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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Royal Government of Bhutan


“As a small country with a small population, we can
overcome any challenge we are faced with, if the people
and the government work together.
It is important, however, to not lose sight of our na-
tional objectives, and aim to bring normalcy as soon as Foreword 4
possible so that when this pandemic is behind us, we
Message 5
can continue to work on making our future better and
stronger. In the meantime, we will continue to work From the Editor 7
ceaselessly through this challenging situation.”
The State Visit of Lyonchhen (Dr.) Lotay Tshering, Prime 8
Minister of Bhutan, to Bangladesh
-His Majesty The King’s Address To The Nation, 22
March 2020 Leadership and lessons learnt from Bhutan’s response 12
to COVID-19

UNDP and Bhutan - Over four decades of partnership resilient, 20

inclusive, and sustainable development in promoting
The King, national discipline and unity: shields against 24
a pandemic
Bhutan in the international Arena in 2020 - highlights 28

Diplomats as travel agents 32

Amici Del Bhutan Italia 39

COVID-19 and the disruption of studies in the United Kingdom 40

Tapping the domestic tourism market 44

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and 46

Build Bhutan Project (BBP)

IFS Experience: An Experience of a Lifetime 50

COVID-19 pandemic: The economic impact in Bhutan 52
and policy intervention

Bhutanese Diaspora: Significance and the Way Forward 54

Meeting Bhutan’s Water Challenge 58

An MP’s experience as a De-suup 61

The Kingdom of Zangdopelri and its e-diplomacy experience 63

Bhutan’s best practices in COVID-19 response 65

What does it take for ‘learning’ to stop? 69


It gives me great pleasure to share that our first publication of I am very happy that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is bringing out
Chidrel Tawaa was successfully launched and was well received by its second issue of Chidrel Tawaa. The first issue, Chidrel Tawa 2020,
the readers. The Ministry also received valuable feedback on areas was a maiden initiative of the Ministry and despite lack of experience
requiring improvement which have been considered in the current in such an undertaking, the issue received positive feedback from
issue. The first Chidrel Tawaa was released virtually due to the many quarters as well as suggestions for improvement. I would
COVID-19 pandemic. like to express the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ gratitude to all those
who provided feedback. This edition has taken into account all the
The second publication of Chidrel Tawaa comes out during an feedback and it is our hope that Chidrel Tawaa 2021 will prove to be
extraordinary time when countries, especially in the region are a better read for all.
battling fresh COVID infections that are reportedly more contagious
2021 continues to be as challenging as the previous year, with the
than the previous variants. The second publication reflects on various
Covid-19 pandemic still raging and an end to it far from sight. In
undertakings of the Royal Government of Bhutan and the visionary
Bhutan, our battle against the pandemic has been waged with
Dr. Tandi Dorji leadership of His Majesty The King in ensuring that the lives and Kinga Singye wisdom, foresight and whole-of-government approach under
Foreign Minister livelihoods of the Bhutanese people are as least affected as possible. Foreign Secretary
the wise and selfless leadership of His Majesty The King. The Royal
Besides this, we have also tried to put in some personal reflections of
Government was also fortunate to receive the wholehearted support
of the Bhutanese people and the international community led by the
country’s closest friend and neighbor, India.
We in Bhutan have been fortunate like always to have the leadership
of His Majesty The King, who has selflessly led the fight against the The theme of Chidrel Tawaa 2021 is Bhutan’s response to Covid-19
pandemic since the day of the detection of the first COVID case and its impact on our society and economy. The editorial team has
in Bhutan. Galvanizing people from all sectors and walks of life, chosen this theme as it provides the opportunity for Bhutan to share
coordinating the work and efforts of frontline workers across the its experiences in dealing with the pandemic and its impacts. It is
country, His Majesty continues to ensure that our response to the also an opportunity to highlight the importance of national resolve
pandemic is smooth and effective. and global support and cooperation to continue our fight against the
pandemic, which is going to be with us for the foreseeable future.
Different accounts and narratives in the publication show how
I would like to convey the Ministry’s appreciation to the editorial
Bhutan and her people with the help received from our bilateral,
team for their hard work and dedication. I would also like to express
regional and multilateral partners managed to confront the most
our gratitude to all friends and colleagues for their insightful articles.
turbulent of times during this pandemic. As countries in the region
battle the next wave of more contagious COVID infections, I can only
hope that our experience in managing the pandemic till date and the
response we have implemented will help us minimize its impacts.

I wish all readers a happy reading and as always invite you all to give
us your valuable feedback and comments on the content.

(Kinga Singye)
Foreign Secretary

(Dr. Tandi Dorji)

Foreign Minister


From the Editor
Covid-19 has spilled over into 2021, and with new variants at that. It’s been
unrelenting in its scourge of lives and livelihoods. More than a year on, the ‘new
normal’ is setting in. It’s becoming routine, and normal. Thus, Covid-19 – fatiguing
as it may be – is the theme of Chidrel Tawaa 2021.

It goes without saying that Covid-19 has had a debilitating effect on our economy

and society. This edition discusses Bhutan’s response to fight the pandemic, and
to deal with it to live, as it were, an alternative lifestyle, by necessity – that is. And

2021 the response has been exemplary; for, in Bhutan, Covid-19 has had a formidable

Instantly after the onset of Covid-19 in Bhutan in March 2020, His Majesty The
King has spearheaded the national response and led the battle against it, at the
forefront, and with an unparalleled and indomitable spirit. His Majesty’s regular,
tireless, and selfless visits to high-risk areas safeguard us all. We couldn’t have
Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked for stronger immunity.
Royal Government of Bhutan
You would not wish for a crisis. But if you cannot prevent it, capitalize on it. Because
a crisis begets innovation. From remote working to virtual meeting to virtual
learning, Covid-19 has required us to be technology-based and digitally functional.
Fortuitously, this could accelerate us for the digital age – a shot in the arm of His
EDITORIAL TEAM Majesty’s vision of a ‘smart nation,’ and of governance and development through
Dawa Tshering
Chief Bhutan hasn’t had any tourist since March 2020. So tap into domestic tourism.
Asia and the Pacific Division Boost agriculture. Build a skilled workforce. Today, these interventions will see us
Department of Bilateral Affairs through the crisis. Tomorrow, it’s self-reliance.

The men and women in orange have been critical to the success of Bhutan’s
Tsheten Wangyel response. The ubiquity of de-suups is unequivocal about the enormity as much
Chief of their service as of the pandemic. Who could have had the foresight to institute
Public Diplomacy Division De-suung, Guardians of Peace, a decade prior? Chidrel Tawaa 2021 celebrates their
dedicated service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum.

Dechen Pelmo Recently, we gasped at two photos: one, His Majesty drenched in rain; the other
Dy. Chief His Majesty having a packed lunch at a security outpost. Both were of one of His
Department of Multilateral Affairs Majesty’s visits to the high-risk areas in the south to protect us as a parent, care
for us as a brother, and serve us as a son. These inimitable scenes call on us all
Metho Dema to rally behind His Majesty and the Government against the pandemic to keep
Sr. Desk Officer ourselves safe.
Department of Bilateral Affairs
That ‘no one is safe until everyone is’ underscores that international cooperation
is indispensable to fight Covid-19. Bhutan has been successful in managing the
Sangay Thinley pandemic. We owe it to our international friends. The kind support and cooperation
Sr. Desk Officer from our friends in the international community have consolidated our domestic
Department of Regional Cooperation efforts. Continued international cooperation is all the more paramount to ensure
that everyone is safe.

Namgay Choden The editorial team is grateful for the contributions. That not all could make it here
Assistant Desk Officer is regretted.
Department of Bilateral Affairs
The editorial team wishes you all a happy reading. Stay safe.

Jigme Wangmo
Assistant Protocol Officer
Department of Protocol

(Dawa Tshering)


Honorable Lyonchhen paid a courtesy call on Honorable President of Bangladesh Abdul Hamid on March 24 at Bangabhaban, the Official Residence of the
Upon arrival at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka on March 23, Honorable Lyonchhen was received by Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina President

ramiflora at the venue. On the same Minister’s Office (PMO). From the “Mujib Borsho” or Mujib Year.
THE STATE VISIT OF LYONCHHEN (DR.) day, he also visited the Bangabandhu
Memorial Museum in Dhanmondi,
the Bangladeshi side, the bilateral
meeting was attended by Dr. AK
The programme at the National
Parade Ground was attended by

LOTAY TSHERING, PRIME MINISTER OF Dhaka, the residence of the

Father of the Nation. Later in the
Abdul Momen, Foreign Minister of
Bangladesh; Dr. Ahmed Kaikaus,
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and
high dignitaries of the Government
afternoon, Foreign Minister Dr. AK Principal Secretary to the Prime of Bangladesh. As the Guest of
BHUTAN, TO BANGLADESH FROM 23-25 Abdul Momen called on Lyonchhen
at the Hotel InterContinental
Minister; Ambassador Masud Bin
Momen, Foreign Secretary (Senior
Honour for the event, Lyonchhen
delivered his Bangabandhu
MARCH 2021 and thanked the latter for visiting
Bangladesh to be part of the historic
Secretary); and Mr. Shahidul
Karim, Ambassador of Bangladesh
Memorial Speech in which he
recalled the legacy of the Father
events despite the requirement to to Bhutan. In the afternoon, of the Nation and paid tribute to
Government. The main purpose Upon arrival at the Hazrat Shahjalal undergo institutional quarantine Lyonchhen called on H. E. Mr. the contributions made by Sheikh
of the visit was to attend the International Airport, Dhaka on for 21 days upon return to Bhutan. Abdul Hamid, President of the Mujibur Rahman in laying the
celebration of two historic events, 23rd March 2021, Lyonchhen was In the evening, Prime Minister People’s Republic of Bangladesh at “strong foundations for a peaceful,
Royal Bhutanese namely, the Birth Centenary of the received by H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Sheikh Hasina hosted a banquet Bangabhaban, the Official Residence progressive and prosperous
Embassy, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Prime Minister of Bangladesh, and followed by a cultural programme of the President. President Abdul Bangladesh.” Lyonchhen also
Dhaka, Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman or senior officials of the Government at the Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hamid thanked Lyonchhen for the commended the leadership of Prime
“Mujib Borsho” and the Golden of Bangladesh. Following this, as is in honor of Lyonchhen and the visit to participate in the festive Minister Sheikh Hasina and the
Lyonchhen (Dr.) Lotay Tshering, Jubilee of the independence of customary for all visiting heads of visiting delegation. celebrations and recalled Bhutan’s tremendous contributions she has
Prime Minister of the Kingdom Bangladesh. The Prime Minister was government and state, Lyonchhen contribution to the independence made towards realizing her father’s
of Bhutan, paid a State Visit to accompanied by an eight-member visited the National Martyrs’ In the forenoon of 24th March of Bangladesh. This was followed dream of “Sonar Bangla” or Golden
Bangladesh from 23rd to 25th official delegation, a media team, Memorial in Savar to pay respects 2021, Lyonchhen held a bilateral by a visit to the National Parade Bangla. Recalling the historical
March 2021. This was his second and a twenty two-member cultural to the martyrs of the Bangladesh discussion with Prime Minister Ground, Dhaka, which was the bond and friendship between our
visit to Bangladesh as the Head of delegation from the Royal Academy Liberation War. Lyonchhen also Sheikh Hasina at the Prime main venue for the celebration of two countries which dates back to
of Performing Arts (RAPA). planted a sapling of Baccaurea


the emergence of Bangladesh as an Bhutanese students studying in
independent country, Lyonchhen Bangladesh with a multiple-entry
looked forward to far more visa for the full duration of one’s
successes and achievements as the course, subject to the validity of the
two countries continue the journey passport.
together, marked with so much
affinity and affection. Lyonchhen’s 5. The two countries also agreed to
address which was delivered with pursue and expedite the following:
intermittent usage of Bangla words
struck a chord with the audience a) Finalize the Transit Agreement
and added an emotional touch to and the Protocol to the Agreement;
the celebratory atmosphere.
b) Hold the next Joint Technical
Lyonchhen’s address at the National Committee meeting to amend the
Parade Ground was followed by SOP on the use of inland waterways;
a series of well-choreographed
cultural performances by the artists Upon completion of his three-day state visit, Honorable Lyonchhen was seen off by Foreign Minister c) Hold the next Commerce
of Bangladesh Dr. AK Abdul Momen and senior officials of the Government of Bangladesh at Hazrat
of the Royal Academy of Performing Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka, on March 25 Secretary-level meeting to discuss
Arts (RAPA), which resonated trade-related matters and pursue
with the spirit and theme of the other pending issues; and,
celebrations and the Golden Jubilee
As the Guest of Honour, Honorable Lyonchhen delivered his Bangabandhu Memorial Speech at the planned commemorative activities. purpose of the visit, although no
National Parade Ground, Dhaka, on March 24
of the inception of the bilateral Notwithstanding the COVID-19 substantive matters were discussed d) Hold the third Foreign Office
relationship between Bhutan and pandemic, the Bangladesh involving bilateral cooperation Consultation between the two
Bhutan, including the COVID-19 the delegation were seen off at the government organized a grand between the two countries, the
Bangladesh. After concluding the foreign ministries to discuss
situation and the vaccination airport by Foreign Minister Dr. AK closing ceremony to mark the end of following are some of the outcomes
National Parade Ground event, the entire gamut of bilateral
strategy, and heard out challenges Abdul Momen and other senior the Mujib Year. The ten-day closing of the visit:
Lyonchhen visited the Chancery cooperation.
and concerns facing Bhutanese officials. ceremony (17th to 27th March
of the Royal Bhutanese Embassy
students in Bangladesh. The Royal 2021) witnessed visits by leaders 1. Both sides agreed to study the
in Dhaka and had an interactive At the end of the state visit, the two
Bhutanese Embassy hosted a dinner Besides the official engagements, from the region in a staggered feasibility of using the recently
session with Bhutanese students, countries issued a Joint Statement
in honour of Lyonchhen and the Lyonchhen also met with other manner and felicitation messages inaugurated Haldibari-Chilahati
the Embassy officials and the covering all aspects of Lyonchhen’s
visiting delegation. personalities on the sidelines flowing in from leaders and well- railway link by Bhutan for bilateral
Bhutanese working in Bangladesh. visit and the discussions held with
during his stay in Bangladesh. These wishers from around the globe, trade.
Lyonchhen briefed the audience high dignitaries of the Government
On 25th March, Lyonchhen and include meetings with Ambassador paying their respective tributes and
on the state of developments in of Bangladesh.
Jishnu Roy Choudhury, former respects to the Father of the Nation. 2. To honor the special bond of
Ambassador of Bangladesh to friendship and goodwill that exists While the current visit of
Bhutan; Mr. Tenzin Lekphell, Earlier on 6th December 2020, between the two countries and Lyonchhen to Bangladesh reinforces
Secretary General of BIMSTEC; the two countries inaugurated the as part of the celebration of 50 the tradition of regular high-
Professor M. Khademul Islam, golden jubilee of the recognition of years of Bhutan’s recognition of level exchanges between the two
Chief Consultant; Dr. Md. Shaukat the independence of Bangladesh by the independence of Bangladesh, countries, the visit also provided yet
Ali, Cardiac Surgeon; Dr. Mamum Bhutan as the first country by signing Bangladesh gifted five additional another opportunity to deepen the
Khan, Assistant Director, Sheikh the Preferential Trade Agreement, MBBS slots to Bhutan, taking the bilateral relations between our two
Hasina Institute of Burn and Plastic the first of its kind for both total number of MBBS seats for countries. It has greatly contributed
Surgery; and Professor Vincent countries. Therefore, Lyonchhen’s Bhutan to twenty. towards further enhancing the
Chang, the Vice-Chancellor of State Visit to Bangladesh could not close ties of friendship, goodwill,
BRAC University, among others. have come at a better time, as it 3. The Government of Bangladesh understanding and cooperation
afforded the two countries not only agreed to provide internet between the governments, leaders
In what could otherwise have the platform to jointly celebrate bandwidth to Bhutan at a friendship and the peoples of the two countries.
been a year-long celebration of the historic Mujib Year but also to rate for its third international
Mujib Borsho, following the onset cherish five decades of a vibrant and Internet gateway to be established
of the COVID-19 pandemic, ever-growing bilateral partnership. from Bangladesh.
the Government of Bangladesh
A cultural performance by RAPA artists at the National Parade Ground, Dhaka, on March 24 in the
presence of both the Prime Ministers had to do away with most of its In keeping with the spirit and 4. Bangladesh also agreed to provide


heads of relevant agencies were vulnerable and, as the US Secretary As a small country with limited
briefed and commanded to take all of State remarked later, he was quite resources, there is skepticism
measures to prevent further spread “frankly expected to die.”2 Besides abroad on the availability, capability
and to prepare the country for the old age, he had other serious and quality of health care in Bhutan.
long difficult road ahead. medical conditions and, as a result, This is further aggravated by our
lower immunity. Despite all the poor understanding of the corona
Since then, His Majesty has been challenges, he did well initially. But infection, the absence of an agreed
working tirelessly and travelling his condition deteriorated rapidly treatment protocol, and the use
extensively across the country to and soon he had to be put on a of many medicines on a trial basis.
ensure that every effort was made ventilator. His Majesty commanded As a result, it was understandable
and a system put in place to protect that he should receive the best that Mr Hewitt’s daughter was very
the country from the pandemic. care and that whatever was needed concerned given his existing health
was to be provided. Following conditions and wanted to repatriate
While leaders across the world this directive, a dedicated team of her father to the US for treatment.
were being secluded to protect specialist doctors and intensive She had reached out to the US
themselves from being infected, His care nurses worked around the government for support, and a
Majesty The King was not only at clock taking care of him in a special special air ambulance, a gulf stream
the helm but also at the forefront COVID facility. All the health care jet fitted with a bio-containment
giving directives and coordinating providers were isolated within the unit, eventually evacuated Mr
the work of all the agencies. Three hospital campus and took turns day Hewitt on 13 March 2020.
districts were immediately put and night providing medical care. Miraculously, he survived, and as
under lockdown, schools were one of the doctors in Baltimore
closed, offices and businesses shut As opposed to many countries where he was treated later told him,
and people were asked to restrict where tourists and foreigners who “Whatever they tried in Bhutan
their movement. As it was the first brought the infection into the probably saved your life.” 3
case of COVID in the country, fear country faced difficulty in availing
His Majesty speaks to a De-suup and Police personnel on patrol duty at Amochu of the disease kept everyone at home treatment and faced harassment To prevent further importation of
irrespective of the government from many quarters, Mr Hewitt and the virus into the country, entry
directives. The capital city came to his partner (who later also tested of tourists was banned while


a standstill. Through this time, His positive) were treated with inherent Bhutanese returning from overseas
Majesty worked daily from morning Bhutanese compassion and were asked to quarantine at home
until late into the night reviewing kindness. His Majesty instructed for 14 days. Compliance became


the progress and providing support the hospital authorities to provide a big concern as it was difficult
to all the people working relentlessly the best care and personally talked to monitor every house, so the
in controlling the pandemic. The to Mr Hewitt and his partner, government took the difficult
mere presence of His Majesty in assuring them of not only the best decision to mandate everyone to

RESPONSE TO COVID-19 the building inspired and motivated

everyone to dedicate themselves
to the task at hand. The national
health care but also at no cost at
all. In addition to the hospital care,
prayers and offerings were made
stay in facility quarantine, initially
for two weeks and later increased
to three weeks. The hotel industry,
disaster management authority was by the monastic body and people starting with the Bhutan Tourism
Leadership been given to track and identify all activated and plans were rolled out across the country for his quick Corporation Limited (BTCL) came
contacts. Personally supervising to respond to the pandemic for the recovery. This is in keeping with the forward in this critical phase by
When the first case of SARS- and reviewing the work of the many immediate and long term. strong belief that, to recover from contributing their facility free of
CoV-2 infection was detected in a agencies throughout the night an illness, it is important to conduct cost for quarantine purposes. This
76-year-old American tourist at 11 from the health ministry premises, With His Majesty’s command to prayers and rituals along with was a huge boon as the number
pm on 5 March 2020, His Majesty it was incredible that by 5 a.m. the prevent any death from COVID medical interventions (menchoe- of hotels required increased
The King was in the Ministry of next morning, all the primary and in the country, treating and caring rimdro). exponentially with an increasing
H. E. (Dr.) Tandi Dorji Health building ensuring that all secondary contacts across the three
Minister for Foreign Affairs
for the first case presented a huge number of Bhutanese returning
actions were taken to immediately districts of Paro, Thimphu and challenge. Mr Hewitt1 had all 2 Slater J (2020) A king, a ventilator, an 8,000-mile journey: One home. The government however
control the pandemic. When the Punakha had been traced, tested and the risk factors that made him
American’s coronavirus rescue from Bhutan. Washington Post,
May 14, 2020. 3 A complete report on Mr Hewitt’s evacuation by Slater can be
test result was confirmed just after quarantined. By 6 a.m., the cabinet, 1 Mr Hewitt - name is being used as it has already been reported coronavirus-american-tourist-evacuation/2020/05/13/2f43f1e6 read in the Washington Post as provided in footnote number 2.

