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Delhi Institute of Technology, Management and Research

Important Question for Exam

Q1. Write the dimension formulae of the following physical Quantities.

Work, Power, Energy, Momentum, Pressure, Surface Tension, Force etc.
Q2. Write the principle of Homogeneity and check the correctness of the following Equation.
(a). F=mv2/r
Where m is the mass of an object and v is the velocity, r is the radius of the
circular path.
(b) P= hgd
(c) T=2 π √ (L/g)
(d) S = ut+1/2 at2
Q3. Convert one newton into dynes and one joule into args.
Q4. Derive dimensionally an expression for centripetal force and the time period of the
simple pendulum.
Q4. Write the name of two physical quantities which have same unit and dimensional formula.
Q5. Define physical Quantity and write the Limitation of dimensional Analysis.
Q6. Explain systems of unit in detail.
Q7. Differentiate the scalar and vector quantities or mass and weight. State and proof the
Parallelogram law of forces.
Q8. Explain Newton’s law of motion.
Q9. Derive relation between linear velocity and Angular velocity and linear acceleration and
Angular acceleration or torque and Angular momentum.
Q10. Define the following quantities
(a) Centripetal force
(b) Centrifugal force
(c) Frequency
(d) Timeperiod
(e) Work& types of work, Power and Energy
(f) Torque and Angular Momentum
(g) Conservation law of Angular Momentum
(h) Modulus of Elasticity and types of Modulus of Elasticity
(i) Hooke’s Law
(j) Types of Fluid Motion
(k) Application of Surface tension
(l) Temp.effect on viscosity and Surface tension
(m) Difference between Heat and temp.
(n) Thermal conductivity and its SI unit
Q11. Derive banking of roads.
Q12. Define kinetic Energy and potential Energy. Derive the expression for kinetic and potential
Q12. State and proof conservation law of Energy.
Q13. Explain friction and types of friction.
Q14. Define radius of gyration. Derive an expression for radius of gyration.
Q15. Explain Stress and strain and its types in detail.
Q16. Derive an expression for pressure at a point inside liquid column.
Q17. Explain modes of transfer of heat.
Q18. Derive Relation between different scales of temp. With neat diagram.
Q19. Find the temp. Which is common to Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales?
Q20. Write the SI unit of Force, Work, Power, Energy, Pressure, Torque and Surface Tension.

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