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Fatima Rehan

Prof. Jeanette Regan



Your Experience of Writing

“Write for the love of writing is what will guide you to dream. There is nothing better than writing
that opens the doorways of imagination for you; it is this imagination that encourages you to
experiment. And what is life without experimentation? It is each risk you take that leads you to
learning, which is the beauty of life that it teaches you something at each step.”

This is probably the most elaborate theory of writing that I have heard to date. This will most
certainly confuse you for a while as you read it, but trust me each and every word here speaks of an
undeniable and inevitable truth. I still remember the day my first grade English teacher had spoken
these words as she welcomed us into her class. That day this concept seemed so far and distant,
each aspect of this statement seemed so mystifying but today as I think of it again I can see a crystal
clear representation of it in my own life.

Ever felt the need to sink into the very place you are seated when your teacher asks you to pen
down anything that you classify as a piece of writing work, irrespective of the fact that how brief or
lengthy it may be? Well if not all but most of us have been through that stage at least in some point
of our lives. Is it the length of time that this task will require what causes us to feel so uneasy, when
we are asked to write literally anything ranging from the monotonous topics that are probably the
teachers’ most favourites, to the ones far away from their usual choice? Or is this discomfort a result
of finding ourselves not ‘good enough’ to write something? Even though many would agree with the
first statement but chances are deep down, almost everyone would be thinking of the other too.
Well who said you are a professional and who said writing was the job of professionals merely.
Writing is not only to be penned down in order to impress a crowd. Of course that could be one of
the preferred outcomes but is it our key goal? Most certainly not! Writing is a form of expression. It
is one of the means that people choose to put down their thought processes or opinions in a
comprehensive way. Then why is it so that we focus on the aspect of perfection alone? Why is it so
that we are not satisfied with the fact that we have decided to put down something into words that
may not be the best but it may be our best work to date? The answer lies in the statement that we
are all afraid to take risks. We are afraid to write something that may not turn out to be as we wish.
We tend to ignore the fact that each piece of our work is like an experiment that could either give
the result we desire or not, but consequently will always cause us to learn something what we
actually lack in our lives. I’m not even saying the next time you write it will be as perfect as you
expected after your last correction, but it will definitely be better.

By taking up the risk to write you experiment, each time you do so you learn something new but one
more thing that improves all along is your power to imagine. I’m not going to limit the sphere of this
imagination as to how to write because I believe that each time you write you move on to a step
closer to thinking about something you may have never thought of before. And if you do so believe
me you are urged to ponder upon many new things. I remember the first time I ever wrote
something I guess it was just as simple as writing a little bit about me and my family, just what would
be expected from a tyro. But today if I sit down and recall all the possible topics that I have written
about in all these years, I will even be unable to enlist them all. Imagine the increment to this span of
imagination that writing has caused for me. From a kid who found it even tough to explain herself,
not only fluently writes about world, social and political issues, but is also now narrating before you
an account about her journey as a writer. Writing has made me realize about a number of things but
most notably about how we should always progress and if it hadn’t taught me to so, I would have
probably never dreamt of moving 7000 plus miles away from my home just to progress further in my
educational pursuits.

If I summarize everything at this point and you go back to reading the quote I began with. Writing
has taught me a lot that is all a result of this experimentation to write something. This
experimentation is what has enlarged my scope of imagination, causing me to dream of a successful
life based on all that I have learnt through writing on a variety of topics. If the day I first began to
write I had dropped down my pen and backed out, I would never be here. There is nothing better
than writing that increases your confidence in yourself and encourages you to make an effort to
reach the top. The world can chain you but not your thoughts and writing is the catalyst to the
process of production of these thoughts. The more you write, the more you think, the more you
choose to closely ponder, the more you learn and the further you go in order to attain success.

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