Unit 42.94

Mark-up Ratio 60%

Unadjusted Selling Price 68.70

Adjusted Selling Price 69.00

Distribution Channel

The distribution channel will start from the manufacturing site going to the store

location and ending up at customer’s hands. The product will be delivered by the driver

and will be delivered using the white vehicle of the business.

VRRC Manufacturing Site

VRRC Store Location


Figure 3.3. VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corp. Distribution Channel

Promotional Strategies

In the business field, the company needs strategies to publicize their products and

their company itself. Identifying the target market and promotional strategies will help

the company to boost and attract customers. There are different campaigns that can be

used to promote the business. VRRC will use tarpaulins, flyers, social media, free taste

stall and freebies as tools for advertising.

Figure 3.4. Tarpaulin

Figure 3.5. Flyers

Figure 3.6. Social Media Advertisement

Figure 3.7. Free Taste Stall

Figure 3.8. Freebies

Table 3.4

Cost of Advertisement Strategies

Program Size Pieces Cost Annual Cost

Tarpaulin 3x2 ft 20 90 1,800

Flyers 200 4 800

Social Media


Free Taste 100 100 15,200

with stall

Freebies 100 70 7,000

Total PHP 24,800

The table presents the advertisement strategies and its costs. It includes tarpaulin,

flyers, social media advertisement, free taste and freebies. The tarpaulin will be placed

near overcrowded places and establishments. The flyers will be given around Lucena

City by the employees of the business. The social media advertisement will be the

responsibility of the marketing department. The two free taste stalls will be far from the

store location while the freebies will be given in the store location. The total cost of

advertisement is PHP 24,800.

Competitors Analysis

There will always be competition in the world of business. There are different

types of market structure such as perfect competition, monopolistic competition,

oligopoly and monopoly as supported by Toppr (2022). Knowing what type of

competition, the business is in and who are the competitors is important for the business

to survive in the field.



In this chapter, the proponents will deal with the organization, wherein they will

identify management objectives, create a Gantt chart or the timeline of activities,

enumerate reasons for establishing a corporation, schedule business operating hours,

divide work functions through organizational chart, construct job description and

qualification, calculate compensation and benefits, structure company policies and

procedures and specify legal requirements.

Management Objectives

 To offer the good compensation and benefits to employees

 To prepare commodious work environment to all employees

 To launch a plan to hire new recruits from universities and job fairs

 To unlock the employees’ full potential and train newly hired employees

 To recognize the employees’ performance and achievements within the company

Gantt Chart

Table 4.1

Timeline of VRRC Activities

Activities 2 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J
0 A E A P A U U U E C O E A E A P A U
2 N B R R Y N L G P T V C N B R R Y N
2 2 2
3 4

Feasibility Study

Finding Investors


Business Application

Construction of Plant
Site, Store Location
and Head Office
Acquisition of
Equipment, and
Hiring and Training
of Employees
Purchasing of
Materials and
Start of Production
and Operations
Promotion and

The Gantt chart shows the two years and a half timeline of VRRC activities. The

feasibility study is expected to be completed within one (1) year and three (3) months

from January 2022 to March 2023. The finding of investors will also start at January

2022 and will continuously continue since VRRC as a corporation is open to investments.

The planning, on the other hand will start at February 2023 to have background

knowledge of the feasibility study first and will continuously continue as planning never

ends. The business application or the getting the permits and licenses will start at March

2023 after a month of planning and a month before construction. It will continuously

continue since there will be renewals and new hirings. The construction of plant site,

store location and head office will start at April 2023 in order for the proponents to have

investments first and to start before the rainy season. It will end at January of the

following year, approximately after ten (10) months of construction since there can be

delays such as typhoons or lack of investment. The acquisition phase will start at

September 2023 and end at February of the following year, a month after the construction

phase. Hiring and training of employees will start as early as February 2023 for planning

and business application purposes. It will continuously continue for the company to have

quality operations and products and customer satisfaction. Purchasing of materials and

supplies and start of production and operations will start at February 2024, a month after

the construction and will continuously continue based on the demand. Lastly, the

promotion and launching will start at April 2024, two months after the start of production

and operations and will continuously continue since marketing and launching of branches

and products will also keep on.

Form of Business Ownership

VRRC will regulate a corporation. The proponents choose to form a corporation

for the following reasons:

 The proponents have some knowledge regarding a corporation.

 The proponents can look for investors that will support the business’ structure and


 The liabilities of the company are limited or separated from the proponents’

personal accounts and the dividends will be distributed according to the shares

they own.

 The company will have enough capital to give compensation and benefits to their


 The corporation has unlimited life and proponents can transfer ownership.

 The corporation can address more societal issues and act accordingly.

Business Operating Hours

Manufacturing Site

The Noodles Manufacturing Site is open at exactly at 7:00 in the morning for the

staff to have enough time to clean the area, check the machines and equipment and for

overall preparation. The noodles manufacturing standard time or standard operating hours

will start at 8:00 in the morning and it will close at exactly 5:00 in the afternoon. The

program is as shown below.

Table 4.2

Manufacturing Site Business Hours

Time Process Time Process

7:00-8:00 Cleaning of area, checking of 12:00-1:00 Lunch break

machines and equipment and

overall preparation

8:00-9:45 Noodles Manufacturing 1:00-3:00 Noodles


9:45-10:00 Break time 3:00-3:15 Break time

10:00-12:00 Noodles Manufacturing 3:15-5:00 Noodles


Head Office and Store Location

The head office and the physical store will be open from Monday-Saturday and

Sunday will be the rest day of the employees. The business hours will start at 7:00 in the

morning to check their supplies, orders, and delivery in the department. After finishing

the assigned tasks, the office will be open to the costumer for answering business calls at

exactly 9:45 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. The business hours will end at

5:00 in the afternoon and the remaining thirty (30) minutes will be for rearranging the

supplies, cleaning the site, and for checking the inventory.

Table 4.3

Head Office and Store Location Business Hours

Time Process Time Process

7:00-8:00 Cleaning of the 12:00-1:00 Lunch Break


8:00-9:30 Checking for 1:00-3:00 Operations

supplies, orders, and

delivery locations

9:30- 9:45 Break time 3:00-3:15 Break time

9:45- 12:00 Operations 3:15-5:00 Operations

All employees except Security in the Head Office and at the Store Location will

have an 8-hour shift from Monday to Saturday. The employees will clock in at 7:00 in the

morning and 5:00 in the afternoon. They will be given a one-hour lunch break and a 15-

minute break in the morning and afternoon.

Organizational Structure

The figure below illustrates the flow and function of organizational chart of

VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation. It will give the reader insights on different

levels in the organization and relationships among each employee. The type of

organizational structure is functional. Functional organizational structure is used to

organize employees based on their expertise.

Brown – Shareholders
Maroon- Top-Level Management
Shareholders Orange – Middle-Level Management
Yellow- Lower-Level Management



Production Marketing
Accountant HR staff
Manager staff

Finance Machine Customer

Janitor Driver Security
Assitant operator service staff


Figure 4.1. Organizational Chart of VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corp.

The organizational structure shows green-colored, top most part as the

shareholders or investors which is followed by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as the

second in command. The top-level management includes the Chief Executive Officer

(CEO), Chief Finance Officer (CFO), Chief Operation Officer (COO), Chief Marketing

Officer (CMO), Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) and Chief Innovation Officer

(CINO). Under Chief Finance Officer (CFO) is the accountant and under accountant is

Finance assistant. Under Chief Operation Officer (COO) is Production manager. Under

Production manager is machine operator and under machine operator is workers. Aside

from machine operator, under Production manager is janitor and driver. Under Chief

Marketing Officer (CMO) is Marketing staff and Customer service staff. Under Chief

Human Resource Officer (CHRO) is Human Resource staff and Security.

