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ires are devastating, not only

to property but to the lives
that can be lost if people don’t
escape safely. This issue of Panorama
highlights various fire-related issues
that can affect us all. Kitchen fires, a
leading cause of home fires, can be
prevented with fire-safety awareness
and adherence to fire-safety rules.
Read how one family escaped a
fire that started while the wife was
cooking in the “Cooking Up a Fire”
article on page 14.

The elderly are especially vulnerable

to fires because of certain physical
limitations that come with age.
Review with the elderly members
of your family the article “Retire
Fire” to make sure that their living
environment is fire-hazard free.
Unfortunately, not even our young
children are immune to fire hazards.
Children’s natural attraction to
fireworks has sent many of them to

Inside this issue the emergency room. Don’t let your

child be another victim of fireworks.
But don’t stop there; teach your
1st Quarter 2007
children how to be responsible around
fire and how to react safely should a
fire occur by going over with them the
safety tips and activities in the “Desert
Kids’ Club.”

Begin this New Year with a

commitment to preventing and
surviving fires. Be fire educated. Be

2 6 9
fire safe!
Spotlight on Home Fires Different Burns, Retire Fire
Different Treatment

The Sound that

Saves Lives 12 Cooking Up a Fire
14 Safety Keeps
the Fun in Fireworks16 Desert Kids’ Club
If you have any articles you would like to submit or any suggestions, please
contact the editor of Panorama at
Panorama (Issn 1319-2027) is published quarterly by Saudi Aramco's Loss Prevention
Loss Prevention Department and is distributed free of charge to company Room A-117
employees and other readers with an interest in safety. Articles may be Building 3150, LIP
reprinted without permission provided Panorama and Saudi Aramco Dhahran 31311
Loss Prevention are credited. Saudi Aramco 1st Quarter 2007
serious damage. The lesson learned was that all new hires needed to be
properly educated in home fire safety. Soon afterwards the company
included a home-fire-safety package in the new-hire orientation procedure.

By 2001, the company had experienced a significant reduction in the

number of unattended cooking fires and, therefore, other causes of home
fires, such as electrical, took more prominence. During investigation of
several electrical fire incidents, it was determined that the primary causes of
the fires included inappropriate use of power cords (e.g., placing cords under
carpets or furniture), poor quality power cords (i.e., power cords that did not
bear a recognized testing authority’s approval), and using electrical cords of
the wrong rating. Incorrect or damaged electrical adapters are still the
largest cause of electrical fires in company housing.

Spotlight As a result of the campaign, the

on Home
company experienced a significant
reduction in home fires. During the
1st and 2nd quarters of 1998 there

were no home fires. However, two
years later the number of home fires
increased again. This was primarily
due to two factors: First, employees
forgetting the safety information
passed on to them during the Kitchen
The lesson learned was that all new
Fire Safety Campaign; and second,
there was an inflow of new hires needed to be properly educated
employees, many of whom did not in home fire safety.
have the necessary fire safety
We are all aware of the dangers of home fires, but are they increasing or decreasing in knowledge. A graphic example of this
company communities? To find out, Panorama met with one of Saudi Aramco’s fire experts was when a new-hire Asian female
to discuss home fires. David K. Churches [Ph.D.] has been with the company for about employee placed firewood inside the
13 years and has investigated many home fires. In that time, he has seen a dramatic oven to cook her meal. She had never
reduction in both the number and cost of home fires in company communities. Churches seen a modern stove or oven before
gave us a brief rundown of the company’s progress so far in the reduction of home fires. and had no experience in gas or
electric cooking. Fortunately for her,
the smoke detector in her
accommodation activated
Approximately 15 years ago, the company realized that there 40 fires each year in Dhahran alone, of which 80% were immediately as soon as she ignited
was a significant number of home fires and that community home fires, and of these home fires 80% were kitchen the firewood and FrPD firefighters
fires outnumbered industrial fires. The company decided to fires. Almost 70% of the kitchen fires were the result of arrived shortly afterwards and
seek assistance from experts to determine the causes of home unattended cooking. extinguished the fire before it caused
fires and establish lessons learned to help prevent, or at least
reduce, the number and cost of home fires. In 1997, in an effort to reduce the number and severity
of home fires with special focus on kitchen safety, Central
According to the Fire Protection Department’s (FrPD) records, Community Services Department (CCSD) launched a
in the early 1990s the company recorded an average of 38 to Kitchen Fire Safety Campaign that runs every two years.
serious damage. The lesson learned was that all new hires needed to be
properly educated in home fire safety. Soon afterwards the company
included a home-fire-safety package in the new-hire orientation procedure.

By 2001, the company had experienced a significant reduction in the

number of unattended cooking fires and, therefore, other causes of home
fires, such as electrical, took more prominence. During investigation of
several electrical fire incidents, it was determined that the primary causes of
the fires included inappropriate use of power cords (e.g., placing cords under
carpets or furniture), poor quality power cords (i.e., power cords that did not
bear a recognized testing authority’s approval), and using electrical cords of
the wrong rating. Incorrect or damaged electrical adapters are still the
largest cause of electrical fires in company housing.

Spotlight As a result of the campaign, the

on Home
company experienced a significant
reduction in home fires. During the
1st and 2nd quarters of 1998 there

were no home fires. However, two
years later the number of home fires
increased again. This was primarily
due to two factors: First, employees
forgetting the safety information
passed on to them during the Kitchen
The lesson learned was that all new
Fire Safety Campaign; and second,
there was an inflow of new hires needed to be properly educated
employees, many of whom did not in home fire safety.
have the necessary fire safety
We are all aware of the dangers of home fires, but are they increasing or decreasing in knowledge. A graphic example of this
company communities? To find out, Panorama met with one of Saudi Aramco’s fire experts was when a new-hire Asian female
to discuss home fires. David K. Churches [Ph.D.] has been with the company for about employee placed firewood inside the
13 years and has investigated many home fires. In that time, he has seen a dramatic oven to cook her meal. She had never
reduction in both the number and cost of home fires in company communities. Churches seen a modern stove or oven before
gave us a brief rundown of the company’s progress so far in the reduction of home fires. and had no experience in gas or
electric cooking. Fortunately for her,
the smoke detector in her
accommodation activated
Approximately 15 years ago, the company realized that there 40 fires each year in Dhahran alone, of which 80% were immediately as soon as she ignited
was a significant number of home fires and that community home fires, and of these home fires 80% were kitchen the firewood and FrPD firefighters
fires outnumbered industrial fires. The company decided to fires. Almost 70% of the kitchen fires were the result of arrived shortly afterwards and
seek assistance from experts to determine the causes of home unattended cooking. extinguished the fire before it caused
fires and establish lessons learned to help prevent, or at least
reduce, the number and cost of home fires. In 1997, in an effort to reduce the number and severity
of home fires with special focus on kitchen safety, Central
According to the Fire Protection Department’s (FrPD) records, Community Services Department (CCSD) launched a
in the early 1990s the company recorded an average of 38 to Kitchen Fire Safety Campaign that runs every two years.
Electrical fire safety tips
Tips on how to prevent cooking fires can be found in the article Cooking Up a Fire. Here we
provide tips on how to prevent electrical fires by making sure that electrical appliances, power
cords, multi-outlet power strips, adapters, outlet receptacles, and plugs are in good working
condition and used correctly.

