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Thanwanan Worapathsomboon


Analysis of Western Drama

The Good Doctor is an American medical television series based on the 2013 South Ko-
rean series of the same name. Actor Daniel Dae Kim noticed the original series and bought
the rights to his production company. That began adapting the series and eventually bought
it to CBS Television Studios in 2015. CBS decided not to create a pilot. Because Kim felt
strongly about the series. He bought the rights back from CBS. Sony Pictures Television
and Kim eventually agreed and brought on Fox medical drama producer David Shore to de-
velop the series. The show is produced by Sony Pictures Television and ABC Studios, with
production companies Shore Z Productions, 3AD, and Entermedia. David Shore is running
the show and Daniel Dae Kim is the executive producer.
The Good Doctor in this US version. It is a television series that is broadcast on ABC,
which is a remake of a Japanese drama. that has been made into a TV series in Korea using
the same series name The story talks about a final year medical student who is an extern or
in the medical field called a practicing physician like Dr. Shaun Murphy, Surgeon Branch.
He was named and recommended to work in a famous hospital. from hospital president
Aaron Glassman, but Shawn has neurological problems. He's autism, known as autism, but
it's not like he's like this that makes him unable to heal. can be sick Shaun could memorize
so-called huge amounts of information in his brain. He observed and kept the details. of the
patient as well and even more accurate than some tools But his main problem was social
communication and suppression of one's emotions. For this reason, Dr. Glassman informed
the board of directors and all the hospital committees that He asked Shaun to join him as a
medical apprentice for 6 months, and Shaun's assessment had to be at a very good level.
Even if Shaun has any mistakes the hospital can chase and he can get out of here this is the
story of a surgeon's life. life and death And the adaptation of everyone, including Shaun
Murphy as well.
Author theory
This series clearly shows us the beliefs and perspectives of people in American society
and the vast majority of societies that think about people with autism. That he was unable to
help himself or others due to being branded as handicapped in Season 1, Episode 1 ("Burnt
Food": On the way to be a surgeon at San Jose Hospital St Bonaventure Dr. Shaun Murphy.
saw an airport sign falling and glass shattering on the boy. With his unique ability to see the
inner body and use improvised means and tools, Shaun was able to stabilize the boy to be
taken to the hospital. At the hospital board meeting, Dr. Aaron Glassman, president of the
hospital tries to convince the committee to hire Shaun even though he has autism throughout
the story a retrospective reveals a picture of Shaun's childhood and his motivation to be-
come a doctor.) The episode illustrates the perspective and The values that the authors try to
illustrate are the perspectives and ideas of people in a society that perceives patients with
autism as insufficient to have the opportunity to pursue a career as a normal person.
The next segment that reflects social stigma very well is Season 1, Episode 7 ("22 Steps":
Shaun met Liam who is an autistic patient when he was admitted to the hospital and faced
with prejudice from the young men. parents, Melendez first defended Shaun and acknowl-
edged his talent, after Liam encouraged Shaun to undergo plastic surgery. His parents also
allowed Melendez allows Shaun to play a bigger role in the surgery. Shaun later helped
Liam's parents see that his son's overbearing and protective nature had made him sick in the
first place. As a result, Liam's parents began to seek his opinion. Liam about things Rather
than making a unilateral decision for Liam at Glassman's orders, Claire continued her ther-
apy to control her guilt for her accidental death. Jared treated. a 73-year-old man with severe
chest pain who needed urgent medical attention and a defibrillator. But the patient stated
that his wish was to die. Ultimately, Jared chose to follow the man's wish. but was with him
when he died. Afterward, Jared and Claire comforted each other about the loss of their pa-
tients.) The episode conveys the same social perspective and inequality that people with dis-
abilities suffer from, as Shaun does. Was accepted as a doctor to operate on his patients.
There is also a point of view on the difficult life of a patient on the side of Dr. Jared shows
that people often force us to live in difficult worlds even when we don't want to live any-
more by making excuses about how lucky we are still alive.
The author also illustrates how people with physical disabilities are forced out of society
and work due to their outdated attitudes in society. No matter how much they tried to prove
themselves, they couldn't compare with the average person in the eyes of the people. These
scenes are portrayed in The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 16 ("Believe": Shaun's frank
speech problems led the new chief of surgery to think he shouldn't be able to continue work-
ing in the surgery. department and to try to remove him from the surgery department.) The
passage clearly shows that it is unlikely that autistic patients will be accepted in the sense
that it is unlikely that people will try to will learn and understand those who have autistic