Job Description and Qualification

Top-Level Management

Job Title CEO

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Work from home

Immediate Head: Shareholders

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for making decisions for the company and the common good
 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports of CFO, COO, CMO, CHRO
and CINO
 Responsible for overall planning, management and implementing
 Responsible for budgeting, auditing and taxation
 Responsible for analyzing and evaluating reports
 Responsible for reporting weekly to Shareholders

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 23 years old and above
 Has six (months) work experience
 Graduate of bachelor in BS Administration or BS Management
 Good in verbal and written communication, organization and leadership skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning and management function

Job Title CFO

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Work from home

Immediate Head: CEO, Shareholders

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports and record of Accountant and
Finance Assistant
 Responsible for Finance planning, management and implementing
 Responsible for budgeting, auditing and taxation
 Responsible for ensuring all financial records and statements are in line with laws
and regulation
 Responsible for analyzing and evaluating financial data
 Responsible for financial statements
 Responsible for reporting daily to CEO and weekly to Shareholders

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Has six (months) work experience
 Has NCIII Bookkeeping certificate
 Graduate of BS Administration Major in Financial Management or BS
 Has working knowledge of using software related to finance and accounting
 Good in verbal and written communication, organization and leadership skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning and accounting, finance-related function

Job Title COO

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Manufacturing site, Work

from home

Immediate Head: CEO, Shareholders

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports of Production manager and
Security manager
 Responsible for Operations planning, management and implementing
 Responsible for reporting daily to CEO and weekly to Shareholders

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above

 Has six (months) work experience
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Marketing Management
 Good in verbal and written communication, organization and leadership skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning operations-related function

Job Title CMO

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Work from home

Immediate Head: CEO, Shareholders

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports of Marketing staff and
Customer Service staff
 Responsible for Marketing planning, management and implementing
 Responsible for reporting daily to CEO and weekly to Shareholders

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Has six (months) work experience
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Marketing Management
 Good in verbal and written communication, organization and leadership skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning marketing-related function

Job Title CHRO

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Work from home

Immediate Head: CEO, Shareholders

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports of HR staff and Security
 Responsible for HR planning, management and implementing
 Responsible for reporting daily to CEO and weekly to Shareholders

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Has six (months) work experience
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Human Resource Management
 Good in verbal and written communication, organization and leadership skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning HR-related function

Job Title CINO

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Work from home

Immediate Head: CEO, Shareholders

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for compiling reports of CFO, COO, CHRO, CMO
 Responsible for innovations planning, management and implementing
 Responsible for reporting daily to CEO and weekly to Shareholders

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Graduate of bachelor in BS Business Administration
 Good in verbal and written communication and organization skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning innovation-related function

Middle-Level Management

Job Title Production Manager

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Manufacturing site

Immediate Head: COO

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports of Machine operator, Janitor
and Driver
 Responsible for overall supplies, equipment, machineries and product defects
 Responsible for reporting daily to COO

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Operations Management
 Good in verbal and written communication and organization skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning and operation-related function

Lower-Level Management

Job Title Accountant

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Manufacturing site, Work

from home

Immediate Head: CFO

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description

 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports of finance assistant

 Responsible for budgeting, auditing and taxation
 Responsible for ensuring all financial records and statements are in line with laws
and regulation
 Responsible for analyzing and evaluating financial data
 Responsible for financial statements
 Responsible for reporting daily to CFO

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Has NCIII Bookkeeping certificate
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Financial Management or BS
 Has working knowledge of using software related to finance and accounting
 Good in verbal and written communication and organization skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning and accounting, finance-related function

Job Title Finance Assistant

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Store Location, Work

from home

Immediate Head: Accountant

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description

 Responsible for the finance record of daily operations of the head office, store
location and manufacturing site
 Responsible for analyzing and evaluating financial data
 Responsible for bookkeeping

 Responsible for reporting daily to Accountant

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Has NCIII Bookkeeping certificate
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Financial Management
 Has working knowledge of using software related to finance and accounting
 Good in verbal and written communication and organization skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning and finance-related function

Job Title Machine Operator

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Manufacturing site

Immediate Head: Production Manager

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for operation and cleaning of manufacturing site
 Responsible for operating machineries and maintenance
 Responsible for overseeing and compiling reports of workers
 Responsible for reporting daily to Production Manager

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 18 years old and above
 Senior Highschool Graduate
 Has TESDA certification or other certification related to operating and fixing
 Good in verbal and written communication skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Has working knowledge of machine operation
 Good in physical works such as lifting
 Can do basic math

Job Title Worker

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Manufacturing site

Immediate Head: Machine Operator

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for operation and cleaning in the manufacturing site
 Responsible for checking and receiving raw materials, supplies and etc.
 Responsible for reporting daily to Machine Operator

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 18 years old and above
 Junior Highschool Graduate
 Good in verbal and written communication skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Good in physical works such as lifting
 Can do basic math

Job Title Security

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Manufacturing site

Immediate Head: CHRO

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - Sun

Number of days in a week: 7 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for the protection of manufacturing site by inspection
 Responsible for monitoring surveillance and patrolling
 Responsible for reporting daily to CHRO

Job Qualification
 Male
 18 years old and above
 Junior Highschool Graduate
 Good in verbal and written communication skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Good in physical works such as lifting

Job Title Driver

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Store Location, Manufacturing site

Immediate Head: Production Manager

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for delivering finished products from manufacturing site to store
location and to customers
 Responsible for making the company vehicle clean

 Responsible for reporting daily to Production Manager

Job Qualification
 Male
 18 years old and above
 Junior Highschool Graduate
 Has driver’s license
 Good in verbal and written communication skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Good in physical works such as lifting

Job Title HR Staff

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office

Immediate Head: CHRO

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for building networks
 Responsible for hiring ang trainings of employees
 Responsible for employees’ well-being
 Responsible for being the middleman of communication between employees
 Responsible for reporting daily to CHRO

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Human Resource Management
 Good in verbal and written communication skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 Good organization skills and high level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning and human resource function

Job Title Marketing Staff

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office

Immediate Head: CMO

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for social media marketing
 Responsible for offline advertising
 Responsible for reporting daily to CMO

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 22 years old and above
 Graduate of BS Business Administration Major in Marketing Management
 Good in verbal and written communication skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 Good organization skills and high level of attention to details
 Can perform strategic planning and marketing function

Job Title Customer Service Staff

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Store Location

Immediate Head: CMO

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for interacting with customers and receiving payments
 Responsible for processing orders online and offline
 Responsible for the cleanliness and disinfection of the Store location

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 18 years old and above
 Junior Highschool Graduate

 Good in verbal and written communication skills

 Ability to work independently and in teams
 High level of attention to details
 Can perform basic math

Job Title Janitor

Job Type: Full-time

Location: Head office, Manufacturing site

Immediate Head: Production Manager

Working Hours/day: 8 hours, M - F

Number of days in a week: 5 Days

Job Description
 Responsible for the cleanliness of Head office and Manufacturing site
 Responsible for the disinfection of Head office and Manufacturing site
 Responsible for reporting daily to Production Manager

Job Qualification
 Male or Female
 18 years old and above

 High level of attention to details

 Physically in good condition

Compensation and Benefits

Employee compensation and benefits is compulsory for any business. The

compensation in exchange of their hard work which should be enough to support his/her

needs. The table below shows the computation regarding compensation and benefits.

Table 4.4

Salaries of Employees

Personnel Per Day Per Employee Quantity Per Day No. Day in a Month Gross Salary per Month No. of Months Gross Salary per Year
CEO 480.00 1 480.00 26 12,480.00 12 149,760.00
CFO 460.00 1 460.00 26 11,960.00 12 143,520.00
COO 460.00 1 460.00 26 11,960.00 12 143,520.00
CMO 460.00 1 460.00 26 11,960.00 12 143,520.00
CHRO 460.00 1 460.00 26 11,960.00 12 143,520.00
CINO 460.00 1 460.00 26 11,960.00 12 143,520.00
Accountant 440.00 1 440.00 26 11,440.00 12 137,280.00
Finance Assistant 420.00 1 420.00 26 10,920.00 12 131,040.00
Production Manager 440.00 1 440.00 26 11,440.00 12 137,280.00
Janitor 385.00 1 385.00 26 10,010.00 12 120,120.00
Machine Operator 400.00 2 800.00 26 20,800.00 12 249,600.00
Workers 385.00 5 1,925.00 26 50,050.00 12 600,600.00
Security 385.00 3 1,155.00 30 34,650.00 12 415,800.00
Driver 385.00 1 385.00 26 10,010.00 12 120,120.00
Marketing staff 420.00 1 420.00 26 10,920.00 12 131,040.00
Customer service staff 385.00 2 770.00 26 20,020.00 12 240,240.00
HR staff 420.00 1 420.00 26 10,920.00 12 131,040.00
Total 7,245.00 25 10,340.00 273,460.00 3,281,520.00

The compensation and benefits of the employees are constructed according to the

Region IV-A CALABARZON present regional daily minimum wage rates of non-

agriculture as of April 28, 2018 as supported by DOLE National Wages and Productivity

Commission (2019) wherein the minimum rate basis is 317.00 to 400.00 for the non-

agricultural. It is the CEO’s decision to give higher salaries to employees for their

knowledge and skills. VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation operates the business

for 26 days in a month except for Security which is 30 days.

13th Month Pay in pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 851, is a mandatory benefit

given to employees which obliges employers to grant 13th month pay to all its rank-and-

file employees as supported by DOLE Bureau of Working Conditions (2022). It is

computed by dividing the annual gross income by twelve (12) or by using the monthly

gross income.

