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Project Report on

Understanding Challenges faced by Consumers in Delhi Ncr

Regarding Solar Energy
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration

Under the Guidance of
Prof Dr Meenakshi Gandhi
Devang Tandon
00529801719 BBA-6D

Vivekananda School of Business Studies

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Table of Content

Topic Page No.



Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Review of Literature

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Chapter 4: Data Analysis & Interpretation 

Chapter 5: Findings

Chapter 6: Conclusions

References/ Bibliography 


This is to certify that Mr. Devang Tandon, student of BBA-6D, Enrollment Number
00529801719 of Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies has carried out the research
project entitled “Understanding Challenges faced by Consumers in Delhi Ncr Regarding Solar
Energy ” for the award of Bachelor of Business Administration for the Academic Batch
(2019-2022) under my guidance.

Signature of The Guide

(Prof Dr Meenakshi Gandhi)
Professor, VSBS

I would like to give my special thanks to “Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies” who
provided me a golden opportunity of making this project. I’m very grateful with assistance
provided by my mentor “Prof Dr Meenakshi Gandhi” who helped me in finalizing the topic
“Can solar energy become the future of smart cities?” for the Research Project”, for giving such
a good advice, for assisting in keeping my project according to the schedule and for giving such
a generous advice whenever needed because of which I get to know about so many new thing
I would also like to give my special thanks to my family and friends for their unconditional love
and support and for giving me guidance and help me in following the correct path.
Chapter 1

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is the rays from the Sun that can produce heat, trigger chemical reactions, or
produce electricity. The total amount of solar energy obtained on Earth is much greater than the
current and expected global needs. Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse
Solar energy is commonly used for solar water heaters and home heating. Heat from solar pools
facilitates the production of chemicals, food, textiles, warm greenery, swimming pools and
livestock buildings. Cooking and providing a source of energy can also be achieved through
solar energy.
The rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology (the latest estimates expect more
than 50 billion connected devices by 2020) is rapidly depleting almost all human activities (from
housing to industry), and cities are no different. IoT, combined with cloud technology, could
play a strategic role in building smart cities, thanks to their ability to access data from a wide
variety of sources in a comprehensive and ubiquitous way and to provide new, high quality
statistics to governors based on such data. Although part of IoT devices currently operate under
direct human control (for example portable devices and smartphones), a large proportion of those
devices are provided with natural sensors that operate automatically in unattended mode, and
such a portion is expected to grow significantly in the future, simply because of limitations on
human resources. who can directly control them? Especially in a smart city, where any possible
IoT deployment could take up too much space and involve a very large number of devices, it is
important to make them more independent and longer lasting, keeping maintenance costs
affordable. Under this, energy harvesting solutions are expected to play an important role, and,
among these, photovoltaic panels are very promising. IoT solar-powered devices (hereafter we
will simply call them devices) take advantage of a photovoltaic panel to generate energy and a
rechargeable battery to maintain a large enough storage capacity to ensure continuous and
unlimited performance.
An important question in the design of such devices is how the battery size and its panel can be
left unchecked, leading to the problem of making it neutral. The concept of power neutrality
opens up a whole new perspective on device configuration, as it allows for modelling of the load,
i.e. the power consumption of the device, to match the expected power output. Many attempts
have been made by researchers to identify various ways to convert energy, be it appropriate to
the proper communication and / or by planning the sensory and processing functions of the
device, with the benefit of prediction of energy production. The latest trends are particularly
important for IoT devices as they use online public weather forecasts to feed solar energy
production models. An always unanswered aspect of how these methods will work in the real
world. Intentionally, several research teams began developing prototypes that would be used for
testing in real-world situations. Among these we have mentioned, which, however, has not yet
led to the production of freely available databases that researchers can use in analysing and
comparing different power management solutions for IoT devices. For this reason, we have
developed a new prototype, which includes a small solar panel harvesting system, a standard IoT
node equipped with weather sensors, and an independent microsystem that acts as a logger and
capable of measuring all power- related parameters IoT node and sub-harvest system. The IoT
environment can be programmed to use different techniques related to sensory function and
energy management, in order to test and compare different solutions. We have used this device
to compile data on energy production and climate change. This paper summarizes the prototype
and data collected, and focuses on the analysis of this database by analysing the state-of-the-art
algorithms that exploit public weather forecasts to estimate future solar panel production. In
particular, the contributions of this function are: (i) a prototype used for testing (embedded dual
subsystem, IoT node and data recorder); (ii) a dual-core mobile library to allow you to configure
both IoT location and data recorder in a single system; and (iii) comparative evaluation of
different production prediction models, including models taken from books and other variations
of such novels.
How does solar energy work and why should we use solar

Solar Energy modules absorb sunlight and convert the energy into a usable
form of electrical current.  The sun shines all over the world, making solar
electricity viable anywhere. Because solar can be paired with batteries for
energy storage, solar electric systems can be independent of the utility grid,
making them cost-effective for remote locations. Solar modules have no
moving parts making maintenance costs low, and they are highly reliable with
a long service life of 25+ years of guaranteed electricity. Solar electricity
relies on the sun as its fuel source, so there is no need to drill for petroleum-
based fuels, refine them, or deliver them to the site. As you can see, there are
a lot of advantages of solar energy.
Main Sources of Energy Production in the World

The three major categories of energy for electricity generation are fossil fuels (coal, natural gas,
and petroleum), nuclear energy, and renewable energy sources.
Most electricity is generated with steam turbines using fossil fuels, nuclear, biomass, geothermal,
and solar thermal energy. Other major electricity generation technologies include gas turbines,
hydro turbines, wind turbines, and solar photovoltaics.
Fossil fuels are the largest sources of energy for electricity

Natural gas was the largest source—about 40%—of U.S. electricity generation in 2020. Natural
gas is used in steam turbines and gas turbines to generate electricity.

Coal was the third-largest energy source for U.S. electricity generation in 2020—about 19%.
Nearly all coal-fired power plants use steam turbines. A few coal-fired power plants convert coal
to a gas for use in a gas turbine to generate electricity.

