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Kibatang National High School

Community Profile

Kibatang is located in the North-eastern part of the Municipality of Don Carlos, Bukidnon. It is
situated within the bounds of the municipality of Quezon in the East, Barangay San Antonio in the
South, Municipality of Maramag in the North and Barangay Minsalagan in the West.
It is six (6) kilometers away from Poblacion, Don Carlos, Bukidnon with a total land area of
604,800 hectares.
Generally, it is hilly and rolling with flat surface in the barangay proper. In the Eastern part,
the abundant supply of lime stones can be found and creeks are present in the northwestern


Kibatang National High School is 3.6 kilometers away from the Poblacion of Don Carlos.
The school has a total land area of one hectare and situated at the heart of the barangay. The
school was established in 1974 out of the effort of the former Barangay Captain Emeterio Roa
Sr. and his council together with the late Kag. Nocanor Bongcas. They started with the first year
high school with 90 students ans with 3 teachers, Mrs. Judy Moreno and Generosa Decipulo
and headed by Mr. Dag-um. The school bacame nationally funded in the year 1986 through the
effort of Mr. Pedro Deocades, who was then the principal of Kibatang Elementary School. The
Kibatang Barangay High School acquired a one hectare piece of land which was donated by
Congressman Jose Ma. Rubin Zubiri that mase the school Kibatang National High School where
Php. 3.7 SEDP building was constructed. Presently, the school is headed by Emmanuel T. Yap
with 25 teachers and one ADAS.

It is presently implementing K to 12 Basic Education Program and offers Academic Track

with HUMMS strand in the Senior High School. It almost have complete academic classroom
and facilities that served the students towards the access of quality education.

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