Table 4.5

Labor Cost: Employee (Monthly)

Personnel Quantity Gross Salary Per Month PH SSS HDMF Monthly Labor Cost
CEO 1 12,480.00 561.60 561.60 249.60 11,107.20
CFO 1 11,960.00 538.20 538.20 239.20 10,644.40
COO 1 11,960.00 538.20 538.20 239.20 10,644.40
CMO 1 11,960.00 538.20 538.20 239.20 10,644.40
CHRO 1 11,960.00 538.20 538.20 239.20 10,644.40
CINO 1 11,960.00 538.20 538.20 239.20 10,644.40
Accountant 1 11,440.00 514.80 514.80 228.80 10,181.60
Finance Assistant 1 10,920.00 491.40 491.40 218.40 9,718.80
Production Manager 1 11,440.00 514.80 514.80 228.80 10,181.60
Janitor 1 10,010.00 450.45 450.45 200.20 8,908.90
Machine Operator 2 20,800.00 936.00 936.00 416.00 18,512.00
Workers 5 50,050.00 2,252.25 2,252.25 1,001.00 44,544.50
Security 3 34,650.00 1,559.25 1,559.25 693.00 30,838.50
Driver 1 10,010.00 450.45 450.45 200.20 8,908.90
Marketing staff 1 10,920.00 491.40 491.40 218.40 9,718.80
Customer service staff 2 20,020.00 900.90 900.90 400.40 17,817.80
HR staff 1 10,920.00 491.40 491.40 218.40 9,718.80
Total 25 273,460.00 12,305.70 12,305.70 5,469.20 243,379.40
2023 4.5% 4.5% 2%

The table above shows the gross salary per month subtracted to the following

contributions: PhilHealth, SSS and HDMF which results to Monthly Labor Cost of

Employee. The proponents used the percent contribution of year 2023 since it is the

probable year of execution.

Table 4.6

Labor Cost: Employee (Yearly)

Personnel Quantity Gross Salary Per Year PH SSS HDMF 13th Month Pay Yearly Labor Cost
CEO 1 149,760.00 6,739.20 6,739.20 2,995.20 12,480.00 145,766.40
CFO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 6,458.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 139,692.80
COO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 6,458.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 139,692.80
CMO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 6,458.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 139,692.80
CHRO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 6,458.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 139,692.80
CINO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 6,458.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 139,692.80
Accountant 1 137,280.00 6,177.60 6,177.60 2,745.60 11,440.00 133,619.20
Finance Assistant 1 131,040.00 5,896.80 5,896.80 2,620.80 10,920.00 127,545.60
Production Manager 1 137,280.00 6,177.60 6,177.60 2,745.60 11,440.00 133,619.20
Janitor 1 120,120.00 5,405.40 5,405.40 2,402.40 10,010.00 116,916.80
Machine Operator 2 249,600.00 11,232.00 11,232.00 4,992.00 20,800.00 242,944.00
Workers 5 600,600.00 27,027.00 27,027.00 12,012.00 50,050.00 584,584.00
Security 3 415,800.00 18,711.00 18,711.00 8,316.00 34,650.00 404,712.00
Driver 1 120,120.00 5,405.40 5,405.40 2,402.40 10,010.00 116,916.80
Marketing staff 1 131,040.00 5,896.80 5,896.80 2,620.80 10,920.00 127,545.60
Customer service staff 2 240,240.00 10,810.80 10,810.80 4,804.80 20,020.00 233,833.60
HR staff 1 131,040.00 5,896.80 5,896.80 2,620.80 10,920.00 127,545.60
Total 25 3,281,520.00 147,668.40 147,668.40 65,630.40 273,460.00 3,194,012.80
2023 4.5% 4.5% 2%

The table above shows the gross salary per year subtracted to the following

contributions: PhilHealth, SSS and HDMF plus the 13 th Month Pay which results to

Yearly Labor Cost of Employee. The proponents used the percent contribution of year

2023 since it is the probable year of execution.

Table 4.7

Labor Cost: Employer (Monthly)

Personnel Quantity Gross Salary Per Month PH SSS HDMF Monthly Labor Cost
CEO 1 12,480.00 561.60 1,185.60 249.60 10,483.20
CFO 1 11,960.00 538.20 1,136.20 239.20 10,046.40
COO 1 11,960.00 538.20 1,136.20 239.20 10,046.40
CMO 1 11,960.00 538.20 1,136.20 239.20 10,046.40
CHRO 1 11,960.00 538.20 1,136.20 239.20 10,046.40
CINO 1 11,960.00 538.20 1,136.20 239.20 10,046.40
Accountant 1 11,440.00 514.80 1,086.80 228.80 9,609.60
Finance Assistant 1 10,920.00 491.40 1,037.40 218.40 9,172.80
Production Manager 1 11,440.00 514.80 1,086.80 228.80 9,609.60
Janitor 1 10,010.00 450.45 950.95 200.20 8,408.40
Machine Operator 2 20,800.00 936.00 1,976.00 416.00 17,472.00
Workers 5 50,050.00 2,252.25 4,754.75 1,001.00 42,042.00
Security 3 34,650.00 1,559.25 3,291.75 693.00 29,106.00
Driver 1 10,010.00 450.45 950.95 200.20 8,408.40
Marketing staff 1 10,920.00 491.40 1,037.40 218.40 9,172.80
Customer service staff 2 20,020.00 900.90 1,901.90 400.40 16,816.80
HR staff 1 10,920.00 491.40 1,037.40 218.40 9,172.80
Total 25 273,460.00 12,305.70 25,978.70 5,469.20 229,706.40
2023 4.5% 9.5% 2%

The table shows the gross salary per month subtracted to the following

contributions: PhilHealth, SSS and HDMF which results to Monthly Labor Cost of

Employer. The proponents used the percent contribution of year 2023 since it is the

probable year of execution.

Table 4.8

Labor Cost: Employer (Yearly)

Personnel Quantity Gross Salary Per Year PH SSS HDMF 13th Month Pay Yearly Labor Cost
CEO 1 149,760.00 6,739.20 14,227.20 2,995.20 12,480.00 138,278.40
CFO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 13,634.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 132,516.80
COO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 13,634.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 132,516.80
CMO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 13,634.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 132,516.80
CHRO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 13,634.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 132,516.80
CINO 1 143,520.00 6,458.40 13,634.40 2,870.40 11,960.00 132,516.80
Accountant 1 137,280.00 6,177.60 13,041.60 2,745.60 11,440.00 126,755.20
Finance Assistant 1 131,040.00 5,896.80 12,448.80 2,620.80 10,920.00 120,993.60
Production Manager 1 137,280.00 6,177.60 13,041.60 2,745.60 11,440.00 126,755.20
Janitor 1 120,120.00 5,405.40 11,411.40 2,402.40 10,010.00 110,910.80
Machine Operator 2 249,600.00 11,232.00 23,712.00 4,992.00 20,800.00 230,464.00
Workers 5 600,600.00 27,027.00 57,057.00 12,012.00 50,050.00 554,554.00
Security 3 415,800.00 18,711.00 39,501.00 8,316.00 34,650.00 383,922.00
Driver 1 120,120.00 5,405.40 11,411.40 2,402.40 10,010.00 110,910.80
Marketing staff 1 131,040.00 5,896.80 12,448.80 2,620.80 10,920.00 120,993.60
Customer service staff 2 240,240.00 10,810.80 22,822.80 4,804.80 20,020.00 221,821.60
HR staff 1 131,040.00 5,896.80 12,448.80 2,620.80 10,920.00 120,993.60
Total 25 3,281,520.00 147,668.40 311,744.40 65,630.40 273,460.00 3,029,936.80
2023 4.5% 9.5% 2%

The table above shows the gross salary per year subtracted to the following

contributions: PhilHealth, SSS and HDMF plus the 13 th Month Pay which results to

Yearly Labor Cost of Employer. The proponents used the percent contribution of year

2023 since it is the probable year of execution.

Company Policies and Procedures

Hiring and Recruitment Practices

Human Resource

Job Posting

Acceptance of Resume/Application

Employee Selection

Requirement Process



Figure 4.2. Hiring and Recruitment Process

Step 1: Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning is when a company decides on the number of

employees they are planning to hire and the skills set they require of these employees.

The proponents are looking for twenty-one (21) employees that will work in the Head

Office, the store and the manufacturing site. The employees should be skilled in

communication, delegation, planning, organization, and great physical strength.

Step 2: Job Posting

Job Posting is the official advertisement of an open position in the company. It is

used to disperse information regarding qualifications, hours and pay for potential

applicants. The proponents used this job posting for convenient circulation of job opening

in public places such as Municipal Halls, parks, bus stop and the proponents also posted

in social media

Step 3: Acceptance of Resume/ Application

A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to enumerate their

qualifications for a certain position. The proponents used this method to select who

among the applicants are qualified for the position. The applicants who are qualified will

be interviewed and the proponents will do a background check for prospective employees

and the proponents will also check their references.

