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2006243335 - CIFS latency issue

Perform the following steps when the issue occurs, in order to isolate the client(s) that are performing
the large delete operations that lead to the issue being observed:

If cifs latency is seen high then run stats show cifs latency command. Below is command with sample

cscamppdcnas01*> stats show -i 1 cifs:cifs:cifs_latency cifs:cifs:cifs_read_ops cifs:cifs:cifs_write_ops

Instance cifs_latency cifs_read_op cifs_write_o cifs_ops
ms /s /s /s
cifs 262.69 287 33 1500
cifs 230.80 268 154 1210
cifs 213.70 273 137 1265
cifs 255.34 309 143 966
cifs 150.19 306 139 1222
cifs 274.86 279 135 917
cifs 346.10 275 149 735
cifs 242.59 275 132 776
cifs 245.17 377 39 764
cifs 130.81 469 130 1704
cifs 278.03 320 124 902
cifs 230.85 282 88 915
cifs 130.69 275 119 956
cifs 144.43 285 140 711
cifs 259.62 264 147 813
cifs 260.88 281 116 818

Note: Get into vfiler context if the issue is on the vfiler using command vfiler context <vfiler_name>

1. Clear CIFS STAT

> cifs stat -z

2. Get the CIFS SESSIONS output to check if '#files' for a particular session are excessively larger than
> cifs sessions -c

3. Get the CIFS STAT output to review Current Pending DeleteOnClose Requests, to determine if it is
greater than or equal to the hard-set limit shown in the value associated with Max Pending
DeleteOnClose Requests on the same line, which is when the issue occurs:
> cifs stat

CIFS sessions output will provide a list of all open sessions and the number of files that are open: (DOMAIN\username - pcuser)
2 126702 <<<< 126702 open files

To fix this:
1. Clear all the CIFS locks and break the locks so that the pending deletes gets processed.
To Check for the locks :
> lock status -p cifs

To break the locks:[ The below command will break all the CIFS locks currently held]
> lock break -p cifs

Identification: [Which client is sending lots of delete]

a. Check for the client top talkers.Make sure the option below is enabled.
> options cifs.per_client_stats.enable

b. To view the CIFS per client statistics run the command below:
> cifs top

Once identified check with your host team on the Clients that are on top of the list. Check if there is any
application or some script that is continuously sending delete requests.

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