• Ensure that all the electrical appliances you use are certified by a recognized testing authority, such as
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
• Make sure that your appliances are rated for the electrical supply voltage at your home.
• Visually inspect your electrical appliances before each use. If an appliance makes an unusual noise or
vibration, or has a strange odor during use, immediately turn it off, unplug it, and have it repaired or
• Once a year have all your electrical appliances inspected by a qualified electrician or manufacturer’s agent.
• Check to make sure that all electrical power cords are certified by a recognized testing authority. Flexible
One fire started when the occupant During the exhibitions visitors conduct precautions to take when cooking to electrical power cords and associated plugs are frequently used, and so are prone to frequent failure.
of a house ran an improperly rated room-to-room inspections to learn how prevent cooking fires; how to • Replace frayed or damaged cords.
electrical cord across the floor under to properly set their electrical organize the garage and utility room • Make sure that the flat copper or brass pins on a plug are in good condition.
a sofa. The overheated cord ignited equipment and receive information on to minimize fire hazards; where to • Never exceed the power/current rating of a cord and plug (given by the manufacturer in amps/watts) by
the sofa, which caused a large fire the fire prevention practices they must set the barbecue to avoid a fire; and
that damaged the house extensively. what safe practices to follow in the
Another fire destroyed a house when yard. Visitors also have a chance to • Never place power cords under carpets or furniture, or on the floor in traffic areas. Doing so can cause the
a fax machine malfunctioned. observe live fire demonstrations and cord to overheat, get frayed or damaged, and cause a fire.
Fortunately, the house occupant was learn how to properly react in case of • Visually inspect all multi-outlet power strips before each use.
Fire risk factors,
away at the time so there were no fire. In addition, they are advised by • Never overload multi-outlet power strips. A good rule-of-thumb is that the total power load should never
injuries, but the fire was so extensive in addition to experts when to seek assistance from exceed 1,500 watts (1.5 kilowatts). This usually means connecting only one high-power appliance (i.e., heat
that it spread to the house next door poor cooking practices a qualified electrician for the proper
producing or motor appliance) or alternatively a few low power appliances, so that the total rating is never
causing serious damage. and misuse of electrical inspection and maintenance of their
exceeded. The power rating can be found on a label attached on each appliance.
To further address the underlying
equipment, include Heat producing appliances, such as a space heater, clothes iron, hair dryer, curling iron, microwave
causes of home fires, in 2004, the unattended barbecues Unfortunately, despite the company’s oven, kettle, and coffee percolator, have a power rating of 850 to 1,500 watts. Connect only one
company started targeting electrical and misuse of fire safety educational efforts, home appliance at a time.
fires and kitchen fires as well as other fires continue to occur. Fire risk factors, Motor appliances, such as a blender, mixer, vacuum cleaner, electric fan, and electric drill, have a
causes during annual fire safety
halogen lights, in addition to poor cooking practices power rating of 850 to 1,500 watts. Connect only one appliance at a time.
exhibitions organized by CCSD and candles, and and misuse of electrical equipment,
Low power appliances, such as a TV, computer, monitor, printer, Hi-Fi, VCR, and table lamp, have a
FrPD. Every year at these annual insect burners. include unattended barbecues and
exhibitions employees and their misuse of halogen lights, candles, and power rating of 15 to 300 watts. Connect more than one such appliance making sure that you do not
families have the opportunity to visit insect burners. The company continues exceed a total of 1,500 watts.
a designated community house in to focus its efforts on the reduction of • Visually inspect electrical outlet receptacles to ensure that there is no damage. When inserting a plug, make
Dhahran, which is specially equipped the number of home fires as well as on sure that there is a tight fit.
with both improperly and properly follow. Examples include how to minimizing the monetary loss and injury • Only use electrical adapters that are certified by a recognized testing authority. They should only be used
selected fire safety features to properly set the TV and entertainment resulting from fire.
temporarily as they are not designed for a permanent connection. Never force in position an adapter that
demonstrate correct and incorrect fire center, computer and printer, and other
safety practices in the home. appliances in the home; what
does not fit the plug correctly and tightly. The safest solution is to have a qualified electrician change the plug
of the electrical equipment to the appropriate type.
• Never authorize or perform electrical modifications or installations. This can lead to electrocution or fire.

Take all necessary steps to prevent home fires. They not only damage property but also threaten lives!

Electrical fire safety tips
Tips on how to prevent cooking fires can be found in the article Cooking Up a Fire. Here we
provide tips on how to prevent electrical fires by making sure that electrical appliances, power
cords, multi-outlet power strips, adapters, outlet receptacles, and plugs are in good working
condition and used correctly.

• Ensure that all the electrical appliances you use are certified by a recognized testing authority, such as
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
• Make sure that your appliances are rated for the electrical supply voltage at your home.
• Visually inspect your electrical appliances before each use. If an appliance makes an unusual noise or
vibration, or has a strange odor during use, immediately turn it off, unplug it, and have it repaired or
• Once a year have all your electrical appliances inspected by a qualified electrician or manufacturer’s agent.
• Check to make sure that all electrical power cords are certified by a recognized testing authority. Flexible
One fire started when the occupant During the exhibitions visitors conduct precautions to take when cooking to electrical power cords and associated plugs are frequently used, and so are prone to frequent failure.
of a house ran an improperly rated room-to-room inspections to learn how prevent cooking fires; how to • Replace frayed or damaged cords.
electrical cord across the floor under to properly set their electrical organize the garage and utility room • Make sure that the flat copper or brass pins on a plug are in good condition.
a sofa. The overheated cord ignited equipment and receive information on to minimize fire hazards; where to • Never exceed the power/current rating of a cord and plug (given by the manufacturer in amps/watts) by
the sofa, which caused a large fire the fire prevention practices they must set the barbecue to avoid a fire; and
that damaged the house extensively. what safe practices to follow in the
Another fire destroyed a house when yard. Visitors also have a chance to • Never place power cords under carpets or furniture, or on the floor in traffic areas. Doing so can cause the
a fax machine malfunctioned. observe live fire demonstrations and cord to overheat, get frayed or damaged, and cause a fire.
Fortunately, the house occupant was learn how to properly react in case of • Visually inspect all multi-outlet power strips before each use.
Fire risk factors,
away at the time so there were no fire. In addition, they are advised by • Never overload multi-outlet power strips. A good rule-of-thumb is that the total power load should never
injuries, but the fire was so extensive in addition to experts when to seek assistance from exceed 1,500 watts (1.5 kilowatts). This usually means connecting only one high-power appliance (i.e., heat
that it spread to the house next door poor cooking practices a qualified electrician for the proper
producing or motor appliance) or alternatively a few low power appliances, so that the total rating is never
causing serious damage. and misuse of electrical inspection and maintenance of their
exceeded. The power rating can be found on a label attached on each appliance.
To further address the underlying
equipment, include Heat producing appliances, such as a space heater, clothes iron, hair dryer, curling iron, microwave
causes of home fires, in 2004, the unattended barbecues Unfortunately, despite the company’s oven, kettle, and coffee percolator, have a power rating of 850 to 1,500 watts. Connect only one
company started targeting electrical and misuse of fire safety educational efforts, home appliance at a time.
fires and kitchen fires as well as other fires continue to occur. Fire risk factors, Motor appliances, such as a blender, mixer, vacuum cleaner, electric fan, and electric drill, have a
causes during annual fire safety
halogen lights, in addition to poor cooking practices power rating of 850 to 1,500 watts. Connect only one appliance at a time.
exhibitions organized by CCSD and candles, and and misuse of electrical equipment,
Low power appliances, such as a TV, computer, monitor, printer, Hi-Fi, VCR, and table lamp, have a
FrPD. Every year at these annual insect burners. include unattended barbecues and
exhibitions employees and their misuse of halogen lights, candles, and power rating of 15 to 300 watts. Connect more than one such appliance making sure that you do not
families have the opportunity to visit insect burners. The company continues exceed a total of 1,500 watts.
a designated community house in to focus its efforts on the reduction of • Visually inspect electrical outlet receptacles to ensure that there is no damage. When inserting a plug, make
Dhahran, which is specially equipped the number of home fires as well as on sure that there is a tight fit.
with both improperly and properly follow. Examples include how to minimizing the monetary loss and injury • Only use electrical adapters that are certified by a recognized testing authority. They should only be used
selected fire safety features to properly set the TV and entertainment resulting from fire.
temporarily as they are not designed for a permanent connection. Never force in position an adapter that
demonstrate correct and incorrect fire center, computer and printer, and other
safety practices in the home. appliances in the home; what
does not fit the plug correctly and tightly. The safest solution is to have a qualified electrician change the plug
of the electrical equipment to the appropriate type.
• Never authorize or perform electrical modifications or installations. This can lead to electrocution or fire.

Take all necessary steps to prevent home fires. They not only damage property but also threaten lives!

Heat Burns remove burnt clothing, unless it Chemical burns
comes off easily.
First-degree burns
S hould a chemical burn occur,

Different Burns,
Third-degree burns immediately call 110 or 997.
Are also called superficial burns If a harmful corrosive chemical
and are classified as minor. This Are also called total thickness comes in contact with the skin,
type of burn affects the outer burns, which penetrate through the flush the area with water until
layer of the skin (epidermis), layers of the skin, and may burn emergency medical services arrive.