Petroleum was the source of less than 1% of U.S. electricity generation in 2020. Residual fuel
oil and petroleum coke are used in steam turbines. Distillate—or diesel—fuel oil is used
in diesel-engine generators. Residual fuel oil and distillates can also be burned in gas turbines.
Chapter 2
Review of Literature
The production and use of energy have considerations that affect both sustainability and the
economy. Indeed, not only should there be a reduction in mineral resources and greenhouse gas
emissions, such as the result of a coal and oil-based model, or the environmental performance of
renewable energy models of moderate production should also be considered, but also rising
production costs. power. In economic activity, these costs contribute to the income statement,
which may include a variable amount in relation to the total cost of labour, usually ranging from
5 to 40% of the costs required to produce or provide services.(Miguel-Angel Perea-Moreno,
2018). Solar energy is energy from the sun. Every day the sun emits or emits, a large amount of
energy. The sun emits more energy per second than people have used since the beginning of
time. It takes millions of years for the energy of the solar system to make its way into the solar
system, and then just over eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles [93 million km] to the
earth. The sun's energy travels to the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, the speed of
light. It covers a wide range of current areas of research and development such as cooking,
drying, desalination, and power generation. Wellington E. Web- former Mayor of Denver,
Colorado stated that “the 19th century was a century of empires; the 20th century was the
century of the national empire; 21st century is a hundred cities”. Cities play an important role in
the world. Cities run the economy. Developing countries are beginning to focus on making smart
cities. India as a fast-growing economy has a vision to build ten smart cities in the near future.
Smart city is a vision for urban development to integrate information and communication
technology (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT), solutions in schools, libraries, travel systems,
hospitals, electrical industries and other social services. ICT is used to improve quality and
performance by improving communication between government and citizens.(Smita Joshi,
2016). An example of a smart infrastructure is a smart power grid or, as it is easily called, a
smart grid. The smart grid contains a variety of energy sources (renewable or conventional),
intelligent meters, performance control systems, load balancing methods, and ways to withstand
the effects of efficient and reliable power delivery to the end user from different power sources.
Energy sources are also very diverse including the sun, natural oil, gas, electricity, and battery.
Power cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another. In the
last few years, in addition to traditional forms of energy, many other words associated with it
include pure energy, green energy, sustainable energy, renewable energy, and intelligent energy.
The fear that the resources available for human consumption will be eliminated is what drives
these new energy-related terms. Pure energy or green energy suggests that energy consumption
has a very small negative impact on the environment. For example, solar power or wind power
are types of green energy sources. (Saraju P. Mohanty). Large amounts of sunlight, both
according to the Sun Factor (F) and Potential Solar Gains (G), were found on the roofs of
buildings. However, it should be noted that the complex and precise morphological structure of
this part of the envelope can make the installation of photovoltaic or thermal panels difficult and,
therefore, prevent the potential for efficient use of solar energy. As a result, the potential for
urban morphological interventions may be based on the measurement of horizontal surfaces on
the roof, with the aim of facilitating the installation of functional solar collectors.(Alessandra
Curreli, 2016)
Nowadays, not only is there a need to use solar energy, but there is also a great need to store and
integrate it into smart grids to improve energy management systems through demand
management techniques that have proven that solar PV systems can function as actuators. in
improving the oscillation between the areas and reducing the unwanted visibility of the related
power setting on a large scale. A new novel deployment plan for resolving low-frequency
fluctuations of the central PV grid system next to its main function was proposed by Wandhare
and Garwal. The proposed system modified system consistency without the need to integrate any
additional resources or systems that demonstrate the potential for use in SG implementation.
(Mina Farmanbar, 2019).
The concept of Solar Smart City is also an atomic structure: neighbouring areas behave
aggressively as particles with direct, negative or powerless particles and their energy balance is
controlled and enhanced using an intelligent solar grid that maintains dynamic performance of
all. downtown.
On this basis and as illustrated by comparing energy consumption with solar energy production
in rooftops, the annual solar power supply selects 50% positive prices. On the other hand, this
result also shows how reducing electricity demand is an important step in achieving energy
savings that should include adoption of measures at both the structural and operational level of
the user.
Solar technology has made significant strides (such as photo-voltaic cells converting light into
electricity) over the past decade. Nevertheless, methods of harvesting solar energy are needed to
improve solar cells. Most modern solar cells absorb light through a thin film of cadmium tel-
luride composed of two layers of glass. The advantages of low-film solar cells include low
production costs and ease of production. New design techniques appeared in 2014 based on
nanophononics, in which nano-antennas were used to direct and generate local light at a
nanoscale. Such designs promise to improve the absorption process in photovoltaic systems, thus
allowing a significant reduction in the apparent thickness of the solar-absorber layers and paving
the way for new solar cell designs.
City planning is a process in which many factors play a role. Solar energy is one of the areas that
urban planners must consider. Urban planners should be informed of the effects of building
blocks on solar energy. In the ideal case, one character in the design process should perform
simulations and calculations about solar energy as described in this article. This character can be
an outside consultant, city planner or architect. Continuing in the design process, detailed solar
energy analysis can be performed. Significant issues in this analysis are: production of efficient
solar systems (kWh), mid-year production, ratio between PV and ST, structural problems
(colour, texture, size) etc.
India and Africa have also invested heavily in the renewable energy sector following the summit.
India and France have also established the ‘International Solar Alliance’ which is committed to
improving Solar power generation in developing countries. Renewable energy sources, including
solar energy, have opened the way for the production of tons of kilo watt hour of electricity to
meet the needs of humans and to care for the environment. The Smart Cities Guidelines stipulate
that 10% of all electricity is generated from Solar Energy. Therefore, MNRE has decided to
produce solar energy from homes and offices using solar roof panels, Solar water hot water
heaters, Solar PV Rooftop electric, Solar Street Lighting, Solar water pumps, Solar based
concentrators. cooking and signs of Solar traffic. MNRE also wishes to promote energy-efficient
buildings for solar passive construction.
Solar power is a very promising power source as it has many advantages over other resources.
Solar energy is a natural and clean source of energy from the sun that can be used directly to
generate electricity. Non-emission, ow retention and high fidelity, with a life expectancy of 20-
30 years make solar energy a good source of energy for future use. There is widespread use of
pho-tovoltaic technologies such as solar water heating, solar drying and solar PV; however, solar
applications were introduced for the first time for rural electrification and telecommunications.
Different types of roof types (flat / sloping with concrete frame, light tiles, wind tiles) and
different types of façade (brick, light, pre-built concrete) have been identified.
Building loads (permanent & overload) are calculated to determine the suitability of building
materials for common parts of the working sun (PV modules / solar collectors).
The annual occurrence of solar radiation worldwide in the construct is calculated taking into
account the maximum acceptable losses: 40% (National Code for Building Technology: active
solar systems). Annual shade losses are calculated to identify acceptable building blocks.(E.
Caamaño-Martin, 2012).
Modern solar systems and materials appear to be an important factor in coping with these
challenges. Particularly integrated photovoltaics will likely play an important role in future smart
cities. The use of solar energy occurs in the form of PV parks and PVs installed on the roofs of
buildings and facades to create electrical energy and the condition of solar thermal collectors to
heat water and space.(Werner Brenner, 2019)
The average solar radiation was about 5.18 kwh / m2 / day, with a solar panel of 9.2 hours.
Consolidating renewable energy helps to consolidate energy and improve local gas consumption
and to limit gas emissions, create economic competition and improve long-term energy security.
According to a 2015 renewable energy market analysis report from a global energy agency, the
need for higher incentives from solar photovoltaic energy and wild air energy is no longer
needed but economic charisma is still heavily dependent on strategic framework and market
design. (Muhammad Abrar ul Haq, 2020)
Solar energy is the energy found in the sun through the rays. India has been given a rich solar
power plant. The average intensity of solar radiation obtained in India is 200 MW / km
(megawatt per square kilometre) and 250-300 solar days per year. Solar is an important, though
currently underutilized, energy service in India capable of providing improved power supply
(especially in remote areas) and increasing the security of power supply in India. Solar energy
varies from place to place where Western Rajasthan receives the highest radiation per year and
the northeaster regions receive the least amount of radiation. India has a good level of solar
radiation, receiving solar energy in excess of 5000 trillion kWh / year. Depending on the
location, daily events range from 4 to 7kWh / m2, hours of sunlight ranging from 2300 to 3200
per year. (Naveen Kumar Sharma, 2011)
What is the potential of solar energy in cities?