Step 4: Employee Selection

The goal of the Employee Selection is to find the most suitable and qualified

applicant for the department or position in the company. The proponents will evaluate all

the information from the pool of applicants gathered in the recruitment process. After

assessing the applicants, the proponents will decide which applicant will be offered the


Step 5: Requirement Process

Requirements are needed to be met before they start working in the company. The

proponents include requirements process to give the new hires time to process and

prepare requirements. The list of documents needed are as follows:

1. PhilHealth

2. SSS (Social Security System)

3. Tax Identification Number

4. Health Certificate

5. Barangay Clearance

6. Police Clearance

7. Medical Records

8. Cedula

Step 6: Orientation

Orientation is a part of the process of assimilation of new employees. The

orientation process teaches the employees how to navigate the company’s structure and

how the company operates. The proponents will include the mission, vision, objectives,

rules and regulations, salary and benefits in the company, and the training process.
Step 7: Training

The proponents will conduct a one (1) month paid employee training in order for

them to be familiarized in their working area, job routine, and procedures aligned in their

job position.

Sanitation Practices

Washing of hands and/or alcohol sanitizing

and Guests Foot Bath
Customers Checking of Temperature

Disinfection of whole workplace

Sweeping and mopping the floor
Workplace Cleaning of Equipment, Machineries, Tools and etc.

Figure 4.3. Sanitation Process

Step 1: Employees, Customers and Guests

Employee, customer and guest disinfection before entering the store location,

head office and manufacturing site is important to ensure healthy and safe interaction

between people. Added to this, it will help maintain the quality process and product


Step 2: Workplace

Workplace disinfection before and after the operation hours of the store location,

head office and manufacturing site is important to ensure healthy and safe environment

for all people entering the area. Added to this, it will help maintain the quality process

and product offered.

Legal Requirements

Commission (SEC)
Business name registration and reservation in Securities and Exchange

Barangay Clearance acquisition

Business Permit from the Mayor's Office acquisition

BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) Registration

Employer and Employee Registration - SSS, PhilHealth, HDMF

Figure 4.4. Business Application Process with Legal Requirements

Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)

The first thing to do in the business application process as supported by Securities

and Exchange Commission (2022) is to have the business name reserved and registered

in the website of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The proponents should

prepare, sign and notarize the Articles of Incorporation, By Laws, Treasurer’s Affidavit

and Joint Affidavit of two (2) incorporators. The proponents will then submit the

notarized documents to SEC Office in Mandaluyong City. Lastly, pay the registration fee

and claim the SEC Certificate of Registration one (1) after the submission of all

documents required.

Figure 4.5. SEC Business Name Registration

Local Government Units (LGUs)

The second thing to do in the business application process after claiming the SEC

Certificate of Registration is to go to the barangay where the business is located and get a

Barangay Clearance Certificate by filling up the necessary requirements in the

application form as supported by Securities and Exchange Commission (2022). The

proponents will then submit the accomplished application form with the SEC Certificate

of Registration, two (2) valid IDs and Proof of Address. Lastly, pay the certificate fee and

wait one (1) day after the submission of all documents required to claim the business

The third thing to do in the business application process after claiming the

Barangay Clearance Certificate is to go to the municipality where the business is located

and get a Business Permit by filling up the necessary requirements in the application form

as supported by Securities and Exchange Commission (2022). The proponents will then

submit the accomplished application form with the SEC Certificate of Registration,

Barangay Clearance Certificate, two (2) valid IDs and Proof of Address. Lastly, two (2)

valid IDs and Proof of Address. Lastly, pay the permit fee and wait at least one (1) week

after the submission of all documents required to claim the business permit. The

following are the list of requirements for securing permits and clearances for application

of Mayor’s permits as supported by Philippines Business Registration (2022): Barangay

Business Clearance, Building Permit and Electrical Inspection Certificate, Certificate of

Occupancy, Locational/Zoning Clearance, Fire Safety Inspection Certificate and Sanitary


Bureau of Internal Revenues (BIR)

The fourth thing to do in the business application process after claiming the

Mayor’s Business Permit is to go to the Regional District Office (RDO) where the

business is located and register with Bureau of Internal Revenues (BIR) by filling up the

necessary requirements in the application form (BIR 1903) as supported by Securities and

Exchange Commission (2022). The proponents will then submit the accomplished

registration form with the SEC Certificate of Registration, Barangay Clearance

Certificate, Mayor’s Business Permit, valid IDs (if applicable) and Proof of Address. The

proponents will then pay the Registration Form (BIR Form 0605) and Documentary

Stamp Tax (BIR Form 2000), if applicable. The proponents will then register the business
book of accounts and receipts/invoices. Lastly, the proponents will claim the Certificate

of Registration (BIR Form 2303).

Government Agencies

The fifth thing to do in the business application process is to register the business’

employees to the Department of Labor and Employment. According to Philippine

Business Registration (2022), for new employees without a Tax Identification Number

(TIN), the employer will require the employee to file BIR Form 1902 to the Revenue

District Office (RDO) where the company is registered. For new employees with existing

TIN and registered with the same RDO as the company, either the employee or the HR

staff need to submit a BIR Form 2305 to update the employee’s information. If registered

in a different RDO as the current company, the employee needs to submit a BIR Form

1905 in the RDO where his/her previous employer is registered. The employer will

register with the Social Security System (SSS) as an employer, get the employer ID, and

get My SSS account as supported by Moneymax (2021). The employers will also register

with Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth). According to PhilHealth

(2022), employers may register through the Philippine Business Registry (PBR). Once

registered in this system, the employers will no longer be required to submit documents.

The employers will also register with Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF or Pag-

ibig). According to Pag-ibig Fund Services (2022), new employers need to register

through DTI via the Philippine Business Registry System (PBRS) or through SEC via the

Integrated Business Registration System (IBRS). Lastly, the proponents will pay for all

the registration after each submission of all documents required.



In this chapter, the proponents will present the technical aspect of the business

which comprises of technical objectives, project layouts, business processes, utilities,

equipment and supplies, company uniform and waste and disposal method. This chapter

will give more details regarding the production and other operations.

Technical Objectives

The technical objectives are as follows:

1. To produce fresh ramen noodles of top quality for Filipinos.

2. To create a project layout that will accommodate all the proponents’ facilities,

machineries, and equipment by maximizing the chosen property for business.

3. To establish a strict production process that are vital for the employees to follow

in producing the product.

4. To recognize the prospective suppliers of machineries, equipment, tools, supplies,

and inventories that are considered radical in the long run of business operations.

5. To ensure that there is a stringent waste and disposal management system in the


Project Layouts

The project layout gives particulars concerning the business location. The

proponents strategize a plan to make these spaces functional and flexible. The company’s

aim of planning the project layout is to provide a commodious work environment for all

the employees and a simple accommodating space for the customers.

Floor Plan

Figure 5.1. Floor Plan of VRRC Store Location

The floor plan shown above is the store location of VRRC Noodles

Manufacturing Corporation with a total of twenty-one (21) square meters (6.5m x 3.5 m).

The customer area measures 2.1m x 3.5m. The Customer Service Staff and Productions

Area measures 2.4m x 3.5m. It is a bit wider than the customer area for the purpose of

giving room for the finished product. The Storage Area measures 1.5m x 2.3m. The

comfort room measures 1.5m x 1.2m.

Figure 5.2. Floor Plan of VRRC Manufacturing Site and Head Office

The floor plan shown above is the manufacturing site and head office of VRRC

Noodles Manufacturing Corporation with a total of four hundred eighty-seven point five

(487.5) square meters (12.5m x 39 m).

The manufacturing site has a total of three hundred twelve point five (312.5)

square meters (12.5m x 25m). The supplies area measures 6.25m x 5.1m. The main

production area measure 6.25m x 11.7m. The hanging area measures 6.25m x 11.3m. The

packing area measures 6.25m x 10.9m. The stockroom measures 6.25m x 2m. The

parking area measures 4.1m x 7m. Lastly, the comfort room measures 7m x 2.15m.

The head office has a total of one hundred seventy-five (175) square meters

(12.5m x 14m). The CEO office measures 3.125m x 7.5 m. The meeting room measures

8m x 3.1m. The comfort room measures 6.25m x 3.4m. Lastly, the measurement of the

main office area is not indicated due to its complicated shape and size.

Store Layout

Figure 5.3. Exterior Layout of VRRC Store Location

The exterior layout shown above is the store location of VRRC Noodles

Manufacturing Corporation with a total of twenty-one (21) square meters (6.5m x 3.5 m).

The proponents plan to rent the ground floor of the building chosen and have it

renovated. The exterior theme of the store is clean, neat and minimalist for a classic look

for all generations. The distance between the road and the store is approximately one to

two (1-2) meters.

