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Radical Functions Graphing of the function of f(|x|)

Modulus Functions
Sketch first the positive x values, doesn’t matter if the y values
are negative, and then reflect these values to the negative x side
and sketch them. (mirror image)

Properties of Absolute values

Finding x in problems

Domain of a modulus function is a set of real numbers, range is This problem has no solution since LHS is negative, when
a set of non-negative real numbers . supposedly it should never be negative.

In the format of y=a |x-h| + k, where h, k ∈ R

a determines its tightness, or how close the y values from both The advisable technique here is to square both sides to get rid of
sides are, can go up or down the modulus function sign.

h determines where along the x axis its value is zero

k determines where along they y axis its value is zero

Graphing the function of |f(x)|

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