India, in particular, will benefit greatly from solar energy, thanks to favourable climates and
natural conditions because some parts of the country enjoy sunny days for most of the year.
Indeed, solar power is provided by a coherent policy in the development of the Indian city. Good
plans have been put in place for 50 solar-powered cities to generate solar power, especially with
photovoltaic roof systems that generate solar energy. In addition, they will also be equipped with
solar water heaters, street lights, water pumps, steam-based cooking concentrators and road
signs. Solar-powered cities are expected to reduce their average energy demand by 10% over
five years.
According to a 2016 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) analysis, there are more
than 8 billion square feet on the roof where solar panels can be installed in the United States,
representing more than one terawatt of solar potential. With the advent of solar energy
efficiency, the capacity of a country house could become even greater. The roofs of residential
and other small houses represent about 65% of the national roof capacity, while 42% of the roofs
are low- to middle-income households.
NREL estimates that an average of 3.3 million homes a year will be built or will need to be
replaced — representing about 30 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity per year. If even a small
portion of this new roof had solar panels, it could have a significant impact on U.S. solar power.
The Sun has long been worshiped as the provider of life on our planet. Industrial times have
given us an understanding of sunlight as a source of energy. India has been given a huge solar
power plant. About 5,000 trillion kWh per year of energy takes place in the Indian subcontinent
and most parts get 4-7 kWh per sq. m per day. Solar photovoltaics energy can be used effectively
to provide significant reductions in India. Solar also provides power generation through
distribution and enables faster power additions in shorter lead times. Non-grid electrification and
low temperatures will be useful when considering electricity in rural areas and meeting other
energy and heating and cooling needs in rural and urban areas. From an energy standpoint, solar
is the safest of all sources, as it is widely available. In theory, a small proportion of solar energy
(if taken successfully) could meet global energy needs.
There has been a significant impact of solar energy on India's energy status over the past few
years. Solar-based and distributed applications have benefited millions of people in the Indian
subcontinent by meeting their cooking, lighting and other energy needs in an environmentally
friendly way. Social and economic benefits include reducing boredom among rural women and
girls who carry firewood in remote areas and cook in smoky kitchens, reducing the risk of
developing lung and eye diseases, creating employment opportunities in the area, and finally,
improving quality of life and creating economic opportunities at village level. In addition, the
solar energy sector in India has emerged as a key player in the grid connected to the power
generation capacity over the years. It supports the government's agenda for sustainable growth,
while, it emerges as an integral part of the solution to meet the nation's power requirements and
an important player in power protection.
The National Institute of Solar Energy has tested about 748 GW of solar energy taking up 3% of
the polluted area covered by Solar PV modules. Solar energy has taken the centre of India's
National Climate Action Plan and the National Solar Mission as one of the key missions. The
National Solar Mission (NSM) was launched on January 11, 2010. NSM is a major initiative of
the Government of India with full international participation to promote sustainable
environmental growth while addressing India's energy security challenges. It will also play a key
role in India's global effort to address the challenges of climate change. The mission of the
Mission is to establish India as a global leader in solar energy by creating policy conditions for
the distribution of solar technology across the country as soon as possible. The policy aims to
include solar power plants connected to the 100 GW grid by 2022. This is in line with India's
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) goal of achieving approximately 40
percent of the energy stored in non-fossil energy sources and reducing its GDP emissions by 33
percent to 35 percent from 2005. in 2030.

To achieve the above objectives, the Government of India has introduced various programs to
promote solar energy in the country such as Solar Park Scheme, VGF Scheme, CPSU Scheme,
Defence Scheme, Canal bank & Canal top Scheme, Bundling Scheme, Grid Connected. Solar
Rooftop Scheme etc.

The various policy measures undertaken include the announcement of a Renewable Energy
Purchase (RPO) track record including Solar costs, Cessation of Provincial Transmission System
(ISTS) and loss of supply of solar and wind power projects for projects to commence till March
2022, May solar energy procurement despite bidding process, Solar Photovoltaic systems and
equipment delivery standards, Provision of high ceilings and Guidelines for the development of
smart cities, Amendments to by-laws For the infrastructure of solar projects, Increase free tax
bonds, Lending tenor loans from international agencies, etc.

