Lesson Plan Metals and Non-Metals Class 8

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Teacher's Name: Ms. Sunita Mishra Class: VIII Sub-Science

Chapter: 4 No. of Periods: 6-7 Date:

Topic- Metals & Non-Metals
Platform- Classroom

Duration: 40 minutes
Previous Knowledge – Students will be asked to answer the following Questions:
 What is matter?
 What are atoms?
 What are the sub-atomic particles of atoms and their charges?
General Objectives:
1. Remembering : Knowledge based
2. Understanding: Comprehension
3. Application: Interpretation
4. High order thinking skills: Analysis and Synthesis
5. Evaluation and Multi-Disciplinary
6. Justifying the value of decision or outcome
Specific Objectives: To help the students learn and understand
• Difference between Metals and Non Metals according to their physical and chemical
• Use of Metal and Non Metals according to their properties
• Reactivity Series
• Reaction between metals and nonmetals and formation of Ionic Compounds
• Extraction of Metals from ores
• Corrosion and its prevention
• Alloys and its Uses
Attitude /Behaviorism / Mindset: The students will understand how useful metals and
nonmetals are. Metals and Nonmetals are an important part of our lives. We can't survive
without nonmetals like oxygen, and also without the existence of metals.

PPT, YouTube Video, Chalk board digital aid, pictures, charts.

Methodology (General Throughout The Topic)

• Demonstration method • Practical Method • Real life examples • Picture display
• Break up of terminology words • Pupil centered method • Study of periodic table and
making charts.
Teacher’s Activity

Day 1: Metals and its Physical properties.

Topic Explanation Activities
Physical properties of Methodology Introductory Activity:
metals. Real life examples, breaking up of
methodological words, study of Take some metal sample (like
periodic table. aluminum foil, copper wire, bicycle
bell) and Non-metal sample (like pencil
Content Comparative study of lead, coal etc.)This activity shows the
Physical properties of Metals and physical properties of metals and non-
Nonmetals Comparative study of metals like malleability, ductility,
Physical properties of Metals and sonorous, conductivity and brittleness.
Physical properties of metals: Outcome/ Understanding
Solid at room temperature except
mercury, Gallium Malleable: They Students with observe different metals
can be hammered into very thin and non-metals in their surrounding and
sheets called foils. Gold and silver relate with the physical properties and
are most malleable. Ductile: They understand the terms like
can be drawn into wires Sonorous: sonorous,malleable,ductile
produce sound when stuck
Lustrous: Natural shine freshly cut
Melting Point: Have high melting
point. Cesium and gallium have
very low melting point.
Conductivity: Generally good
conductor of heat and electricity,
except lead and mercury which are
comparatively poor conductors.
Silver and copper are best
conductors. Density: Have high
density. Sodium and potassium can
be cut with knife, they have low
density. Physical properties of non-
metals: Occur as solid or gas.
Bromine is liquid. Generally bad
conductors of heat and electricity.
Graphite a natural form of carbon
is a good conductor. Non-
sonorous. Non-lustrous, only
iodine has luster. Carbon is a non-
metal that can exist in different
forms. Each form is called an
allotrope. Diamond, an allotrope of
carbon, is the hardest natural
substance known and has a very
high melting and boiling point.
Graphite, another allotrope of
carbon, is a conductor of
Day 2: Metals and its Chemical properties.

Topic Explanation with Demonstration Activity

Chemical .
properties Introduction to the concept Teacher will ask the students that why we do not keep the
of metals. of reaction of metals with sodium in water & phosphorus in air? Teacher will explain
water that we will not keep sodium in water because it reacts
vigorously with water whereas phosphor which is nonmetal
kept in water, as it is highly reactive with air.
Reaction with water by Teacher will perform the act.to demonstrate the reaction of
demonstration of activity` metals with water .After act. Teacher will ask to touch the
beaker ask question- is the beaker hot? The beaker becomes
hot because lot of heat is generated in the reaction, so we
store the sodium in kerosene.
Testing with red &blue litmus Now the teacher will test the solution with red &blue litmus
paper paper and ask –Is the solution acidic or basic? The sol. Is
basic because it turns the red litmus paper blue.
Reaction of nonmetal with Teacher will explain that nonmetals do not react with water
water but they may be very reactive in air. For example phosphors
is a very reactive nonmetal .It catches fire if exposed to
air ,so it is stored in water