Figure 5.4. Interior Layout of VRRC Store Location

The interior layout shown is the store location of VRRC Noodles Manufacturing

Corporation with a total of twenty-one (21) square meters (6.5m x 3.5 m). The interior

theme of the store is the same with its exterior which is clean, neat and minimalist for a

classic look for all generations. The store location will regularly accommodate four (4)

employees specifically 2 Customer service staff, 1 Finance Assistant and 1 driver. The

customer area (2.1m x 3.5m) will accommodate approximately three to five (3-5) persons

due to the new normal setup. The Customer Service Staff and Productions Area (2.4m x

3.5m) will accommodate the two (2) customer service and one (1) driver that will deliver

the finished product. It is a bit wider than the customer area for the purpose of giving

room for the finished product. The Storage Area (1.5m x 2.3m) will be used for the

storage of other finished product in excess of the products area and storage of equipment

and supplies needed for the transaction between customers and customer service staff.

Lastly, the comfort room (1.5m x 1.2m) can accommodate one (1) person at a time.

Manufacturing Site and Head Office Layout

Figure 5.5. Exterior Layout of VRRC Manufacturing Site and Head Office

The exterior layout shown is the manufacturing site and head office of VRRC

Noodles Manufacturing Corporation with a total of four hundred eighty-seven point five

(487.5) square meters (12.5m x 39 m). The proponents plan to buy a part of nine-hundred

(900) square meters lot and have this structure build. The exterior theme of the

manufacturing site and head office is the same as the store location which is clean, neat

and minimalist for a classic look for all generations. The distance between the road and

the manufacturing site and head office is eight (8) meters as mandated by DPWH (2016).

Figure 5.6. Interior Layout of VRRC Manufacturing Site and Head Office

The interior layout shown above is the manufacturing site and head office of

VRRC Noodles Manufacturing Corporation with a total of four hundred eighty-seven

point five (487.5) square meters (12.5m x 39 m). The Production manager and COO will

manage the manufacturing site while the top-level management will manage the head

office. Janitor do not have specific area of space but will be found in the manufacturing

site and head office.

The manufacturing site has a total of three hundred twelve point five (312.5)

square meters (12.5m x 25m). The manufacturing site will regularly accommodate fifteen

(15) of employees specifically 1 Accountant, 1 COO, 1 Production manager, 2 Machine

operators, 5 Workers, 1 Driver, 1 Security (3 in total but with different 8-hour shift each)

and 1 Janitor. The supplies area (6.25m x 5.1m) is where accountant, COO and driver is

usually found because they will be in-charge of inventory and supplies. The main

production area (6.25m x 11.7m) is where the two (2) machine operator and three to four

(3-4) workers found because they will be in-charge of the transformation of raw

materials. The hanging area (6.25m x 11.3m), packing area (6.25m x 10.9m) and

stockroom (6.25m x 2m) is where one to two (1-2) workers, production manager and

driver are found because they will be in-charge of the hanging, packing, storing, checking

and delivering. The parking area (4.1m x 7m) is where the vehicle and the driver are

usually found. Lastly, the comfort room (7m x 2.15m) can accommodate two to three (2-

3) persons at a time.

The head office has a total of one hundred seventy-five (175) square meters

(12.5m x 14m). The head office will regularly accommodate fifteen (15) of employees

specifically 1 CEO, 1 CINO, 1 CFO, 1 CHRO, 1 CMO, 1 COO, 1 Accountant, 1 Finance

assistant, 1 HR staff, 1 Marketing staff, 1 Production manager, 1 Security (3 in total but

with different 8-hour shift each) and 1 Janitor. The main office area can accommodate

fourteen (14) persons having set of table and chair each but as of the moment, it will be

occupied by the eleven employees mentioned earlier excluding CEO and janitor and

having one set of table and chair for the three (3) security since they have different shifts.

The CEO office (3.125m x 7.5 m) is where the CEO and important documents are usually

found. The meeting room (8m x 3.1m) can accommodate ten (10) persons. Lastly, the

comfort room (6.25m x 3.4m) can accommodate two to three (2-3) persons at a time.

Business Processes

Procurement Process

1 Identify the raw materials

2 Choosing suppliers

3 Negotiating and signing contracts

4 Payment agreement

5 Acquisition of supplies

6 Acquisition demand

7 Receiving and examining of supplies

8 Inventory keeping

Figure 5.7. Procurement Process Flow Chart of VRRC Manufacturing Site

The proponents need to acquire the raw materials and supplies from several

suppliers in order to create their product. Choosing the appropriate suppliers from the

Public Market and Lazada is vital in the production of the company. The suppliers must

be able to offer the right and reasonable prices for the ingredients, they should be able to

deliver the raw materials in fresh condition, accurate amounts, and on the agreed

schedule. The steps in procurement process are the following:

Step 1- Identify the raw materials

The raw materials needed must be properly listed with the exact

quantities required in the production process.

Step 2- Choosing suppliers

Suppliers are vital in the business. The proponents will select the

suppliers from several places such as the Public Market and online platforms namely

Lazada and Shopee.

Step 3- Negotiating and signing contracts

Contracts are necessary in building trust among suppliers and

companies. The loyalty of suppliers in the delivery of goods and the price agreement as

well as the quality of raw materials are included in the contract.

Step 4- Payment agreement

The proponents will pay the suppliers every Saturday on cash.

Step 5- Acquisition of supplies

The raw materials and supplies will be delivered every Saturday at the

Manufacturing Plant.

Step 6- Acquisition demand

Upon receiving the goods every Saturday, the workers will then give the

list of supplies needed for the next week.

Step 7- Receiving and examining of supplies

Subsequently, the workers will check and inspect if the supplies

delivered are accurate and in perfect condition.

Step 8- Inventory keeping

Afterwards, the workers will then record the goods received.

Production Process

1 Prepare ingredients

2 Pour ingredients into the dough mixer

3 Dough mixture will take a rest

4 Flattening of dough mixture

5 Stripping of flat dough mixture

6 Hanging and cooling of noodles overnight

7 Clumping of hanged noodles

8 Slicing the noodles into twenty (20) centimeters

9 Prepare the packaging materials

10 Pack the noodles with two hundred fifty grams (250g) per packet

11 Deliver to store location

Figure 5.8. Production Process Flow Chart of VRRC Manufacturing Site

Step 1- Prepare ingredients

The workers will prepare 45 cups of all-purpose flour and dusting flour, 15 tsp of

iodized salt and baking soda, 600L of alkaline water and 30 eggs.
Step 2- Pour ingredients into the dough mixer

Pour all the ingredients into the dough mixer except dusting flour.

Step 3- Dough mixture will take a rest.

After the dough mixture is done, it will be wrap with cling wrap and will take a

rest for one (1) hour inside the refrigerator.

Step 4- Flattening of dough mixture

After one (1) hour, the workers will put the dough mixture from the refrigerator

into the noodles maker machine that will flatten the dough mixture.

Step 5- Stripping of flat dough mixture

After flattening, the noodles maker machine will proceed to the stripping of the


Step 6- Hanging and cooling of noodles overnight

Upon stripping of the noodles, the workers will put the stripped noodles to dry in

the hanging area overnight.

Step 7- Clumping of hanged noodles

In the next morning, the workers will start clumping the hanged noodles and

move them into the packing area.

Step 8- Slicing the noodles into twenty (20) centimeters

Subsequently, the workers will slice the noodles into twenty (20) centimeters and

dust some all-purpose flour into the sliced noodles.

Step 9- Prepare the packaging materials

The workers will prepare the packing materials such as cling wrap, paper meal

box and packaging label sticker.

Step 10- Pack the noodles with two hundred fifty grams (250g) per packet

Once the packing materials are ready, the workers will place the noodles in the

weighing scale by three hundred grams (300g) and wrap them up with cling wrap. Then,

they will be placed inside the paper meal box and labeled with the packaging label


Step 11- Deliver to store location

Finally, the finished products will be counted and checked by the workers. The

noodles will then be moved into the stockroom and will be prepared for delivery.

Table 5.1

Cost Per Unit

Direct Material Cost

Item Supplier Price Quantity Unit Cost
All-purpose flour (3 Lucena Public 30 2 15
cups) Market
Dusting Flour (3 cups) Lucena Public 22.8 2 11.4
Iodized Salt (1tsp) Lucena Public 0.04 2 0.02
Baking Soda 250g (1tsp) Lucena Public 0.75 2 0.36
Alkaline Water (20L) Shopee 239.00 1 1.33
Egg (2) Lucena Public 14.00 2 7
Direct Material Cost 35.11
Per Unit
Indirect Material Cost
Cling Wrap Miki Mart 25 30 0.83
Paper box Lazada 150 50 3
Packaging label Head Office 24 6 4
Indirect Material Cost 7.83
Per Unit
Total Material Cost 42.94
Per Unit
Daily Cost of Material 6,441.00
Weekly Cost of 38,646.00
Monthly Cost of 1,004,796.00
Annual Cost of 12,057,552.00

Sales Process

Sales process is a vital part of one’s business because it is when the interaction

and transaction between the business and consumers takes place. However, there are

certain steps before a finished product is given to the customer. Below is the detailed

process on how the business will have its sales in exchange for the products they will be

selling. The goal in this process is to have a good customer service that can retain

customers. It is good to have a simple yet convenient process for customers to comeback.

