Mafia Don & The Shoe Shine Boys Part II

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Mafia Don & The Shoe Shine Boys:

2022 through 2016, this book expresses my personal

feelings about current American politics and what
I feel are likely scenarios of social and political events in
store for America. Even while out of office, ex-President
Donald Trump, on the verge of inciting a race war, is still
instigating civil violence and unrest in modern American
society. History tends to repeat itself and with past
monarchs such as Adolf Hitler, history shows us that wicked
men can and will take over nations whose corrupt elements
back a demagogue that incites violence against immigrants
and minorities. The demagogue does this in order to achieve a
temporarily greater grip upon the dominant race of a nation
and an apparent edge over control of the government and the
nation. The demagogue then imparts a barbaric response to
any opposing points of view and then subjects his nation to
becoming defeated equally and oppositely to the level of
barbarism that he or she has inflicted upon others.

~ Gary R Boyd, Pemapomay

Stupidest question of the 21st century:

Is Trump a racist*? (video)

Let me put it this way:

Donald Trump is the kind of racist who

intended to grant Derek Chauvin* a pardon
for the brutal murder of George Floyd.
*! Any questions?
The Trump June rally* was originally Brutal chokehold*
set for Tulsa, Oklahoma* on the
Juneteenth commemoration* of the
freeing of the slaves on June 19th of 1865* and of the




! Trump is a disgruntled sore loser who is so utterly humiliated by his
disgraceful defeat in the 2020 election that he rabble roused his supporters by having them fight
to support The Big Lie* that the 2020 US election was fraudulent and that it was stolen from him.
Rather than oppose the golden calf: Trump the antichrist, the sacred cow and his doctrine of hatred
& Russian disinformation, most GOP lawmakers, incredulously, would rather allow The Big Lie*
about widespread voter fraud to prevail. Some of these Russian-Nazi GOP lawmakers even
stoop so low in their act of negligence, that they are being complicit with these pro-Russian
insurrectionists by allowing and, even encouraging, the brutal massacre of their Congressional
colleagues by an angry mob at the US Capitol Building*.
*! President at the time, Trump
incited those who attended his rally to march to the Capitol “to fight”. By Julia Jacobo Jan. 7, 2021.
Woman died after getting shot in U.S. Capitol* 1/06/21.
The Five people who died at the Capitol Hill insurrection*! 1/08/21
After the *1/12/21, the DC
National Guard almost arrived too late and the rioting mob, while chanting “Hang Mike Pence”, had nearly
become the savages exactly like Donald Trump trumped them up to becoming, complete with demands,
the taking of hostages, executions, hangings or, in today’s kind of terrorism, even beheadings of many
members of the US government. Are GOP senators really so blinded by their ultra-partisanship that they
cannot see that the tardy arrival of the DC National Guard was because of the impediment and obstruction
of the insidious Trump’s own doing? Unless if GOP radicals orchestrated the entire riot and were its actual
ringleaders, what makes Republicans think that an insane mob, checker boarded with opportunists and
mercenaries, would leave them exempt from getting executed? That includes Johnson, Cruz & McCarthy
or other right wing radicals in the government, officials like the insane Marjorie Taylor Green! These useful
dumbos are only A MEANS TO AN END & for a MAGA mob speckled with undercover Russian agents,
THE END IS RUSSIAN RULE OVER THE US! Rather than “take down names and kick ass” as Mo Brooks said
for them to do, the “Sweet Russian Revenge” against a deadweight faction of greedy Americans that stole
California from Russia in 1840 and dealt inequitably with Russia for Alaska in 1867 when Russia sold it to
the US, would be to “kill ‘em all & let god sort them out”. Without Trump as a megaphone-mouth that
masks a cover up of what is really going on, Putin’s MAGA puppets will make Americans slaves of Russia!

Inside the Deadly Siege*:

How a String of Failures Led to a Dark Day at the Capitol New York Times Jan. 17, 2021
Poor planning by Putin’s puppet Trump & his impediment of government agencies & an unruly
crowd spurred on by Trump, set the stage for savagery that could have even gotten far worse!

“I will no longer claim I am a Republican” says former Iowa GOP Congressman

Jim Nussle after the Capitol riot that killed five Americans*! Des Moines Register 1/07/21
Brianne Pfannenstiel* Des Moines Register 1/07/21
Pictures of rioters storming the Capitol*! Staffers barricaded doors and hid under desks
as pro-Trump/Russian supporting rioters roamed freely, looking for members of
Congress they saw as enemies to capture or kill. DC police officers valiantly defended the
Capitol building in bloody medieval hand to hand combat during siege* NBC 1/14/21 & in their
heroic acts of gallantry, they saved the United States from becoming Russian property!

Julian Borger* in Washington.

America’s attempted suicide!

Trump’s American carnage tour: how Trump's mob ran riot in the Capitol*!
Members of the violent mob bogarted the Capitol building when the police fired teargas at
the rioters as they bullied their way inside the pearly white edifice of American freedom.
Photo: Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images Thu 7 Jan 2021 00.01 EST
Putin’s underling, Trump, was infiltrated into the United States government through
the Russian lies & trickery of disinformation spread by Moscow’s Fox Fake News to
reside in the American peoples’ White House. Putin’s army of useful dumbos, fighting on
behalf of Russia, was duped by Putin’s underling Trump, when they attacked the citadel of
American democracy, the US Capitol building, the very heart of American power!
If the rioters had been successful, the United States government would be no more!
Having planted pipe bombs the night before the riot, breaking & entering the Capitol while
carrying knives, clubs and concealed guns, the trumped-up mob that Trump incited had come
within minutes of executing their mission on behalf of a would-be despot who would quite literally
make Americans kiss the feet of the antichrist, this fake evangelical messiah, this atrocious,
sadistic & unscrupulously sinful man, whom incredulously many evangelicals actually regard as
the second coming of Jesus Christ Almighty! Biblically, Jesus Christ was without the stain of sin.
Had this rioter all over for Red,
led his followers White & Blue America
down the hallway and hello to the
to the left, it White, Blue & Red
would have been Russian Federation!

Mafia Don’s fake patriots, Putin’s army of useful idiots, merely being gullible pawns in Russia’s attempted
takeover of the United States, thought of themselves as being loyal Americans when they flew the American
flag and failed Putin’s puppet’s coup attempt of trying to attack and wipe out the US government. Incredibly, a
majority of the Republican Party is now complicit in the aiding and abetting of Russia in its takeover of the US.
Had the rioters gone down the hallway on the left of the above photo, Trump’s mob that he had incited to
violence had nearly become the bloodthirsty savages that Trump had trumped them up to becoming. Many
of the Congressional members of the US government would undoubtedly have been executed, were it not for
the bravery of DC police officers, one of whom is named Eugene Goodman* 1/12/21, who lured the rioters
away from the chamber where the members were hiding. “Trump’s coup d'état leaning” Pentagon then faced
some rigorous scrutiny* Jan. 11, 2021 among the Trump zealots that he planted in the Pentagon consisting of
Qanon wackos spouting conspiracy theories in his endless stream of inane firings and insane administrative
appointments during his tenure as a slave of Russia and of his, Trump’s own self-centered Russian interests.
Who Was Brian Sicknick?
A Gallant Police Officer Who Died After the Capitol Riot Was An Iraq War Veteran*!
BY SOO KIM ON 1/8/21 AT 6:32 AM EST

By Jack Date, Mark Osborne & Emily Shapiro January 8, 2021, 2:13 PM

Federal murder probe opened for Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick who
died because of injuries he sustained following the riots*! January 8, 2021
Officer Brian Sicknick was the fifth person to die as a result of the siege.
CNN Mon March 15, 2021 By Christina Carrega, Evan Perez and Katelyn Polantz,
During the Jan. 6th attack on the citadel of American freedom, the US Capitol building,
DC officials stated that Julian Khater, 32, of PA, and George Tanios, 39 of WV, were
arrested Sunday, march 14th and were accused of using bear spray on Officer Sicknick.
In the psycho projecting fashion of the sociopath Donald Trump,
the true deep state plot was a right wing plot all the long!

Betraying the United States, Senator Josh Hawley shows the insurrectionists solidarity* in
subservient obedience to the wishes of Russia and Vladimir Putin’s underling Donald Trump.
Senator Josh Hawley is unabashedly supportive of the true deep state Republican attempt to
overthrow the US government and he has the blood on his hands of the people who have died at the
right-wing insurrection of anarchists of Trump supporters in Washington DC. Ironically, on the behalf of
America’s rival, the Russian Federation, these useful idiot insurrectionists flew the American flag, while
chanting “Hang Mike Pence” the American vice president and tried to overthrow the US government
by storming the US Capitol building to stop the certification of Joe Biden as president elect on Jan. 6th of
2021. Senators Hawley, Cruz, Tuberville, Hyde-Smith, Marshall, Lummis and Scott voted to overturn the
results that represent the voice of the people in Pennsylvania, while ninety two senators voted against it.
Joe Biden handily won the State of Michigan, despite a minor glitch*.

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Count me out, enough is enough"* blows the wind, depending on what
side of the fence he is on! Lindsey, we need you to be brave enough to tell the truth about the
election that it was fair and square. People are dying out here because of: Trump’s Big Lie*!
Kevin McCarthy visited Putin’s puppet Donald Trump at Mara Lago on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021*.

Ryan Nobles, Daniella Diaz, Lauren Fox Photo of Mar-a-Lago club on Monday, Jan. 18, 2021
and Jamie Gangel, CNN Thu January 28, 2021 in Palm Beach, Florida where former President
Donald Trump has been living.
[GREG LOVETT | AP] By Associated Press
Mafia Don’s crybabyitis is contagious and it has now ravenously infected the majority of the Republican Party.
House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy visited former president Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday,
Jan. 28th of 2021* to kiss the ring, shoes and butt of the man who kisses the butt of Vladimir Putin. Trump needs
to find out how he can maintain his followers’ faith in his big whopper that the 2020 US election was fraudulent and
how to make Republicans re-take the House of Representatives in 2022. Since sixty-three US courts along with the
US Supreme Court of mainly Trump appointed judges have already adjudicated that the election was fair and square, so
now racism and sadism are Trump’s tools for starting his civil war to force Russian jurisdiction over the United States.
Hyper-partisan faith in the chronic-non-stop lying Trump’s fake reality is based on his own agonized ego over his
utterly, humiliatingly disgraceful defeat in the 2020 election and it is making Americans die again because of it.

Trump's Big Lie*: Delegitimizing an election*:

The Stolen Election! By Bertell Ollman*
Jan. 21, 2021 Aug. 15, 2006
By Gregory Stanton Fair or no fair,
Founding President Russia’s great at it!
Genocide Watch

‘We have met the Russians and they are us. We’re making America tiny again under the auspices of Putin!’ Many of the
victims of Trump’s Big Lie* who die in these violent attacks are everyday Americans and many of the victims are police
officers who die in the attacks caused by Trump’s Big Lie* from a lack of faith in democracy among Trump’s supporters
that he has successfully duped into playing useful idiots for Russia. Ironically, while claiming that he is all for law & order,
the criminal Mafia Don deliberately causes violence & chaos and actively assists Russia in its attempt to take over the
United States. Trump has further debased himself by being a ruthless cop killer from all the radical faith in the Big Lie*
he maintains about the 2020 election. Regardless, what has now become the Republican Party of liars generally is
still sticking together with a globally known to be a chronic liar and in order to maintain Trump’s Big Lie*, it shows
where McCarthy stands in a post-Trump Republican Party toward aiding & abetting Russia into making
the United States, so to speak, just a mere rib in Putin’s side. America citizens, ya’ll better get
used to Siberian salt mines because that’s exactly what you’re going to get!
Even after his Trump pardon, former Trump cabinet member, one of his “nothing but the best”, who
said he would put Dr. Anthony Fauci’s head on a pike outside the White House, this slimy scumbag,
the psychopath, *.
Chandelis Duster, CNN
Wed February 3, 2021

The Capitalist Manifesto:

Greed at no matter the human toll
At Communist, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s behest:
McCarthy meets with Trump at Mar-a-Lago*
by The Denver Channel
Thursday, January 28th of 2021

Donald Trump and his supporters are trying to burn down America*. But they won't win.
THIS IS AMERICA! We witnessed domestic terrorism orchestrated by Trump who manipulates
his supporters with lie after lie after endless lie. Suzette Hackney USA TODAY Jan 6, 2021
Trump’s supporters know that he is trying to steal a democratically legitimate election and that Trump is
a chronic liar who is a sociopath, yet that is precisely why they support him because they know that he
intends to systemically kill off non-whites. They like his racist agenda because he is a sociopathic monster
just like his hero Adolf Hitler and that he will actually follow through with performing THEIR AGENDA
of the utterly sadistic cruelty and inhumanity to the races that Trump made them hate and fear.

Hitler’s industrial genocide at the crematorium in Poland*. Anne Frank*

Just wait till they find out about Trump’s plan for the ethnic cleansing which could quite possibly
even involve the sadist Trump’s plan to burn their babies alive in ovens just like his hero
the sociopath Adolf Hitler did to Germans who were part Jew towards the end of WWII.
Trump enjoys making non-whites suffer & he revels in making other white folks to feel the same!

Poor Donald! He makes such cute faces. Everybody is just picking on him! Pathetic sycophants,
like Sen. Ron Johnson will still enable him* & change his diaper before he gets placed in the pen!
February 24, 2021

Mommy says he can’t come out and play and learn how to systemically mass murder
more Americans with his playmates Adolf Hitler & Attila the Hun. Poor Donald!
Nazi Odal Rune/SS insignia* 3/01/21.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out! Aside from Trump’s abhorrently racist rhetoric
and expression of hatred toward immigrants and minorities, it can be stated with certitude, unless
CPAC is sublimely stupid, that the stage of the Conservative People’s Action Conference* 3/0/21
(CPAC) was intentionally shaped like a Nazi Odal Rune* 2/27/21. CPAC’s organizer, Matt Schlapp
adamantly denies the resemblance but simply open up your eyes and you know better* 2/27/21!
Schlapp simply wants his wealthy Jewish community contributors to keep on giving
CPAC the enormous amount of money Jews donate to it. Just like during the 1940s, the
Association of German National Jews* donated an enormous amount of money to Adolf Hitler
who once he was into power, then had their children worked to emaciation and gassed to
death or burned alive in ovens. If you are minority member, if Trump ever gets back into power,
get ready for Trump’s policy toward exterminating your people. Just like his hero the sociopath
Hitler, during World War II, did to the Jews, the sociopath Trump will industrially exterminate
whomsoever he hates socially or politically and that means by gas chambers or even by
burning alive in ovens, the emaciated victims that he nearly works and starves to death!

Known to be abhorrent and rude, the folks of the Trump cult come to the conference to worship their
sociopathic idol Trump* 2/27/21. Stop putting your necks on the chopping block for Trump’s Nazis to
chop them off. Vote out Republicans who intend to kill you either by shooting you like Sen. Marjorie
Taylor Greene’s threats to murder Americans* 2/05/21 or kill you systemically by committing negligent
genocide on us, for example, by Gov. Greg Abbott’s of Texas ease up on pandemic safety guidelines*
3/03/21 or by the failure to take the pandemic seriously by passing laws contrary to CDC advice.

Hey !
Wake up!
t co

Never forget the stench of Nazi horrors of the past and how Hitler seduced
you into supporting him through his campaign of fear.
Before the horrors of Hitler’s reign was carried out in the Holocaust, there
were monstrous numbers of wealthy Jews backing Hitler into power*!
November 12, 2019

Curvaceous Stormy Daniels & Michael Cohen, talk Trump* (Anderson Cooper).
JIM MUSTIAN, Associated Press Feb 8, 2021

Stormy Daniels Guest on Michael Cohen’s Podcast*.

Ted Johnson Political Editor February 3, 2021

Dance Stormy, dance!

*: Her Strut* (Bob Seger*)

The Incredible Shribbling tiny!

bout to get him*! *!
(A prevaricator of lies can’t lie out of these ones!) 26 accusers of Trump*!
Trump’s taxes in hand, Manhattan DA’s probe heats up*! Mar. 17, 2021
Swalwell *!
LA Times 3/05/2021

*! New York Times 3/05/21

*! Huffpost 3/22/21
Evidently, poor Donnie just can’t seem to keep his hand out of the cookie jar,
but will it ever get slapped for eating too many cookies? Will Stormy ever really get her
revenge and can the truth ever really be told? Quite possibly NOT!!! However, in an end
of March ruling in 2021: A court nullified Trump’s non-disclosure agreements*!
A pact signed by Jessica Denson, a former Hispanic outreach
director, is too broad & too vague to enforce, judge says. Mar. 30, 2021

Chris O'Meara, File/AP Another con job!

As early as Nov. 5th of 2016, Trump could simply gesture away his opposing legal and political
entanglements in front of his adoring fans during a campaign rally in Tampa, Fla. After all,
to many of them he was the messiah. In reality, he’s just Sam Sham the Flim Flam Man!
03/30/2021 08:44 PM EDT
Updated: 03/30/2021 11:13 PM EDT

Tue., Mar. 30, 2021: a federal judge ruled that a non-disclosure agreement, Trump’s 2016
presidential campaign made employees sign lacks clarity and is unenforceable.
Which, along with a thousand other reasons, leads one to suspect that:

Trump will likely get indicted very soon*!

Trump lost his presidential immunity when he left office on January 20th of 2021.
There are twenty nine lawsuits against Trump currently and there are additionally, even
ongoing multiple criminal investigations into his crime syndicate, the Washington Post lists.

Tom Maertens Mankato Free Press Mar 28, 2021

Biden confronts Russia over killings*. Fri, Mar 19, 2021
The Irish Times view on US-Russia tensions: Normal service resumes (above).
The Daily 202: Lev Parnas’s interviews, and documents, tie Trump directly
to his Ukraine pressure campaign*. By James Hohmann January 16, 2020

Trump’s one term as Putin’s puppet, was spent mostly:

Deep, Deep into Putin’s ass went Trump’s head!
That is what Trump called a deep state!
Since he left office, it is still stuck way up there
& he just can’t seem to Yank ‘er back out!

Through Fox Fake News Moscow disinformation propaganda,

Trump tries to make Russia Great again, America first,
by making America “tiny” again with GOP greed, hatred, disruption,
petty partisanship and racial violence!
His impeachment was not a partisan matter*.
It was Reality Versus Fiction*!

Flabbergasted by Trump's mushy, slobbery encounter with America’s flag,
Mötley Crüe drummer, Tommy Lee reacts to Trump’s Molestation of the US Flag*.
“What the Fuck Is Wrong With You, Dude?” March 3, 2020
Trump’s just trying to enrich himself by betraying the United States, that’s all.
By trying to make the United States into a Russian province behind the scenes, Trump
betrays Americans when he rapes the US flag in front of his brainwashed supporters.
During his administration, Trump stabbed Uncle Sam in the back by supporting Russian
imperial interests over supporting American democratic interests. His supporters are
only some of the victims of just another one of the Russian brainwashing techniques that
Trump regularly employs: fake patriotism. By overly-acting patriotic, Trump uses his mushy,
slobbery, body fluidy fake kind of love toward American democracy by hugging and kissing the
flag in front of his supporters, all to their clamorous applause and deliriously insane laughter.

* 12/22/20 * 2/17/21
* 3/06/21
for Americans* 3/10/21
* * 3/10/21
(Daily) * 3/06/21
* 3/01/21
* 3/05/21 *

Flag drenched in fake cow tears! Melodrama cons Trumpers to think he’s in it for them.
Former President Trump was forced to make way for Joe Biden*!

WATCH LIVE: Citizen Donald J. Trump gets arrested by the FBI*!

Dangerous Crybabies* making way the takeover of the US by Russia!

Encore! It’s Mueller Time*! Hooray!
From Russia with Love*!

November 20, 2020

Bedtime for Donzo*! US Capitol Under Siege* Jan. 7, 2021

Biden Needs to Throw the Book at Trump*!
Thursday January 7th 2021,
Russia Rules tiny while the neo-Nazi Party of Trump plans to make the US a province of Russia!
At the behest of his master Czar Vladimir Putin and his “Russia first” interests, the rabble-rouser-in-chief,
then-President Donald Trump, apparently tries to make it seem as if he did not rabble rousing his useful idiot
supporters to commit the violent overthrow of the US government. However, at the Ellipse near the White House
on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC, in carefully scripted language by openly “saying it without saying it”,
Putin’s puppet openly roused his thousands of supporters, who were continually fueled by the prevaricator-in-
chief’s false claims of voter fraud. His so called “protestors” flooded the US Capital and objected to the
certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 US presidential election by the US Congress. By openly inciting
violence in the nation’s capital, the outlaw Mafia Donald Trump, resorted to drastic measures to protect the
criminal empire of his mafia syndicate. He is a non-governmental citizen again, so Trump, no doubt, will soon face
an army of indictments. While making his spurious claims of voter fraud with absolutely zero proof, his supporters
who have been faithfully brainwashed by Russian mind control techniques at his rallies, actually fool themselves
into believing in the pathological lies of the chronic liar Trump. They appear to know that he is really lying about
voter fraud yet they are merely pretending to object to the cover up of his criminal enterprise. These are the useful
idiot victims of Vladimir Putin’s takeover of the United States. A useful idiot is someone who fails to realize that
very soon he or she will lose everything and will be surrendering their own property and entire nation by handing it
over to our foreign adversaries on a golden platter. By unwarily joining Vladimir Putin’s army, these domestic
terrorists of Trump appear to have no idea that they could even get their own family members killed and no idea
that they are being duped by America’s rivals by just as soon as allowing the killing of Americans. America’s
allies are Trump’s worst enemies & America’s foes are Trump’s best friends! These are the foreign rivals
of the United States who are even likely intending to “bomb the shit out of all of us Americans”.

Live Updates*: “Enlisted” gullibly, at the behest of Trump’s master Vladimir Putin,
Putin’s patsy anarchists stormed the US Capitol Building to halt the electoral count
to certify Joe Biden as president elect. Photo on left on Jan. 6th*.

The lemmings still leap!

The All-time Champ of the Burlington Liar’s Club was still selling whoppers at
Me the Trump Clown Show where he made millions of dollars at his rallies trumping up lies.
Trumpers just can’t seem to get enough of Trump’s Fake Reality.
Don’t worry about the pandemic. It will just go away* (but so will you).
If gone unchecked, Trump would’ve ultimately caused the pandemic to kill millions of Americans!
An interpretation of the Photo op in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church*in Washington DC.
“He wears the armor of god*” evangelical ministers say about Trump’s Photo op.
Apparently, the unborn is the least of evangelical concern & What they really want is money, sex, and power*.
“Ignorance is strength. Negligence is bliss.”
He’s a holy man! When Christians sadistically hurt others, the Holy Bible makes a great prop to hide behind!
Access Hollywood almost brought Trump down*! Trum *!
O of ac *!
What you don’t know won’t hurt you. What he does with your wife is absolutely divine!
A sexual predator who can just “grab ‘em by the pussy*” displays questionable piety in prayer intimacy.

Intimate prayer
each week
a sexy lady,
Rev. Paula,

tiny’s conquest of his lovely ladies His Excellency’s comely spiritual adviser*.

Givest thou thy wives unto Trump the Golden Calf* for they
belongeth unto him (and thou art mere chopped liver)!

Dear Proud Boy, my fellow American, why do you

let a sexual predator get his way with your wife?


A jealous Leprechaun saith unto Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer:

“Aye, me lad! Slippest thou the golden calf another delicious bowl o’ me Mulligan Stew*,
So me friend Moses can magically sprinkle it with me Leprechaun* Arrest Dust* 2/16/21!
Nobody gets me wife & me gold shillings, Nobody!”
I come
I see,
I incite

Lock him up and the rest of the Trump crime family syndicate too*!
Impeachment trial highlights: Raskin's case, riot video ahead of Trump's defense*.

With graphic video footage used to build the argument against the former president,
the case against Donald Trump wrapped up compellingly. Where Republican senators
still stand and what you needed to know as the defense got ready to take its turn;
Click above for the biggest things that had happened in the impeachment trial.

Corrine Reichert Clifford Colby

Feb. 11, 2021 5:44 p.m. PT

House Democrats rested case in Trump impeachment trial,

urged unwilling GOP senators to convict*.
FE BR U AR Y 1 2, 2 02 1 / 7: 5 0 AM / C BS NEW S

Through the faithful Russian brainwashing of Fox Fake News propaganda,

an acquittal was expected by the Republicans of the US Senate who appear
to simply be terrified by the attack and support Trump out of fear of retaliation
by his terrorist supporters or to naively believe, that they are absolutely
immune to getting sadistically murdered by a psychopathically insane mob
of anarchists! If Trump got convicted by his impeachment, then he could
have possibly tended more not to be placed under arrest. However, since
Trump failed to get convicted by his impeachment, most definitely now
for Americans to protect ourselves from this psychopathic monster, we have
to indict him for inciting a riot or the American rule of law will surely die!


Christian idolaters of a fake messiah at the Nazi CPAC conference!
(The Conservative People’s Action Conference stage is a Nazi SS insignia!)
Trump is the lord thy demagogue,
thou shall not have the love of Jesus Christ before him.
Oh come let us adore, Trump; Oh, come let us adore, Trump;
Oh come let us adore, Trump, and go straight to hell!
Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 million dollars.
Go directly to hell to live there in infinite torment for all eternity!
Forty days after the resurrection of a US presidency that was free from Russian
ownership, the illustrious Donald J. Trumpasmear descendeth into hell and is
met there with one hellacious crepitation contest for men who were born in 1946.
Highly acclaimed British actor, Lord Windesmear, of royal pedigree & relative of
Scottish warlord, William Wallace who shouteth the immortal word “Freedom” while
getting disemboweled, plays the part of Windesmear’s cousin Donald J. Trumpasmear.
Trumpasmear steps up to the crepitation post and then . . .

IF HE LOSES the crepitation contest, our hero Trumpasmear,

to the unbridled laughter of Satan, Lucifer and all the demons of hell,
gets cast into the fiery furnace of eternal damnation forever and ever!
Click on the record above to find out what happens at the crepitation contest!
In public, Trump said to his unmasked rallies: “The virus will just go away*.
CNN October 31, 2020
Privately, he said: “WE WANT THEM ALL INFECTED*”! Forbes 12/16/20

That piecing gaze

of mass death on both sides!



The bumbling circus act of stooge-like inept individuals, evidently of rather low IQ, played with the
lives of millions upon millions of American, as of December 17 th of 2020, more than the number of
Americans who died at the 9-11 tragedy are now dying each day. Alex Azar, ex-President Donald
Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) spoke, typically as, the inept Mr. Trump
listened carefully and watched him spout out Trump’s psychotic theory that, by allowing the Covid-
19 (trumpvirus) pandemic to spread uncontrollably or by encouraging unmasked mass events,
it will somehow cause the pandemic to worsen and then eventually, after thousands upon
thousands of Americans die each day, that gradually after millions upon millions of American die,
that magically, herd immunity will eventually be achieved and “The virus will just go away*”after a
number of years or so. * show what the
Trump administration was really up to when dealing out their bungling, bumbling response to his
trumpvirus. Twenty two Times Trump Told America the Coronavirus Would Go Away* RollingStone Sept. 3, 2020.
These were the blithering idiots that America had in power to determine the ultimate fate of the
lives of millions upon millions of Americans. The wealthy white privilege of those at the top 1/10 th
of 1% of the nation has no depths that it will sink to in the preservation of their own wealth and
riches. Screw everyone else! When is America going to wake up and finally realize that regardless
of whether you are Republican or Democrat, white, brown or black, that we are now living in
the hellish nightmare almost completely of Donald Trump’s own making? Trump’s policy of dealing
with the pandemic was an intentionally low down dirty criminal act that he executed deliberately
* March 3, 2020. With their primary motivation being ethnic cleansing
because of varying racial susceptibility to the pandemic, this is how do-nothing GOP lawmakers
committed the negligent genocide of a mind-bogglingly huge number of Americans each and
every single day! The blood of Covid casualties is all over their hands. As is further evidenced
by the Capitol riot, * Jan. 7th of 2021.
Many Trump supporters worship their sacred cow’s word as divinely inspired.

“I think that’s what Ted Cruz wants us to do*” said a rioter pilfering Congress!
A third Texas newspaper asks Ted Cruz to resign* over the role he played in
the violent takeover of the US Capitol building. San Antonio Current Jan. 19, 2021
Zombie government officials led by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Sen. Ted Cruz
of Texas, Gov. Ron De Santis of Florida and Congressman Kevin McCarthy of California,
support Trump’s effort to avoid justice by enabling him to violently set up his coup
rather than have him face the criminal charges that he is soon going to be facing.
Protecting the sacred cow Trump as a golden calf, via the Russian propaganda
news network of Fox Fake News, these Republicans exploit the naïve evangelical
notion of Trump as the second coming of Jesus Christ while Trump’s Congressional
backers voluminously propagandize his fake reality and doctrine of hatred.
Dividing Americans by re-introducing white supremacist terror, Trump has once again
re-instilled the fear and hatred towards immigrants, has exacerbated the spread of the
coronavirus pandemic & the rise of mass death, has created destitution for many Americans
& has moved us toward recession. Trump has reinvigorated the greed of the super-wealthy
and has instituted the horrific suffering of migrants simply to satisfy the desire for the
sadistic pleasure of a sociopath, Trump the antichrist who brings us nothing but fear, hatred,
pain & suffering. Jesus Christ brings the World prosperity, life, peace, health, love & joy.
Senator Ron Johnson publicly admitted in his Committee to investigate fraud in
the 2020 US election, that there was no widespread voter fraud, yet continued
with his partisan political ploy to buy their sacred cow, golden calf and sociopathic
demagogue, Donald Trump, more time by allowing him to incite mass violence across
all fifty of the United States before most indubitably and ultimately, he is rapidly
gravitating towards the clink with his fellow sociopaths and other like-minded criminals!

Zombie supporters of the sacred cow Trump’s anti-safety protocol. Trump is clearing
the way for his Russian masters as more and more Americans are now dying off because
of his inane pursuit of an insane attempt at achieving herd immunity uncontrollably.

America is being stolen by the authors of Communist Russia! Republican Senators,

by backing Vladimir Putin’s puppet Donald Trump, you are on the side of Russia!
GOP senators true Russian Nazi colors came shining through when they even
got mocked by Russian state TV for spending the 4th of July of 2018 in Russia*.

