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Name: Ahsan Ahmad

Enrollment No. : 17042122051(51)

Semester: BA LLB 9TH

Batch: 2017

Project assigned: Reciprocity of lawyers and judges in administration of justice

Concerned Teacher: Dr. Mir Farhat-ul-Aen


For the administration of Justice, the judicial system is composed of the judges and the

advocates who assist the judiciary in dispensing justice through discharging their duties. The

Bar and the Bench are two elements of the same system, and without them, justice cannot be

efficiently administered in the courts.

Bar – Advocates are registered by the State Bar Council as such after receiving their degree

of L.L.B from a university and receiving a specific amount of training under the supervision

of an advocate as stipulated by the rules. The advocates are collectively referred to as the

‘Bar,’ and an advocate is designated as the representative of the Bar. For the most part, the

term “Bar” refers to an association of attorneys who are licensed to practice in the courts, or a

specific court, of any state.

Bench – The term “bench” refers to all of the judges taken together, as opposed to the term

“Bar,” which refers to all members of the legal profession. The term “bench” also refers to

the key component of the court deemed in its official capacity while the judges are sitting.

The term ‘Bar’ was originally used to refer to the part of the court that dealt with attorneys.

However, the term is now used to refer to the part of the court that deals with judicial

officers, which is known as the Bench.

The Bar and the Bench are considered as the two wheels of a chariot that play a role in

administering the law. Both are subordinate to and interrelated to one another in their

respective roles. In law, the term “Bar-Bench relationship” pertains to the friendly

relationship that advocates have with judges. The Bar (advocates) and the Bench (judges)

both play critical roles in the administration of justice. Maintaining cordial relations between

the Bench and the Bar requires respect and understanding on both sides of the bench and bar.
Role of bar-bench in the administration of justice

The practice of law and the administration of justice is vitally important to each other. There

is no other office in the state that possesses the same level of authority as that of the judge.

Judges carry enormous power, far exceeding that of any other official in the government or

military. The common people’s lives and liberty, individual domestic happiness, property,

and public image are subordinate to the judges’ wisdom, and citizens are held accountable for

their judgments. If judicial power is corrupted, there is no longer any assurance of life, liberty

is forfeited, and there is no longer any guarantee of personal or domestic happiness. A strong

judiciary that is active, unbiased, and competent is the most important thing a state can have.

Judges must carry out their responsibilities due to the importance of judges in the

maintenance of civil and orderly society.

The administration of justice is not limited to the courtroom. It also has significance for the

Bar. The preservation of cordial relations between the Bar and the Bench necessitates respect

and understanding on both sides of the bar. The roles of attorneys and judges are

supplementary to one another. The primary source of judges’ recruitment is the legal

profession. As a result, they are both members of the same community. The Bar and bench

need to sustain cordial relations with one another. However, because of the nature of the

responsibilities that attorneys and judges must fulfill, they may engage in dialogues that are

sometimes amusing, sometimes heated, and sometimes tough.

Bar-bench relations : an overview

 When it comes to democratic institutions, the independent judiciary is a pillar of

stability, and the bar is the cornerstone of that stability. The Bench reflects the
appearance, character, and behavior of the judges as the bench is considered to be a

mother and a bright mirror for the judicial officers.

 Those who practice law are just as much a part of the justice delivery system as the

judges themselves, and it is the closest possible harmony between the Bar and the

Bench that will produce the best results in accomplishing the targets embodied in our

Constitution. The Bar and the Bench are two opposing sides of the same coin, as the

saying goes. The administration of justice cannot be successful unless there is unity

between the Bar and the Bench. Otherwise, the required outcomes to maintain the

grandeur of the institution will not be achieved.

 An advocate’s scandalizing of the court is truly despoiling the very foundations of

justice, and such behavior by an advocate tends to bring dishonor to the entire

administration of justice. The behavior of an advocate towards the court is always one

of uniform reverence, regardless of the status of the court in which the case is being

heard. The advocate’s personal view of the judge must not be shown in his conduct

because he has a responsibility to maintain the respect of the judiciary as a

professional organization. At the same time, it is the responsibility of the judiciary not

only to be courteous to members of the Bar but also to do everything in their power to

progress the high traditions of the profession.

 Contempt of court can be imposed on a lawyer or a judge for their discourteous

behavior or misbehavior. There are two types of contempt of court: civil contempt and

criminal contempt. Consider the following examples: using derogatory language

against an individual judge, harassing him with transfer or removal from office,

casually addressing the judge, questioning his authority to ask questions, or making

disgraceful accusations against an individual judge. It is considered to be contempt of

court. He is responsible for his uncourteous behavior and may be prosecuted for

contempt of court.

 The opinion about the Bar and Bench relationship has been laid down in the case of

P.D. Gupta v. Ram Murthi and others(1997) in which the primary focus was on how

the relationship between the Bar and the Bench affects the administration of justice.

Facts: Shri Kishan Dass passed away, leaving behind a large amount of immovable property.

