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 Description

Even though there is a pandemic, it does not become a hindrance for us, students, to continue
pursuing our learning. As the second semester of our course began, we held a return demonstration of
our subject, the Fundamentals of Nursing Practice. Our professor used a wheel of names to draw the list
of students who would be performing, and I was selected as the 36th student to perform. The return
demonstration is about performing hand hygiene, and applying and removing sterile gloves using the
open method. I performed the return demonstration on Monday, February 21, around 6:20 pm. We are
all aware that during this pandemic, education takes place within the student's home, using modular
and online learning. We performed the activity in our homes via a messenger since we could not use the
laboratories at school. Our clinical instructor, Mrs. Julia Briones Silang and I was the persons involved in
this activity. I did the proper way of doing hand hygiene to prevent the spread of microorganisms. This
return demonstration aims to harness our nursing skills and abilities. As I was waiting for my turn to
perform, I was able to familiarize the procedures and rationales of the given task and practice how to do
it. I was able to execute the handwashing as soon as I began performing, though I occasionally made
mistakes during the performance. After I finished performing the hand washing, I began to execute the
applying and removing of sterile gloves using the open method. I was able to finish the second task as
soon as I started it, despite making several mistakes along the way. Following the two return
demonstrations, Ma'am Julia Silang provided notes and reminders about my performance.

Then, after we accomplished the first return demonstration, our clinical instructor uploaded the
next performance we needed to execute on our Google Classroom. She gave us time to prepare,
familiarize, and practice the second return demonstration. It was all about performing vital signs that
included assessing body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure. I performed vital
signs last Tuesday, March 15, around 4:10 pm. Then I was selected to be the 17th performer of the
activity. However, there was a problem with our internet connection on the day I was supposed to
perform. As a result of that circumstance, I was unable to execute the task on the given schedule. After
that, I waited for the next available opportunity to demonstrate the return. Due to the delay in my
performance, I was able to practice performing the vital signs. Thankfully, I accomplished the task with
several mistakes along the way. I was able to assess my performance and myself to execute it properly
in possible clinical procedures. Then, after the return demonstration, Ma'am Julia Silang gave me
reminders and provided notes about the mistakes I made and how to perform them accurately.

 Feelings

Before my live return demonstration performance with my clinical instructor, I felt anxious yet
curious about the learning I could acquire from it. I was also worried because I had no prior experience
taking vital signs. Since it was my first time assessing vital signs, I had a lot of mixed emotions building up
in me. I am afraid not to do well and execute the activity accurately. Knowing that our clinical instructor
could not teach us personally because of the pandemic, we tried our best to follow the video material
she made for us. In the future, I believe that this knowledge will help me grow to be a more
compassionate and dedicated nurse. Since our professor provided learning materials for us to know how
to perform the task, I was still scared because I did not have the confidence and courage to execute it
properly. However, I still hoped to do well during the performance and to have positive outcomes for
this experience.
During the return demonstration, I felt relieved and happy that I remembered the procedures and
rationales of the task. I was able to apply the proper execution of the steps. However, I became nervous
in the middle of the performance because I noticed that I inaccurately performed some of the
procedures. Several errors were seen in my performance, which frustrated me because I was doing it
confidently during practice but frequently made mistakes during the actual performance. These include
difficulties in preparing materials needed, the availability of the patient, and unexpected mishaps,
specifically unstable connection. However, with determination and resilience, I accomplished to
overcome the challenges. Even though I made several mistakes, I am happy that I did my best to execute
the task. During the performance of the vital signs, my mom felt nervous because it was her first time to
be involved in my school activities. However, we still accomplished it, despite the nervousness we were

Looking back to the performance, I know that my parents were proud of me. Seeing their daughter
wearing scrubs and performing some duties that a nurse should do, puts a smile on their faces. I'm
grateful and elated that my mother agreed to be the patient I'd be assessing during the vital signs.
Furthermore, seeing them support me motivates me to do well and give my best in my studies.

 Evaluation

Overall, I had a memorable experience during the return demonstrations. I had the impression that I
had carried out the nursing procedure efficiently, keeping in mind all of the methods and rationales that
needed to be followed. Furthermore, in several instances, I performed to the best of my ability in
communication, technical skills, management of care, safe practice, and professional and ethical
practice. However, there were some areas where I could have improved. When I performed the
handwashing, I forgot to throw the used paper towels in the proper receptacle and dry the hands from
the cleanest area to the least. Additionally, when I did not put some powder on my hand to prevent it
from sweating so that the gloves could fit in the hands easily. I realized that I lacked critical thinking skills
at that time. As a result, I could not complete the activity within the time limit, which should not have
happened. My mind was filled with what-if scenarios before the performance about what if I forgot the
procedures or didn't do well on it. This resulted in several errors seen in my execution. On top of that, I
still think that I did my best to perform the task properly.

