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Name : Yunita Mardela

NIM : G2A020072

Class : 4B_S1 Nursing Science

Dosen : Ibu Testiana

Make an example of conversation first meet with friend in nursing faculty

and introduce a friend to other friend

(In the afternoon at the campus Gazebo)

Yunita : Hi, good afternoon

Fia : Hello, afternoon

Yunita : How are you ?

Fia : I’m fine. How about you ?

Yunita : I’m good. Introduce me, I’m Yunita. Your name’s Fia isn’t it?

Fia : Hai yunita, yes i am. How can do you know?

Yunita : Your name is on your shirt

Fia : Haha, your’e right. Yunita what do you study on nursing faculty too?

Yunita : Yes, I am studying here too, do you study here ?

Fia : Yes, I do.

Yunita : Wow, we can be a friend forward, what do you think?

Fia : Yes, i think we can. Where are you from yunita?

Yunita : Can you guess?

Fia : Okay, I think you are from central java, isn’t it?
Yunita : Why do you know?

Fia : Because the way you talk is like Central Javanese

Yunita : You are right. You are not from Central Java, are you?

Fia : Yes, I am too. Yunita can i get your number? I will send a message to
you later

Yunita : Of course, borrow your pen, i don”t bring (write the number of phone )

Fia : Thank you, sorry yunita i must go home now, because there is something
that must i do. I will call you later, don’t worry

Yunita : Okay, never mind. We can meet again tomorrow. I will wait your
messages. Take care of you

Fia : You too, nice to meet you. Bye yunita

Yunita : Nice to meet you too, bye Fia.

(In the Morning at the Canteen of campus, 2021)

Yunita : Hello, good morning Nofi

Nofi : Hai, good morning yunita, how are you ?

Yunita : I’m good, how about you ?

Nofi : I’m fine too. How do you do now?

Yunita : I’m still studying at Muhammadiyah University, Semarang.

Nofi : We are same, i have not gradueted yet.

Yunita : You are right. Ah yaa, nofi she is Fia my friend . Fia she is my friend too,
her name is Nofi

(Nofi and Fia Shake Hands)

Nofi : Hai Fia, what are you studying at Muhammadiyah University, Semarang
like Yunita ?

Fia : Yes, i’m studying at Muhammadiyah University, Semaranng too. And

you ? where do you study?

Nofi : Same like you, but different class with you ?

Fia : Ah really? What is your class?

Nofi : I am in C Class. By the way, since when are you guys friends, i never see
you are together?

Fia : Since we entered campus, one year ago maybe ?

Nofi : Oh Okey, are you majoring in S1 Nursing too ?

Fia : Yes, I am. How about you ?

Nofi : me too, why did you choose S1 Nursing ?

Fia : Because, since i was child. I liked everything about health. And i liked
when I saw a doctor or nurse at hospital. So, i thought how can i was be like
them. And now, i think will be the part of them.

Nofi : Wow, are you so excited with nursing?

Fia : Yes, I am

Yunita : Guys, it’s enough okay, now it’s time for me and fia go to class. We can
talk again later after class.

Nofi : Okay, i will enter my class too. Nice to meet you Fia

Fia : Nice to meet you too Nofi, see you

Nofi : See you guys

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