Different Treatment
which becomes painful and red muscle and other tissue. This type
in color. While this type of burn of burn can be life threatening. The Because chemicals may give off
generally heals well by itself, burned area will appear charred or fumes—even if you don’t smell
your proper action can help the blackened, or white and leathery. them—you should move the
healing process. victim outdoors into fresh air.
Not all burns are the same, which means that different burns require Call for emergency ambulance After flushing the burn with
different treatment. Although many burns are superficial, heal well, and To treat this type of burn, you services (110 for inside Saudi water, cover the area with a loose,
should stop the burning Aramco and 997 for outside) nonstick dressing.
are easily treated at home, serious ones can still occur that can cause process by cooling the area. immediately.
permanent disability and even death. Your ability to differentiate between Apply a cool, wet cloth to the
burn, or immerse the burned
the different types of burns means that you’ll be able to treat them area in cool—not ice—water
appropriately and safely. until the victim no longer feels
pain. Because swelling may
occur, be careful to remove any
jewelry or constrictive clothing.
Don’t apply ointments or other
substances to the burn but keep
it covered with a sterile,
nonadhesive bandage or clean
cloth. Over-the-counter pain
medication may be used to help
relieve pain.

Second-degree burns
For severe burns: If the burn was the result of
Are also called partial thickness contact with a dry chemical or
burns, which go deeper into the 1. Cool the area with water until powder, brush the chemical
skin into the dermis area. This the pain stops, then carefully off with a gloved hand before
type of burn is generally remove clothing if it’s not flushing the burn for at least 30
accompanied by blistering of the sticking to the skin. Don’t use minutes.
skin, which may leave a scar. ice/ice water.
2. Cover loosely with dry, sterile If the chemical has made contact
Although this type of burn is dressings, or with a dry clean with the eye, flush the affected
usually treatable with basic first sheet if the burn is large. Don’t eye immediately with water for
aid, a burned victim should seek clean, apply ointment, or break 20 to 30 minutes, holding the eye
medical attention if the burn blisters. open. An alkaline burn to the eyes
covers a large area of the body. If 3. Treat for shock and elevate the can cause blindness or other
the burn is smaller than the palm burned area above the level of permanent damage to the eyes,
of the hand, you can treat it at the heart. which is why you must seek
home by immersing the burned 4. Monitor the victim’s breathing medical attention immediately.
area in cool water until the pain and administer rescue
stops. Make sure to leave the breathing or cardiopulmonary
blisters intact. Cover the burn resuscitation (CPR) if you are
with a dry, sterile dressing and trained to do so, until
immobilize it. However, don’t emergency services arrive.
Heat Burns remove burnt clothing, unless it Chemical burns
comes off easily.
First-degree burns
S hould a chemical burn occur,

Different Burns,
Third-degree burns immediately call 110 or 997.
Are also called superficial burns If a harmful corrosive chemical
and are classified as minor. This Are also called total thickness comes in contact with the skin,
type of burn affects the outer burns, which penetrate through the flush the area with water until
layer of the skin (epidermis), layers of the skin, and may burn emergency medical services arrive.

Different Treatment
which becomes painful and red muscle and other tissue. This type
in color. While this type of burn of burn can be life threatening. The Because chemicals may give off
generally heals well by itself, burned area will appear charred or fumes—even if you don’t smell
your proper action can help the blackened, or white and leathery. them—you should move the
healing process. victim outdoors into fresh air.
Not all burns are the same, which means that different burns require Call for emergency ambulance After flushing the burn with
different treatment. Although many burns are superficial, heal well, and To treat this type of burn, you services (110 for inside Saudi water, cover the area with a loose,
should stop the burning Aramco and 997 for outside) nonstick dressing.
are easily treated at home, serious ones can still occur that can cause process by cooling the area. immediately.
permanent disability and even death. Your ability to differentiate between Apply a cool, wet cloth to the
burn, or immerse the burned
the different types of burns means that you’ll be able to treat them area in cool—not ice—water
appropriately and safely. until the victim no longer feels
pain. Because swelling may
occur, be careful to remove any
jewelry or constrictive clothing.
Don’t apply ointments or other
substances to the burn but keep
it covered with a sterile,
nonadhesive bandage or clean
cloth. Over-the-counter pain
medication may be used to help
relieve pain.

Second-degree burns
For severe burns: If the burn was the result of
Are also called partial thickness contact with a dry chemical or
burns, which go deeper into the 1. Cool the area with water until powder, brush the chemical
skin into the dermis area. This the pain stops, then carefully off with a gloved hand before
type of burn is generally remove clothing if it’s not flushing the burn for at least 30
accompanied by blistering of the sticking to the skin. Don’t use minutes.
skin, which may leave a scar. ice/ice water.
2. Cover loosely with dry, sterile If the chemical has made contact
Although this type of burn is dressings, or with a dry clean with the eye, flush the affected
usually treatable with basic first sheet if the burn is large. Don’t eye immediately with water for
aid, a burned victim should seek clean, apply ointment, or break 20 to 30 minutes, holding the eye
medical attention if the burn blisters. open. An alkaline burn to the eyes
covers a large area of the body. If 3. Treat for shock and elevate the can cause blindness or other
the burn is smaller than the palm burned area above the level of permanent damage to the eyes,
of the hand, you can treat it at the heart. which is why you must seek
home by immersing the burned 4. Monitor the victim’s breathing medical attention immediately.
area in cool water until the pain and administer rescue
stops. Make sure to leave the breathing or cardiopulmonary
blisters intact. Cover the burn resuscitation (CPR) if you are
with a dry, sterile dressing and trained to do so, until
immobilize it. However, don’t emergency services arrive.
Electrical burns vulnerable because they’re • Replace tablecloths with place

T he elderly are an especially

curious, small, and have sensitive mats to prevent your child from

E lectrical burns require

emergency medical services
as quickly as possible. The real
skins that need extra protection.
Protect your child from scalds by
taking precautions throughout
pulling everything on the table
and onto him/her.
• Avoid warming baby bottles in
vulnerable group when it
comes to fires, particularly as
injury with this type of burn is your home. the microwave oven. The liquid most fires occur in the home.
not the damage you see on the may heat unevenly, resulting in Older people are more at risk for
skin, but damage to the internal Hot beverages heat pockets of milk or baby
organs caused by the electricity formula that can scald your two reasons: First, their
passing through the body. • Never drink or eat hot beverages child’s mouth. decreased mobility, health, sight,
or food with a child sitting on and hearing—all of which may
To rescue an electrical burn your lap, or carry hot liquids or Tap water
victim, first make sure the scene dishes when a child is around.
limit their ability to take the
is safe. Shut off the household • Keep young children out of the • Set the thermostat on your hot quick action necessary to escape
electricity or unplug the kitchen. When carrying hot food water heater to 49 °C or lower, during a fire; second, their
appliance. Never touch a victim in the kitchen you may or use the low-medium setting.
dependence on others, such as
who is still in contact with accidentally trip or bump into A child can be scalded in 2 to

electricity. him/her. 3 seconds if the temperature is caregivers or neighbors, for help.

• Put hot drinks and soups toward only 5 degrees higher than
Treat any external burns the the center of the table, away 49 °C.
same way you would treat heat from curious fingers. Babies like • Always test the bath water
burns, depending on their to grab things. with your elbow before putting
severity. While waiting for your child in it.
emergency medical services, • Always turn the cold water on
treat the victim for shock, The real injury with first and turn it off last when
monitor his/her breathing, and an electrical burn is running water in the bathtub
be prepared to administer rescue or sink.
breathing and CPR if needed
not the damage you • Turn children away from the Common fire hazards that affect older adults • Always use heavy, deep ashtrays.
and if you are trained to do so. see on the skin, but faucet when in the bathtub so include: • Put your cigarettes or cigars out completely.
damage to the they are less likely to play with • Don’t walk away from lit cigarettes and other
Kids and liquid burns internal organs it and accidentally turn it to - Unsafe use of smoking materials smoking materials.
hot. - Misuse of heating equipment • Check upholstered furniture for smoldering
caused by the
B urns—especially scalds from
hot water and liquids—are electricity passing Cooking
Carelessness when cooking
Faulty wiring
cigarette butts before going to bed.