Several people made claims to the deceased’s property, including one Vidyawati, who

claimed to be the deceased’s sister, one Ram Murti, and two other people who claimed to be

the deceased’s heirs, among other things. Later, the advocate for Vidyawati bought the

aforementioned properties, knowing full well that they were in dispute. In the following

months, the attorney made a profit by selling the property to a third party. A grievance

against the lawyer was filed with the Delhi Bar Council, which resulted in the attorney being


Held: Because the disciplinary committee of the Bar Council of Delhi was unable to resolve

the complaint within a year, the hearings were relocated to the Bar Council of India under

Section 36-B of the Advocates Act, which provides that the complaint must be resolved

within one year. The Bar Council of India’s disciplinary committee put him on trial for

professional misconduct and expelled him from practicing law for one year.

Role of the bar in strengthening the bar-bench relation

 Advocates are court officers, and they are required to aid the court in the

administration of justice on behalf of the court. Advocates gather resources relevant to

the case to aid the court in reaching an (outcome) in the case. An advocate works in

collaboration with the judiciary to ensure that justice is administered properly.

Advocates, like judges, play a significant role in the administration of justice. An

advocate has to practice the following steps to preserve and strengthen the relation

between Bar and Bench:

 They should show reverence to the judges and refrain from disparaging the judges or

the judiciary in any way whatsoever.

 They should assist the judges in the court hearing of the cases by conveying the

relevant law accurately and understandably during the trial. They should never behave

in a way that would displease the judges.

 If the judges make a mistake in their decision, they should not be criticized. They

should attempt to correct the error in the order by filing an appeal.

 They should not exert stress or control on the judges to obtain a favorable order. An

advocate should refrain from seeking to manipulate the verdict of the court through

the use of illegal or inappropriate means.

 If the judge’s conduct is annoying and disrespectful to the advocates, they should

refrain from engaging in violent talks with the judge in question. The issue should be

addressed with the judge in his chambers, and the Bar Association should make a

formal request that such misbehavior not be repeated.

 It is the responsibility of an advocate to make every effort to constrain and avert his or

her client from engaging in unfair practices with the court.

Role of the bench in strengthening the bar-bench relation

 A judge is a public official who hears and decides cases in the court of law, thereby

resolving a legal dispute. Judges wield enormous power, far exceeding that of any

other official in the government or military. A judge has to practice the following

steps to preserve and strengthen the relation between Bar and Bench:
 In the same way that the advocates respect the judges, the judges should respect the

advocates as well.

 It is important for judges to approach the case with an open mind and to do so without

bias or prejudice, as appropriate. They will act in a manner that is beneficial to the

interests of justice. They will give the advocates sufficient time to present their case in

its entirety.

 Judges are expected to act in a fair and unbiased manner. They are not permitted to

act in the interests of any prosecutor or party to the dispute.

 When required, judges should refrain from interfering with the lawyer’s interviews of

witnesses and presentation of the argument. A lawyer’s professional reputation may

be harmed by undue intrusion and disparaging messages from the judges, and he may

be unable to effectively present the case. In most cases, a judge’s intervention is

confined to the following factors: avoiding reiteration and time-wasting, checking for

pertinence, providing clarification, sharing an opinion of the courts on a particular

point, and promoting the expeditious disposition of the case.

 In the course of administering justice, the courts are frequently called upon to

decipher the law’s rules, directives, regulations, codes, bylaws, circulars, notices, and

other documents to determine the true significance of the statutes or to clear up

confusion or incoherence in the legislation. In these instances, a proper explanation

should be provided to provide full justice to the parties involved in the situation.

 Adjournments are granted to allow the parties a reasonable amount of time to present

their arguments. Cases will not be adjourned where possible unless there are

reasonable and appropriate grounds to do so. Excessive postponement of cases, which

causes the parties to suffer financial difficulties is the most common cause of

mounting backlogs in the court system.

 The case of ‘justice deferred is justice denied’ will also be resolved as soon as

possible as well. When older cases are given priority over new cases, new cases

should not fall behind in their disposition.

 Judges should refrain from making unjustified public remarks about a lawyer’s lack of

legal insight in open court. They should not ask any lawyer to leave the trial unless

they have a compelling reason to do so. Likewise, they should not request that any

advocate not appear in his or her court in the future.

 Judges will have a thorough understanding of the law. They should be able to apply

the appropriate legislation to the evidence available and come to the best possible

conclusion on the matter.

 The foremost duty of ensuring and preserving judicial independence relies upon the

judges who preside over the courts.

 A judge’s moral responsibility and honesty should be unquestionable. He should be

treated with respect, both personally and intellectually. There should be something to

commend about the character and the action.

 This entails a lot of hard work and extensive research done on a regular and

comprehensive basis. A judge’s knowledge should be kept up to date with the most

recent advancements and transformations in legislation by continuously reviewing it.

