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Assignment no 1

Name: Vaibhav Bharat Sontakke PRN: 1942207

Class: L.Y B. Tech Computer Engineering

Subject: CC Lab

Que. 1) Comparative Analysis among Cloud technologies like AWS, Microsoft Azure,
GCP and IBM or digital ocean cloud or any other cloud providers.

 Amazon Web Services:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon and mainly focuses on providing
infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). The technology behind
AWS provides users with a virtual cluster of computers that can be accessed from anywhere
at any time.

When visiting the Amazon Web Services website, you’ll definitely notice that there are two
sections: products and solutions. Although you might be confused at first, there is a
significant difference between the two types of services.

AWS Products is a list of different services provided by Amazon. They are divided into
several domains, including Compute, Storage, Database, Networking & Content Delivery,
Developer Tools, Management Tools, etc. Each domain includes multiple products. For
example, among Databases you will find RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, Redshift, ElastiCache,
and AWS Database Migration Service. These are all designed to solve different problems, so
finding the best match for your particular need won’t be an issue.
AWS Solutions are more complex. These are actually sets of products gathered under a single
classification to best fit certain types of projects. Big Data, Internet of Things, Scientific
Computing, E-Commerce and other types of applications can use these ready-customized
bundles created with the needs of a certain type of app in mind. Industry sectors like
Government, Gaming, Healthcare, and Science could also benefit from product bundles.

DigitalOcean vs. AWS:

DigitalOcean (DO) is a cloud service platform primarily competing with Amazon’s EC2.
Currently, they also have an analog to Load Balancer, S3, and a few other services.
What is DigitalOcean used for? First of all, it is a powerful tool for startups for several

 Developer friendly
Its simple interface allows developers to quickly set up Linux instances (also
called droplets). Due to this friendly interface, it takes around two minutes to set
up an DO instance.

 Affordable price
The plans start at $5 per month or $0.007 per hour (compare it with the price of
Amazon’s cheapest on demand instances, which is $0.0104 per hour). This is a
good starting point for beginner businesses and startups.
 Better performance
DigitalOcean has a network speed of 1Gbps.
 Setup guides
Developers will benefit from comprehensive guides. Even when dealing with DO
for the first time, setup won’t be an issue.

However, there are several point where AWS clearly beats DigitalOcean:

 Windows OS compatibility
DigitalOcean supports Linux-based servers only. If you work with Windows, go
for Amazon EC2, or consider another service (Azure, Slicify, etc.).

 Server management
Being an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), DigitalOcean requires the user to
manage the service on their own. AWS, on the contrary, is a Platform as a
Service (PaaS), where everything is managed by the provider except for the
application and data. As a result, managing a DigitalOcean server may require
more effort and some prior experience.

 AWS is more of a corporate solution as it offers other services that can be installed in
bundle. DigitalOcean attracts clients with lower price and user-friendliness - even a
beginner developer can set up an instance.
 Choosing between DigitalOcean or AWS may be hard. Both have their advantages.
Generally speaking, DO may fit a startup better than EC2. But the final choice
depends on many factors that can be determined in a personal consultation with a
 We can offer you such a consultation for free - just send us a message describing your
business case.

Heroku vs. AWS:

Heroku is another service typically compared with EC2. This is a Platform as a Service
(PaaS) solution, making developers’ jobs easier. There’s no need to set up and maintain
instances, everything is available to the user right away.

Heroku is somewhat similar to another AWS tool called Elastic Beanstalk, which also offers
a ready platform, but enables infrastructure configuration, if needed.

What is Heroku used for?

This is a typical choice for startups and small businesses when time-to-market and minimal
budget are critical. Heroku allows you to save time and money while sacrificing flexibility.

When is Heroku not recommended?

This service isn’t an option for performance-heavy applications. When hosting a large app on
Heroku, you will experience slow deployment. AWS is a better option for complex software.

In the battle of Elastic Beanstalk vs. Heroku, the win goes to the Amazon product.
Google Cloud vs. AWS:

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) enables everyone to use the same infrastructure Google uses
for its most popular products (Gmail, Youtube, Google Drive). Providing a wide audience
with access to this service, the company is trying to compete with AWS. Similarly, Google
Cloud consists of a variety of services, such as Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine,
Google Storage, Google Cloud CDN, Google Cloud DNS, and many more.
What is Google Cloud Platform used for?

Let’s take a look at where it can currently beat Amazon:

 Lower cost
When you compare similar offers from the two service providers, Google Cloud
Platform is about 25% cheaper than its rival.

 Massive free trial

AWS offers a 1-year free trial. Google doesn’t have a time limit, allowing you to
use 0.2 CPU/0.6GB RAM with 30GB disk storage and 5GB cloud storage free
forever, which is enough for a simple product. In addition, you will receive a
$300 trial credit that you can spend on any GCP service.

 Better UX
We all know that Amazon Web Services isn’t the most user-friendly provider.
Google Cloud Platform managed to outperform AWS by offering a better

But there are still points where Amazon Web Services performs better:

 AWS has more to offer

GCP offers around 50 services, Amazon has 200+. This means that AWS users
have a better selection of services, and are able to adjust the platform to their
needs. For example, both providers have a cloud solution for MySQL,
PostgreSQL, and SQL Server to offer, but Amazon also has Aurora, MariaDB,
and Oracle. So, if you are looking for an SQL cloud solution, you’ll be able to
find a better fit with AWS.

Even though Google Cloud Platform isn’t as popular as Amazon Web Services, it will
continue to develop and grow.

Azure vs. AWS:

Microsoft’s Azure promotes itself as a cheaper alternative to Amazon Web Services. Indeed,
both companies follow a similar approach - offering a variety of cloud-based services under
one hood.
What is Microsoft Azure used for?

Currently, it is hard for Azure to compete with AWS: the market share is 22% against 47%.
However, their general offer is more attractive:

 When moving to Azure, you can keep your existing Windows Server and SQL
server licenses, which makes the migration less painful.
 Three years of security updates are offered for free for Windows Server or SQL
Server 2008 and 2008 R2.

 12 months of free usage, with 25+ services free to use forever.

 Some services, such as SQL Database Managed Instance are 85% cheaper when
compared to AWS.

With comparable service quality and lower costs, Azure hopes to win a part of the AWS

Digitalocean vs AWS vs Google Cloud vs Heroku vs Azure:

Now you know a lot about Amazon Web Services and its main competitors. Let’s sum up

AWS is the one and only leader. If you are seeking quality, reliability, professional support
and community help, and if you are not ready to compromise for the sake of a few hundreds
dollars - Amazon Web Services is exactly what you need.

DigitalOcean is powerful but works for Linux apps only. It is easy and quick to set up,
reducing the development time and costs. This is a good choice for startups.

Heroku is a low-cost solution usually chosen by startups and small businesses. When starting,
the choice between Heroku and AWS is obvious, but as your app scales, you’ll have to
migrate to a more powerful service provider.

Google Cloud a handful of various services. It is a proven provider since it offers the same
infrastructure that Google uses for its projects. It’s cheaper than AWS, but also offers less -
some services available on AWS can’t be found on GCP yet.

Azure has done its best to chase Amazon, offering comparable services for a lower price. Just
like AWS and GCP, Azure is a good choice for big projects, since it enables you to
completely configure the infrastructure according to the needs of the specific software.

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