Karoun Demirjian | Washington Post Sen. Ron Johnson on a Mission to set up a

THE WASHINGTON POST coup d’état for Putin’s puppet Trump*.
July 6, 2018 JOEL MCNALLY SEP. 28, 2020

The tough talk on Russia that Republicans had promised in Washington suddenly evaporated
by the time they got to Moscow, and they appeared to resemble historically some new Russian
prospects for gullible acolytes of next nation that Russia plans to occupy: The United States.
The Russian presenters and guests on Russian state television made fun of the Republican-led
Congressional delegation when, embarrassingly castrated, it put a servile foot forward. July 6, 2018.
Sen. Ron Johnson of WI had a mission last year to strengthen even more the powerful link
between his masters Putin and Trump*. BY JOEL MCNALLY SHEPARD EXPRESS SEP. 28, 2020

In 2015, seated next to Putin, Michael Flynn* talks turkey at a gala to help coordinate evidently,
the much anticipated 2016 Trump campaign*. Trump advisor Flynn, who’d later be Trump’s
national security adviser, was paid $45,000 by the Russian government to speak at the event.
Robert Windrem April 18, 2017
8 of all the times Trump denied doing business with Russia*. The Week November 30, 2018
From Campaign to Inauguration Day, there were myriads of Trump/Russia Transactions*!
Diana Pilipenko & Talia Dessel December 17, 2018
Trump will likely face indictments in 2021*.
Politico 12/11/20

Out Of Office, Trump Faces Significant Legal Jeopardy*.

NPR November 20, 2020 1:26 PM ET
Electors vote Dec. 14, 2020* affirm Biden’s victory*!
Trump is America’s greatest all-time sore loser*!

Piss Trump*

Exterminator of Americans*,
finally got crucified today!
He lost for his sins!

The Pee Tape*!

Richard Nixon’s corrupt Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.



Trump’s employer Putin & Trump’s underlings in The Party of Putin.

The GOP lost it all after 4 years of Russian control* Atlantic 1/06/21 of the
US government by Vladimir Putin* and his Divided States of America*?
After the January Georgia Senate race, the
Democrats won back the Senate for* the United States of America*?
BBC Jan. 6, 2021 RollingStone Nov. 22, 2020
Sympathy for the Devil*
At their Satanic Majesty’s request:

Treason is easier when done in a group*.

Vowing beforehand they would accept the election results & yet since Trump
did not win the 2020 election, these two-faced lawmakers now propose that
Russian-style dictatorship is superior to American democracy*. 12/11/20
Republicans are loyal to Trump because he brainwashed them Russian style,
through continual repetition, not to trust anyone else*. Daniel Walters 11/19/20


Putin already congratulated Biden on his election victory anyway*! 12/15/20
Old King Sam’s


Numerous members of Trump’s administration and 100 Republican senators are subverting the
US Constitution by joining Vladimir Putin’s army in the Russian attempt to overthrow the US
government. They do this by placing credence in the story told by America’s historic rival Russia
and its GRU Intelligence over US intelligence agencies about who really hacked the 2016 US
election. In essence, Republicans are now supporting Russian dictatorship over the American
people. Republicans, you’re going to get us all killed! Whose side are you on, anyway?

Abandoned by U.S. in Syria, Kurds Find New Ally in American Foe in Damascus*.
Americans, Ukrainians & our former Kurdish allies have gotten
slaughtered because of Russian adversarial agent: Mafia Don the Con Man!
Relax, A Trump Comeback In 2024 Is Not Going To Happen*.

He’s nuts!

Sanely speaking, he’s 4 qts. short of a gallon,

two fries short of a happy meal!

Despite Trump’s venting and threats, Biden’s win is sealed*.

The politics of a mythically “fraudulent election” is a money-making gimmick for Trump
to pay a few of the expenses of the legal bills from his incoming indictment. 12/10/20




One small step for Chinabot, one giant leap for Chinabotkind.

Modern safety protocol for the trumpvirus pandemic.

Trump’s stocks in stockings were hung with care,

another Santa Crash was almost, but soon vanished there!
US networks pulled the plug on Trump’s live address due to ‘lies’*.
Spreading Russian disinformation propaganda at his boss Vladimir Putin’s behest, Trump’s
address was halted by TV network live coverage because of his rampant torrent of Russian lies.

The then-president spoke Nov. 6, 2020. (Reuters)

Late vote counting in battleground states showed Biden closing in on victory.


A delusional rant by Trump showed him losing his marbles*.

In not too long a time, there was a whole lot of lying goin’ on*!




Fact checkers* from The Washington Post[1] (top, monthly) and from the Toronto
Star[2] and CNN[3] (bottom, weekly) compiled data on "false or misleading claims,"
and "false claims," respectively. The peaks in late 2018 correspond to the midterm
elections*, in late 2019 to his impeachment inquiry*, and in late 2020 to
the presidential election. The Post reported 22,510 false or misleading
claims in 1,323 days [1], an average of more than 17 per day. ~ Wikipedia

As of Sept. 11th of 2020, Trump told 23,035 lies*!

As Trump’s own election fraud claims risked depressing turnout in the
Georgia Senate runoff election on January 5, 2021, Trump & Pence,
headed down to Georgia and start whistling Dixie as inept Republicans
resorted to even suppressing their own votes* crying election fraud
with zero proof, while boycotting the election.
Dec. 4, 2020
Cry Baby Hitler could no longer exterminate Americans that
he deemed no longer worthy to exist, so the antithetical
Mr. Trump prepared his base for insurrection instead by filling
their minds with Russian lies & violent ideas in Georgia*.
BBC 12/02/20

Being the spoiled rich brat that never grew up, with Trump and his party’s
having obstructed and impeded the transition of president-elect Biden,
it undoubtedly cost the US additionally hundreds of thousands of American
lives. Despite that, Joe Biden's transition team barreled straight ahead* ever
assuredly, competently & heroically toward Inauguration Day. CNN Fri 12/04/20
In the face of Trump’s bogus claims of a fraudulent election, Michigan
lawmakers received calls from his base or possibly even from Russia to
pick electors for Trump*. Lansing City Pulse Thursday, December 3, 2020
As court after court struck down Trump’s bogus claims of election fraud,
Trump’s only choice left was to rabble rouse his base to violence as he
exhausted all judicial attempts to establish his much-planned
coup d’état, so he had his next fall guys: Cruz, Hawley & Johnson
orchestrate the Capitol riot for him. With not a worry in the World having been
instrumental in organizing the insurrection, that is why
Sen. Ron Johnson felt completely safe at the Capitol riot that was
systemically plotted to kill members of Congress and was destined to
kill five Americans and to seriously injure hundreds of other Americans.
Trump went down to Georgia in an attempt to steal the 2020 election by filling his
base with endless lies and implanting their brainwashed minds with all the ideas
of a few dysfunctional members of his cabinet from the creepy crawly swamp
creatures, he regularly associated with as he fed his loyal evangelical followers
scads and scads of putrid inspirations straight out of the devil’s cauldron.

By ignoring proper safety protocol, Russian adversarial agent, Donald Trump actively
engaged in a little game of Russian roulette for the masses, as he deliberately
cultivated the Covid-19 virus by causing it to flourish in the US. At that point, daily,
Americans were dying en masse of Covid-19 equal to the number who died at 9-11.


Each & every night, Trump gazes impotently into a mirror falsely admiring the false beauty of the utter
wickedness of his fading tyranny while inanely muttering the words “I won, I won, I won” over and over
(Trump Watch*). No tears for the dead & the dying victims of Covid-19 as Cry Baby Hitler never even once
mentioned their plight from the pandemic in hard hit Georgia. Trump’s cohort Moscow Mitch McConnell,
better known as “The Grim Reaper”, also shed no tears for the dead or dying from the pandemic and
only shed * who
always voted Mitch’s way during the last 18 years of being in the Senate. 12/02/20
A guide to Trump's bogus election claims | Fact Checker*!
(Washington Post video) December 1, 2020 | 6:26 PM EDT
The sacred cow Trump finally drew a rebuke from even Republicans*.12/02/20
Emergency use of coronavirus vaccine*. Fox Dec. 2, 2020
Bipartisan Plan, Coronavirus Stimulus Talks Restart. Dec. 1, 2020
Conveniently before the Georgia Senate race in January of 2021:
Congress faced looming deadlines in lame-duck session;
Trump discussed as a wacked out wild card (Wall Street Journal).
With a Republican bill of less than a trillion dollars* 12/07/20, it is too little, too late
because many Americans are already out of business or are already dead from Covid.
Stimulus package update: Negotiations circus expected to lead
to a bill by the weekend* of the 2nd week of December.
A lot happening in the world of stimulus negotiations and
leaders eye a vote by next weekend. Dec. 2, 2020 10:16 a.m. PT

Jessica Dolcourt Clifford Colby Alison DeNisco Rayome

Dear Georgia voter, Vote Republican if you want

tightwad Senate Republicans to take control of your tax payer dollars
and hand the stimulus out mainly to big business.


if you want a stimulus that actually meets your needs

and does not merely favor crony bureaucratic fat cats.
Have a Democratic Congress take charge of your money.


Feb. 8,


*! 12/02/20
Mafia Don Trump! ‘Meet me at the Speakeasy* Donnie!’
TAX EVASION*! Otherwise having paid zilch in taxes ever, Trump paid only
$750 in taxes twice in 18 years*! Doug Mills/The New York Times NY Times
Trump Knew He was Exposed to COVID and Went to Raise Money
Anyway*. Mother Jones O C T O B E R 2 , 2 0 2 0 B Y J A C O B R O S E N B E R G
To get money for his campaign, Trump’s diagnosis apparently could’ve been
another one of his famous scams *. FactCheck October 2, 2020
Positive Covid Tests for two Senators,
Raise Questions About the Timing of the Barrett Hearings*.
NY Times Oct. 7, 2020, 7:09 p.m. ET Oct. 7, 2020
Two Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee and several other
government employees and several members of Trump’s cabinet tested positive
for Covid-19 since attending the announcement ceremony for Judge Amy Coney
Barrett. Trump suspended his campaign events while he was at the Walter Reed.
If Trump truly had Coronavirus, then his claims about
not being contagious are highly doubtful*. FactCheck 10/08/20
Why His Former Housekeeper Paid More Federal
Taxes Than Her Boss, Donald Trump*! Time Sept. 30, 2020
Hard-working* & tax-paying* migrant* workers*!
Undocumented immigrants each paid more taxes than ex-President Trump*!
Newswise Sept. 28, 2020
American workers paid more taxes than Trump*! Washington Post 9/28/20

The Untouchable FBI Versus The underworld syndicates

of the crime bosses: Al Capone & Donald Trump.
On Tues. April 9th 2019, the IRS commissioner Charles Rettig faced US
lawmakers on Trump’s tax returns*, which according to the letter of the law,
must immediately be submitted to Congress for oversight*.
Virtually on the behalf of the Republican party’s new master, Vladimir Putin,
Republicans such as Mick Mulvaney* & Mitt Romney, although he later changed to a
non-supporter of Trump, at that time enabled the despot “sacred cow” Trump by saying
the Democrats will never get Trump’s taxes* and they thereby appeared to cover up
for Trump in the aiding & abetting of Trump’s virulently fraudulent activities*.
On April 22nd of 2019, to cover up the fraudulent trail that he has left behind,
Trump bullies Congress by suing to hide his accounting records*.
In this type of dispute between branches of government*, the House always wins*.
As shown by historical precedents in the past, it would only be about a year before
Congress would ultimately acquire Trump’s taxes anyway*. It shows he evaded taxes.
When ex-President Trump’s impeachment process was still in a beginning phase*,
* and his taxes would become transparent*.
Sometime very soon now after the November 2020 election,
Trump will be brought down* like *!
The sociopath, “Dictator Donnie” will eventually get his goose cooked*!
By April 24th of 2019,


Oh no!
This looks like it might spell
riggins’ time for our hero,
the villainous outlaw:
Teflon Don the Con*!
(1.7 billion dollar “loser” in a single decade*)
Hillary Clinton on May 1st of 2019:
“China, if you’re listening, why you don’t get Trump’s tax returns*?”
Mnuchin* for Trump’s taxes, Don Jr.* for the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians,
Don McGahn* for how Trump obstructed Mueller. On May 10, 2019, Trump slapped
China with tariffs* Chinese: US Hikes tariffs on Chinese goods*.
Dow 16th largest drop ever* (May 14, 2019). One Trumpian deflect from being
investigated card: Trump’s John Bolton inventing a war with Iran*.
GOP dossier to get Trump tax returns*.
Federal Judge orders the release of Trump financial records* (5/20/19)!
During the Impeachment inquiry*, Republicans harmed America* by
performing nothing but stonewalling and obstruction*! (4/25/19)

In dealing with migrant children on the southern border of the US, what does the right wing
hypocritical regard for the sanctity of human life and of the unborn mean to these evangelical
so-called “Christians” who supported and were even delighted by Trump’s sadistic cruelty and
use of various forms of torture upon little babies like by making them eat soup dropped on
the floor or by placing them into animal cages with an aluminum foil blanket? Through the
Republican Party’s protecting of the major source of the mucus-like infection of its racism
by the idol worship of their sacred cow Trump that so plagues evangelicals, this will most
indubitably cause a crucial lack of preparedness for the next administration in dealing with
the killer coronavirus pandemic. We Americans will reap what we have sown and we
have sown death, neglect and sadistic cruelty all because of the sacred cow that so
many Americans worship at the top of the governmental food chain, Donald Trump.


Because of Trump’s BIG LIE, 12:01 PM Jan. 20, 2021 almost happened!
‘Try and get me, coppers! My fall guys are my loyal shield.
You’ll see who gets it first, the cops or my fall guys!’
Intelligence, the CIA and the FBI are very bad people*!
‘They are all scum and that’s what they are, scum!’ ~ Trump
Outlaws are very fine people (10/10/19)*.
No one is finding out about all of my crimes!
Donnie extorts the Treasury*. My tax returns are mine (10/11/19)*!

Trump one befuddled dink by time Joe through with him!

Donald Trump will very soon get exposed out of office*! 11/21/20
Trumpers must face how Trump scammed all of US out of money*. 11/11/20
Indictments barrel down toward Trump like a hellbound train*! 3/11/21

Sam Sham the Flim Flam man!

Sam Sham gives one jive ass turkey a pardon!
Will he pardon himself for betraying us to our Covid-19 deaths?
A deranged psychotic individual once held America’s nuclear button!

ol J i *! 11/20/20
As Biden’s transition team finally got its official recognition,
The DOW skyrocketed to 30,000 for the first time ever*! November 24th of 2020
Full throttle for Biden gets a bit choppy till the stimulus arrives*. March 3, 2021
Good news for the eyes, the Stocks on the Rise*! March 3, 2021


Straight into the jaws of defeat go Mafia Don

& The Grim Reaper* (Moscow Mitch McConnell)!
Government Service Administrator, Emily Murphy, who is in charge of certifying Joe Biden as
president elect, stated that Joe Biden is “the apparent winner”* of the 2020 US presidential election
as of November 24, 2020. The transition of funds for the transition process could then begin.
Ex-President Trump, refused to begin the transferal of power over to Joe Biden by failing to
recognize him as the president-elect before the transition process began up until she officially
made her declaration of Biden as “apparent winner”. Even though she was appointed by the
then-president, her office is empowered by the US Constitution to make independent
determinations over who winners are of presidential elections. She was committing a crime against
democracy by “just following orders” from Trump not to certify Biden as the winner of the election
so the transition process could begin by initial transferal of funds over to the Biden administration.

Even though Trump was defeated in a resounding landslide vote, Trump is still being delusionary
about it by not conceding the election and evidently is counting on the wacked out throngs of his
maniacal cult to sufficiently unleash a right wing radical backlash in Trump’s attempt at establishing
a coup d’état. This would either involve violent undertakings or by the setting up of “a soft coup*”
by the strategic application of systemic pressure upon the houses of the US government
as well as upon the American people. By lying for two weeks, Murphy was committing
“a crime against democracy*” by her office just following Trump’s orders about what to do about it.

Scientists and politicians were being so cautious when they spoke about the thwarting of the
transition. There was no “may cause Americans deaths” about it. Yet Trump got his way and he was
still supported en force by his evangelical idol worshippers as they further managed to thwart the
transition process by not allowing Joe Biden to make his transition into the White House during the
transition process and this most definitely as well as most excruciatingly caused hundreds of
thousands of additional American deaths because of Trump’s only caring about himself and his
delusionary, tiny fragile ego by not fully allowing the transition process to go ahead full force.

Trump, the messiah, gazeth up toward the heavens and saith unto the lord:

‘Keepest thou me in power or by not listening to your wise men, I shall destroy America.
I am the messiah and those that follow my gospel of hatred shall be spared of my wrath.’

The horned saint saith unto his flock: ‘I need more niggers, I mean, blacks to worship me,
so we can have more Uncle Toms around to allow my police officers to rampantly kill black
people like George Floyd again.’ Uncle Tom black folks blindly support the antichrist who would
just as soon burn their darker babies alive just like his hero, the sociopath Adolf Hitler did to
the Jews in an attempt to cover up his evil deeds toward the end of the Second World War.

Worshipping Jesus! Loving all humans.

Beautiful people,

A Beautiful sight!

Rejecting God’s gospel of loving thy neighbor, a very large faction of evangelicals cry out:
‘ *! Screw the gospel of loving all human beings.
We are superior to other humans. We love your gospel of hatred instead!’

The free press of democracy*. America is a democracy*.
Trump hates the free press*: Therefore, Trump hates America*!


During a time of extreme mourning for Latino victims in El Paso, Texas, Donald Trump
gestured his fellow white nationalists like signaling followers: ‘Great job fellas!
Now let’s kill some more brown-skinned people!’ The genocidal attack in El Paso, Texas*,
that Trump rabble roused* by inspiring his maniacal followers* to inflict violence
upon immigrants & minorities*, left a massacre of 22 Latino Americans dead and 24
wounded*. Ironically, with Melania’s “Mona Lisa” smile, Trump’s toothy grin & “thumbs up”,
these gestures made a sadistically cruel trophy of the caregivers and of an orphaned
child from the tragedy to present to the American public on the behalf of Trump’s fellow
white nationalists. Very clearly, this picture broadcasted out the following message to his
fellow white supremacists: ‘Great job fellas! Now go out & kill more US civilians with brown
skin!’ Like the racist schlemiel Trump’s other fall guys Flynn, Cohen, Manafort, Stone and so
on, along with other white supremacists, ultimately, William Barr will also become one of
Trump’s fall guys*! During that terrifying time on August 12, 2019 in the mass attacks,
Trump rabble roused the radical faction of his maniacal base to mass violence and is
OF MINORITIES* (8/05/19)!!! But so what does it matter among the Kremlin’s brainwashed
Republicans? With their solid evangelical support of Trump*, a sociopath, these once
faithful to the love of Jesus Christ Christians don’t even seem to care about the
SADISTIC CRUELTY* (5/01/20) that Trump delves out to minorities. Don’t support
Donald Trump or a Republican if you are a minority, Trump is most definitely a neo-Nazi,
one of his own “very fine people*”. Unfittingly glorifying the sadism of Trump’s neo-National
Socialists, like Jews were persecuted by Hitler after wealthy Jews supported him into
power, you may just end up being the first Latino, Black, Cuban or Indian or Jew on your
block to get your ashes sent home to your family in a cigar box with a swastika on it!

Give US this day our daily bread!
Trump socialism* is a rich man’s socialism! FAT CATS are first in line.
The top 1% are the only ones benefitting from Trump’s huge tax cuts*!
Swamp creature Scott Pruitt* in the background giving a big thumbs up
to *!

Trump is first in line to collect his one true love: fresh from US Treasury,
his solid 14 Karat golden loaf of taxpayer-funded bread!
Trump’s corrupt administration* is fighting on behalf of the super-rich upper
class which is always first in line for government-funded nationalistic
socialism*! Republican senators lie continually about protecting coverage
for pre-existing medical conditions by having consistently tried to pass
legislation to get rid of it. Even during the pandemic, they are still actively
trying to eradicate ObamaCare just so they can stuff more of Americans’
tax-payer-funded money into their already over-bloated fat cat bank
accounts. You middle class and lower class fellers in line on the other side
of the door might collect a couple of golden crumbs in a couple of years!
Like mindless sheep being led to the slaughter, oh Trump supporter, fellow
American, you have no comprehension that you are being conned by the
likes of Teflon Don the Con* do you? That’s because . . .
Trump made rich man socialism great again*!
China First, Trump First, What’s the Difference?
In 18 years, Trump paid $750 dollars in US taxes twice*, otherwise,
he paid zilch at home in his “America First” scam! News 18 Sept. 28, 2020

Trump and the Big Lender He is Beholden to.

Trump and Xi Jinping* appear very pleased in just
another one of his “this for that” quid pro quo deals.

Donald Trump has a secret bank account in China that he left off
his financial disclosure statements*. By Lenex web October 21, 2020
Donald Trump paid nearly $200,000 in taxes to China, report claims*
Guardian Lily Kuo in Beijing Wed 21 Oct 2020
New York Times says records reveal company bank account in China*,
documents show he paid grossly more taxes to China than at home!
Six key findings from the New York Times' Trump taxes bombshell!
The ex-president paid little, faces hefty audit costs as well as loans
coming due soon, and Ivanka did not appear to be in the clear.
Report: NYT publishes Trump tax returns. Guardian staff* Sep 27 2020
The President Is a Small Fish Swimming in an Ocean of Corruption With Actual
Predators that now prey upon the US in all of his many quid pro quo deals!

Donald Trump has a secret Chinese bank account*!

By Charles P. Pierce, Esquire Oct 21, 2020

Fresh red meat for cry baby Hitler!
Maryland man arrested for plot
to kill both Joe Biden and kamala Harris*!
New York times, October 21st of 2020
Who else could Trump brutalize, threaten*, kill* and torture*?
He’s a frickin’ sadist*!
As they have already been and
have already gone to prison on his behalf,
Anyone could be his next victims,
Even his own best friends Whom he later pardoned, however.
Many Trumpers who attended trump rallies
get covid-19 and some are dying and have died
and some pass it on to their family members.
In order To get himself re-elected, Americans as well
as Trump supporters have become his next victims!
Mafia don,
America doesn’t want a cry BaBy Hitler!

aren’t you gone yet?

Ah, my favorite, a f-r-resha tyrant!

Wolfie, the tyrant eater

Dictator Donnie, your torturous nightmare will end now!
we voted you out, now scram dictator don!
This is not Russia, This is American democracy.
aren’t you gone yet?
Ron Reagan Jr.*: My Father, Ronald Reagan, Would
Not Want Republicans to Vote for ‘Traitor’ Trump in 2020*!
“The Republican Party at this point, for a whole host of reasons to do with Donald
Trump, is an entirely illegitimate political party just made up of a bunch of
sycophantic traitors mouthing Kremlin propaganda to defend this
squalid little man who is occupying the White House."

At a Trump rally in Prescott, Arizona, on Oct. 19th of 2020*, it was 81° degrees and sunny, ideal
conditions for the spread of the coronavirus; while he often cited herd immunity, Trump actively and
deliberately spread the Covid-19 pandemic amongst his receptively docile supporters. Right as this
picture was being taken, by not encouraging mask wearing and proper social distancing,
a certain percentage of these people in this photograph acquired Covid-19 before our very eyes.
That percentage of these unsuspecting Americans in this photo were destined to bring the pandemic
back home with them and pass it on to their loved ones. These “chosen ones” will soon find out that this
pandemic is truly worse than being “five times more lethal than the flu*” as Trump referred
to it in his frank discussions with Bob Woodward way back in early February of 2020.
The blithering idiot at America’s helm, Trump calls the CNN News Network
‘Dumb Bastards*’ for often covering Covid-19 news.

“Biden wants to listen to Dr. Fauci," said Trump, then the crowd yelled “Lock him up!” Trump
added by saying, “People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots” & then referred to Fauci
as a “disaster*”. Dr. Anthony Fauci later responded to these comments by saying: “I can’t help
thinking that we’re going through a time that’s disturbingly anti-science in certain segments of
our society.” A close Trump ally and former Trump White House staff member, the once-indicted
Steve Bannon calls for the good doctor who works diligently trying to save American lives,
Dr. Anthony Fauci, for his head to be placed on a pike* outside the White House.
So much for the chronic liar Trump having only “the best people” for his cabinet!

Click here for: Several Articles on Election 2020*!

Click below for more articles on the 2020 election:
A legal fight over how to fix ballot errors in North Carolina has left thousands of
voters in limbo. Nearly half are people of color*. Washington Post 10/12/20
Activists warn against Trump's voter intimidation tactics*.
Trump is aiming to win the 2020 election not at ballot box, which he already
knows he will lose, but by voter intimidation tactics instead, US activists warn.
To preserve America, 'We can't let them win' Guardian 10/05/20
The one awful word that describes Trump’s, GOP 2020
election scheme: ‘Deterrence’*. Will Bunch | Inquirer October 8, 2020
Trump claims he’s free of virus, ready for campaign trail*. Denver Post 10/11/20
Trump claims he's immune to COVID-19 and can't spread it, but Twitter
says not so fast*! CBS News, O C T O B E R 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 / 7 : 3 0 A M / A P
US counterintelligence chief says foreign adversaries are
exploiting Trump's lies to influence the election*.
By Alex Marquardt, CNN October 8, 2020
How the Media Can Mount a War Against Voter Suppression*. New Republic Oct. 12, 2020
News coverage of a race horse means nothing if we let Trump rig the horserace.
Judge blocks Texas governor's order limiting number of ballot drop-off sites*.
The Texas AG has already filed an emergency appeal to halt the decision.
by Meredith Deliso ABC News October 10, 2020

Joe Biden said no debate if Trump was still infected with Covid-19*.

Oct. 6, 2020 Photo via @WFLA

The Democratic presidential candidate said “we shouldn’t have a debate” if Trump remains
infected with COVID-19. “Too many people have been infected. It’s a very serious problem, so
I will be guided by the guidelines,” he said. The next presidential debate was scheduled for
October 15th and we are still had trouble finding out the last time Trump tested negative for
Covid-19*. Trump may’ve had the virus during the debate and had already even known about it.


Biden said cancel next debate if Trump remained sick with COVID-19*.
With Trump’s disregard for safety protocol as the announcement of the nomination of Judge
Amy Barrett, such a debate set-up would be an unwise choice as it was for Trump not to wear a
mask and not to encourage his followers to do so. If Donald Trump really had Covid-19 and was
not just play acting for political purposes, then he should’ve allowed Dr. Anthony Fauci to
examine him and reveal his true medical condition. With no transparency of his medical records
and no evidence of a last negative test before he contracted Covid-19, it’s likely
the inimical Mafia Don had Covid-19 at the debate with Joe Biden.
Don’t let yourself be coerced, just lie like Trump, the king of lies!

The projecting of exactly what

psycho Trump* he is guilty of
always accuses by 1000
the Democrats times over:

Planning a coup d’état!

‘When I lose the 2020 presidential election, will
you remain loyal to me when I refuse to transfer power?’*
GOP Lawsuit: Repeal ACA to Give multi-trillion-dollar Tax Cut to the Fat Cats*.
By Igor Derysh for Salon September 25, 2020.
Trump had no plan for health care whatsoever*! 9/29/20
And why he wanted to get rid of an affordable health care*. Making health care
unaffordable for Americans would help Trump pay off $400 million dollars’ worth of rubles
that he personally owes to Russia* & other foreign competitors* such as China*.
It will make his fellow Fat Cats into trillionaires*! May 14, 2020 Click the following link for:
Another billion dollars Trump personally owes his “this for that” foreign debtors*. 9/01/20

Although he officially tested negative beforehand, the fly on Vice Pres. Mike Pence’s
head during the debate was sure to land and tattle on his left eye* which
was red with conjunctivitis, one of the symptoms of Covid-19* known as pink eye.
Activists search for hope after no officers are charged*
in Breonna Taylor’s killing and they are Urged to ‘Keep going’.
Claire Galofaro & Aaron Morrison for the Associated Press September 26, 2020

No Justice Breonna Taylor*


In Breonna Taylor's name: Devastation and a search for hope*

The grand jury decision in Breonna Taylor case has been a major blow for protestors
in Kentucky and throughout the country. CLAIRE GALOFARO & AARON MORRISON
Associated Press September 26, 2020




Following orders in accordance with sociopath Trump’s call for brutality.

Four years after Trump called for police brutality and systemic racism, the
Sadist Trump denied systemic racism and pushed his brand of ‘law and order’ in Kenosha*!
Despite local officials begging him not to come to town, Trump bogarted Kenosha, Wisconsin anyway
and boored the town where Jacob Blake was ruthlessly shot by police on Sept. 1st of 2020.
Morning Joe*

The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell*

Rachel Maddow*

All In with Chris Hayes*

11th Hr. Brian Williams (daily)*
Learn about the facts of what grisly danger we are now
living under with Trump’s inept handling of the Covid-19
pandemic and how people are increasingly dying en masse.
Americans are now watching Trump incite civil strife and
unrest that is being perpetrated under Trump’s cult-like
regime of white supremacist police officers and an
empowered armed militia that is now brutalizing American
citizens on the streets of our own homeland.

His Excellency is most certainly proud

of his “Party of Putin” GOP!

Trump said he’d refuse to
transfer power to Biden if
he lost the 2020 election*
Thwarting both the 2016 & 2020 elections,
the Crooked GOP expected us to
believe it would accept Trump’s loss!*

But did they??? NOT!* 11/09/20.


Moderna, Pfizer, J & J, Astrazenica, Chinasynoform vaccines work*! AMA 5/07/21

Finally, distributed under Biden, it proves GOP: PURE SNAKE OIL, lies & trickery*!

Let’s play a little game of Russian roulette for the masses with Covid-19!
Come to the place where anyone can go to heaven right quick. Just attend a
MAGA rally! Just keep coming, we will eventually get you there. Trump nurtures
his trumpvirus! You & your family will be pushin’ up daisies before you know it!

You don’t need a mask!

Just try Donnie’s Bleach!
Doctors are idiots!
Scientists are stupid!

If I say, ‘Off with someone’s head’, then it’s off with someone’s head!
They ought to bring back the guillotine as the punishment for capital crime.
Ah, don’t tell anyone but: Is treason a capital crime? I owe my life to Vlad!”

Figuratively speaking, “Satan & Lucifer” (Putin & Trump) walked
hand in hand leading Americans toward two down-escalators into Hell!

Walking down the ramps of two Platforms for Satan’s re-election:


The Grim Reaper & The Angel of Death spread their wings!
Down the “Make Americans die of Covid-19 again*” platform &

Down the “Make Americans shoot one another again*” platform!

“The Party of Putin” glorifies crime by killing white Americans too!
Trump’s refusal to condemn white supremacists launches an online furor*!
The ex-president told the white supremacist group
Proud Boys to "stand back" and "stand by"!