Physical Store Process

1 Greetings to Customer

2 Sanitation Process (Customer)

3 Ask the Customer

4 Preparation of Order

5 Confirmation of Order

6 Processing of Receipt

7 Settlement of Payment

8 Giving of Product and Receipt

9 Show Gratefulness to Customers

10 Sanitation Process (Counter)

Figure 5.9. Sales Process Flow Chart of VRRC Physical Store

1. Greetings to Customer. The customer service staff will greet the customers while

entering the store saying “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”.

2. Sanitation Process (Customer). The customer will check his/her own temperature,

have foot bath and alcohol sanitizing.

3. Ask the Customer. The customer service staff will ask the customer about what she

needed. If the customer will buy, the customer service staff will ask about the


4. Preparation of Order. The customer service staff will prepare the orders according

to the said quantity.

5. Confirmation of Order. The customer service staff will repeat the customer’s order

and will ask the customer whether it is correct.

6. Processing of Receipt. The customer service staff will process the receipt by writing

the customer’s order.

7. Settlement of Payment. The customer service staff will ask the customer for

payment in cash.

8. Giving of Product and Receipt. When the payment is settled, the customer service

staff will give the product and receipt to the customer.

9. Show Gratefulness to Customers. When the customers receive the product, the

customer service staff will say “Thank you for your purchase, Ma’am/Sir. Please

follow our store and kindly rate us and our product in your spare time. Keep safe and

come again.”

10. Sanitation Process (Counter). The customer service staff will disinfect the counter

by spraying alcohol and wiping it with cloth.

Physical Store Process Via Call

1 Greetings to Customer

2 Ask the Customer

3 Preparation of Order

4 Confirmation of Order

5 Processing of Receipt

6 Delivery

7 Greetings to Customer

8 Settlement of Payment

9 Giving of Product and Receipt

10 Show Gratefulness to Customers

Figure 5.10. Sales Process Flow Chart of VRRC Physical Store Via Call

1. Greetings to Customer. The customer service staff will greet the customers on

telephone call saying “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” to the customer.

2. Ask the Customer. The customer service staff will ask the customer about what she

needed. If the customer will buy, the customer service staff will ask about the


3. Preparation of Order. The customer service staff will prepare the orders according

to the said quantity.

4. Confirmation of Order. The customer service staff will repeat the customer’s order

and will ask the customer whether it is correct.

5. Processing of Receipt. The customer service staff will process the receipt by writing

the customer’s order.

6. Delivery. The driver will be called to deliver the product to the given address of the


7. Greetings to Customer. The driver will greet the customers saying “Good morning”

or “Good afternoon” following the words “Here’s your order, VV Ramen Noodles.”

8. Settlement of Payment. The driver will ask the customer for payment in cash.

9. Giving of Product and Receipt. When the payment is settled, the driver will give the

product and receipt to the customer.

10. Show Gratefulness to Customers. When the customers receive the product, the

driver will say “Thank you for your purchase, Ma’am/Sir. Please follow our store and

kindly rate us and our product in your spare time. Keep safe.”

Foodpanda Process

1 Log In to Foodpanda Account

2 Search VRRC Noodles Store

3 Click the VV Ramen Noodles

4 Add to Cart the Product

5 Check Out Process

6 Order Update

7 Show Gratefulness to Customers

Figure 5.11 Sales Process Flow Chart of VRRC - Foodpanda

1. Log In to Foodpanda Account. The customer will login to his/her Shopee account.

2. Search VRRC Noodles Store. The customer will search in Foodpanda the “VRRC

Noodles Store” then click the suggested store with the logo.

3. Click the VV Ramen Noodles. The customer will click the VV Ramen Noodles and

may read the provided description about the product.

4. Add to Cart the Product. The customer will add to cart the product and can add

quantity according to his/her needs.

5. Check Out Process. Before checking out, the customer will be asked to fill-out

important details such as address, time of delivery and mode of payment. If

completed, the customer can check-out the product.

6. Order Update. The marketing staff will be in charge of the automatic updates

regarding the order and ask the customer if the product is received after the delivery.

7. Show Gratefulness to Customers. When the customer received the order in the

Foodpanda app, the marketing staff will automatically send message in the email of

the customer saying “Thank you for your purchase, Ma’am/Sir. Please follow our

store and kindly rate us and our product in your spare time. Keep safe.”



The electricity of the Head Office and the Plant site will be distributed by

MERALCO. As of January 2022, MERALCO made a downward rate adjustment of f

₱0.0746 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) yielding a monthly overall rate of ₱9.7027 per kWh.

The proponents used the new rate of kilowatt-hour to compute the annual kilowatt-hour.

In accordance with Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the inflation rate of January

2022 is 3.6 percent. The inflation rate of the Philippines for January 2022 will be used in

the assumption of an increase rate for the 5-year projection.

Table 5.2

Electricity Consumption Projection

Rate Usage
Product Qty W KWh per per TOTAL
Kwh hour
Firefly LED 9.702
6 9 0.009 0.0873 P 0.79 Php 4.70
Bulb 7

Lithonia Lighting 9.702

5 32 0.032 0.3105 P 2.79 Php 13.95
Fluorescent 7

LED Tube Light 9.702

9 16 0.016 0.1552 P 1.40 Php 12.60
Bulbs 7
9.702 P
Air Conditioner 4 770 0.77 7.4711 Php 268.96
7 67.24
150 9.702 14.554
Dough Mixer 2 1.5 130.9 Php 261.98
0 7 1
9.702 P
Computer 15 150 0.15 1.4554 Php 196.50
7 13.10
9.702 P
Printer-Scanner 2 300 0.3 2.9108 Php 52.40
7 26.20
Biometric 3 60 0.06 0.5822 P 5.24 Php 15.72
CCTV 17 15 0.015 0.1455 P 1.31 Php 22.27
9.702 P
Refrigerator 2 720 0.72 6.9859 Php 125.74
7 62.87
Landline Phone 5 3 0.003 0.0291 P 0.26 Php 1.30
Wall Fan 5 100 0.1 0.9703 P 8.73 Php 43.65
9.702 P
Exhaust Fan 12 120 0.12 1.1643 Php 125.76
7 10.48

Noodles Maker 9.702 P

2 550 0.55 5.3365 Php 96.06
Machine 7 48.03

Ceiling Fan 5 70 0.07 0.6792 P 6.11 Php 30.55
9.702 P
Water Pump 2 373 0.373 3.6191 Php 65.14
7 32.57
Total Daily P
Usage hp 1,337.28
Total Weekly
Usage Php 1,337.28 x 6 days Php 8,023.68
Monthly Usage Php 8,023.68 x 4 weeks Php 32,094.72
Year 1 Php 32,094.72 x 12 months 385,136.64
Total Annual Year 2 Php 385,136.64 x 3.6%= 13,864.92 399,001.56
Projections Php
Year 3 Php 399,001.56 x 3.6%= 14,364.06 413,365.62
Year 4 Php 413,365.62 x 3.6%= 14,881.16 428,246.78
  Year 5 Php 428,246.78 x 3.6%= 15,416.88 443,663.66


Water will be supplied by Prime Water. Ford (2020) stated that on average water

consumption, for office buildings, is 50 liters for each employee each working day.

Where water is used in manufacturing processes industry standards for consumption will

need to be identified. The proponents used this as a secondary data to calculate for the

annual water expense. The 3.6% inflation rate will also be used to calculate the 5-year


Table 5.3

Conversion of Water from Gallons to Cubic Meters

Conversion of Water from Gallons to Cubic Meters

Water Consumption per Gallons  330.22
Divide: Conversion Rate  264
Daily Water Consumption per cubic meters  1.25
Monthly Water Consumption per cubic meters (x 26 days)  32.5
Table 5.4

Annual Cost of Water Consumption

0-10 cu m. (min. charge) 458

11-20 cu m. 50
21-30 cu m. 56
31-40 cu m. 60
41-UP cu m. 68
Monthly Consumption Cost 692
Multiply: 12 months 12
Annual Water Consumption Cost 8,304.00
Table 5.5

Water Consumption Projection

Water Consumption Projection

Year 1   692.00 x 12  Php 8,304.00
Year 2  8,304.00 x 3.6% = 298.94 Php 8,602.94
Year 3  8,602.94 x 3.6%= 309.71  Php 8,911.71
Year 4  8,911.71 x 3.6%= 320.82  Php 9,232.53
Year 5  9,232.53 x 3.6%= 332.37  Php 9,564.9

Telecommunication and Internet Connection

The proponents will purchase the service of PLDT (Philippine Long-Distance

Telecommunications) for the Wi-Fi and Landline of their business. The proponents will

avail two (2) of the Php 1,899.00 plan with free landline. This plan has 600 Mbps speed

that will be used by different departments in the head office and from the store location.