some of the most common through the body. Heat your home safely
childhood injuries. Babies and • Turn pot handles toward the While it’s difficult to change old habits, if risky behaviors such as
young children are especially back of the stove every time smoking in bed are not addressed, then appropriate safeguards As the second leading cause of fire deaths to people
you cook. or alternative plans need to be in place. ages 65 and older in the U.S., heating devices should
• Establish and enforce a “NO be used with extra caution.
Never leave hot beverages Zone” around the stove. Don’t
Use smoking materials safely
or food in areas accessible to let children play near the stove • Space heaters need space. Keep combustible items,
or barbeque to protect them such as beddings, curtains, and blankets, at least
young children. from cooking liquids, grease, Careless smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths among
1 m away from heaters.
and hot metal. people ages 65 and older, according to the U.S. Fire
• Use space heaters that have a built-in shut-off
Administration. Cigarettes, if not properly extinguished, can control feature for when the heater falls over.
Take all precautions to prevent continue to burn. If a burning cigarette is accidentally knocked • Only purchase space heaters that bear the approval
burns. And remember, knowing over it can ignite a combustible item (e.g., curtain and blanket) of a recognized testing authority such as
the appropriate first aid and cause it to smolder for hours before a flare-up occurs. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual
treatment for burns can help you (FM).
minimize the magnitude of the To avoid smoking-related fires: • Don’t use electric space heaters in the bathroom
injuries. or in areas where they can be exposed to water or
• Never smoke in bed.
• Don’t dry clothing or store objects on top of your
• Stop smoking at the first sign of feeling drowsy while heater.
watching TV or reading.
Electrical burns vulnerable because they’re • Replace tablecloths with place

T he elderly are an especially

curious, small, and have sensitive mats to prevent your child from

E lectrical burns require

emergency medical services
as quickly as possible. The real
skins that need extra protection.
Protect your child from scalds by
taking precautions throughout
pulling everything on the table
and onto him/her.
• Avoid warming baby bottles in
vulnerable group when it
comes to fires, particularly as
injury with this type of burn is your home. the microwave oven. The liquid most fires occur in the home.
not the damage you see on the may heat unevenly, resulting in Older people are more at risk for
skin, but damage to the internal Hot beverages heat pockets of milk or baby
organs caused by the electricity formula that can scald your two reasons: First, their
passing through the body. • Never drink or eat hot beverages child’s mouth. decreased mobility, health, sight,
or food with a child sitting on and hearing—all of which may
To rescue an electrical burn your lap, or carry hot liquids or Tap water
victim, first make sure the scene dishes when a child is around.
limit their ability to take the
is safe. Shut off the household • Keep young children out of the • Set the thermostat on your hot quick action necessary to escape
electricity or unplug the kitchen. When carrying hot food water heater to 49 °C or lower, during a fire; second, their
appliance. Never touch a victim in the kitchen you may or use the low-medium setting.
dependence on others, such as
who is still in contact with accidentally trip or bump into A child can be scalded in 2 to

electricity. him/her. 3 seconds if the temperature is caregivers or neighbors, for help.

• Put hot drinks and soups toward only 5 degrees higher than
Treat any external burns the the center of the table, away 49 °C.
same way you would treat heat from curious fingers. Babies like • Always test the bath water
burns, depending on their to grab things. with your elbow before putting
severity. While waiting for your child in it.
emergency medical services, • Always turn the cold water on
treat the victim for shock, The real injury with first and turn it off last when
monitor his/her breathing, and an electrical burn is running water in the bathtub
be prepared to administer rescue or sink.
breathing and CPR if needed
not the damage you • Turn children away from the Common fire hazards that affect older adults • Always use heavy, deep ashtrays.
and if you are trained to do so. see on the skin, but faucet when in the bathtub so include: • Put your cigarettes or cigars out completely.
damage to the they are less likely to play with • Don’t walk away from lit cigarettes and other
Kids and liquid burns internal organs it and accidentally turn it to - Unsafe use of smoking materials smoking materials.
hot. - Misuse of heating equipment • Check upholstered furniture for smoldering
caused by the
B urns—especially scalds from
hot water and liquids—are electricity passing Cooking
Carelessness when cooking
Faulty wiring
cigarette butts before going to bed.

