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Course Title: Salesmanship and Sales Management

Course Number: MMgt 2072

Course Credit: 3
Prerequisite: MMgt 2011
Course Classification: Major

Course Description
Sales management are critical to organizational success, especially in highly competitive markets.
Good personal selling skills guide sales professionals toward alignment with buyers, by helping
them overcome their problems and challenges, and creating value for both the customer and seller.
Sales management skills are critical in developing compensation packages, and in training and
motivation programs to make the organization’s selling efforts more efficient and effective. This
course is designed for students interested in a career in professional selling and sales management.
The course is concerned with how to manage a sales force with the objective of maximizing overall
sales performance in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. This course will cover
contemporary issues related to the management of professional salespeople. Topics related to
strategic management, motivating and inspiring sales people will be covered. Other human
resource aspects will be discussed in this course including sales force orientation, organizing,
staffing, selecting and hiring. Moreover, topics like sales planning and evaluation of sales
performance will also be covered in this course.

Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
 develop a personal selling philosophy that incorporates the marketing concept.
 understand a relationship strategy that creates customer value in an ethical context.
 build up a product strategy that incorporates creative product solutions that add value.
 identify customer strategy that addresses buyer behavior.
 develop a customer presentation strategy that adds value.
 learn the reasons for post-decision communication gaps with prospects.
 identify the full range of potential win / loss criteria: Designing a prospect-debrief
 execute a successful post-decision- debrief proven interviewing technique for conducting
debriefs calls.
 gather 360 degree feedback: understanding the "big picture" from other sales team
members, intermediaries, sales managers and yourself.
 benchmark the data: overlaying your sales trends with the five most common reasons for
winning and losing deals.

Course Contents
Chapter 1: An Overview of Salesmanship and Sales Management (5hrs)
1.1 Definition of salesmanship and sales management
1.2 Nature of salesmanship
1.3 Duties and responsibilities of sales people
1.5 Types of salesperson
7.1 Qualities of good sales person
7.2 Sales Management Skills
Chapter 2: Forecasting Market Demand, Sales Budgets, and Sales Quotas (10 hrs)
2.1 Forecasting Market Demand
2.2 The Sales Forecasting Process
2.3 Sales Forecasting Methods
2.4 Sales Planning and Budgeting
2.4.1 Reasons for Budgets
2.4.2 Types of Budgets
2.4.3 Procedure of Budgeting
2.4.4 The Budget Calculation
2.4.5 Requirements for Successful Budgeting
2.5 Building a sales program
2.6 Sales Quotas
2.6.1 Why are Quotas Important?
2.6.2 Introduction
2.6.3 Uses of Quotas
2.6.4 Types of Quotas
2.6.5 Characteristics of a Good Quota
2.6.6 Developing the Quota
2.6.7 Administering the Quota
2.6.8 Drawbacks of Using Quotas
Chapter 3: Developing the Selling Function (6 hrs)
3.1 The professional selling process
3.1.1 Prospecting pre-approach
3.1.2 Approach
3.1.3 Sales presentation
3.1.4 Trial close
3.1.5 Handling complaints
3.1.6 Follow up
3.2 Accounts management
3.3 Territory design and management
3.3.1 Benefits of Establishing Territories
3.3.2 Methods Used to Determine Sales Force Size
3.3.3 Sales Territory Design and management Process
3.4 Customer service management
3.5 Sales performance analysis
3.6 Cost analysis
3.7 Profitability analysis
Chapter 4: Recruiting and Selecting Successful Sales Personnel (6 hrs)
4.1 Meaning of recruitment
4.2 Importance of recruitment
4.3 The process of recruitment
4.1 Source of Sales Recruits
4.2 Definition of selection
4.3 Selecting Applicants
4.4 The process of selecting applicants
4.5 Problems in Screening Applicants
Chapter 5: Orientation and Training the Sales Team (5 hrs)
5.1 What is Sales Orientation and Training?
5.2 Hiring and socializing new sales people
5.3 Sales training and strategic planning
5.3.1 Training need assessment
5.3.2 Training Program design
5.3.3 Importance of Sales Training
5.3.4 Methods of Sales Training
5.3.5 Evaluating sales training program
Chapter 6: Organizations of Sales Department (4 hrs)
6.1 Principles of Organization
6.2 Types of Sales Organization
6.3 Determining the Kind of Sales Personnel
6.4 Choice of Basic Selling Style
6.5 Determining the Size of the Sales Force
Chapter 7: Compensating Salespeople (6 Hours)
7.1 Need for Sound Remuneration Plan
7.2 Functions of Compensation (Remuneration) Plan
7.3 Importance of Compensation
7.4 Factors Affecting Remuneration Plan
7.5 Methods of Compensation
Chapter 8: Evaluation and Control of Sales People (6 hrs)
8.1 Analysis of sales volume
8.2 Marketing cost and profitability analysis
8.3 Evaluating sales force performance
8.4 Types of Performance Appraisals
8.5 Performance Appraisal Processes and Procedures
8.6 Rules for Performance Appraisals
8.7 Ethical and legal responsibilities of sales managers profound
8.8 Controlling sales personnel through supervision
Teaching/Learning Methods
🖝 Lecture
🖝 Group Discussion
🖝 Project Work
🖝 Company visit
Assessment Methods
Evaluation Criteria Weight
Tests (at least two) 20%
Class participation/quizzes 10
Group project 15
Individual presentation of group project 5
Final exam 50
Total 100%

Reading List

Text Book
Futrell, Charles M.(2011) Fundamental of Selling 12th ed New York: McGraw Hill
Ingram ,Thomas N. and etal (2006)Sales Management: Analysis and Decision
Making 6th ed Ohio: Thomson South-Western
Jobber, David and Geoff Lancaster(2009) Selling and Sales Management 8th ed New
York: Prentice Hall
Jobber, David and Geoff Lancaster(2006) Selling and Sales Management 7th ed New
York: Prentice Hall
 Matthew Schwartz (2006) Fundamentals of Sales Management New York: Amacom
Manning, Gerald L. and etal (2012) Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value.
12th ed Boston: Prentice Hall

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