 Briefings of judges and advocates are scheduled at regular intervals to strengthen the

relationship between the Bar and the Bench. During these sessions, the problems of

the opposing sides can be discussed, and the differences can be resolved through



Bench Relation in law refers to the cordial relationship between the Advocates and the

Judges. The Bar (Advocates) and Bench (Judges) play an important role in the administration

of justice. The judges administer the law with the assistance of the lawyers. The lawyers are

the officers of the court. They are expected to assist the court in the administration of justice.

As the officers of the court the lawyers are required to maintain respectful attitude toward the

court bearing in mind that the dignity of the judicial office is essential for the survival of the

society. Mutual respect is necessary for the maintenance of the cordial relations between the

Bench and Bar.

The opinion of our Supreme Court in the context of Bench- Bar Relation has been clearly laid

down in P.D. Gupta v. Ram Murti and Others as follows: "A lawyer owes a duty to be fair

not only to his client but also to the court as well as to the opposite party in the conduct of the

case. Administration of justice is a stream which has to be kept pure and clean. It has to be

kept unpolluted. Administration of justice is not something which concerns the Bench only. It

concerns the Bar as well. The Bar is the principal ground for recruiting judges. Nobody

should be able to raise a finger about the conduct of a lawyer. Actually judges and lawyers

are complementary to each other. The primary duty of the lawyer is to inform the court as to

the law and facts of the case and to aid the court to do justice by arriving at the correct

conclusions. Good and strong advocacy by the counsel is necessary for the good

administration of justice. Consequently, the counsel must have freedom to present his case

fully and properly and should not be interrupted by the judges unless the interruption is


In Mahant Hakumat Rai v. Emperor the Lahore High Court had held that "Without failing in

respect to Bench, it is the duty of the members of the Bar to assert their just rights to be

heard by the tribunal before which they are practising. They should be fearless and

independent in the discharge of their duties, and would be perfectly right in protesting against
irregular procedure on the part of any judge; and if the advocate is improperly checked or

found fault with, he should vindicate the independence of the Bar. He would be perfectly

justified in insisting on getting a proper hearing and he would be perfectly right to object to

any interruption with the course of his argument such as to disturb him in doing his duty to

his client. Plenary powers vested in the Presiding Officer of the Court, apart from the fact that

they have rarely been used against members of the legal profession so far, should only be

used to vindicate the honour of the court or to satisfy the necessities of public justice and not

as a matter of course." It may, however, be noted that the presence of professional etiquette

coupled with recognition by judiciary of the importance of an independent Bar, will work

together to minimise the possibility of confrontation between the Bench and the Bar.

To conclude this part we can say that, a free and fearless Bar is not to be preferred to an

independent judiciary, nor an independent judiciary to a free bar. Neither has a primacy over

the other. Both are indispensable to a free society. The freedom of the Bar presupposes an

independent judiciary through which that freedom may, if necessary, be vindicated.

One of the potent means for assuring judges of their independence is responsible, well-

behaved, cultured and, learned Bar. Finally, reciprocal adjustment of conduct by the Bench

and the Bar is the keystone to the smooth functioning of courts in general interest of the




1. A lawyer, as a member of the legal profession, is a representative of clients, an officer of

the legal system and a public citizen having special responsibility for the quality of justice;
2. As a representative of clients, a lawyer performs various functions. As advisor, a lawyer

provides a client with an informed understanding of the client's legal rights and obligations

and explains their practical implications. As advocate, a lawyer zealously asserts the client's

position under the rules of the adversary system. As negotiator, a lawyer seeks a result

advantageous to the client but consistent with requirements of honest dealings with others. As

an evaluator, a lawyer acts by examining a client's legal affairs and reporting about them to

the client or to others;

3. In addition to these representational functions, a lawyer may serve as a third-party neutral,

a nonrepresentational role helping the parties to resolve a dispute or other matter. Some of

these Rules apply directly to lawyers who are or have served as third-party neutrals - Rules

1.12 and 2.4. In addition, there are Rules that apply to lawyers who are not active in the

practice of law or to practicing lawyers even when they are acting in a nonprofessional

capacity. For example, a lawyer who commits fraud in the conduct of a business is subject to

discipline for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;

4. In all professional functions a lawyer should be competent, prompt and diligent. A lawyer

should maintain communication with a client concerning the representation. A lawyer should

keep in confidence information relating to representation of a client except so far as

disclosure is required or permitted by the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law;

5. A lawyer's conduct should conform to the requirements of the law, both in professional

service to clients and in the lawyer's business and personal affairs. A lawyer should use the

law's procedures only for legitimate purposes and not to harass or intimidate others. A lawyer

should demonstrate respect for the legal system and for those who serve it, including judges,

other lawyers and public officials. While it is a lawyer's duty, when necessary, to challenge

the rectitude of official action, it is also a lawyer's duty to uphold legal process;
6. As a public citizen, a lawyer should seek improvement of the law, access to the legal

system, the administration of justice and the quality of service rendered by the legal

profession. As a member of a learned profession, a lawyer should cultivate knowledge of the

law beyond its use for clients, employ that knowledge in reform of the law and work to

strengthen legal education. In addition, a lawyer should further the public's understanding of

and confidence in the rule of law and the justice system because legal institutions in a

constitutional democracy depend on popular participation and support to maintain their

authority. A lawyer should be mindful of deficiencies in the administration of justice and of

the fact that the poor, and sometimes persons who are not poor, cannot afford adequate legal


