Modified Beef and Chicken, Artificial Sweeteners and Fat-Free Cooking Oils)

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1. The positive or negative of science on the food we eat.

(bioadditives, genetically
modified beef and chicken, artificial sweeteners and fat-free cooking oils)
Science has brought several positive effects on improving our life, especially food. And some
people are supposed to be eating healthier. For that reason, people become more interested in
how science on food enrich nutrient in their meal.
Firstly, as we know since the appearance of science on food, people are easier in the way of
preserve and store food. Scientist proved that by using an appropriate amount of preservative, we
can keep our foodstuffs up to months and years. Moreover, science also show us that if we
preserve fresh food in cool temperature like refrigerator, we can prevent it from being stale and
maintain the fresh for days. Another is additives, it is added to make food more delicious,
attractive with colorful and enhance flavor. Vitamins of fresh food may get lost during we cook
them, so food enhanced with additives will provide nutrient to person who do not get enough
balance diet.
Secondly, genetically modified food is a new prevention of science on food in recent years,
which is called GM foods. This kind of food is known as a combination between two different
gene foods in order to modify them to a new characteristic. Scientists sometimes add more
vitamins and minerals to the seeds with the aim of increasing nutrients in food. GM foods
become popular because of its benefits such as give consumer more kind of delicious fruit, new
flavor of eat and even the valuable nutrient for people health. For examples, water melon without
seeds or pink pineapple. Have you ever tried these fruits? The fact that pink pineapple is a
combination between tomato and pine apple, which has been approval to sell in USA markets in
2016 because of its nutrients. It even tastes better than pine apple and contains an amount of
antioxidant that help people prevent cancer.
Finally, science on food contribute to balance our meal in a day. To instance, how much calories
you should have in a day, that is good to maintain your weight. Which foodstuffs you should
avoid eating in order to protect your health. Science is trustful and it will help us to eat in a
balance way and still have enough nutrients. If you are in a restrict diet because of health
problems or weight, you should have a list about of science food process. Science also helps us
counting number of calories which is necessary for our body to absorb.
In conclusion, science on food has positively affect to people life. It should be used in diet so as
to advance quality of meal. People now can consume some reliable and safety GM foods in
many supermarkets. In the future, the benefits of science on food might be used broadly in many
people diet.
2. Does school prepare students for future work? And what skills do students need to
be future-ready?
Some schooling does. I’m not talking about the three Rs (Reading, Riting, Rithmetic) but more
about life lessons and learning how to think. Exceptions aside, I think people generally like to
learn things, but they don’t like to work at it. Sitting in a room listening to someone talk is a poor
way to learn something, but it’s what we have. The real lessons we take from school are learning
to deal with others, social cliques, fashion (or lack of it), working with a team, and discovering
that people have so many different ideas and notions to how the world works.
Most of the ‘book learnin’ we learn doesn’t apply in the real world, and don’t get me started on
the ‘everyone gets a trophy’/participation awards. We don’t need the intricacies of science, the
dates and hours of history, or advanced math. Perhaps what we should learn in school is:
 Financial Essentials, i.e. paying taxes, balancing a checkbook (not too important
anymore), getting a good credit rating, budgeting, taking out a loan and dealing with big
banks and many others.
 Creating and sustaining healthy relationships and empathy
 Nutrition and diet, and other healthy lifestyle choices
 How to vote in an informed way. (An important one in our country at the moment)
 The importance for striving for mental health. (An important one for teens)
 The importance of not being a "sheep" and keeping your own personality, creativity,
curiosity and hobbies. Essentially, the things that make you who you are.
 New technological advancements in IT and Science
 Current events locally and overseas, especially the latter.
 The fact that it's okay to fail sometimes, but how you deal with bouncing back
 Sex education
They don’t write our equations that ambiguously. They don’t need to know the names of all the
parts of a cell or the chemicals involved in the production of proteins. Students only need a
general understanding of all that, a common consensus. Let those with a passion for those
subjects seek them out, don’t burden the rest of the children with it. People will learn what they
need to learn if they know how to find the information.

3. Good taste in art, clothes, music. What qualifies as good taste?

Most often, it is judged that a person has good taste or that he has a complete lack of taste, by the
way he dresses. And it is not surprising: it is known that people meet by their clothes.
The ability to present yourself, to make a holistic image of the wardrobe items and your natural
data, to beat the undoubted advantages and distract attention from the shortcomings – these are,
perhaps, the main features that determine the presence of taste in clothing.
It is a mistake to think that good taste is following fashion trends. Not everything that looks great
on catwalk divas will look organically on a particular person. On the contrary, there are things
"out of time" that looked great a few years or even decades ago and have not lost their relevance
to this day. Such wardrobe details are also called basic.
It is believed that a person with good taste does not change his wardrobe every season in
accordance with the latest fashion trends, but only adds fashion accessories and details to his
basic wardrobe.
Of course, when choosing clothes, the owner of good taste will take into account both the
features of his figure, and age, and the manner of movement, and the relevance of this or that
thing in a particular situation. He will never wear even the most wonderful beach dress to the
office and will not go on a date in a business suit.
The presence or absence of taste also determines how he organizes his living environment, i.e.
housing, workplace, interior of his car. And it is not so important in what style the apartment will
be furnished, whether its occupant prefers ascetic minimalism or luxurious Baroque. The main
thing is that all the details of the interior look appropriate, organic and make up a single
I believe that combining comfort and beauty is the highest manifestation of taste in the ability to
organize living space.

4. How video games such: Tanks, Among us and Pubg are helpful or harmful to
Lots of kids love video games. In fact, they like them so much that they might hear something
like this from mom or dad: "Enough! Find something else to do!"
It can be good advice, even if you were about to get to the next level. Why? Too much of
anything is just too much. It's true that some studies have shown certain video games can
improve hand–eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process
information. But too much video game playing may cause problems.
It's hard to get enough active play and exercise if you're always inside playing video games. And
without enough exercise, kids can become overweight.
Overdoing video games also could affect other important stuff, like friendships and how well a
kid does in school. And kids who play violent video games might act more aggressively.
But here's the good news: Playing video games some of the time can be OK. Choose quality
games, and limit screen time — which includes TV, computer, smartphone, tablet, and video
game time combined — to a reasonable amount.
A good game will be the right one for how old you are. Games are rated like movies and your
mom or dad can help figure out which ones you should use. If you can choose one that gets you
up and moving, that's even better.

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