Day 3  Elements can be broadly

divided into metals and
non-metals. All Metals and
Introduction to the concept of Non-Metals can be
reaction of metals. distinguished based on
their physical and chemical
 Metals are generally hard,
lustrous, malleable, ductile,
sonorous and good
conductors of heat and
electricity. Example: Iron,
Copper, Aluminum.
 In contrast non-metals are
soft and dull in appearance.
They are not malleable,
ductile or sonorous and are
poor conductors of heat
and electricity. Example:
Sulphur, Coal.
Day 4 Topic: Continued
 Learn about metals, non-
metals and their uses. Also
 learn about Metallurgy -
the process of extracting
metal from its ore

Students will understand
In general, more active metals about how and which metals
displace less active metals reacts vigorously with
from their solutions. In this water ,dilute acids at room
case, Zinc is more reactive temperature.
than Cu, so it replaces copper
(Cu) from copper sulphate
The rule is that ‘a more
reactive metal can replace a
less reactive metal, but a less
reactive one cannot replace a
reactive metal’.
Thus, metals are arranged in
the order of their decreasing
activity. This arrangement is
called the activity series.

Day 5: Corrosion and its Prevention of Metals

Methodology Activity method, Corrosion and its Prevention Outcomes/ Learning

group Corrosion: –
discussion. Metals are attacked by In cases where corrosion can
substances in surroundings like occur, the student shall be able
moisture and acids. – Silver - it to determine the probable
reacts with sulphur in air to form corrosion type, estimate the
silver sulphide and articles corrosion rate and propose the
become black. – Copper - reacts most reasonable protection
with moist carbon dioxide in air method with regard to safety,
and gains a green coat of copper price and environmental
carbonate. – Iron-acquires a considerations.
coating of a brown flaky
substance called rust.

– Iron-acquires a coating of a
brown flaky substance called
rust. Both air and moisture are
necessary for rusting of iron.
4Fe + 3O2 + 2xH2O

Sometimes rusting is
advantageous as it prevents the
metal underneath from further
damage. e.g. On exposure to air,
the surface of aluminum is
coated with a thin layer of
aluminum oxide Prevention of
corrosion: – Rusting of iron is
prevented by painting, oiling,
greasing, galvanizing, chrome
plating, anodizing and making
alloys. – In galvanization, iron
or steel is coated with a layer of
zinc because zinc is preferably
oxidized than iron.
Day 6 Topic: Alloys
Introductory Activity Group
discussion Methodology Real Alloys: These are mixture of Students will learn about These
life examples, Picture display, metals with metals or non- metals are mixed in a fixed
IWB displaying the A-Z chart, metals –Adding small amount of proportion by mass in molten
Breakup of terminology words, carbon makes iron hard and states. Alloying is a method
Pupil centered method Teaching strong. –Stainless steel is used to improve the properties
Aids required smart board, chalk obtained by mixing iron with of metals. The various
board Content Alloy and nickel and chromium. It is hard properties that can be achieved
Revision of terminology and and doesn’t rust. –Mercury is by using this method are bronze,
reactions Alloys, Revision of added to other metals to make brass, nichrome, pewter, steel,
terminology and reactions amalgam. –Brass: alloy of duralumin, solder and amalgam.
Alloys: copper and zinc. –Bronze: alloy
of copper and tin. –Solder: alloy
of lead and tin has low melting
point and is used for welding
electrical wires –Melting point
and electrical conductivity is
lower than that of pure metal.

Concept Based Questions 1) Gold is a very precious metal. Pure gold is very soft it is therefore not suitable
for making jewelery. It is alloyed with either Silver or Copper to make it hard. But sometimes jewelers mix a
large quantity of copper and Silver in gold to earn more profit.

a) What precautions should you take while purchasing gold jewellery?

b) Why does Government insist on purchasing Hall Marked jewellery?

2) Corrosion is a serious problem. Every year an enormous amount of money is spend to replace damaged
iron. What steps can be taken to prevent this damage?

3) Mercury is the only metal found in the liquid state. It is largely used in thermometers to measure the
temperature. But mercury is a very dangerous metal as its density is very high. What two precautions you
would take while handling the equipments containing Mercury?
Activities To Be Conducted:
• Show the reactivity of different metal with acid.
• Perform an activity to show necessary conditions for rusting of iron.
• Make a circuit using metal or non-metal to show their conductivity.
• Perform an experiment to show metal oxides are basic in nature.

Students will be assessed on the basis of
 Classroom activity
 MCQs and very short answer questions
 Class test


LEARNING OUTCOME – Students will be able to explain

 What happens when metal/non-metals react with acids/bases.

 They can name metals and non-metals found in our day to day life.
Students are familiar with the terms lustrous, malleability, sonorous, ductility and can classify
materials based on these properties.


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