Therefore, all lawyers should devote professional time and resources and use civic influence

to ensure equal access to our system of justice for all those who because of economic or

social barriers cannot afford or secure adequate legal counsel. A lawyer should aid the legal

profession in pursuing these objectives and should help the bar regulate itself in the public


7. Many of a lawyer's professional responsibilities are prescribed in the Rules of Professional

Conduct, as well as substantive and procedural law. However, a lawyer is also guided by

personal conscience and the information relating to representation of a client except so far as

disclosure is required or permitted by the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law;

8. A lawyer's conduct should conform to the requirements of the law, both in professional

service to clients and in the lawyer's business and personal affairs. A lawyer should use the

law's procedures only for legitimate purposes and not to harass or intimidate others. A lawyer

should demonstrate respect for the legal system and for those who serve it, including judges,
other lawyers and public officials. While it is a lawyer's duty, when necessary, to challenge

the rectitude of official action, it is also a lawyer's duty to uphold legal process;

9. As a public citizen, a lawyer should seek improvement of the law, access to the legal

system, the administration of justice and the quality of service rendered by the legal

profession. As a member of a learned profession, a lawyer should cultivate knowledge of the

law beyond its use for clients, employ that knowledge in reform of the law and work to

strengthen legal education. In addition, a lawyer should further the public's understanding of

and confidence in the rule of law and the justice system because legal institutions in a

constitutional democracy depend on popular participation and support to maintain their

authority. A lawyer should be mindful of deficiencies in the administration of justice and of

the fact that the poor, and sometimes persons who are not poor, cannot afford adequate legal


Therefore, all lawyers should devote professional time and resources and use civic influence

to ensure equal access to our system of justice for all those who because of economic or

social barriers cannot afford or secure adequate legal counsel. A lawyer should aid the legal

profession in pursuing these objectives and should help the bar regulate itself in the public


10. Many of a lawyer's professional responsibilities are prescribed in the Rules of

Professional Conduct, as well as substantive and procedural law. However, a lawyer is also

guided by personal conscience and the courts; To the extent that lawyers meet the obligations

of their professional calling, the occasion for government regulation is obviated. Self

regulation also helps maintain the legal profession's independence from government

domination. An independent legal profession is an important force in preserving government

under law, for abuse of legal authority is more readily challenged by a profession whose

members are not dependent on government for the right to practice;

11. The legal profession's relative autonomy carries with it special responsibilities of self-

government. The profession has a responsibility to assure that its regulations are conceived in

the public interest and not in furtherance of parochial or self-interested concerns of the bar.

Every lawyer is responsible for observance of the Rules of Professional Conduct. A lawyer

should also aid in securing their observance by other lawyers. Neglect of these

responsibilities compromises the independence of the profession and the public interest

which it serves;

12. Lawyers play a vital role in the preservation of society. The fulfillment of this role

requires an understanding by lawyers of their relationship to our legal system. The Rules of

Professional Conduct, when properly applied, serve to define that relationship.

Reciprocity as partners in administration of justice

The un courteous conduct or misconduct of a lawyer or judge may amount to contempt of

Court, there are two Types of Contempt of Court. for example, using insulting language

against a judge or threatening him with transfer or impeachment or addressing the judge in a

loose manner or questioning his authority to ask questions or making scandalous allegations

against a judge etc. It amounts to contempt of Court. He is liable for his un courteous act and

punishable for such contempt of Court. The punishment for contempt of Court is intended to

protect the public confidence in the system of Administration of Justice.

Bar-Bench Relation in law refers to the cordial relationship between the Advocates and the

Judges. The Bar (Advocates) and Bench (Judges) play an important role in the administration

of justice. The judges administer the law with the assistance of the lawyers. The lawyers are

the officers of the court. They are expected to assist the court in the administration of justice.
As the officers of the court the lawyers are required to maintain respectful attitude toward the

court bearing in mind that the dignity of the judicial office is essential for the survival of the

society. Mutual respect is necessary for the maintenance of the cordial relations between the

Bench and Bar. The opinion of our Supreme Court in the context of Bench Bar Relation has

been clearly laid down in P.D. Gupta v. Ram Murti and Others as follows: "A lawyer owes a

duty to be fair not only to his client but also to the court as well as to the opposite party in the

conduct of the case. Administration of justice is a stream which has to be kept pure and clean.

It has to be kept unpolluted. Administration of justice is not something which concerns the

Bench only. It concerns the Bar as well. The Bar is the principal ground for recruiting judges.