The landline will be used in procuring the supplies for their business and receiving and

delivering of products to their customers. The 3.6% inflation rate will also be used to

compute the 5-year projection.

Table 5.6

Computation of 5-year Projection of Telephone and Internet Connection

Telephone and Internet Communication Projection

Monthly Expense   Php 3,798.00
Annual Expense (Year 1)  Php 3,798.00 x 12 Php 45,576.00
Year 2 Php 45,576.00 x 3.6% = 1,640.74 Php 47,216.74
Year 3 Php 47,216.74 x 3.6%= 1,699.80 Php 48,916.54
Year 4 Php 48,916.54 x 3.6%= 1,761.00 Php 50,677.54
Year 5 Php 50,677.54 x 3.6%= 1,824.39 Php 52,501.93

Equipment and Supplies

Office Equipment

Office Equipment Supplier/ Usefu Cost Quantit Total Cost

Description l life y

Desktop set SM Lucena, 10 Php 15 Php

City yrs. 55,995.0 839,925

150 watts 0

Printer-Scanner Shopee 10 Php 2 Php

300 watts yrs. 6,495.00 12,990.00

when printing

Fingerprint Biometric Aibecy 10 Php 3 Php

Attendance 60 watts yrs. 3,074.83 9,224.49

Air Conditioner LazMall 10 Php 4 Php

770 watts yrs. 41,498.0 165,992

LED Bulbs Ace Hardware 1 yr. Php 6 Php

9 watts 188.00 1,128.00

Lithonia Lighting Ace Hardware 1 yr. Php 5 Php

32 watts 1,290.00 6,450.00


LED Fluorescent Tube Ace Hardware 1 yr. Php 9 Php

16 watts 390.00 3,510.00

CCTV Lazada 5 yrs. Php 17 Php

15 watts 1,290.00 21,930.00

Wall Fan Lazada 10 Php 5 Php

100 watts yrs. 1,220.00 6, 100.00

Refrigerator Pacific Mall 12 Php 2 Php

Lucena, City yrs. 19,503.0 39,006.00

720 watts 0

Ceiling Fan Lazada 10 Php 5 Php

70 watts yrs. 1,989.00 9,945.00

Exhaust Fan Lazada 10 Php 12 Php

120 watts yrs. 3,209.00 38,508.00

Cash Register Lazada 10 Php 1 Php

yrs. 1,323.00 1,323.00

Stapler Lucky 7 yrs. Php 4 Php 920.00

Bookstore 230.00

Wall clock Friend City 5 Php 3 Php 405.00

yrs. 135.00

Calendar Lazada 10 Php 3 Php

yrs. 1,410.00 4,230.00

Pencil Sharpener Lucky 5 yrs. Php 1 Php 230.00

Bookstore 230.00

White Board Lazada 10 Php 1 Php

yrs. 3,741.21 3,741.21

Cork Board Lazada 5 yrs. Php 2 Php 388.08


Total Office Equipment Php



Office Supplies

Office Supplies Supplier Cost Quantity Total


Fire extinguisher Lazada Php 3 Php

1,000 3,000.00

Carbon Paper Lucky Php 260 Php

Bookstore 8.00 1,760.00

Sales invoice Lazada Php 260 Php

19.75 5,135.00

Lucky Php 6 Php

Bookstore 807.00 4,842.00

Bond paper-short Lucky Php 2 Php

Bookstore 178.00 396.00

Bond paper-long Lucky Php 2 Php

Bookstore 200.00 400.00

Box of Ball pens Lucky Php 10 Php

Bookstore 130.00 1,300.00

Staples Lucky Php 8 Php

Bookstore 12.00 96.00

Lucky Php 20 Php

Correction tape Bookstore 27.00 540.00

Scissors Lucky Php 2 Php

Bookstore 30.00 60.00

Push pins Lucky Php 10 Php

Bookstore 1.50 15.00

Paper clips Lucky Php 10 Php

Bookstore 1.50 15.00

Box of White Board Marker Lazada Php 4 Php

76.00 304.00

Total Office Supplies Php


Hygiene/Cleaning Supplies

Hygiene and Cleaning Supplier Cost Quantity Total Cost


Thermal scanner with Shopback Php 2,499.00 3 Php 7,497.00

alcohol dispenser

Alcohol Carlos Php 420.00 20 Php 8,400.00


Vacuum cleaner Ace Php 4,299.00 1 Php 4,299.00


Broom and dustpan Shopee Php 385.00 2 Php 770.00

Squeegee window cleaner Novo Php 128.00 2 Php 256.00

Rubber gloves Novo Php 25.00 3 Php 75.00

Cleaning cart Shopee Php 1,200.00 1 Php 1,200.00

Trash bags (50 pcs.) Novo Php 100.00 3 Php 300.00

Waste basket Lazada Php 885.00 9 Php 7,965.00

Toilet brush with holder Unitop Php 85.00 3 Php 255.00

Facemask Shopee Php 105.00 10 Php 1.050.00

Pack of Hair Net Lazada Php 184.28 2 Php 368.56

Box of Plastic Gloves Lazada Php 34.00 10 Php 340.00

Toilet cleaner liquid Shoprite Php 155.00 10 Php 1,550.00

bleach (900 ml)

Detergent Soap (Set of 3) Lazada Php 91.85 5 Php 459.25

Handwash Liquid Soap (Set Lazada Php 251.10 5 Php 1,255.50

of 3)

Dishwashing Sponge (Set of Lazada Php 69.00 1 Php 69.00


Dishwashing Liquid Lazada Php 87.22 5 Php 436.10

Alcohol Spray Bottle Lazada Php 78.11 3 Php 234.33

Rags (Set of 12) Lazada Php 78.00 5 Php 390.00

Metro Php 349.00 5 Php 1,745.00

Toilet tissue holder

Toilet tissue paper Shoprite Php 105.00 20 Php 2,100.00

Disinfectant Spray (Set of 3) Shopee Php 1,450 3 Php 4,350.00

Disinfection mat Lazada Php 192.00 3 Php 576.00

Total Hygiene/ Cleaning Php 45,940.74


Manufacturing Plant Tools and Equipment

Machine and Equipment Supplier/ Useful Cost Quantity Total Amount

Item life


Dough Mixer Lazada 10 P 17,900 2 Php 35,800

Noodles Maker Machine Lazada 10 P36,762.00 2 Php 73,524

Water Faucet Purifier Lazada 5 P 1,700.00 1 Php 1,700.00

Ceiling fan Shopee 5 yrs. Php 1838.00 10 Php 18,380.00

18 to 120


LED Bulbs Ace 1 yr. Php 395.00 3 Php 1,185.00


16 watts

Water Pump Lazada 10 Php 1,099.00 2 Php 2,198.00

Water Tank Lazada 10 Php 5,000.00 2 Php 10,000.00

Total Machines and Php

Equipment 142,787.00

Furniture and Fixtures

Furniture and Fixtures Supplier/ Usefu Cost Quantity Total Cost

Item l life


Office chair Lazada 5 yrs. Php 15 Php 13,860


Table Lazada 10 Php 15 Php 32,700

yrs. 2,180.00

Long Table Shopee 10 Php 5 Php

1,799.00 8,995.00

Chairs (Set of 6) Lazada 10 Php 2 Php

yrs. 3,298.50 6,597.00

Conference Table Shopee 20 Php 1 Php 11,200


Sofa Shopee 5 Php 1 Php

4,700.00 4,700.00

Indoor Plants Shopee 10 Php 52.00 3 Php 156.00

Foldable Ladder Shopee 10 Php 1 Php 787.00


Aluminum Hanger Shopee 5 Php 4 Php

1,533.57 6,134.28

Small Table Shopee 10 Php 699 1 Php 699.00

Store Counter Shopee 10 Php 1 Php

11,320.00 11,320.00

Storage Cabinet Shopee 10 Php 3 Php

1,580.00 4,740.00

Metal Shelves Shopee 10 Php 14 Php

1,590.00 22,260.00

Filing Cabinet Unitop 10 Php 4 Php

yrs. 1,350.00 5,400.00

Total Furniture and Php

Fixtures 129,548.28

Inventory Tools and Supplies

Tools and Supplies Supplier Cost Quantity Total Cost

Digital scale Amazon Php 1,300.00 3 Php 3,900.00

Cling Wrap Lucena Php 25.00 260 Php 6,500.00



Noodles knife Amazon Php 350.00 3 Php 1,050.00

Total Inventory Tools Php

and Supplies 11,450.00


Vehicle Supplier & Useful Cost Quantity Total Cost

Description Life

Cargo Van Nissan 15 Php 1 Php
1,636,606.8 1,636,606.80

Company Uniform

Manufacturing Site Uniform


5.12. Manufacturing Site Uniform

The uniform shown above is for the employees who are usually in the

manufacturing site and are inclined with the production process. The employees who will

wear the uniform are the COO, Production manager, Machine operators and Workers.