-8f16-11ea-9322-a29e75effc93_story.html (Accessed on October
midnight, command had already the committee of secretaries and in the media and is available on the internet.


decided to pay the hotels for the people. The most important
quarantine and in consultation with duty however was in manning the
the hoteliers agreed on a nominal border outposts, majority of which
price depending on the rating of were in remote locations with
hotels. This was good for both very rudimentary and temporary
parties considering that tourists shelters. Despite the challenges
were now completely absent. and difficult circumstances, De-
suups, buoyed and inspired by His
Having secured against the risk of Majesty, served with dedication,
infection coming in through air commitment and patriotism along
transport, it was time to address with army, police, foresters and
the other route, the approximately volunteers from the community,
699 km of porous land border in including officials from the local
the south with India which was of governments.
a greater threat. Having controlled
the situation in Thimphu, As His Majesty has reminded us,
with no demonstrated local His Majesty The King with the representatives of the De-suung fraternity during the 113th National Day Bhutan is a country of “tendrel”5
at the historic Punakha Dzong
transmission, His Majesty travelled and the De-suung program is one.
to Phuentsholing, the largest serve as volunteers across the country. Today, there are close to 23,000 De- Although it was initiated more
town in the south and the main His Majesty The King visiting the settlements along the borders where there is high risk of suups. The largest number of De-suups were sent to man the outposts and to than a decade ago and De-suups
gateway for people and trade. After transmission
patrol the borders, while others volunteered across towns and villages in the have contributed on a number of
analyzing the risks and reviewing entire country monitoring compliance of health protocol and supporting occasions since then, it seems that
twenty districts. The Prime Minister camaraderie, volunteerism and
the preparedness, His Majesty central and local governments activities. De-suups played a major role during His Majesty foresaw the pandemic
accompanied His Majesty to most cooperation in the nation’’. De-
addressed the nation on 22 March the two national lockdowns in stocking up warehouses with essential goods, and established De-suung to
of the districts and implemented suups, translated as “Guardians of
2020 and announced the closure of packaging and distributing food and groceries, maintaining law and order, respond to it. I am certain that this
the commands received to respond Peace,” are trained for three to four
all international borders. This posed supporting the provision of essential services and patrolling communities to can be a model for other countries
to the needs of the people and to weeks by the military on discipline,
a huge challenge as thousands of ensure compliance with the health guidelines. to follow.
strengthen preparedness. More rescue technique, crowd control
Bhutanese were residing across the
attention and focus was given to and disaster management. Pivotal to
border in the Indian town of Jaigaon. One of the greatest contributors to the country’s success in the COVID Most deservedly, His Majesty The
the southern districts because they being a De-suup is to volunteer and
To accommodate more than a response has been the presence of De-suups. As the program was initiated by King conferred the Druk Thugsey
were most at risk; all the major serve the nation in times of need,
thousand families, His Majesty His Majesty, it is prestigious. There is immense interest to be part of it. The medal to De-suung on 17 December
industries were located there and such as during festivals, national
tasked the army to construct 1000 training is very rigorous and the services provided by De-suups on various 2020 at the 113th National Day
they served as the main entry point events, disasters, accidents and
temporary houses in the shortest occasions over the years have won admiration and trust from the people. celebrations for its extraordinary
for all goods. Over the year, His organized functions. At the time of
possible time. To coordinate the The bright orange uniform donned by De-suups has become a symbol of contributions to the nation during
Majesty has visited vulnerable and the COVID outbreak, there were
movement of goods and people, selfless volunteerism and personal sacrifice made in the service of the Tsa- the pandemic.
high-risk areas more than a dozen less than 5,000 trained De-suups.
and to manage any potential Wa-Sum (the three jewels comprising King, country and people). His
times, covering the entire 699 km of His Majesty saw the need for many
infection, two regional task forces Majesty personally oversees the training program, looks after the welfare of Under the leadership and guidance
the border and entering quarantine more to respond to the pandemic
were constituted. One was based De-suups and grants audiences to every batch of De-suups. of His Majesty, the government
each time. Border outposts were and commanded the setting up of
in Trashigang (later relocated to has implemented rigorous
established every half to one km and new training centres. The criteria
Samdrup Jongkhar in September) There are many other significant activities carried out by De-suups during evidence-based measures that have
volunteers were recruited to observe for enrolling were also relaxed to
to coordinate the eastern part of the pandemic. One of the earliest activities was in the initial few days when successfully prevented a full-blown
and monitor the illegal movement include high-school students. There
the country. The other was based hand sanitizers were completely sold out. On the command of His Majesty, community transmission in the
of people across the porous border. was an overwhelming response;
in Phuentsholing to look after the all the alcohol stocked in the Army Welfare Project4 was diverted to make country. At the time of writing this
thousands applied for the training.
southern part. hand sanitizers. De-suups made hand sanitizers from the alcohol in huge article, Bhutan has had only one
His Majesty in his farsightedness
drums and then drove around the capital city to distribute them free to death from COVID.
started the De-suung program in After the first COVID case in
Thereafter, His Majesty travelled
2011 to “promote peace, harmony Bhutan, nearly 18,000 more De-
across the country, reviewing the 4The Army Welfare Project is a company that manufactures world-famous alcohol beverages. Profits from it are used for taking care of 5 Tendrel: Literally means “dependent and connection” or the
and unity through a spirit of suups were trained and recruited to soldiers and their family members during and after their service. results that occur due to certain causes and conditions.
preparedness and situation in all the


Lessons and Opportunities and most importantly effective. and family ties, neglecting farming apparent during the pandemic
While there is no doubt that The wholehearted trust placed and agriculture and the absence of when hordes of migrant workers
COVID-19 has been a huge by the people in His Majesty has critical skills amongst our youth from neighboring countries began
challenge to health services, secured unconditional cooperation that our forefathers had to survive to leave in droves. Work at many
wrecked economies of countries and full compliance with the strict independently. Universal free construction sites came to a standstill
around the world and disrupted and rigorous preventive measures, education, while extremely effective and, even in the major hydropower
people’s lives and livelihoods, it particularly during the two (>100 % enrolment) has created project sites, the management was
has also given us an opportunity national lockdowns. The pandemic disillusioned and dependent youth threatened and held to ransom by
to learn and adapt. There are many has taught us that we are all seeking only white-collar jobs, and workers who were determined to
lessons we can learn, from the interdependent and that the actions unwilling to get their hands and feet return to their loved ones. Decades
responses and measures taken of one or few can affect everyone. dirty. of building our offices, homes and
to the pandemic, challenges and If we are to successfully overcome industries by foreign labour have
obstacles encountered, deficiencies the pandemic, each one of us must Thus, there is a need to relook and created dependency and an absence
and vulnerability in our systems and take responsibility and abide by the reform our education system by of skilled Bhutanese workers. This is
reactions and behaviors of people. measures put in place in the best modernizing teaching methods and compounded by a lack of interest,
interest of the country. revising curriculum and standards and reluctance to do physical work
The first and most critical is the to make them relevant for the by our youth. What is even more
importance of good leadership and The second lesson is the extent of our present and future times. As His lamentable is the quality of the
trust. People in Bhutan, as always, vulnerability and the consequences Majesty has stressed, it is imperative design and construction of our
have been most fortunate in having of the development progress that we that we focus and prioritize STEM buildings brought on by woeful
His Majesty lead the fight against have made. There is no doubt that subjects and invest in technical and procurement rules that award work
the pandemic at the forefront. 12 five year plans have in over 60 vocational education and training to the lowest bidder, resulting in
Galvanizing people from all years brought immense economic (TVET) which is critical for the cheap material and labour. How
sectors and coordinating the work development, reduced poverty to economy. We must invest more in many structures that were built in
and efforts of frontline workers 5% and brought Bhutan on the agriculture and water technology, the last half of the century in our Picture courtesy: Fablab-Bhutan
across the country, His Majesty cusp of becoming a middle-income both of which are very important country can we really be proud of as
has ensured that our response is country. This has however come for self-reliance and make them a a fine example of the craftsmanship
The third lesson is how to invest in enabled people to work from home
smooth, homogenous, efficient at the cost of eroding traditional major contributor to the economy. of Bhutanese architects and
technology, capitalize and utilize (reducing pollution and saving
Our youth must be equipped with builders? We must build a pool of
it efficiently. Ever since television energy) and conduct meetings
proper knowledge and have a highly skilled construction workers,
and the internet were introduced quickly and effectively. One of the
conducive environment to take up specialized in different aspects, such
in Bhutan at the beginning of most important successes following
entrepreneurship, innovate, become as masons, carpenters, plumbers,
the 21st century, investment and the national lockdown has been
self-employed and create jobs rather electricians, heating and ventilation,
expansion in technology have been the development and creation of
than seek jobs. We must instill in landscaping, etc., and have a strong
rather slow. In the last decade or the zoning system throughout
our youth the importance of hard workforce buoyed by attractive
so, expenses at national, family and the country. Despite decades of
work and dignity of labour. We must salaries and work conditions.
individual levels have been wasted investment and work by a myriad
instill confidence in them to take Despite several attempts to improve
on entertainment. The use of of agencies on having an address
up whatever opportunities come the construction sector, there has
various social media platforms has system for Thimphu, it could never
their way, and a sense of loyalty been no focused intervention
been most popular. COVID-19 has be completed. When His Majesty
and dedication to the Tsa-Wa-Sum or investment to uplift the basic
taught us that there is much more we personally took up the initiative
no matter what job they do. The foundation starting with training
can do with information technology, of forming a team from all the
mark of a true patriot is when he and building skills. The Build
especially virtual platforms that relevant agencies and tasked them
becomes a contributory citizen, not Bhutan Project and specialized
enable efficient work and decision- to deliver, the work was completed
a dependent. construction firms recently
making. Investing in and developing in two days! Within a few weeks,
established are expected to bring
smart apps has allowed a better the whole country was categorized
Our dependence on foreign labour major changes in the construction
Picture courtesy: PMO Bhutan response to the pandemic and the into zones, to manage the pandemic
for manual work, especially in industry.
use of multimedia platforms has more efficiently and plan and build
the construction sector was most


taking care of the people’s needs, it other nation in the 21st century”.6 crucial in effectively responding
is equally important to take care of to the challenges posed by the
the needs of nature and especially of There are many other lessons pandemic. Bhutan is thankful to all
other living beings. In a remarkable that we can learn from which are its international partners for their
demonstration of compassion, His equally, if not more, important, generous support and contributions.
Majesty commanded the army to such as securing and manning our International cooperation and
feed the thousands of stray dogs international borders, enhancing understanding have also been
that were left hungry during the trade by increasing export and important in implementing
lockdown. streamlining import, diversifying containment measures and border
the economy, creating more management.
Most importantly, one of the jobs, addressing the menace of
valuable lessons is to be better contraband and substance abuse, This is no time to think of one’s
prepared in the future. This time it is etc. Many of these are components interest whether as individuals,
the pandemic and Bhutan has done of those that are mentioned above sectors, institutions, districts or
extremely well under His Majesty’s and are being addressed. The political parties. The interest of the
leadership and guidance. However, greatest impediment and challenge nation is paramount, the life of every
in terms of preparation, were we for the government is not the will Bhutanese is precious, maintaining
really prepared? This will certainly or the capability, but the availability unity and harmony is sacred and it
not be the last pandemic and, as a of funds. The limited resources that is the duty of each and every one of
country located in the Himalayas, we have and which can be availed us to serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum. I have
we face existential threats of natural needs to be carefully rationalized no doubt that under the leadership
De-suups distributing hand sanitizer to the general public. Picture courtesy: ORF disasters and other calamities. We and prioritized to reap maximum of His Majesty The King, and with
must harness the lessons from this benefits. We must be realistic and the prayers of the Dratshang led by
pandemic to better prepare and practical, knowing what, when and His Holiness the Je Khenpo, and the
institute systems so that future how much we can do, given the collective thoughts and hard work
responses are quicker, more efficient limitations of our resources and the of the people, we will rise stronger
modern convenient public services and facilities that information to reduce duplication and wastage of and coordinated. The hundreds of situation of the pandemic. and better from this pandemic and
will eventually benefit the people. limited resources. Standard Operating Procedures bring progress and prosperity to our
(SOPs) and guidelines that were The COVID-19 pandemic has beloved Druk Yul.
The fourth lesson from the pandemic is the importance The pandemic has also improved the environment developed to ensure smooth also underscored the pivotal role
and availability of reliable and updated data. We globally albeit temporarily and brought focus and operation of essential services and international cooperation and Palden Drukpa Gyalo!
have known this all along but have not been able to attention to climate change. Lockdowns around the multitude of emergency phones support plays in managing and
invest, coordinate and utilize the available data more the world have led to cleaner air and clearer skies, that needed to be installed to answer overcoming the challenges posed
effectively. Vital data such as the number of residents reclamation of nature by animals and above all the queries and cater to services need by a global crisis of such nature and
in Thimphu and Phuentsholing, old and infirm people, peace and solace of the silence and calm around to be compiled and consolidated. scale. No matter how concerted
Bhutanese studying and working abroad, and status of us. Bhutan has always accorded high priority to the We should be clear about what our efforts are, our lone efforts in
essential goods, requirement of vegetables and groceries environment and this pandemic has reinvigorated constitutes essential services that fighting the pandemic would have
in the country, etc., were scant, outdated, unreliable or our will and effort to protect and preserve this have to be provided at all times. We been rendered futile without the
simply not available. These were very important during precious resource. Our policies need to align with should be clear about the identity understanding and support from
the early phase of the pandemic to plan and prepare our resolve, by encouraging and incentivizing of critical frontline workers. A the international community.
the distribution of essential goods and medicines, the use of cleaner energy, such as electric cars, consolidated list of communication Timely response by international
arrange charter flights and repatriate Bhutanese, induction cookers, biogas, solar and wind energy, channels is a must. And we should partners, particularly the unstinting
procure and stock essential goods, etc. We must learn etc. More investment needs to be made and every strengthen supply chains for support and assistance extended by
from this and identify a set of indispensable data that is individual needs to take responsibility for managing essential goods. In the words of His the Government of India has been
required for all times and to keep this updated in real- waste in the country. We cannot afford to espouse Majesty, “Being small is our greatest
6 His Majesty’s Address to the 11th Convocation of the Royal
time so that essential services and actions can be taken environmental conservation and claim to be the only advantage. We can do things better, University of Bhutan - 7 June 2017. Available online at https://
in any eventuality. In doing this, we must also work carbon-negative country when we cannot take care more efficiently, and faster than any his-majesty-s-address-to-the-12th-convocation-of-the-royal-uni-

towards better coordination, pool resources and share of our waste and keep our backyard clean. While versity-of-bhutan-7-june-2017, accessed on 2 November 020.


civil society as an indispensable
UNDP AND BHUTAN - OVER FOUR mechanism to reach out to the vul-
nerable groups and deliver essential

DECADES OF PARTNERSHIP IN PRO- services. The achievement of SDG

16 is a necessary bedrock for sus-
tainable and inclusive development.
MOTING RESILIENT, INCLUSIVE, AND Accelerating efforts towards the

Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) attainment before 2030 re-
mains a priority as UNDP continues
to work with the Royal Government
through innovative partnerships,
cutting-edge global knowledge,
technical and financial assistance.