Furthermore, I know that I did my absolute best to execute vital signs taking correctly. This includes
assessing body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure. I made sure that I
familiarized the step-by-step procedure and rationales of the given task. The first part of the return
demonstration is taking the body temperature in the axilla. I am aware that I did my best to perform it
correctly in this task. However, there was one procedure I forgot to execute. I forgot to assist my client
in a comfortable position after taking her temperature. Nevertheless, I am aware of my mistake, and I
admit it. Then, on the part of taking pulse and respiration rate, I made some errors, but I know that I
gave my all. I made errors on the pulse taking about the proper positioning of my fingers. In addition,
our clinical instructor advised that I should at least count the number of pulses for one full minute and
not multiply it by four. This is to detect abnormalities or irregularities in the beating. Moreover, I did
well in the respiration rate taking and executed it efficiently.

In the last part of the task, which was the blood pressure taking, I executed it, but several mistakes
were made. Although I was familiar and well versed in the procedures and rationales, some steps were
incorrectly done. I realized that I lacked knowledge of using the sphygmomanometer and how to place it
accurately. I mistakenly put the gauge upside-down, which was challenging to read the rate since I had
no idea where to place it. In addition, I was not aware that I incorrectly positioned my hand in holding
the stethoscope disc. Even then, I experienced some level of uncertainty with the tasks. Thus, I have to
improve my skills in this domain to become a better healthcare professional in the future. I made sure
that the client felt comfortable throughout the procedure. Furthermore, I kept the patient informed
about the purpose of assessing her vital signs. I believed that I did a commendable job despite the
mistakes I had made. Lastly, this activity allows me to harness my skills and capabilities.

 Analysis

This return demonstration gave me a new insight regarding assessing vital signs. It made me realize
that it is an essential part of monitoring the client's health and providing the proper medication they
need. I learned that taking the body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure would
help the patient improve their health. I realize that I should focus on assessing the clients properly to
know if they are in good condition. I now know that focusing on small details is vital in evaluating body
temperature, pulse taking, respiration rate, and blood pressure. Being this detail-oriented helps to
remember all the details in the procedure that needs to be done.

Moreover, I should also make sure that I focus on the task and not give any false information. I will
assure my client that she will be handled with care and make her understand it. Additionally, I learned
about the proper positions of the fingers on taking the pulse rate and how to count the pulsations. Now,
I know the importance of the correct positions, placements of the stethoscope disc, and the
sphygmomanometer gauge. This return demonstration made me realize that it is essential for nurses
and ordinary people with this task. It is an eye-opener for students like me on how important it is to
assess vital signs. With those mistakes, I learned that being knowledgeable, focused, compassionate,
dedicated, and detail-oriented is necessary for a nurse. I am looking forward to further improvements as
I realize the importance of those errors. Mistakes are inevitable and what matters is what we learned
and the connection of this learning to our future actions. I made mistakes in my return demonstration
not because I failed but for better outcomes. Those taught me that I need to learn from my mistakes to
do better next time.

 Conclusion

As a result of the past return demonstrations on handwashing, the gloving open method, and vital signs,
I was able to harness my skills and ability to perform the proper hygiene and monitor the patient's
health. I became aware that I should improve my skills in handwashing and applying and removing the
gloves. Based on my experience, the activity would be more vital if I focused on accomplishing the task
confidently. If I had just the motivation and dedication to practice the tasks correctly, I would have
performed them flawlessly. However, I know that I have done an excellent job despite the mistakes.

If I were to face the same situation again, I would make sure I am better and more prepared. I'll also
concentrate and be detail-oriented so that no steps or procedures are missed. Overall, this reflection
has helped me better identify my mistakes in this skills assessment and how I can further improve myself
in the near future. It has also aided me in realizing the importance of those nursing practices that we
performed. This assessment was also a good platform for us to reflect upon ourselves and further
improve our nursing competencies, bringing our skills to a whole new level. These assessments will help
us to become dependable healthcare professionals in the future.

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