some of the most common through the body. Heat your home safely
childhood injuries. Babies and • Turn pot handles toward the While it’s difficult to change old habits, if risky behaviors such as
young children are especially back of the stove every time smoking in bed are not addressed, then appropriate safeguards As the second leading cause of fire deaths to people
you cook. or alternative plans need to be in place. ages 65 and older in the U.S., heating devices should
• Establish and enforce a “NO be used with extra caution.
Never leave hot beverages Zone” around the stove. Don’t
Use smoking materials safely
or food in areas accessible to let children play near the stove • Space heaters need space. Keep combustible items,
or barbeque to protect them such as beddings, curtains, and blankets, at least
young children. from cooking liquids, grease, Careless smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths among
1 m away from heaters.
and hot metal. people ages 65 and older, according to the U.S. Fire
• Use space heaters that have a built-in shut-off
Administration. Cigarettes, if not properly extinguished, can control feature for when the heater falls over.
Take all precautions to prevent continue to burn. If a burning cigarette is accidentally knocked • Only purchase space heaters that bear the approval
burns. And remember, knowing over it can ignite a combustible item (e.g., curtain and blanket) of a recognized testing authority such as
the appropriate first aid and cause it to smolder for hours before a flare-up occurs. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual
treatment for burns can help you (FM).
minimize the magnitude of the To avoid smoking-related fires: • Don’t use electric space heaters in the bathroom
injuries. or in areas where they can be exposed to water or
• Never smoke in bed.
• Don’t dry clothing or store objects on top of your
• Stop smoking at the first sign of feeling drowsy while heater.
watching TV or reading.
Cook safely • Never leave cooking unattended; a • Never overload an electrical circuit PART B
fire can start in just seconds. by connecting more devices to it QUESTIONS FOR THE ELDERLY PERSON
According to the U.S. Fire • Always wear short or tight-fitting than it’s designed to handle.
Administration, cooking is the third sleeves when you cook. • Unplug small appliances, such as
leading cause of fire deaths and the • Keep towels, pot holders, and toasters or water boilers, when
leading cause of injury among the curtains away from heat sources. you’re not using them.
elderly. Wearing loose clothing— Do you know how to leave Are there any combustibles,
• Double-check the kitchen before you • Have all worn, frayed, or damaged quickly if there’s a fire? such as towels, oven mitts, or
especially dangling sleeves—leaving cords replaced immediately.
go to bed or leave the house to make Check that the older person knows curtains near the stove?
cooking unattended, and leaving
sure that all burners are turned off. • Have electrical appliances and two ways out in case the main route is Keep anything that can easily catch fire
combustible materials around the
equipment checked regularly. Have
stove are all risk factors contributing blocked by smoke or flames. Check that away from the stove.
to cooking fires. The kitchen can be
Wire up safely any electrical equipment that
all doors and windows can be easily
overheats; shorts out; causes
one of the most hazardous rooms in opened.
Faulty wiring is a major cause of fires electrical shocks; or gives off an
the house if you don’t practice safe
affecting the elderly. Older homes can odor, smoke, or sparks; repaired or
cooking behaviors:
have serious wiring problems, ranging replaced immediately. Do you have a neighbor who can Do you wear tight-fitting or
from old appliances with bad wiring to help in an emergency? rolled up sleeves when you use
overloaded sockets and circuits. Make sure that the elderly person can the stove?
walk to a neighbor’s house to call the Inform him/her that dangling sleeves
Fire safety check for caregivers of older adults fire department or a neighbor can help and loose clothing can easily brush
when the alarm sounds. against a hot burner and catch fire.
Below is a home fire safety checklist to be completed by the caregiver of an elderly person. The checklist is made up of two
Part A is the physical fire safety check of the elderly person’s home. It should be conducted once a month by a relative or Is there a phone near the bed in Are you careful not to reach over
friend. case you need help? hot burners?
Part B consists of 12 questions to ask the elderly person. These questions should be asked once, with periodic reminders. Make sure that there is a phone near Use the front burners as much as
the bed and all emergency numbers are possible.
PART A posted on the phone (998 for the local
fire department and 110 for inside Saudi
Aramco communities).
Check that there are working Make sure that there is at least
smoke detectors on every level one multipurpose A:B:C fire What would you do if the room Do you keep portable heaters at
of the home and outside sleeping areas. extinguisher available near the is filled with smoke? least 1 m from any combustible
kitchen. Demonstrate to the elderly person materials, such as curtains, clothing,
Make sure the older person can It should be ready for use (adequate how to crawl low under smoke to or furniture?
hear the alarm when it activates. pressure, and pull pin still tagged and escape to safety. Remind the elderly person that portable
in place), and the elderly person knows heaters should never be used to dry
how to use it. clothing, towels, blankets, etc.
Check that smoke detectors have
Do you ever leave cooking Do you consider yourself to be a
been tested. Check for scorch marks on pots
unattended? careful smoker?
If not, test the smoke detector by and pans.
Remind the elderly person of the Inform him/her that smokers should
pressing the alarm test button, which If you find scorch marks, discuss your
importance of turning off the stove use large, deep ashtrays and to never
is usually located in the center of the finding with the elderly person. He/she
before leaving the kitchen. To help them smoke when drowsy or in bed. Also,
detector. If it’s difficult to reach, use a may be leaving cooking unattended.
remember, teach them to use a timer or make sure that large, deep ashtrays are
broom handle or ruler to test it.
to take an item such as a potholder with readily available in the house.
Make sure that the smoke detector Check that clothing, bedding, them.
batteries have been changed furniture, and floors are free of
within the past year. cigarette burns. Do you know what to do if a pot Where do you empty your
Batteries should be replaced each year. If you find cigarette burns, discuss this on the stove catches on fire? ashtrays?
To help you keep track of when the issue with the elderly person in your Keep a proper fitting lid or baking Inform him/her that ashtrays should
batteries are replaced, mark the date care. Warn him/her of the dangers of tray nearby and demonstrate to him/her be emptied into the sink, toilet, or a
on the batteries. Recognize and inform smoking. how to slide it over the burning pot. noncombustible can.
the elderly person that a chirping sound
indicates a low battery, keeping in mind
Based on © 2006 Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council
that this sound can be difficult for an
older person to hear.
Cook safely • Never leave cooking unattended; a • Never overload an electrical circuit PART B
fire can start in just seconds. by connecting more devices to it QUESTIONS FOR THE ELDERLY PERSON
According to the U.S. Fire • Always wear short or tight-fitting than it’s designed to handle.
Administration, cooking is the third sleeves when you cook. • Unplug small appliances, such as
leading cause of fire deaths and the • Keep towels, pot holders, and toasters or water boilers, when
leading cause of injury among the curtains away from heat sources. you’re not using them.
elderly. Wearing loose clothing— Do you know how to leave Are there any combustibles,
• Double-check the kitchen before you • Have all worn, frayed, or damaged quickly if there’s a fire? such as towels, oven mitts, or
especially dangling sleeves—leaving cords replaced immediately.
go to bed or leave the house to make Check that the older person knows curtains near the stove?
cooking unattended, and leaving
sure that all burners are turned off. • Have electrical appliances and two ways out in case the main route is Keep anything that can easily catch fire
combustible materials around the
equipment checked regularly. Have
stove are all risk factors contributing blocked by smoke or flames. Check that away from the stove.
to cooking fires. The kitchen can be
Wire up safely any electrical equipment that
all doors and windows can be easily
overheats; shorts out; causes
one of the most hazardous rooms in opened.
Faulty wiring is a major cause of fires electrical shocks; or gives off an
the house if you don’t practice safe
affecting the elderly. Older homes can odor, smoke, or sparks; repaired or
cooking behaviors:
have serious wiring problems, ranging replaced immediately. Do you have a neighbor who can Do you wear tight-fitting or
from old appliances with bad wiring to help in an emergency? rolled up sleeves when you use
overloaded sockets and circuits. Make sure that the elderly person can the stove?
walk to a neighbor’s house to call the Inform him/her that dangling sleeves
Fire safety check for caregivers of older adults fire department or a neighbor can help and loose clothing can easily brush
when the alarm sounds. against a hot burner and catch fire.
Below is a home fire safety checklist to be completed by the caregiver of an elderly person. The checklist is made up of two
Part A is the physical fire safety check of the elderly person’s home. It should be conducted once a month by a relative or Is there a phone near the bed in Are you careful not to reach over
friend. case you need help? hot burners?
Part B consists of 12 questions to ask the elderly person. These questions should be asked once, with periodic reminders. Make sure that there is a phone near Use the front burners as much as
the bed and all emergency numbers are possible.
PART A posted on the phone (998 for the local
fire department and 110 for inside Saudi
Aramco communities).
Check that there are working Make sure that there is at least
smoke detectors on every level one multipurpose A:B:C fire What would you do if the room Do you keep portable heaters at
of the home and outside sleeping areas. extinguisher available near the is filled with smoke? least 1 m from any combustible
kitchen. Demonstrate to the elderly person materials, such as curtains, clothing,
Make sure the older person can It should be ready for use (adequate how to crawl low under smoke to or furniture?
hear the alarm when it activates. pressure, and pull pin still tagged and escape to safety. Remind the elderly person that portable
in place), and the elderly person knows heaters should never be used to dry
how to use it. clothing, towels, blankets, etc.
Check that smoke detectors have
Do you ever leave cooking Do you consider yourself to be a
been tested. Check for scorch marks on pots
unattended? careful smoker?
If not, test the smoke detector by and pans.
Remind the elderly person of the Inform him/her that smokers should
pressing the alarm test button, which If you find scorch marks, discuss your
importance of turning off the stove use large, deep ashtrays and to never
is usually located in the center of the finding with the elderly person. He/she
before leaving the kitchen. To help them smoke when drowsy or in bed. Also,
detector. If it’s difficult to reach, use a may be leaving cooking unattended.
remember, teach them to use a timer or make sure that large, deep ashtrays are
broom handle or ruler to test it.
to take an item such as a potholder with readily available in the house.
Make sure that the smoke detector Check that clothing, bedding, them.
batteries have been changed furniture, and floors are free of
within the past year. cigarette burns. Do you know what to do if a pot Where do you empty your
Batteries should be replaced each year. If you find cigarette burns, discuss this on the stove catches on fire? ashtrays?
To help you keep track of when the issue with the elderly person in your Keep a proper fitting lid or baking Inform him/her that ashtrays should
batteries are replaced, mark the date care. Warn him/her of the dangers of tray nearby and demonstrate to him/her be emptied into the sink, toilet, or a
on the batteries. Recognize and inform smoking. how to slide it over the burning pot. noncombustible can.
the elderly person that a chirping sound
indicates a low battery, keeping in mind
Based on © 2006 Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council
that this sound can be difficult for an
older person to hear.
How do I install smoke detectors?

The Sound
Most smoke detectors are easy to install; just make sure that you
follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper installation.

Install ceiling smoke detectors in the middle of the ceiling, staying

away from the edges and the corners by at least 10 cm. Corners can
create dead air spaces, making smoke detection slower. Place

that Saves
wall-mounted detectors at least 10 cm, but no more that 30 cm, from
the ceiling.

Avoid installing smoke detectors in areas where incoming fresh air can

L i v es
prevent smoke from reaching the detector, such as windows or
air-conditioning vents, or in areas where steam or vapor can falsely
trigger the detector, such as the bathroom or kitchen.

What type of smoke If your smoke

detector should I install? detectors are 10 years
Electrically-operated smoke detectors old or more, it is time to
There are two types of smoke need no battery replacement. However,
detectors: photoelectric and adequate wiring is needed before they replace them with new
ionizing. The difference of can be installed. To have the best of ones. There is a label on
Few of us realize how easily—and how quickly—fire can destroy our homes detection time between the two is both systems, make sure that electric
current smoke detectors are equipped
each detector with the
small. Ionizing detectors are usually
and take the lives of those we love. By providing an early warning in the less expensive and easier to find, so with a backup, battery-powered source. date of manufacture.
event of a fire, smoke detectors allow you and your family sufficient time to they are more common.
Remember to never install a detector in
put your emergency escape plan in place and reach safety. Whichever detector you choose to an electrical circuit that can be turned
use, make sure it bears the mark of off at a wall switch. Also, if you use a Test your detectors at least once a
an approved testing organization, detector that plugs into the wall, make month by pressing the test button or
How many smoke such as Factory Mutual (FM) or sure it has a restraining device so that by holding a lit candle close to them.
detectors should I have? Many people believe that the smoke will Underwriters Laboratories (UL). the plug cannot accidentally be pulled Make sure you hear a beeping sound.
from the wall.
awaken them when a fire breaks out. In Smoke detectors can use either
For battery-operated detectors,
household electricity or batteries as
For minimum level of protection at home, it is fact, the opposite is true; toxic smoke and their source of power. replace the batteries according to the
recommended to install smoke detectors outside fumes from a fire may actually put people manufacturer’s instructions, or at least
How do I keep my smoke once a year, or when they make a
each bedroom area and one on each level of the
into a deeper sleep, making it impossible Battery-powered
house. detectors working? “chirping” sound.
for them to react and escape to safety. Battery-powered detectors are easier
Most house fire deaths happen in the middle of the to install in existing homes because To make sure that smoke detectors can If your smoke detectors are 10 years
night while people are asleep, between 10 p.m. no special wiring is required. This type provide you with an early warning to old or more, it is time to replace them
and 6 a.m. Many people believe that the smoke will of detector will continue to work help you escape safely, it is important to with new ones. There is a label on
awaken them when a fire breaks out. In fact, the during power failure. However, dead test and clean them frequently. each detector with the date of
opposite is true; toxic smoke and fumes from a fire or missing batteries make many manufacture. If a detector does not
may actually put people into a deeper sleep, battery-operated smoke detectors Clean your smoke detectors regularly have a label, then it is already more
making it impossible for them to react and escape useless. and follow the manufacturer’s than 10 years old. If you are not sure
to safety. cleaning instructions. Dust can trigger how old a detector is, it is best to
a false alarm and impair your detector’s replace it with a new one.
One of the best places to position a smoke sensitivity.
detector is in the middle of the hallway ceiling or Make sure your smoke detectors are
above eye level on the walls outside bedroom areas. working properly; your own and your
Because smoke rises, a ceiling-mounted or family’s lives may depend on it!
wall-mounted smoke detector can provide advance
warning of smoke coming from other parts of the
How do I install smoke detectors?

