Pob Questions-Exam 2022 #3

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(c) State THREE benefits of using CAD in a business.

(d) Explain TWO ways in which businesses can demonstrate the ethical use of ICT in the conduct of their

(e) Explain TWO ways in which insurance could be used to lower the risks in operating a business


(a) (i) Define the term standard of living

(ii) Identify TWO factors that can be used to determine a country’s standard of living
(b) Distinguish between economic growth & economic development, giving TWO examples EACH.

(g) Describe THREE measures a government can take to improve the standard of living of its citizens

Question 3

(a) Define the term Human resource

(b) Discuss THREE factors which impact negatively on the productivity of workers

(c) Identify FOUR items which an Executive Summary should contain.

Question 4
(a) Distinguish between an Offer & Invitation to treat
(b) List FOUR features/ characteristics of a valid contract
(c) Define the term “Counter offer”, giving an example
Question 5

Question 6

(a) Define the term GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

(b) State THREE problems a business may face as a result of expansion of its operations
(c) Define the following: business ethics & entrepreneurship
(d) Discuss TWO challenges an Entrepreneur can face when starting his business

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