Julio Cortez AP Photo

While speaking at the first presidential debate President Donald Trump gestured
quite probably as a sign for the Proud Boys and other white supremacist
groups for: “all hands, raise arms” (weapons)!
09/30/2020 02:08 AM EDT

The Proud Boys got the message and are now preparing for civil war*!
Former Vice President Joe Biden told the Proud Boys to “Cease & Desist”*!
Trump refuses to condemn White supremacists at presidential debate*! 9/30/20

While brainwashing his followers Lenin style,

Trump repeats his lies* over and over as he always does!
By Maegan Vazquez and Paul LeBlanc, CNN September 30, 2020.

What you need to know about coronavirus on Thursday, September 17, 2020*.
Click on the red link above to let science speak.
By Eliza Mackintosh, CNN
Updated 7:44 AM ET, Thu September 17, 2020.

“Dr.” Donald Quack PhD in FIB-ology!

Ex-President Donald Trump spoke at a news conference at the White House,

on Sept. 16th of 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Ex-President Trump denied downplaying the pandemic, and then immediately after that,
downplayed the pandemic by downplaying what scientific experts report on mask usage* . . .
September 17 th of 2020 | by ZEKE MILLER and KEVIN FREKING / Associated Press.

Political Desperation!

. . . and then again, the desperate politician, “Dr.” Donald Quack even disputed these
medical experts on WHEN a viable vaccine would become available* 9/17/20!




TRUMP IS THE ENEMY OF AMERICA*! Startling revelations in Trump’s taxes*! 10/01/20


September 14, 2020

The Evil Mr. Trump says: He revels in killing his political opponents*!
In the United States of America, the threat to do bodily harm of a political
rival is an illegal trip-wire that can finally lead to a politician’s arrest!
The dominoes are starting to fall*! September 18, 2020

Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted was actually booed at a Trump Rally* on
Sept. 21, 2020 for Promoting Trump 2020 Masks* in accordance with the CDC.

Vladimir Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov*) described the various factions

of gullible acolytes of the nations that Russia occupied as useful idiots*.
Between the two pictures of Vladimir Lenin, photographed while booing
Jon Husted in the middle picture above, are some of Vladimir Putin’s
useful idiot clowns leading America down a primrose path to its own
mass death and decline as a nation. People like these idiots above are
making America ripe for exploitation by The Russian Federation*.
A perpetually dreadful leader, ex-President Donald John Trump, sheepishly
at the behest of Vladimir Putin, led the way to America’s decline.
Sieg heil messiah, we drank the Kool-Aid! Death cult ala Jim Jones style!

Russian adversarial agent, the sociopath Trump, without any qualms, shepherds his
entranced flock like silent lambs to their own deaths as well as to the deaths of many others.

Many of these Trump supporters will be found to have brought the coronavirus back home to
their families from this one event. Unabashedly, Trump’s multiple super spreader rallies
continue to spread the virus throughout the US today. America has no checks and balances
for a renegade president who is criminally endangering the American people just to come
and watch him lie and cheat them out of their tax dollars. As they watch him brag and
exaggerate about himself and about how supposedly great a job he is doing, foreign
adversarial Trump is thereby deliberately committing the negligent genocide of his own
unsuspecting supporters and other Americans before our very eyes. DONALD TRUMP’S
completely at the behest of America’s rivals. Please wake up or soon America shall die!

Putin’s useful idiots playing Trump’s dumb game of Russian roulette for the masses!
Trump held an indoor rally in Nevada against medical advice* on September 14th of 2020.
Only supporters whose faces would be on TV were required to wear masks. Against CDC
guidelines* and as always at Trump rallies, very few masks are worn by Trump’s supporters.
When will your family contract the Covid-19 virus that Trump’s super spreader rallies are
now spreading across the American population? Give up all hope a great many of ye who
have joined Trump rallies to play Trump’s dumb game of Russian roulette en masse!
All of America’s international rivals are Trump’s best friends tooth and nail!
By prodding us to ignore our scientists and medical experts, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci,
America’s foreign rivals who have invested mucho multiples of billions of rubles & yen in
Donald Trump, are strategically making Trump make Americans kill one another again!


Older White Voters Who Helped Trump Win, Will Be In Play in November* 8/23/20 NPR.
Elderly Trump voters dead or dying from coronavirus will more than just likely
cost Trump the election in November* 4/23/2020 05:18 PM EDT Politico.

Trump’s lies are killing off his supporters as Covid-19 kills off his voting base
in rural America* but there’s another born-again sucker being duped every minute!

One again the lemmings

dead again, still leap!

Hanging on Trump’s every last word: A COVID-19 patient's last words to a nurse:
“I thought this was a hoax, but it's not” A 30-Year-Old’s Regret on Deathbed*
Was Going to a COVID Party, Doctor Says* (7/13/20) “I thought it was a hoax*” (7/10/20).
As of August 23rd of 2020, More than 176,000 in the US had died of COVID-19;
57% of the Republicans polled said that it is still 'ACCEPTABLE'* USA TODAY?!!
By a deliberate dereliction of duty to warn American people of the danger that we face
with the Covid-19, America is dying because of a Russian adversarial agent named:

Donnie Covid Seed planting his Trumpvirus again*! 9/30/20

Coronaviruses: Trumpers just can’t seem to get enough of them!
To get himself elected in 2016, Trump still owes mucho multiples of billions of rubles to
his Russian oligarch masters. While referring to Democrats all throughout the
coronavirus pandemic, Putin’s puppet, sheepishly at the behest of his Russian masters,
pathetically and gullibly, repeated the very same phrase:
“This is their new hoax*”!
Trumpers fell for Russia’s lie that Covid-19 is a hoax or that it’s not so bad.
Wake up & wear a mask or be one of Russia’s 100% bonafide useful idiots!
Wake up or Russian agent Trump will surrender America to Russia soon!
US President Donald Trump tested positive for Covid-19*! 10/02/20
Wake up now or wake up dead!
Vulnerable Republican candidates are distanced themselves from Trump*!
GOP candidates distance themselves from Trump’s pandemic response*.


COVID-Positive Republicans Hugged, Backslapped, and Canoodled in the Rose Garden*.

As if there is no pandemic, there was a whole lot of good olé’ Republican coronavirus camaraderie
at the announcement of Judge Amy Barrett as Trump’s nominee for Supreme Court justice.


I haven’t been able to comfort my congregants for months. Watching the Barrett reception
was an insult to all of us*. No social distancing was observed and very few masks were worn.

White House attendees who contracted coronavirus at Barrett announcement*.

Russia’s useful idiot Republicans want no CDC contract tracing to figure out what happened*.
COVID-Positive Trump Ignores CDC Advice to Take Joyride, With Grim Secret Service Agents in Tow*.
The ex-president left Walter Reed’s presidential suite in a motorcade to wave to supporters,
potentially exposing several Secret Service agents to the coronavirus.
(Trump’s body is now a gurgling cauldron of coronaviruses while
he exposes the Secret Service inside an airtight vehicle to his radiating
coronaviruses. About 2000 US government employees, police and
other officials were involved in connection with his brief joyride.
Usefully idiotic judgment during a pandemic, don’t you think? ~ G Boyd.)
Patricia Kelly Yeo
Breaking News/Cheat Sheet Intern
Updated Oct. 04, 2020 10:52PM ET / Published Oct. 04, 2020 6:07PM ET

‘This Is Insanity:’ Walter Reed Doctor Slams Trump’s Needlessly Risky Joyride*.
Jamie Ross Oct. 05, 2020 4:35AM ET / Published Oct. 05, 2020 4:23AM ET

Donald Trump, infected with Covid-19, leaves hospital to joy ride

past supporters sporting muscle shirts and Melania cutouts*.
US ex-president said of the virus he fought: ‘I get it, and I understand it’
Clamorous supporters rallied outside hospital where
Trump had been confined since that Friday.
Mark Magnier in the United States
Published: 7:07am, 5 Oct, 2020
Trump’s doctors had a credibility gap as confusion swirls around his condition*!
(A president that lies and an administration that lies as well as he does. ~ G Boyd.)
Trump tested positive for COVID-19 on Oct. 2 nd*.
White House Physician, Dr. Sean Conley says Trump’s health is improving*. 10/04/20

Press conference to get into some of the specifics concerning Trump’s illness.
Specialist in osteopathy (bone doctor), Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley said several times:
“I don’t want to get into the specifics*.” Trump was given the witches brew of a cocktail
of experimental drugs* that are normally given to the more severe cases of the virus*
and we still don’t know the last time Trump tested negative for Covid-19*. 10/05/20
Trump’s doctor’s comments on symptoms, care sparked confusion*. 10/05/20
Trump’s physician provided an update on ex-president’s condition at Walter Reed*. 10/05/20

Donnie Covid Seed’s act upon returning to make the White House a Ghost Town*!
Trump, Back At White House, Still Infectious* Monday, October 5, 2020. As he saluted the Marine
One helicopter that transported him, Trump kept gasping for air for several minutes as he
stood on the White House balcony outside of the Blue Room after he returned from Walter
Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. on Monday, Oct. 5 th of 2020 in Wash.
DC. Trump’s body wa still a cauldron of coronaviruses as he profusely shed the Covid-19
virus in the breath, sweat and saliva. Many White House staff members fled for their lives.
Michael Moore floated a conspiracy theory that Trump
was faking his Covid diagnosis*. Independent 10/02/20
Trump Takes 2 in a brilliant Hollywood performance:

Maskless, the ‘infected’ and the infirm, Trump got renewed energy at the mere
suggestion, that he ‘re-shot his Hollywood entrance to White House’ on his return from
the hospital*. One day he will win an Oscar for this performance. Independent 10/06/20
Trump says he’s not contagious, Health experts say that it’s not certain*. Wash Post 10/11/20
White House physician Sean Conley obediently covers up for him*. NY Times 10/10/20
If Dictator Donnie truly has Coronavirus, then Trump is likely shedding virus
each time he breathes, say experts*. Independent 6/06/20

Dictator Donnie’s Looney Bin!

The perpetual rabble rouser-in-chief, Donnie Covid Seed plants new Covid
“seedlings” across the population of the American landscape where his
raucously enthusiastic, naively giddy and insanely gullible supporters gladly
transport the coronavirus “seedlings” that they may have gathered at the
rally back home to their loved ones, their mates, their parents & their
children to suffer the consequences of their blind loyalty to a false prophet.
“I would die for Donald Trump” says one old man. Don’t worry, you likely will!
As of October 12th of 2020, Trump was still shed dying viruses at least for another ten days*.

Still shed dying viruses!


Donnie Covid Seed, the Big Bad Wolf,

rejects guidance from the Center for Disease Control, and appears to want the
whole World to contract the Covid-19 disease that he supposedly contracted* 10/09/20.
Still infectious as of October 12th of 2020*, Trump was yet a walking, talking,
gurgling cauldron of dying coronaviruses, shedding at the very least, for another
ten days until his body has adequate antibodies*. When you came within six
feet of him, with but a huff and a puff, he could still yet blow your shit away with a single
breath! On the lower left-hand side, below the pole above, are some of Russia’s useful idiots,
flag-waving Americans, suspecting not even in the slightest, that by their not wearing masks
& not following the safety protocol, they were about to become some of Donnie Covid Seed,
the Big Bad Wolf’s next victims of Covid-19 by making them to bring it home with them to
their grandparents and to their children. These are the useful idiot victims of Russia’s
takeover of the United States. Waiting in the wings on the right, Trump’s fellow Russian
agents are preparing to begin assuming greater control over the United States the day after
he gets sworn in for a second term. As projected by epidemiologists, as far as the pandemic
goes, herd immunity only might be achieved after 2 to 7 million American deaths
per year up until when the pandemic is finally going to subside in a few years or longer.
“Herd immunity is another word for mass murder*” expert says. CNN 10/14/20
Here are some live coronavirus updates* from ABC News 10/21/20.

The hard-working, the brave and the strong people of the beautiful City of New York have
a dark legacy (Watch movie: * with the superlatively great actors:
Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day-Lewis and Cameron Diaz) and a relatively recent tragedy
in the history of New York that Donald Trump appears to exploit so that we can all share
political ploy for a seething vendetta for the Twin Towers disaster (pictured above).
We can all now share in Donald Trump’s knee-jerk reflex diplomacy which is to simply
“Bomb the shit out of ‘em!*” and it will eventually take us on a disastrous and fatal course
toward another barbarous war in which America is being manipulated by America’s rivals
to make Russian agent Trump instigate another civil war in which more Americans will die.

See the videos and performances about the 911 Disaster: Fragile* by Sting*,
Where were you when the World stopped turning?* by Alan Jackson*,
* by *, * by *
and * by *.

Under the disastrous Trump administration, America is veritably experiencing the

number of deaths every three days that occurred at the 911 Disaster.
Click here for: The number of deaths in the US from Covid-19 so far today*!
(If you are on a computer, Click on the image of the US on the World map.)

After suspected poisoning, Prominent Putin foe Alexei Navalny in coma*
by The Los Angeles Times ASSOCIATED PRESS AUG. 19, 2020.

Putin poisoned Navalny, An open and shut case? Not quite*!

As so often is the case, things may be a lot more complicated
writes Mary Dejevsky Thursday 27 August 2020 16:20.
After Novichok poisoning of opposition leader Navalny, Conflicting reports on the Putin
critic's recovery* B Y A L E X A N D R A O D Y N O V A S E P T E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 0 C B S N E W S .
Russia likely behind Navalny (Russian democratic leader) poisoning says Mike Pompeo*.
Russia says West trying to victimize Moscow over Navalny poisoning*
By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press Sep 10, 2020.
Putin to Set up Inquiry into Navalny Poisoning: Italy's PM*
By Reuters, Wire Service Content, Sept. 10, 2020.

Russia’s Opposition Seeks to Deal a Blow to Putin with Navalny Sidelined* .

Local elections could likely show if the attack on Alexei Navalny, the Russian critic of
Kremlin activities, has dampened the opposition or revitalized it.
The Face of Russian democracy at that moment*.
Alexei Navalny blamed Vladimir Putin for poisoning him*.
BBC News Oct 1, 2020

Navalny blamed Putin for poisoning him*.

Reuters Oct.2, 2020

He vowed to return to Russia* CNN 9/15/20

Yulia, Wife of Alexei Navalny requested Putin

to allow him to be flown out of Russia*.
PUBLISHED: 03:16 EDT, 21 August 2020 | UPDATED: 12:40 EDT, 21 August 2020

Navalny’s wife Yulia begged Putin to release her husband who was in a coma
claiming of a cover up by Russian doctors who claimed he has 'heart disease'.

Alexei Navalny returns to Russia and gets arrested immediately*!
Hindustan Times Jan. 19, 2021
Feel free! Come and visit Russia and wind up getting sent to a gulag
working several years of in a Siberian salt mine. It’s a really nice
place to vacation. Bring the whole family. We need more slaves!

Over 5,100 arrested at pro-Navalny protests across Russia*


At the end of January of 2021, a Major wave of Anger Roiled Russian cities*!
Supporting Russian democracy rather than autocracy, the largest demonstrations in
years happened across Russia at January’s end. In over a hundred cities, by braving the
60 degree below weather, protesters of hardy Russians, courageously rallied
to support jailed opposition leader Aleksei Navalny.
Jan. 24, 2021

Thousands of Russians were picked up at pro-Navalny Rallies in Russia*!

80 journalists arrested at protests in Russia*!
BY JOSEPH CHOI - 01/31/21 06:16 PM EST

Nothing but arrests, suppression and oppression in Russia because of the endless lies told by
the Russian government in the media that is allowed to flourish in a present day Russian autocracy.
As more divisive propaganda mounts, faith in the legitimacy of democratic elections and institutions
rises and as its autocratic government further oppresses the Russian public, it further elicits
a lack of faith in autocracy and its systemic spreading of falsehoods, as these brave
Russians look forward at how to confront more crackdowns like these in Russia.
What do voter suppression and Alexei Navalny have in common?
An oppressive autocracy, like what is going on in the Russian Federation, will torture its citizens
by deliberately killing off dissidents, dissenters and objectors to adhering to a self-centered
autocracy under a single monarch who supposedly supplies all the answers to everything.
New Georgia Poll Shows Kemp Losing Governor’s Race to a Can of Coca-Cola*.
By Andy Borowitz
Column: While trying to suppress black voters, Republicans won’t succeed unless
Americans let them*! Dahleen Glanton, Chicago Tribune Thu, April 8, 2021
Russian opposition leader Navalny has spinal hernias*. Apr 7, 2021

AP Photo Alexander

On Feb. 20, 2021, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is behind a glass at the Babuskinsky District Court in
Moscow. Navalny is on a prison hunger strike since March 31 to protest failure of the staff to provide treatment for leg
& back pains.

Navalny complained of torture in Russian prison, lawyer said his health was waning*.
Issued on: Mar 25, /2021 - 6:18 pm

Achtung! Halt! !
Corrupt police abuse their power as a pretext for murder!
A Boy with a play gun gets shot dead by police, Tamir Rice*! Wikipedia
Like what happened to Jews in Germany during World War II, a black
12-year-old boy in the US was shot dead within seconds*! BBC News
The Justice Department under Trump’s administration Grossly Declined
to Prosecute Cleveland Officers in the Shooting of Tamir Rice*!
Such as once was a new autocrat himself, the has-been Mr. Trump, uses democratic
freedoms as a tool of oppression to get rid of democracy itself*! 12/27/18 Griffe Witte*
Political parties and autocratic power*! 11/29/2020 By CARL DOERNER*

VANESSA ROMO Twitter December 29, 2020 6:27 PM ET

What Americans got coming from the right as GOP support for autocracy grossly surfaces!
There has got to be some kind of control for truth in the media and truth in government such as by
the kind of control that can democratically, appropriately and legally deal with the Republican denial that
the 2020 US election was fair and square. Laws should be passed that can deal effectively with the rampant
lying that takes place in the US government where corrupt leaders are still allowed to prosper like
the fork-tongued orator Trump who always lies. Mimicking the chronic liar Trump and his deliberate
spreading of misinformation causes people to die needlessly such as by The Big Lie* told by the
downright damnably sinful prevaricators of lies now infesting the GOP about the 2020 election.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says US policy is dumb and

it is ineffective in relation to Russian policies*! Herald Extra 4/08/21
Trying to establish a Russian autocracy in the United States by
royally crowning his blithering incompetency as Putin’s mini king forever,
the pathetic Mr. Trump, attacked Gov. Brian Kemp and Sec. of State, Brad Raffensperger
of Georgia* for not performing his oppressive measures regarding the election process by
childishly reverting to name calling them 'RINOS' and then by ‘grandiosely pontificating’
that the state’s election law is ‘too weak’ and that it must become much more oppressive.
Phillip M. Bailey, USA TODAY Wed, April 7, 2021

Trump’s scientifically brainwashed adherents, Moscow’s very own pride & joy,
bowing to Trump and his loyal base of support, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp
tries to win them back by using a more drastic anti-American measures:
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp falsely waves the American Flag while promoting
allegiance to Putin’s puppet, Donald Trump and his Russian style-dictatorial measures.
To try to win back Trump and his voting base, a 100% bonfide turncoat, veritably
a GOP Russian Nazi Party member, tries a Russian autocratic measure:
Kemp Grossly Seizes on Georgia Voting Law*!
New York Times Reid J. Epstein and Lisa Lerer Thu, April 8, 2021

Georgia Secretary Of State, Brad Raffensperger

Opposes New Voting Law*.
NPR April 7, 2021

And what about American service members who have died in wars?

Fergit a bat it!

They’re all “suckers and losers*” ~ actual Trump quote. 9/04/20
‘A hundred thousand dead here, a hundred thousand dead there!

What was important is if I got re-elected!

This country only exists yet because of me

and my boss, Napoléon, I mean, Vladimir Putin!’

And what about the Covid-19 pandemic?

Fergit a bat it!

“The virus will just go away*” actual Trump quote. 7/01/20

‘A hundred thousand dead here, a hundred thousand dead there!
What was important is if I got re-elected,’

‘I am the messiah*!’
When Trump lied continually about Covid-19 and we still believed in him,
we placed the fates of our children in the hands of a false prophet!

Ron Reagan, Jr. speaks about Donald Trump*. 8/23/19

Dr. Anthony Fauci constantly had to babysit “Dr.” Donald Quack 9/01/20
& his ridiculous Russian disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic!
Like Custer*, America’s wealthy love a chronic liar with a forked tongue!

Make the entire Trump family great again*!

Make Trump family members* in senior positions of the government* great again!
Make the top one percent of the United States population* great again!
Screw the lower, the middle and the upper middle classes again!

Driving his evangelical supporters wild with adoration of a false prophet,

above & below are two well-choreographed photographs of the infamous
* “Saint Trump” giving an us versus them proposition*.
While staring straight into the eyes of an alternate reality, without
even batting an eyelid, * “Saint Trump” this time
only toad one lie every three minutes during his acceptance speech*!
The dud RNC convention ended with Trump’s much less than grand finale.
After Trump incited mob violence from both the right wing and the left wing
for four years, with his choreographed halo shining brightly behind him,
“Saint Trump*” uttered this one profound truth during his acceptance speech
that gave us one of the many great reasons for a Joe Biden presidency.
“We can never have a situation where things are going on as they are today*”!
How true! However, that was during Trump’s disastrous tenure as president*!

Screw both Trumpers & Never Trumpers, Make Trump Nepotism Great Again*!

Click image!

Only the tip of the iceberg of all the lawlessness in TrumpLand*.

Donald Trump’s second term agenda: Make Americans
die en masse from Covid-19* & from Civil war* again!

Trump KKK*!


Make Kanye West and Donald Trump have America
be a province of The Russian Federation again!
For a little song and dance, keep Uncle Tom* around
for a few years before we finally, do him in,
or enslave him along with the rest of his race!

Give me your rednecks, your Uncle Toms,

your psychos and your useful idiots: Make America


Like Jews voted* Hitler into power through the

Trump’s plan to do this is how his* hero* & distant*
cousin* Adolf Hitler*, was Jewish-supported* into
power* and then exterminated 6,000,000 Jews!

Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was an avid member of the KKK*!

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father, Fred, was

arrested after a Klan riot in Queens, New York*.

SATUR August 15, 2020

Outlaw Donald Trump had

pro-Russian desperadoes
hold up the Pony Express*!
Brave American
frontiersmen & injuns
fought them off*!

Impeach Louis DeJoy*!

In the World Series final for the 2020 baseball season,
in the bottom of the eighth inning
the score is Yankees 6 and the Ruuskies 4.
With the bases loaded, Joltin’ Joe Biden steps up to
home plate and hits a grand slam when he announces a
woman would be his running mate* on August 11th of 2020
and a few hours later, announces Kamala Harris,
a professional prosecutor, as his pick for vice president*!

In the top of the ninth inning, Ruuskies manager

(in the background), Vladimir Putin, announces a
vaccine for coronavirus* on that very same day!

Russia’s approval of a COVID-19 vaccine is less than meets

the press release* By Jon Cohen, Aug. 11, 2020, 5:15 PM.

Russia offers to help US with Covid-19 vaccine; US says no*.

by Matthew Chance, Zahra Ullah and Vivian Salama, CNN
Updated 7:43 PM ET, Thu August 13, 2020.
Coronavirus in Russia: The Latest News | daily 2020*.


A nation ever striving for a more perfect union.

Joe’s strengths are his superior intelligence, hard work ethic,
courage and his love for the American people. As vice president during the
Obama administration, his hard work helped develop the Obama economy which
gained its strength from Americans working together and at its height fared well
above the Trump economy (at its height)* which simply gets its strength by cutting off
funding & services for the American public by simply branding it socialist. While
Trump’s rich man socialism has only the super wealthy standing in a very short line
to collect a fat cat’s piece of the health care pie, Trump now fakes his support for
pre-existing conditions by having recently made an executive order protecting it.
However, with his addition of a ninth Supreme Court justice, Trump is actually
preparing to invalidate the pre-existing conditions necessary for health care that his
administration had previously placed into the Supreme Court in order to eradicate it.
The greedy GOP members of the US Senate are now trying to rid the public of an
affordable health care and have people pay their own bills entirely*!
Trump is striving to make America into a divided nation at war with itself again.
He gets his strength from hatred, division and by the sociopathic sadism that he
orchestrates by causing Americans to suffer greatly again by deliberately making
Americans die en masse again through his inept handling of the Covid-19 pandemic
and by the endless civil strife and unrest that Trump constantly precipitates with his
white supremacist groups (such as Proud Boys*) on his watch, again & again & again.
As seen on the graph above the over-all Obama economy fared well-better
off than the Trump economy*. The gross domestic product during the Obama
administration at its height had a 5.5% growth rate during 2014 whereas during the
Trump administration at its height it was 3.5% growth rate during 2017 and 2018.

As can be seen above on the chart above, the unemployment rate

started going down steadily during the Obama administration.
The Trump economy vs. Obama economy — in 16 charts*!
September 5, 2020
Donald Juan Quixote’s* 8/05/20 ~ Fake Reality* 7/20/20 ~ VERSUS ~
The reality of truths, facts and science about Covid-19* (Center for Inquiry)!

Let’s play Make believe!

24 times that Donald Juan Quixote’s spear casts its magic spell over his loyal flock:

“The virus will just go away*!” ~ Trump.

The Coronavirus Is Never Going Away*! August 2020
No matter what, the virus will continue to circulate around the world.

Donald Trump’s agenda made the COVID-19 pandemic much worse*! 7/18/20

How the Trump Administration is using COVID-19 to end asylum* 8/03/20

Trump and Congress End the $600 COVID-19 Stimulus Payments,

More Americans Will Die* as a result! 7/28/20

Covid-19 is beating Trump*! 8/03/20

Cry baby! Trump will try to start a civil war when he loses the 2020 election!
I'm not losing: Trump refuses to commit to the
election results when he loses the 2020 election*! 7/19/20

A Confederate monument emulating slavery The Whiteman disdained everyone that was not perfect like you,
comes down at the State Capital in Raleigh, NC. human beings created in God’s image, a part of the early American experience.
US ex-President Donald Trump is trying to accomplish his notion of making America great by making America great AGAIN!
He intends to do this through the oppression of immigrants and minorities and the disenfranchising of American Indians from ancient
landholdings, by retaining American monuments to the glorification of slavery & slaveholders and by barring non-white immigrants from
entry into the US! His criminal negligence in his racist dealings with Americans is even on display when he oppresses America’s migrant
workers by placing them into concentration camps. Nearing à la Hitler’s national socialistic style, he perpetrated his sadistic cruelty
upon migrants by inflicting forms of torture upon migrant children. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is what he has already reinforced
by his performing of barbaric acts under his administration of the psychopathic cruelty that he has already inflicted upon people who
seek asylum in the so-called “land of the free”. The right wing of American society fails to actually listen to what he is really saying.
What Trump has yet to state publicly is that he will accomplish this traditional nationalistic (Nazi for short) style of oppression of
minorities by his industrial genocide of minorities, whomsoever he alone deems unacceptable to the white establishment
as lower forms of human life, and that they should therefore be enslaved or be eradicated by any means possible.

*! *!


Massasoit's* clan* was *! Trail of Tears*! The World can’t breathe*!

Eternally, I wait for the day when I truly become one of the immortals.

With my face next to theirs on the rock of Mt. Rushmore on

Oglala Lakota Nation land in the Black Hills, I always be grateful.
My plan for an American carnage*is all it would take!

I will have to choose my victims to enslave or to exterminate.

All minorities will do!
I will be known as “The Wonder of the Ages”.



Provincial Governor of Native America, Russia!

Czar Vladimir Putin (St. Petersburg Mining Institute PhD*): Recognize
international law! The Oglala Lakota Nation* is the owner* of the
Black* Hills* in South Dakota*. The solemn treaties made with
the US* of 1851* & 1868* were upheld* by the US Supreme Court*
of Land Claims in 1980* but were fork-tongued by US in 1982*!
Put this picture on your mantle!

A Russian’s Pride of his little boy, Donnie!


I’m so proud of my little boy. I taught him everything he knows,

like calling the press “the enemies of the people” or by pointing out
an ominous “deep state” that opposes just another so-called
“witch hunt” or the “hoax” of an autocrat’s oppressive
measures or by calling Congressional oversights “leaks”.
Trump is doing a great job destroying American democracy
and running the United States into the ground for me.
He is laying the groundwork for the setting up of my provincial
government under the auspices of The Russian Federation.
Just prior to the Second World War, when we Russians were allied with
Germany, Russia was part of the Soviet Union and, our German puppet at
the time, Adolf Hitler, we had him announce his message of law and order
in the solidification of his dictatorship in Germany until he turned
viciously barbaric on us. Likewise in America at the Republican National
Convention, is where my underling, “Mighty mouse” Mike Pence, came in to
officially announce my iron-hammered policy of law and order* in the
United States to save the day. I am having my patsy, William Barr,
carry out the enforcement of my dictatorial law and order policies to
Americans in cities like Portland, Oregon. I, Vladimir Putin, am Trump’s
boss. I am ruling America! And so now, as long as I am the one running
Trump’s policies in America, I have some business to talk over with
the Oglala Lakota Nation about the Black Hills in South Dakota.

Now push over, Iaha!

* is d*!
United States Election scenario 2020:
Donald Trump, I mean, Vladimir Putin won the 2020 US election!

It is now evident that while toasting his comrades, Czar Vladimir Putin* had actually
On January 21 of 2021, the day after his re-inauguration, Trump proclaimed his
subordinance to Vladimir Putin who officially became Czar over the United States!
On Kristi Noem’s watch* & backed up by Trump, Putin’s first order of business:

Putin blew up Mt. Rushmore in SD in quest of gold & other minerals &
then began mining the Black Hills with predominantly Russian miners!
We have met the Russians and they are us!

The Red Scare*: How Putin’s Oligarchs got inside the White House*.

On July 18, 2020, infiltrated Russian agent Trump had a few departing words* for
his white supremacist “biker troops in camaflouge” who randomly beat members
of a group of what was originally 200 peaceful Black Lives Matter (update*)
protestors off the streets of Portland, Oregon. Mayor Ted Wheeler said it was
relatively calm until the troops arrived in unmarked vehicles and used grossly
excessive violence and random apprehension against the peaceful protesters.
Oregon is now suing the federal government* 7/19/20!

Infiltrated Russian agent Trump, in a manner of speaking, issued

these prior departing orders to the US troops he deployed as members
of Putin’s army: ‘Always remember! . . . The American is the enemy*’!

Dictator Trumpet ought to be ashamed of himself*!

Shadap you maut!

Let Dr. Fauci speak*! 7/20/20


Shut him up!

More deaths coming, even our children!

Look beyond the facade to see who your real president was!

Put a MASK ON* or
catch & spread the pandemic!
Russian agent Trump’s death trap:
Resume business as if there is no pandemic!
Make Americans die* en masse from Covid-19* again!
The Russians,

Go out unmasked You can easily,

& Commingle Catch Covid-19!