The Sound
Most smoke detectors are easy to install; just make sure that you
follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper installation.

Install ceiling smoke detectors in the middle of the ceiling, staying

away from the edges and the corners by at least 10 cm. Corners can
create dead air spaces, making smoke detection slower. Place

that Saves
wall-mounted detectors at least 10 cm, but no more that 30 cm, from
the ceiling.

Avoid installing smoke detectors in areas where incoming fresh air can

L i v es
prevent smoke from reaching the detector, such as windows or
air-conditioning vents, or in areas where steam or vapor can falsely
trigger the detector, such as the bathroom or kitchen.

What type of smoke If your smoke

detector should I install? detectors are 10 years
Electrically-operated smoke detectors old or more, it is time to
There are two types of smoke need no battery replacement. However,
detectors: photoelectric and adequate wiring is needed before they replace them with new
ionizing. The difference of can be installed. To have the best of ones. There is a label on
Few of us realize how easily—and how quickly—fire can destroy our homes detection time between the two is both systems, make sure that electric
current smoke detectors are equipped
each detector with the
small. Ionizing detectors are usually
and take the lives of those we love. By providing an early warning in the less expensive and easier to find, so with a backup, battery-powered source. date of manufacture.
event of a fire, smoke detectors allow you and your family sufficient time to they are more common.
Remember to never install a detector in
put your emergency escape plan in place and reach safety. Whichever detector you choose to an electrical circuit that can be turned
use, make sure it bears the mark of off at a wall switch. Also, if you use a Test your detectors at least once a
an approved testing organization, detector that plugs into the wall, make month by pressing the test button or
How many smoke such as Factory Mutual (FM) or sure it has a restraining device so that by holding a lit candle close to them.
detectors should I have? Many people believe that the smoke will Underwriters Laboratories (UL). the plug cannot accidentally be pulled Make sure you hear a beeping sound.
from the wall.
awaken them when a fire breaks out. In Smoke detectors can use either
For battery-operated detectors,
household electricity or batteries as
For minimum level of protection at home, it is fact, the opposite is true; toxic smoke and their source of power. replace the batteries according to the
recommended to install smoke detectors outside fumes from a fire may actually put people manufacturer’s instructions, or at least
How do I keep my smoke once a year, or when they make a
each bedroom area and one on each level of the
into a deeper sleep, making it impossible Battery-powered
house. detectors working? “chirping” sound.
for them to react and escape to safety. Battery-powered detectors are easier
Most house fire deaths happen in the middle of the to install in existing homes because To make sure that smoke detectors can If your smoke detectors are 10 years
night while people are asleep, between 10 p.m. no special wiring is required. This type provide you with an early warning to old or more, it is time to replace them
and 6 a.m. Many people believe that the smoke will of detector will continue to work help you escape safely, it is important to with new ones. There is a label on
awaken them when a fire breaks out. In fact, the during power failure. However, dead test and clean them frequently. each detector with the date of
opposite is true; toxic smoke and fumes from a fire or missing batteries make many manufacture. If a detector does not
may actually put people into a deeper sleep, battery-operated smoke detectors Clean your smoke detectors regularly have a label, then it is already more
making it impossible for them to react and escape useless. and follow the manufacturer’s than 10 years old. If you are not sure
to safety. cleaning instructions. Dust can trigger how old a detector is, it is best to
a false alarm and impair your detector’s replace it with a new one.
One of the best places to position a smoke sensitivity.
detector is in the middle of the hallway ceiling or Make sure your smoke detectors are
above eye level on the walls outside bedroom areas. working properly; your own and your
Because smoke rises, a ceiling-mounted or family’s lives may depend on it!
wall-mounted smoke detector can provide advance
warning of smoke coming from other parts of the
Cooking Up
a Fire
multipurpose (A:B:C) fire extinguisher.
Never, under any circumstances, use
water or flour to douse the flames.
Water causes grease and oil to splatter
whereas flour can catch fire.

All over the world, cooking-related Tareq used a dry blanket instead of Aisha did not have any
fires are responsible for most home making sure that the blanket was wet combustibles near the stove. Always
fires. Unattended cooking is the most before placing it over the flames. The keep cooking areas clean and clear of
frequent cause. The majority of victims dry blanket, a combustible item, caught combustible materials such as
are injured while attempting to fight the on fire causing heavy smoke. potholders, towels, drapes, and food
fire. packaging. Built-up grease can easily
What did Aisha and Tareq do right? become fuel for a fire. Never wear loose
What did Aisha and Tareq do clothing when working around the stove
wrong? Aisha used a deep frying pan. To be or oven. Loose clothing, such as scarves,
even safer and to prevent oil from dangling sleeves, and neckties, can easily
In the incident above, Aisha did not overheating—a frequent cause of come in contact with burners or
realize that combining water (i.e., wet cooking fires—she could have used a electrical heating elements and catch fire.
potatoes) and hot oil—especially lots temperature controlled frying pan or a Keep sleeves buttoned.
of oil—will cause the oil to splash and deep fat fryer.
possibly ignite. She should have avoided Tareq and Aisha left the house.
splashing water into oil by making sure Aisha never left her cooking When Tareq’s and Aisha’s attempts to put
that the potatoes were dry (i.e., wait for unattended. From the time she placed out the fire failed, they got out of the
them to thaw completely and then pat the oil in the pan she remained by the house immediately and called for help.
dry them with a dishrag or paper towel) stove. Never leave food cooking in the If you do not succeed to put out a fire
before placing them in the hot oil. oven or on the stove unattended. With within a few seconds, or the fire rages
When using a deep fryer, submerge the all that goes on in our busy lives, it is out of control, get yourself and your
basket containing the food slowly. easy to forget that you placed a pan on family out of the house immediately. Call
the stove. It happens all the time. You put the fire department from a neighbor’s
Aisha did not have an appropriate something on the stove to cook and then house (inside Saudi Aramco communities

T areq was upstairs in the bedroom resting after work while “fire” and rushed downstairs with a blanket. He folded it and tight-fitting and/or large lid nearby to you get sidetracked. You forget about it the number is 110 and in local
Aisha was preparing dinner. The chicken was in the oven tried using it to cover the pan to cut off the supply of slide over the pan to cut off the supply until a fire starts to smoke and the smoke communities the number is 998). Leave
and she was getting ready to fry some frozen potatoes. She oxygen. As Tareq put the dry blanket over the pan, it caught of oxygen to extinguish the fire. Always detector goes off. If you are still at home, the firefighting to trained professionals.
took out a deep frying pan and poured oil inside of it to fire immediately. Heavy smoke started to cover the whole keep a lid that fits over the pan tightly you may have time to react. But if you
or a baking pan nearby for quick use. have left the house, it may be too late. Cooking fires are a major concern as they
cover almost ¾ of the pan. Although she left the potatoes area. Tareq and Aisha could not breathe. In panic, they
Slide a lid on a grease fire to smother it, You might return to the remnants of what can damage property and injure precious
out to thaw, they were still partially frozen when she placed rushed out of the house and called for emergency services.
then turn off the heat. Baking soda will was once a house. lives. Take the above cooking fire safety
them in the pan with the oil. When the moist potatoes made The entire incident took less than 2 minutes. In about one tips to keep your home and family safe.
also work.
contact with the hot oil, the oil splattered onto the burner minute, security arrived followed by a fire truck. The
Aisha did not attempt to move the
and the stove. At the sight of the hot splashes, Aisha firemen entered the house and extinguished the fire quickly. Tareq and Aisha did not keep a burning pan. If she tried, she would
panicked. The oil ignited and there were flames in the pan. The stove and lower part of the kitchen cabinets were multipurpose (A:B:C) fire extinguisher in have spread the fire to a larger area of the
Aisha cried for Tareq’s help. Tareq heard his wife calling destroyed from the fire while the nearby walls were damaged the kitchen. If you cannot smother the kitchen and possibly burned herself badly.
from smoke. cooking fire, try using a dry chemical or
Cooking Up
a Fire
multipurpose (A:B:C) fire extinguisher.
Never, under any circumstances, use
water or flour to douse the flames.
Water causes grease and oil to splatter
whereas flour can catch fire.