Nobody should be able to raise a finger about the conduct of a lawyer. Actually judges and

lawyers are complementary to each other. The primary duty of the lawyer is to inform the

court as to the law and facts of the case and to aid the court to do justice by arriving at the

correct conclusions. Good and strong advocacy by the counsel is necessary for the good

administration of justice. Consequently, the counsel must have freedom to present his case

fully AIR 1998 SC 283. and properly and should not be interrupted by the judges unless the

interruption is necessary."

In Mahant Hakumat Rai v. Emperor the Lahore High Court had held that "Without failing in

respect to Bench, it is the duty of the members of the Bar to assert their just rights to be heard

by the tribunal before which they are practising. They should be fearless and independent in

the discharge of their duties, and would be perfectly right in protesting against irregular

procedure on the part of any judge; and if the advocate is improperly checked or found fault

with, he should vindicate the independence of the Bar. He would be perfectly justified in

insisting on getting a proper hearing and he would be perfectly right to object to any

interruption with the course of his argument such as to disturb him in doing his duty to his

client. Plenary powers vested in the Presiding Officer of the Court, apart from the fact that
they have rarely been used against members of the legal profession so far, should only be

used to vindicate the honour of the court or to satisfy the necessities of public justice and not

as a matter of course." It may, however, be noted that the presence of professional etiquette

coupled with recognition by judiciary of the importance of an independent Bar, will work

together to minimize the possibility of confrontation between the Bench and the Bar. To

conclude this part we can say that, a free and fearless Bar is not to be preferred to an

independent judiciary, nor an independent judiciary to a free bar. Neither has a primacy over

the other. Both are indispensable to a free society. The freedom of the Bar presupposes an

independent judiciary through which that freedom may, if necessary, be vindicated. One of

the potent means for assuring judges of their independence is responsible, well- behaved,

cultured and, learned Bar.

Finally, reciprocal adjustment of conduct by the Bench and the Bar is the keystone to the

smooth functioning of courts in general interest of the society.

Professional misconduct of lawyers in India.

Advocacy is a noble profession and an advocate is the most accountable, privileged and

erudite person of the society and his act are role model for the society, which are necessary to

be regulated. Professional misconduct is the behaviour outside the bounds of what is

considered acceptable or worthy of its membership by the governing body of a profession.

Professional misconduct refers to disgraceful or dishonourable conduct not befitting an

advocate. Chapter V of the Advocate Act, 1961, deals with the conduct of Advocates. It

describes provisions relating to punishment for professional and other misconducts. Section

35(1) of the Advocate Act, 1961, says, where on receipt of a complaint or otherwise a State

Bar Council has reason to believe that any advocate on its roll has been guilty of professional
or other misconduct, it shall refer the case for disposal to it disciplinary committee. Generally

legal profession is not a trade or business, it’s a gracious, noble, and decontaminated

profession of the society. Members belonging to this profession should not encourage

deceitfulness and corruption, but they have to strive to secure justice to their clients. The

credibility and reputation of the profession depends upon the manner in which the members

of the profession conduct themselves. It’s a symbol of healthy relationship between Bar and


The Advocates Act, 1961 as well Indian Bar Council are silent in providing exact definition

for professional misconduct because of its wide scope, though under Advocates Act, 1961 to

take disciplinary action punishments are prescribed when the credibility and reputation on the

profession comes under a clout on account of acts of omission and commission by any

member of the profession.

Meaning and Definition

Profession is a vocation requiring some significant body of knowledge that is applied with

high degree of consistency in the service of some relevant segment of society, by Hodge and

Johnson. Occupation especially one requiring advanced education and special training by A.

S. Hornby. It is different from other types of jobs, in the sense that it requires skills and these

skills will be improved with experience.

The attributes of a profession as laid down by Dalton E. McFarland are;

1) The existence of a body of specialized knowledge or techniques

2) Formalized method of acquiring training and experience

3) The establishment of representative organization with professionalism as its goal.

4) The formation of ethical codes for the guidance of conduct.

5) The charging of fees based on services but with due regards for the priority of service over

the desire for monetary rewards. A person who carries/undertakes the profession is called a

professional. Depending on the profession a person undertakes, he/she is identified with a

special name relevant to the professional misconduct, according to Oxford dictionary means a

wrongful, improper, or unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated act. It is a behavior not

conforming to prevailing standards or laws, or dishonest or bad management, especially by

persons entrusted or engaged to act on another's behalf. The expression professional

misconduct in the simple sense means improper conduct. In law profession misconduct

means an act done willfully with a wrong intention by the people engaged in the profession.

It means any activity or behaviour of an advocate in violation of professional ethics for his

selfish ends. If an act creates disrespect to his profession and makes him unworthy of being in

the profession, it amounts to professional misconduct. In other word an act which disqualifies

an advocate to continue in legal profession.