Working theory
In this series, we will see a continuation and continuation of every character that is very
consistent with the theory. In the case of Dr. Shaun Murphy, viewers will see continuity. His
mental and social growth in every episode. The most noticeable episode in season 3 episode
5 ("First Case, Second Base": Shaun received his first lead surgery. His patient was Beth. a
friendly woman with esophageal cancer and clearly easy to fix Andrew realizes. that Lim is
hugging Shaun, where he warns Shaun will struggle as the case gets complicated. during
surgery, Shaun found a solution. But one method is too complicated for oneself to be able to
do. Shaun guided Andrew and Lim through a successful procedure instead. Lim warned An-
drews that the team's effort was more important when he felt Shaun had failed as a surgeon
because he had to walk away. Shaun's relationship with Carly reaches a new level of inti-
macy after Carly lets him touch her breasts. which made Shaun very satisfied. ) One of the
things that are starting to change now is touch. Shaun tries to grow up by learning to touch
other people. Which is his girlfriend because Shaun believes that might help his relationship
with his girlfriend last and last.
Additionally, in Season 3, Episode 10 ("Friends and Family": Claire, Melendez, Park, and
Morgan look after professional footballer Art Kalman with a broken back at the gym. Mor-
gan's recommended treatment regimen has been proven to work. And he is expected to be
able to return to football again. But Art revealed that he hated the sport and felt thrust into it.
by intentionally hurting himself as a way out after Art explained that he felt connected to his
family. especially his mother Claire uses her own experience to persuade him to stay true to
his family and quit. Claire is shown to be communicating with a new boyfriend. Eventually
began to see a therapist for her problems. at the same time, Shaun returns to Wyoming with
Glassman and Lee. to meet his dying father, Ethan. After the explosion hit the man Shaun
convinces his friend and mother to make peace with Ethan. In return, Ethan proves to have
only toxic words to Shaun before leaving. Desperate Shaun allows Lea to hold him. as he
later collapsed) this episode not only shows Shaun's growth alone but also shows the audi-
ence the acceptance and progress of Dr. Claire. who tried to face reality and pain to seek
One of the episodes that somewhat illustrates Claire's growth and progression is Season 4,
Episode 2 ("Frontline Part 2": Claire deals with her grief by returning the patient's belong-
ings. to the family while Melendez is hallucinating. Claire searches for the owner of a set of
dog tags left behind by a deceased patient. and with encouragement from Melendez Decided
to start living At the same time, Lim faces the growing loss of patients from COVID 19.
Park is still treating his previous pregnant patient, and Shaun and Andrews are trying to save
their right foot and ankle. broken Now working as an internal medicine doctor and recover-
ing from the bout with COVID. Morgan treats nurse Dina Peringa, whose condition contin-
ues. to deteriorate. Two women bond with Deena who offers Morgan advice based on her
forty years of nursing experience. Deena eventually dies of the virus. But Shaun's patients,
Andrews, and Park survived, and one was released three weeks later. Glassman opened up
and reconciled with Debbie, while Shaun allowed Lea to spend time with him on his own
again. Andrews decided to Stay with his wife instead of staying in the garage, and Park de-
cides to end the romantic relationship with Mia and move on. Raise Kellan together in-
stead. ) Now we'll see Claire's efforts to move forward with the loss of Melendez who is her
friend and love. At the same time Dr. Lim that herpes faced the onset of PTSD (Post-trau-
matic Stress Disorder) symptoms due to facing the huge losses in the COVID 19 situation as
a Leader of the surgery department.
The story continues until Season 4, Episode 6 ( "Lim": Lim and Claire treat Ben. Veterans
Sick With PTSD The two agreed to go through an experimental procedure for his condition
after Ben nearly killed himself. After losing Carl Sean battles. guilt with Ash. refuse to train
villagers Later, Lim has Shaun and Asher do Ben's procedure together. This proved success-
ful with Ben finally able to open up about his trauma. Lim commissioned Jordan to have an
abortion despite that she was reluctant because of her religion. beliefs. After walking out of
the process Jordan revealed that she had an abortion herself. Lim treats Rose A girl who
claims to have sympathy for Rose was diagnosed with a heart condition that gave her symp-
toms. After developing PTSD in her experience while treating the COVID- 19 outbreak,
Lim was mean-spirited and rude to those around him. Later, she got into a motorcycle acci-
dent.) In this episode, the apparent Lim PTSD syndrome is a consequence of episode2. In
this episode, viewers can see the growth of Claire and Lim as they try to help each other to
accept Lim's illness and undergo therapy.
In season 4, episode 20 ("Vamos": Doctors began to perform surgery that stuck on the first
day. After revealing that his wife was in a relationship with someone else. Andrew surren-
dered his wedding ring to pay for the equipment for the successful surgery at Bastion. Lim
opened up to Mateo about her PTSD, and in return, he revealed he had a warrant in the
United States for assault. body Mateo promises to visit Lim when his legal problems clear
up. Morgan opened up to Park about her fears. and they began to form a relationship Claire
decides to stay in Guatemala to work at the hospital. After saving the baby's life Lee decides
not to return to Pennsylvania and offers to Shaun accepts.) In this episode, there was more
growth. of all characters, Lim has opened up and willingly admits to her PTSD. Meanwhile,
Mateo chooses to face his guilt and go back and deal with it. Shaun and Lea don't let go of
the sadness that Lea had to lose her child from preeclampsia. Morgan and Park relinquish
their stubbornness to each other and admit that they need each other's love. Claire decides to
move on to Guatemala to help the patients there.
Character analysis
Dr. Shaun Murphy : Played the part by Freddie Highmore, Shaun was born and grew up in
Caspar, Wyoming. His family had cruel parents and a younger brother. while Shaun is autis-
tic with a genius. and have a keen mind But he also had trouble communicating with people.
His father saw him as a freak. And they clashed with each other all the time. One day when
Shaun was 12 years old His father was furious and threw the Cheongcheon Rabbit on the
wall and caused it to die. After that, Shaun and his brother Steve ran away from home. But
Steve died shortly after in an accident. This caused Shaun to be sent off and brought up
alone in a foster home. 
Shaun is a surgeon at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital, where Shaun was hired by the
hospital's president, Dr. Aaron Glassman, who knew Shaun as a teenager. Dr. Glassman has
been his father of Shaun over the years. And he also believes Shaun has significant potential
as a surgeon. Because he has an excellent memory and analytical skills. push that Shaun it
was not welcomed by other doctors at Bonaventure who doubted Shaun's ability to properly
interact and communicate with patients.
At the time of his life, Shaun felt lonely. Given his autism and family background, Shaun
has a harder time connecting socially. But he found a few friends at the hospital and his
mentor Dr. Aaron Glassman. Who gave him advice and treated him like a real son. Dr.
Glassman gave him excellent advice “Social interactions happen again and again. It's sta-
tistically irrefutable. And if you learn to get along with other people a little better. You will
have a fuller life. a happier life.”
Shaun has a humble personality, very good intelligence, and drive. Sometimes I'm not
very confident in myself. He puts a lot of effort into being considerate of his patients and
tries to put his patients in good care.