Recently, India gained 5th position in the world in solar energy use than in Italy. Solar energy
capacity has increased more than 11 times in the last five years from 2.6 GW in March, 2014 to
30 GW in July, 2019. Currently, solar taxes in India are highly competitive and gain grid equity.
What is the Potential of Solar Energy in India?

India, in particular, will benefit greatly from solar energy, thanks to favourable climates and
natural conditions because some parts of the country enjoy sunny days for most of the year.
Indeed, solar power is provided by a coherent policy in the development of the Indian city. Good
plans have been put in place for 50 solar-powered cities to generate solar power, especially with
photovoltaic roof systems that generate solar energy. In addition, they will also be equipped with
solar water heaters, street lights, water pumps, steam-based cooking concentrators and road
signs. Solar-powered cities are expected to reduce their average energy demand by 10% over
five years.
According to a 2016 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) analysis, there are more
than 8 billion square feet on the roof where solar panels can be installed in the United States,
representing more than one terawatt of solar potential. With the advent of solar energy
efficiency, the capacity of a country house could become even greater. The roofs of residential
and other small houses represent about 65% of the national roof capacity, while 42% of the roofs
are low- to middle-income households.
NREL estimates that an average of 3.3 million homes a year will be built or will need to be
replaced — representing about 30 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity per year. If even a small
portion of this new roof had solar panels, it could have a significant impact on U.S. solar power.
The Sun has long been worshiped as the provider of life on our planet. Industrial times have
given us an understanding of sunlight as a source of energy. India has been given a huge solar
power plant. About 5,000 trillion kWh per year of energy takes place in the Indian subcontinent
and most parts get 4-7 kWh per sq. m per day. Solar photovoltaics energy can be used effectively
to provide significant reductions in India. Solar also provides power generation through
distribution and enables faster power additions in shorter lead times. Non-grid electrification and
low temperatures will be useful when considering electricity in rural areas and meeting other
energy and heating and cooling needs in rural and urban areas. From a energy standpoint, solar is
the safest of all sources, as it is widely available. In theory, a small proportion of solar energy (if
taken successfully) could meet global energy needs.
There has been a significant impact of solar energy on India's energy status over the past few
years. Solar-based and distributed applications have benefited millions of people in the Indian
subcontinent by meeting their cooking, lighting and other energy needs in an environmentally
friendly way. Social and economic benefits include reducing boredom among rural women and
girls who carry firewood in remote areas and cook in smoky kitchens, reducing the risk of
developing lung and eye diseases, creating employment opportunities in the area, and finally,
improving quality of life and creating economic opportunities at village level. In addition, the
solar energy sector in India has emerged as a key player in the grid connected to the power
generation capacity over the years. It supports the government's agenda for sustainable growth,
while, it emerges as an integral part of the solution to meet the nation's power requirements and
an important player in power protection.
The National Institute of Solar Energy has tested about 748 GW of solar energy taking up 3% of
the polluted area covered by Solar PV modules. Solar energy has taken the center of India's
National Climate Action Plan and the National Solar Mission as one of the key missions. The
National Solar Mission (NSM) was launched on January 11, 2010. NSM is a major initiative of
the Government of India with full international participation to promote sustainable
environmental growth while addressing India's energy security challenges. It will also play a key
role in India's global effort to address the challenges of climate change. The mission of the
Mission is to establish India as a global leader in solar energy by creating policy conditions for
the distribution of solar technology across the country as soon as possible. The policy aims to
include solar power plants connected to the 100 GW grid by 2022. This is in line with India's
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) goal of achieving approximately 40
percent of the energy stored in non-fossil energy sources and reducing its GDP emissions by 33
percent to 35 percent from 2005. in 2030.

To achieve the above objectives, the Government of India has introduced various programs to
promote solar energy in the country such as Solar Park Scheme, VGF Scheme, CPSU Scheme,
Defence Scheme, Canal bank & Canal top Scheme, Bundling Scheme, Grid Connected. Solar
Rooftop Scheme etc.

The various policy measures undertaken include the announcement of a Renewable Energy
Purchase (RPO) track record including Solar costs, Cessation of Provincial Transmission System
(ISTS) and loss of supply of solar and wind power projects for projects to commence till March
2022, May solar energy procurement despite bidding process, Solar Photovoltaic systems and
equipment delivery standards, Provision of high ceilings and Guidelines for the development of
smart cities, Amendments to by-laws For the infrastructure of solar projects, Increase free tax
bonds, Lending tenor loans from international agencies, etc.

Recently, India gained 5th position in the world in solar energy use than in Italy. Solar energy
capacity has increased more than 11 times in the last five years from 2.6 GW in March, 2014 to
30 GW in July, 2019. Currently, solar taxes in India are highly competitive and gain grid equity.
How is solar energy used in cities?

The first advantage of using solar energy as a source of energy, compared to biomass,
hydropower, or nuclear, is that it does not need water and thus eliminates environmental
concerns about increased water use and subsequent shortages. The recent cost reduction in the
use of solar technology (both concentrated solar and photovoltaic) has made them competitive
with the cost of generating energy from fossil fuels in both the middle and upper classes.
Globally, solar energy grew the fastest growing renewable technology between 2006 and 2011,
growing by 58 percent a year, followed by concentrated solar energy, an increase of about 37
percent, and wind power growth by 26 percent, as reported. in the study of energy policy
(Purohit, Purohit and Shekhar, 2013). Solar energy used in cities works well as panels and
photovoltaic materials can be installed on the roofs of buildings, where there is no barrier,
efficiency and low maintenance. It is estimated that the global solar power consumption will be
147 GW by 2020, 337 GW by 2030 and 1089 GW by 2050 (Ibid)
How solar energy is collected?