To understand the scope and implication of the term ‘misconduct’, the context of the role and

responsibility of an advocate should be kept in mind. Misconduct is a sufficiently wide

expression, and need not necessarily imply the involvement of moral turpitude. ‘Misconduct’

per se has been defined in the Black’s Law Dictionary to be “any transgression of some

established and definite rule of action, a forbidden act, unlawful or improper behavior, willful

in character, a dereliction of duty.” In a different context, the Supreme Court has opined that

the word “misconduct” has no precise meaning, and its scope and ambit has to be construed

with reference to the subject matter and context wherein the term occurs. In the context of

misconduct of an advocate, any conduct that in any way renders an advocate unfit for the

exercise of his profession, or is likely to hamper or embarrass the administration of justice

may be considered to amount to misconduct, for which disciplinary action may be initiated.
Darling J, defined the expression professional misconduct in, In re A Solicitor ex parte the

law society as,

It is shown that the advocate in the pursuit of his profession has done some thing with regard

to it which would be reasonably regarded as disgraceful or dishonourable by his professional

brethren of good repute and competeny, then it is open to say that he is guilty of professional

misconduct. Misconduct is sufficiently comprehensive to include misfeasance as well as

malfeasance and is applied to the professional people, it include unprofessional acts even

though they are not inherently wrongful. The professional misconduct may consist the fact in

any conduct, which tends to bring reproach on the legal profession or to alienate the

favourable opinion which the public should entertain concerning it. In state of Punjab v Ram

Singh the supreme Court held that the term misconduct may involve moral turpitude, it must

be improper or wrong behaviour, unlawful behaviour, willful in character, a forbidden act, a

transgression of established and definite rule of action or code of conduct, but not mere error

of judgement, carelessness or negligence in performance of duty.

The Supreme Court has, in some of its decisions, elucidated on the concept of ‘misconduct’,

and its application. In Sambhu Ram Yadav v. Hanuman Das Khatry, a complaint was filed by

the appellant against an advocate to the Bar Council of Rajasthan, that while appearing in a

suit as a counsel, he wrote aletter stating that the concerned judge, before whom the suit is

pending accepts bribes, and asked for Rs. 10,000 to bribe and influence the judge to obtain a

favourable order. The Disciplinary Committee, holding that the advocate was guilty if

“misconduct”, stated that such an act made the advocate “totally unfit to be a lawyer.” The

Supreme Court, upholding the finding of the Rajasthan Bar Council held that the legal

profession is not a trade or business. Members belonging to the profession have a particular

duty to uphold the integrity of the profession and to discourage corruption in order to ensure

that justice is secured in a legal manner. The act of the advocate was misconduct of the
highest degree as it not only obstructed the administration of justice, but eroded the

reputation of the profession in the opinion of the public.

In another case, Noratanman Courasia v. M. R. Murali the Supreme Court explored the

amplitude and extent of the words “professional misconduct” in Section 35 of the Advocates

Act. The facts of the case involved an advocate (appearing as a litigant in the capacity of the

respondent, and not an advocate in a rent control proceeding) assaulted and kicked the

complainant and asked him to refrain from proceeding with the case. The main issue in this

case was whether the act of the advocate amounted to misconduct, the action against which

could be initiated in the Bar Council, even though he was not acting in the capacity of an

advocate. It was upheld by the Supreme Court that a lawyer is obliged to observe the norms

of behavior expected of him, which make him worthy of the confidence of the community in

him as an officer of the Court. Therefore, inspite of the fact that he was not acting in his

capacity as an advocate, his behavior was unfit for an advocate, and the Bar Council was

justified in proceeding with the disciplinary proceedings against him. It may be noted that in

arriving at the decision in the case, the Supreme Court carried out an over-view of the

jurisprudence of the courts in the area of misconduct of advocates. It reiterated that the term

“misconduct” is incapable of a precise definition. Broadly speaking, it envisages any instance

of breach of discipline. It means improper behavior, intentional wrongdoing or deliberate

violation of a rule of standard of behavior. The term may also include wrongful intention,

which is not a mere error of judgment. Therefore, “misconduct”, though incapable of a

precise definition, acquires its connotation from the context, the delinquency in its

performance and its effect on the discipline and the nature of duty.

In N.G. Dastane v. Shrikant S. Shind, where the advocate of one of the parties was asking for

continuous adjournments to the immense inconvenience of the opposite party, it was held by
the Supreme Court that seeking adjournments for postponing the examination of witnesses

who were present without making other arrangements for examining such witnesses is a

dereliction of the duty that an advocate owed to the Court, amounting to misconduct.