Live and let die*!

At Ohio Speech 8/07/20*.
The oligarchs want you dead so
they can get your property.
Die of the coronavirus!
Keep listening to Russia’s useful idiot!
I am your Mother Earth, my children, and I am dying.
Profiteering idiots who ignore science now rule Planet Earth.
This will lead to my death. A deadly coronavirus invades my
body. In the next decade, if mankind continues to pollute
the Earth the way it had been for the previous century,
then climate change will become irreversible
and *
Mankind will soon then become extinct!
Wake up, children!

Cry Baby Hitler can’t get his way at G-20 in Germany*!
He tells the climatologists and scientific experts:

‘I want my oil! I want my oil!

I want my oil! I want my oil! I want my oil!’

Says Trumpy!

Fascist sociopath & adversarial Russian agent:

Trumpy the Covid
wants to give your children some orange marmalade* by
having them get back to school without mask mandates
to ingest some of his new:

Frosted Coronaviruses!
& Make Americans die en masse again.

When Trump lies endlessly about the Covid-19 pandemic*

(Woodward Sept. 10, 2020) and we are still believing in him,
then we are entrusting a false prophet even
with the lives of our own children!

Did your children eat their coronaviruses today?

Evangelical idolaters of the chosen one of Vladimir Putin*!
August 12, 2020

Baby Jesus


The antichrist, Russian agent Trump, brainwashes Americans at Trump rallies. He had not encouraged
wearing a face mask*, ignored CDC’s guidelines regarding social distancing and had even asked Dr. Anthony
Fauci* if it was possible to let the pandemic “wash through” the American population. Trump is a racist
of the worst variety, of the mass exterminating variety, and his way of dealing with the pandemic is
his way of ridding America of certain minority populations since they tend to become more affected by
Covid-19. He said, without saying it outright, to allow it to spread as a form of ethnic purging of America
by simply letting the pandemic have it’s way with the American population. In the previous months since
February of 2020, Trump supporters at his superspreader rallies, churches, businesses and places of
employment, didn’t wear masks. He had repeatedly stated that he wants people to crowd into businesses,
churches and places of employment even without wearing a mask and has even acted as a Russian
adversary that is trying to lead Americans into committing a form of mass suicide! Dr. Anthony Fauci,
infectious disease expert, warned of the massive upsurge 7/07/20*. The brave Dr. Fauci* has been
subjected to endless death threats* for speaking the truth about the pandemic*, yet, these Trumpers
still place their faith in Trump and nod their heads “yes” in unison when Trump lies continually.
“This pandemic is just a hoax. Don’t worry, it will just go away. Soon it will be down close to zero.”
In this way, the sociopath Donald Trump is hypnotizing you to place your precious
loved ones on the Covid-19 altar of burnt offerings to him as a false messiah.

Trump’s hatred for Americans becomes evident by his brutal sigging of veritably what is acting as
Putin’s army under the guise of being US personnel onto peaceful American protestors. These “Russian
storm troopers” are nonetheless fellow Americans, yet in effect, they have unknowingly been enlisted as
members of Putin’s army. With Trump’s grossly criminal negligence in adequately responding to the
pandemic, he makes Americans die en mass by perpetrating negligent genocide upon US. Unless he
absolutely has to seem to give us good advice, Trump always gives us the bad advice that is going to kill
us. In this way, he endangers the American public by performing a deliberate extermination of American
people. By failing to read his briefings, daily, Trump is derelict in his duty. Now there are currently
372,968 US deaths AND RISING from Covid-19* 1/07/21! The vacant-minded blitheringly useful idiot, Trump
coldheartedly and cruelly had this to say about American lives during the pandemic: “Let them die*!

The sociopath Trump shepherded Americans like silent lambs to the slaughter:
‘Don’t worry Lady Justice, soon it would all just disappear. I just murdered
you like I murdered 400,000 other Americans* by Jan. 20th of 2021, through
my own deliberate negligent genocide of hundreds of thousands of my
American minions who are not worthy of the magnificence of my greatness.’
Mary Trump Calls Uncle Donald Trump:
A “Sociopath Who Has Cheated His Whole Life”*!
He is a narcissist, who is ‘lost to his own delusional spin’*!
Mary Trump on her Uncle Donald: ‘He’s acting on his own racism*’!

Mary Trump’s tell-all memoir

sells 1.35 million copies in blockbuster first week*!
Mary Trump: The inside story of why she wrote a tell-all memoir* 7/07/20.
New York Times
Mary Trump: The inside story of why she wrote a tell-all memoir* 7/09/20. Irish Times
For us’n po folks out there in cyberland, read the book for yourself: Click here*!
Listen when Donald Trump’s niece says that he is a sociopath!
Trump is a sociopathic monster! He will burn your darker kin alive!
Psychiatrist Lance Dodes on the "panicked" state of
the "most dangerous person on the planet"*! 10/29/19.
Trump Is Sadistic* 1/14/19 *!
September 24, 2019 Steve Almond

Peer inside the hideous mind of a social deviant!

Trump is a stone cold sadist* & a psychopath too*!

The ex-president’s supporters are gleefully and even giddily
complicit with Trump’s extreme sadistic cruelty toward the
inflicting of immense suffering upon the races of people*
whom Trump successfully made them hate and fear*!

People are trying to warn you that

ust like *!
Listen! Or soon we ALL shall perish!
Trump placed the utmost of trust in his top medical advisor: his lower power!
‘Don’t listen to all of those highly educated medical experts and doctors! They don’t know
what’s best for the American people! Always follow MY GUT to solve ALL of your problems!’
‘Gut knew best! It yielded no Whoppers!’

Trump’s senile dear old dad Fred.

2 + 2 = 4!

I told you I’m a genius!

“I aced the test!” ~ Trump said bragging*
after the senility test he talked about as
if it was an IQ test for higher mathematics.
Republican Senator* Ben Sasse* of Nebraska (8/10/20)
comments on the “unconstitutional slop*” (8/11/20)
of lame duck* (6/15/20) then-President Trump.

Trump hides behind his lame duck executive orders*!

The psychotic “Dr.” Donald Quack is in!
“Dr.” Donald Quack’s prescriptions for Covid-19:
The self-appointed prescriber of pharmaceuticals,
the Wacked out “Dr.” Donald Quack, prescribed both
* and * to treat coronavirus.

tiny’s hydroxies*

With US funds,
“Dr.” Quack bought a
whole shitload* to sell
presuming they were
a Cure for Covid-19.
He followed his gut!

Severe heart risk* 911 calls*

“Dr.”Quack also followed his gut

When he prescribed Chlorox!

Even though any one of his prescriptions for Covid-19 will kill the
normal person, every morning when Dr. Donald Quack wakes up, as a
preventative, he drops a couple of “hydroxies”, guzzles ‘em down with a
full bottle of liquid testosterone and follows ‘em with a good hearty shot
of bleach! This is Dr. Quack’s sure cure for Covid-19 and whatever else
that ails ya’! He “strongly suggests it”! On the following page is what
you’ll act like too only if you are superhuman like “Dr. Quack” and you
loyally follow his prescription. The self-appointed twitter-by-shitter
wacked out Mr. Trump placed himself into a position of giving
so-called medical advice that only a real medical expert could give.
After he publicly made his bogus prescription, an estimated
10,000 American citizens injured themselves as a result.

Now amuse yourself with your loyalty to a real fruit case!

“Dr.” Donzie Trumperelli whispers sweet nothings in Paula’s ear!

Onward Nazi soldiers*!

Trump, a Born again Nazi, openly plans for
the execution of political opponents and
concentration camps for migrants & minorities.

While still in office, Trump met Pastor Ms. Paula White every week for a rather

intense prayer session at the Oval office. On your hard-earned tax dollar, it is
quite often there that they join joyfully to sing glory hallelujah together!


The two men Unless ousted,

on top Trump’d started

committed Earth’s global

suicide. suicide of WWIII!

The gospel of hatred according to Trump, the parable on:

. . . “The imminent* Butcher*”!

Butchering Christianity & the US Constitution while brutalizing peaceful protesters to the
rampantly unabashed killing of blacks by the systemically racist policies of US law enforcement*,
Trump spreads his gospel of hatred among once-faithful-to-the-love-of Jesus Christ evangelical
Christians. The antichrist Trump wants a brutally oppressive police force when he declares
martial law after he loses the 2020 election from his political challenger Joe Biden.
Even though, he publicly tries to enlist China and Russia in rigging the election for him,
when he loses the election in November, he will then trump up the notion again that the
election was rigged because of mail-in ballots. His deliriously brainwashed supporters will then
fanatically take part in his rabble rousing of division between Republicans & Democrats, between
whites & blacks and between Americans and immigrants in their naïve obedience to their master
Putin and his policy of Divide & Conquering America by blindly playing his useful idiots.
The supporters of Putin’s puppet, Trump, fail to realize that they are surrendering their own
American properties to the country of Russia. If Trump had appropriately prepared for the
simultaneous Covid-19 pandemic, [Protests and the pandemic* updates 6/07/20] then as of
June 17th of 2020*, there would be only about a couple thousand Covid-19 deaths in the US to date.
Instead, by Dec. 9th of 2020, there are 293,496 US deaths and rising from Covid-19* caused
entirely by the poor pandemic response of Putin’s puppet, that by apparently rigging the 2016
election for him, Vladimir Putin personally placed his useful idiot at the helm of America!

In the end, the Nazi suffers the greatest hell of all!
The Nazi SS became victims of their own crimes against humanity!
Hatest thy neighbor as thou hateth thyself!

Hitler’s motto:
“Deutschland wieder großartig machen!”

“ ”

The wages of Naziism is death!

As it was with the Nazi SS at Dachau Concentration Camp toward the ending
of the Second World War, these Nazi SS guards pictured above were starved

and tortured to death by the allies. When the war was finally ending, to
varying degrees, the same was perpetrated upon Nazi prisoners in detention

camps all over Germany! Imagine a relatively gentle soul of Hogan’s Heroes*,

Sargent Schultz*, who always “just followed orders*”, lying there in that
heap of dead bodies. Better known as Nazis, this really happened

to these German National Socialists*! In the end, the allied

perpetrators called it justice! History can repeat itself, if we let it.

The fate of American white supremacist hatred will ultimately reflect
the same degree of pain and suffering that they inflicted upon the

migrants in detention centers on America’s southern border.

Trump’s Mob ties*. Trump thanks Barr for “Taking Charge” of Stone Case*.

Roger Stone lied to Congress on Trump’s behalf* 02/12/20.

The Three Amigos*: The mobster lingo of Mafia Don:

1) “Do us a favor though*” 2) “She’s going to go through some things*”

3) “Get rid of her! Take her out. Do it!*” 4) “head on a pike*”

5) “hasn’t paid the price yet*” 1/26/20

6) Trump says his political opponents ought to be executed for treason* 5/23/19.


The gospel of hatred according to Trump.
While making America Russia again,
the antichrist once again claims he is the messiah*!
Praise the lord! He has finally risen from the jake!

The antichrist once again resorts to desperate

measures, anything to stay in power*. Jan. 23, 2020
With the wrong man in the messiah seat* 6/17/20
evangelicals make haste the return of the
“lord” by starting WWIII. Someone should let them
know that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is

Fake realities, wishing a pandemic away, low down in the

polls, so now it’s time, once again, for Trump to play the
messiah card amongst all of his wacked out right wing
Qanon conspiracy theorists including little green men!

In a secret recording, Trump’s associates compare him to

the Jewish Messiah. The indicted, Lev Parnas can be heard
explaining to the relatively illiterate Trump* (1/26/20)
that the Messiah is 'the person that has
come to save the whole world'!

Besides having prescribed his bogus prescriptions of hydroxychloroquine
and bleach, desperate for a vaccine for Coronavirus,
“Dr.” Donald Quack touts another bogus “breakthrough” again:
Convalescent plasma treatment for Covid-19* which has already been
used for several months as one of the experimental treatments for
coronavirus. Its effectiveness is sketchy* (August 24, 2020) at best.

A pitiful Steve Bannon in jail and in the courtroom,

after having pleaded not guilty* and posting a $5 million dollar bail*,
Bannon emerges as if he is a triumphantly jubilant
hero leaving from the courtroom later.

In the typical repertoire of the mobster lingo of Mafia Don such as

calling all of the responses to his corrupt dealings a “hoax” or a
“witch hunt”, Bannon calls his arrest “a political hit job” 8/21/20.
As he has already done with all of his integral right hand men
who went to jail on his behalf, in typical Trump fashion,
Ex-president Trump distanced himself* again from just another
one of his fall guys who went to jail in the legal matters
in connection with himself. A Trump pardon was expected*. 12/08/20

Trumpiac the Omnipotent! (Trumpiac knows all!)
He knows more than all of the generals in the Pentagon* 12/31/18! He knows more than
all the doctors, nurses and the medical experts combined 3/24/20*! He knows more
than the medical expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci* who corrected him on his false narrative
about the coronavirus when Fauci said it will not likely just go away 3/25/20*;
so Trump placed him into a doghouse and reduced him to the risk of
losing his job, his reputation or even his life!

Never contradict the great one, Trumpiac the Omnipotent!

Plum Loco! Nutsy Koo Koo!

Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s . . Trumpiac!

Through his prior three-month-long criminal negligence* in dealing with what by now is
his “trumpvirus*”, Russian agent* Trump*, the antichrist, has got the fate of whole
World in his hands, through his failure to actually put completely into effect the
Defense Production Act (3/25/20)*. In this way, Trump was being completely*

irresponsible* for it! Ghastly, the US has understandably now become the epicenter* of
his “trumpvirus*” pandemic! Since he did not get his way with his order for Americans
to go back to work, crowd into churches or give up social distancing in just the two
weeks before Easter, by his failure to actually put the Defense Production Act into
effect*, he unleashed his seething hatred for Americans that is now leading us to our
deaths! His lip service “invoking*” of it on 3/18/20 actually did not include the mass
production of ventilators without which coronavirus patients cannot survive and he
deliberately unleashed his secret weapon: A deliberate Extermination of Americans*

(3/25/20) by Negligent Genocide*! (Shhh! Don’t tell anyone, especially Trump’s

brainwashed supporters*; after many people jam themselves into his rallies, they’ll be
the last ones to find out that they could have prevented their family from getting the
“trumpvirus”* simply by removing Trump from office!). By his deliberate negligent

genocide of Americans, a sociopathic monster named Donald Trump, the Russian agent

at America’s helm, shepherded Americans like silent lambs towards our own slaughter!

About the stay-at-home restrictions in dealing with the coronavirus, the Director
of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security*, Tom Inglesby* said: “To be a week
into these restrictions and already be talking about abandoning them is irresponsible
and dangerous*”. “I don’t take responsibility at all*” ~ Trump 3/16/20.

Trump is making America die again*! 8/04/20

Florida neighborhood upset after funeral home Trump golfs again while America dies* 7/03/20.
uses refrigerated truck to store COVID-19 corpses*! 511,455 other Americans* in US by 2/22/21

Donald J. Trump *!

“Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me*!” DJ Trump.

Russian agent Trump* makes light of mass death in America* 3/09/20.

He re-tweets back to Dan that: It “sounds good” to him!
So Trump’s dragging of his feet in dealing with the pandemic had made it
difficult for doctors and nurses to obtain face masks* in order to prevent themselves
from contracting coronavirus from patients. This actually happened en mass. He said that
anyone could get tested for coronavirus* yet at that time in March of 2020 they could not*!
He said that they had produced face masks yet no one, even nurses,
appeared to be able to obtain one from the federal government* as of 3/19/20.
In regards to the ventilators, spoiled rich brat Jared Kushner possessively stated:
“Those are our ventilators!” as if he was putting them on the foreign market to sell for profit.
Instead on 3/19/20, Trump sarcastically said of the US government:
“We’re not a shipping clerk*”! Does that sound good to you?
Nero kills himself in the end!
I feel like I’m fixin’ to die rag* (you tube video)

Country Joe McDonald’s anti-Vietnam war song:

Below here is a paraphrasing of it:

And it’s one, two, three

what are we dyin’ for?

Don’t ask Trump,

he don’t give a damn!

I put a MASK ON*

Or I could be a dead man!

And it’s five, six, seven

open up the Pearly Gates!

Well, Trump’s got no one left to blame

or to wonder why,


We’re all goin’ to die!

Ex-President Trump was repeatedly warned by scientists in late 2019 about the
coronavirus pandemic* that we are enmeshed in and after endlessly downplaying
the pandemic, finally he declared a national emergency* by March 14th of 2020.
With a plague upon us, the preparedness of US leadership is in question* 3/11/20!
Trump’s Sanctions on Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela Are 'Feeding the Coronavirus Pandemic'*.
Economists demand they be lifted 3/19/20 but will he do what’s best for himself or will he
do what’s best for the nation? I’ll give you one guess over whom he’ll do what’s best for.

Mistakes were made*. Home tests for coronavirus*.

The US is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with

the much-needed socialist response* 3/19/20
Yet as of March 19 th of 2020, where are the coronavirus tests*?
The US is ranking far below other nations in tests per million *.
Where are the ventilators*? Rich boy Kushner yells, that’s: “our stockpile”*!

Coronavirus ventilators*

By 3/13/20, the US still dragged its feet on the production of ventilators*.

We cannot recover unless we have mass tests and a large supply of ventilators!

A 'Desperate' shortage of ventilators for coronavirus

patients puts manufacturers on a wartime footing*.

As the pandemic spreads swiftly, ironically,

China is reporting zero new infections* as of 3/18/20.

Ex-President Trump chronically and deliberately misleads the American public about the trajectory
of the coronavirus pandemic, endlessly downplaying it by saying “it will all just go away”.
After Trump’s having innumerable times called it a “hoax” at the onset of the pandemic,
before one woman in the hospital died from Covid-19 after attending a Covid party, her very last
words were a mirror reflection of Trump’s misguidance “I thought it was all just a hoax” she said.

The Russian agent ex-President Trump hates America and Americans and is playing us like a bunch of
fools that Russians call “useful idiots”. Trump is a specialist in non-facts and Russian disinformation and
deliberately tries to lead Americans to our own graves. Trump is a master at deception and he had little
to no concern about the numbers of suffering and the dead, and he deliberately exacerbated the
pandemic with lies, misinformation and the glorification of himself and his stooge-like policies.

White House Coronavirus Task Force

Holds Daily Briefing
People: Anthony

Trump the Stooge

ordered an expert !

On Wednesday, April 22, 2020, after having spoken with members of the coronavirus task force during a
briefing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House,
Ex-President Trump spoke with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases. Pointing his tiny finger in Dr. Anthony Fauci’s face and belittling him for telling the
truth, Trump wants the American public to believe in his own unpresidential lies, nonsense and mistruths*.
Being one of the World’s uppermost authorities on infectious diseases, the good Doctor Anthony Fauci
gives us nothing but the truth to the best of his extensive research, knowledge and facts. No one
contradicts the moronic tyrant Trump quite like with the integrity of the good Doctor Fauci who stands
up for Americans by giving us the truth about the killer coronavirus pandemic that we are enduring.
‘Take ye and drink of my “Jim Jones Kool-Aid*” that will fill
your brainwashed souls with loyalty to my love for only myself!’

The enemy of A friend to

America’s allies! America’s foes!

Who betrayed the antichrist, Russian agent Trump*?

Not a one of ‘em!
‘Come ye and followeth ME like lemmings to the mass death that
I led you to during the killer coronavirus pandemic!’
Trump seeking an end to social distancing proved fatal* 3/23/20.
For everyone that is not a mercenary like himself, who betrayed
the antichrist and his gospel of hatred? Was it I Trump? Or was it the
tens upon tens of thousands of Americans whose family members died
because of your administration’s deliberate lack of preparedness for
the killer pandemic that killed so many of us Americans? Incredibly,
Trump fired his entire pandemic preparedness team in 2016!
And to top it all off, Trump was warned by scientists even in December
before the beginning of 2020*, that the arrival of the coronavirus
epidemic could swiftly develop into a pandemic*!

Giving Alaska to Russia!

Trump brainwashed the American crowds who love only a man

who loves only himself*. As Russian agent Trump wussed out Alaska*
to The Russian Federation*, he then megaphone mouthed out an
ominous “UGH”, as the gullible Trumpers, Putin’s useful patsies,
clap & clamor with delirious applause and eerily insane laughter!

U.S. & Canadian jet escorts Russian bombers in Alaskan &
Canadian air defense identification zones*.
Photo courtesy of NORAD August 9, 2019.

By Franz-Stefan Gady

US, Canadian Fighters Intercept Russian Aircraft North of Alaska*.

The Russian aircraft came as close as 92 km (57 miles) off Alaskan coast March 11, 2020.

US fighters shadow Russian nuclear-capable bombers during mission near Alaska*.

Author: Associated Press June 17, 2020.

U.S. closely monitoring Russian submarine surfacing near Alaska* 8/28/2020.

NORAD intercepts three groups of Russian planes near Alaska*.

By United Press International August 29, 2020.

Russian navy conducts major maneuvers near Alaska*.

Vladimir Isachenkov, The Associated Press* August 30, 2020.
Evidently, a quite rather below average IQ individual, Trumbo the Elephant and his
entire administration are as Dumb as a box of Rocks except when it comes to stealing
taxpayer dollars! Russia is evidently paying the Taliban to maim, torture and kill our
American service men and women in Afghanistan and the administration of Trumbo
the Elephant has been made aware of it since March of 2019. Trumbo fails to speak
about it and fails to make the American people aware of what’s up with that.

Russian agent Trumbo the Elephant completely ignores and thereby aides Russia’s
effort to murder our American family members, our sons and our daughters,
our relatives and our neighbors who are serving in Afghanistan. Unless the Russian
brainwashing of Americans is total and complete, Trumbo the Elephant’s approval
rating plummets into the twenties when his political supporters finally wake up and
snap out of their brainwashing to find out that, in one form or another, Trumbo the
Elephant, always plays dumb when his staff says that he didn’t know something. He
does this by supposedly not being briefed about it or by calling it a hoax. With John
Bolton’s having verbally spoken to Trump about the Taliban’s sadistic killings of our
service men and women already in March of 2019, this can only leave one to conclude
that through the dereliction of performing his duty, Russian agent Trumbo the
Elephant is evidently complicit with these killings by even allowing the sadistic killing
of our American service men and women by brutally ruthless Taliban henchmen!
Trump doesn’t like American war heroes who have been captured, remember?

Trump made America stupid again in 2016. Don’t reckon for too much longer now!
US soldiers in Afghanistan are being killed by the Taliban from the apparent bounties that are being paid by
Russia*. Trump says nothing and he does nothing about it. Are Trump supporters really that brainwashed by
Moscow to not be able to tell that Trump is quite apparently out to kill us! He is undoubtedly acting as if he is
being complicit in the assassinations of US service members. Yet Trump does nothing! Will the GOP’s true
Russian colors begin to show now or will these killings be investigated and acted upon by addressing the Russian
government about it? Something has got to happen soon, or America is in for a rude awakening when
we wake up from our brainwashing to find out that we are allowing the killing our own children.

Sgt. Benjamin S. Hines* Staff Sgt. Christopher K.A. Slutman* Cpl. Robert A. Hendriks*
All three Marines were killed on April 8, 2019, when
* because of Trump’s two yearlong negligence in addressing Russia’s
apparent payment of bounties for the merciless killings of American soldiers by the Taliban.
Incredulously, ex-President Donald J. Trump is apparently acting in collaboration with Russia to allow the killing
of US service members. Ex-President Trump, who spends more time tweeting, playing golf or blaming someone
for what he is responsible for, is totally quiet about these killings and when he is questioned about it, he simply
walks out of the press briefing room. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany* when questioned about
the bounties, choreographs her walk offs by scripting them into her public appearance. “There is no consensus*”
from the Intel community, she says, as of 6/29/20 and she quite appears to be a great liar just like Trump.

Handing America to it’s new uncle: Putin!

Evidently, even at the cost of American lives, it’s time for Trump not to rat on his boss by just
shutting up* and it’s even evident that Trump’s true ally is Russia over allegiance to America!
For the third straight week Trump plays golf amid
the Russian bounty scandal* 7/03/20.
Trump appears to be an outright traitor*!
By building a regular channel flow of arms
and bounties to the Taliban* (7/13/20),
Russia handed the Taliban the guns and ammunition*
(7/29/20) and then
provided the bounties to kill* (6/27/20)
US troops in Afghanistan* (6/28/20)!
Russia denied the allegation* (6/29/20).
Russian agent Ex-President Trump
pressured the CIA to give all of its
intelligence on the Russian bounties to the Kremlin and
then, foreign adversarial Trump also took no action
against Russia for arming the Taliban* (7/08/20)!

3 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan* (9/19/20).

Trump gave the leeway
for the Taliban* (3/03/20) to get paid
Russian bounties to kill US soldiers* (Timeline*)!

This should easily lead one to the conclusion

that Trump is complicit in the assassination
of US soldiers in Afghanistan.
Dump Trump fast!
We had a foreign adversarial as a US president
who actively tried to kill us through
criminal negligence on both the
domestic front with Covid-19 and on the foreign
front with his having been complicit in the killing
of US soldiers in Afghanistan!
After three months of advance* warning by scientists* about the pandemic
with his head in the clouds & *, our loved ones dying,
Trump’s risk to national security* (3/14/20) still had not even become
apparent to his supporters when after his incitement of violence at the
US Capitol, Trump’s prospect for 2024 US presidency should just sink like a
stone. But don’t count on it! In Russia’s attempt to take over the United
States, the gullible Trumpers have been successfully brainwashed by the
Russian propaganda of Fox Fake News and by Russian agent Trump* and they
pretend to still believe in Russia’s BIG LIE that was spread by its puppet
Trump that the 2020 election was fraudulent & that it was not free & fair.

US economy began heading toward recession as of 3/13/20*.

Congress shifted into overdrive* 3/17/20.

US economy crashed & US to bail out the little guy* 3/17/20.

(The year before the Great Depression*).

Donald Trump embraces Herbert Hoover protectionism*!

“Mister, we could use a man* like (video) Herbert Hoover* again!”

Harley Davidson moves to Germany*!

US GDP lowered weekly jobless claims rise*!

Trump brags about his tax cuts* yet you’re getting

hoodwinked because your taxes are really increasing*!

Like skipping stones across the water,

the economy appears to be skipping high*!

*! *! *!

*! economic mirage*!

Happy days are here Ambien*! * toward a recession!

The Dow sinks like Black Monday* 2353 points* 3/13/20!
Dow sinks 3000 points on Mon* 3/17/20. Trump-bump erased* by 3/19/20.
Donald Trump’s sinking Titanic economy*! Financial Troubles dead ahead*!

Trump said:
“It’s a hoax*!”
To the public.
Bob Woodward recording: Fake News!
in RAGE* (book)
Trump admits lying
To the public*!

Trump’s economy isn’t what it’s cracked up to be*! Dow sinks! (August 13, 2019)*!

The Grim Reaper

The Angel of Death

These are only a few of my fall guys!

Trump is a “fecal iceberg*” in terms of *

and all the men who are going down before him. ~ Rick Wilson.
Trump braces* as the Dow tanks (August 14, 2019)* on way to “ocean bottom*”!
Deficit Donnie: US will have to borrow but from whom and how much*?
In 2008 to 2018, the cost of living was rising and wages were stagnant*!
On October 3rd of 2019, Economic Optimism Sank to Three Year Low*!
Stocks sink $1.7 trillion (02/25/20)*! Dow down 4,200 points by 2/28/20*!
On 3/03/20, Dow rebounded with hope again for Trump economy*.
The Dow tanks another 1400 points* & the Blue chip index sinks 1500 points* as the
Stocks plunge with the Dow in Bear Market* on 3/11/20. Dow crashes 3000 points* 3/16/20.

The Great Republican meltdown of the GOP*! 8/24/20

‘My platform and that’s what

is no platform I stand for!’

The Republican Case Against Trump’s GOP* (8/19/20)!

With no real platform to stand on, introducing:


Covid-19 safety measures during what’s left of the term of

Trump and his stinking, I mean, sinking Titanic administration.

We owe it all to his extreme paranoia and faith in wacked out

Qanon conspiracy theories* such as “alien flesh-eating Democrats

from outer space”. He displays such stark-raving wacked

out notions in White House press conferences and often

by the tweets of his twitter-by-shitter diplomacy!

A Great Slowdown* (11/01/19)! Stock Market News 11/8/19*.
*! *! Shutdown*!

Shutdown’s Economic Damage Threatened to End Growth* (1/15/19)!

Cost of Trump shutdown* 1/25/19*!

Trump could hand the US another Great Depression on a shutdown platter*
Enjoy? Overall estimated cost of Trump shutdown: $11 billion dollars*!

Like Unsuspecting Lambs, Americans Are Being Led To The Stock Market Slaughterhouse*!

Ex-President Donald Trump’s sinking Titanic economy* (2/05/19)!

Largest deficit spending* ever by any administration! US debt just topped $22 trillion*!

Aging economic 263K jobs

Expansion* low unemployment*

Wall Street:
2019 recession* *?

Deficit Donnie*!


Stocks sink $1.7 trillion (02/25/20)*! Dow down 4,200 points by 2/28/20*! On 3/02/20,
the Dow bounces back up 1300 points*. The changing Dow rose again* as of March 3rd
of 2020! After a brief sign of recovery, the Dow tanks 950 points on 3/05/20* and
an additional 450 points on 3/06/20*. Dow drops 2013 points by 3/09/20*. A couple
years back on Aug 8th of 2018, the * and the Stocks plunged*!
It was as if the Christmas poem read: “ *
Santa Crash would soon be there*!” Bloomberg: December 13th of 2018*! See what
Trump o’ nomics does for ME, I mean, the average US citizen* ($0)? Cramer translates
what US bonds are saying & they don’t paint Trump’s rosy picture*! As of Dec. 30, 2019,
the US could be headed for inflation in 2020*. The $12 billion in farm welfare aid* only
goes to rich farmers* (5/28/19)! Trump’s ‘amazing’ economy doesn’t add up*! As of Oct.
3rd of 2019*, a recession could be comin’*! Recession warning reverses yet the damage
may already be done* on 11/08/19. Recession risk recedes but don’t bank on it* 12/26/19.
The US dollar will likely depreciate later on in 2020* (1/ 22/20). Regardless of the
suffering that most Americans are experiencing, to ensure that their wealth is
virtually perpetual, monetarily obese Billionaires will always pay less* taxes.
The stocks have a bounce back up when the Stocks have a rebound on 3/10/20*.
That was Trump’s ultimately “sinking Titanic economy” which sank 2353 points*
on Mar 13, 2020 and appears to bounce back up on the same morning when
Italy leads a sharp rebound*. Stock market* futures teeter Mon 3/16/20*.
Keep America Stupid Again! Focus on travel bans instead of the medical,
and therefore the economic priority, of testing for coronavirus*! March 11, 2020

In his national address, incredulously, the inept and bumbling then-President Trump did
not even once mention: Coronavirus testing in the US* Business Insider March 12, 2020.
Americans were being directed to a travel ban instead of tests for coronavirus!
Russian agent Trump, evidently, at the behest of his master Putin, purposefully, tried to impede
American recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. He continued to minimize the severity of what
Americans were facing and continued to misinform the American public by infecting the American
mind with misconceptions about the facts about the severity of the pandemic. Evidently, Trump
still leads a very large faction of Americans like docile sheep! Brainwashed by Trump at rallies and
on Twitter, we followed our psychopathic shepherd like silent lambs toward our own slaughter.