All over the world, cooking-related Tareq used a dry blanket instead of Aisha did not have any
fires are responsible for most home making sure that the blanket was wet combustibles near the stove. Always
fires. Unattended cooking is the most before placing it over the flames. The keep cooking areas clean and clear of
frequent cause. The majority of victims dry blanket, a combustible item, caught combustible materials such as
are injured while attempting to fight the on fire causing heavy smoke. potholders, towels, drapes, and food
fire. packaging. Built-up grease can easily
What did Aisha and Tareq do right? become fuel for a fire. Never wear loose
What did Aisha and Tareq do clothing when working around the stove
wrong? Aisha used a deep frying pan. To be or oven. Loose clothing, such as scarves,
even safer and to prevent oil from dangling sleeves, and neckties, can easily
In the incident above, Aisha did not overheating—a frequent cause of come in contact with burners or
realize that combining water (i.e., wet cooking fires—she could have used a electrical heating elements and catch fire.
potatoes) and hot oil—especially lots temperature controlled frying pan or a Keep sleeves buttoned.
of oil—will cause the oil to splash and deep fat fryer.
possibly ignite. She should have avoided Tareq and Aisha left the house.
splashing water into oil by making sure Aisha never left her cooking When Tareq’s and Aisha’s attempts to put
that the potatoes were dry (i.e., wait for unattended. From the time she placed out the fire failed, they got out of the
them to thaw completely and then pat the oil in the pan she remained by the house immediately and called for help.
dry them with a dishrag or paper towel) stove. Never leave food cooking in the If you do not succeed to put out a fire
before placing them in the hot oil. oven or on the stove unattended. With within a few seconds, or the fire rages
When using a deep fryer, submerge the all that goes on in our busy lives, it is out of control, get yourself and your
basket containing the food slowly. easy to forget that you placed a pan on family out of the house immediately. Call
the stove. It happens all the time. You put the fire department from a neighbor’s
Aisha did not have an appropriate something on the stove to cook and then house (inside Saudi Aramco communities

T areq was upstairs in the bedroom resting after work while “fire” and rushed downstairs with a blanket. He folded it and tight-fitting and/or large lid nearby to you get sidetracked. You forget about it the number is 110 and in local
Aisha was preparing dinner. The chicken was in the oven tried using it to cover the pan to cut off the supply of slide over the pan to cut off the supply until a fire starts to smoke and the smoke communities the number is 998). Leave
and she was getting ready to fry some frozen potatoes. She oxygen. As Tareq put the dry blanket over the pan, it caught of oxygen to extinguish the fire. Always detector goes off. If you are still at home, the firefighting to trained professionals.
took out a deep frying pan and poured oil inside of it to fire immediately. Heavy smoke started to cover the whole keep a lid that fits over the pan tightly you may have time to react. But if you
or a baking pan nearby for quick use. have left the house, it may be too late. Cooking fires are a major concern as they
cover almost ¾ of the pan. Although she left the potatoes area. Tareq and Aisha could not breathe. In panic, they
Slide a lid on a grease fire to smother it, You might return to the remnants of what can damage property and injure precious
out to thaw, they were still partially frozen when she placed rushed out of the house and called for emergency services.
then turn off the heat. Baking soda will was once a house. lives. Take the above cooking fire safety
them in the pan with the oil. When the moist potatoes made The entire incident took less than 2 minutes. In about one tips to keep your home and family safe.
also work.
contact with the hot oil, the oil splattered onto the burner minute, security arrived followed by a fire truck. The
Aisha did not attempt to move the
and the stove. At the sight of the hot splashes, Aisha firemen entered the house and extinguished the fire quickly. Tareq and Aisha did not keep a burning pan. If she tried, she would
panicked. The oil ignited and there were flames in the pan. The stove and lower part of the kitchen cabinets were multipurpose (A:B:C) fire extinguisher in have spread the fire to a larger area of the
Aisha cried for Tareq’s help. Tareq heard his wife calling destroyed from the fire while the nearby walls were damaged the kitchen. If you cannot smother the kitchen and possibly burned herself badly.
from smoke. cooking fire, try using a dry chemical or
Safe firing

Parents should never allow children younger than 14 years old to play with fireworks. Children ages 14 and above should
only be permitted to use fireworks under close adult supervision. Below is a list of safety tips parents should make sure
older children follow when using fireworks:

1 4
Store fireworks
Educate children
about the dangers
2 3 in a dry, cool
place; follow the
of fireworks and Always read and Never relight manufacturer’s

Keeps the Fun in

teach them to follow the label or even handle instructions for
practice safety at directions. fireworks that storage.
all times. do not go off.

Although most experts warn against their use, for many children fireworks are a traditional
Light fireworks
Be sure people are
Light only one
firework at a
Never light
fireworks in a
away from houses, far away before
part of celebrations. Unfortunately, many of these joyful celebrations can turn into painful time. container—especially
dry leaves, grass, lighting fireworks and
memories because of inappropriate use of fireworks. glass or metal.
and combustible never direct fireworks
materials. at people.

Do not wear
loose clothing
According to Dr. Mohammed Al-Harthi, a Cosmetic Who gets hurt? 9 while using
(plastic surgery) Consultant and General Manager
at the Dammam Central Hospital, 90% of cases of More than 40% of those injured are children
Never put any
part of your body
fireworks. 11
younger than 14; the majority of whom are boys. Never
injured children admitted are caused by fireworks. over the firework
experiment or
Dr. Al-Harthi also stated that most of the injuries Active participants in firework-related activities, not when lighting it.
make your own
caused by fireworks occur to the face and hands, bystanders and audiences, are the most frequently
each differing in the level of severity according to and more seriously injured.
the size of the firework. The bigger the firework the
more severe the injury is. Other common Children are often injured by sparklers, a popular
injuries include partial or total loss of sight, firework, considered by many as the ideal “safe” 12
lacerations, and fractures. Two-thirds of firework
injuries involve second and third degree burns,
firework for the young. This type of firework burns
at temperatures as high as 982 ºC, while emitting
Keep a bucket of 13
water nearby for Dispose fireworks
particularly to the hands, arms, and feet. color flames, sparks, effects, and can easily ignite emergencies and properly by soaking
clothing. When a sparkler burns out, kids usually to pour over them in water; then
throw the core on the ground. The core can fireworks that do dispose of them in
continue to burn at temperatures as high not go off. the trash.
as 649 ºC for a long time, and if stepped on
barefoot can cause second degree burns.

Follow all the above tips to be safe and to keep the fun in fireworks!
Safe firing

Parents should never allow children younger than 14 years old to play with fireworks. Children ages 14 and above should
only be permitted to use fireworks under close adult supervision. Below is a list of safety tips parents should make sure
older children follow when using fireworks:

1 4
Store fireworks
Educate children
about the dangers
2 3 in a dry, cool
place; follow the
of fireworks and Always read and Never relight manufacturer’s

Keeps the Fun in

teach them to follow the label or even handle instructions for
practice safety at directions. fireworks that storage.
all times. do not go off.