The top uniform has the business logo on one side and position or the job title of

the employee on the other side for easier identification. It has dark blue color for the

unexpected stains, from the production process, to not be obvious and for the cloth to be

less warm. It has white-colored font (position or the job title) for good contrast. It has

also bright orange outlines to give a little color and liveliness to the uniform. The bottom

uniform has a khaki color that is universal. It is kind of loose for the employees to feel

comfy. Overall, the manufacturing site uniform is created to protect employees from the

things that can happen in the production process. The manufacturing site uniform should

always be partnered with good rubber shoes for the employees to be comfortable in every


Store and Head Office Uniform

Figure 5.13. Store and Head Office Uniform

The uniform shown above is for the employees who are usually in the store and

the head office. The employees who will wear the uniform are the CEO, CINO, CFO,

CHRO, CMO, Accountant, Finance assistant, HR staff, Marketing staff and Customer

service staff.

The front top uniform has a logo and at the back has the position or the job title of

the employee. The polo shirt is more formal than other uniforms since the people that will

wear it should be presentable when communicating with people. It is gold in color to

represent the noodles manufacturing corporation with the black-colored font for good

contrast. This uniform should also and always be partnered with good rubber shoes for

the employees to be comfortable in every move. It should also and always be partnered

with good pants such as denim pants or slacks to complete the formal look.

Other Staff Uniform

Figure 5.14. Other Staff Uniform

The uniform shown above is for the employees who are usually in the outside or

does move around a lot. The employees who will wear the uniform are the Security,

Driver and Janitor.

Similar with the previous uniform, the front top uniform has a logo and at the

back has the position or the job title of the employee. The t-shirt is less formal than other
uniforms since the people that will wear it should be more comfortable with their jobs. It

is black in color for a neat and classic look with the white-colored font for good contrast.

This uniform should also and always be partnered with good rubber shoes for the

employees to be comfortable in every move. It should also and always be partnered with

good pants such as denim pants or slacks to complete the overall look.

Waste and Disposal Method

Waste and disposal method are the strategy of every business to dispose reduce,

reuse, and prevent waste. It is necessary for every business to have a proper waste

management strategy. Working in a clean environment will not only increase the

workers’ production efficiency but it will also boost the workers’ morale. A company

that is transparent not only on their finances but as well as their buildings and working

area, will have a good reputation to their customers. Amidst the pandemic, people are

now more cautious and they are keen to cleanliness and how companies dispose their


Figure 5.15. Waste Disposal

The illustration above shows the waste disposal method of the proponents’

business. The proponents will provide three (3) informative trash bins to separate the

biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable wastes in the manufacturing plant, store

location and the head office.

The employees in each location are obligated to clean their working area before

and after their shifts. They will dispose the waste and will be picked up by the garbage



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Appendix A

Letter to Customer Respondents



February 5, 2022

Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Greetings of peace!

We, the college students taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at

Sacred Heart College, are currently conducting a feasibility study entitled “VRRC

Noodles Manufacturing Corporation” as partial fulfillment for the requirement of

Business Research 1. As part of our feasibility study, we are conducting a market survey.

The purpose of the market survey is to gather information that we need for our feasibility

study on consumers of noodles.

In this regard, we would like to ask for your help by answering the questionnaires

provided below. Rest assured that any information you will provide will be dealt with

strict confidentiality and will be used solely for academic purposes.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. Your prompt answer to our request

are highly appreciated.

Respectfully yours,

Constantino, Lady Louise C.

Gonzales, Mae Fern Jane R.

Guinto, Deanne Lorraine V.

Marquez, Laica R.

Appendix B

Letter to Business Owners



February 5, 2022

Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Greetings of peace!

We, the college students taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at

Sacred Heart College, are currently conducting a feasibility study entitled “VRRC

Noodles Manufacturing Corporation” to gather relevant information and to assess the

market feasibility of our business idea.

The following questionnaire is developed to ask you a few questions regarding your

business operations. In this regard, we would like to ask for your help by answering the

questionnaires provided below. Rest assured that any information you will provide will

be dealt with strict confidentiality and will be used solely for academic purposes.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. Your prompt answer to our request

is highly appreciated.


Constantino, Lady Louise C.

Gonzales, Mae Fern Jane R.

Guinto, Deanne Lorraine V.

Marquez, Laica R.

Appendix C

Questionnaire to Customers

Name (optional): ________________________________________________________

Directions: Kindly check (/) the box below that represents your most fitting answer.


 Male  Female

 18 – 22 years old  35 years old and above

 23 – 35 years old
Civil Status

 Single  Separated
 Married  Widowed
 Divorced
Occupational Status

 Student  Self-Employed
 Unemployed  Others, kindly specify
 Employed ___________________________
Allowance Per Day

 PHP 100 and below  PHP 300 to 500

 PHP 100 to 300  PHP 500 and above


1. Do you like instant (ramen) noodles?
 Yes  No
2. If yes, why do you like instant (ramen) noodles? (Check all that applies)
 Easy to cook  Comforting
 Convenient to buy  Others, kindly specify
3. What kind of noodles do you typically buy? (Check all that applies)
 Uncooked noodles without seasoning (Pasta, egg noodles)
 Uncooked noodles with soup seasoning (Ramen noodles with broth)
 Uncooked noodles with dry seasoning (Noodles without broth but with
ingredients such as meat and/or vegetables, soy sauce and oil)
4. How frequent do you buy instant (ramen) noodles?
 Daily  Once a month
 Once a week  Others, kindly specify
 Twice to thrice a week ______________________

5. How frequent do you eat instant (ramen) noodles?

 Daily  Once a month
 Once a week  Others, kindly specify
 Twice to thrice a week ________________________

6. What kind of advertisement/promotion do you prefer for instant noodles? (Check all
that applies)
 Social media ad  Freebies/Giveaways
 Flyers/Tarpaulin  Others, kindly specify
 Free taste _______________________

7. Where is your preferred type of location to buy instant (ramen) noodles? (Check all
that applies)
 Convenience Store  Online Store
 Supermarket  Others, kindly specify
 Noodles Store ___________________

6. How much do you typically spend in buying one (1) instant (ramen) noodles? (Check
all that applies)
 PHP 10 and below  PHP 31-50
 PHP 11-30  PHP 51 and above

7. What is your most preferred type of payment?

 Cash / Cash on delivery (COD)
 Online payment (GCash, Paymaya, etc.)
 Others, kindly specify ________________


1. If ever there will be new instant (ramen) noodles in the market, are you willing to try
the product?
 Yes  No
2. Are you willing to buy a freshly made instant (ramen) noodles?
 Yes
 No

3. How much are you willing to pay for a three hundred grams of freshly made instant
(ramen) noodles (300g)?
 PHP 21-40  PHP 61-80
 PHP 41-60  PHP 81 and above

Appendix D

Questionnaire to Business Owners


Directions: Kindly indicate your answer on the lines provided. (optional)
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Business Name: __________________________________________________________
Business Location:________________________________________________________
Establishment Date: _______________________________________________________
Directions: Kindly check (/) the box below that represents your most fitting answer.
1. How much capital did you invest in starting up your business?
 PHP 100,000 and below  PHP 500,001 – 900,000
 PHP 100,001 – 500,000  PHP 900,001 and above

2. How long is your business established?

 Less than a year  5-9 years
 1-5 years  9 years and above

3. How many employees do you currently have?

 Less than 10 employees  50-249 employees
 10-49 employees  More than 250 employees

4. How long are your operating hours in a day?

 Less than 4 hours  More than 8 hours
 4-8 hours

5. When do you typically operate?

 Weekdays only  Whole week
 Weekends only  Others, kindly specify

6. How many days per week do you operate?

 1  4  7
 2  5
 3  6

7. What is the average number of customers visiting your store in a day?

 Below 10  79 – 100
 10 – 49  Above 100
 49 – 79

8. What type of customer do you typically attract?

 Student  Private Employees
 Parents  Others, kindly specify
 Public Employees ___________________________

9. How much is your average daily sales?

 Below PHP 5,000  PHP 35,000 – 49,999
 PHP 5,000 – 19,999  PHP 50,000 and above
 PHP 20,000 – 34,999

10. How much is the selling price of your instant (ramen) noodles?
 PHP 10 and below  PHP 31-50
 PHP 11-30  PHP 51 and above

11. What are the tools you currently use for advertisement?
 Social media/Website  Radio/TV Ad
 Flyers/Brochures  Others, kindly specify
 Posters/Tarpaulins ________________________
12. What are the strategies you currently use for sales promotion?
 Free Taste  Customer Loyalty Card
 Buy 1 Take 1/Discount  Others, kindly specify
 Freebies/Giveaways ________________________

13. Where do you sell your products?

 Convenience Store  Online Store
 Supermarket  Others, kindly specify
 Noodles Store ___________________


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