But in moving forward, the partner-

UNDP’s partnership with Bhutan in the area of climate action, which continues to date, began with the
first National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) project. The project implemented from 2008-
ship must evolve in tune with the
2012 lowered the water level of Thorthomi glacial lake in Lunana to reduce glacial lake outburst flood
(GLOF) risks
fast-changing world. The challenge
of reaching Agenda 2030, which
was momentous already before the
Azusa Kubota UNDP has also ensured optimal access for Bhutan to global climate financ- COVID-19 pandemic, has now
Resident Representative
ing and mechanisms through the design and implementation of adapta- been amplified. The human devel-
UNDP tion and mitigation projects. Examples of recent joint efforts include the opment index has plummeted for
National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and the climate adap- the first. Although the number of
tation projects in the agriculture sector. Some of the outcomes of NAPA people living in extreme poverty
projects include stabilization of four critical landslide-prone areas in Rin- dropped from 1.9 billion in 1990 to
His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo and UNDP Administrator Mr. Bradford Morse inaugurated the
The year 2021 is a special year for office of the Resident Representative of UNDP formally on 14 May, 1979 chending, Phuntsholing, and protection of Bhutan’s largest industrial estate 689 million in 2017, across 107 de-
the United Nations (UN) fam- in Pasakha from recurrent flooding, thus securing Bhutan’s main economic veloping countries, 1.3 billion peo-
ily in Bhutan as we mark the coun- Throughout our presence, UNDP has walked with Bhutan side by side to corridor. These interventions have also helped strengthen community resil- ple, or 22% of the population, live
try’s 50 years of membership in the facilitate the attainment of its development aspirations as a nation of Gross ience to drought in four districts through water harvesting system installa- in multidimensional poverty. Since
UN. The partnership between the National Happiness. Early examples of the fruits of our partnership include tions. Furthermore, the partnership has contributed towards mitigation of 1990, inequality has increased in
United Nations Development Pro- the launch of Bhutan’s first airline, Drukair, in 1981 and the establishment of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) risks in Lunana between 2008 and most developed countries and some
gramme (UNDP) and the Royal the Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation (BTFEC) in 1996. 2013. Similarly, UNDP supported the formulation of the National Disaster middle-income countries, home to
Government of Bhutan (RGoB) Risk Management Framework. Under the ongoing agriculture adaptation 75% of the world’s population. The
began from the very beginning of projects, close to 40 climate-resilient irrigation schemes will be completed, crisis has exposed multiple dimen-
its membership with the develop- securing lifeline water supplies to agricultural communities in the wake of sions of inequalities, be it in digital
ment of the country’s human de- climate change. space or vaccine access. In Bhutan,
velopment, tourism and energy the extraordinary leadership, fast ac-
sectors. Our partnership was con- Our recent strong partnership with the Royal Government in building a tions by the Royal Government, and
solidated through the establishment solid scientific basis to design the even more ambitious Nationally Deter- community support have all con-
of UNDP Bhutan Country Office in mined Contributions and Low-Emission Development Strategies, ahead of tributed to effective containment
1973. Over the years, the partner- the COP 26 is an example of UNDP’s continued commitment to further of the virus, but we are all aware of
ship has grown and diversified as we strengthening Bhutan’s global climate leadership. the increasing prevalence of mental
joined hands in addressing complex illness, suicides, gender-based vio-
development challenges in the ar- As the international community finds ways to recover from the devastating lence, and youth unemployment.
eas of poverty reduction, environ- COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of sound governance institutions is This virus has spared no one.
ment conservation, climate change felt more than before. Building on past efforts to consolidate democracy and
mitigation and adaptation, disaster strengthen systems of governance, such as the establishment of the Anti- Although COVID-19 has illumi-
risk reduction, and inclusive gover- Bhutan’s national airline Drukair began humbly with an 18-seat Dornier 228-200 that made its historic Corruption Commission (ACC) in 2006 and the Justice Sector Strategic nated the challenges the world is
touch down at the Paro airport on 14 January 1983 with support from UNDP.
nance. Picture courtesy: Cornelis Klein Plan in 2018, UNDP continues to work with all three arms of the state and faced with, it has also demonstrated


the scope for choice in how and
where to address those challenges.
It certainly triggered renewed inter-
est in policies previously considered
impracticable, such as temporary
basic incomes. Many governments Bhutanese Embassies, Missions
and Consulates
launched bold and massive green
economic recovery plans. The cri-
sis presents a once-in-a-generation
opportunity to reset the unsustain-
able development pathways that
the global community was pursuing
Australia Kuwait New York
and achieve structural transforma-
tion, particularly green, inclusive, Royal Bhutanese Embassy Royal Bhutanese Embassy Permanent Mission of Bhutan
and digital transitions. Email: P.O.Box 1510, Safat 13016 Block Permanent Mission of the
3, Street 308, House 3 South Kingdom of Bhutan to the
The world community continues to UNDP is supporting the 180 KW Pilot Grid-Tied Ground Mounted Solar PV System in Rubesa, Wangdue
Bangladesh Surra, Al Salaam, State of Kuwait United Nations 343 East 43rd
be confronted with complex chal- Phodrang. The project is part of a COVID-19 response and recovery project titled, ‘Towards a Smarter,
Greener and More Resilient Recovery through Innovation in Bhutan’, funded by the Government of
Royal Bhutanese Embassy Telephone: (+965) Street New York, N.Y. 10017
lenges that require whole-of-society Japan
House No.12, Road No. 107 25213601/25213602 Phone: +1 212 682 2268/ 682
efforts and integrated approaches. Gulshan-2, Dhaka 1212 Phone: Fax: (+965) 25213603 2312/ 682 2371/ 682 2752
Our world today is, in so many does this by firstly adopting systems Another valuable lesson from the +880 2 882 6863/882 7160 Email: Fax: +1 212 661 0551
ways, a different world from what it thinking approaches, and, secondly, pandemic is that there is no de- Fax: +880 2 882 3939 Email:
was when UNDP was established in rapidly testing and experimenting velopment problem that does not Email: Thailand
Bhutan over four decades ago. The ideas to accelerate learning on a have a global face. From air pollu- Royal Bhutanese Embassy Guwahati
world, and certainly Bhutan, needs small scale before making expensive tion to unemployment, multilateral
a new set of solutions, and to help 375/1 Soi Ratchadanivej, Royal Bhutan Consulate
mistakes. As part of a globally inte- cooperation will be vital in resolv- Belgium Pracha-Uthit Road, Samsen nod, Kalakhetra, Jilika Path, Barbari
deliver those, we in UNDP must grated network (115 labs serving ing these shared predicaments that
also evolve. Royal Bhutanese Embassy Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10320 Village, Guwahati, Assam –
117 countries), each lab connects cross boundaries of geography and
Avenue Jules Cesar 70 1150 Phone: +66 2 2744 740/41/42 781023
and collaborates, drawing ideas and time. These include more diverse
The COVID-19 crisis taught us practices from one another in real alliances of governments and busi- Bruxelles, Belgium Fax: +66 2 2744 743 Phone: +91 361- 2233023
valuable lessons. One defining les- time. In Bhutan, the lab is focus- nesses, regions, and cities collabo- Phone: +32 2 761 9570 Email: bht_emb_bkk@yahoo.
son is the importance of the Triple ing on three frontier challenges: to rating to find solutions to common Fax: +32 2 761 9577 com Kolkata
A (being Agile, Anticipatory, and bring about a systems approach to concerns. Email: Royal Bhutan Consulate
Adaptive). The states around the overcoming barriers in the youth Geneva Bhutan House, No 6/1, Mall
world also realized the importance unemployment landscape, to apply While development challenges are India Permanent Mission of Bhutan Road, Dum Dum, Kolkata, West
of building the capabilities and re- behavioral insight interventions in becoming ever more inter-connect- Royal Bhutanese Embassy Permanent Mission of the Bengal - 700 080, India
silience required to respond to sys- waste management, and to build a ed and multi-faceted, the Sustain-
temic uncertainties and risks. Chandragupta Marg, Kingdom of Bhutan to the Phone: +91 33 2559 3676
public sector innovation ecosystem able Development Goals and the Chanakyapuri, New Delhi United Nations 17-19 Chemin Fax: +91 33 2560 0755
in the country. The lab is currently Paris Agreement bring clarity of 110021 du Champ d’Anier 1209 Geneva
In recognition of this reality, UNDP exploring the potential for enhanc- purpose to this complex, uncertain
recently launched a network of Ac- Phone: +91 11 2688 9230/ Phone: +41 22 7990890
ing foresight capabilities in the world we operate in. As we mark 50
celerator Labs. This facility goes public sector. We all recognize that years of Bhutan’s membership in the 9809/ 9807 Fax: +41 22 7990899
beyond the traditional parameters public service reform is a prerequi- UN, it is time for UNDP to step up Fax: +91 11 2687 6710/ 2467/ Email: mission.bhutan@ties.itu.
of projectised partnerships and al- site for many of the reforms that are and reaffirm our commitment to re- 4664/ 24102231 int
lows us to apply the Triple A prin- urgently needed in Bhutan. Facili- main Bhutan’s trusted development Email: bhutanembassy_delhi@
ciple. The Lab offers a platform to tating digital solutions is an integral partner, a partner who brings new
co-create agility and adaptiveness in part of addressing all three frontier solutions and connects Bhutan to
operations and practices and aims challenges that our Accelerator Lab the global network of knowledge
to ensure that capabilities are built is focusing on. and thought-leadership.
to understand the complexities
of 21st century problems. The lab


Subsequently, on 14th August, Nepal, and the Middle East
THE KING, NATIONAL DISCIPLINE Phuentsholing was declared a red
zone. As predicted, the COVID-19
through Phuentsholing. At the
Phuentsholing international gate,
battle they were received by members
AND UNITY: SHIELDS AGAINST A In the aftermath of the pandemic,
hundreds of Bhutanese started
of the SC19TF and briefed on
the pandemic situation and the

returning home from India, mandatory facility quarantine. All

“As a small country with a small population, we can overcome any challenge we are faced with, if the
people and the government work together.
It is important, however, to not lose sight of our national objectives, and aim to bring normalcy as soon
as possible so that when this pandemic is behind us, we can continue to work on making our future better
and stronger. In the meantime, we will continue to work ceaselessly through this challenging situation.”

-His Majesty The King’s Address To The Nation, 22 March 2020

the High Level COVID-19 Task Tsirang, Dagana, Sarpang,

Force (C19TF) in March 2020, Zhemgang.
Kinley Wangdi Bhutan’s first frontline workers at
the Indo-Bhutan border. The idea The C19TF, later renamed as
His Majesty speaks to Police and De-suups on duty at the border outpost in Langchenphu, Jomotsangkha, one of the most remote places in Samdrup
Directorate of Services and urgency of preparedness and Southern C19TF (SC19TF), is Jongkhar, during peak COVID-19 times
response to the pandemic originated still functioning today as the main
The dawn of 2020 unfurled painfully from the Golden Throne. A 22 frontier guard at Phuentsholing.
with the spread of COVID-19. The member C19TF was formed with In a short span of time, numerous
Indian states of West Bengal and representatives from all relevant protocols on health and safety,
Assam, Bhutan’s immediate and government ministries and agencies containment and quarantine, Lhamoizingkha. In every Royal audience that the Subsequently, on 14th August, Phuntsholing was
closest neighbours, reported regular (Health, Home Affairs, Economic guidelines on import and export, SC19TF received before the first national lockdown, His declared a red zone. As predicted, the COVID-19
increases in COVID-19 cases. Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, provision of essential and medical Majesty The King emphasized that the COVID-19 battle battle had indeed begun. The strength of our plans,
The threat posed by increasing Finance, Transport, Royal Institute services, zonation maps and for Bhutan would start from Phuentsholing and that it strategies and SOPs were put to the test in a single day.
infections in India with whom we for Governance and Strategic Standard Operating Procedures must end in Phuentsholing. His Majesty also stated that
share a long and porous border Studies, Phuentsholing Thromde, (SOPs) were developed considering it was only a matter of time till COVID-19 would make In the aftermath of the pandemic, hundreds of
mandated the adoption of a tough Food Corporation of Bhutan different pandemic scenarios such its way into Phuentsholing. Bhutanese started returning home from India, Nepal,
strategy. Bhutan understood well Limited, Bhutan India Friendship as closure of the Indo-Bhutan and the Middle East through Phuentsholing. At the
the challenges that could emerge Association, Royal Bhutan Army border. These were reviewed from His Majesty personally visited all high-risk places along Phuentsholing international gate, they were received by
on account of the stringent and Royal Bhutan Police) with the time to time and communicated to the southern Indo-Bhutan border and met with the members of the SC19TF and briefed on the pandemic
measures adopted. Bhutan closed mandate to: relevant agencies on the ground. frontline workers - de-suups, police, soldiers, villagers, situation and the mandatory facility quarantine. All
its international borders on 23 farmers and business people. His Majesty’s visits during returnees were escorted to the quarantine facility and
March 2020 to combat importation (i) prepare for COVID-19; His Majesty The King visited the these unusual times were a source of uncommon quarantined for 22 days. Medical tests, rooms and food
and transmission of the virus and it southern belt of the country several inspiration, strength and wisdom. in the quarantine facility were provided entirely free by
remains so to this day. (ii) maintain uninterrupted supply times to ensure that the SC19TF the state despite resource constraints. The number of
of essential items from India and was always alert and prepared. Bhutan went into her first lockdown on 11th August returnees increased on a daily basis. At the end of the
Just before the first COVID-19 third countries; and Between March to November 2020. On 12th August, a loader working at the Regional quarantine period, members from the SC19TF would
case was detected in Bhutan, His 2020, His Majesty The King visited Revenue and Customs Office (RRCO) containment visit such facilities and explain the need to undergo
Majesty The King, sensing the (iii)maintain security at the Phuentsholing, Samtse and Gelephu facility in Phuentsholing tested positive and on 13th, 12 home quarantine once back in their communities.
lurking threat, visited all southern southern border for six southern ten times each while making several loaders working at the Mini Dry Port (MDP) and RRCO
districts. These visits gave birth to dzongkhags, viz., Samtse, Chhukha, visits to Samdrup Jongkhar and containment facility tested positive for COVID-19. For over three decades, more than 5,000 Bhutanese


were living in the neighboring and retailers acted promptly in a single coordinated manner as per the
Indian town of Jaigaon due to the systems and procedures in place.
shortage of affordable housing in
Phuentsholing. Jaigaon started The return of people stranded in Phuntsholing was facilitated in a phased
reporting an increasing number of manner. The SC19TF even went to the extent of evacuating a pet dog left
cases every day. On the command behind during a family’s move from Jaigaon to the Ammochu resettlement
of His Majesty The King, around facility. Hotline services were set up and operators were recruited and
5,717 Bhutanese were evacuated trained to attend to lockdown distresses. Lockdown restrictions were
from Jaigaon to Phuentsholing. In a enforced stringently to break the chain of transmissions. Post-mortems of
matter of months, 2,918 Bhutanese SOPs, guidelines, strategies and protocols were continuously conducted to
evacuated from Jaigaon were ensure zero defects.
given kidu and accommodated
in 1000 units of a newly built The nation’s first COVID-19 Task Force had to work round the clock from
temporary housing facility in the plain paper to full preparedness. As infection increased each day in Jaigaon,
Ammochu area in Phuentsholing. It the Task Force in Phuentsholing worked meticulously and successfully
represented an unprecedented kidu managed to keep the virus from entering Bhutan for five months, since the His Majesty The King speaks to a woman at her home in Thongling of Sampheling gewog in Chukha

from His Majesty in terms of size, The King. On return to the capital Phuntsholing went into a second worthy to serve as an example for
timing, urgency and impact. from his regular visits to high-risk lockdown on 23rd December your children; I have no personal
places, His Majesty always stayed 2020, a few days after the capital goals other than to fulfill your hopes
From plain paper to full pandemic in quarantine, followed national Thimphu. The lockdown was calm, and aspirations. I shall always serve
readiness health protocols and containment quick and well managed through you, day and night, in the spirit of
Lockdown unfurled a series of procedures like any other individual. the ‘Smart Lockdown’ strategy. The kindness, justice and equality.”
problems and triggered a chain One can only imagine how difficult minute the lockdown was declared,
reaction of multiple challenges. it is to undergo quarantine time and Phuentsholing glided into a silent The quintessence of this
Ensuring timely delivery of food, again. The Prime Minister Dr. Lotay city, with not a single person visible unprecedented speech manifested
medicine, utilities and emergency Tshering followed the same path outside. Such instant convergence live this past year. Truly, each
medical services to 33,000 people after his visits to Phuentsholing, of PPE (People, Plan and Effort) and every word and action of
in Phuentsholing injected fear Samtse and Sarpang. was catalysed by His Majesty’s His Majesty The King embodies
and panic in the first week of speech on 17th December on the the perfect characteristic of a
the lockdown. With the sudden Synchronization of unity and occasion of the 113th National Day Bodhisattva.
imposition of the lockdown, over loyalty and the experiences from the first
1,500 people and 500 vehicles Discipline would not have translated lockdown. The SC19TF and IMT Today’s leadership story is
from different parts of the country into action if people were not united. managed to keep Phuentsholing tomorrow’s history. I owe
were stranded in Phuentsholing. His Majesty’s exemplary leadership safe, the economy uninterrupted considerable gratitude to the
Temporary housing facility in Ammochhu area in Phuntsholing for the Bhutanese evacuated from
There were people suffering from Jaigaon and deep compassion for His and our border secured. SC19TF, IMT and my fellow
other diseases, pregnant mothers citizens bonded people across all frontline workers for giving me
requiring emergency attention, detection of the first case in the neighboring states of India. These five months
walks of life. Countless times during Conclusion the opportunity to serve alongside
senior citizens without caregivers, served as a Golden Period providing adequate time for the entire nation to
the peak of summer, His Majesty On 7th November, twelve years ago, them. I am proud to be part of this
stranded people in hotels without prepare against the pandemic. The unstinting efforts of the SC19TF and
walked through thick forests, paddy His Majesty The King delivered His historic but challenging time in our
money to pay their bills, travellers the frontline team for the last ten months resulted in total containment of
fields, mountains and riverways coronation speech: nation’s history.
without a place to stay and hosts community transmission in Phuentsholing.
inspiring people to do their part.
of other problems. The frontline This unity was further cemented “Throughout my reign I will never
team comprising SC19TF Discipline and democracy aided each other in Bhutan
by the hard work and sacrifice of rule you as a King. I will protect you
members supported by regional Bhutanese displayed a strong sense of discipline, duty and willingness to
frontline workers, de-suups, police, as a parent, care for you as a brother
offices of trade, customs, health, abide by restrictions imposed during these trying times. This strong sense
soldiers (serving and retired) that and serve you as a son. I shall give
labour, transport, de-suups, Bhutan of discipline was not instilled overnight but inculcated in all Bhutanese as
guarded the Indo-Bhutan border you everything and keep nothing;
Exporter Association, Association a way of life. It proved to be a great asset and manifested as a core strength
enduring harsh conditions. I shall live such a life as a good
of Bhutanese Industries, wholesalers during the fight against COVID-19. Leading by example was His Majesty
human being that you may find it


BHUTAN IN THE INTERNATIONAL 3. Dr. Rinchen Chophel, CRC Member from
II. Awards


Her Majesty Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck was
Dr. Rinchen Chophel was elected as a member of awarded the prestigious individual laureate for the 2020
the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of UN Population Award during a virtual ceremony held on
the Child (CRC) for the term 2021-2025 at the 10 December 2020. The award was presented to recognize
election held during the 18th Meeting of States Her Majesty’s outstanding contribution in raising aware-
Ugyen Dorji Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the ness and devising solutions to population and reproductive
Chief Child at UN Headquarters in New York on 24th health issues. Mr. Gerald Daly, the UN Resident Coordina-
Social and Humanitarian Division November 2020. The CRC is a body of 18 Inde- tor presented the Award to Her Majesty on behalf of the UN
Department of Multilateral Affairs
pendent experts that monitors implementation Secretary General.
of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and
Notwithstanding the immense challenges imposed by its two Optional Protocols.
the COVID-19 pandemic, the year 2020 was special
for Bhutan in the international setting. The year was The Royal Government Bhutan had nominated
marked by high-level appointments of Bhutanese to Dr. Rinchen Chophel to contest the CRC elec-
lead two regional organisations – ICIMOD and BIM- tion given his outstanding commitment and dis-
STEC. Bhutan was accorded the prestigious UNFPA tinguished service in promoting and protecting
Population Award and saw the successful election of a the rights of the children spanning close to 30
Bhutanese to the UN Committee for the Rights of the years, both in Bhutan and SAARC region.
Child (CRC). Bhutan made significant contributions
to multilateral discourse by hosting the 35th APRC in Dr. Rinchen Chophel is currently serving as the
September and the Thimphu Ambition Summit in De- Director General of the South Asia Initiative to
cember. Bhutan also represented the 47 LDCs in the End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC) Re-
high-level Climate Ambition Summit organized by the gional Secretariat based in Kathmandu, Nepal.
United Nations and the United Kingdom, held virtually
on 12 December 2020.

2. Mr. Tenzin Lekphell, BIMSTEC Secretary General

I. Appointments
from Bhutan assumed office on 6 November 2020. He is
the third Secretary General of BIMSTEC. The Secretary
1. Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director General of the Inter-
General of BIMSTEC is appointed by the BIMSTEC
national Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
Ministerial Meeting for a term of three years, upon nom-
(ICIMOD) from Bhutan assumed office on 29 October
ination by a Member State based on the principle of al-
2020. He is the first Director General to be appointed
phabetical rotation.
from the Hindukush Himalaya region. ICIMOD, based
in Kathmandu, is an intergovernmental knowledge
and learning centre that develops and shares research,
information, and innovations to empower people in
the eight regional member countries of the HKH – Af-
ghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myan-
mar, Nepal, and Pakistan.