Ordinary devices are used to collect solar energy and convert it into hot energy for flat plate
collectors. Another alternative to thermal energy is found in solar pools, which are saltwater
bodies designed to collect and store solar energy. The sun's rays can also be converted directly
into electricity by solar cells, or photovoltaic cells, or attached to cooking food in specially
designed solar ovens, usually focusing sunlight from a wide area to a central location.

solar energy, rays from the Sun that can generate heat, trigger chemical reactions, or generate
electricity. The total amount of solar energy event on Earth exceeds the current and global
energy needs of energy. Used properly, this widely distributed source has the potential to meet
future energy needs. In the 21st century solar energy is expected to become increasingly popular
as a renewable energy source due to its combustible availability and its non-polluting nature, in
stark contrast to the mineral oil, coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

The Sun is an extremely powerful source of energy, and sunlight is the largest source of energy
available to Earth, but its intensity on Earth's surface is actually much lower. This is due to the
large spread of radiation from the distant Sun. The slightest loss is caused by the earth's
atmosphere and clouds, which absorb or disperse about 54 percent of the incoming sunlight.
Reaching sunlight comprises about 50 percent of visible light, 45 percent of infrared radiation,
and small amounts of ultraviolet and other forms of radiation.

The potential for solar energy is enormous, with about 200,000 times the daily electricity
generation generated by Earth on a daily basis in the form of solar energy. Unfortunately,
although solar energy itself is free, the high costs of its collection, conversion, and storage are
still limited to its exploitation in many areas. Solar radiation can be converted into heat energy
(heat) or electrical energy, although the first is easier to achieve.
Uses of solar energy

This is one of the most important solar energy applications in recent years. As the cost of solar
panel decreases and more people realize the financial and environmental benefits of solar energy,
solar power is becoming more affordable. Although only a very small percentage of electricity
produced in the U.S. (1.9% in 2017), solar power is growing rapidly (almost tripling over a
three-year period and rising + 40% against 2016) according to the U.S.
A distributed solar PV system is usually installed on the roofs of houses or businesses. These
solar systems generate electricity to reduce the use of the landowner and send any excess
production to the electricity grid.
The solar battery can be connected to your solar power system so you can use the sun after
sunset, power the EV overnight, or provide backup power during emergencies. Some
homeowners may choose to leave the grid completely with solar power and battery system or
solar power and generator system.

In some cases, solar PV can be installed in a nearby building as a barn or on the floor, and then
connected to the meter using an underground cable.
Solar energy extends to water heating systems. Many solar water solutions create hot water for
domestic use. Solar water heaters use a cell roof to absorb the sun's heat and transfer it to a water
tank. Solar water heaters typically charge for five to ten years, according to the U.S. Department
of Energy. (DOE).
Typical use of solar space heating systems involves combining a glowing floor or pairing it with
a Compulsive Air Force (FHA) system to heat a home. Passive solar home design can warm
homes and businesses in winter by considering the placement of windows and the choice of
materials used in the building.

Solar ventilation solutions such as solar attic fans can reduce your HVAC load by helping to cool
your home during the summer. This might be a good option if you can install a solar PV system
that eliminates all the electricity consumption of your home. One new product is the Solitude
solar attic fan.
Effectiveness of Solar Energy
Over the past 20 years, urban areas have experienced dramatic growth. Currently, more than 3.5
billion people live in urban areas (about half the world's population). Developing countries in
particular are experiencing a rapid transition from the rural economy to the cities as they are
replaced by people migrating to cities. Although urban growth rates in developing countries vary
in size and speed, their challenge is to stem the growing hunger for secure energy, to build access
bridges, equity and empowerment, reduce environmental degradation, improve human health and
livelihoods, and make new development. directions.
The first advantage of using solar energy as a source of energy, compared to biomass,
hydropower, or nuclear, is that it does not need water and thus eliminates environmental
concerns about increased water use and subsequent shortages. The recent cost reduction in the
use of solar technology (both concentrated solar and photovoltaic) has made them competitive
with the cost of generating energy from fossil fuels in both the middle and upper classes.
Globally, solar energy grew the fastest growing renewable technology between 2006 and 2011,
growing by 58 percent a year, followed by concentrated solar energy, an increase of about 37
percent, and wind power growth by 26 percent, as reported. in the study of energy policy
(Purohit, Purohit and Shekhar, 2013). Solar energy used in cities works well as panels and
photovoltaic materials can be installed on the roofs of buildings, where there is no barrier,
efficiency and low maintenance. It is estimated that the global solar power consumption will be
147 GW by 2020, 337 GW by 2030 and 1089 GW by 2050 (Ibid).
In addition, solar energy used in urban areas is an effective and environmentally friendly
technology, as panels and photovoltaic (PV) panels, as well as thermal collectors, can be placed
on the roof of buildings, where they work well, without hindering normal work. and low
maintenance. It is estimated that the world's energy-intensive production capacity will reach 147
GW by 2020, 337 GW by 2030 and 1089 GW by 2050.
Even with the latest technological advances, solar efficiency has ample room for improvement.
The standard solar panel works well with 17% to 19%. This efficiency measure means how
much solar energy available the panel can convert into usable energy. In other words, 83% to
81% of solar energy is wasted. Although a desert solar panel may absorb a few kilowatt hours, it
converts only a small portion into usable energy.
Experts are running to improve the efficiency of solar panels. Increased efficiency can reduce
solar costs for manufacturers, retailers and consumers because fewer panels may be needed to
provide the same level of energy. This will have an impact on the industry's environmental
friendliness, as solar production will take up less space and production will require fewer
Improving the efficiency of solar cells is one of the most important opportunities for those in the
solar industry. Technological improvements are imminent. For example, the introduction of a
diamond wire may cause thinner solar cells, which will cost less to produce and transport.
Another option is passivated emitter rear cell technology, which reflects non-absorbed light,
which converts more light into energy. Those who are at the forefront of the development of
solar efficiency will have greater competition as the industry grows.

Challenges in using solar energy

Demand for electricity will not be limited as there are many programs such as infrastructure
development, smart cities lined up. If we talk specifically about smart cities then smart cities are
expected to shape the near future of India as they may turn cities into sustainable. Some of the
great features of smart cities are transportation, waste recycling, proper HVAC systems, clean
space for uninterrupted power supply and much more.
Since power is one of the major components of smart cities one cannot think of smart cities
without power supply. Smart cities need to provide clean and sustainable energy and as a result
there is a need to develop more energy sources to make cities economically and environmentally
viable. South Africa's energy sector is rapidly evolving and the government is developing a
variety of energy sources such as wind, solar, water, and nuclear - and introducing new
technologies to harness renewable energy and to generate energy generation and renewable
energy. in the new developments taking place in the country as smart cities.