Trump: 'business as usual'. Trump continued downplaying the virus threat* 3/09/20.
Trump’s downplaying of the severity of the plague works on brainwashed Republicans* 3/11/20.
Trump’s speech ignored the rate the coronavirus pandemic is spreading* 3/11/20.
Regardless of having come into contact with innumerable people, staff members included,
who had contracted the virus or had come into contact with coronavirus carriers* in spite of
overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, Trump continued to shake hands with others
and to say that the threat of contracting coronavirus remained very low. Morning Joe*.

Mar 11, 2020: Trump announces his European travel ban; NBA suspends season*.
Mar 12, 2020: Coronavirus updates: U.S. slaps travel ban on most of Europe*.
March 12, 2020: Sean Hannity’s blindly obedient, Trumpian obliviousness was showing*.
Then-President Trump was warned months prior about the coronavirus pandemic* that we were
involved in and finally declared it a national emergency* on March 14th of 2020. Then a plague
was upon us while Putin’s blithering useful-idiot Trump was still firmly at the helm of US leadership*!
Before it is too late: Thwart Trump’s style of approach to the pandemic or we could all die*!
As of March 23rd of 2020: * and
World coronavirus cases rose to 372,592 with 16,313 deaths*. Covid-19 cases by country*.
By June 18th of 2020*, in 3 months’ time there were cited to be 2,246,676 reported
cases of Covid-19 in the US and there had been 120,230 deaths in the US and
920,427 people in the US who had recovered* from the Covid-19 coronavirus.
Then leading the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic*, rather than a
medical expert, an unqualified, ex-Vice President Mike Pence, once proclaimed that smoking "doesn't
kill" because 2/3rds of smokers don’t die of cancer*. Trump also faced criticism for Pence’s response*
to an HIV outbreak in Indiana* on 2/27/20 and exacerbated the problem with his theatrics of
downplaying, lying, misinforming, bragging, distracting and by getting personal about the pandemic.

In the picture above, profligate in his rhetoric, Trump was downplaying, distracting and
* for simply disagreeing with Trump’s policy
of spewing out tons of disinformation to the American public*. In the latest series of lies that the
Trump administration was telling America in its repeated failings with the coronavirus pandemic,
by displaying zero empathy for what America is really enduring right then rather than focusing on the
public health, Trump merely concerned himself with his numbers & chances of getting re-elected.

“Mother Duck”

Click on this image above for the story. Or Click: *.

The entire “Party of Putin” was completely reticent about an idiot such as Trump speaking while he
spewed out this disinformation* to the American public (It was difficult to even get a Covid-19* test)
by ego-tripping, fabricating lies and feigning that he speaks with authority* on the subject.
Within the month of March through April 2020, more and more Americans were dying because
of Trump’s totally inept response to the coronavirus epidemic that rapidly became a pandemic
that was further exacerbated by the endless blithering idiocy of his comments as well as that of
the utterly reticent stooges, toady enablers and inept administration that blindly followed him.
Following Mother Duck botches US response to the Killer Coronavirus Pandemic*!
Ex-President Trump had constantly provided inaccurate information to the public by minimizing the
severity of the pandemic*. Hence, masses of people have stuffed into airports, Disney World was
open until March 16th of 2020, the public beach in Florida for spring break* (March 18th of 2020) and
other public events prove to be ideal conditions for contracting coronavirus*. Trump’s continual
downplaying of the pandemic allowed it to engulf the US, and thus the entire World, very quickly.

Disney World pandemic crowds fail Sleeping Beauty’s Castle at Disneyland* in Anaheim, CA.
to heed the warnings of experts* yet were Meantime, in La La Land (3/24/20), Trump continued
listening to the bungling of an inept president. downplaying the Killer Coronavirus Pandemic*.

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport March 14*. Salt Lake International Airport March 22*.

Coronavirus checks caused agonizing delays*. These conditions were an improvement,

however, while people were still congesting in airports on March 23rd of 2020*, as Trump
continued his blithering salving up of the stock market by downplaying the pandemic, the
* at a skyrocketing rate!
Come and visit ME on my Throne & worship my evil shit.

Twitter-by-shitter Diplomacy!!!!!

“Slow the testing down please*” ~ Trump June 24th of 2020!

‘Coronavirus testing will increase the public record of the people who are infected
and it will make me look bad for my re-election. My staff has announced measures to
speed coronavirus testing* 3/13/20 butt you can bet on it that these measures will fall
far short* of what is really needed to fend off the coronavirus pandemic that forces
me to pinch a few more of my dollars* out of my royal budget. The money in the US
Treasury is my money for my monarchy and I couldn’t care less if taxpayers
have medical insurance to cover the cost of a coronavirus test* so everyone will
have to pay their own bills when I completely gut ObamaCare*! I make my minions
keep everything hush hush. People are dying from coronavirus and that is not my
concern. I need to keep my numbers down* so I’m not so crazy about coronavirus
testing. I may lie a little bit about coronavirus* butt with a royal grunt and a tweet,
here is where I make my most crucial decisions that will ensure my top priority:
That my monarchy is for life! I call this my “twitter-by-shitter” diplomacy!’
Without knowing how well the vaccines work in animals, researchers rushed to test
coronavirus vaccines in people* 3/11/20! In a search for a coronavirus vaccine*,
tests for a vaccine at Oxford, the frontrunner* July 6, 2020. Oxford Coronavirus
Vaccine Prompts Strong Immune Response* July 20, 2020! Oxford Coronavirus
vaccine* 8/03/20 NY Times Consider getting a vaccine now* 8/02/20! Vladimir Putin
approves a coronavirus vaccine for use* August 11th of 2020. Covid-19 Live Updates:
AstraZeneca Vaccine Trial Halted After Patient’s Adverse Reaction* Sept. 9, 2020.

Who was ahead* in Democratic national primary polls* on Mar. 3, 2020?

‘Mister President! We’re comin’ for ya*’!

Mike Bloomberg* (worth $60.1B*as of 6/17/20)

Dropped out of the race on March 4, 2020*.

Mike supports the Democratic nominee*: Joe Biden*!

* $2.1B*. Approval July 22, 2020: 40.3% according to FiveThirtyEight Poll*!

While Americans are enduring great suffering in the face of an economic* collapse
(Dow tanks 950 points 3/05/20*) and are suffering the onslaught of the global tragedy of
a coronavirus pandemic, Trump is making outlandish claims* and is
* by providing misinformation*. That dangerous trick will no longer work while increasing
numbers of more and more Americans are dying every day. It is almost as if Americans are now
suffering the wrath of God for the idolatry of a false messiah that there appears to be a second
strain of coronavirus* a-comin’* that’s even more deadly! The Dow tanks 1300 points by 3/08/20*
& over 2000 points on 3/09/20* & another 1400 on 3/12/20*.

Center for Disease Control Trump’s advice:

Advises Americans: If you’re sick

‘If you’re feeling ill ‘Go back to work
Stay at home*’ 3/03/20! & Self-heal*’ 3/05/20!

The Coronavirus recession is seen as a global epidemic* 2/28/20 & as a global pandemic* 3/11/20.

‘I am a crook*’! Make America unsafe again 2/27/20*! Nationalist delusion*!

See! I wear a mask*! Bite your hand to spite your foot!
Fear of the pandemic grows, new cases of coronavirus outside of China: WHO* 2/27/20.
Trump’s 2021 “Budget” Pays for Tax Cuts by Slashing Medicare* Frances Langum 2/10/20.
To cut costs for the Trump federal budget, the Trump administration fired the
entire U.S. pandemic response team in 2018* 2/28/20!
Fact check: Trump fired his whole pandemic preparedness team two years ago*!
Trump’s Current Budget Will Gut Global Health Programs* Nick Robins-Early 2/11/2020.
Trump: ‘Pay for Coronavirus Prep by Cutting Heating Aid for the Poor*’.
CDC Warned on Feb 27 th of 2020 that a Pandemic is Imminent* / Health.
Deaths from coronavirus continue to mount in the US* March 5, 2020!
Coronavirus Deaths in US Rise to 22! There were 500 US cases and rising* (03/08/20)!
US deaths rise to 26 from coronavirus by 3/10/20*! The Dow tanks another 1400 points* & the
Blue chip index sinks 1500 points* as the Stocks plunge with the Dow in Bear Market* on
March 11th of 2020. As of 3/23/20: *.
World coronavirus cases rose to 15,153,194 with 621,153 deaths* July 20, 2020.
Coronavirus cases by country*. US Covid-19 deaths rise to 372,968 by 1/07/21*.

Through the assistance of his patsy AG Barr, Vladimir Putin’s useful idiot Trump & his
supporters could ultimately get us all killed. Vladimir Putin (Feb 27, 2020)* is the man who
is out to obliterate the American government, freedom, unity and democratic institutions.

Representing the Party of Putin*, the Provincial Governor of the US,

that great divider of Americans, Vladimir Putin’s patsy Donald Trump!
In accordance with his boss Putin’s agenda of divide and conquer and in order to aggrandize himself by causing
racial and political division, Trump is attempting to rabble rouse a civil war in America*. In obedience to truly
his higher power Putin, while prepping Americans for their future glorification of Russian war heroes through
the humiliation of American patriot war heroes* like John* McCain* and Alexander Vindman*,
Putin’s puppet Trump is deliberately causing the polarization between Republicans and Democrats.
Putin’s agent Trump is thereby making America cannibalize itself by chewing off its hand to spite its foot!

Vote Democrat Not this joker!

Trump disparages Trump calls
Service members US war dead
again*! “Suckers” again*!
September 3, 2020 September 4, 2020
An eternal braggart, Trump is quick to humiliate American veterans* and quick to glorify himself
over having been a cadet, more like a space cadet who should be forced to become a cosmonaut aboard a
Space Force ship named “Intrepid” and be shipped to a galaxy far, far away. He’d make a great Klingon!
After he got impeached, we just couldn’t shake him from the upholstery! We voted the joker out in 2020!
Inept & uniformed, the Trump administration’s
Kudlow says coronavirus contained*. Health officials as confident as Trump*.

Not prepared for coronavirus pandemic*. Trump says: US is prepped. Not so*!
CDC warns of more coronavirus outbreaks in the US* (2/25/20).
On Feb 11th of 2020, Trump wants to make further cuts in health programs* that he had previously
cut drastically by about a trillion dollars as well as to science and to the environment*.
His proposed budget cuts would even further cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while
exacting huge gormandizing tax cuts for the wealthy! (February 10th of 2020)*. A self-centered
mercenary, Trump has a pending case in court to completely gut ObamaCare* and plans to leave
20 million Americans without any medical insurance*. Even without middle class awareness that it is
being conned, Teflon Don the Con will enable the useful idiot supporters of his cult to be setting up
his Republican oligarchy in the US that will roll out the golden carpet in anticipation of the arrival of
their master Vladimir Putin. Teflon Don the Con makes the rich, richer by lowering the American
middle class to become “Putin’s peasants” and elevating the super-rich to become Russian oligarchs.

Coronavirus triggers swift bipartisan backlash against Trump*.

Fear of virus tanks Dow 1,000 points, 3.5% drop worst in two years on 2/24/20*.
Dow plunges 900 points* next day on 2/25/20*. Dow down 4,200 points by 2/28/20*!

for the:
Industrial genocide of exterminating American minorities*!
In the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn on April 11th of 2019 in New York City, Ice agents
perpetrated a raid to arrest an undocumented immigrant. (Photo: John Moore/Getty Images.)

Outrage and Warnings of the sociopath Trump’s Ethnic Cleansing as he Threatens Mass Raids
Against Millions of People in the US*. Published on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 by Common Dreams.


Iron hooks over the ovens at Dachau where prisoners were hung to watch as their comrades were burned alive*!
Filed under: Dachau*, Germany*, Holocaust*, World War II* Tags: *, *!

Trump is a stone cold sadist* and a sociopath too*!

Trump’s supporters are gleefully as bestial as Trump in his sadism toward the inflicting of great
suffering upon various races of people* whom Trump can successfully make them hate and fear*!
US intelligence officials warn the US Congress of Russia’s interfering in the 2020 election* CBS News Feb 21, 2020.
Mafia Don’s response is to cover up the reports about Russian election meddling * VOX 2/21/20.
Trump is enraged at his own administration for letting Americans know what his main allegiance for Russia is up to.
He would much rather let them enable his Russian allies to overtake the United States, so he uses the magical word
that makes government workers cringe at the very sound, by calling it “classified”. On Feb 20, 2020, Trump fired the
National Intelligence Director* Joseph Maguire* for letting Congress know that the Russians are actively trying to
influence the 2020 election in the effort to get Trump re-elected*. Now mysteriously, we find that a US Intelligence
briefer under the thumb of Mafia Don’s henchmen supposedly “overstated” his assessment on 2020 Russian
interference* CNN 02/23/20! After Trump repeatedly invites Russia to interfere with the 2020 American
election, are we being really that naïve to think that the briefer genuinely overstated his
assessment without being “convinced” by a bunch of Trump’s henchmen?

New York Times 2/23/20.


Jan. 1, 2020
The all-time champ of the Burlington Liar’s Club lays another doozy on US.
As of Sept. 11th of 2020, Trump told 23,035 lies*!

The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horwitz* recently presented a report that harshly criticized
the FBI’s investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign*, therefore, Donald Trump’s personal pansy and ultimately
patsy, Attorney General William Barr issued a directive that says it will now be illegal for anyone to do
research into 2020 candidates without his approval (Feb 6, 2020). Trump, however, will be allowing Russian
interference into the 2020 election and will allow Russia’s GRU intelligence to do all of the opposition
research into 2020 Democratic candidates that their little ole’ Russian hearts’ desire.

This is paving the way for Vladimir Putin’s takeover of America.

Donald Trump is merely his figurehead representative.

‘Keep making them fight Donnie, there’ll be a lot more rubles in it for you!’

Not His Left


Fake president Trumpocchio took a fake oath that still MAKES ALL AMERICANS SUFFER.

The State of Wisconsin has been* a known historic refuge*
for Nazis who fled Germany after WWII*.
The prosecution of Nazi war criminals still races against time*.
For Wisconsin neo-Nazi* hate groups such as the Posse Comitatus*,
a Christian identity movement*, these groups would just as well right now begin
Trump’s bloody agenda* for the industrial genocide of exterminating minorities*.
The Southern Poverty Law Center identifies hate groups even in Northern USA*.
The Quinnipiac Poll for February 20, 2020* for three swing states, presents
an inglorious picture for these groups in Wisconsin’s paramilitary future*.

Click here for: The Quinnipiac University Poll* (February 20, 2020).
Among registered voters in Wisconsin, President Trump leads the Democratic candidates
by between 7 and 11 percentage points in head to head election matchups:
Trump tops Senator Amy Klobuchar 50 - 39 percent;
Trump leads Senator Elizabeth Warren 51 - 41 percent;
Trump beats former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg 49 - 41 percent;
Trump tops former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg 49 - 41 percent;
Trump defeats Senator Bernie Sanders 50 - 43 percent;
Trump was ahead of former Vice President Joe Biden 49 - 42 percent.
In Pennsylvania, the picture is nearly reversed. Among registered voters in Pennsylvania,
Ex-President Trump trailed Biden, Klobuchar, and Bloomberg by 6 to 8 percentage points in head to head
election matchups, while Sanders, Buttigieg, and Warren were in tight races with the president:

Biden was ahead of Trump 50 - 42 percent;

Klobuchar lead Trump 49 - 42 percent;
Bloomberg lead Trump 48 - 42 percent;
Sanders has 48 percent and Trump had 44 percent;
Buttigieg received 47 percent and Trump had 43 percent;
Warren got 47 percent to Trump's 44 percent.
Among registered voters in Michigan, the Democratic candidates ranged from narrowly ahead to
essentially tied with ex-President Trump in head to head election matchups:

Sanders narrowly topped Trump 48 - 43 percent;

Bloomberg had a slight lead over Trump 47 - 42 percent;
Biden had 47 percent and Trump had 43 percent;
Warren got 45 percent, while Trump receives 43 percent;
Buttigieg got 45 percent and Trump had 44 percent;
Klobuchar received 45 percent to Trump's 44 percent.
Pardon the Swamp*!
Trump legitimizes corruption*!

Rod Blagojevich is freed from prison and returns to Chicago*!

Trump corruption* is returning US to Doomsday*!

Invasion of Wash DC* by Brits in 1814. Mafia Don pardons his partners in crime* 2/20/20!

Russian roulette: a Russian ICBM launcher in Moscow, April 2017*.

The Russian Invasion of the United States starts with the Ukraine*.

The U. S. IS OUT/RUSSIA IS IN: Can Israel withstand a ruthless Russian Sheriff*?

Bloomberg once likened Putin’s attack on Ukraine to the US annexation of California*.

‘Where’s mine?’

Julian Assange says he was promised a Trump pardon if he would lie about Russia’s DNC hacking*.

February 19, 2020.


Pay taxes* to Moscow*!

ME the Trump Republican ME politics!

Clown show! I love ME, ME and only ME!

Screwing America!

Vote for a Pathetic Baby Monarch* who throws petty tantrums at

reporters during a time of crisis, e.g. at Peter Alexander* on 3/20/20!

Make Russia great again!

Make America a satellite country of imperial Russia*!


Vote* for a Real President*

Mike Bloomberg*! Bernie Sanders*! Joe Biden*!

Backed Biden*. Endorsed Biden* “This* is America*”

Make America be America again*!

US Attorney General William Barr must resign*!
Donald Ayer for The Atlantic Feb 17, 2020.

Say wha-a-at?

The pathetic toady, William Barr defied the US Constitution by not resigning*
2/19/20. A. G. Barr only obeyed Trump* (2/19/20) whose boss is Vladimir Putin*!

Remember that US ex-President Trump* was paid by Russia and had never accepted a
US paycheck* (no US paycheck*)! Trump* got all* his money from Russia* and also
likely what money he could light finger out of the US Treasury. Instead of graciously
accepting a paycheck from the United States government, Trump donated his US
salary to get a tax write-off* and he was lavishly* getting paid off* by the Russian
government so he is truly loyal only to Moscow! Imagine that, a US president that
virtually to got a tax write-off by not being “paid” by the US and by his donating his US
salary and instead lavishly got paid off by the Russian government!

Just like Donald Trump is Putin’s puppet, Trump in turn puppeteered

the pathetic ex-Attorney General William Barr who invited Russian and other
foreign election interference into the 2020 election* on May 14th of 2019.

*. Andrew Grainger* Feb 18, 2020.



To give the appearance of independence from Trump, Barr feigns that:

Trump’s “tweets make it impossible for me to do my job*” 2/13/20.
DAY 1120 OF TRUMP PRESIDENCY* 2/13/20. This link has a vulgar title but once
opened, it leads to several articles from several sources that can be very informative.


The Pathetic Toady A.G. Barr’s Hypocrisy on Roger Stone’s Sentencing*.

On Oct 21 of 2019: How the Army officer who testified against Trump could end up in a court-
martial for telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Trump’s corruption*.
The oaths taken by Party of Putin’s GOP Senators were but a bunch of lies told by a bunch of liars*!

Rump sez

House Fires Impeachment Witnesses Lt. Col. Vindman and Gordon Sondland* Feb 7, 2020.
Trump, at the behest of Putin, as an act of retaliation, ridiculed United States war hero*:
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, by humiliatingly ordering him to disgrace by getting escorted out
of the White House*. Trump’s Friday Night Massacre*: Vindman and his brother*.
Whose government is this anyway? Veritably, the super-rich no longer pay taxes.
Just because we Americans are paying for our government through our own hard-earned taxes,
as long as Trump remains in office, America does not belong to Americans, it belongs to Putin and to
Russia. Trump’s political allies are betraying America and are now pledging allegiance to Russia!

At the behest of Vlad, his master puppeteer,

Useful idiot Trump is preparing to cede Alaska to Russia*!

After Rump declares martial law, coming soon to your own hometown,
Republican and Democrat alike, get ready to surrender your estates to Russia!
America is under attack from within*, who will defeat
The Baby Hitler Trump o’ raptor* & his minions?

* Mike backs* Biden ta git ‘er done*?

* $60.1B* VS * $2.1B* & Putin* *: $200B*

Jurassic Park: * (video).

* 02/10/20.
Impeached but not removed.
With his impeachment and presidency forever laden* with the stain
of his Hitlerian crimes* against humanity, the juvenile-minded Trump
boored his attendees, Republican and Democrat alike, at a Feb 6th of 2020
National Prayer Breakfast* which he gravitated into a personal Boo hoo*
Grievance Breakfast* that he gave with a particularly vindictive tone*.

The most corrupt American president in history* says

corrupt people put him through the ordeal* of impeachment.
His pity pot Boo hoo* grievances * yet watch them as
they * even into his *!
Wait till it hurts them financially when “Old Megaphone Mouth” starts
blaming them for some false narrative he’s trumped up (pun intended). Repubs
are simply acting scared of his threats and his penchant for teenage name calling.

Pelosi fights back*! Schumer’s statement on Trump’s sham acquittal*.

By acquitting him, the US Senate minimizes Trump’s egregious wrongdoing*
as a diminutive event. In Trump’s psychopathic mind, this will give him the supposed
“right” to impose more self-destructive policies upon the American Republic.

The US Senate votes to acquit Trump* of just one of his many gross abuses of power.
The partisan US Senate knows what Trump did and how grievous it was to the nation and to the US
Constitution. With the Republican dominated US Senate following the dictates of their master Vladimir
Putin with his “divide and conquer” politics, the Senate is just being politically stifled
by the psychopath Trump* (2/27/20) at the top of the “food chain”.
But don’t worry, after a three month forewarning by medical experts and by even March well after he
got impeached yet not removed, ‘Russian agent’ Donald Trump is merely preparing the US for its
own self-destruction. By March 23rd of 2020, Trump is now committing an act of negligent genocide
upon Americans by failing to pull the trigger on the Defense Production Act* that will enable the US to
prioritize the manufacture and delivery to medical experts an accurate and verifiable accounting of
the number of face masks, ventilators and other medical supplies that are available for fighting the
coronavirus pandemic and how states can efficiently and expediently acquire them and distribute them
for use by medical personnel. Trump’s top priority is his re-election. Who cares about the people?

2:28 PM - Feb 5, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Mitt Romney’s speech on why he voted Jeff Flake*

to convict Trump of abuse of power*. ✔@JeffFlake

The Senator from Utah called Trump’s “I have long admired Mitt Romney,
offenses an “egregious” abuse of power* but never more than today.
and says that the ex-president’s defense What an honorable man.”
did not win his vote. Re: Romney vote to convict Trump*
While bragging with gross lies & exaggerations,
* on Feb. 4, 2020!
* 2/04/20.
Democratic * of Conn *.

Dancing to the tune of the NRA, the all-time great Burlington Liar’s Club champ*
bragged about his lack of gun reform when the

As a sign of disapproval, that was only one of multiple reasons why

House Speaker, Senator Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump’s “manifesto of mistruths”*.
Alan Dershowitz is wrong* when he pontificates the law. ~ Morning Joe*.
Quite possibly dealing with a little preliminary election meddling in the Iowa Democratic Caucus,
America may now have to brace itself for a cyber-storm of election meddling. Someday soon the
American people will finally open their eyes and see how much Trump disdains America and Americans
and is only in love with himself! The Trump campaign has already invited the rest of the World to
engage in American politics by hacking into the 2020 US election. The Party of Putin NRA
Republicans who are funded by Russian oligarchs, will be working overtime to assist
Trump and The Russian Federation in a concerted effort to rig the election by
assisting our rival Russia’s attack upon the American Republic.

Despite heart surgery, Bernie Sanders will prove to be a bit of a phenomenon*!

Americans will soon see the true patriots who really love the American people*.
Iowa Caucus results released by 5 PM Feb. 4th of 2020*.
Trump’s fake impeachment trial and the downgrading of presidential accountability*.
Trump failed to spend the funds for protection of US elections so private companies are doing it.
$425 million dollars was authorized by Congress for cyber security of US elections*, however,
merely going through the motions, the inept and self-serving Trump administration,
actually only utilized a miniscule amount of this money on 2020 election security.
The US could learn from other nations about cyber security*. Watch out for foreign election meddlers
who will be assisting the World menace Donald Trump. States were too slow to have prepared for
election meddling*. * in * Feb. 10, 2020!

Incredibly, Trump actually denies knowing Lev Parnas*!
“I’ll Release a Photo Each Time Trump Denies Knowing Me” ~ Lev Parnas*.

Parnas evidence 01/14/20* Fruman, Parnas & Giuliani 10/23/19* Giuliani’s push on Zelenskyy*
Despite growing photographic evidence, Mafia Don and his team of thugs keep denying it knows Lev Parnas*.

Trump’s Loop of Stooges* The Trump’s Stooges * Stooges wouldn’t comply then*
10/17/19 10/11/19 10/08/19


Surveillance of Marie Yovanovitch* Politico Playbook *

01/16/20 01/16/20

Giuliani Associate Names Trump, Pence, More in the Intimidation Plot* of US Ambassador to the Ukraine,
Marie Yovanovich could have turned out to be another brutal murder such as that of Jamal Khashoggi*.

Will Moscow Mitch McConnell ever get his head out the sand and face reality?

Moscow Mitch sees ruble signs in his eyes!

Reality: Russia hacked the 2016 election*!

Which means that American soil will soon become Russian soil*!

Lev Parnas’ attorney Joseph Bondy releaseed full audio of alleged 2018 Trump
conversation with some cell phone visual of the same interaction
with Trump and his donors and supporters* ~ Rachel Maddow (01/25/20).
Impeachment trial:
John Bolton’s new book has some new revelations about Trump’s blatantly evident
Quid Pro Quo that fuels fresh calls for testimony as Trump frantically mounted
his fake defense* against having witnesses at his Senate Impeachment Trial.
(01/27/20) C B S N E W S .


‘Screwing America!’

‘I withheld $391 million dollars that only cost the Ukraine hundreds
of lives*. Our allies are expendable as long as it makes ME money!
American lives, either civilian or military, are also expendable as long
as it make ME money. That’ the big stuff* I’m talking about!’

Czar Vladimir Putin campaigns on the prospect of nuclear war*!

The Trump impeachment did not lead to Trump’s removal*!

After no John Bolton testimony* 1/29/20 at Trump’s Impeachment trial*
(live updates*), Putin’s GOP US Senate applauded his arrival at the funeral
of United States’ Uncle Sam who died and would soon get buried! Russia
and the GOP cheer at the coming death of the American Republic!
Little do these GOP Senators know what the Czar has in store for us.
Czar Vladimir Putin cometh to taketh over America!
Vladimir Putin has been gradually becoming America’s imperial ruler and soon he
will completely replace Trump as US president who will then and only then get his
Trump Tower Moscow*. We Americans are like preschoolers when it comes to the
Russian technology of mind control which is far advanced of American technology in
that field of research. The self-centered philosophy of the Republican Party’s
obsession with the accrual of one’s own wealth and personal gain (The ME Party)
make it particularly vulnerable to Russian brainwashing techniques Versus the
Democratic Party (The WE Party) which, because of its philosophy of individualism and
caring about all Americans, has been relatively immune to Russian brainwashing
technology. People we love dearly either support Trump or are staunchly against him.

Vladimir Putin and his puppet Trump are using Russian brainwashing technology
to influence the minds of the American public and right now, Americans are
behaving like Pavlov’s Dogs*. Because of the staunchly loyal and undivided support
of Republicans for Donald Trump, who pledges allegiance to Russia, the Republican
Party is attempting to take Americans on our present route toward becoming Russian
citizens. Once our brainwashing is ultimately complete, the Russian language will then
very soon be taught in American schools: preschool, elementary, high school and college.

Click on images to enlarge.

Through the effective use of Russian brainwashing techniques* of classic conditioning*

(reward) and operant conditioning* (punishment), Czar Vladimir Putin cometh to
taketh over our land, our lives and even our very souls, as American men sit and
salivate at the sight of the foxy ladies on Russia’s propaganda network of Fox News*.

The very sight of these lovely ladies of Fox Fake News filleth even a normally religious
man’s heart with a lust and a longing for a gratification like that of a hungry
alligator and we will believe anything that these foxy ladies tell us. They telleth us:
the Czar and his puppet Trump cometh to maketh America great again.

The antichrist brainwashes a nation of sheep with his gospel of hate.

Paradoxically, all of the dreams of *

and his message of love, peace and power will soon come to fruition.

And his imagined bullet proof garments of the Ghost Dance* will soon become
realized in the coming of the New World Order* of Czar Vladimir Putin.

The properties of all US landowners will soon become annexed by
The Russian Federation and all native lands shall be placed under
the complete protection of the Russian government. As these
Senators and the respective Russian oligarchs sign over grander
tracts of lands to natives who become allied with The Russian
Federation*, the respective native nations of American Indian
oligarchs shall be under the complete protection of Russia
and under the auspices of The Russian Federation which
shall be recognized internationally as a new native protectorate.

The Divided States of America, Russia, as opposed to

The United States of Siberia, Russia, will soon become
recognized internationally as merely just one
of the provinces within The Russian Federation*.

The deeds to all United States properties will soon become annexed
along with all of the former land owners’ worldly possessions and
will be placed into Russian ownership by The Russian Federation*.

These images of a lovely siren represent to me the effect
that the overpowering beauty that the women of
Eastern Europe and Russia have over American men.

Russia is like the lovely siren in these photos.

This * beacons us to our demise.

This is exemplified by this movie clip from *

when this comely . . .

. . .
press secretary*!

(A movie video clip from Mars Attacks)

As US government officials continue falling under the spell of
Madame Russia, all native treaties between American Indians and
immigrant nations to America will soon be declared null and void by
The Russian Federation and Indians will then make new treaties with the
Federation and will be re-awarded with their present as well as newer
and grander tracts of what was formerly United States lands.