III. High Level Multilateral Events

1. 35th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the UN
Honorary Consuls of Bhutan
Austria Japan Philippines
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forests in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the United Dr. Gunther Holbl Mr. Ichiro Sawai Mr. Vicente S. Perez, Jr.
Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) 35th Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) Honorary Consul Honorary Consul General Honorary Consul
virtually in Thimphu from 01 to 04 September 2020. It was the first virtual FAO regional conference and provided Email: konsulat.bhutan@kuoni. Shiba Koen Plaza 3F c/o Alternergy 111 Paseo de
valuable experience for Bhutan as the host. Lyonpo (Dr.) Tandi Dorji, Foreign Minister graced the opening of the at 9-6-3 Chome, Shiba, Minato-Ku Roxes Bldg. level 3 B
Conference as the Chief Guest and delivered the keynote address on behalf of the Prime Minister. The conference Tel: +43 6641032648 Tokyo 105-0014 Makati, Metro Manila, Philip-
saw one of the largest numbers of participants in the APRC. Austria: Vienna, Lower Austria, Office Hours: 10:00-16:00 pines
Burgenland, Upper Austria and (Mon-Fri) Email: vince.perez@nextpart-
Styria Telephone : 03-6275-1566
Fax : 03-6435-8650
Dr. Sepp Riedmann Email: info @ Spain
Honorary Consul East Japan: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Mr. Ian Patrick Triay Guerrero
Tel: 05574/77799 Kanto and Chubu Honorary Consul General
Mobile: 0664/1000657 Tel: 91-622-1859, Fax:91-622-
Email: riedmann.advocate@ Dr. Ryoichi Nagata 1860 Honorary Consul General Email: iantriay @
Austria: Tirol and Vorarlberg President and CEO SNBL, 4-21- Madrid, Spain
1 Toso
Canada Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Sri Lanka
Mr. Graham David Blyth 890-0081 Mr. Abbas Esufally
Honorary Consul JapanTel: +81-99-294-2600, Honorary Consul
2. Thimphu Ambition Summit, 9 December 2020. 3. Climate Ambition Summit, 12 December 2020.
E-mail: samblyth @ blytheduca- Fax:+81-99-294-3619 Level 06, Hemas House
Bhutan, as the current Chair of the Least Developed Representing the collective voice of the 47 most vul- Email: ryoichi-nagata@snbl. No 75, Braybrooke Place
Countries Group in the UNFCCC hosted the Thim- nerable countries as LDCs, Hon’ble Lyonchhen par- Colombo-02, Sri Lanka
phu Ambition Summit virtually on 9 December 2020 ticipated virtually in the Climate Ambition Summit Czech Republic West Japan: Kinki, Chugoku, Tel: +94-11-2313131, Fax:+94-
to build global political momentum for a 1.5 degree co-hosted by the United Nations, the United King- Mr. Jaroslav Hubacek Shikoku, and Kyushu/Okinawa 11-2300003
Celsius World. Chaired by Foreign Minister Dr. Tandi dom (COP26 President) and France on 12 December Honorary Consul of Bhutan in Email: abbas @ /
Dorji, the Summit discussed critical issues around cli- 2020, marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agree- Prague Republic of Korea bhutan.consul @
mate ambition, finance and the green recovery from ment and to bring forward concrete enhanced climate Email: Mr. Han Young Kim
Covid-19 crisis. The Prime Minister made the keynote ambition plans to deliver the Paris Agreement goal of Honorary Consul General
Telephone: +420325585263 The United Kingdom
address virtually. limiting global temperature under 1.5 degree Celsius.
Mobile: +420602146844 123-5 Nonhyun-Dong Mr. Andrew Sutton
Kangnam-ku Honorary Consul
Germany Seoul, RoK West Walls, Cotmandene,
Dr. Wolfgang Pfeiffer Phone:+82-2-3444-5961 Dorking Surrey RH4 2BL
Honorary Consul General Fax:+82-2-3444-4384 Email: andrewsutton001@aol.
Tel: 0049 7142 53232 Email: hykmes @ com
Fax: 0049 7142 54655 Telephone: ++44 (0) 1306
Email: Dr. W. Pfeiffer@t-online. The Netherlands 884349 (home landline)
de Mr. Cornelis Klein ++44 (0) 7709 654659 (mobile)
Germany: Berlin, Brandeburg, Honorary Consul General
Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony- Email: cornelisklein @ gmail.
Anhalt, Baden-Wuttermberg, com
Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate
and Saarland-Stuttgart


to travel to ensuring uninterrupted process. Communicating with the were also Bhutanese returning
supply of essentials and medicines registered returnees on airfare, tick- from the US, Australia, Europe, Af-
to Bhutan. eting and transit requirements was rica and other South East and South
made easy with the use of What- Asian countries. In addition, 203
Operation: sApp. foreign nationals were repatriated
Cognizant of the dire situation from Bhutan with the direct or indi-
of Bhutanese living and stranded Given the large number of Bhu- rect help of the Ministry.
abroad and the overwhelming re- tanese stranded in India and the
quests to facilitate their return report of rapid surge in positive A complex and year-long repa-
home, the Ministry immediately cases there, the first priority was to triation of Bhutanese citizens from
launched a consular exercise, the arrange a relief flight from Delhi. around the world was carried out
like of which it had never done be- Amidst fear, skepticism, and the successfully. This would not have
Evacuation Team fore. The Ministry formed an Evac- potential risk of importing the virus been possible without the unremit-
uation Team, which soon morphed into the country, the first relief flight ting efforts and hard work of the
Department of Bilateral Affairs into something resembling a busy landed in Delhi on 9th April 2020. EMCs, the two national airlines,
travel agent, to coordinate relief As soon as India declared a 21- and relevant RGoB agencies, par-
flights to bring stranded Bhutanese day national lockdown from 25th ticularly the Ministry of Health and
home while also ensuring that this March 2020, the number of Bhu- the Cabinet Secretariat. While such
Overview: did not lead to importation of the tanese who wanted to return home operations were never seamless, our
As we read, watched and listened virus. rose sharply. Subsequently, the diplomats abroad displayed tenacity
to the news of the novel corona- Ministry coordinated 11 evacuation and foresight to function in a fluid
virus sweeping across the world, The evacuation team immediately flights and 4 road evacuations in and highly disruptive environment.
we prayed and hoped against hope initiated work on planning evacu- April 2020, bringing home around In some cases, EMCs had to also
that the deadly virus would never ation/relief flights in coordination 1000 Bhutanese, including patients facilitate and arrange transport and
reach our backyard. But the inevi- with EMCs and the two national and escorts, during the first month travel to airports as some countries
table soon became obvious when a airlines. Given the large number of of relief flight operations from India. imposed restrictions on the move-
76-year-old American tourist tested Bhutanese people spread in more ment within the state/city. Ac-
positive on 5th March 2020. With than 74 countries, the Ministry had From May 2020, the Ministry start- counts of some EMC’s are provided
the detection of the first COVID-19 to prioritize relief flights keeping in ed repatriation of Bhutanese citi- separately in subsequent sections.
case in the country, the Government mind the urgency of the situation, zens stranded in the Middle East, The repatriation exercise also pro-
responded immediately by putting restrictive travel measures imposed Japan, Australia, the United States, vided Drukair with an opportunity
in place all the necessary measures in various countries, number of Europe and a few other countries. to operate its first direct flights to
to contain the spread of the virus, flights. The world abruptly came to the closure of schools and universi- Bhutanese in a particular country destinations such as Kuwait, Doha,
including restriction on the entry a grinding halt, and panic seemed to ties, students were asked to return and the ease of arranging direct Results: Dubai, Bahrain, the Maldives and
of foreign nationals and closure of spread faster than the virus. home or make their own private lo- chartered flights. By the first week of July 2021, the Sri Lanka. Hopefully, this will help
schools in Thimphu. A few days lat- In the face of the raging pandemic gistical arrangements. Ministry, in collaboration with them to operate regular flights to
er, on 11th March 2020, WHO de- and uncertainty lurking under the The evacuation team worked day EMCs, had organized a total of 59 these destinations in the future.
clared COVID-19 a pandemic. By shadow of the unprecedented health The Ministry swung into action in day out to help every stranded special flights bringing home a to-
then, the virus had spread to more crisis, many Bhutanese abroad made soon after it received calls of alarm Bhutanese travel home, no matter tal of 4889 Bhutanese from across In recent months, as governments
than 114 countries, and almost all stress calls to the Ministry and our from Bhutanese abroad. A Situa- where they were in the world. Using the world . This also includes re- eased restrictions and resumed eco-
countries began to close borders, Embassies, Missions and Consul- tion Room (SR) was activated from social-media platforms such as the patriation of 460 people via road nomic activities, some Bhutanese
suspend international flights and ates (EMCs) about their difficulties, where the Ministry’s team led by Ministry’s Facebook page and web- organized by the Royal Bhutanese have requested the government to
impose travel restrictions, and some and the urgency to travel back home the Foreign Secretary coordinated site, and several WhatsApp Groups, Consulate in Kolkata during the facilitate their return to countries of
even enforced complete lockdowns. as early as possible. Those working and managed on a real-time basis all the team reached out to Bhutanese lockdown in India. While the ma- their workplace or studies. Till date,
Similarly, with the closure of inter- abroad were either laid off or fur- sorts of emergencies, from respond- all over the world with daily updates jority of the returnees were Bhuta- the Ministry facilitated the return of
national borders from 23rd March loughed as businesses and offices ing to calls from Bhutanese seeking on relief flights, travel restrictions, nese working, studying and living 1063 individuals to India, the UAE,
2020 by Bhutan, the two airlines were forced to close. Further, with information and assistance related and guidance on the registration in India and the Middle East, there Kuwait, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and
also suspended their international


Thailand, USA, including 182 for- countries even interstate travelers had to undergo mandatory quarantine. With the closure of international flights in India and tors spread across Europe. The Embassy contacted all
eigners who had to travel out of the Further, with dwindling frequency of flights and bus services, our response Bhutan, referral of emergency patients had to be done Bhutanese under its jurisdiction and confirmed their
country due to compelling reasons. teams at EMCs had a difficult time ensuring that our people reached the via surface transport. Since Guwahati was the closest wellbeing while simultaneously creating a database
airport on time. EMCs were constantly in touch with foreign governments city, four patients, including an expatriate were referred with relevant information. The list grew from a few
Challenges: and our citizens abroad to ensure that those who needed to return home to Guwahati. With the support of the Regional Director, students and residents to over 300 today. Almost all
Initially, we expected the repatria- were not left out. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of responded positively to the Embassy’s outreach and
tion exercise to be a straightforward India, State Government and Management of Hospitals, regularly updated on their well-being, travel plans and
one, but it turned out to be a hercu- As returnees had to be quarantined for 21 days, and since the quarantine the Consulate ensured that all patients were successfully even helped the Embassy reach out to other Bhuta-
lean task, an amalgamation of com- facilities were limited, evacuation had to be planned in a phased manner treated. Unfortunately, the Regional Director who ren- nese in Europe. While assistance was provided to all
plex activities: registering names to ensure quarantine facilities were not overwhelmed by mass arrivals. As dered his selfless support to the Consulate during such Bhutanese, students were given priority. We stayed
of those requesting to be repatri- such, relief flights had to be scheduled carefully taking into consideration pressing time succumbed to COVID-19 on 09 October in touch with each of them, monitoring their health,
ated, arranging flights, coordinating the availability of quarantine facilities, flight crew members and all the other 2020. He is in our thoughts and prayers and we offer our responding to queries, assuring them of the Royal
COVID tests to enable them to fly, procedures and rules. heartfelt condolences. Government’s support and even maintained contact
obtaining clearances from local au- with each student’s advisor/international relations of-
thorities, negotiating airfares, and While the cost of the ticket had to be borne by passengers, the team in co- The Consulate kept in close contact with the Assam ficer. Chat groups were created to disseminate impor-
coordinating with multiple actors ordination with EMCs had to also ensure that air fares were reasonable and Government, Assam Police and SSB to ensure that the tant information and travel advisories. All important
both at home and abroad. Further, affordable so that the cost of travel did not deter anyone from returning to supply of essential commodities to Bhutan was not dis- information was also posted on the Embassy’s Face-
the evacuation team had to attend the safety of their country. Where required, RGoB defrayed the cost for each rupted during the lockdown in India and Assam State. book page. The Embassy also received virtually regular
to overwhelming telephone calls route to break even for the airlines. The Government also took care of the The Consulate also facilitated transport of two consign- blessings and prayers from our Lams and monks lo-
24/7, which was also challenging as expenses of some Bhutanese with financial difficulties. In total, RGoB spent ments of N-95 face masks imported by Bhutan Medical cated at various Buddhist monasteries across Europe
information on international travel Nu.10,928,393.08 to organize the relief flights. Supplies, and a consignment of Drug Testing Kits for in response to our messages.
was mostly unavailable and rules on Bhutan Narcotics Control Agency. For proper channel
travel restrictions kept changing by of communication, the Consulate formed a WhatsApp Thankfully, only a few Bhutanese across Europe were
the hour. Repatriation and other related activi- group comprising all concerned officials from Bhutan. infected with COVID-19 and all recovered. Infected
The Consulate is grateful to the Assam Government and individuals were regularly contacted to check on their
Since the repatriation was unprec- ties undertaken by the Royal Bhutanese Assam Police for being very supportive and cooperative physical and mental wellbeing and were reassured of
edented both in size and scope and
given the stringent protocols and
Consulate, Guwahati during this crucial time. our concern and support. Individuals who suffered
anxiety and depression were given special attention
movement restrictions in place, co- and emotional support. We regularly checked the sta-
ordinating relief flights was logis- tus of each Bhutanese and continued to remain acces-
tically challenging. Coordinating Though the first case of COVID-19 in Assam was detected on 30 March COVID-19 response by RBE sible to them at all times.
2020, the Government of Assam had closed educational institutions and
with multiple actors in a constantly
changing environment amidst many postponed examinations on 15 March 2020. On 24 March 2020, Prime Brussels: Ensuring the well- Once the Royal Government initiated relief flights via
ambiguities proved to be a stressful Minister Modi announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown in India. After the
national lockdown ended, the Government of Assam announced another
being of Bhutanese in Europe the Middle East and Singapore, the Embassy’s objec-
task for the team. tive was the safe return of Bhutanese to Bhutan. How-
14-day lockdown in Guwahati city and weekend lockdown in urban areas to ever, returning home was not a straightforward ex-
Processing necessary clearances break the chain of transmission on 28 June 2020. COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the ercise, with most commercial flights suspended, and
from foreign governments for op- World Health Organization on 11 March 2020. Shortly airports and many land borders, even within the EU
erating special flights and transit There were 35 Bhutanese students in various colleges, institutions and uni- after, Belgium became one of the COVID-19 hotspots, closed. The Embassy sent official communications to
approvals involved negotiating versities in Assam. These students returned to Bhutan before the nationwide with high infection and death rates. This led to the first Foreign Ministries, Immigration Offices of concerned
through a series of bureaucratic lockdown in India. Given the proximity of Bhutan to Northeast India, most total lockdown on 18 March 2020 followed by the sec- countries and the concerned airlines. Each individual
steps. As other countries were also of the students returned by road. The Royal Bhutanese Consulate, Guwa- ond lockdown on 1 November 2020. was issued an official letter to the concerned airline
working in an environment severely hati liaised with private transporters and negotiated the fare to ease financial conveying details of the passenger and the connecting
disrupted by the pandemic, process- burden on students. In two isolated cases, the Consulate evacuated the stu- During the exceptionally distressing time brought about flight(s) and a ‘to whom it may concern letter’ seek-
es were different for each country dents from their college/place of stay in India to the nearest border town in by the pandemic, the paramount concern of the Royal ing assistance and requesting all concerned to allow
which made the coordination even Bhutan. The Consulate facilitated the return of 23 Bhutanese nationals to Bhutanese Embassy in Brussels was to reach out and ex- them to pass without hindrance. Each individual was
more difficult. For example, in some Bhutan from various states of Northeast India. tend support to Bhutanese students, residents, and visi- assured that the Embassy could be contacted anytime


should they encounter any problem flights without issues and that their ties, they were instrumental in facili-
during their journey. baggage were on board at all transit tating visa and permit renewals for Repatriation and other related activities undertaken by RBE,
Despite all efforts, the journey
points. We kept in touch with each
passenger and shared anxious mo-
stranded Bhutanese. They liaised
with airlines and airports to get
home for Bhutanese continued to be ments from the time they boarded updated information in the face of
fraught with problems. We received from Europe till their safe arrival in ever-changing rules. Many went out
numerous calls, at all hours, from Bhutan. of their ways to help, physically trav-
distressed passengers who were elling to different cities to check on
denied boarding from the airports Notwithstanding many challenges, the well-being of Bhutanese, driving
of Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Helsinki, the Embassy successfully coordinat- them to and from airports, helping
London, Madrid, Milan, Rome, ed the repatriation of a significant them checkin and even providing fi-
Tallinn and more. We spoke to nu- number of Bhutanese and there- nancial support. We were also fortu-
merous airline staff to convince and after the return of a few students nate to have a good friend of Bhutan
plead each case with them. They back to Europe for their studies. The working at a major European air-
were refused boarding not only be- Embassy received numerous mes- port, who assisted every Bhutanese
cause transit airports imposed ever- sages of appreciation, photos and checking in or transiting there. The
evolving rules but, more disconcert- videos documenting their journey Embassy would not have been able
ingly, airport systems were unable and time in lockdown. With every to effectively facilitate and support
to identify the repatriation flights to successful repatriation, we have ex- as many Bhutanese as we did, if not
Bhutan. Boarding was also denied perienced a great sense of achieve- for the continued support from and
in view of issues such as absence of ment and joy. We came across quite collaboration with our Honorary
an inter-airline agreement between a number of interesting incidents, Consuls and Friendship Societies.
our airlines and other international some of which provided moments
airlines, which would not allow of light relief. For instance, we re- The pandemic provided an unprec-
baggage to be transferred directly ceived an email from a student in edented opportunity for the Em-
between flights. Further, the visas Moscow, which we assumed was bassy to connect with Bhutanese
of a few Bhutanese had expired and the capital of Russia and included in across Europe and we continue to
despite the Embassy’s best efforts, our list. We later discovered that he stay in touch with those still in Eu-
Bhutanese students studying in Chittagong were evacuated on 24 March 2020, and kept at the Ambassador’s residence in Dhaka, before their departure for
visa extension was not possible due was indeed from a small town called rope to ensure their wellbeing. The Bhutan on 26 March 2020 on a relief flight
to lockdown in most countries. This Moscow in the United States and air bubble agreement with India has
sometimes led to difficult situations was cordially redirected to our Mis- now provided a reliable option for
where we had to let the passenger sion in New York. travelling, allowing Bhutanese to Following the detection of the first COVID-19 case in tered across the country, some as far as Chittagong
take a chance, while we left no stone make their own travel arrangements Bangladesh on 8 March 2020 and the subsequent surge and Sylhet. Against such constraints brought about
unturned to ensure that the passen- Throughout this pandemic, our with minimal assistance from the in the number of positive cases in the country, the educa- by a near-complete-lockdown state in Bangladesh,
ger did not face any issue during the Honorary Consuls and Friendship Embassy. However, we continue to tion ministry decided to close all educational institutions the Embassy in coordination with security officials
journey. Perhaps the longest and Societies proved most critical and advise them and ensure that they on 17 March, 2020. As the infection trend continued to and educational authorities of Bangladesh was able to
most complicated journey home effective in supporting Bhutanese have all necessary information for a surge upwards, the Government of Bangladesh declared a bring over 115 Bhutanese students to the Embassy by
was that of a student in Poland in Europe. They were always ready safe journey. We also invite all Bhu- month-long lockdown starting from 26 March 2020. 25 March 2020, with the Chancery and the Ambassa-
whose visa had expired and who to support the Embassy despite tanese travelling to Europe hence- dor’s residence serving as temporary guest houses. Ac-
had to travel to Frankfurt, Germany the difficult situations in their own forth to contact the Embassy. The initial detection of COVID-19 cases in Bhutan and cordingly, on 26 March 2020, the Embassy facilitated
to board a flight, uncertain whether countries and cities. With their Bangladesh also resulted in the suspension of scheduled the arrangement of two relief flights to Bangladesh,
he would be able to exit without a support, we could contact relevant flights between Dhaka and Paro due to a lack of travelers which repatriated 124 Bhutanese nationals to Bhutan.
visa. Fortunately, he could board authorities to render timely assis- and health safety precautions implemented in the respec- In the ensuing months, the Embassy arranged four ad-
the flight from Frankfurt towards tance to our Bhutanese. Having the tive countries. With their future uncertain, as was the case ditional special passenger flights between Dhaka and
Doha and ultimately arrive safely advantage of being locals, speaking with other foreigners in Bangladesh, the immediate prior- Paro for those Bhutanese still stranded in Bangladesh
in Bhutan. The Embassy ensured the language and having their own ity for the Bhutanese, mostly students, was to safely return and for those Bangladeshis and foreign nationals exit-
that the passengers boarded their network and access to local authori- to Bhutan. This posed a significant logistical challenge for ing Bhutan.
the Embassy as most of the Bhutanese students were scat-


