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Hacker’s Methodology:

1. Footprinting: This is a method that conducts a target analysis, identification and

discovery typically through the use of open-source tools. This include dumpster
diving, social engineering and the use of utility such as website hacking,
treasurers, pings, network lookups etc.
2. Scanning: This step extracts information from footprinting and explores more
data from it. This step includes pore scanning, operating system identification
and determining whether or not a machine is accessible.
3. Enumeration: This is a phase where the hacker further interrogates a specific
server to determine an operating system’s software. It includes searching for
network shared information, the specific version of the application running, user
account, traffic and more.
4. Network Mapping: This step is exactly as the name implies. Laying out an
illustration of the target network includes taking all the resources, logs, target
surveys, etc. to create a visualization of the target environment, this often looks
different from the exploitative perspective.
5. Gaining Access: This step is the exploitation process. This is about gaining access
to a machine or network by the client’s side, insider threat, supply interdiction or
remote exploitation opportunity. Hackers use spearphishing, device exploitation
and many more methods to conduct the exploitation.

1. Rootkits
A rootkit is software that allows cybercriminals to gain access to your computer, and
you may not even know it. Hackers gain remote access by either stealing your
passwords or infecting your system through phishing attacks. The original purpose of
rootkits was to detect and rectify software flaws. However, hackers use this software or
application for stealing important data by gaining unauthorized access to an operating
system. Rootkits work at the operating system level and can access most of your
computer’s functions and take complete control

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