As the former US land owners become disenfranchised from their

former estates, the tracts of land of the various natives nations
shall become expanded much larger than presently their respective
reservations, and eventually these former US government
representatives shall sign over all their worldly possessions over to
the Russian and to native oligarchs and to those native nations
who choose to become allied with the Russian government.

So go ahead Fox Fake News!

Maketh my day!

My heart shall filleth with a goodly theme

as I sing my ode to the King:

M *
The Eminent * President

Czar Vladimir Putin!

s ya*!

До свидания
The ME Party!
Just as McConnell had the GOP in both House & Senate vote against Biden’s
Covid Relief bill, he blocks anything in Biden’s agenda even if it helps. When
the American public becomes truly aware of the reality that US Ambassador
Marie Yovanovich was really being intimidated & that her life was being
threatened by Mafia Don and his band of thugs, then regardless of what the
Senate decided about the fate of Trump’s impeachment, America was about to
be ill prepared for the protests either for or against Trump and Vladimir Putin’s
stranglehold on his “Ostrich Party” of Trump Republicans.
That’s the “ME the Trump Clown Act”, Democrats warned you about!
The incompetent* and the bumbling Party of Trump’s administration*
The WE Party!

The Formidable Nancy Pelosi*

Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Third in line for the US presidency* 1/03/19.
Making America be America again!
Not Trump’s Russian neo-Nazi nightmare again!
Beyond the viewing of *, this is,
figuratively speaking, just about what really happened
when former FBI Dir. *
at the Blue Room at the White House on January 22nd of 2017.

Despite all of his myriads of disgraceful putdowns of the United States*,

and with all of his policies that were drastically hurting many Americans,
In the above image, Donald Trump and Steven Seagal give a pledge of
faith to Putin and to his predecessor: *, known as
Vladimir Lenin in West, whom Trump imitates with his continual repetition
of phrases and by his constant references to “ * of *”.


Impeachment suffering for pampered fake god, Mafia Don* & idolaters of his cult.

Real suffering for the crucified real God!



‘Nothing equals impeachment suffering!'

‘I’ll be the greatest martyr ever! Trust ME!’


Impeachment is not a partisan matter*. It’s a matter of Reality Versus Fiction*!

Reality: Russia hacked the 2016 election* ~ The Mueller Report*!

His head deep in the sand, Moscow Mitch sez:

‘I do believe in Russia’s GRU Intelligence, I do, I do, I do believe in Russia’s GRU!’
Stephen Colbert Introduces the GOP’s New Mascot, the Ostrich* for all of its modern turncoat
GOP-profiles in cowardice in the cover-up of Mafia Don’s criminal wrongdoings*!
The Plot to Betray America*:
How Team Trump Embraced America’s Enemies,
Compromised the National Security of the US and its citizens,
and How We Americans Can Fix It.
By January 3rd of 2020, the impulsive Trump, while lacking any coherent strategy in US relations with Iran and
scared out of his wits of the political scene on the home front regarding his impeachment, the ex-president was
devising his get out of an indictment free card* (~ Politico) by picking a war with Iran. After the lawless Trump
violated the US/Iran nuclear deal* and against the will of his advisors by backing out of this
*, with the Trump sanctions imposed upon Iran, it thereby placed a stranglehold on Iran’s economy.
To keep its economy still alive and breathing at all and to even feed its own people, Iran was forced to respond
by escalating its nuclear capacity just to stay alive. With Trump’s zero empathy or even having any feelings
at all, other than greed, hatred, racism, cruelty*, sadism, rage, vengefulness, lasciviousness
and gloating, he is not able to fathom the economic situation that Iran faces to feed its people.

The US launched an drone strike* in Bagdad, Iraq* ~ AP that killed an Iranian general who was highly-revered
by Iranians yet villainous-to-his-enemies, the military leader: General Qassem Soleimani*
~ Deirdre Shesgreen Tom Vanden Brook USA TODAY.

The president who killed to cry wolf!

Aesop’s Battles:
Do Presidents Cry Wolf*?

Coming to light in his impeachment, in apparently just another one of Trump’s diversionary tactics to
further impede the investigation into the myriad of all of his criminal activities in the picture below
was Trump’s “right-hand man in America”, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Soleimani’s
killing will prove to be another one of Trump’s drug deals for him to further evade American justice.

Russia State TV Calls Trump their agent*!

Russian agent Donald J. Trump,, Provincial Governor of US.
‘Congratulations America! How’s it feel to get scammed by a real pro?’
The top Iranian general was killed in a US drone strike in Baghdad, Iraq* and the event was
confirmed by the US Pentagon. PUBLISHED THU, JAN 2 20209:49 PM EST UPD ATED CNBC.
With Trump’s impeachment now affecting his foreign policy and by the whimsical and fickle
creating of another one of his myriad of distractions, he is now devising his 2020 presidential
campaign solely with the purpose in mind to stay out of prison which means
that now he absolutely cannot lose the 2020 presidential election!
President Donald Trump can really be indicted — and here's the constitutional proof* ~ NBC News!
The US president must be subject to the same laws as every other American citizen. However, this
madman at the helm of American leadership has a nuclear button at his disposal. The fate of mankind
is powerlessly at the whims of a psychopath and a dysfunctional and abjectly partisan US
Senate that is completely being motivated by Trump’s petty political concerns, by his fears,
by his greed and by his racism. It is blatantly obvious there is a conspiracy
to cover-up the truth about Mafia Don’s criminal activities!

Say hello to the bad guy!

A hopeful smile just a smilin’ away into perfidy.
The state charges against Trump’s former campaign manager, the devious Paul Manafort
were dismissed by a judge in New York and the case is now on appeal*.
Attempts to call Trump’s co-conspirators to justice have been successful with
Stone*, Cohen, Manafort et cetera on a federal level * yet the decision was
a setback to efforts by a district attorney of New York to ensure that
Manafort would still face prison time if President Trump ever pardoned him.
The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but they turn surely, for Manafort and even for Mafia Don.

A lawless political assassination of Soleimani by a lawless president:
Could ex-President Trump then legally kill a person not engaged in an act of violence*?
01/08/20 ~ By Andrew Napolitano*.
Evidently, it was done merely as a distraction from his impeachment trial by the Senate.
Nancy Pelosi Names Trump Impeachment Managers For Senate Trial*. Hayley Miller 01/15/20.

Pelosi names trial managers to carry articles of impeachment to the Senate*.

Guardian 01/15/20.

Deadly Iranian Airstrike Sen. Chuck Schumer speaking to Congress* HuffPost video.
The drone strike divides the US Senate* New York Times 01/03/20.
U.S. lawmakers divided over Trump Iran argument, set war powers vote*
(Reuters 01/08/20 Patricia Zengerle, Daphne Psaledakis).
Trump says his order was intended to stop a war* but a staff member provides a blatantly obvious
trumping up of merely nebulous details at a press briefing and for Congress and the nation to
sweep it under the rug and to keep it all hush hush. Evidently intended to distract public attention
from his impeachment trial, one of Trump’s Shoe Shine Boys, “Leningrad Lindsey” Graham tried to
explain away Trump’s diversionary tactic of the assassination of Soleimani as “magical” 01/09/20.
A bald-faced liar!
Trump calls it American justice* 01/10/20. (He blushed when he lied.)
After Trump lied to America more than 13,435 thousand times* by 10/14/19, Trump’s constituents at his rallies plainly
love to be lied to by the all-time great Burlington Liar’s Club champ! Judging from all of his previous lies, the officials
in the above picture appear to be skeptical, as there was a yuge chance that Trump was just coming out with another
one of his big whoppers* which is exactly what he was proven to have been doing. After fact checking Trump in his
address to the nation a day after an Iranian attack*, Trump’s lies are made very clear. There must be a special place in
hell for this master of deceit as there will soon be a special place in hell for all of us Americans if we continue
to allow ourselves to be perpetually lied to by Trump who is subverting the US government and
has apparently by now become a subservient official within The Russian Federation.

Don’t believe a word that comes out of Trump’s mouth. The killing of Soleimani was perpetrated simply as a
diversionary tactic away from public attention to his impeachment trial. The result of this assassination and the lies
he tells about it will prove fatal to America’s national security, domestically and abroad*. Watch now as across on the
face of planet Earth that masses of US civilians, as well as military personnel, will die because of Trump’s impulsivity,
deception and lack of diplomatic strategy in his foreign policy which is based totally upon his delusions of grandeur that
his erratic decisions are far superior to the rest of humanity’s. This includes the Pentagon, which against their advice,
was whimsically ordered by Trump to perform the attack upon Soleimani. The US Pentagon confirmed the US
airstrike that killed Soleimani who was highly revered as a charismatic figure by Iranians* yet he was
regarded as a villain by many other nations including the US. AP | Updated: Jan 3, 2020 Times of India.

Following Soleimani’s assassination, Ilhan Omar said that she would ‘step in and stop ‘Trump* (John Gage January 02,
2020 11:08 PM ~ Washington Examiner) for the by-pass of the US Congress in its sole Constitutional power to be the
only branch of government to be able to declare war. Soleimani’s killing was an abuse of presidential power by Trump.
It was merely motivated by his need to distract public attention away from his upcoming impeachment trial by
the US Senate. Moscow Mitch sees ruble signs in his eyes by continuing to aid and abet the roadblocks that
are blanketly ordered by Trump and his continual deception and misinforming the public
in his endlessly inimical acts of obstruction and abuses of power.

Screwing America* (and Trump)!
For his very own personal financial gain is why Trump is so sweet on Putin* (07/12/18).
Behold, at the behest of virtually the entire Republican Party, here is:
A revelation unto evangelicals and to Trump supporters about the identity of your true leader:
His Imperial Majesty, The Eminent Russian President
Czar Vladimir Putin!

President Vladimir Putin Czar Putin & His Figurehead Mask* “Fake President” Donald Trump
The Russian Federation * “Fake King” of America
Czar of US 09/24/19 Provincial Governor of the US
Russian Federation

About Putin’s big scrumptious Trump Tower Moscow Whopper*, Trump asks his boss:
‘I still get my Trump Tower Moscow out of this deal, don’t I?’ Figuratively speaking, the Czar replies:
‘Yes but instead of the title being Trump Tower Moscow, it will be called Vladimir Putin’s Trump Tower
Moscow and it will be constructed with Russian architectural principles. Also, instead of my getting
a penthouse on the 50th floor, you will be the one who gets the penthouse on the 50th floor rent free.
However, the building will be the sole property of the Russian government’ (A hypothetical scenario).

Click on the above comix to enlarge.

To get a clearer picture of reality, do not read the above with your MAGA-Vision goggles!
Trump Troll Bloggers single out US government employees* deemed hostile
to the Putin/Trump regime & agenda (07/10/17).
The Mueller testimony*
On July 24th of 2019, Robert Mueller appeared before Congress to clarify
The Mueller Report*. However, by protecting Putin’s representative Trump,
Republicans continued to stonewall cooperation with US intelligence*
regarding the findings of the report on behalf of what is becoming
their real current leader: The “eminent” Russian President, Vladimir Putin
of Russia and his current dominion over America. In June of 2019, as Trump
openly supported Russian interference with US* elections, one of Trump’s
“Shoe Shine Boys”, Mitch McConnell, shot down both bills* approved by both Houses
of Congress that would have protected US elections*. In the end, this will
inevitably lead to the annexation of the United States by Russia.

Mueller warned about protecting our elections from Russian meddling*, however,
this falls upon the deaf ears that have been successfully brainwashed by the
prodigious lies that have passed onto Americans by the voluminous Russian
propaganda that has been backed and spread by the Fox News network. Other
than by a successful exposure of the truth about Trump from an impeachment
inquiry, the Democrats only option* now, apparently, is to end the Trump
presidency by winning the 2020 election. Putin is not promising America a bunch
of fun and games and when and if “Puppet 45” Trump declares martial law
because of protests, what we Americans got coming to us, is an up-and-coming
brutal Russian takeover of the US and what we are really being promised by
allowing Russian interference in US elections, is a bloodbath that will soon be
filling the streets of America. Unwittingly, unwary Americans will gullibly be
assisting America’s historical rival Russia in its cyberwar against the
United States. Trump denies, assists and embraces this Russian meddling
and this will inevitably lead to our own destruction and desolation.
Think about the legacy of devastation that we could be passing on to our children.

Through Trump’s continual acquiescence to Putin, we Americans are becoming

just like a bunch of sitting ducks just waiting to get popped off by the
ravenously marauding Russian fighter jets flying high above us. However, even in
this scenario of a Russian invasion of the United States*, Putin’s useful idiots,
that have successfully been brainwashed by Trump’s speeches during his rallies
to believe in all of Putin’s Russian propaganda and that had been spread by
the Fox Fake News media may not actually be that profoundly stupid as to let
Russia, America’s sworn enemy, conquer the United States of America. If we are
really that profoundly stupid as to suck into believing the Russian propaganda
that is being spread on the behalf of protecting “the sacred cow”, Donald Trump,
then what we, our families, ourselves and our children, will soon have
to face is our own destruction, devastation and desolation.
An impeachment inquiry will loosen Trump’s dictatorial grip on his supporters and
incredibly they may actually be open to the truth for once instead of the fake
Russian reality that they get brainwashed with by Dobbs, Hannity and Pirro
of Fox News. These news outlets reflect Trump and his usage of Russian
brainwashing techniques that he learned on his many trips to Moscow.
* prior to March of 2017!

Putin, I mean, Trump Wins the 2016 Election!
While his colleagues were cheering at the first announcement of Donald Trump’s
election victory in November of 2016, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin toasts his
comrades on a job well done. Without the *, with
the loyal diplomatic support of the Trump presidency and through
*, it is now quite evident that while
toasting his comrades, Vladimir Putin had actually begun . . .


Body lingo: Stupid Americans!

Kind of makes you feel proud, don’t it (If You’re Russian) that they . . . ?
They came in peace!* (Mars Attacks Video Clip)
Calling him a “nut job”, Trump is badmouthing former FBI Director James Comey*
to the Russians in the Oval Office of the White House! America is now
the laughing stock of the entire World as the whole W rL L eS A EricA*!!!!
Visibly in the above photo, ex-President Trump can be seen badmouthing former FBI
Director James Comey to his close Russian friends, former Soviet propagandist,
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov* and the Russian Ambassador Sergey
Kislyak*, in the Oval Office at the White House on Wednesday, May 10th of 2017.
In the month of April of 2017, while he was still in office as the FBI Director,
James Comey had expressed informally, the need to increase White House support
into the investigation of what will soon prove to be a
* operation in the 2016 US
presidential election. Evidently, it was precisely for this reason that ex-President
Trump wanted to keep the conspiracy completely under wraps by firing the former
FBI Director and then referred to Comey as a “grandstander” and a “showboat”,
something of which Trump is quite obviously as well as never-endingly
guilty of each and every single day by 1000 times over.
“We will take America without firing a shot.
We do not have to invade the US. We will destroy you from within!*”
“We will bury you!*” ~ both quotes by ~ Nikita Khrushchev*.

Trump plans to scrap the Constitution by ending birthright citizenship*!

As ‘official citizen’ of Russia, ‘Putin’s puppet’ plans to be “ ’president’ of US for life*”!


Famous last words of the

“GOP’s Uncle Sam”: “No Donald!
Fort Knox is the people’s
Money!” ~
America’s Uncle Sam.

US nightmare: The execution of the GOP’s Uncle Sam*! Trump style!

Republicans cheer as Trump calls the US Constitution “ridiculous”*!

He supported a Mississippi politician who would bring back public hangings*.

Don’t you dare doubt her words one bit! Still, like lemmings,
many evangelical useful idiots will still follow Putin’s useful idiot,
ex-President Donald “Dishonest John” Trump, to America’s own
suicidal return to the barbaric behavior of white supremacists again!

President Vladimir Putin’s Republican Party entrenches itself in*!

Russian agent Donald Trump plays a cruel joke on Uncle Sam for
Independence Day, July 4th: no more democratic elections. Lie,
bribe, cheat, steal, blackmail, hack, meddle, threaten and then kill
next. All was fair now for the crooked Trump presidential
campaign. Trump/Putin meet at Osaka* (video).

Trump urged America’s rival to meddle in next US election in 2020*!

We will bury America*!

Putin laughs as Trump makes Americans election fools*!

The Joke is on you, Uncle Sam. Expect to say goodbye to freedom,
independence and even to life itself. Veritably speaking, Americans then
had a foreign rival for a “president”. The 2016 election was just protocol,
America’s real president was on the left in the above photograph.
American sovereignty was all just a laughing matter for Mafia Don.
Kamala Harris won in Miami, but Vladimir Putin won in Osaka*!!!!!!!!

Trump’s staff members thought that Trump abused his

office as US president while he colluded in plain sight*!
About a whistleblower’s allegations, Trump knew
shortly after his call to Zelenskyy*
and now then he lashed out at the whistleblower*!

The complicit h e in the cover up of Trump’s lawless behavior*

Get a glimpse of the scam by Trump and his den of
witches*..Indeed, there was a there, there, by 1000 times over*!
Trump threatened execution of the whistleblower*
thereby stoking his radical base to violence*!

I’m digging downward! Why am I having a melt down?
I’ll dig all the way to Moscow if I have to! Putin always tells me Americans are a bunch of useful idiots*!
How low can I possibly go to get high? They’ll never prove who the real witch is in all this.

Let me slide though when you see me extorting a country* An empty head full of hot air will say anything
with the military aid* that I’m using to bribe the Ukraine. for a scrumptious Trump Tower Moscow* burger!

My best friends* are always my most loyal fall guys*! You must fill out the proper paper work first!
Someone who’ll even go to prison for me*! Nice Barr*! If you’re white European then just hop onboard!
We’re on a mission from God*! (Blues Brothers movie clip)
To save America from an evil tyrant who is torturing little children on the southern
US border by placing them into little cages and by treating them worse than animals.
It is entirely evident that this evil tyrant, Donald Trump, is attempting to instigate
a race war in which millions of Americans will die in civil bloodshed. This could be you
and you or this could be me. This will be Hitler revisited! Historically, as with the evil
tyrant Adolf Hitler, his reign, which led to the bombardment of Germany, Trump’s
reign as president will ultimately end up in the devastation of the United States of
America. This is the real goal of Vladimir Putin’s operative Donald Trump. Depending
upon how Americans vote in the 2024 election, if Trump gets re-elected, then his reign
is ultimately going lead us Americans to eventual devastation and desolation.

Vladimir Putin’s Russia could soon be ruling the land of the free. Trump also appears
to be trigger happy with nuclear weapons and is apparently attempting to instigate
a nuclear war. So with all of the Republican ass-kissing and continual protecting of
a madman, as long as Trump remained in office, whether Republican, Democrat or
Independent, get ready to kiss your own ass goodbye; ex-President Donald Trump
naively downplayed and had enabled Kim Jong-Un’s long-range ballistic missile
capacity*. Also as of 8/2/19, Trump is enabling Kim Jong-Un’s short-range
missile capacity* to be able to obliterate Japan if he so dictates.

T h e F a l l o f R o m e * (video*) A m e r i c a n power s h r i n k s * .
S l i c k Willie v i s i t s O r g y Island*.
B i l l Clinton & Jeffery E p s t e i n * .
Clinton distances himself from Epstein*.

Wore a veritable* “chastity belt”*!

Slick Willie, Crawlin’ K ing S na k e & Pedophile Prince* Andrew*.

American is leading to

decadence America’s decline!

Famous friends s a y about Epstein*,

“T r u m p kept a good e y e on E p s t e in * ” .

Then: T r u m p called his pal a “ Terr ific guy” and

Trump now: “Not a fan! T h a t m u c h I c a n t e l l you*”!
*, Epstein’s *.

Epstein, Trump & Clinton, explained*. *!

Hanging b y a thread*: Trump Labor S e c r e t a r y Alex Accosta

(above left) gave Epstein a s w e e t h e a r t deal* t h a t saved
him f r o m more severe jail t im e in 2008.
A t a p r e s s c o nf e r e nc e , Ac c o st a d e f e nd s h i s a c t i o n s o f
l e n i e n c y t o w a r d h i s p a l E p s t e i n * . A c c o s t a r e s i g n s * .

*. * on 7/8/19.
Flight risk*. On July 25, 2019, at 12:04 am, Multimillionaire* Financier Epstein Found
Injured in Jail Cell*. * and was apparently beaten yet with marks
on his neck, he evidently tried to hang himself. No surveillance camera in his cell & only a
‘listless watch’* led to Epstein’s evident suicide or more aptly ‘negligent homicide’*!

Like with Trump’s hero, Adolf Hitler*, Trump’s cruel and inhuman administration
*. Treating them like animals and placing them into dog kennels, Trump
evidently regards them as animals or as lower forms of human life*. Where are the children*? The completely
inept, bumbling, cruel and inhuman neo-Nazi administration of Trump* continues to try to fail to let anyone
completely see what is becoming of these children. Like with the Jews of Trump’s hero Hitler, Trump supporters
today are a mirror reflection of the many Hitler supporting Germans who didn’t know and many didn’t even seem
to care if the German/Jews, some of whom were their own kin, were barbarically
*?! Some of them were*! Toward the end of WWII, besides with most of the decimated Jews being gassed
to death in Hitler’s gas chambers, in a hurriedly vain attempt to cover up Hitler’s sadistic atrocities,
many of these Jews, even Jewish children, were even burned alive in Hitler’s ovens*!

B *!
Were they sold off or * to make money for Trump’s eugenics enterprise*?
Check out: the criminal immigration law eugenics and white supremacy*. Any evangelical man who is
truly a man of God would stand up RIGHT NOW! Condemn the action of separating parents from
children or just like in Nazi Germany while church leaders were silent about Hitler’s persecution of the
Jews, soon the country of contemporary America may just go down in history as just another barbaric yet
technologically advanced nation like Nazi Germany. Depraved, wicked and corrupt evangelical leaders*
are absolutely delighted with Trump’s atrocities*! *!

Above far left is Trump’s former campaign manager* for 144 days, Paul Manafort* in his jailbird outfit. Now he
got a total of 7 ½ years plus a new indictment* (3/13/19).
*. To most Americans and World citizens, Trump is a truly wicked human being*.
Nevertheless, to his gullible and faithful followers, they believe the total fabrications and outright
prevarications of one of the greatest criminal * (the book) of all time.
TrumpLand is ShameLand is Trump Cowardice.
Swamp Thing Trump sadistically tortures another indigenous
child of the Christian faith on America’s southern border.


Health care cost is rising: Thanks to Trump*!

Study Trump’s model for health care:

National Socialistic health care in Germany, 1918-1945*!

How low can American morals sink underneath Mafia Don’s

barbarously neo-Nazi limbo stick? Here’s how sinfully evil!
Another bag of snakes opens up in Trump’s SwampLand:
Jeffery Epstein arrested*!
Crawlin’ King Snake Trump had quite often
slithered into the same snake pi Epstein*!
Slick Willie and Jeffery Epstein*!
Some evangelicals, such as Jerry Falwell Jr*, are
absolutely delighted with Trump’s utterly sadistic cruelty.
The unborn is the least of their concern. Like “holier than
thou” Christians, what they are really concerned
about is money, sex and power*!

. . . then you have been successfully brainwashed by Moscow!
Putin’s propaganda originates in Moscow wherein Trump’s true
loyalty lies. Barron bullied* & with her husband’s bullying* and
failure to fend off the Russian cyber-bullying of America*,
rashly, Melania Trump campaigns against cyber-bullying*!

Hypocritical, evangelical, obviously phony regard

for: The sanctity of individual human life*!

The control over your finances is evangelical hypocrisy at its

finest. “Holier than thou” folks impose their beliefs onto you to
take control over your livelihood. The unborn, which is part
of a woman’s body, is the least of their concern, and the
evangelical obsession with it
What’s really sacred to Trump is the conquest of American
coffers on behalf of his master Vladimir Putin.
At this rate of acquiescence to Russian meddling, all
Americans will soon become ruled by Vladimir Putin’s Russia*!
If America ever becomes ruled by Vladimir Putin’s Russia,
then get ready to have Trump drain the bank accounts of
some of America’s super wealthy* just like what Putin did
to some of Russia’s wealthy through Deutsche Bank*.

Some of America’s foreign and domestic wealthy are conspiring

to unleash upon the nation, the distributing of more of
America’s wealth to just a few of the super wealthy and to
the former Soviets, the Russian oligarchs, who in accordance
with Trump’s dictates, the US Treasury is now
reimbursing for their evidently much-planned
and Russian-backed “Republican” oligarchy in the US*.

Trump’s systemic sadism at the US southern border*.

“ *?”
She really doesn’t!
She wouldn’t have worn this jacket
if she did, and then she turns her
back on the remaining children*!

Existing! That is your crime*! Atrocity and euphemism*!

I pretend that I am the only one that is worthy to exist,
ME! ME! ME! Donald J. Trump! It’s all about ME! ME! ME!

To the clapping of useful idiots*, like a giant parasite, Trump* brags

about * because he’s “so smart”, then calls the
hard-working* & tax-paying* migrant* relatives* of the darling
little SWEETHEART in the above cover of Time magazine: “Vermin ”!
Trump* don’t* pay* taxes* and thus he meddled with the annual audit
of his financial records (October 4th of 2019)*.
( *)!
Crawlin’ King Snake Trump had quite often
slithered into the same snake pi Jeffery Epstein*!
Some evangelical pastors, such as Jerry Falwell Jr*, are delighted
with Trump’s behavior. The unborn is the least of their concern.
What “holier than thou” Christians, are really
is money, *

No one ever said he was running for pastor*!

How Trump will concentrate on and pounce upon Democratic pitfalls*.
From his indoctrination in Russia*, Democratic candidates should take heed of the
tribalism that Trump evokes*. Now we are all behaving like Pavlov’s dogs.

You’re in my way!
I need no
sense of shame.
I am the holy one.
You’re bowing
I like that . . .

Trump golfing next to dead migrants*.

Oscar Ramirez and daughter Valeria lying face down on the banks of the Rio Grande*.
Trump’s Hitlerian holocaust* has already begun*!
Former Trump states are now flipping back to Democrats*!
America does or America dies and becomes Russia!
All to the exhilarating applause of his useful idiot teenage supporters,
unwittingly, the king of useful idiots, Trump, stood proudly right next to an
emblem displaying a fake presidential seal*. In the emblem, the American national
emblem was replaced by a Russian Federation coat of arms, a symbol of conquest
and empire. The two-headed Russian eagle has golf clubs in its left clutch and in
the other is money. Subtly, there is even a hammer and a sickle in it and it
resembles the emblem of the Russian empire under the czars. The American
national motto, “E pluribus unum,” meaning “out of many, one” was replaced by a
Spanish phrase designating Trump appropriately as 45th president, however,
appropriately also, it reads:

“45 es un títere” which means “45 is a puppet*”.

Putin’s puppet ! ! ! !

Da –ah!

I’d say that Trump made those students

look like a bunch of monkeys now!

Trump’s racism is an impeachable offense* says this glamorous group of Congresswomen*.

Invoking his maniacal supporters, * then

*. On Trump’s racism, McConnell silent.
As he *, Trump’s attacks are always racist and color-minded*
and his rants, tweets and ravings are *. Evidently, it always appears to
be true that whatever Trump accuses someone else of, he himself is guilty of by 1000 times over, for example,
accusing a somewhat reclusive James Comey of being a grandstander and a showboat.
* he says.
Trump is not capable of loving the US. The US is a democracy.
By warmly embracing dictators and shunning America’s allies, Trump proves he only loves dictatorships.
Supporting Trump in his perpetual acquiescence to his master Vladimir Putin of Russia, Senator
“Moscow Mitch” McConnell blocked two measures that would protect America from election interference* and is
thereby leaving America up for grabs for foreign Russian investors* who practice election interference. By allowing the
Russians to interfere with the 2020 election, Trump & McConnell pretend to be loyal to the US, yet they are really
proving that their true loyalty is to themselves and to Moscow more than to America.

Trump and Ivana in Moscow*. Donald Trump: Kremlin loyalist*! A special place in hell for Mitch*.
Trump plans to give Putin a $50 million dollar penthouse* in exchange for Trump Tower Moscow. Donald Trump is
truly Putin’s puppet! Mitch McConnell has truly been “Moscow Mitch*” and Lindsey Graham has truly been
“Leningrad Lindsey” and William Barr has truly been “Bolshevik Barr”.
Trump and the Senate was holding back the money for investigation into election interference. “Send them back to
Moscow with their Mother Russia where they belong” was the general feeling for the last three years, until much-too-
tardily Mitch McConnell, as of September 20th of 2019, has conscientiously reversed course and now backs using $250
million dollars* of the $600 million dollars that was appropriated over two years ago by Congress for that purpose!
The relatively infallible Inverted Yield Curve* as a predictor of recession.
Donald Trump’s Entire Story about the Economy Fell Apart This Week*.

Trump Will Sink the US Economy August 2, 2019* .

Colbert Compares Trump’s Administration to the Titanic*!
Could this be the end*?

Hollywood will be ravaged by a recession*!

Dow rallies on trade optimism* 8/26/19. Hoped it’s not just another “Titanic bounce back up”
for a while. 8/26/19. Stock market rebounded back up*. Stock market investors giving up on
“The Trump put”*. Rocky economy (8/30/19)*! 3 factors that could make or break Trump in 2020*.
Market Watch*. Last year, I predicted a recession in 2020. Risks have receded, but not for long*.
By Mark Zandi for CNN Business Perspectives Updated 9:04 AM ET, Thu December 26, 2019.

Trump’s Inaccurate Claim That the U.S. Is:
‘the Fastest-Growing Economy in the World’*!

The Gross Domestic Product* (GDP video*):

the total value of everything produced.
The US GDP has been rising up a steep steady slope since 1950.

Trump tariffs will hurt the US economy*!

Bloomberg: Inflation is coming thanks to Trump’s Tariffs*!
Trump’s Tariffs are hurting the US economy (8/30/19)*!

Trump brags all the way to the bank while taking ALL of the credit for
the downturn in the unemployment rate. Yet, much to Trump’s chagrin,
unemployment started going down during the Obama administration*.


Click on the two images above for two stories on

The infamous: Trump Tower meeting*.

In the multi-cultural America, the land of the free,

ironically, the man who proclaims on the roof tops his pride
of being a racist, Steve Bannon* calls Don Jr.’s Trump Tower
meeting with the Russians “treasonous*”.
Populist, “more racist than thou”,
Steve Bannon takes on Pope Francis*
for warning against a sadistically trumplike
“nationalistic socialism” (Naziism) and unfettered capitalism.

The Pope warns of a populism that gives rise to another Hitler*!


Trump’s mental


is only

getting worse

Nov. 25, 2019*.