The Bhutanese studying and work- ASSOCIATION OF BHUTAN, ITALY
ing in Sri Lanka and the Maldives while trying to avoid homesickness
also faced a similar situation. In Sri by celebrating all possible festivities
Lanka, where over 190 students Prof. Maddalena Fortunati together. The year 2020 posed new
study, the closure of universities President challenges with the arrival of Covid
meant exploring ways to return to Amici Del Bhutan and while we all had to deal with
Bhutan as all international flights the practical consequences of a fully
were suspended in March and April How many in the world know that fledged pandemic, members of our
2020. The Embassy facilitated the Italy hosts the oldest university in society were very involved in making
arrangement of two special flights the world? I guess very few but some sure that no Bhutanese was left
to Sri Lanka on 30 March and 10 living in Bhutan have also had the behind.
April, 2020, respectively, to evacu- chance to study in it. It’s been some
ate 152 Bhutanese nationals, mostly time since Italy hosted the first batch Yeshey Choden (pursuing her
medical students. The unstinting of students in Bologna, but after Masters in Communication and
support and assistance rendered by them, many other young Bhutanese Multimedia Technology) and
the Office of the Honorary Consul have had the chance to earn a degree Manoj Ghalley (Masters in Civil
in Sri Lanka to the Embassy’s repa- in this country. The first fabulous and Environment Engineering)
triation efforts, during such difficult ten (Dawa Penjor, Sanjay Pradhan, currently finishing their studies at
times, deserves a special mention. Tshering Dorji, Rinzin Namgay, Brescia University, had suspended
At the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka on 26 March 2020. Evacuating Bhutanese
The Embassy is deeply grateful to Tshering Tenzin, Nidup Wangdi, their classes and reverted to online
nationals in Bangladesh on two separate Drukair flights to Paro
Mr. Abbas Esufally, Honorary Con- Bhim Lal Dhungyel, Hasta Chetri, courses during spring. This meant
sul of Bhutan in Sri Lanka, and his Deo Garmer, Dorji Wangchuk) no social life and being on campus,
staff for their assistance. With the arrived in May 1987 and had to in one of the areas that was first
endure quite a challenge: not only affected in the world, was no easy by contacting the appropriate office
sustenance of the Bhutanese work-
by travelling across the world and option. They took the opportunity or professor when things are too
ing in the Maldives—mostly in the complicated to understand by email
tourism and hospitality sector— getting accustomed to the Italian way to return home as soon as feasible
of life in one of its most lively cities, and returned after summer in and across languages. In fact, even if
hampered by travel restrictions and more and more university courses
the lack of tourist arrivals thereof, but also learning the language in order to resume their coursework.
order to attend classes and in order to Dechen Wangmo arrived in Brescia are offered in English, we can’t – and
the Embassy arranged a special surely we won’t – erase thousands of
Bhutan Airlines flight to Male to become medical doctor, agronomist in September 2019. She is currently
or engineer. More followed their studying in second year Masters in years of writings and practices that
repatriate 71 Bhutanese to Bhutan sometimes are hard to understand
on 9 April 2020. The Embassy also steps. Shortly after, they were joined Civil and Environment Engineering
At the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka on 26 March 2020. All flights to other by more notable students such as Dr. and will complete her studies by for us natives.
destinations were cancelled due to the pandemic, except the two Drukair relief flights to Paro attended to a myriad of repatriation
Kinzang P. Tshering and Dr. Ugyen 2022. Tashi Yangki was also studying
requests from Bhutanese nation- In the end, we are quite sure some
Tshomo who are now well known in in Italy and had the chance to finish
als on a case-by-case basis in close people will make a joke about the fact
their profession. While today these her studies and leave before summer.
liaison with the Embassies and the that Italian mothers tend to be over
former young men and women are
Governments of Bangladesh, Mal- protective of their offspring and that
now leaders in their chosen path of At the time of writing there are plans
dives, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. our hospitality often takes the shape
life, every year there are more and for more students to arrive in the
more students who choose Italy as New Year and we have planned for of joyful loud gatherings with food to
their academic destination. them to stay in a safe and healthy spare for every sort of diet. But this,
environment. This means checking together with our laboriousness and
This is why one of the most with them regularly and also to ensure respect for history, is something that
productive activities of the Italian that typical lockdown depression brings our cultures easily together
Bhutan Friendship Society – Amici which creeps up and makes people and, despite the pandemic, this is also
del Bhutan is welcoming students, unwell are kept at bay. Sometimes we something we particularly cherish
A Bhutan Airlines flight landed at the Velana International Airport in Male, the Maldives, on 9 April making sure that they settle in a simply facilitate their transportation so we are quite sure more and more
2020, to evacuate 71 Bhutanese working in the Maldives
warm and friendly environment between places or make things easy Bhutanese will enjoy it. Who is next?


who took on the role in early
surprising that they are scattered
around the UK. This makes contact
have had some video reports on
their experiences and these have
2020 by chance. She soon realised and communication through the been shared through the Society’s
how important this liaison was WhatsApp group all the more website. Despite the disruptions
to be during the confusion and valuable – helping to create a to life, study and the preparation
uncertainties of the pandemic. sense of community. As there is no of dissertations, many have been
Dee established a WhatsApp procedure by which the Society can able to complete their courses.
group which UK-based Bhutanese learn of the arrival of new students Our congratulations to them and
could join and this proved to be from authorities in either Bhutan or particular commendation to those
a great way to share information the UK, contact with students relies awarded distinctions.
and experiences; those students on ‘word of mouth’ and often on
returning to Bhutan are able to introductions by current or former Back in February 2020, five
stay in this contact group. Dee students. While this proves to be Bhutanese students were able to
also made direct personal contact quite effective, contact with some accept an invitation from Lord
with every UK-based Bhutanese students only comes after they are Wilson, first President of the
known to the Society and began well into their courses. Society, to visit the House of Lords
weekly conversations and messages The Society’s President, Sir Simon in London for a tour of the principal
with each individual to give them Bowes Lyon, is also the chairman ceremonial rooms, to observe a
an opportunity to discuss their of the Trustees of the Bhutan debate in the House and to discuss
concerns and provide them with Society Trust Fund and he wrote to the ways that parliamentary business
tailored guidance and support. all Bhutanese honorary members is conducted. Sadly Covid-19 has
Dee is delighted to have a much in April, soon after virus-related cancelled the Society’s 2020 dinner.
bigger ‘family’ now. She has used regulations and restrictions were This annual gathering usually is the
opportunities to meet up for a introduced, with his best wishes and principal event for members and
meal with students as far north offering the support of the Society’s students to meet; successful testing
as Edinburgh and as far south as officials. of Covid-vaccines should mean that
Brighton and, for students living such things will be back-to-normal
close by pre-Covid, arranged In the summer of 2020, there were before the end of 2021.
various social events including opportunities for students to return
competitive archery matches in her home – sometimes with possessions Six students (four with UK
them honorary membership while studies, some with their spouses mother’s garden. left in the care of Society members government-sponsored Chevening
resident as students. It also offers and children, and a further twelve – and quarantine there. Some Scholarships) have arrived for the
Andrew Sutton to maintain contact with any other working in the UK who were Students choose their universities sixteen travelled back and have start of the 2020/21 academic
Bhutanese in the country. The known to the Society. Several have for particular courses and it is not pursued their studies remotely; we year; they bring the total of those
Chairman, Bhutan Society of the in the UK on university courses
United Kingdom Society’s vision is to achieve “the been working for the UK National
warmest friendship and cultural Health Service (NHS) throughout (at the end of 2020) to seventeen
relations between the people the Covid-19 pandemic and we are with eight new or existing students
of Bhutan and the UK”. During especially grateful to them for their studying online in Bhutan planning
For many years, courses in the UK 2020, the challenges of Covid-19 stamina in the crisis and the care to return to the UK in January. All
have attracted students from Bhutan reinforced the need for connections they have provided. Others have have been given advice on travel,
– the majority choosing one or and communication and the virtual studied medical-related courses and accommodation and visas by Dee.
two year post-graduate or master’s lines of contact between Bhutanese have either provided support to the We all hope that they can return to
courses with some studying and British have been growing. NHS or are engaged with care back their universities with a chance to
for their first degree and some home in Bhutan. engage further with the Society and
researching for three or four years When Covid-19 arrived at the to enjoy more aspects of life in the
for a doctorate. The Bhutan Society start of 2020, there were thirty Students’ principal contact with UK when we are free of restrictions
of the UK (the Society) is pleased three Bhutanese busy with their the Society is through its Student related to Covid-19.
to welcome such visitors and offers


How to get to Bhutan?
We welcome everyone. We do not limit the number of tourists but we target responsible and mindful tour- transport, etc., are extra. They need permit instead Please email the money transfer receipt copy to
ists. Getting visa for Bhutan is relatively simple process. Once transferring the total tour payment along of visa. Similar to visa, permit must also be pro- the Bhutanese tour operator.
with the USD 40 visa fee as advised by the Bhutanese tour operator or their international counterparts, cessed in advance with the help of a Bhutanese • The Bhutanese tour operator will complete
visa can be processed. tour operator. your visa application but you must send them
a clear, scanned copy of your passport. Visa will
normally be processed within a maximum of
Gateways to Bhutan Visa & Tour Packages one week’s time.
And tourists from other countries will have to pay • The Bhutanese tour operator will email the
By Air
one-time visa fee of US$ 40. However, they must copy of the approval of the visa once the visa
Tourists can fly to Paro International Airport from:
also pay the following all-inclusive minimum daily application has been approved.
India : New Delhi, Baghdora, Bogdhgaya, Kolkata, Guhawati,
package rate per person per night in advance:
Nepal : Kathmandu
Thailand : Bangkok Where do I look for More Informa-
• USD $ 250 for March, April, May, September,
Singapore : Changi Airport
October and November
Bangladesh : Dhaka
• USD $ 200 for January, February, June July,
You can book your tickets online at or or through their Tourism Council of Bhutan
August and December
ticketing agents/offices. Tel: +975 2 323252/52
Bhutanese tour operators work closely with the
tourists on preferred itineraries and arrange their
By Land Facebook:
travel plan ahead of the time. Tour packages are
Visitors can also enter Bhutan from Phuentsholing, Samdrup Jongkhar and Gelephu. Twitter:
all-inclusive – sustainable development fee, food
and selective beverage, licensed guide, all trekking
What Can I Do In Bhutan? needs, a minimum of three-star accommodations,
The tourism experience in Bhutan can be summarized under these five themes – Adventure, Tradition, ground transportation and other charges.
Mystery, Well-being, Authenticity & Rejuvenation.
Please get in touch with a Bhutanese operator or
White water rafting, mountain biking, kayaking, rock climbing and motor biking have increasingly caught their international counterpart, and they will as-
the eyes of adventure seekers. Similarly, more and more tourists chose Bhutan for well-being and rejuvena- sist with visa and other travel plans. Getting visa
tion. is easy and fast with the online visa system. Tour-
Bhutan offers visitors a myriad of activities ranging from soft to extreme adventures. So, there is something ists can choose a tour operator from www.bhutan.
to do for all ages. travel/tour-operators

When Is The Best Time To Visit Bhutan? Tour Booking Process

Bhutan is an all season destination. Spring and summer fill the landscape with myriad of flora and fauna. • Select a Bhutanese tour operators who will
Autumn casts a bright golden glow on the landscape. The crisp winter air and the clear skies make it ideal be arranging your trip to Bhutan. A compre-
for capturing some of the best mountain views. hensive list of registered tour operators can be
All year round, there is a unique sense of peace and contentment in the environment marked by traditional found at:
festivities as people celebrate their festivals in ancient local traditions. • Work out a tour itinerary in consultation
with the selected tour operator. Based on the
itinerary the tour operators will calculate the
How Much Does It Cost To Visit Bhutan?
amount to be paid in advance.
• Transfer the tour payment calculated by a tour
Tourists from Bangladesh, India and Maldives need permit processed in advance to visit Bhutan. Permit
operator as well as USD 40 (one time visa fee)
is granted by paying the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) of Nu. 1,200 per person per night. SDF is
as advised by the Bhutanese tour operator.
a government levy only and this does not include other logistical costs. Other costs like food, lodging,


TAPPING THE DOMESTIC ahead, especially due to the influ-

ence of social-media personalities
and the love for travelling among
the younger generation. Develop-
ment of domestic-tourism destina-
tions and introduction of regula-
tions to make domestic tourism
Because of our dependence on international tourism, Bhutan hasn’t been
safe and comfortable provide an
able to tap the true potential of domestic tourism. The pandemic present-
opportunity for the tourism indus-
ed an opportunity to develop domestic tourism in Bhutan. Towards this
try to reduce the impact of the pan-
end, the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB) organized a workshop in July
demic and accelerate recovery from
Namgay Choden 2020 in collaboration with its partners to identify domestic-tourism prod-
it. Domestic tourism has a huge
ucts and potential destinations and develop strategies to tap their potential.
Asst. Desk Officer
potential in bringing down the level
Department of Bilateral Affairs of rural poverty by improving liv-
According to TCB, domestic tourism refers to a trip undertaken by a
ing standards of host communities.
resident within his or her country, individually or in a group, for any lei-
It can also generate employment,
sure activity. Tourism-related leisure activities include trekking, hik-
erators organizing trips to locations tronomy tourism in the country. develop attractions and facilities,
ing, hot springs and hot stone baths, rafting, swimming, horse riding,
The COVID-19 pandemic has had that receive fewer tourists. The plat- and protect natural resources and
camping, cycling, pilgrimage, bird watching, helicopter rides and others.
a tremendous impact on the glob- form under the name ‘Druk Kora’ Bhutan receives hundreds and cultural heritage. Development of
al tourism economy. One of the with the slogan ‘Bhutanese explor- thousands of international as well domestic tourism- related infra-
In Bhutan, we have observed that the travel restrictions and lockdowns
foremost measures undertaken by ing Bhutan’ on the TCB website will as regional tourists every year. The structure and facilities also comple-
because of the pandemic have increased the demand for nature- and
most countries towards contain- serve as one reference platform for tourism industry in Bhutan gener- ment our efforts in developing in-
spiritual-based tourism. Accordingly, on 17 December 2020, coinciding
ing the virus included suspension people exploring different domestic ates foreign exchange, supports jobs ternational tourism services leading
with the 113th National Day, TCB launched the domestic tourism brand
of international flights and ban- tour packages and those promot- and businesses, drives regional de- to a sustainable tourism industry.
called Druk Kora and the Domestic Tourism Guidelines along with two
ning entry of foreigners, leading ing and offering such packages. velopment and supports local com-
new products, viz., Druk Neykor and Food Map of Bhutan. The Guide-
to a complete cessation of inter- Likewise, the Druk Neykor is a pil- munities. The pandemic has put While efforts are underway to
lines for the Management of Domestic Tourism 2020 aim to streamline
national tourism-related activities. grimage travel program, developed thousands of jobs at risk in Bhutan, promote domestic tourism in the
domestic tourism in the country, improve safety and service delivery,
Hence, the tourism sector was one in collaboration with the Zhung affecting the livelihoods of many country, tourism litter continues
and promote and facilitate sustainable development of domestic tourism.
of the first sectors to be affected Dratshang, Department of Culture who are directly dependent on the to remain a huge concern. Tourism
by the pandemic, resulting in tre- and National Land Commission sector and many others indirectly litter poses a great threat to natural
The Druk Kora program aims to promote domestic tourism by encourag-
mendous loss of jobs and incomes. Secretariat, aimed at promoting pil- dependent on it. Vaccination brings areas, affecting their visual appeal
ing locals to travel and support tourism businesses. Under the program,
grim sites, encouraging balanced re- renewed hope to the travel indus- and ecological health. Tourism litter
TCB plans to offer incentives worth Nu. 5,000 to travel operators for every
As international tourism came to a gional tourism and promoting cul- try. However, with the detection of has increased drastically in the past
100 persons upon completion of the trip, offer certain percentage rebates
complete standstill, the COVID-19 tural conservation for sustainable new variants of the virus and second few months with an increase in do-
to the highest spender during the trip and offer transport subsidy to op-
pandemic inspired a newfound in- tourism. 16 sites have been identi- waves of infection being reported mestic tourists. While relevant gov-
terest in domestic tourism even in fied for the Druk Neykor program in many countries, it will be a long ernment agencies introduce various
Bhutan. Ever since international which will be expanded to cover 108 while before governments are able rules, regulations and measures to
travel became impossible, more sites from all over Bhutan. Pilgrims to ease travel restrictions and travel- prevent tourism litter, individuals
people have started looking inwards can make use of the Druk Neykor ers regain confidence in travelling. should take responsibility to man-
to satiate their travel desires. As the stamp which contains images of age self-generated litter. Therefore,
frequency of such travels increased, pilgrimage sites under the program. Amid the pandemic and despite the while TCB continues its efforts
the cases of littering around tour- Individuals will receive a stamp of challenges, TCB’s decision to focus to develop and promote domestic
ists and sacred sites and instances of the site after visiting it. Similarly, on tapping the domestic- tourism tourism, the role domestic tourists
other irresponsible travel behavior the Food Map of Bhutan, launched market is timely. The number of play by being responsible travel-
also increased, highlighting the need by the Royal Institute for Tourism domestic tourists doesn’t compare ers will have a significant impact
for more stringent domestic tour- and Hospitality will help promote to that of our international visitors. on developing sustainable tourism.
ism-related policies and measures. the culinary heritage of Bhutan as However, we see possibilities of
well as develop and promote gas- this number increasing in the days


