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PROF(Dr.)A.K.Singh Dr. Trivida Raghuvanshi
Omleela Homoeo Clinic & Research Center
J11/79, Near Hanuman Mandir, Nati Imali, Varanasi -221002
Mob- 9415685741, 7905968262, 8319372216


1. Children - PLAY, general - desire to play - dirty trick on others or
their teachers, schoolboys p. a - lach. zinc.
2. MIND - MALICIOUS - dirty tricks on others or on their teachers;
desire to play – schoolboys - lach. zinc.
3. MIND - MALICIOUS - dirty tricks on others or on their teachers;
desire to play – lach. phos. zinc.
4. MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - mental exertion; for -
child cannot be taught - Bar-c.
5. MIND – IMPULSE, morbid – sffocate,to- teacher, a – lac-h.
6. MIND –REVERENCE for those around him – teacher, toward his
– lac-h
7. MIND - ANXIETY - studying, while - sel.
8. MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult – studying - acon. aesc.
AETH. agar. agath-a. Agn. aids. alco. allox. alum. ambr. Androc. ang.
apis asar. aur-m-n. bamb-a. Bar-c. bar-m. bell. brass-n-o. calc-f. calc-
sil. carb-ac. carbn-s. carc. cassia-s. caust. cham. chlol. choc. Cimic.
cloth. coff. conch. conin. corn. Dros. fago. falco-pe. ferr-i. ferr-p. Gels.
germ-met. ham. HELL. hydrog. hyos. iod. kali-bi. kali-c. Kali-p. kali-sil.
ketogl-ac. Kola lach. limen-b-c. lyc. merc. mur-ac. narcot. nat-ar. Nat-
c. nat-p. neon nicot. nicotam. NUX-V. olnd. op. ox-ac. pic-ac. pitu-gl.
plut-n. puls. rham-cal. ribo. sal-fr. scut. sin-a. spig. Staph. sul-i. sulph.
sumb. syph. tab. tanac. Ter. tung-met. zinc-p.
9. MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult - rubbing the forehead when
trying to concentrate; is - hell.
10. MIND - DELIRIUM - fatigue, overexertion, study; from - lach.
11. MIND - DELUSIONS - dull - study; head were dull from too much
- nat-n.
12. MIND - DELUSIONS - study; after - hyos. nux-v.
13. MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - mental exertion; for -
acon. aloe asar. bar-c. Con. cycl. Gels. graph. ign. laur. lyc. naja NAT-
C. NAT-M. Ph-ac. Pic-ac. psil. sel. sep. Sil. sol-ni. spig. spong. staph.
ther. thuj.
14. MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - mental exertion; for -
child cannot be taught - Bar-c.
15. MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - mental exertion; for -
fatigue, from - calc. colch. gels. nat-c. nat-m. nux-v. ph-ac. plat. puls.
sep. sil.
16. MIND - REFLECTING - inability to reflect - studying, from - Nat-c.
17. MIND - RESTLESSNESS - study, when attempting to - fago. ind.
18. MIND – STUDYING - ars-i. mag-p.
19. MIND - STUDYING – difficult - aesc. Agar. agn. aids. allox. Anac.
Ars. Bar-c. calc. calc-p. carb-v. carc. caste. caust. cloth. con. falco-pe.
flor-p. mag-p. mim-p. nat-m. okou. olnd. ph-ac. Phos. podo. positr. rib-
20. MIND - THOUGHTS - wandering - studying, while - bamb-a. choc.
ham. phys.
21. HEAD - PAIN - cramping - study and exertion, after ague; from -
22. HEAD - PAIN - pressing - Forehead - Eminence, frontal -
studying agg. - cham.
23. HEAD - ROLLING in - lead ball rolled about, as if - study, after -
24. HEAD - UNSTEADY feeling - study agg.; after - cupr-ar.
25. EXTREMITIES - WEAKNESS - Leg - studying; from - pic-ac.
26. SLEEP - DOZING - sitting - reading or studying - coca
27. SLEEP - FALLING ASLEEP - afternoon – studying - gels.
28. SLEEP - SLEEPINESS - afternoon – studying - gels. ulm-c.
29. DREAMS – BEATEN, being, teacher, by – oci-sa.
30. DREAMS – DEATH- teacher, of her – bung-fa.
31. DREAMS – fight – karate with his teacher – ozone.
32. DREAMS – PERFORMANCE – teacher, of – oberved by
adoiescent , inadequate is – limen-b-c.
33. DREAMS – REPRIMANDED – Teacher by - lac-h.
34. DREAMS – Teacher, sarcastic, being – nicc-met.
35. DREAMS – Teacher, of a – helo-s. neon.
36. DREAMS – Teacher, yelling at me, old teacher – chir-fl.
37. DREAMS – adoiescents- teaching French and piano to - lac- leo.
38. DREAMS – adoiescents- teaching - lac- leo.
39. DREAMS – younger cousin teaching – lac-h.
40. DREAMS – teaching homoeopathy – carbn-dox.

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