Sranske - Letter of Reccomendation

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Frisco Mo Volleyball
RE: Recommendation for Brooke Sranske
To Whom it May Concern,
It is a privilege of mine to write this recommendation for Brooke Sranske. I have been fortunate
to coach Brooke at Motion Volleyball Program on the 16-Silver team during this current 2021-
2022 season.
Not only is Brooke one of the hardest working volleyball players I have ever had the pleasure of
working with, but Brooke is also an immaculate leader for other players. She holds her head high
in the face of adversity, strives to be the best player she can be, and constantly looks for
opportunities to maintain a positive team environment. I have been extremely fortunate to have
Brooke as a Captain on my team. Brooke was voted Captain by an almost unanimous vote by the
other players and has displayed time and again why she has earned the respect of her peers.
Brooke will not hesitate to come to me if she feels there is something that could be improved on
the team both on and off the court. She displays integrity and maturity in our conversations and
seems to always have the best interest of the majority in mind. It is clear to me why Brooke was
a stand-out choice for Captain of our team.
Brooke is also one of the hardest working players I have ever coached. She strives for constant
improvement and does not stop until she sees the result she wants. Brooke is not afraid to ask
questions when she wants to improve and is not afraid to receive feedback from her coaches.
Having a coachable player like Brooke has greatly improved the overall team atmosphere and
shows other players that it is okay to ask questions or receive constructive feedback. Brooke’s
work ethic and “never give up on a ball” attitude is also what our team needs to succeed. Brooke
pushes herself to her limit at every practice, tournament, and competition and never looks for an
“easy” or “light” day. Brooke shows up to work hard and be the best player she can be. I felt
Brooke was a very solid defensive player when I saw her at tryouts. Even since that time, Brooke
has already improved her speed, agility, how she sees the ball, how she reads the other side of
the court, and her overall defensive qualities because she works hard and asks questions.
Overall, Brooke Sranske has been an amazing attribute and Captain to our volleyball team.
Brooke is one of those players who easily makes conversation and gets along with everyone. She
is a young woman of high-quality character and talent and would be a great selection to represent
the Frisco Mo brand.
Maya Grueneberg
Motion Volleyball Program Girls 16 Silver Head Coach

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