nations such as the UK, US, South youth are projected to enter the
Korea and Japan, who embraced labour market over the 12th FYP
Passang Dorji TVET as the engine to drive the period (2019-2023). Further, the
Sr. Desk Officer country’s economy. Strong TVET agricultural sector is still the largest
Department of Bilateral Affairs system is generally considered employer engaging 51.3 percent
the marker of a strong and robust of the total labour force, followed
economy, particularly due to its by wholesale and retail trade at 8.6
ability to generate employment percent, public administration at
TVET in the global context opportunities that match the 8.5 percent, and manufacturing at
According to UNESCO (2019), requirements of the labour market. 7.6 percent. Therefore, there is a
TVET comprises education, need to diversify the economy in
training and skills development National context areas with high potential for job
relating to a wide range of Bhutan continues to face the creation to absorb the growing
occupational fields, production, system to equip TVET graduates with high-quality countries have well- developed TVET systems
dual challenge of high youth number of youth entering the
services and livelihoods. Further, technical and vocational skills for employability both capable of providing skills that match their respective
unemployment and an increasing labour market each year. The youth
as part of lifelong learning, TVET within and beyond Bhutan. economic needs. Moreover, TVET systems in these
number of youth entering and unemployment can be addressed
can take place at secondary, post- countries have clear pathways to progress within the
passing out from universities and by providing skills development
secondary and tertiary levels and However, TVET systems in Bhutan have not vocational field as well as to transit into the general
colleges. the labour market. As of training to meet labour market
includes work-based learning and been able to effectively align with the needs of the education system. On the contrary, nearly 80
2019, youth unemployment was needs focused on tourism and
continuing training and professional economy due to poor technical and institutional percent of TVET courses in Bhutan are at certificate
11.9 percent (NSB, 2019) and a production and manufacturing
development which may lead to capacity to deliver relevant and quality programmes, level with limited opportunities for further progress.
large number of university graduates sector. One key way to achieve this is
qualifications. TVET also includes weak coordination and collaboration among the key This highlights the need for immediate reforms in
were unable to find employment. by strengthening the technical and
a wide range of skills development stakeholders, and weak institutional arrangement for the existing education system that may be done with
This problem will persist as 62,743 vocational education and training
opportunities attuned to national education progression for TVET graduates. Further, an organized and coordinated approach. Currently,
and local contexts. Thus, learning to the TVET systems are dictated by government our education system is knowledge-based and
learn, the development of literacy officials’ understanding of the labour market instead lacks focus on skills development unlike the
and numeracy skills, transversal of relying on private sector demands. Moreover, education systems in developed and majority of the
skills and citizenship skills are its negative societal attitudes towards TVET impacts developing countries which focus on development
integral components. its perception as a valid career option. Similar to the of both knowledge and skills. An education system
poor perception of TVET programs in the developing focused on both knowledge and skills will enhance
Developed countries have long world, Bhutanese society’s generic attitude towards employability of our TVET graduates in both
recognized TVET as a key driver of “blue-collar job” undermines the perceived dignity national and global markets.
economic and social development. and prestige associated with TVET. Thus, it is often
For instance, Germany, the largest considered as a last career option and associated with The COVID-19 pandemic has brought this
economy in Europe generating low-income groups. requirement to sharp focus. The economy has
almost a quarter of the EU’s GDP, taken a severe toll due to the necessary preventive
has had a Vocational Training These problems manifest in the popularity of TVET and containment measures. The tourism and allied
Act since the 1960s that oversees programs in the country. Only seven percent of class sectors have been impacted. The construction
vocational education, including X passed students take up TVET courses in Bhutan. sector with its heavy reliance on foreign labour
vocational further education and In comparison, countries such as Singapore, Finland, is experiencing a shortage of workers. A similar
job retraining. Similarly, there Germany and Australia have more than 40 percent of problem is evident in the agricultural sector as
are other industrially developed students choosing to enroll in TVET courses. These Bhutan remains dependent on India for imports.


Honorary Consuls in Bhutan
Build Bhutan Project
Against this backdrop, as part of
the overall contingency plan to
respond to challenges posed by
Bangladesh Mobile No: +97517624034 Sweden
the COVID-19 pandemic and to
enhance the country’s economic Mr. Rinchen Dorji Email: Mrs. Phub Zam
resilience, the Royal Government of Honorary Consul General Honorary Consul
Bhutan devised a range of strategies, Mobile No: +9775-17112220 Germany Tel No: 975 17112211/+975-2-
one of which is the Build Bhutan Fax No: +975-05-252248 Mr. Chambula Dorji 336611
Program. The program aims to Email: Honorary Consul Fax No: +975 2323894
enhance resilience of the Bhutanese Bhutan Dorji Holidays
workforce by providing high-quality Belgium PO BOX 550, Thimphu Switzerland
training necessary for the emerging Mobile: +975 17124567
Mr. Wangchuk Dorji Lyonpo Kinzang Dorji
economy. It is designed with an
Honorary Consul Office No: +975 2 328663 Honorary Consul
intent to mitigate socio-economic
impact caused by the COVID-19 Mobile No: +975 77777777 Email: Mobile No: 00975 17121234
pandemic, and to ensure an Fax No: +975-05-25110 Email: lyonpokinzang@gmail.
effective, inclusive and sustainable Email: wangchuk_dorji@yahoo. com
recovery. It is expected to address com Republic of Korea
the shortage of skilled workforce Mr. Topgyal Dorji Thailand
3. Plumbing. teacher/instructor to deliver high
in the construction sector by Denmark Honorary Consul General Mr. Ugyen Tshechup Dorji
quality technical and vocational
providing relevant and high-quality Mr. Jigme Palden Dorji Honorary Consul General
4. Electrical (with specialization in training attuned to the emerging Mobile No: +975 77333333
training by expert professionals. The
light and sound). needs of the economy, and in line Honorary Consul General Fax: +975 323666 Mobile No: +975 17119999
program will target the unemployed
with the best international practices. Address: Jazam Babesa,Thimphu Email: Email:
Bhutanese workforce.
5. Welding (Steel fabrication). They are also expected to provide Tel: +975 -2-351733/351734 Singye Building, 4th Floor,
6. Building Painting. advice and technical input to bring Fax: +975-2-351280 Gonor Lam, Chubachu, Thim-
As an essential component, the The Netherlands
improvements in the delivery of Mobile: +975 17110024 phu
program plans to recruit Master Mrs. Phuntshok Choden
7. Interior design and landscaping. the TVET programs relating to
Trainer (expert professionals) Office: +975 351733/34 Tshering
their expertise. They would also
from third countries. The primary Email: The United Kingdom
8. Heat, Air Ventilation and Cooling be engaged to advise MoLHR in Honorary Consul
objective is to improve and enhance Mr. Michael Rutland, O.B.E
the quality of TVET training
(HAVC). matters related to reforming the Mobile No: +9751769888
TVET system of Bhutan. To make FAX No: +975 2329126 Honorary Consul
delivery and workmanship in the
construction industry in line with
To professionalize the construction it successful, the Government also Finland Email: Mobile No: 975-17618553
sector’s workforce and promote needs to work on partnering with Mr. Passang Dorji P.O. Box 1044, Thimphu
international best practices. The
it as an attractive avenue for the private sector to offer training to Honorary Consul Email: rutland.michael@gmail.
training program shall be adapted to
employment, the Government has unskilled employees that would be Norway
both Bhutanese and global markets. P.O Box 369 Mrs. Dago Beda com
reached out to Master Trainers from working within the industry.
Second Floor, Building 4B Honorary Consul
Europe, South Korea and Thailand.
The following occupations have Yangchen Lam, Thimphu Thimphu
These Master Trainers will By skilling and re-skilling our
been prioritized under the TVET Tel No. +975 2331161
supervise, mentor, demonstrate and Bhutanese workforce through the Mobile No: +975 1711 0480
Master Trainer engagement Mobile No. +975 17117567
impart high-quality training to the Build Bhutan Project, it provides Email:
program: Email:
trainees engaged at the construction a good opportunity to tackle
site or Specialized Firms under the unemployment and layoffs by
1. Masonry (with specialization in Poland
Build Bhutan Project. It is also filling the gap in the construction France
plastering, tile and marble laying, Mr. Wangdi Jamyang
expected to improve workmanship sector caused by the lack of foreign Ms. Francoise Pommaret, PhD
plaster of Paris, brick laying, rod Honorary Consul
and quality of construction services workers. The project would also
binding, etc.). (Tashi Om) C/O White Tara Group
leading to professionalization of the enable trainees and learners to
2. Construction Carpentry (with Honorary Consul Mobile No: 17119009
construction sector in Bhutan. become self-employed and create
specialization false ceiling, kitchen Address: Appt 1, Villa Italia,
The Master Trainers under Build their own businesses and enterprises email: wangdijamyang@gmail.
cabinet and other wood work). Chorten Lam 2A/2B
Bhutan Project will also be engaged that will, in the long run, give jobs to com,
with training institutions as TVET other trainees. Thimphu


IFS EXPERIENCE: rived at the Institute in New Delhi
on 7th of December 2020. The IFS
stimulating ride. In addition to get-
ting a holistic perspective of India’s
Unlike in the past, the IFS train-
ing program this time around was

Officer Trainees arrived at the Insti- Foreign Policy objectives, our par- unique in the sense that the course
tute a fortnight later on the 21st of ticipation also allowed the two of was conducted amidst the COV-
December 2020, upon completion us to get a nuanced understanding ID-19 pandemic times. The SSIFS
of their 2 months long Foundation- of the geopolitical race playing out Administration ensured that the
al Course at the Lal Bahadur Shastri within the Asian subcontinent and COVID-19 virus was kept at bay

National Academy of Administra- beyond. Further, the course includ- through periodic testing, provision
tion (LBSNAA) in Mussorie, Utta- ed two extensive field visits within of medical amenities and care to
rakhand. India to primarily provide the train- all the trainees. Despite occasional
ees with an opportunity to immerse difficulties of physical mode learn-
The 6 months long IFS training pro- oneself and get a grassroots under- ing due to COVID-19, the SSIFS
gram is part of a mandatory training standing of India and its people. The Administration left no stones un-
regime that all IFS Officer Trainees Bharat Darshan, a two-week long turned in ensuring that the course
need to undergo prior to entering travel program took the two of us progressed swiftly and as planned
the fold of the Ministry of External to various Indian states stretching by introducing virtual modes of
Affairs of India. The program, tai- from the state of Meghalaya in the learning, which were timely, conve-
lor-made to suit the ever-changing Northeast to the Union Territory nient and efficient.
needs of the IFS fraternity, includes of Pondicherry in the south, during
modules on Theories of Interna- the course of which we experienced Reflecting back on the past 6
tional Relations, India’s Foreign the manifestation of India’s diversity months, the opportunity that the
Policy objectives, state of India’s bi- firsthand through the people, cul- two of us got to engage and inter-
lateral relations with its neighboring tural and traditional practices and act with the 24 IFS Officer Trainees
countries and beyond, and its roles geographical terrains that we came of the 2020 batch at close quar-
and priorities within regional and across en route. ter stands out from the rest. From
multilateral organizations. Addi- screening of the Bhutanese movie
tional classes to accommodate sub- The second field visit, through the Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
jects such as Protocol, Economic State Attachment, took the two of to dancing to some hit Bollywood
and Commercial Diplomacy, De- us to Assam, a state that shares close numbers on stage, from greetings of
fense and Cyber Security, Hospital- historical and civilizational ties, Kuzu Zangpo to Namaste and from
ity and Media Managements were trade and commercial linkage and sharing classrooms to sharing hand
also held. The classroom learning a 267 kilometer long border with sanitizers, we built a sacrosanct
was facilitated by a pool of immi- Bhutan. During the course of this bond of friendship amongst our-
Authors with Indian Foreign Service Officer Trainees of 2020 Batch nent resource persons consisting of week-long attachment, we were able selves. Like the excellent state of bi-
both serving and retired Indian dip- to familiarize ourselves with the lateral relationship between our two
lomats, heads of resident missions officials of the State Government countries that continues to grow
of foreign countries based in New and know the intricacies surround- from strength to strength, it is also
Delhi, academicians and subject ing the administration of the state. our joint aspiration that this bond of
Two of us were fortunate to have Bhutanese foreign Service officers
experts from academic institutions It was also an opportunity to hear friendship will grow ever stronger
been given this opportunity by the have been participating in the IFS
and think tanks. from them Assam’s developmental as we all grow into the service of our
Sonam Palden Ministry to undergo the Indian training program from as early as
priorities and agendas. As a state lo- respective nations.
Asst. Desk Officer Foreign Service (IFS) training pro- the 1990s. Our seniors, who at-
Department of Multilateral Affairs
The well-structured classroom cated in the eastern side of India, of-
gram, along with 24 IFS Officer tended the IFS training program,
learning coupled with hands-on ficials of the State Government also
Trainees of the 2020 batch at the had set impeccably high standards
Kezang Dema simulation exercises, field visits and provided us with an overview of the
Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign and expectations during the course
role plays of a diplomat’s work both roles played by the state of Assam in
Asst. Desk Officer Service (SSIFS) in New Delhi, India of their participation, so it was with
Department of Regional Cooperation at one’s headquarters and missions furthering India’s Act East Policy.
from 21st December 2020 to 11th mixed feelings of excitement and
abroad took us on an intellectually
June 2021. apprehension that the two of us ar-


year 2020 which will adversely pandemic has come as a boon, access to finance and increasing

COVID-19 PANDEMIC: THE affect both government and private

investment. The fiscal deficit for the
upcoming fiscal year is expected
ramping up agriculture’s share
to GDP. Otherwise, the sector’s
contribution to GDP has only seen
government spending or investment
in productive sectors is crucial.

ECONOMIC IMPACT IN BHUTAN AND to be higher compared to the past

years. As such, there is a need to
a marginal increase, i.e. from 14.44
percent in 2015 to 15.82 percent
Since, the economic disruption is
created by the pandemic, it requires

POLICY INTERVENTION explore external sources of funding

and come up with stringent fiscal
in 2019. Growth in the agriculture
sector is crucial to minimize imports
health policy responses in addition
to comprehensive monetary and
measures. The government has and achieve food self-sufficiency. fiscal policy interventions in the
also allocated approximately Nu. long term. The policy responses
3 billion for COVID-19 related Further, hydropower which is the and interventions suggested
activities to manage the pandemic main driver of the economy has both for short and long terms
TSHEWANG DORJI T and minimize economic disruption. been spared by the pandemic. could be part of the 21st Century
Although, there have been Economic Roadmap. The 21st
Deputy Chief of Protocol The most affected sectors in Bhutan shortages of migrant workers in Century Economic Roadmap
Passport Division are tourism, construction, airline, the construction of Punatsangchhu is the economic vision for the
financial institutions, hospitality, I and II hydropower projects, the country till 2030 and must be
entertainment and trade. Tourism generation and export of electricity aimed at reviving the economy and
The World Health Organization sector, the highest source of hard largely remained unaffected. It was achieving economic prosperity.
declared COVID-19 as a ‘Global currency for the country is the reported that in the first half of 2020, The Roadmap should be charted
Pandemic’ in March 2020. Many hardest hit and has literally come to import decreased by 32 percent, out based on the principle of Gross
countries initially responded to a standstill with no tourist visiting export increased by 38 percent and National Happiness and must create
the pandemic as a health concern. the country since March 2020. A subsequently trade deficit declined economic opportunities, generate
Socio-economic consequences Data source: Ministry of Finance.
revenue loss of USD 138 million by 32 percent as compared to the employment and contribute to
were not severe. However, over has been projected and more than same period last year. Increased GDP growth.
time, the impact of the pandemic 50,000 people were displaced in export is attributed to increase
and averted health and economic business activities, investment, 2020 due to disruptions in the in export of electricity with the The Roadmap must focus on
beyond health became apparent,
crises till date. To prevent and exports and consumer spending. tourism sector. The construction commissioning of the Mangdechhu diversifying the economy with
encroaching on the socio-economic
limit the spread of the virus, all The economy recorded a growth sector which is also one of the key Hydropower project. The export concrete strategy on potential
sphere of the global community.
international borders were sealed, of 5.46 percent in 2019 and was sectors of the economy has been of boulders and cash crops such sectors (hydropower, mining,
In a span of few months, many
schools and colleges closed, 21 days projected to have a growth of around severely affected with shortage as potatoes, apples and oranges agriculture, tourism and ICT),
countries experienced economic
of mandatory quarantine enforced, 6.9 percent in 2020 under normal of both skilled and unskilled have not been affected as well and promoting economic diplomacy
downturn. The economic impacts
imports restricted and lockdown circumstances. The pandemic has, migrant workers from India. The the revenue generated would to an (trade, investment, financing
of the virus are unprecedented and
imposed periodically. The welfare however, severely disrupted the construction sector accounted for extent offset the revenue loss from for development), improving
more devastating than that of the
of affected people and business economy and Gross Domestic 11.48 percent of GDP in 2019. the tourism and other sectors. business environment, developing
Great Depression. With no sign
entities is ensured through His Product(GDP) growth plummeted entrepreneurship and special
of deceleration of the pandemic,
Majesty’s welfare (Kidu) program to a record low of -6.10 percent with The only positive growth has been The pandemic has disrupted economic zones, enhancing
the global economic downturn is
in the form of income and loan an estimated loss of Nu. 4.8 billion. in the agriculture sector where an already weak and vulnerable remittances and engaging Bhutanese
likely to persist and the recovery
repayment supports. In view of The economy is expected to shrink activities have been increased by Bhutanese economy and the diaspora in economic development
will not happen anytime soon. The
socio-economic uncertainties, His in 2021, but is likely to rebound manifolds due to the restriction recovery will take time. In an effort and developing the capacity of the
pandemic has changed nearly every
Majesty The King has commanded in 2022 according to the Asian on import of agriculture produce, to rebuild the economy, a wide range private sector. The Roadmap must
aspect of our daily lives and exposed
that the Kidu program be continued Development Bank. particularly fruits and vegetables. of policy interventions is essential also include a mechanism to ensure
the vulnerability of the global
until June 2022. The restriction has, however, fueled both in short and long terms. In that the benefits accrued are shared
Many people working in the the price of locally produced fruits the short term, the government by all sections of the society. In a
Despite low cases of infection, country and abroad have also and vegetables and subsequent needs to ensure that the disrupted nutshell, the Roadmap must serve
The pandemic has not spared
Bhutan’s economy has been severely been displaced, worsening the inflation. The price of such local economy continues to function as a panacea for the economic
Bhutan as well. The first COVID
impacted by the pandemic. Like unemployment situation in Bhutan. produce will continue to rise until while the pandemic continues. ills caused by the pandemic and
case was detected in March 2020.
other countries, Bhutan is going The unemployment rate of 5 the import restriction is lifted or Interventions such as supporting contribute towards achieving
Under the leadership of His Majesty
through economic difficulties and percent has been recorded in 2020 local production is boosted in the affected business entities, a prosperous, sustainable and
The King and the government,
continue to face uncertainties. which is the highest in recent years. commensurate with the demand entrepreneurs and displaced people, inclusive economy.
Bhutan has managed to keep the
The economic output has been The credit growth and tax return in the market. For agriculture, the cutting interest rates to enhance
cases of infection at a minimum
significantly reduced with low are also expected to be low for the