Dr. Aaron Glassman : Played the part by Richard Schiff, Dr. Glassman lives in San Jose.
California alone He used to live in Casper, Wyoming, with his wife and daughter. But that
accident took his daughter's life when she was a teenager and divorced his wife. 
   He's a well-skilled neurosurgeon and president of San Jose Hospital. St. Bonaventure Dr.
Glassman takes care of an incredibly talented physician with strong opinions and big ideas.
But as the hospital's president, Dr. Glassman had to deal with his staff. Because many peo-
ple disagreed with the decision to hire Dr. Shaun Murphy, an autistic intellectual. Although
Shaun is a genius But his autism made it difficult to connect with patients. Dr. Glassman
knew Sean from a young age. And he thinks Shaun has incredible potential. But a special
committee meeting was called when Shaun was hired. Dr. Glassman was upset that they
were questioning his hiring decision. because he was the president of the hospital.
 Dr. Glassman is a demanding, caring, and lonely person. Dr. Glassman takes care of his
patients and the doctors in his hospital. Although he always offered advice to Shaun and the
others. But perhaps he should try to follow his advice. Dr. Glassman can live a happier life
than he is now. and to do so He had to face his painful past.

Dr. Neil Melendez : Played the part by Nicholas Gonzalez, Dr. Melendez grew up poor
with his parents and sister. after a violent fall from a tree, Neil's sister suffered a debilitating
brain injury. Neil started taking care of her as a child. And he continued to do that even
though she was an adult now.
Dr. Melendez is a surgeon at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital. Everyone knows he is
highly skilled in the field of treatment and is respected by the hospital. And Neil knows how
good he is. He's quite cocky. but has high leadership as well. Early on, Neil was engaged to
Jessica Preston, a hospital lawyer but their relationship was strained as they were unable to
agree to have children together. Because for Neil, his top priority is to be the best doctor he
can be. And he's not ready to start a family. After breaking up with Jessica Neil became in-
terested in Claire. One of the surgeons on his team started spending time together outside
the hospital. And Neil helped with Claire's PTSD symptoms. Unfortunately, Neil dies at the
end of Season 3 in an earthquake.
Dr. Melendez’s personality is cheerful, cheeky, and charming, Neil is very talented and
expects a lot from the doctors on his team. But he wasn't sure that they could meet his high
standards. Although he was very arrogant, it was admirable that he did everything he could
to help his patients.