Developing India's potential in the area of renewable and renewable energy is a key requirement
to ensure the success of the smart cities project. India has great potential in this area and many
efforts have already been initiated by the government to develop solar energy. The government is
promoting renewable energy in a big way. The target of producing 20 GWs using solar energy
has been improved to five times per 100 GW by 2022. Total installed capacity exceeded 5 GW
mark recently and there is a clear line of up to 20 GW over the next 18 months. which is
commendable. India's challenges of using renewable energy are unique. For example, the
accumulation of dust on solar panels and the high cost per unit of energy are some of the
challenges the Indian renewable energy industry faces. It is therefore important to develop and
encourage a focus on the development of traditional technologies and traditional solutions. “With
the announcement of smart cities, smart grid technology is expected to gain value. Smart
metering will be the first step towards this cause. However, these technologies require significant
investment and the industry does not have the financial capacity to fund the technology,” said
“It has already been agreed that ten percent of the electricity demand for smart cities will come
from solar power and at least 80 percent of the buildings should be energy efficient and green.
With a plan to develop about 100 such cities, the level of renewable energy use will increase in
the country,” said Kanav Sachdev, Product Manager, Su-Kam.
The central and regional government plans to develop 109 smart cities in India. Under the
authority of smart cities, 10 percent of the city's energy demand must meet the sun. Most local
generation will happen through solar panels. The government aims to install 40 GWs on the solar
roof under national solar by 2022 and from now on only one GW of solar will be installed.
“Discom is not yet comfortable with installing solar panels and it will take time to get used to the
concept of net metering. Solar installations in smart cities can only be successful if both Discoms
promote a distributed generation and customers are made aware of the benefits of solar roofing,”
emphasizes Kuldeep Jain, COO EPC Projects, Vikram Solar.

Smart Cities uses sensory technology to collect and analyse information in an effort to improve
the quality of life of citizens. Sensors collect data on everything from running hour statistics to
crime levels to total air quality.
Complex and expensive infrastructure is involved in installing and maintaining these sensors.
How will they be empowered? Will it include strong wires, solar power, or battery performance?
Or, in the event of a power failure, perhaps a combination of all three?
Large metropolitan areas are already facing the challenge of changing decades-old infrastructure,
such as underground cables, steam pipes, and transport corridors, as well as installing high-speed
internet. Broadband wireless service is growing, but there are still areas in major cities where
access is limited.
Funding for new infrastructure projects is limited and accreditation processes can take years.
New sensors and other improvements temporarily cause - albeit frustrating - problems for people
living in these cities.
Engineers can help make it easier to install and implement smart technologies by considering
these challenges in the early stages of development. Starting with the end in mind - which is the
complete implementation of the solution - developers and technology companies can speed up
the process of making our cities smarter with an easy-to-install hardware.
For example, the City of Oshawa, in collaboration with key stakeholders, has embarked on the
Infrastructure Canada Smart Cities Challenge aimed at developing smart city solutions that draw
attention to local issues. Through data and integrated technology, the ultimate goal is to work
with citizens, businesses, and educational and community organizations to identify common
problems and create new projects that solve their most pressing challenges.

Costs and Disadvantages of T&D: Solar PV has for some time been away from real cost
competition and the ability to compete at the same rate as other energy-producing technologies.
Adding to the cost is the loss of T&D which is about 40 percent making solar energy production
less likely. However, the government is supporting R&D activities by establishing research
institutes and funding these programs. The government has teamed up with world-renowned
universities to reduce the cost of installing solar panels and is focusing on developing smaller
stations and T&D lines to reduce T&D losses.
Land Scarcity: Individual land availability is very low in India, and land is a scarce resource. The
provision of space near small stations for special installation of solar cells may need to compete
with other land-intensive needs.
Funding for programs such as the National Solar Mission is a barrier if India does not have the
capacity to fund. The Department of Finance has made it clear that it is concerned about funding
a strong scheme like the NSM.
Manufacturers are more focused on export markets that buy Solar PV cells and modules at
higher prices thus increasing their profits. Many new providers have relationships with foreign
players in Europe and the United States, thus prioritizing the need to export. This may result in a
reduction in assets in the rapidly growing local market.
Lack of close industry and government partnerships for technology to reach scale.
The need for focus, co-operation and goals driven by R&D to help India gain technical
leadership in PV.
The need for better financial infrastructure, models and programs to promote the PV industry and
the use of PV products.
Training and human resource development to drive industry growth and PV adoption.
The need for internal industry cooperation in expanding the PV supply chain, in sharing
technical information at conferences and workshops, in working with BOS manufacturers
(program balances) and in collecting and publishing accurate market data, styles and
The need to build consumer awareness about technology, their economy and fair use.
The complexity of the support structure and the involvement of many agencies such as MNRE,
IREDA, SNA, the power board and the electricity control commission make the development of
solar PV projects difficult.
Land redistribution and signing of the PPA is a long process under the Generation Based
Incentive program.

India aims to install 100 GW of solar capacity by 2022 and is still short of 72 GW. To achieve
this goal of excellence, the annual target collection is an hour requirement.
First, to achieve the 100 GW target, India needs to invest $ 65 billion over the next four years.
Much of it should be boosted in the country, as the renewable energy industry could attract
foreign direct investment (FDI) worth only $ 7.5 billion over the past 18 years (2000-2018),
according to a report in India. Brand Equity Foundation.
Second, the factors that cause the negative growth of the solar sector in CY 2018 - the confusion
near GST and solar import activity - are yet to be fully addressed.
Thirdly, in domestic production, India is moving very low. The various efforts of the Solar
Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to attract bids for the development of the International
Transmission System (ISTS) linked to the Solar Photovoltaic Power Station (PV) since May
2018 have been in vain.
Despite these efforts, India's manufacturing sector has not yet begun. Therefore, the increase in
capacity will be made at the expense of imports. Solar cells and PV modules cost approximately
$ 20 billion that need to be exported over the next four years.
India needs a broader approach to achieving its 2022 goals and beyond. Another requirement
should be made through open forums for access to situations where discos violate Power
Purchase Agreements.