BHUTANESE DIASPORA: Trend of Inflow of Remittance from Bhutanese

Diaspora is also becoming an important facet of foreign policy. In the
current global setting, where countries are more interconnected and in-
Sangay Tenzing terdependent than ever before, it is imperative to develop and support
Senior Protocol Officer complex networks of people to leverage social, cultural and economic
Department of Protocol benefits of interdependence. In recent years, many countries have de-
veloped their diplomatic and administrative capacity to increase influ-
ence and communication channels with their diasporas. Countries have
established institutions at various levels to exclusively manage dias-
pora. For instance, India has created the Ministry of Overseas Indian Af-
fairs in 2004 solely focusing on their diaspora. Similarly, Bangladesh and
The term “diaspora” broadly refers Sri Lanka have ministry-level institutions to look after their diasporas. Inflow of Remittance from Bhutanese Diaspora (2016-2020).
to migrants or descendants of mi-
grants who identify themselves with Bhutanese diaspora has increased significantly over the years. Bhutanese
their country of origin, but are living travel mainly to find better employment, economic opportunities and up-
abroad. Traditionally, governments grade their skills and knowledge, besides other purposes. The Embassies, According to the Royal Monetary Authority, Bhu- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers provid-
see their nationals abroad as a loss Missions and Consulates (EMCs) of the Royal Government keep in touch tanese diaspora remitted a total of Nu. 8.27 bil- ing consular services to Bhutanese diaspora as one
for the country in the form of brain lion in 2020 which has increased by 229.8 per- of the core mandates of the Ministry. With increas-
drain and are known mainly for the cent compared to 2019. The inflow of remittance ing Bhutanese diaspora, the extension of consular
remittances that augment the in- constitutes 4.4 percent of the Gross Domestic Prod- services is crucial and expected to increase over
come of their relatives and govern- uct in 2020 and is expected to rise with increasing time. The Ministry has already started maintain-
ment investment in the country number of Bhutanese traveling and residing abroad. ing a database on Bhutanese diaspora with the
of origin. According to the World ultimate goal of reaching out to them in times
Bank, the global inflow of remit- Generally, Bhutanese residing abroad have secured of need and providing coordinated and efficient
tances as of October 2020 stands at good jobs and are economically doing well with no- consular services. The Ministry is also exploring
US$ 666, 223 million. Governments table achievements in various fields. This has not only avenues for meaningful engagement with them.
are, however, increasingly realizing contributed to their livelihood, but also to the eco-
that an engaged diaspora can be an nomic wellbeing of their families back in Bhutan. Further, the Ministry may focus on consular diplo-
asset with diverse benefits for the Besides maintaining links with family and friends in macy, strengthen its human resources and come up
countries of origin. Diasporas are Bhutan, Bhutanese diaspora has also established nu- with plans and programmes to optimize the contri-
known to be bridges to knowledge, Distribution of Registered Bhutanese Diaspora by Continent as of 30 April merous social groups and associations in their coun- bution of the diaspora in national development by
expertise, networks, investment and 2021. tries of residence. These communities are known to facilitating easy transfer of remittances, encouraging
markets for their countries of origin. meet occasionally to celebrate significant national investment in productive sectors, purchase of shares
with the Bhutanese diaspora. As of March 2020, more than 14,000 Bhu- events together, promote social networking and pro- and government bonds, encouraging organization of
Diaspora helps their countries of or-
tanese from 70 countries had registered with the Ministry of Foreign Af- mote Bhutanese culture and traditions abroad. Bhuta- Bhutanese cultural shows, musical performances, ex-
igin not only through financial re-
fairs and its EMCs abroad, out of which 15,452 were still abroad as of 31 nese communities abroad have also come together to hibitions and related events, promotion of the coun-
mittances but also social remittanc-
May 2021. The number includes only those who have officially registered help each other during the COVID-19 pandemic and try’s soft power and informal diplomatic outreach
es in the form of new and improved
with the Ministry and EMCs; the actual number could be much higher. contributed to the country’s COVID-19 relief fund. in their host communities by promoting goodwill.
skills, knowledge and expertise.


of the irrigation schemes have inad-
equate water supply3. The country’s
rugged terrain makes it difficult to

make water accessible for drink-
ing and irrigation and increases the
cost of delivering water services.
Bhutan’s water predicament is mir-
“...While global conflicts and wars will be fought over access to water, if we can solve this roring the problems manifesting at
problem once and for all in Bhutan, it will be a truly noble accomplishment. This would also the global level. Even though over
ensure food security, an essential aspect of our overall national goal of self-reliance.” 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is
covered by water, globally around
-His Majesty The King’s Address to the Nation, 12 September 2020 2.2 billion people still lack safely
managed drinking water. The Unit-
ed Nations estimates that two in five
health care facilities worldwide have
no soap and water and that water
scarcity could displace 700 million
people by 2030. The global water
problem is also one of accessibility
and distribution, impacting devel-
opment outcomes across education,
health, gender parity and livelihood.
To address this pervasive problem,
the United Nations has identified
clean water and sanitation as Sus-
tainable Development Goal 6 with
the objective of ensuring availabil- Act 2011 to govern the management nities. The water pilot projects are
ity and sustainable management of of water have been put in place. The being executed as National Service
water and sanitation for all by 2030. country’s 12th Five Year Plan has Programs by Bhutanese youth vol-
identified “Sustainable Water En- unteers. The projects were inspired
Increasing urbanisation and socio- sured” as one of the national key re- by His Majesty The King’s address
economic development will only sult areas. The focus is on ensuring to the Nation on 12 September
continue to increase demand for adequate water for both drinking 2020 to provide youth with the op-
water and allied climate smart and and irrigation. To achieve the objec- portunity to serve in a task of na-
resilient infrastructure in Bhutan. tive, a national water security flag- tional importance that will benefit
The Bhutan Water Vision 2008 has ship program is being implemented. the nation in the long term4. Till
Sopsokha Village, Bhutan
Picture courtesy: Bernard Gagnon, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 clearly set the long-term goal as en- The Water Flagship aims to address date a total of 10 water projects have
suring access to adequate, safe and systemic issues identified in gover- been initiated under the program.
COVID-19 is washing one’s hands with soap and water. Bhutan is fortunate affordable water to enhance and nance, management and provision
Dechen Pelmo as it has been endowed with abundant water resources. It has one of the maintain the quality of lives and the in a holistic manner. The resource Bhutan has to also contend with the
Dy. Chief of Division highest per capita availability of water in the region. However, accessibil- integrity of the natural ecosystem. requirement for the Water Flagship larger threat of climate change on its
Department of Multilateral Affairs ity remains an issue in both urban and rural areas with only 81 percent of Recognising the need to better man- has been estimated at Nu.5 billion water resources and the dire conse-
housing units having access to reliable water supply during critical hours of age Bhutan’s water resources and the (approximately USD 68.5 million). quences that global inertia on pur-
the day1. Issues surrounding the quality of water are also emerging. The ru- implications it has on larger national suing meaningful climate action will
ral water supply scheme program initiated in 1964 boasts a coverage rate goals such as food security and self- In order to address water acces- have for the country. Bhutan perse-
of approximately 95% but there are cases of non-functional infrastructure reliance, the Royal Government of sibility issues being faced by rural veres with championing ambitious
The importance of water for sus- and inadequate supply from source2. Bhutan’s agriculture sector which en- communities, the Office of the De- climate action and commitments to
Bhutan has undertaken numerous
taining all forms of life on this gages the majority of the working population still relies largely on monsoon suung in collaboration with the inspire other countries to follow suit.
initiatives. Policy and legislative in-
planet is undisputed. A fact driven rains. Only 23 percent of agricultural land is irrigated of which 21 percent Royal Government initiated Water Rising global temperatures com-
struments such as the Bhutan Water
home more recently by the knowl- Projects in four districts in 2020 to bined with the fragile Himalayan
edge that one of the most effective 1 Population & Housing Census 2017, National Statistics Bureau of Bhutan. 3 National Irrigation Master Plan 2016, provide safe, reliable drinking and
methods available for preventing 2 Draft Blueprint-Water Flagship Programme, May 2020 DoA, MoAF irrigation water to various commu- 4


AS A DE-SUUP those in quarantine. They continue
to guard the country’s borders that
were sealed after the first COVID-19
case was detected in March, 2020.

It was gratifying to be able to serve

my King, country and the people
of Bhutan during the national lock-
downs. I had a satisfying experi-
ence serving as a sub-Gojay at the
Kabisa zone for 14 days during the
first nationwide lockdown. We
were involved in patrolling, advis-
ing people to use face masks, wash
De-suung Water Project Site. Picture courtesy: De-suung Website hands, keep distance from each
other and avoid public gather-
ecosystem makes Bhutan highly vulnerable on nu- ings. We had two teams deployed
both grant and loan forms worth approximately USD 20 on rotation. All De-suups looked
merous fronts. Bhutan’s economy is heavily reliant on million through ADB for the Water Flagship Program.
earnings from the sale of hydropower generated by its smart in our orange uniforms and
glacier-fed rivers. The impacts of climate change are performed our duties diligently.
Adequate resources will be required to achieve Bhutan’s During the second nationwide
already being seen with decreasing quantities of wa- water security goals and objectives. Meeting the resource
ter, drying up of traditional water sources and irregu- lockdown, I was involved in pro-
gap will be challenging given the many competing devel- viding support to the Traffic Police
lar weather patterns. Collective global action is the opment priorities before the country and the economic
only viable solution to deal with this climate threat. patrolling for 40 days together with
fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of twenty other senior De-suups. We
Foreign Affairs must redouble efforts to mobilise interna- also provided support in unloading
Bilateral and multilateral development partners play tional support to help meet the resource gap. Exploring The De-suung institution after
Jurmi Wangchuk groceries, vegetables and gas cylin-
a critical role in helping Bhutan address these press- and accessing innovative financing windows and enhanc- its establishment has come to be
ing issues. It continues to receive support from the Member of Parliament ders. The work involved receiving
ing cooperation with partners on cost-efficient tech- known to all Bhutanese for its vari-
Government of India to develop its hydropower ca- goods, repacking as required and
nologies will be crucial. The Ministry must continue to ous services. De-suung activities
pacity and is implementing a range of urban infra- delivery. Many of these activities
facilitate Bhutan’s meaningful engagement at various inter- range from managing big crowds
structure and irrigation projects through its Small Before the flood construct your were being carried out for the first
national fora to consistently call for global climate action. during important functions with
Development Projects scheme under the 12th channel time and therefore, unforeseen
differentiated services for special
Plan. The Royal Government in partnership with Before the disease perform your hitches were encountered. None-
We know better than anyone else what the issues on the needs and attending to impor-
UNDP has accessed USD 25.3 million through ritual theless, the teams were able to
ground are and solutions that need to be implemented. tant and emergency national calls.
the Global Climate Facility to support efforts to carry forth the job with vigor and
The matter has been given priority from the highest levels In the year 2020, with the outbreak
prepare and adapt to climate change and pursue The wise adage aptly fits the estab- discipline imbued in all De-suups.
of leadership, development partners stand ready to sup- of COVID-19, De-suups played
climate-resilient development. This long-term proj- port and even our youth have proven that they will step up lishment of De-suung, the Guard- important multifaceted roles in
ect aims to benefit rural communities through pro- ians of Peace by His Majesty The Besides their effort in combating
and contribute if given the opportunity. It is therefore im- Bhutan’s overall response to the
vision of sustainable land and water management, Druk Gyalpo. De-suung was insti- the COVID-19 pandemic, De-
perative that Bhutan resolve its water woes and each agen- pandemic. Today there are more
more climate-resilient irrigation and agriculture, and tuted with the objective to culti- suups were also instrumental in
cy must do its part to realise the call that has been given. than 20,000 De-suups. As frontline
climate-resilient roads. EU has committed to pro- vate the values of amity, allegiance, assisting other agencies in their
Meeting this and every other development challenge con- workers alongside the health and
vide additional support amounting to USD 4 mil- unity and harmony and to encour- work, such as activities related to
fronting the country today, will require agencies to break security personnel during the pan-
lion over and above the agreed assistance to support age all citizenry - young and old, the Road Safety and Transport
away from silos and work together fluidly. After all, we are demic, De-suups provided a range
implementation of the Water Flagship Programme. men and women - to be active in Authority, Forestry, Bhutan Ag-
all in this together and we will determine if we sink or swim. of logistics support during mass
Work is also underway to process project support in the greater role of nation-building. riculture and Food Regulatory
COVID-19 testing to monitoring of


Authority, Revenue and Customs and volunteer-
ing for the De-suung National Service projects.
As compared to the past, remarkable changes
were also seen in the behavior of the public. The
general public gradually accepted the new norm
and discipline and they acknowledged, coop-
erated and participated in the lockdown. They
adhered to COVID-19 protocols like wash-
ing hands, using face masks, maintaining so-
cial distance and restricting movements within
the designated zones. This discipline brought
dividends to the public and the country at large.
In my opinion, the service of the De-suups has
had a far reaching impact on the country’s effort Unlike Bhutan, which is well- Zangdopelri’s entire banking system
to confront the COVID-19 pandemic. My ser- known for the visionary leadership operates online, all their health care
vice during the lockdown along with other De- of its Monarchs and Gross National programmes run on e-prescription,
suups instilled in me good human traits such as
Happiness, the tiny Zangdopelri at- and citizens file their taxes on-
discipline, integrity, teamwork, commitment and
tracted the attention of the world line in less than five minutes. Even
dedication to work, respect, sense of comradeship,
with its high-tech digital society and during the COVID-19 pandemic,
sense of ownership, accountability and responsibil-
an extensive web of digital services Zangdopelri’s digital public ser-
ity, sense of duty and accomplishment. These traits Dorji Nidup
that have allowed 99 per cent of its vices such as electronic voting, on-
and values will always be upheld in my personal Sr. Desk Officer public services to be electronic. The line learning in schools, digital bu-
life, in my service as a representative of my con- Department of Bilateral Affairs
citizens of Zangdopelri proudly reaucracy, banking and healthcare
stituency to the National Assembly and beyond.
claim that only two things — mar- continued without interruption.
riage and divorce — cannot be done However, despite being a global
His Majesty The King recognized the con-
Author during one of the night patrols online in their country. The secret leader in becoming a digital society,
tributions of De-suups with the award of
the Druk Thuksey during the 113th Nation- The Kingdom of Zangdopelri is a of this tiny Kingdom’s rise to a digi- their diplomacy largely remained
al Day held at the historic Pungthang De- The areas that His Majesty physically monitors are the small landlocked country in the tal powerhouse lies in its govern- conventional. It has embraced digi-
wachen Phodrang on 17th December 2020. most vulnerable spots from where a little spill over of Himalayan region roughly the size ment’s pioneering advances under tal technology but has not pursued
the virus could easily turn into an uncontrollable flood of Singapore. A state of around one their King’s farsighted and dynamic digital diplomacy. Up to this point,
From 27th March 2021, Bhutan started vaccinating or tsunami. His Majesty’s unfailing care for the De- million inhabitants, it is snuggled leadership in pursuing innovative Zangdopelri’s social media presence
its entire eligible population against COVID-19. De- suups and regular visits to the hotspots boost the mo- between two giant neighbours, e-Zangdopelri initiative, foster- and how they conduct diplomacy
suups continued providing services for the smooth rale of all, strengthening the fight against COVID-19. Zombuling in the south and Dr- ing innovative education, virtual through ICT has been somewhat
conduct of the nation-wide vaccination programme. The COVID-19 pandemic is still a huge global threat aminen in the north. Despite its businesses and digital citizenship. ad hoc. For instance, their Foreign
His Majesty’s magnanimity as usual remained un- and therefore we must be vigilant and alert. We must small population and limited re- Ministry has Facebook and Twit-
surpassed during the fight against COVID-19. His persevere to work together and protect ourselves. We sources, the government of Zang- The government of Zangdopelri ter accounts, few of their overseas
compassion and constant vigil not from a remote have to adhere to ‘Perform your rituals before the dis- dopelri took advantage of the tre- initiated automation to make up for missions have Facebook pages and
command center, but by physically visiting every ease’ and ‘construct the channels before the floods’. mendous technological revolution the lack of human resources. It has a handful of ambassadors tweet
place, discussing strategies and monitoring the and advancement of ICT around declared Internet access as a fun- about their work from individual
situations on the ground, putting His own life at Lastly, we thank His Majesty The King, His Holiness the Je the late 20th century. They re- damental human right, and despite accounts. Only recently under the
risk is exemplary. His Majesty is constantly at the Khenpo, Dratshang, our ever protective and dependable de- sponded to digitisation and glo- their geographical challenge and leadership of their new foreign min-
forefront making routine visits to all the vulnerable ities and the people who came together to fight COVID-19. balisation trends by building an rugged mountains, they have man- ister, who is himself tech-savvy and
hotspots along the porous southern borders. There Palden Drukpa Gyalo! open, dynamic and transparent aged to provide the world’s fastest active on social media, has their for-
were occasions when some farmers did not even e-society. So, at present, it enjoys Wi-Fi for free. It has mandated that eign ministry upped its digital game.
know that the King had come to their doorstep. one of the greatest economic, trade, all public schools teach all students
and internet freedoms in the world. starting from first grade how to code. So, as part of their e-diplomacy ini-


tiative, they established the Public triation procedures, travel restric- put, Zangdopelri’s experience can
Diplomacy Division. The Division,
as part of their mandate, has swiftly
adapted to public diplomacy’s ris-
tions and to support the local pop-
ulation affected by the pandemic.
They have truly embraced a robust
be an exciting case study to help im-
plement new technologies and ser-
vices and pursue digital diplomacy.
ing global profile and rapidly evolv- social media personality and digital
ing communications environment identity to offer timely and effective Bhutan’s foreign ministry (MFA)
through responsive and focused consular services as well as seamless can examine how it conducts its
outreach to domestic and inter- and uninterrupted work even when diplomacy in the new era of the
national audiences. They have en- their country was on a nationwide digital world. How far and how
gaged extensively with the media in lockdown. Confident that they have can MFA use digital technology to
expanding their public diplomacy successfully implemented the objec- drive its diplomacy? How can MFA
footprint, both at home and abroad, tives of their digital diplomacy, they navigate its diplomacy in the digi-
and embraced social media and oth- now have a plan to open a virtual em- tal age? Suppose MFA dynamically Dr. Tshokey
er modern tools to maximise out- bassy in those countries where they adapts, synthesises, and embraces Technical Advisory Group and Clinical
come. They have also incorporated have a large number of Zangdopelri new channels and methods of diplo- Management Team Lead
new technologies in its working and diaspora to engage in public diplo- macy, implementation of its foreign COVID-19 Response
Ministry of Health
streamlined internal communica- macy, provide advice for students policy will undoubtedly be optimal
tion, using encryption and complex and extend consular services and, to to promote and protect its national
authentication processes for extra a certain extent, replace a brick-and- interests, as well to establish a strong The catastrophe caused by COVID-19
security. Today, digital diplomacy mortar embassy to minimise costs. standing on the international stage. continues, and has recently been worsening
has become Zangdopelri’s foreign If Zangdopleri can, why not Bhutan? in several countries. Many countries are
policy essential; they have integrat- So, what can Bhutan and its foreign Bhutan’s MFA need to only go the experiencing multi-fold infections and deaths,
ed technology and digital diplomacy ministry learn from the e-diploma- extra mile and roll their sleeves up! collapse of healthcare services, burnout in and
as a crucial component of their bi- cy experience of the Kingdom of shortages of healthcare workers (HCWs), lack of
lateral, regional and multilateral co- Zangdopelri? PPE, hospitals being overwhelmed, exhaustion
operation. They have signed several of medical supplies, and disruption of routine
agreements and MoUs to exchange While the essence of diplomacy has healthcare services. As of the first week of May
best practices and solutions in digi- not changed, what has changed vast- 2021, there were over 156,496,592 confirmed His Majesty The King speaks to the personnel on duty at one of the border