Dr. Claire Browne : Played the part by Antonia Thomas, Claire grew up strong. Her child-
hood made her grow faster than most children because she had to take care of her mother.
Because her mother has bipolar disorder. And they live in trailers struggling to pay rent ev-
ery month. Her mother was cruel and insulting to Claire. left emotional scars When she was
18, Claire was determined to cut ties with her mother and move.
Dr. Browne is one of those doctors who face life and death every day. Claire has to deal
with another crisis involving many of her patients. She cares about them very much. And
she did her best to keep them alive.
Claire's personality is cheerful and compassionate. Even when faced with traumatic chal-
lenges But she was always able to put a smile on her face. She works hard and has a level of
compassion that other villagers can't match. Claire is quite empathetic, as is often shown in
her words. Claire is one of the characters who face many losses.

Dr. Marcus Andrews : Played the part by Hill Harper, Marcus is head of surgery at St.
Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital, he was promoted to chairman of the hospital. Dr. Glassman
from Dr. Glassman was diagnosed with brain cancer. But he was later fired as president of
the hospital for trying to help Shaun become a surgeon at St. Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital
before Dr. Lim persuaded him to become a surgeon again. And he accepted the offer back
as a surgeon. Dr. Andrew's personality traits He was quite clever in planning and had good
persuasion skills. Besides that, he also had compassion and sacrifice. and listened to the
opinions of the doctors on the team very much.

Dr. Audrey Lim : Played the part by Christina Chang, Dr. Lim, is a trauma surgeon
in charge of the emergency department and operating room. and later the head of the
surgical department, Dr. Forget, is one of the few doctors who can compete with Dr.
Melendez has. In the hospital's assessment, she and Shaun put their talents and efforts
to win Dr. Melendez. She was ultimately chosen to be the head of surgery. She is un-
doubtedly the most responsible doctor in this hospital. both in the patient's health and
the emotional state of her colleagues.
Dr Lim's personality is quite responsible, fun and compassionate, but on the other
hand, she is a lonely person. This was evident in her efforts to manage and cope with

Dr. Alex Park : Played the part by Will Yun Lee, a resident doctor, and former police offi-
cer from Phoenix, Arizona, who decided to become a doctor. He is often cynical and can tell
when someone is lying. excellence by analysis although not from a medical point of view.
But he quickly noticed when the patient was lying. and can draw an accurate picture of their
past and behavior based on subtle clues. Besides that, he could also read Shaun. even though
they met for the first time which is what other colleagues His is difficult Despite working
with Sean for a few months now.
  Dr. Park’s personality is Excellent observation and assessment of the situation One of the
characters with excellent siege and mediation skills. He is empathetic and a very good men-

Dr. Morgan Reznick : Played the part by Fiona Gubelmann, Dr. Reznick, She grew up as a
black sheep, as her entire family was an artist, only she dreamed of becoming a surgeon, so
she didn't get much support from her family. Moving into San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospi-
tal as a competitive and self-centered surgical resident, she had a sensitive controversy with
Claire. Because of her opposite personality and work ethic, after her diagnosis of rheuma-
toid arthritis prevented her from becoming a surgeon, she began to improve herself. and be-
gan to open up to connect with everyone.
Dr. Reznick’s personality is arrogant, and ambitious, and likes to win. She is a great doc-
tor and has great self-confidence. But it was all built to protect her fragile true self. She al-
ways felt alienated from her family and alone. including being someone who has compas-
sion for others.

Plot analysis by scene

There are not many important scenes in this series. The most obvious ones are operating
rooms, pain relief rooms, and emergency departments. However, according to my analysis,
each scene will have the story going on in the operating room, it will be a part of the pa-
tient's problem solving during the operation as well as scenes of talking and commenting
both on the patient and personally. Of the doctor on the case, it can be noted that Chun al-
ways likes to consult or tell his story to others during the surgery. In the patient room, we
can often see the communication skills and empathy the doctors have for the patient as well
as the emotional scenes. or brainstorming to treat patients The emergency department scene
is mostly the opening part of each episode because the emergency department is the first
place to assess the patient's condition before referring to the specialists in the department.
However, in season 2 Episodes 10 and 11, "Quarantine," are where the main story takes
place in the emergency room where the trapped doctors are required to treat critically ill pa-
tients under critical circumstances and with limited resources. This is a scene that well re-
flects the pressure of doctors to solve problems and plan to save lives.

Theme analysis
The Good Doctor it's a series that is about two or more short episodes, with every
episode still running in the main storyline. This type of series tends to have a gradual
character growth that can be observed with every episode in line with the gradual
growth of both Chun and the other doctors. This series is told fairly evenly, no one
stands out too much. I understand that the author wants to convey that everyone has
their problems and hard times that they have to face and that there are happy times
and good memories to remember. The plot often shows the compassion that people
have for each other, even if they're not familiar with each other.

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