Ultimately, as it has been upheld and reiterated that “misconduct” would cover any activity or

conduct which his professional brethren of good repute and competency would reasonably

regard as disgraceful or dishonourable. It may be noted that the scope of “misconduct” is not

restricted by technical interpretations of rules of conduct. This was proven conclusively in the

case of Bar Council of Maharashtra v. M.V. Dahbolkar. The facts under consideration

involved advocates positioning themselves at the entrance to the Magistrate’s courts and

rushing towards potential litigants, often leading to an ugly scrimmage to snatch briefs and

undercutting of fees. The Disciplinary Committee of the state Bar Council found such

behavior to amount to professional misconduct, but on appeal to the Bar Council of India, it

was the Bar Council of India absolved them of all charges of professional misconduct on the

ground that the conduct did not contravene Rule 36 of the Standards of Professional Conduct

and Etiquette as the rule required solicitation of work from a particular person with respect to

a particular case, and this case did not meet all the necessary criteria, and such method of

solicitation could not amount to misconduct. This approach of the Bar council of India was

heavily reprimanded by the Supreme Court. It was held that restrictive interpretation of the

relevant rule by splitting up the text does not imply that the conduct of the advocates was

warranted or justified. The standard of conduct of advocates flows from the broad cannons of

ethics and high tome of behavior. It was held that “professional ethics cannot be contained in

a Bar Council rule nor in traditional cant in the books but in new canons of conscience which

will command the member of the calling of justice to obey rules or morality and utility.”

Misconduct of advocates should thus be understood in a context-specific, dynamic sense,

which captures the role of the advocate in the society at large.

Provisions in Advocates Act 1961

The Advocates Act 1961 is a comprehensive legislation that regulates the legal practice and

legal education in India. It envisages for the establishment of Bar Council of India and State

Bar Councils with various disciplinary committees to deal with misconduct of the advocates.

It also provides for the provisions relating to the admission and enrolment of advocates and

advocates right to practice. Chapter V containing sections 35 to 44 deals with the conduct of

the advocates. It provides for punishment for advocates for professional and other misconduct

and disciplinary powers of the Bar council of India. In order to attract the application of

section 35 of the advocates act the misconduct need not be professional misconduct alone.

The expression used in the section is Professional or other misconduct. So even conduct

unconnected with the profession may account to a misconduct as for example, conviction for

a crime, though the crime was not commited in the professional capacity. At the same time it

is to be noted that a mere conviction is not sufficient to find an advocate guilty of

misconduct, the court must look in to the nature of the act on which the conviction is based to

decide whether the advocate is or is not an unfit person to be removed from or to be allowed

to remain in the profession. Misconduct is of infinite variety, the expression professional or

other misconduct must be understood in their plain and natural meaning and there is no

justification in restricting their natural meaning. The term misconduct usually implies an act

done willfully with a wrong intention and as applied to professional people it includes

unprofessional acts even though such acts are not inherently wrongful.

The Code of Conduct Prescribed For Advocate

Section 49 of the Advocates Act 1961 empowers the Bar Council of India to frame rules

regulating standards of professional conduct. Accordingly various duties are prescribed for

the advocates some of them are highlighted below.

No advertising or soliciting work, it is against an advocate’s code of ethics to solicit or

advertise work and amounts to a misconduct on the part of the advocate. Both direct and

indirect advertising is prohibited. An advocate may not advertise his services through

circulars, advertisements, touts, personal communication or interviews not warranted by

personal relations. Similarly, the following forms of indirect advertising are prohibited:

(i) By issuing circulars or election manifestos by a lawyer with his name, profession

and address printed On the manifestos, thereby appealing to the members of the

profession practicing in the lower courts who Are in a position to recommend

clients to counsel practicing in the HC.

(ii) Canvassing for votes by touring in the province or sending out his clerk or agents

to the various Districts, which must necessarily mean directly approaching

advocates practicing in subordinate courts. Further, the signboard or nameplate

displayed by an advocate should be of reasonable size. It should not Refer to

details of an affiliated by the advocate i.e. that he is or has been president or

member of a bar Council or of any association, or he has been a Judge or an

Advocate-General, or that he specializes in a Particular kind of work, or that he is

or was associated with any person or organization or with any Particular cause or


Not to demand fees for training; An advocate is restrained from demanding any fees for

imparting Training to enable any person to qualify for enrolment.

Not use name/services for unauthorized practice; An advocate may not allow his

professional services or His name to be associated with, or be used for any unauthorized

practice of law by any lay agency.

Not to enter appearance without consent of the advocate already engaged: an advocate is

prohibited from Entering appearance in a case where there is already another advocate

engaged for a party except with the Consent of such advocate. However if such consent is

not produced, the advocate must state the reasons For not producing it, and may appear

subsequently, only with the permission of the court.

Duty to opposite party:- While conducting a case, a lawyer has a duty to be fair not only to

his client but Also to the court, and to the opposite party. An advocate for a party must

communicate or negotiate with The other parties regarding the subject matter of controversy,

only through the opposite party’s advocate. If an advocate has made any legitimate promises

to the opposite party, he should fulfill the same, even if The promise was not reduced to

writing or enforceable under the rules of the court.