tal, e-governance and cybersecurity. ly, almost beyond imagination, is di- cases and more than 3,264,143 deaths globally. outposts between Phuntsholing and Samtse

plomacy’s operating environment. On the anniversary of the pandemic, Amnesty high-risk areas. His Majesty’s wisdom and guidance keeps
Within a short period, their official In the 21st century, the growing use International reported that HCWs deaths due the country moving forward despite the challenges.
Twitter handle has become one of of ICT and social-media platforms to the pandemic reached 17,000 across 70
the most followed foreign ministry has influenced our way of life, in- countries which equates to a health worker Preparedness is the key
handles in the world. Similarly, their cluding international diplomacy. dying from Covid-19 every 30 minutes. Bhutan Bhutan comprehended the challenges of limited human
Facebook page has one million fol- Digital diplomacy has become an ac- has also been affected by the pandemic, but the resources and medical supplies and planned extensively.
lowers. More impressive is that their tive diplomatic mode with the help overall morbidity and mortality are far below The Health Emergency Management Committee (HEMC)
foreign minister is the second-most of new interactive communication the global situations. This is because of the best was activated, simulation exercises were held, and several
followed leader on Facebook and technologies such as WhatsApp, practices that the country has adopted right measures were put in place. Airport screening was initiated,
Twitter. Further, they have suc- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, vid- from the beginning. international borders were closed, several guidelines and
cessfully brought all of their em- eo sharing website, and blogs. And protocols were developed, doctors and nurses were trained
bassies and missions on Facebook these communication technologies Benevolent selfless leadership in COVID and ICU management, ventilators and other
and Twitter. They have launched play an increasingly important role Bhutan’s COVID-19 response is personally medical supplies were procured, and worst-case scenarios
spearheaded by His Majesty The King who of the pandemic were prepared early in the pandemic. Prior
a mobile App to provide efficient in international relations. Although
is the force and pillar behind everything. preparation has extensively benefited our response.
consular services during the CO- Bhutan has gradually recognised the
Beginning with personally overseeing the
VID-19 pandemic. Their embassies pivotal role of digital diplomacy and
management of the first COVID-19 case in Whole-of-a-government approach and multi-sectoral
and consulates are using this mobile recently put it into practice, it still
March 2020, His Majesty has been out of the teamwork
App to offer advice on flights, repa- needs to pull its socks up. Simply
palace, continuously in the field, mostly in the Bhutan’s response to COVID-19 is an exemplary show


doctors, nurses and support staff regardless of the number of cases and All the four National COVID-19
this would result in unnecessary deployment of HCWs and overuse of centres have isolation wards, adult
PPE contributing to shortage and crisis, including disruption of routine and paediatric intensive care units,
healthcare services. The clustering strategically divided the country into operation theatres, delivery room
four regional clusters (Fig. 1): and X-ray rooms. Clustering of CO-
VID-19 case management has ben-
efitted in the following ways:

• Strategic deployment of HCWs

thereby preventing their short-
ages and burnout
• Judicious use of PPE
• Prevented transmission of CO-
VID-19 to other parts of the
His Majesty The King with the hospital staff in Samtse
• Enabled uninterrupted provi-
sion of other routine healthcare
of how a country can approach numerous individuals donated in Extensive testing and enhanced services
a problem wholly. The Prime both cash and kind; businesses testing • Allowed cost saving by reduc-
Minister’s office, cabinet ministers, and hoteliers offered their hotels Bhutan has always followed the 3T ing quarantine requirements
religious bodies, members of for use as quarantine facilities; and (test, trace and treat) strategy. The Figure 1: Map showing the four National COVID-19 Centers with their cluster districts
and limiting use of PPE
parliament, government and other many individuals volunteered to Royal Center for Disease Control
• Averted shortages of medi-
offices, military and paramilitary support the government’s pandemic was the lone laboratory in the To avert the risks of cross-transmission of COVID-19 to routine hospitals, cal supplies and equipment
organizations and the public were response. country with RT-PCR capacity prior separate structures were identified for the purpose. Accordingly, for the ben- through strategic mobilization
in unison. Several teams including to the pandemic. Currently Bhutan efit of the people, His Majesty The King has granted the utilization of key and utilization
the national, regional, dzongkhag/ Exceptional and unique has five RT-PCR laboratories spread structures in the four regions as the National COVID-19 Centre (Fig. 2): • Allowed strategic location and
dungkhag COVID-19 Task Forces quarantine system across the country. Surveillance
buffering of PPE and other
were formed. The technical aspects Bhutan started with a mandatory teams at national, dzongkhag and • Gyalyum Kesang Choeden Wangchuck National Eye Center in Thim- medical equipment such as
were spearheaded by a multi- 14-day quarantine (home/facility) dungkhag levels are continuously phu ICU beds, ventilators and other
sectoral Technical Advisory Group for incoming travelers and primary engaged in contact tracing, • Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies hostel in Phuent- respiratory support equipment.
(TAG) for COVID-19 and several contacts/suspects in early March quarantine monitoring, follow- sholing
other teams in the Ministry of 2020 but made it a mandatory up on travelers from high-risk to • Royal Guest House in Mongar
Health, with support from other facility quarantine later. By the end low-risk areas, and follow-up on Smart and timely lockdown
• Central Regional Referral Hospital in Gelephu (old) Bhutan has experienced two na-
relevant sectors. of March 2020, the mandatory recovered and discharged patients.
facility quarantine was increased All tests are provided free of costs tional lockdowns. These lockdowns
Public solidarity to 21 days as it still stands. There by the government. were carried out in a timely and
A strong sense of national solidarity is also a mandatory 7-day facility smart manner. A timely lockdown
was exhibited by all sections of quarantine for people travelling Clustered COVID-19 case prevented the spread and broke the
society, greatly contributing to from the high-risk areas to the low- management chain of possible transmission ef-
Bhutan’s success. Organizations risk areas within the country. The One of the key components of fectively. A smart lockdown allowed
such as the De-suung and the uniqueness in the quarantine is that the response was COVID-19 case delivery of essential services and
Bhutan Red Cross Society were all costs for accommodation and management. Cases were managed permitted people to come out in a
at the frontline for various tasks. testing are borne by the government, in the four regional COVID-19 controlled manner.
Farmers both in groups and as and hotels are mostly tourist-grade centers instead of every hospital
individuals donated their cash with facilities for meals, tea, water, managing their own cases. If all 49 Uninterrupted provision of es-
crops; members of Parliament, civil wi-fi, and a mobile medical team to hospitals in the country managed sential health care services
servants and corporate employees attend to the needy. their own COVID-19 cases, each Figure 2: The four National COVID-19 centers (First row from left: Thimphu, Phuentsholing, Mongar
Detailed plans were drawn to pro-
contributed from their salaries; hospital would deploy a set of and Gelephu. Second row: ICU and ward settings in these centers) vide uninterrupted essential health-


care services at all times, including at different stages. These include eligible population and 65.5% of the
during lockdowns. Maternal and individuals, institutions, bilateral, overall population. During the same
child-care services, including im- multilateral, international and UN campaign, about 38,000 children of
munizations were provided through agencies. Supports included contri- age between 12-17 years in high-
home visits. Medical consultations butions of PPE, medicines, diagnos- risk areas were vaccinated.
were provided through tele-consul- tics kits, laboratory reagents, vac-
tation. Medicines were delivered to cines and technical expertise. Conclusion
individual houses or to identified More than one year since the first
drop-points during the lockdowns. Successful nationwide vaccina- positive case in Bhutan was de-
Hospitals facilitated pickups and tion tected in March 2020, Bhutan has
drop-offs of patients who need Under the benevolent leadership managed the COVID-19 pandemic
physical care in the hospital for and guidance of His Majesty The exceptionally well and successfully
acute care, wound dressing, delivery King and the government, the Min- conducted mass vaccination. How-
and other emergencies. There have istry of Health planned and car- ever, there is a continuous threat of
Yeshi Choden
been no major interruptions in rou- ried out the vaccination campaign leakages of transmission into the
tine medical services until now. successfully from 27th March to Asst. Protocol Officer
community, the main risk being the
Department of Protocol
4th April 2021. The vaccines were regular arrivals of Bhutanese from
Socioeconomic support donated by the Government of In- outside via air, land and porous bor-
The pandemic has severely impact- dia. More than 3,600 health profes- ders. These situations call for higher
ed the socio-economic status of sionals and 4,800 volunteers were and continued vigilance and rein-
several people. In His National Ad- involved in the 1200 vaccination forcement of all COVID-19 proto- Due to the second national lock-
dress, His Majesty said, “We must posts established throughout the down in the country, I could not
cols and public health measures.“No
exhibit the strength that comes out country. The national vaccination physically report to the Ministry of
one is safe, until everyone is safe”.
of our smallness, remain united and coverage for the eligible population Foreign Affairs on 1st January 2021,
support one another. During such was 94.8% and the overall popula- as would have been the case other-
wise. I received my appointment
exceptional circumstances, the gov- tion coverage stands at 63.3%. A
order and sent my joining letter via
ernment will take the responsibility total of 8,184 individuals (392 preg-
email. 1st February 2021 was my
of alleviating any suffering to the nant and 7792 lactating women)
first day as a civil servant with the “Being a small nation makes us a smart nation, this
people due to the virus”. His Majes- were also vaccinated. There were is not out of choice but out of necessity. Technology
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to-
ty has provided numerous support, 8526 (1.8%) minor side effects and
such as waiver of interest on loans, 46 (0.01%) serious side effects re-
wards the end of the day, after hav- is an indispensable tool that will be necessary to
employment opportunities and un- ported. Bhutan’s vaccination drive
ing met and talked with many of my realise this aspiration.”
senior colleagues who seemed to be
employment or work-lost allowanc- was hailed as unique and applauded
effortlessly maneuvering their way
es through the Druk Gyalpo’s Relief by the international community.
around their work, I was reassured
Fund. Several families were relo-
in my faith that there is no substi-
cated from the high-risk Indian bor- Adding to the successful first dose tute for experience, and experience
der towns in houses built through vaccination, Bhutan also held the Few things stimulate the mind like the thrill of new enterprises, but attached
runs on the gift of time. So, if time is to the thrill is also the feeling of trepidation that comes with entering an
His Majesty’s support. Many other national campaign for the second what it takes, I told myself, it is time
support mechanisms have also been dose of COVID-19 vaccine from unknown territory. As apprehensive as I was about being a first-time civil
that I will give. But then again, I servant and that too with an agency as formidable as MFA, I knew also that
carried out by the government, cor- the 20th to 26th of July 2021. The knew that time alone was not going
porate and private institutions and campaign was extended by another it was not without a silver lining. For instance, being a novice at MFA meant
to make consequential difference, if I had the privilege of learning; starting at the lowest rung of my career lad-
individuals. few days to vaccinate children and at all. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote that we
also provide home-based vaccina- der meant that the only way to go is up. And the sooner I started, the bet-
must decide “what to do with the ter it was going to be. As recommended by some of my senior colleagues,
Collaboration and assistance tion for the needy. The second na- time that is given to us.” I know with
Contributing to the success of tional campaign vaccinated 473,715 I signed up for the online class on “Global Diplomacy: Diplomacy in the
certainty that my seniors at MFA Modern World,” in the hope that I would gain some introductory insights
Bhutan’s best practices, several col- individuals which account for a vac- did not simply wait for the time to
laborative assistance were received cination coverage of 95.6% of the into the concept of diplomacy as a profession. Offered by the University
pass and the experience to happen. of London via Coursera, the course is spread over a span of 5 weeks and


Friendship Associations
Friendship Associations 6. Finland 12. Hungary
abroad Finland-Bhutan Society Hungarian Bhutan Friendship
Mr. Iiro Kakko Society
Email: Mr. Zoltan Valicsicsak
1. Austria
Email: valcsicsak.zoltan@gmail.
Friends of Bhutan Associa-
7. France com
Les Amis du Bhoutan
President: Mrs. Liselotte Wald-
heium-Natural Mrs. Jeanne Mascolo
Email: contact@austria-bhutan. Email:, 13. Italy
org Amici del Bhutan Email:jeannemascolo@gmail. Prof. Maddalena Fortunati
com Email: madda2000@hotmail.
2. Austria com
Austrian-Bhutan Society
Dr. Claus Walter
Email: 8. Germany
com German-Bhutan Himalaya 14. The Netherlands
A teacher delivering his lesson via BBS, when schools were closed in March. Picture courtesy: Kuensel Society Friends of Bhutan
asien/bhuta n//td> Austria Mr. Reinhard Wolf Ms. Louise Huijbens-Jellema
Email: info@bhutan-gesell- Email: louise.huijbens@out-
boasts an amalgamation of learning resources such as Upon completion of the online course, besides the
recorded interview videos, reading materials, peer- satisfaction of having invested my time in something 3. Czech
graded assignments, and reviewing peers’ assignments. substantive, I also registered in myself a feeling of awe
Friends of Bhutan Society of
for the ease of access. In the pre-internet days, much the Czech Republic
I would like to go off on a tangent here and highlight of learning involved the physical entity of a tutor-pupil Ms. Lilia Khousnoutdinova 9. Germany 15. Norway
some takeaways from the course woven with opinions duo, and learning resources were no doubt difficult to Pro Bhutan e.V Norway Bhutan Friendship
of my own: procure. All that changed with the advent of the inter- Dr. Werner Haring Association
net when the world began to see that global connectiv-
Email: dr.werner.haring@web. Mr. Einar Kippenes
Diplomacy is as much an art as it is a science, of initiat- ity was both instantaneous and rewarding. When my
de Email:
ing, fostering, and promoting goodwill between nations mother, who never went to school, faces little problem 4. Czech
at the macro level and between individual entities at the using WeChat to keep in touch with her cousins in far- Czech’n’Bhutan Cultural
micro. In this digital age of fast-paced globalization, di- flung places like New York and Perth, it is both intrigu- Friendship Association
plomacy is the fulcrum upon which any country can ing and terrifying to think about the ways in which Mr. Martin Piro 10. Germany 16. Poland
leverage the benefits of interdependence and coopera- someone adept in Information and Communications Email: Bhutan Help Society Bhutan-Poland Friendship
tion. A good diplomat embodies integrity, in that they Technology could harness its potential. His Majesty Prof. Dr. Alexander Klaussner Society
can be entrusted with the noble task of protecting and The King enunciated in 2019 that “being a small na- Email: ak@erlebniswald-main- Ms. Elzbieta Jablonska
promoting national interests. A good diplomat sells tion makes us a smart nation. This is not out of choice 5. Denmark, Email:
what can be sold but the better diplomat goes a step fur- but out of necessity. Technology is an indispensable Danish-Bhutanese Friendship
ther by convincing the other party that they too stand tool that will be necessary to realize this aspiration.” Association
to gain from the transaction. While an individual may Mr. Henrik A. Nielsen 11. Greece
be born with attributes such as tact, perseverance, and Email: Greece-Bhutan Friendship As- 17. Sweden
patience, the same attributes may also be ‘learnt’ to a sociation Swedish Bhutan Society
considerable extent, which is why an extensive body Mr. Romolo Gandolfo Mr. Alf Persson
of research and their findings on diplomacy continues Facebook – Greece-Bhutan Email:
to guide and facilitate aspiring and established diplo- friendship association www.swedish-bhutan-society.
mats alike, to continually learn, unlearn, and relearn Email: romolonthego@gmail. org
their ways in and around their professional spheres. com


18. Switzerland 3. Bhutan-India Friendship
Society Switzerland-Bhutan tan Association
Mr. Claudio Zingg Address: 71-20 Cheongdam- Samdrup Jongkhar
Email: claudio.zingg@bhutan- dong, #203, Gangnam-gu, Mr. Norbu Wangdi, Seoul, Korea Designation: General Secretary Phone no: +82-2-518-5012 Email ID:
Website: www.bhutan-swit- Fax +82-2-518-5013Web Phone no. 17114533 Facebook:https:// (S/Jongkhar, Jomotsangkha, 23. India Phuntshothang and Thimphu)
societyswissbhutan/ India-Bhutan Friendship As-
sociation 4. Bhutan-India Friendship
19. Sister organization Bhu- Mr. Lalit Aggarwal Association, Gelephu Local
tan- Switzerland Society Vice President Chapter Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(BSS) Email: Mr. Ugyen Rabten,
Lyonpo Dr. Kinzang Dorji Phone no:+9811155392 Designation: General Secretary Gyalyong Tshokhang
(President) Phone no. +975 77775185
Thimphu : Bhutan
IBF Assoc iation/?ref=page_in-
20. United Kingdom ternal India 5. Bhutan Norway Friendship PABX: +975-2-322459/ 322473/ 322771
Bhutan Society of the UK Association
Mr. Andrew Sutton Friendship Associations Mr. Jigme Drukpa
Email: andrewsutton001@aol. Designation: Interim President
in Bhutan Email ID: drukpajigme@gmail. Website:
com com
1. Bhutan India Friendship Phone no: 17110979
Association -Phuntsholing
21. Japan P.O. Box 1565
Japan-Bhutan Friendship As- Depsi Phaka, Thimphu
Mr. Thinley Dorji
sociation Designation: General Secretary Facebook:
President: Mr. Seiji Kojima 6. Bhutan-Austria Friendship
Phone no: 17118280
Association Mr. Langa Dorji
groups/380795065624024 Designation: President
JapanBhutanFriendshipAssocia- Phone no: +975-1717-8888
2. Bhutan-India Friendship
tion/ Email ID: langadorji15@gmail.
Association, Nganglam Chap-
2-11-18-402 Otowa, Bunkyo- com
Ku, Tokyo 112-0013, Japan tel & Above Changangkha
Mr. Karma Jamtsho
Fax: +81-3-3945-3396 Lhakhang
Designation: Program Secretary
Email: kjamtsho4560@gmail.
22. South Korea com
Korea-Bhutan Friendship As-
sociation Bhutan-India-Friendship-
William Rim Jae LEE Association-Nganglam-Chap-
Chairman, Director, Bhutan ter-695010480702944
Cultural Center of Korea


All views and opinions expressed in the articles are attributed to the
individual author/contributor and do not reflect the views of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs or the organization they work for.

Royal Office for Media (ROM), and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)


Jamyang Chophel, Public Diplomacy Division

Printed @ Bhutan Printing Solutions, Thimphu


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