Who does this Madman dream about becoming? The Lizard King*?
Ivana Trump: !

President gone wild*! Trump is nuts*! Pavlov’s dog off his leash*!

Trump’s successfully Ignorance is strength!

Enstupefied supporters! Trump’s neo-Nazi Deplorables!

“Jews are undesirable here*!”

Of the casualties inflicted upon the beautiful Germanic people by the Soviets during WWII,
Adolf Hitler’s true “Blood and Soil*” was not only the 6,000,000 beautiful Jewish people*
whom he had so depravedly exterminated but was also the sacrificial holocaust of his own
Germanic peo * at the hands of the invading Soviet army by the brutal deaths of
15,000 000 various Germanic o s whos blood go mixe with so o Eu op *!
[Not to mention the millions of casualties inflicted upon the Germans by NATO* Allied Forces!]
Likewise, in a new world war that Trump and former National Security Advisor,
John Bolton* appeared to be brewing up for us, Trump's real holocaust*
will ultimately be ourselves, our families, our children*, the American people!

197 has this to say about:

The Yalta Conference*.

“The Yalta Conference was a meeting of three
World War II* allies:
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt*,
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill*
and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin*.”
“The trio met in February 1945 in the resort city of
Yalta, located along the Black Sea coast of the Crimean
Peninsula. The “Big Three” Allied leaders discussed the
post-war fate of defeated Germany and the rest of
Europe, the terms of Soviet entry into the ongoing war
in the Pacific against Japan and the formation
and operation of the new United Nations.”

The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics*

lost a total of 25.3 million of its citizens*
(Russia plus its satellite countries) during World War II.
Russian autocrat President Vladimir Putin* in his re-election recognized as “bogus”*
by many in the West (that election apparently is internal only to Russia)!
Mainly responsible for saving the World by winning the Eastern front from the fascist Adolf
Hitler*, it was the Soviets who were the first to reach Berlin even before the British and the
US*. Germany lost 5.3 million soldiers* killed in action during World War II. The Soviets had
the greatest number of soldiers killed in action (more than 10.7 million*) in Europe during
WWII. By comparison, while fighting fascism on the European front, the US had over 1/4th of
a million (276.6 thousand) killed in action* which in terms of the number of soldiers killed in
action is about 1/39th of the hell that Soviet soldiers had both endured* and dealt out on that
horrendous front during WWII. Albeit, when the US finally did join the Allies and
get involved on the European front, all-out hell was unleashed all at once.
American GIs, are known among a lot of Germans as having been quite a bit more
benevolent than the invading Soviet army who were prompted by revenge for Hitler’s order
for barbarism to be performed upon occupied nations. American GIs and the British soldiers
were apparently known in World War II as caring more for the people of the nations it
was occupying. As told in the West, the parents of German children told them to
go to the Americans and the British “Sie werden dir Schokolade geben"
(“They will give you chocolate!”). Was the same thing said about Soviet soldiers?
In the Western mind, it does not appear to be so. On that horrendous European front, during
an invasion of another country, the Soviets, however, having gotten involved in WWII much
sooner and with the army’s having experienced a much greater relative degree of traumatic
combat stress, have the reputation of being quite a bit more malevolent and it appears to
Westerners, at least, that their style of invasion is marked by raping, bombing, torturing,
pillaging and plundering the victims of the nations it occupies. Trump never failingly proposes
adopting this sadistic Russian style of conquest and had installed a former enhanced
interrogator to run the CIA: Gina Haspel* who now says torture does not work*.

Like a true sadist, the neo-Nazi Trump pines daily for torture anyway:

The evidently psychopathic Nazi in this picture is groping his rape victim as if she was some kind of lovely
animal trophy that was put here purely for his trumplike sadistic pleasure. With quite likely her son watching
in the background, the boy seems to be pleading with the soldier for one last ray hope that he would stop
hurting her and that she would still be alive. This sadistic Nazi style of invasion was adopted by
Russia in their “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth” response to * of
the beautiful women of Eastern Europe & Russia by Hitler’s Armies*.

Historically, America has had many Germanic immigrants like Trump’s immigrant grandfather*
Frederick Trump* who had arrived in America in 1885. His immigrant mother Mary* migrated to America
from Scotland and became a US citizen in 1942* (See: Trump family history*). The large population of Germans
coming to America throughout history and with the very many German immigrants fleeing from prosecution
as Nazi adherents nearing the end of World War II and melding in with their German American relatives,
can only partly explain why America entered the war in Europe much later than the Soviets who were
fighting Nazi fascism, eye for an eye, tooth and nail, long before the Americans during the war.
Rudy Giuliani*, a grandstander and a showboat like his boss Trump, put words in Mueller’s mouth by
misconstruing what the Mueller team has told him about whether Trump can be indicted*. Check this out:
Andrew Napolitano* tells Fox News that Trump can be indicted*. Also check this out: Senator Blumenthal
says that Trump can be indicted*. So don’t believe everything that comes out of the mouthpiece of
an administration that is fraught with fallacies, alternative “facts”, 75 charges, 19 indictments,
6 convictions* (all increasing) and has been engaged in a conspiracy with the foreign adversary of
Russia to overthrow American democratic institutions such as the FBI. While his successfully brainwashed
adherents still stick, Trump wages war on America’s law-and-order institutions such as: *, *
and * and *!

Possibly allied with China*, soon Putin and his armies could be coming to your own hometown!
And be careful when you travel abroad. Even more so now because of Putin’s puppet Donald Trump
and his insulting of foreign dignitaries, there is clearly now a “Down with America” global attitude*.
Like Chief Oshkosh of the Menominee Nation of Native Americans in Wisconsin, along with his lead
retinue, was being paid off, cajoled and eventually coerced into signing over millions of acres of land to the
US government, Trump is now selling out America to Putin’s demand not to have the so-called “Russian
sanctions” enforced. Soon this will involve real estate. Native Americans called them sellouts.
This appears to be a chronic phenomenon that occurs with invaded peoples.
Alt-right Americans don’t know or even suspect that America has been invaded by the country of Russia.
Most of this invasion is occurring on news networks such as Hannity, Dobbs and Fox fake news;
on our own cell phones, in the newspapers and on the internet
(“What you’re seeing isn’t happening!*” ~ Trump. “ *” ~ Giuliani).

Ultimately, the collective American mind is becoming Putin’s brainwashed victim.

Right now there are not Russians at our border but there soon will be and quite markedly, there
appeared to be a sellout (treasonous) US president in the White House! The big mafia shakedown: You give
us dirt on Joe Biden, we give you the US dollars that protect the Ukraine as well as US interests and
ultimately US citizens*. The * by the criminal Mafia Donald John
Trump*! Quid pro quo” is not “quid pro quo” October 4th of 2019*! Trump betrayed America*!
A Treasury Department official interfered with Trump’s tax returns (10/4/19)*!
If Vladimir Putin arrived under the Trump administration, so soon it will
have been that Russian fighter jets will have flown over your own hometown!
After great social turbulence because of the redefining of American identity and
the typically autocratic responses to violently put down protests that would
ensue, after the eventually great destruction of the American people and
landscape*, individual Americans will be forced* to sign the deeds to any
individually-owned *!
Indeed, ex-President Trump planned to eventually call on his Russian allies to

invade the mainland United States to bomb the shit out of his political rivals!

Coming soon to a theater near you!

Attn: Useful idiots: Trump Tower

I sell Moscow!
A rica

Sweet* Russian* Revenge*!

For *.

(Don’t you ever dare say that nobody didn’t try to warn ya!)

Then you will have just read this and wept!

Trump met with Putin secretly to discuss the details of the surrender by
the Republican Party of the United States to The Russian Federation*.
This is veritably what it amounted to that Putin and his puppet Trump agreed
to at the Helsinki summit. Americans, let’s familiarize ourselves with
our possibly imminent leader, the first
*: Czar* *!
If the Republicans had won the midterm of 2018* (both the House and the Senate),
then The Star Spangled Banner* would have eventually become demoted
to the provincial anthem of an American province in the country of Russia.
The Russian national anthem* would’ve become the national anthem of America!

* to the highest bidder*!
Trump’s insanity is a self–serving, fickle and seemingly a not-so-well disguised
and even * with the complete and unrelenting
support of Trump’s “brainwashed-by-Moscow Americans” who are gullibly only
making Russia*, Qatar*, China* (ZTE*) and Trump greater than they already
are again! While he still throws juicy red meat to his constituents such as in
Nashville, Tennessee*, the gullible American public is getting ripped off blind
by Trump and his associates! The American system of justice does not bow
to the whims of a would-be dictator and soon it will prevail once again.
If Trump can’t stand all of the heat* and starts cracking up, then he should get
the hell out of the kitchen and live in Moscow where his true heart lies.
In essence, what
*, Oleg Deripaska*, is setting up a Russian provincial
cabinet in Washington DC. The oligarch Deripaska had his sanctions lifted by
Trump and had even added a Trump transition member to Deripaska’s company.
Trump’s Russian-induced brainwashing of the GOP*, is still working like
clockwork and now the Republican Senate has now become a Russian asset.

Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, was allegedly paid $400,000 to set up a
meeting* between the Ukrainian President and then-President Trump. The
Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko*, however, who was not a puppet of Putin*
like Trump, met with Trump at the White House in June of 2017*. As of Jan. 7th of
2019, Trump’s job approval rating was 40.2%*. By Jan. 15th of 2019,
*. By 1/29/19 Trump’s job approval was 39.8%*!
Click: *.
* and corrupt politician* with a brand of
Pork Barrel* to certain districts and Pay to Play* to foreign special interests.
In addition to his above shenanigans, he has been engaged in his personal
swampy dealings with the Ukraine*. Nonetheless, Trump’s approval rating of
hovering around 40 plus percent is still steady on Dec 5th of 2019*.
With possibly just another one of his daily
prevarications of lies, ever so patient is the smiling
teeth of President Trump’s war machine that will
enable him to cry wolf once again.
Eternally, this dead war hero waits,
even if you are a civilian,
Just for ME and you!
Since Trump openly expressed he doesn’t like Iran,
did the dictatorial ex-President Donald Trump
order what he publicly described as
“his US Intelligence” to say that:




Click here and read: The Mueller Report* (2019).
No proven Conspiracy Yet and No Exoneration*. On May 29th of 2019, the Special Counsel
Mueller said that Trump was not exonerated* by his investigation and also stated:
“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would
have said so.” Consider the fact that under the Trump administration, in a show of
“good faith” to Trump’s duped American public, the US State Department was
granted $120 million dollars by the Republican-dominated US Senate
to investigate Russian meddling* into US elections but in two years the
State Department had spent precisely $0* toward that effort!
Is there really any question about Trump’s intent?
Trump’s blatant and open conspiracy against the United States government
had not elicited irrefutable evidence that will be established that will
lead to his indictment for conspiracy against the US, however,
in reality, Trump had not yet been exonerated from plotting to overthrow the
United States and he continued to openly and blatantly obstruct justice*.

“No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION*.”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2019*

Ex-President Donald “the Houdini of Lies” Trump told a masterful lie by stating
that he has a “complete and total exoneration*” ~ the Hill. What Trump hails as an
exoneration was not offered by the Mueller report*. Barr appeared before Congress*
4/08/19 and was pressed on the Mueller report*. Two Truths (And One Lie) About The
Mueller Report*. Now it’s time to cover up: The Mueller Report* through the
assistance of Trump’s puppet Attorney General William Barr and senators
like Mitch McConnell who, along with Donald Trump, is also now* being
suspected of being a co-conspirator* into the Russian rigging of the 2016 election.
(“Russia, if you’re listening*”) According to Barr, Trump was “falsely accused”*.

Trump’s Attorney General William Barr laughs all the way to the bank with his
pro-Trump bias*. Always parroting Donald Trump, while providing zero evidence,
Barr says the previous department spied on Trump*. Popping his pro-Trump bubble,
however, Mueller did not exonerate Trump from either conspiracy or obstruction*.
Barr did! Barr reported* on 5/1/19 to the Senate Judiciary Committee*. A Democrat
tells Barr to resign for lying to Congress*. Trump/Barr distort the Mueller Report*.
Barr could’ve been placed under arrest for his failure to testify to Congress on
5/02/19*. In effect, what is apparently happening now is, Attorney General William
Barr is

Always cognizant about peoples’ IQ and always blowing people
out of the water when it comes to IQ awareness,
Trump often denounced Robert De Niro* as:
“A very low IQ individual” as he does with everyone who criticizes him.
The following seems to be quite apt about whether Trump even has an IQ.
J. S. Melton, B.A. from Loma Linda University, La Sierra (1967)
wrote in Quora: “Oh, certainly. Everyone has an IQ. Judging from his
verbal skills, I’d say that Trump’s IQ is probably somewhere between
50-74 (moron) and 85-94 (dull). I’m being quite generous, for I could have
justifiably assigned him to even lower levels of intelligence — to either
imbecility or idiocy. Quite honestly, though, I don’t think he’s that stupid
. . . but, then, Forrest Gump’s

Momma used to say that ‘stupid is as stupid does.’ ”

Write this one down! Next one: a posthumous

pardon for *”! And you can quote ME on that!

Judge hypocrisy lest ye be judged by hypocrites*.

Did anyone hear that at all?!?!
Mueller whacks Trump with evidence of obstruction*
Trump will most likely be indicted once he leaves office!

Donald Trump is a tiny little man* in a dog and pony show!

Come to the Colosseum to see Christians performing atrocities
against other Christians*! What the hell do you have to lose
but freedom, democracy and your very soul itself?
The Gulag in the US is just a big long vacation for the rich anyway!
* (George Takei).

“Manifesto” of El Paso killings echoes Trump word for word*!

Nine down in Dayton, 27 injured*!

Rachel Maddow: gun laws regarding the *.

NBC News: ss o ng La V once ll ur 2 *.

In what is now one of the bloodiest mass shootings in American history, from a multi-windowed hotel
suite at Mandalay Bay Casino & Resort, *, who had no criminal record*, sporadically
and intermittently spilled a barrage of gunshots from what sounded like automatic machine gun fire onto
an outdoor Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas. * was the son of the notorious
bank robber *. Something does not sound right here. We must exercise
* or there could be another lynching like it was in the Old West
when many a cowboy was used as a scapegoat by the guilty culprit,
and was hanged for a crime he never committed.
On one hand, just 90 days earlier, Stephen Paddock was purported to have been allied with ISIS which
was trying to claim responsibility for the act. On the other hand we have gazillions of bots that are
invading Facebook and Twitter and the rest of the internet, that were designed to make Americans hate
one another by causing division between the American left wing, Antifa, and the American right wing,
the Alt-right. How could Stephen Paddock, who had just won a whole bunch of money at the casino,
become disgruntled and go up to his suite to commit one of the most heinous acts in American history?

To top it all off, did Paddock really collect 23 guns and was rumored to have piles of Antifa literature in
his apartment? However, Paddock kept to himself* and there was no real evidence linking Paddock to
Antifa*. Eric Paddock, the brother of Stephen Paddock*, said that he had no political affiliation*
whatsoever! Quite likely the insane support for a madman like Trump akin to Nazi support for Hitler
leads a person to believe they were planted there. Paddock’s girl, *, returned from
abroad in the Orient. It sounds a bit fishy to me and I don’t believe everything we see on the surface of
it. The man was nuts! He didn’t need a reason to kill à la killing for killing’s sake. He had guns!

The day right after the Las Vegas massacre, unfeelingly, while people were agonizing,
Trump said: “ *”. Likewise shallowly, while people were agonizing
over the Florida school shooting in mid-February of 2018, Paul Ryan* said Congress would not even
consider questioning* the * of citizens to bear arms. In February of 2017,
Trump signed a stark-raving-mad Bill into Law* *
(Rachel Maddow ). Congress was making it possible* for the mentally insane to purchase weapons*.
Hardcore Republicans said they did not want to "stigmatize" them by passing it into law.

Trump and his servile dead-head Republicans have blood on their hands* and are 100% at fault for
* by insane men who by Trump’s mere signing of a bill into
law, were being given their License to kill*? (Song by Bob Dylan* Song *).
Check out this audio visual: License to Kill* sung by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers*.

NRA Republicans Democrats:

“The ME Party” Versus “The WE Party”

America is for America is for

Rich wolves! All Americans!

What part of the word ‘NO’ don’t you understand? Is it the ‘N’ or is it the ‘Oh’?
* * a.k.a. * * will make sure!

As of February 1st of 2018, *. Are Republicans really open to a ban*
on *? Bump stocks are gun attachments that can turn a regular gun into a veritable machine gun by
turning it into a semi-automatic weapon. Nonetheless, the NRA still wants you to kill whoever you want to kill
again! The next mass murder will stain * and other * with even more
human blood! *! After the bump stock finally got banned* on Feb. 25 of 2019*.
Untypically, the NRA is not yelling about it* (read why)!

Check out these articles in The New York Times* and The New York Daily News* on Aug. 8, 2019 and the
article on *, even while they are attending high
school, being able to legally purchase weapons of war* that were made specifically for the mass killing of
humans. Human mass killings are big money for the gun manufacturers. See about the back channel dealings of
rubles that have been found *.
Mass killings in the US 1982 to 2019*. Mass shootings since Sandy Hook*.

More mass shootings than days so far this year in 2019*. List of mass shootings in US in 2019*.
Republicans finally talk tighter gun control laws*. How long will it last this time? 2 days?
It all comes down to whether we love our children* more than we love our own guns.
It seems as if a true NRA Republican loves assault weapons more than he loves his own children.
Instead of entering a slippery slope* into gun control, we have entered a slippery slope
into daily mass killings which can include anyone now, even you and your family!
Keith Edwards @keithedwards image of the tweet

2:49 PM - Aug 3, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2019 Mass Shootings:

Austria 0 Finland 0 Mexico 3

Denmark 0 Germany 0 Belgium 0

Italy 0 Brazil 1 Canada 1

Ireland 0 United Kingdom 0 Spain 0

Switzerland 0 Singapore 0 Hungary 0

Portugal 0 Saudi Arabia 0 Luxembourg 0

France 1 Australia 0 New Zealand 1

Netherlands 1 Sweden 0 United State s 249!

Trump affirms greater gun control* then flip flops again* after a call
from * his main pipeline* of Russian* money*.
Assault rifles are big money for gun manufacturers*!
Dividing Republican from Democrat by pitting whites against non-whites, Trump is
making America racist again as part of his master Putin’s plan to divide & conquer
America. Trump supporters are taking Putin’s bait hook, line & sinker by voting
for Trump whose re-election in November of 2020 will lead America to
its own demise when Putin schedules the United States to get
completely taken over by Russia under his leadership.
The Grand Wizard of Mass Hypnosis*!

Make your minds pliable to Russian brainwashing techniques.

We are two centuries ahead of you Americans in that department,
so much so that the Moscow propaganda machine could actually
make many Trump supporters: stand on their heads, pat their
bellies and say bow wow at twelve noon on Thursdays.
To prove my loyalty to Donald Trump, I do this every week at
twelve noon on Thursdays and you can too! Try it sometime!
Ask your friends to do it too! You will soon understand the true
meaning of life is to eradicate everybody who doesn’t look like you!
You chronically feel better about yourself afterwards.

There is only one drawback to your chronic hatred, however.

Hating others is a drug that only lasts for a few seconds while
it only makes you briefly feel better about yourself.

Then you will have to hate someone else again.

Your hatred of others comes from a deep-seated hatred that you
have towards yourself from internalizing the hatred that you
have felt from others. Disgruntled, when you finally follow
through with your desire to hurt someone you pretend to

represent your hatred, you get gunned down by the cops. If you get
lucky enough to just get arrested, you face the death sentence of
lifelong imprisonment or execution along with other men just like
you, where someone will be there that’s out to shank you.

You Are Getting Sleepy…

How Trump’s hissing hypnotism worked*

Make America be America again!

Love America!

Embrace the free speech of the free press.

The media is the true friend of people.

Embrace America’s resilient democracy!

Love all human beings*.

Hate no one: even Mitch,

Moscow Mitch McConnell, Political terrorist*!
The Republican-led Senate committee released a report on Tuesday, August 18th of 2020* that detailed
extensive connections between ex-President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign advisers
and people with direct ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime.

Sanctioned Russian Oligarch's Company to Invest Millions in New Aluminum Plant in Mitch McConnell's State*
US Senate report says Russian investor in Braidy Industries' mill is a proxy for the Kremlin*
Morgan Watkins Louisville Courier Journal Aug. 19, 2020.
The Russian company Rusal has invested a golden carrot in Braidy Industries' that is constructing an aluminum
rolling mill in Eastern Kentucky, however, it was identified as a proxy of the Kremlin in a new report the
Senate Intelligence Committee released in the week of August 19th of 2020. The Russian firm,
United Company Rusal*, agreed in 2018 to invest $200 million in an aluminum mill*, which expects to create
hundreds of long-term jobs in a struggling region of the State of Kentucky only if Braidy is able to raise
enough financing to build the warehouse and factory, which is costing over $1.5 billion.

A Republican-led Senate committee released a report on Tuesday 8/18/20* that detailed the extensive
connections between Trump's 2016 campaign officials who had extensive ties and are
integrally and inextricably in cahoots with Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime.
You might say that they are one and the same. Only your other half is out to get you!

Ex-President Trump: Someone who served only himself!

Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, who is part owner of Rusal, an
international aluminum company, is part of the firm that is investing
the $200 million dollars for the aluminum factory in Kentucky.
Sanctioned Russian Oligarch's Company Investing Millions
in New Aluminum Plant in Kentucky* 4/15/19
Braidy Breaks Ground* 6/01/18.
Braidy Industries settles suit with founder. What’s up next for aluminum mill*?
BY LIZ MOOMEY JUNE 11, 2020 10:22 AM, UPDATED JUNE 11, 2020 10:35 AM

Braidy Industries lands Russian investor for Kentucky aluminum mill* 4/15/19.
Matthew Glowicki and Morgan Watkins Courier Journal
4 men, 4 takeaways from the monster Senate intelligence report on Russian election meddling*
Kevin Johnson & Kristine Phillips USA TODAY Aug. 19. 2020
A major Senate Report* found that Manafort shared Trump campaign strategy with Russian intelligence officer
Konstantin Kilimnik*. It is reported in-depth that the Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya* who met at Trump
Tower with Manafort, Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner had serious entanglements with the Kremlin*.
Senate 2020: Mitch McConnell Finally Admits Human-Caused Global Warming Exists*. He doesn’t even have a
clue of a climate plan. The Senate majority leader says he wants “common sense” solutions. His political rival for
the Senate, Amy McGrath, a Marine Corps veteran, calls climate change a grave security threat. James Bruggers
How Paul Manafort promoted Russian disinformation that had been embraced by Trump*
Washington Post 8/19/20.

Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia*
August 15, 2020.
Senate panel told Justice Dept. of suspicions over Trump family members’ Russia testimony*
August 15, 2020.
Donald Trump Jr. departs Capitol Hill in June 2019 after meeting privately with members of the
Senate Intelligence Committee. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP) August 15, 2020 at 4:44 p.m. CDT.

The Republican and Democratic chairmen of the Senate Intelligence Committee notified federal
prosecutors of their suspicion that several individuals, including President Trump’s family members
and confidants, might have presented misleading testimony in the panel’s investigation of
Russian interference in the 2016 election, people familiar with the matter said.
A Kremlin-Linked Firm Invested Millions in Kentucky. Were They After More Than Money

What Amy McGrath must do to defeat Mitch McConnell in Kentucky Senate race*
Siddique Malik 7/21/20.

Everything you need to know about Kentucky's Senate race between

Mitch McConnell and Amy McGrath*.

Amy McGrath for US Senate*.

Amy has served America and will serve America again!
Senate 2020: Mitch McConnell Now Admits Human-Caused Global Warming Exists. But
He Doesn’t Have a Climate Plan*. The Senate majority leader says he wants “common
sense” solutions. His political opponent for the US Senate, Amy McGrath, a Marine
Corps veteran, calls climate change a national security threat.
James Bruggers.

Trump’s road to Soviet-style nationalistic capitalism*, through the tariffs imposed upon
foreign entities, Trump and one of his “Shoe Shine Boys” Moscow Mitch McConnell
are reducing the once proud and industrious American family farming industry into
a veritable welfare line. Then Trump wanted $12 billion in federal funds for a
farmers’ welfare bailout* (7/24/18). In the end,
* (5/28/19) anyway.

Rich Man’s

Even at a particularly sensitive time for domestic terrorism, just hours after
the El Paso mass shooting*, (8/19/19) with this photograph, Mitch wished hell,
not well for his political opponent Amy McGrath* who appeared likely to get
elected because of Moscow Mitch’s growing lack of popularity. However, hanging
out with the malignant narcissist Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, would seem to
end up politically in a narcissists’ hell along with other political terrorists, and would
likewise politically seem to take an eternal furlough to the hell on the next few pages.

Hell for a terrorist: the ultimate narcissist!

Whenever the urgent need for self-esteem has not been met, the very

nature of self-love itself is such that it can tend to become aberrant

when it becomes inclined toward eliminating someone else or something

else just to pretend to prove that it is the only person or thing that is
worthy to exist. Like the Greek Narcissus*, through his own committal

to his own false sense of self-esteem and its downward spiraling

self-deceptions, this will bolster any sort of mechanistic-minded

terrorists’ obsessive need for self-conceit and it will tend to compel

itself to fulfill the prophecy that he has become one of the damned . . .

while gazing into an exact mirror image reflection

. . . falsely admiring its own false beauty . . .

for all eternity . . . for all eternity . . . for all eternity

all eternity . . . all eternity . . . all eternity . . . all eternity . . . all eternity . . .

Most white people feel that the white race is able to survive any massive influx
of immigrants, however, white supremacists chant for immigrants to go back*
to where they came from. They seem completely disabled in their own minds to be
able to weather the influx of new immigrants coming to America and fear that
the white race will not be able to survive. Immigrants come here to partake in
the freedom of American democracy. In the photograph on this page,
white supremacists chant “Jews will not replace us!” and “Blood and Soil!”
at a Unite the Right rally in 2017* at Charlottesville, Virginia.
Even though an individual supremacist has human blood all over his hands*
after having enthusiastically taken part in one of these rallies,
a true white nationalist will never blame himself for
being complicit for one of these types of crimes* and the violence it sparks.

After having caused the city of El Paso, Texas* unfathomable pain and suffering*
through his use of his racist rhetoric, the city didn’t want Trump to come and
try to “console” the victims, which was more like rubbing vinegar on Christ’s
wounds. After the mass shooting that left 22 Latino people dead and two dozen
people injured on Saturday, August 3rd* of 2019, the perpetrator of the
pathological mass shooting, Patrick Crusius showed no shame. Like Crusius shows
no remorse and no regret* for his actions, Trump also shows no remorse
or regret for his racist rhetoric. He appears more than likely
to be only interested in coming to the city as a political ploy
to try to impress his base of supporters for the 2020 election.
Like El Paso, the city of Dayton Ohio*, the scene of another horrific mass
shooting, didn’t want Trump to come show his face in the city also. Once an
Ohio stronghold for Trump supporters in 2016, it now appears that,
the Toledo Mud Hens* don’t want him either!

all eternity . . . all eternity . . . all eternity . . . all eternity . . . all eternity . . .

*! The wages of Naziism is death!
Hitler = The destruction of Deutschland!
Trump = The destruction of America!

Мы должны уважать нашего Господа Иисуса*

We Must Respect, Our Lord Jesus*!

Nazi SS at Dachau Nazi SS at Dachau

Cuccinelli’s remaking of The Statue of Liberty*!

The Statue of Bigotry!

Stephen Miller sucks the phallus* of champs: white nationalism*.

Trump’s Anglo-Centric vision for America*.

Remember when Trump said Mexico will pay for the Wall? Not true!

AMERICANS WILL PAY FOR TRUMP’S WALL to the tune of $51 billion dollars*!

Ask not what you can do for your country,

ask what your country can do for Donald “Dishonest John” Trump!

Click below for the real reason Trump wants a border wall:

eminent domain
*! (3/16/17)

Trump’s eminent domain can also be declared on the inland United States*.

The true meaning* of The Statue of Liberty*.

Rep. Joe Kennedy III responds* to

Ex-President Trump’s State of the Union address:

“The richest nation shouldn’t leave anyone behind”*.

Your generation will ~ “Build a wall and my generation will tear it down*!”

Joe is grandson to Bobby* and grandnephew of John F. Kennedy* who said:

“Ask not what can you.

Ask you for !*”
~ The Inaugural Address* of President John F. Kennedy*.

The plaque on the statue reads: “She cries with silent lips:


Americans re-embrace the 'nation concept* (10/11/19)!

Students of human nature express the concept that it is
wholesome and healthy* for a human being
to feel a true sense of self-worth*.
When that person feels a true sense of self-esteem,
a person is more likely to love others.

Watch and listen to Whitney Houston* in this video about

a time when she had genuinely achieved some good
wholesome feelings of about herself.

Watch this video:

A resulting sense of self-esteem can inspire you

to love others and live a truly happy life.

The Greatest Love of All*


Trump’s administration got 16% of the land it needs for the border wall in Texas* (10/27/19)
far less than expected. Trump's wall was dealt a blow when the immigration bill was defeated*! 6/27/18

Trump’s abuse of the eminent domain* seizure of private land to extend to the interior of the US also.
Trump has abused eminent domain determinations in the past*. Donald Trump’s abuse of eminent domain*.
Just for starters, “eminent domain” *
Trump is using eminent domain to seize private land in Texas* (1/18/19).
Dakota access justified by federal court in Iowa for Trump’s oil pipeline in the Dakotas* 6/01/19.
So get ready, your land may be seized by Donald Trump for his own personal business purposes.
The Senate blocked Trump grasp for billions of dollars of precious life-saving emergency funds* (9/25/19) and a
federal judge rules it unlawful (10/25/19*). However, it survives the Senate test after he ransacked military
funds instead by October 17, 2019*. Conceivably, he could ultimately gain more control over
American land by setting the precedent for his executive powers toward declaring eminent domain.
*: Trump declaring eminent domain* over land near Mount Pleasant in Wisconsin.

Ma & Pa Missouran dealing with Trump’s revenuers* when like all

along the US southern border wall*, the Dept. of IR declares “eminent domain”* on Missouri land!
Through the governmental policy of eminent domain, ex-President Trump was usurping both private
and commercial property all along the southern border wall*.
If you are interested in real estate then watch this video: “Donald Trump and eminent domain*”
and read the Washington Post about: “Donald Trump’s Abuse of eminent domain*”!
Trump’s “aluminum foil” wall blows over* Jan. 30, 2020!

When the wall should have been built!

