Nhs HW

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Elements of representation The Big Issue 'NHS edition'

Selection and combination of issues, events, What and who we see on the front cover, and how combining
different events and issues etc constructs meaning
social groups and individuals
* Issues: problems of NHS workers struggling with the impacts
of Covid with lots of pressure put onto them
*Events: Redesign of magazine
*Social groups: The NHS workers
*Individuals: Adam Kay

Choices about representation The use of the colour blue as It is the main 'NHS' signature
colour. Use of a cartoon as it is a metaphorical way of saying
showing that the workers of the NHS are being crushed by the
amounts of work and pressure put on them.
The Big Issue

Positive and negative use of stereotypes The workers shown in the cartoon are more part of a main
group of people as they are all presumably middle- working
class people as they are all NHS workers. You could say it is
more inclusive with the range of races animated in the photo,
but does not give a very diverse range of minority groups.

Social groups who are under/mis represented There is evidence of different races being portrayed as NHS
workers from all different backgrounds- however- only seen
male workers no female. Although- references in the cover line
Jack Monroes problem with her autism and ADHD and a
representation of the Cold War's last surviving spy.
Elements of representation

Impact of industry contexts on choices The representation of the NHS struggling and being
crushed is a clever representation chosen by the editors as
producers make the NHS is something that effects all people from all
backgrounds- no matter your class or your background,
and therefore is a national issue- not just a minority issue.

How the media, through representation,

construct versions of reality
Elements of representation The Big Issue NHS

How representations make claims about The use of the name Adam Kay- enforces that this problem is a
real-life problem that people face instead of a clickbait media
realism choice of other magazines. However, the fact that this is an
animated picture means that it is a bit of an unrealistic
approach as it is also showing a bit of exaggeration to release a
sense of panic into the readers, as this image is made up as it is
not something that can happen in real life.

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