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Essential Work Habit Chart - Ardagh Bluffs P.

Essential Skill Demonstration at Co-op Placement

Literacy - Reading lessons/books to the class

- Assigning and outlining expectations from a rubric
- Reading the responses of students in their notebooks for a variety of subjects (french,
english, history etc.)
- Preparing slideshow presentations and scripts when teaching a variety of subjects in
front of the class
- Providing feedback and marks on student work
- Using slideshows, charts, examples and forms to enhance the quality of the students'
learning in various subjects (math, history, etc.)
- Using documents in school to provide teachers with organized, proper and appropriate
- Having personal folders with certifications, forms and other notable documents to
increase the probability of being employed.
- Teaching lessons in front of a class in both French and English
- Circulating the classroom and answering questions, comments and concerns that the
students may have
- Building relationships with students, teammates, peers and other persons of influence in
my life

Numeracy and use of - Developing lessons and finding content/appropriate material to deliver to the class.
technology - Inputting marks and feedback into google classroom and a student mark spreadsheet
- Taking attendance and ensuring that the present students are marked as such
- Engaging in fun and practical experiential learning with students (ie Kahoots, gimkit etc.)
- The use of money math in the financial literacy unit in mathematics (purchasing fictional
items, taxes, expenses, etc.)
- Scheduling daily lessons through the use of google slides. An example is attached here:
- Helping teach the measurement unit in the grade 8 curriculum. This includes, but is not
limited to: perimeter, area, volume, capacity and distance
- Recording and analyzing student marks in a formulated spreadsheet
- Accurately portraying student marks on important student documents, such as a repost
- Estimating the quantity of handouts for individual or group activities to ensure student

Thinking and Inquiry - Providing students with appropriate responses to their questions, comments and
- Deciding when to start, finish and continue activities
- Thinking students actions through and evaluating situations when conflicts arise
- Deciding when the class has fully understood a concept, and when the next topic should
be started
- Working through scheduling conflicts and prioritizing important activities in both my
personal and professional life (wrestling tournaments, lesson planning, appointments,
- Finding strategies and using important resources in order to be as successful as I can
- Using websites, books and prior lessons in order to create new interactive lessons for

Individual work habits - Always showing up on time, ready to learn and trying to be as successful as I possibly
can be in both my personal and professional lives.
- Continually adapting to the environment around me, I am able to adjust and excel
quickly. This has proven to be true at work, school, in sport and at my co-op placement.
- Revising my own work when necessary, and accepting and implementing feedback on
assignments and techniques in order to improve for future endeavors.
- Getting on task quickly, and working away, free from any distractions around me (often
in class when I am around other individuals)

Group work habits - I am a member of several sports teams, in which I demonstrate positive group work
habits. I am respectful, responsible, able to take criticism, dedicated, and always pull my
- I work well with co-workers at my job and my co-op placement by being punctual,
organized and always communicating my ideas or what I’m doing
- I take initiative in a group setting, and am always the first person to put my ideas
- I listen to clients when at work, and make sure that their order is taken as accurately as

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