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Air. Water. UX.

Yes, it’s that basic & essential.

Learn the essentials of UX.
Build a culture of user-centric thinking by providing
essential foundational and advanced knowledge to all of
your stakeholders, from executives to developers, with
this pre-packaged UX knowledge.
Essentials of Usability
An Overview of Usability Principles

Instructor led on-site training

What is it?
The Essentials of Usability is a series of six instructor led modules that will help
establish foundational knowledge about usability.

Giving everyone in your organization a heightened awareness of usability improves

collaboration and enables the creation of better designs. A shared understanding of
usability helps align your business, user, and technical goals, which maximizes the
value delivered to the end user.

Who is it for?
Essentials of Usability is like a Usability 101 course for people who work with and
support the User Experience (UX) team, including designers, developers, marketers,
analysts, strategists and innovators. It will give them a better understanding of their
UX team’s goals and methods.
3 reasons
why your company should have this course

Create a company-wide
Understand the Take the first step
appreciation and
1 understanding of 2 process and methods 3 towards a process
behind UCD driven design approach
User-Centered Design

Course content
Introduction to User-Centered Design Detailed Design
• Defining user-centered design • Presentation
• Measuring return on investment • Content
• The user-centered design process • Interaction

User-Centered Analysis User Validation

• Developing a design strategy • Usability testing
• User profiles and personas • Type of usability tests
• Task and scenario analysis • Usability testing checklist
• Setting usability criteria
Beyond Usability
Structural Design • Digital strategy
• Information architecture • User experience Institutionalization
• Navigation design
• Layout
Essentials of UX
An Overview of Advanced User Experience (UX) Design:
Strategy, Innovation, Persuasion, Internationalization
and a Mature Institutionalized Practice

Instructor led on-site training

What is it?
Today basic usability is no longer enough. Serious user-experience (UX) design
operations must go beyond the basic requirements of making things easy, obvious, error
resistant, and satisfying (these topics are covered in our course, “The Essentials of

Serious UX operations look at the big picture. We need to motivate customers to

convert, we need to ensure cross channel compatibility, we need to innovate (NOT just
be innovative, but do serious innovation projects based on ecosystem models), and we
need the UX team to operate in a mature, process-oriented fashion. That means that we
don’t do UX work relying on the knowledge and skills of a few individuals. We have a UX
team that works based on process, systems, and standards.

This course supports the governance of UX work by educating managers and the UX
team’s co-workers about the value and process required for serious UX work. To move
toward a culture of user-centricity, everyone must appreciate that a good user
experience happens from a coordinated and mature practice that is integrated with the
organization’s culture and design programs.

3 reasons
why your company should have this course

Create a company-wide
Appreciate the Establish a shared
appreciation and
1 understanding of User 2 process and methods 3 language for User
behind UX work Experience Design
Experience Strategy,
Innovation, Persuasion, and
International Design, plus the
Institutionalization of UX
Who is it for?
Essentials of UX is for people who work with and support the UX team, including
designers, developers, marketers, strategy and innovation experts, product
managers, and executives.

These courses are NOT designed to teach UX professionals how to do UX work in a

detailed manner. HFI has advanced and in-depth training for that task. You can get
more information by visiting HFI's Certified Usability Analyst and Certified User
Experience Analyst pages for more information.

What do the Essentials packages cost?

The cost is $4,500 per Essentials course, plus travel.

Course content
A Ubiquitous and Persuasive World Persuasion
• Strategy and Innovation • Analysis of Drives and Blocks
• Persuasion as a Differentiator • Persuasion Engineering Tools
• Global Challenges • Design for Fun
• A Mature UX Practice
Global Design
UX Strategy • Think Globally, Lose Locally
• Executive Intent • Dimensions of Cultural Difference
• Persuasion Strategy • Adapting Methods
• Cross-Channel Integration
Mature UX Practice
Innovation • A Managed, Process Driven Practice
• Ecosystem Context • Organization and Culture
• Opportunity Points • Infrastructure Certified Maturity
• Selection of Ideas
Our other courses
Certified Usability Analyst (CUA)

This 4-course, 10-day program teaches research-based principles of designing

interfaces from the perspective of the end user. Learn how to perform data
gathering, task analysis, and usability testing. Pinpoint the usability problems and
offer design solutions. The usability analyst brings the critical success factor to
bear throughout the development life cycle.

Certified User Experience Analyst (CXA)

HFI's advanced CXA certification track trains user experience specialists in

persuasion engineering, strategy, and innovation. CXA-certified practitioners help
organizations design for desired outcomes.

About Human Factors International

Human Factors International (HFI) is the world’s leading
strategic advisor and provider of user experience design
services to private and public sectors.

For more details, contact

Taruna Thapliyal, Business Director

Tel: 641-209-6847 | Cell: 909-641-2103
Visit our website:

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