Although most experts warn against their use, for many children fireworks are a traditional
Light fireworks
Be sure people are
Light only one
firework at a
Never light
fireworks in a
away from houses, far away before
part of celebrations. Unfortunately, many of these joyful celebrations can turn into painful time. container—especially
dry leaves, grass, lighting fireworks and
memories because of inappropriate use of fireworks. glass or metal.
and combustible never direct fireworks
materials. at people.

Do not wear
loose clothing
According to Dr. Mohammed Al-Harthi, a Cosmetic Who gets hurt? 9 while using
(plastic surgery) Consultant and General Manager
at the Dammam Central Hospital, 90% of cases of More than 40% of those injured are children
Never put any
part of your body
fireworks. 11
younger than 14; the majority of whom are boys. Never
injured children admitted are caused by fireworks. over the firework
experiment or
Dr. Al-Harthi also stated that most of the injuries Active participants in firework-related activities, not when lighting it.
make your own
caused by fireworks occur to the face and hands, bystanders and audiences, are the most frequently
each differing in the level of severity according to and more seriously injured.
the size of the firework. The bigger the firework the
more severe the injury is. Other common Children are often injured by sparklers, a popular
injuries include partial or total loss of sight, firework, considered by many as the ideal “safe” 12
lacerations, and fractures. Two-thirds of firework
injuries involve second and third degree burns,
firework for the young. This type of firework burns
at temperatures as high as 982 ºC, while emitting
Keep a bucket of 13
water nearby for Dispose fireworks
particularly to the hands, arms, and feet. color flames, sparks, effects, and can easily ignite emergencies and properly by soaking
clothing. When a sparkler burns out, kids usually to pour over them in water; then
throw the core on the ground. The core can fireworks that do dispose of them in
continue to burn at temperatures as high not go off. the trash.
as 649 ºC for a long time, and if stepped on
barefoot can cause second degree burns.

Follow all the above tips to be safe and to keep the fun in fireworks!
?7 If you cannot escape from your room in a fire, you should
place wet towels at the bottom of the door to
keep the smoke out.
a) True

b) False

If your clothing catches fire, you should stop, drop, and:

a) Get up and run.
b) Lay still.

c) Roll.

Surviving a Fire Most fire victims die from smoke, not the flames:
a) True
b) False

Kids, do you think you can stay safe in a fire? Test your fire safety smarts with this quiz. If you
have difficulties with any of the answers, ask your parents to explain the correct answer to you.

?1 Every house should have smoke detectors:

a) On each floor and outside all sleeping areas
b) On the first floor
A1. (a) Working smoke detectors should be located on each floor, including outside of all separate sleeping areas.

c) Inside the kitchen A2. (c) Remind your parents that smoke detectors should be tested each month by pushing the test button. They should
replace the battery in each smoke detector every year or when the unit makes a chirping sound that lets you know the battery
You should test smoke detectors: is low.
a) Once a year
b) Every six months A3. (c) Be sure to practice your fire escape plan with all your family twice a year. In a fire it’s easy to become confused and

c) Every month panic. A fire escape plan will help you keep calm and focused. When developing your plan, determine with your parents two
ways out of every room. For example, the door may be one way out and the window may be the second.
You should have a family fire escape plan and practice it:
a) Every month A4. (c) People have about two minutes to get outside during a house fire. That doesn’t leave time to gather things to take
b) Once a year with you. If fire isn’t blocking your escape routes and it’s safe, leave the building right away.

c) Every six months
A5. (a) By gathering at a preplanned meeting place, you will know if everyone in your family was able to escape. Good
When escaping during a fire: meeting spots might be a neighbor’s house, a streetlight, or a street corner that’s located a safe distance from your house.
a) Move quickly to leave the building.
b) Do not stop to gather belongings. A6. (a) If a fire has started, you are in danger and must immediately leave the building and not go back for any reason. Never

c) Both answers are correct. use the elevator if there is a fire; the elevator may not work and you could be trapped inside.

It’s a good idea to decide on a meeting place outside A7. (a) Wet towels or fabric placed at the bottom of a door will help prevent smoke from entering the room. If there is a
of the house where all members of your family can phone in the room, call the fire department and let them know you’re in the building. You should also crawl to a window,
meet in the event of a fire. open it, and yell out for help. Waving a sheet or other cloth will help attract attention during the day. At night, wave
a) True a flashlight.

b) False
A8. (c) You need to stop, drop, and roll to smother the fire. Be sure to cover your face with your hands. Running only makes
If you live in an apartment building and there is a fire: the fire worse. Laying still doesn’t help.
a) Use the stairs, not the elevator.
b) Take your house key with you in case you cannot escape A9. (a) Most people who are victims of fire die from exposure to smoke and poisonous gases. Smoke and toxic gases also can
and have to return to your apartment. kill people who are asleep when the fire starts. That’s why it’s important to use smoke detectors for early warning of a fire.
c) Both answers are correct.
?7 If you cannot escape from your room in a fire, you should
place wet towels at the bottom of the door to
keep the smoke out.
a) True

b) False

If your clothing catches fire, you should stop, drop, and:

a) Get up and run.
b) Lay still.

c) Roll.

Surviving a Fire Most fire victims die from smoke, not the flames:
a) True
b) False

Kids, do you think you can stay safe in a fire? Test your fire safety smarts with this quiz. If you
have difficulties with any of the answers, ask your parents to explain the correct answer to you.

?1 Every house should have smoke detectors:

a) On each floor and outside all sleeping areas
b) On the first floor
A1. (a) Working smoke detectors should be located on each floor, including outside of all separate sleeping areas.

c) Inside the kitchen A2. (c) Remind your parents that smoke detectors should be tested each month by pushing the test button. They should
replace the battery in each smoke detector every year or when the unit makes a chirping sound that lets you know the battery
You should test smoke detectors: is low.
a) Once a year
b) Every six months A3. (c) Be sure to practice your fire escape plan with all your family twice a year. In a fire it’s easy to become confused and

c) Every month panic. A fire escape plan will help you keep calm and focused. When developing your plan, determine with your parents two
ways out of every room. For example, the door may be one way out and the window may be the second.
You should have a family fire escape plan and practice it:
a) Every month A4. (c) People have about two minutes to get outside during a house fire. That doesn’t leave time to gather things to take
b) Once a year with you. If fire isn’t blocking your escape routes and it’s safe, leave the building right away.

c) Every six months
A5. (a) By gathering at a preplanned meeting place, you will know if everyone in your family was able to escape. Good
When escaping during a fire: meeting spots might be a neighbor’s house, a streetlight, or a street corner that’s located a safe distance from your house.
a) Move quickly to leave the building.
b) Do not stop to gather belongings. A6. (a) If a fire has started, you are in danger and must immediately leave the building and not go back for any reason. Never

c) Both answers are correct. use the elevator if there is a fire; the elevator may not work and you could be trapped inside.

It’s a good idea to decide on a meeting place outside A7. (a) Wet towels or fabric placed at the bottom of a door will help prevent smoke from entering the room. If there is a
of the house where all members of your family can phone in the room, call the fire department and let them know you’re in the building. You should also crawl to a window,
meet in the event of a fire. open it, and yell out for help. Waving a sheet or other cloth will help attract attention during the day. At night, wave
a) True a flashlight.

b) False
A8. (c) You need to stop, drop, and roll to smother the fire. Be sure to cover your face with your hands. Running only makes
If you live in an apartment building and there is a fire: the fire worse. Laying still doesn’t help.
a) Use the stairs, not the elevator.
b) Take your house key with you in case you cannot escape A9. (a) Most people who are victims of fire die from exposure to smoke and poisonous gases. Smoke and toxic gases also can
and have to return to your apartment. kill people who are asleep when the fire starts. That’s why it’s important to use smoke detectors for early warning of a fire.
c) Both answers are correct.
Don’t get burned

D id you ever reach for the hot stove just as your mom warned
you not to, only to pull away with a burnt finger? If you
ever get burned, you should know the right way to be
Cool burn area with cold water.

Never put grease, butter, or ointment on a burn.

Don’t remove clothing from the burn.

Cover the burn with a clean sheet or towel.

See a doctor.


r t He

Escape Maze

J ust like when you’re practicing your home

fire escape plan with your family, there
are two ways out of this maze. Can you find

Remember these safety tips for your home fire escape plan:

1. Crawl low to avoid smoke and heat.

2. Feel doors with the back of your hand before

opening them.

3. Don’t open doors if they feel hot. Instead, use your

second escape exit.

4. Get out fast.

5. Meet outside and then call for help.

6. Fill in your emergency number here: ..........................

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