Duties of an advocate towards his client: The relationship between a lawyer and a client is

highly Fiduciary and it is the duty of an advocate fearlessly to uphold the interests of the

client by fair and Honourable means without regard to any unpleasant consequences to

himself or any other person.

The above are only few important code of conduct to be observed by an advocate practicing

in India. According to Justice Abbot Parry, there are seven important qualities that a lawyer

should possess, he call These qualities as seven lamps of advocacy, they are; Honesty,

Courage, Industry, Wit, eloquence, Judgement, and Fellowship. Apart from that the

panchsheel of the bar are Honesty, Industry, Justice, Service and Philisophy and Panchsheel
of the bench according to Sri ram Kishore Rande are, Impartiality, Independence, Integrity

and Industry, Judicial activism and Prayer. Among the various duties of the Advocates like,

duties to client, court, public, colleagues and self, selected points can be picked up and

Arranged according to the due and relative importance and are called as ten commandments

of advocates.

They are;

a) Duties to client

1) Protection of the interest of the client

2) Proper estimation of the value of legal advices and services

b) Duties to court

3) Honesty and respect

4) Preparation of the case

c) Duties to Public

5) Service

6) Loyalty to law and justice

d) Duties to colleagues

7) Fellowship

8) Fairness

e) Duties to self

9) Systematic study

10) Prudence and deligence

The rules laid down by the Bar Council of India forms the code of conduct for advocates and

in broad sense any violation of such rules or code of conduct can be termed as professional

misconduct. The scope of the term has been still widened by the Supreme Court in various
decisions. Instances of Misconduct Legal Practitioners act 1879 has not defined the word

Misconduct. The word Unprofessional conduct is used in the act. Even the Advocates Act

1961 has not defined the term misconduct because of the wide scope and application of the

term. Hence to understand the instances of misconduct we have to rely on decided cases.

Some of the instances of Professional misconduct are as follows,

1) Dereliction of duty

2) Professional negligence

3) Misappropriation

4) Changing sides

5) Contempt of court and improper behaviour before a magistrate

6) Furnishing false information

7) Giving improper advice

8) Misleading the clients in court

9) Non speaking the truth

10) Disowning allegiance to court

11) Moving application without informing that a similar application has been rejected

by another authority

12) Suggesting to bribe the court officials

13) Forcing the prosecution witness not to tell the truth.


An independent and fearless Bar is not preferred over an independent Bench, similarly, an

independent Bench is also not preferred over an independent and fearless Bar, neither of

them is superior over the other, both are essential for a free society. The freedom given to the
Bar requires an independent judiciary, through which if necessary the freedom that is given

to the Bar, be vindicated. A well-behaved, responsible, cultured, and a leaned Bar is one of

the potent means for assuring judges their independence. Finally, the keystone for the

smooth functioning of the courts in the general interest of the society is the reciprocal

adjustment of conduct by the Bar and the Bench.

Judicial Scrutiny

Colonial Courts have not yet fully developed into a representative democracy. Thereby

demonstrating a lack of maturity in both parties’ roles as equally accountable authorities

charged with administering justice. What is required now is an amicable and mutually

respected Bar and Bench with lofty aims for the public good and the protection of aggrieved

people’, citizens’ and others’ constitutional and basic rights. They should not lose sight of

their own integrity or the dignity of the tiniest guy possible while they work together. Our

Country’s Father desired to be an advocate. Judges in India regarded him with reverence and

penalised him for alleged disrespect.

Suggestions on the reciprocity of lawyers and judges in administration of justice

In the administration of justice, the Bar and the Bench play a vital role in being the two most

important organs; they share a common duty in ensuring that justice is administered properly

and effectively. Given the fact that both are national assets of our nation, they must therefore
coordinate and work cooperatively with one another, as well as stay cautious together, in

order to safeguard judicial independence. 

A reputed and unbiased judiciary, as well as a powerful bar, are required to maintain the

system of democracy and independence under the rule of law in the country. Furthermore, the

lawyers must have the impression that they were given a fair court hearing and that their

issues would be addressed by an unbiased and credible attorney, among other things.

It is critical for the productive discharge of the court’s duties that the high level of optimism,

prestige, and dignity that they have admired throughout their careers be sustained and not

weakened in any manner. Whether it is judges or lawyers, they bear the main duty of

administering and maintaining the public’s trust in the courts.


Primary Sources


Bahraiz Irani & Malcolm katrak “ Battle of the bar and bench”

Justice Mirza Hameedullah Beg “Role of bench and bar”

Secondary Sources:

List of Books:
Bench bar relations by J. P. Sirohi

Professional ethics and bench bar relations central law agency 5th edition

List of websites


P.D. Gupta V. Rammurthi (AIR 1998 SC 283)

Mahant hukumat Rai vs Emperor

Noratanman Courasia v. M. R. Murali

N.G. Dastane v. Shrikant S. Shind

Sumbhu Ram Yadav v. Hanuman Das Khatry,

Bar Council of Maharashtra v. M.V. Dahbolkar.

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