Issues and Challenges for solar power plants:

1. Installation of solar farms can be done by skilled and experienced people.

2. The giant solar farms have been built in desert regions to reduce the installation cost but
these places are found far from cities where the power is needed. Expensive transmission
lines are needed to bring the power to a distant market.
3. Maintenance costs and time can add-up since every inch of a solar panel must be kept
clean to get its maximum operating efficiency.
4. The energy production only takes place when the sun is shining. Large storage systems
need to be developed to provide a constant and reliable source of electricity when the
radiation is not adequate in cloudy atmosphere and during night.

Solutions to overcome challenges:

1. Scientists and Engineers need to discover more efficient semiconductors or some

alternative inorganic materials to increase the efficiency of the solar cell. Doubling the
efficiency of solar panel will reduce the size of the array which in turn requires less space
and so can shorten the payback time. Mass production of solar panels with high
efficiency will bring down the costs and make them cheaper.
2. New transmission technology is needed to bring the clean energy market. Low cost
highly efficient Energy storage systems can attract the users for utilization of solar
3. Awareness programs are required to change the mind set of people.
Chapter 3
Research Methodology

Objectives of the Study

1. What is the potential of solar energy in smart cities?

2. How is solar energy used in smart cities?
3. Is solar energy effective in smart cities?
4. What are the challenges faced in using solar energy?


This dissertation is made by gathering all the secondary information from various research
papers, blogs, articles and magazines regarding solar energy.

The primary data has also been collected by putting up the questionnaire among many
participants out of which 105 responses have been taken randomly. The results are shown in the
form of visual and verbal representation.

Primary Data Collection 

Questionnaires: Questionnaires are a simple, straightforward data collection method.
Respondents get a series of questions, either open or close-ended, related to the matter at hand.
Primary data collection methods
Quantitative Data Collection methods are based in mathematical calculations in various formats.
Methods of quantitative data collection and analysis include questionnaires with closed-ended
questions, methods of correlation and regression, mean, mode and median and others.  
Quantitative methods are cheaper to apply and they can be applied within shorter duration of
time compared to qualitative methods. Moreover, due to a high level of standardization of
quantitative methods, it is easy to make comparisons of findings.

Descriptive Research Design 

It is typically concerned with describing a problem and its solution. It is a more specific and
purposive study. Before rigorous attempts are made for descriptive study, the well-defined
problem must be on hand. Descriptive study rests on one or more hypotheses. Descriptive
research requires clear specification of who, why, what, when, where, and how of the research.
Descriptive design is directed to answer these problems
Chapter 4
Data Analysis and Interpretation

According to you does solar energy help the environment?


Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Most of the people does not use solar energy-based products but yet most of the believe that
solar energy can become a great help to our environment. The application of solar energy can be
a step towards a sustainable future. Out of the 105 respondents no one disagrees with the fact that
solar energy can help the environment.

Do solar energy-based products help in saving cost for electricity?


Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Most of the people believe that solar energy can help in saving the cost of electricity. Today
electricity cost has touched skies using an energy source like solar energy can save a lot of
Is using solar energy convenient?


12% Strongly Agree


33% Strongly Disagree

Even though people believe solar energy can be a great help to the environment but only 46% of
them find using solar energy convenient.

Which renewable energy do you think has the most extensive scope to be successfully
implemented across the globe by 2030?

14% 21%

Solar Energy

Tidal Energy




People believe that out of the available energy resources (Wind energy, Solar energy, Tidal
energy, Biofuel, Biomass) solar energy has the most extensive scope to be successfully
implemented across the globe by 2030.
What are the current problems in using solar energy panels?


Difficulty in Installation
18% Insufficient Attention on Updates

District in Renewable Energy

Initial Cost and Installation Time


The biggest drawback of using solar energy is the cost of installation. It takes a huge investment
in using solar energy. 43% of the respondents believe that cost is the biggest problem in using
solar energy.

According to you what are the benefits of solar energy?

Community Pride
4 Most
of the
Energy Independence and Security

Econnomic Development and Job Creation


Environmental Benefits

Reduce Energy Costs

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

respondents believe that solar energy has certain benefits like Reduce energy costs,
Environmental benefits, Economic development and job creation, Energy independence and
security etc.

According to you which of the following are a barrier to switch from fossil fuels to
renewable energy?
24% Cost of Renewable Energy Equipment

Return on Investment is Slow

11% Renewable Energy Devices Look Ugly

Finding a Trustworthy Supplier


Most of the respondents believe that the main challenge in switch from fossil fuels to renewable
energy is the cost of the product and also the return on investment being very slow sometimes
taking multiple years just to break even.
Chapter 5

 A survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire and was filled by more than 30
people. The survey has been filled by people from the age of 19-50. As shown in the
figure below most of the respondents were between the age of 19-21.
 Out of the 105 respondents about 75% were students. This will help us to understand the
youth’s understanding about the future of sustainable energy their take on reserving the
environment for the future and making a better living environment.

 As per the first question the respondents were asked if they have used any kind of solar
energy-based products, 75% of the respondents answered ‘No’. This shows that most of
the people are not currently using any kind of solar energy-based product but 25% of the
respondents are familiar with such products.

 Most of the people does not use solar energy-based products but yet most of the believe
that solar energy can become a great help to our environment. The application of solar
energy can be a step towards a sustainable future. Out of the 105 respondents no one
disagrees with the fact that solar energy can help the environment.

 Most of the people believe that solar energy can help in saving the cost of electricity.
Today electricity cost has touched skies using an energy source like solar energy can save
a lot of money.

 Even though people believe solar energy can be a great help to the environment but only
40% of them find using solar energy convenient.

 People believe that out of the available energy resources (Wind energy, Solar energy,
Tidal energy, Biofuel, Biomass) solar energy has the most extensive scope to be
successfully implemented across the globe by 2030.

 The biggest drawback of using solar energy is the cost of installation. It takes a huge
investment in using solar energy. 43% of the respondents believe that cost is the biggest
problem in using solar energy.

 Most of the respondents believe that solar energy has certain benefits like Reduce energy
costs, Environmental benefits, Economic development and job creation, Energy
independence and security etc.

 Most of the respondents believe that the main challenge in switch from fossil fuels to
renewable energy is the cost of the product and also the return on investment being very
slow sometimes taking multiple years just to break even.
Chapter 6

Solar energy is the rays from the Sun that can produce heat, trigger chemical reactions, or
produce electricity. Solar energy is energy from the sun. Every day the sun emits or emits, a
large amount of energy. The sun emits more energy per second than people have used since the
beginning of time. It takes millions of years for the energy of the solar system to make its way
into the solar system, and then just over eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles [93 million
km] to the earth. The concept of Solar Smart City is also an atomic structure: neighbouring areas
behave aggressively as particles with direct, negative or powerless particles and their energy
balance is controlled and enhanced using an intelligent solar grid that maintains dynamic
performance of all. downtown. The first advantage of using solar energy as a source of energy,
compared to biomass, hydropower, or nuclear, is that it does not need water and thus eliminates
environmental concerns about increased water use and subsequent shortages. The Sun is an
extremely powerful source of energy, and sunlight is the largest source of energy available to
Earth, but its intensity on Earth's surface is actually much lower. This is due to the large spread
of radiation from the distant Sun.
Some of the great features of smart cities are transportation, waste recycling, proper HVAC
systems, clean space for uninterrupted power supply and much more.
Since power is one of the major components of smart cities one cannot think of smart cities
without power supply. Smart cities need to provide clean and sustainable energy and as a result
there is a need to develop more energy sources to make cities economically and environmentally
Smart Cities uses sensory technology to collect and analyse information in an effort to improve
the quality of life of citizens. Sensors collect data on everything from running hour statistics to
crime levels to total air quality.
Complex and expensive infrastructure is involved in installing and maintaining these sensors.
Funding for programs such as the National Solar Mission is a barrier if India does not have the
capacity to fund. The Department of Finance has made it clear that it is concerned about funding
a strong scheme like the NSM.
Manufacturers are more focused on export markets that buy Solar PV cells and modules at
higher prices thus increasing their profits. Many new providers have relationships with foreign
players in Europe and the United States, thus prioritizing the need to export. This may result in a
reduction in assets in the rapidly growing local market.

About 60%-70% of the people believe that solar energy can become a sustainable energy source
and it can help the society and environment. Solar energy has certain benefits like Reduce energy
costs, Environmental benefits, Economic development and job creation, Energy independence
and security etc. But it carries a big drawback that installation and maintenance carry a huge
investment and cost. Not everyone is willing to pay such huge amounts for using solar energy.

Alessandra Curreli, G. S.-C. (2016). Solar Energy as a Form Giver for Future Cities. energies,
Balaji, M. H. (2017). The Journey in Making ‘Smart Cities’ smarter with Solar Energy . Nextgen
Research Publication, 4.
E. Caamaño-Martin, E. H.-B.-P. (2012). Solar potential calculation at city and district levels. The
Sustainable City, 11.
JETIR , 7.
Jouri Kantersa*, M. H. (n.d.).
Jouri Kantersa, M. H. (2012). Solar energy as a design parameter in urban planning. Elsevier Ltd,
Miguel-Angel Perea-Moreno, Q. H.-E.-J.-M. (2018). Renewable Energy in Urban Areas:
Worldwide Research Trends. Energies, 19.
Mina Farmanbar, K. P. (2019). A Widespread Review of Smart Grids Towards Smart Citie.
energies, 18.
Muhammad Abrar ul Haq, H. A. (2020). Monetary Benefits of Solar Energy for Smart .
International Conference on Innovation and Intellegence for Informatics,Computing and
Technologies, 5.
Naveen Kumar Sharma, P. K. (2011). Solar energy in India: Strategies, policies, perspectives and
future potential. Elsevier , 9.
S. Mekhilef, ,. A. (2011). Solar energy in Malaysia: Current state and prospects. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12.
Saraju P. Mohanty, U. C. (n.d.). Everything You wanted to Know about Smart Cities. 15.
Smita Joshi, F. M. (2016). Role of Solar Energy Applications in Developing Smart Cities of
India. ResearchGate, 7.
Werner Brenner, N. A. (2019). Creating Sustainable Photovoltaics for Smart Cities.
ZEADALLY, I. K. (2016). Smart Cities: Concepts, Architectures, Research Opportunities.

Name - _____________
Q1) Age - _____________
Q2) Occupation - _____________
Q3) According to you does solar energy help the environment?
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Q4) Does solar energy-based products help in saving cost of electricity?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Q5) Is Using solar energy convenient?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Q6) Which renewable energy source do you think has the most extensive scope to be
successfully implemented across the globe by 2030?
o Wind Energy
o Solar Energy
o Tidal Energy
o Biofuel
o Biomass
Q7) What are the current problems in using solar energy panels?
o Cost
o Difficulty in installation
o Insufficient attention on updates
o District in renewable energy
o Other: ____________

Q8) According to you what are the benefits of solar energy?

o Reduce energy costs
o Environmental benefits
o Economic development and job creation
o Energy independent and security
o Community pride
o Other: __________________

Q9) According to you which of the following are a barrier to switch from fossil fuels to
renewable energy?
o Cost of Renewable Energy Equipment
o Return on Investment is Slow
o Renewable Energy Devices look Ugly
o Finding a Trustworthy Supplier

1.Formulation of research aims and objectives: I might have formulated research aims and
objectives too broadly.

 2. Implementation of data collection method. Because I do not have an extensive experience
in primary data collection, there is a great chance that the nature of implementation of data
collection method is flawed.

 3. Sample size: I might have taken a small sample size. So, the statistical tests would not be able
to identify significant relationships within the data set. Larger sample size could have generated
more accurate results.

 4.Scope of discussions: Because I don’t have many years of experience of conducting research
and producing academic papers of such a large size individually, the scope and depth of
discussions in my paper can be compromised in many levels compared to the works of
experienced scholars.

5.Time frame: As the time available to investigate the research problem and to measure change
or stability over time was pretty much constrained by the due date of the submission of project,
so I can’t carry out longitudinal study but carried out cross-sectional study.

6.Biases: There can be different types of biases as the data was collected from the acquaintances
(snowball sampling) and it was not a random one.

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