No gringos allowed!
Evidently, it always appears to be true that whatever Trump accuses

someone else of, he himself is guilty of by 1000 times over, for example,

accusing a somewhat reclusive James Comey of being a grandstander.

We are finally catching on as: Trump rallies lose their power*! (8/22/19).

Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign presents a façade of raising

money off impeachment. The Truth is, it’s more complicated than that*!
NICOLE GOODKIND January 31, 2020 8:00 AM EST

A fatiguing Trump,
accuses his vigorous political opponent Joe Biden* of easy burn out!
Ever since ex-President Trump fired the FBI Director, * Trump’s endless
attempts at quashing the Russian meddling investigation, there had been an blatantly
open and ongoing effort for obstruct the investigation on the part by Trump and his
administration. Trump was blatantly, obviously and openly attempting to cover up the
Russian attempts to influence the 2016 US election. The Republican Party is complicit
in the cover up and paid for it dearly following the 2018 elections when on
January 3rd of 2019 when the Democrats took control of the House*. Unless they
could then actually succeed in making the United States a province in Russia,
Vladimir Putin’s Republican Party paid for it dearly in the 2020 election.

“We will bury you!*”

~ Nikita Khrushchev*

Even longing to be lied to, while deluding themselves into believing in an alternative
universe of false facts, regarding pre-existing conditions for health care*, Trump’s
quite evidently “gullible” followers are even willing: to give up a health care that is
affordable and make it unaffordable, are willing * (Click:
tax hike*) and are even willing to submit to a love/hatred affair with a would-be
dictator to follow him off a cliff into his inevitably false promise of supreme white
control over America. Even factions of the very minorities that Trump cloaks his
promise to brutally oppress, have shown an insane support in favor of this would-be
dictator. While Trump & Putin orchestrate these events in secrecy, in sheep’s clothing,
Putin waits in the woods and laughs at the citified & countrified gullibility of
America’s useful idiots. As of September 20th of 2017, the Mueller investigation began
focusing on Trump*. Before Trump’s business* interests, America comes second*. This
is proven by The Mueller Report* (2019 Click on link) by *
in the * investigation. 800 fed prosecutors say Trump obstructed*.


Trump and Barr buried the redacted body* of The Mueller Report* and could not allow
it to be exhumed and autopsied by Congress for examination or they would’ve been
exposed for their role in killing it*! *.

I am going to build a wall that Mexico will pay for! Who will pay for the wall?

Mexico! Who?

Americans pay for Trump’s wall! Trump mortifies a family from NC with a cruel comment*!
And raids elementary school funding for the border wall that he said Mexico would pay for*.
Trump orders his “tin soldier” Pentagon to use military funds for his border wall*,
Then bogarts through US military funds pilfering money for his wall*.
Fox and friends Kilmeade says: Trump should have never said Mexico would pay for the wall*!
Trump and Jake Tapper speak on the wall*.
The state military installations of GOP senators lose military funds for Trump’s border wall*.
Trump rips off $3.6 billion dollars of military funding for his high and mighty wall *:
(that he has built around his true inner self,
the Nazi sociopath* that blatantly and openly lurks deep down inside* of himself and
longs to become a brutally genocidal psychopath, a World menace, just like Adolf Hitler*!)
Beware of the Trumpian flip if you vote for:

Russian agent Donald Trump*!
You are making America stupid again!
And you are making Americans make Russia great again!

Sign the deed to your property over to your designated Russian oligarch!
You have until further notice to comply!
(Or you will be dematerialized*!)

Little green men*:

They come in peace!*

Americans must choose between Russian* imperialism*
Versus American Democracy*. Whose side are you on anyway?

If Americans are on the side of Russia then Americans will take Putin’s hook,
line, sinker & bait conspiracy theory that the Ukrainians meddled in the 2016
election. In the real World, it was the Russians who meddled in the 2016
election. Republicans favored the opinion of Russia’s GRU intelligence over
the findings of US Intelligence*. Republican John Kennedy sold his soul to His
Imperial Majesty Czar Vladimir Putin of Russia* and is now, in essence,
preparing the United States to become annexed by: The Russian Federation.

Like Sen. Kennedy*, It’s great to have the

now I let Putin sociopath* Trump*

brainwash ME plot ethnic cleansing
at Trump rallies. For ME!

That way I can wash my hands clean of the

negligent genocide of my brothers & sisters!
Privet! Your designated Russian oligarch: ME!

Watch ME speaking about the new “Iron Curtain”, the border wall*
(video) prompted by my Master, the new leader of the Republican
Party and even imminently the leader of the United States,
former KGB Dir of Soviet intelligence of the Communist regime:

The “ *” Russian President

Czar* Vladimir Putin*!

The Eurasian Brown Bear:

The Imperial Big Bear of The Russian Federation* wants to

reunite with the Ukraine to bring back:
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics*!

Belarus is being forced to merge with Russia 2/27/20*!

In February through March of 2014,

The Russian Federation annexed the Crimea* which
was internationally recognized as part of the Ukraine.
Thenceforth, on Nov. 25th of 2018,
“The Imperial Big Bear of Russia” seized Ukrainian naval
vessels* on the Kerch Straight* in Crimea!
Cruel faces of a sociopathic fascist.
The neo-Nazi sadist who plots to burn your darker babies alive!

Russian OverLord, Czar Vladimir Putin’s “puppet on a string”

and Trump’s conspiracy* for the “ethnic cleansing” of Americans*.

Stand for American democracy.

You’ve Got To Stand For Something*

(Music video) Lyrics*

Aaron Tippin*
Slim Dickenson
(Born May 31, 1948)

Fighting the spread of Communistic imperialism on behalf of

America’s resilient* Democracy*, a Menominee native,
Llewellyn Paul Dickenson, US Army, Sp4, Co C 27th INF, 25 INF
DIV SS-BSM-2 PH, a highly-decorated war hero, died bravely in
the killing jungles* of Hai Duoung, Vietnam* on May 3, 1969.

So America will *.
Make their deaths not in vain.
Dresden, Germany shows us the way* that Germans
today are thwarting the recent uprising of
the Neo-Nazis in Germany who, like Donald Trump,
are trying globally to end freedom & democracy.

J Boyd Morningstorm
2086 N Mondale Ln, Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Call (928) 533-2998 to order a copy.
Everyone for Earth’s

looks to most urgent

“The Dunce” answers!

While the Amazon is on fire* and the Greenland ice sheet melts* into the sea, staring dumbly into
their faces, evidently having below average intelligence, a “low IQ individual” cannot fathom
how the representatives of over a million of the World’s brightest geniuses can be right* and
he can possibly be wrong. Soon to dematerialize and go into a disappearing act, defiantly, the
Invisible Man, Trump* will really be sitting there but you can just barely see him in the picture below.


(Photographed with a high-speed Ghostbuster camera.)

Aren’t his administration and his supporters so proud of him that he has such a superhuman capacity
to dematerialize and really be sitting there but you just can’t really see him? What’s that, Trump
supporter? He had the place bugged and he heard everything they said? Yes, a man who idolizes
Hitler, the kind of man who will force your kin into an oven and burn their babies alive, is really sitting
there and is hard at work for you to make sure that places like Newark, NJ*, Flint, MI* and Standing
Rock in the Dakotas* have so-called “good clean drinking water”. What does such a hardworking man
do in his time off? (He golfs and tweets). Such hard work, he does it all for himself, I mean, for you!
The World’s oceans are in danger*.
Trump’s lies about climate change*!
The Current Climate Change* of Global warming* of the
Earth (National Geographic pictorial*) is equal to warming the Earth
by detonating 4 hot-blazing Hiroshima atomic blasts per second*!

Greta Thunberg Climate Warrior*.

A Swedish girl looks upon the demise of her future as well as
the main harbingers of mankind’s upcoming extinction*:

Trumpian national socialists (Nazis)* ~ Oblivious World leaders ~

~ Greed ~ Ignorance ~ Hate ~ Profiteering ~ Treachery!

Climate Stupid! Climate Wise!

Dummkopf Trump & his ass-kissing associates attempt to smear

Greta Thunberg after her speech at the UN on climate change*.
To everyone who disagrees with their ill-informed policies,
Trump’s party of ignoramuses typically do that to save face.

“You have stolen my dreams & my childhood

with your empty words*”
The courageous Greta said during her speech.

. . . through * *!
The changing land* the cause of drought!
The upcoming apocalypse*


More money for Trump’s grasp of the budget!

Trummkopf, the *!

A Forecast for a warming World*:

* (09/17/19).

Trump tries firing God on Judgement Day!
God tells Trump:
“And I’m deporting you back to where you just came from.
Only, it’s going to get much, much hotter now!
I’m reincarnating you as a cute little
migrant Mexican girl from Guadalajara!”
Is it fair to say that Trump appears to be
headed straight to hell in a fruit basket*?

anti ist
m as ial place in hell all of you!
Unles orship ME god and savior!!
T m
“ONLY” 3,838 new Covid-19 cases today in Florida (8/17/20)*!
SADISM I’m so funny.

JOKERMAN*! I so impress myself!

Bob Dylan* I just love it!

My supporters just love how I only love myself!
They love my extreme cruelty and my psychopathic sadism.
I will burn non-whites alive in ovens just like my hero Adolf Hitler!

It’s crazy. They just LOVE it! I’m so psychotic!

I just love my Joker chorus when they sing in dissonant
harmony: Cruz, Johnson, Rubio and Graham* enabling this
“sacred cow” sociopath, ME Trump! I was just joking when I
said “Russia, if you’re listening*”” and then I welcomed Russia’s
meddling in US elections! I was also just joking about trumping
up something on Biden* at the expense of American and
Ukrainian money and lives to the boon of Putin’s Russia that is
invading the Ukraine. With my assistance to my master Putin
by withdrawing from Syria let us all begin to practice hailing
my real loyalty to: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics*!
About being your US president, I WAS JUST JOKING!
My true allegiance is to Vladimir Putin! I serve him!

Privet, Uncle Putin!
‘I was very anxious to go to my “G1 conference” (G7*). I’m sure I was a big hit!
I have no realistic grasp of science, history or diplomacy but I’m a genius.’

To summarize the Eastern & the Western fronts during World War II,

let’s refresh ourselves with some global background history.

Click on the links that follow: Four days after the Pearl Harbor attack* upon

the United States (December 7th of 1941), Hitler declared war on the US on the 11th

of December*. Previously that year in June of 1941, the Nazis attacked their own

Soviet allies at the time, the Soviet Union* and then extended their Nazi campaign

deeper into Eastern Europe*. Treacherously, Hitler ordered his armies to commit
atrocities against the Soviet inhabitants that involved torture when

they invaded a country! Click: *!

On the European front*, the Soviet army responded by

invading the Germanic people of Eastern Europe in like fashion*.

Right after the Pearl Harbor attack upon the US by Japan in 1941 on Dec. 7th,
the US finally entered the war to assist the Allies in the

war against Hitler & the Axis allies, Japan and Italy, during WWII*.

When the Western Allies* dealt a concerted effort to defeat Hitler, then it

became a matter of all out hell* for all nations involved*. Because of the

US bombing of Hitler’s Axis ally of Japan on the Pacific front (Hiroshima

and Nagasaki*), as well as the Allied bombing yet mainly the Soviet assault &

bombing of Germany* on the Eastern front in Europe, is really what won WWII*.

See: *.

Sieg Heil! The king of the Jews*:
A psychopath for a president*. *.
A rude awakening for the self-proclaimed “king of Israel”*!

Trump defended his trade war as, the Chinagantic giant*,

*“ ” *!

Worship ME, I am the king of Israel,

or I will unleash my revenge upon you!

I am god!


e Judgement Da
The “chosen one* returneth to seeketh his revenge!
Heaven totally rejects its greatest bullshitter*!

Now for more serious trumpbashing: As of 9/20/19 a whistleblower had previously come
forward* about how Congress was not being given its lawfully first access to the

contents of the whistleblower complaint by the Department of National Intelligence

yet Trump had already admitted what the contents of the complaint are anyway. It

involves his holding back of funding for the Ukrainian military* that was earmarked
to prevent a Russian invasion of the Ukraine* unless President Zelenskyy* would aid in
Trump’s re-election effort by trumping up some dirt on Joe Biden and his son, Hunter*
(even if untrue).

*. Deutsche Bank* apparently* had

possession* of Trump’s taxes yet it apparently shredded* them. The US Supreme Court

sent the lower court’s decision to release Trump’s taxes back to the lower court. As of
11/15/19, Trump is trying to block the subpoena by Congress* for his taxes*, however, it
had already been decided* that his tax returns would be released. Trump’s financial
records will apparently be released* and it also looks likely for his taxes to also be
released. With all of his bonanzas for the super-rich*, it will be transparent to the
public, even to Trump’s brainwashed supporters,

Feeding Frenzy!

The Media*! Intelligence*!

There’s * to be had here for everyone!
The whistle blower complaint released*
by Thurs. Sept. 26th of 2019.

Telephone* transcript summary* released* on Sept. 25th.

After endangering our national security by withholding military aid to
the Ukraine* by advancing the Russian potential of taking it over,

‘Russian agent’ Donald Trump finally admits asking Ukrainian President

Zelenskyy* to trump up some dirt on Joe Biden* and his son, Hunter Biden!

Swamp Thing, the highly corrupt Trump now says he was legitimately
investigating corruption*. The “Prevaricator of Lies” makes his case*.

A 2nd whistleblower and others coming forward soon (10/7/19)*! Live

updates on The Great tell-all about the corrupt Donald J. Trump (11/19/19)*!
The House launched an impeachment inquiry

on the ex-President Donald Trump* 9/25/19.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced

a formal impeachment inquiry*.

The Whistleblowers* allege a White House coverup!

Six takeaways from top intelligence* after the committee’s
hearing with Acting Director of National Intelligence,
Joseph Maguire, House Intel chair Adam Schiff said:

“It’s hard to imagine a more serious set of allegations than

those contained in the complaint.”
“At the end of the day, what is alleged in this whistleblower
complaint goes to the very heart of
the President’s oath of office."

~ House Intel Chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants House Intelligence

to take the lead on impeachment (9/26/19)*.

Trump’s staff members think he abused his office

while he colluded in plain sight*.
About a whistleblower’s allegations, Trump knew
shortly after his call to Zelenskyy*
and now he lashes out at the whistleblower*!

Who are the complicit ones involved in the

covering up of Trump’s grievous wrongdoing*?
Get a glimpse of the scam by Trump and his allies*.
We have found the witches we were looking for*!
Indeed, there is a there, there, by 1000 times over*!
Trump threatens execution of the whistleblower*
thereby stoking his radical base to violence*.
On 10/07/19, seeking foreign money donations* for his presidential
campaign, Trump posed with Giuliani & associates: Fruman & Parnas*.
On 10/10/19, Fruman & Parnas were arrested & then subpoenaed*!

What the indictments reveal Sweating it over Trump’s response to

about Donald Trump* their mutual shenanigan with the Ukraine.

Trump’s erratic yet trusty lawyer Rudy Giuliani was sweatin’ it out as he
was about to get thrown under the bus by Trump*! As it turned out,
however, Giuliani could likewise throw Trump* under the bus instead*
10/12/19)! In the first place, Giuliani, who should honor US law by complying
with the subpoenas being given him by the US Congress for the documents in
his possession on his dealings with the Ukraine, would have no other recourse
for his own legal safeguarding but to comply with Congress. Thus at that
time there would be no one throwing the other one under the bus for Trump or
Giuliani. On October 15th of 2019, Giuliani therefore refused to comply with the
subpoenas from Congress for the documents he possesses on the Ukraine
deal*. The two men at the top of the page on the right are integrally
connected to Giuliani's Ukraine efforts and are now charged with funneling
foreign money into US elections*. The 4th Giuliani associate got indicted*
and so now the next one in line to be indicted will likely be Trump’s
lawyer that rogue operator Rudy Giuliani himself*!

Conning the American people to get elected US president* by making false

claims about his net worth as more than $10 billion dollars*, once his power
was solidified, Trump thenceforth loosened up the American doles from the
US Treasury for his benefit and for that of his mercenary political allies.
Even as of October 17th of 2019, Trump’s real net worth is $3.1 billion dollars*.
Trump’s tax records show that from 1985 to 1994 his business losses
were well over $1 billion dollars* ($1.7 billion dollars*) far greater
than what he previously bragged about when he minimized his losses.
R The Knockout!
IN THE RED CORNER, from Queens, New York, stands

that man of inevitably impeachable integrity,

that perpetually inimical prevaricator of lies,

representing himself and his own business interests,


, from Chicago, Illinois stands

that formidable defender of democracy, representing

Congress and on behalf of the interests of the American people,


The Rock Obama


(Obama vs Trump ~ Rap Battle* (Click image for music video) by Azerrz)

World Heavyweight Boxing Championship Bout!

Fight till Knockout!

* 08/21/19.

For his betrayal of the “Mandate of Heaven*”,

Donzo “The Incredible Super Trump” shall get knocked out, right
outside the gates of heaven and hell, where there shall be weeping and
the gnashing of teeth amongst his most ardent of devoted fans.

The Trump-Ukraine scandal* got Trump impeached* 12/19/19!

Judge Andrew Napolitano: FOX News Videos.

'Nearly impossible' for Republicans to prevent John Bolton
from testifying in Senate impeachment trial* January 7, 2020.
Judge Andrew Napolitano On Impeachment Trial:
John Bolton May Have To Testify* January 8, 2020.

The European influence introduced the horrifying Christian notion to pagan non-believers in a prophet
they were calling by the name of Jesus Christ were possibly going to a proverbial hell filled with
flames and * forever.

Yet this Christian fundamentalist belief will at times admonish someone who does not believe in this
notion and even a few fundamentalists believe that everyone who does not believe in their vision of
Jesus Christ and the World is possibly going to * when they die.




The re forest i iot-in- hi :

a *

ak u p ac s t o gc ls e l*!
Jews* migrants* blacks* Latinos* minorities* and India* immigrants*
If you vote Trump, you vote for a place that he’s preparing just for you?

o *

Dachau Concentration Camp*!

Trump has a copy of Hitler’s*

always kept speeches* on

a copy* and his bed stand*

likely still keeps at night.

Dachau* Concentration Camp*

Jewish *

children* e

burned alive*

Iron hooks over the ovens at Dachau where prisoners were hung to watch as their comrades were burned alive*!
Filed under: Dachau*, Germany*, Holocaust*, World War II* Tags: Morgue at Dachau*, *!

Trump’s plot for the ethnic cleansing of America*.

The defenders of a Hitlerian-style ethnic cleanser,

The ultimate racist, Donald Trump!
The Complicit Perpetrators of Trump’s genocide:

What Will Happen to Putin’s Goons: These Toady Minions of Trump*?

Look to Nixon’s defenders and
The Vichy collaborators for clues JAN. 7, 2020
By Frank Rich@frankrichny*

Will whites stay the majority race in America *?

Trump’s negligent genocide of the Kurds*!

Trump’s hero: the sadist Hitler* and one

of his desparate methods to cover up the
holocaust toward the end of WWII:
Incinerating Jews alive!
Neo-Nazis will believe nothing by even denying the holocaust*!
Keith Parfitt, a Flight Lieutenant, took photographs of some of the worst Nazi murderers at the
Berger-Belsen Concentration Camp* near Celle, Germany. After being captured by the Allies,
the man in the forefront of this photograph* appears to have taken pleasure in his ceased profession,
a professional exterminator and torturer of Jews & of German Jews. Circled on the right above is
Auschwitz commander Franz Hossler* who looks like an everyday Joe, someone you may
have even gone to school with, but was nonetheless a brutal killer of innocent human beings.
There were many mixed-blood German Jews during the Second World War* just like
Albert Einstein who fortunately escaped Nazi Germany. Many of the men like these in the
above photograph were more than likely to even be stuffing their own kin into Hitler’s ovens
and then burning them alive by the order of the sadistic psychopath at the top chain of command.
Under the psychopath like Hitler at the top, the men who were in charge of running such a facility would
either appear to feel as though that they were being forced to sin like the devil himself
or to have themselves and/or maybe even their families die like martyred saints.
If Donald Trump were to obtain supreme dictatorial power in the United States, with a psychopath like
Trump at the top, a normally conscientious human being would appear to be tempted to feel
to have no other choice for his own or his family’s survival but to become a beast just like
the antichrist, Donald Trump. However, this is America, the Land of the Free. Let’s refrain from
supporting this sadistic psychopath at the top chain of command who is just like Satan himself,
the antichrist Donald Trump who is leading us all into the very gates of hell itself.

The Bitch of Buchenwald*: Trump’s Senior Counselor: The Beast of Belsen*: Fox News host:
Ilse Koch* Kellyanne Conway* Irma Grese* Bitchin’ Laura Ingraham*

Being taken in as prisoners by the Allies, the female Nazi guards in the picture above are
Herta* Bothe*, the Bitch of Buchenwald* (Ilse Koch*) and the top of the page in the picture on the right
is the * (Irma Grese*). These female guards likely had to previously submit for sexual favors
for their Nazis higher ups and then become sadistic themselves, or could conceivably even at the slightest
whim of the commander, be labeled “Juden” (Jew) and then gassed to death in chambers or be burned
alive in one of Hitler’s ovens! Under a psychopath like Trump, if he not stopped, then even if you
are a Trump supporter who is white, these women could very easily become your daughters!

On the right above is what the ultimate fate was for the Nazi SS guards at the Dachau Concentration
Camp at the hands of the invasion of the Allied armies. The Allies said they “So had it coming*”.
Captain David Wilsey*, an American doctor, wrote letters to his wife Emily stating that he did not
have a “single disturbed emotion”. He saw the Nazis as “SS Beasts” that deserved such torture.
Could there also be an equal and opposite reaction to American ICE “Gestapo” agents that used
forms of torture that was initiated by Jeff Sessions* upon the innocent migrants seeking asylum
from Central America in the so-called “Land of the Free”: The United States of America?

The Big Nazi Lie: “Arbeit Macht Frei” Jewish prisoners (some German Jew*) at Buchenwald*!
Work sets you free! Many were trumpeted into Hitler’s gas chambers or were burned alive*!
Trump hates America and he hates the free press of democracy. His master Putin wants
him to get rid of it. That is why he wants to get rid of The Mueller Report* (audible version)
because if he doesn’t, then you will find out how he is just about to completely sellout
your American wealth, your assets, your land and your very lives themselves because
Trump loves Russia and he hates America*!

From the outside of Trump’s so-called “internment camps”, they appear to very probably
have been run by Nazi butchers like Heinrich Himmler* (Jeff Sessions*) and the sadist
Joseph Goebbels* (Stephen Miller*). A task force of congressmen and lawyers should
always be allowed inside to engage in the oversight of the treatment of these children and
the media should always be let inside to let the public know what is actually going on! This
sadistic neo-Nazi administration of Trump should be charged with criminal misconduct* in
regard to the mistreatment of these refugee families*. These families should be personally
compensated by Trump, Miller, Sessions and anyone else who throughout their confinement
exacted any forms of torture upon detainees* which was initially enabled by Jeff Sessions*.

Like with the Nazis and Adolf Hitler, what is being perpetrated upon these children is an
atrocity* that is being committed in the name of extremism* and The Ugly American*
(full movie w/ Marlon Brando) that allows such a would-be dictator to seize power. These
so-called “internment camps” are actually gravitating toward becoming despicable
concentration camps that Americans will one day dismantle in infamy. Incompetent and
dangerous as president, the sadist President Trump and his completely inept neo-Nazi
regime of butchers were “putting on the dog” by feigning powerlessness and the inability
to reunite* a “yuge” number of refugee children with their families up to 2300 of them*.

Trump’s true Nazi colors come shining through.
To please his neo-Nazi followers, by feigning a total ignorance of history,
Trump plays his Nazi card!
Trump congratulates Poland* on the anniversary of the
introduction of the Nazi blitzkrieg* and Hitler’s successful invasion of Poland*!

Poland commemorates World War II anniversary of the start of World War II*.

* By Michael Sontheimer* (Spiegel online).

“Germany's occupation of Poland is one of the darkest chapters of World War II.
Some 6 million people, almost 18 percent of the Polish population, were killed during the
Nazi reign of terror that saw mass executions, forced evictions and enslavement.”
World War II Erupts: Colorized Photos from the Invasion of Poland, 1939*.
Beware! If your skin is black, brown or yellow, hardcore evangelicals see your skin
color* as bearing “The Mark of Cain"*” and it “justifies” your slavery & oppression!
Similar to Hitler’s psychopathic Nazis, Trump’s multifarious horde of barbarians
disguised as Republicans* are secretly plotting * of America!
Trump makes a list of his enemies*:

‘Russian agent’ Donald Trump is making a list and he’s checking it twice and he’s
going to find out who’s been naughty or nice for his master Vladimir Putin by
Dec. 25th for a Christmas gift for his “duped by the Russians” white supremacist allies!
Trump executes a Russian style purge of his National Security team* (8/15/19)
and then orders a “Ruski” style purge of his communications team* (8/26/19)!

In the beginning of September of 2019, Trump secretly invited* the Taliban*

(Afghan and Saudis), the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack and the gruesome
murderers of Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi*, to come visit Trump
at Camp David in a secret meeting* on Sept. 11th the anniversary
of the Twin Towers disaster in New York City*.

The free press of American democracy is #1 on Trump’s enemies list. In the news
media, Trump only wants people like his Russian allies Lou Dobbs and wannabe
Nazi Jeanine Pirro spared from the ruthless mass purge he is planning to instigate.
He will have begun his brutal purge by allying himself with the mass murderers
of racially and politically motivated mass killings then he will rabble
rouse his radical allies to begin an extermination process by
eradicating the “rivals to his throne” and opposing media outlets.

Trump hates America’s friends and loves America’s enemies who would quite literally
“bomb the shit out of” US, to quote his own words! While
*, by laying the US vulnerable
to a possible attack by America’s longstanding enemies on the continent of
North America itself, Trump is endangering the survival of the inhabitants of North
America. Even the families of Bolshevik, Steve Bannon and his comrade Bolshevik,
William Barr will catch’er from our enemies as well as the families of
“Moscow Mitch” (aka “Massacre Mitch”) McConnell and “Leningrad Lindsey”
will also catch’er in an attack upon the continent of North America.

Send them back to Moscow with their master Vladimir Putin and
their Mother Russia where they belong!

These turncoats may need to load up with 30 million more pieces of silver that
these “Judas Iscariot Republicans” can stuff into their coin purses.
America’s traditional enemies would annihilate the US in a war that Trump
appears so happy to instigate when he repeatedly asks his staff:
“Why can’t we use nuclear weapons?”
The answer is simple:

Everyone on Earth would soon be annihilated*!

In an all-out nuclear annihilation, the core of the Earth itself is like a nuclear bomb that is just waiting to
get detonated. The crust of the Earth is only 25 miles thick. In an all-out nuclear war it seems quite
plausible that the * could crack open like the shell of an egg along the fissures* that run along
the edges of the *.

With enough unleashed nuclear power, very probably this bursting open of the Earth’s crust and
potentially even of the * and the Earth’s core, will devastate the entire World in a
nuclear cataclysm that could even reach cosmic proportions.

Conceivably, such a cataclysm could even be enough to cause a * ( *) or a *

( *) by triggering the entire * to explode. Take
those madmen who are our World leaders away from those nuclear buttons or the life expectancy of all
our families and our children will end soon! All of mankind will more than likely perish in a nuclear war!

For some information on what’s beneath the Earth’s crust

Click on the images & the link that follow:

Earth’s Tectonic Plates*.



“A p red glowing i y box!”

The antichrist*:
e ing Planet Earth to extinc i !

“ leader to question a man’s faith disgracef *”

~ Trump yelling at the Pope for questioning Trump’s faith in Christ!

h c

“We will know you are unchristian by your hate, by your hate,

We will know you are unchristian by your hate.”

Paraphrasing a wealthy evangelical
who comes on Fox News (8/24/19) and says:

‘The Democrats want free Medicare for all so that everyone can have free
health insurance! Jesus never said he wants you to steal from the rich
and take what’s theirs through taxes!’

This is what I say to that: Where is Robinhood when we need him?

Oh where, oh where has Robinhood gone?

Oh where, oh where can he be, when
a corrupt rich man who is a psychopath
is running our great country?

Vladimir Putin’s Republican Party wants you to vote for Trump so that he
can take an affordable health care and make it into an unaffordable health
care that is too expensive for the common man or woman to afford.

So unless you are wealthy, your family will get very little health care at all
and we Americans will become so poor that we become: Putin’s peasants!

These pictures show us how great presidents think.

Oh no! Our hero! Humpty Dumpty Trumpty’s falling*!
Trump name calls and the Democrats respond with subpoenas*!
At a debate during the 2016 campaign, Hillary called Trump:
“A Big Bad Wolf”!
In the end, “Trumpty, The Big Bad Wolf”* finally gets defeated
by The 3 Sturdy Little Pigs* of the
hickory Branches of the US Government*!

Just like in this:

That’s All Folks!

Pork Pig Cartoon ending*

Do svidaniya ( ).

An adaptation of Desta’s: Shoe Shine Boys*

Abstract Expressionism by Gebre Kristos Desta* (Painting*)

The Psychopath Mafia Don and his fateful Shoe Shine Boys.

Vladimir Putin’s Republican

despotism will lead not only to
Trump’s demise but will be
preceded by the demise
of his fall guys and then by the
demise of the Republican Party.
Before it’s too late.
Get out while you can! Dump Trump!
Come back to being an American.

Vote Democrat! Not for the ethnic exterminator Trump.

Make America be America again!
On Tuesday, May 16th* of 2017, a * started going awry
two hours after President Trump’s meeting in the Oval Office* with the Turkish President, a close ally of
Vladimir Putin, * who had left the meeting with Trump empty-handed. Outside the
embassy two hours later, violence had erupted when and the peaceful Kurdish* and * protesters
(visitors, immigrants and American citizens) who had gathered there at Sheridan Circle, were quite literally
getting the shit kicked out of them by Turkish embassy security personnel upon hallowed American soil. The
Washington DC police attempted to disband the violent confrontation and eventually ran them off but the entire
Turkish embassy security team had “diplomatic immunity” and thus by international law could not be placed
under arrest for fear of igniting an international war that could even have turned globally incendiary.

Apparently ordering the attack while holding a grudge, Erdoğan looks on as protestors who oppose
his ruthless brand of politics are being brutally beaten at Sheridan Circle in Washington DC.
The constitutional referendum* that was held in April was a vote to change the nation of Turkey
to a completely presidential system. This will means that the office of prime minister, which
was currently being held by the democratically supportive prime minister *
(Click for bio in Turkish*) of Turkey* no longer existed after that next general election.
The country’s increasingly totalitarian President, the above-mentioned, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan*
apparently, had set his hopes high looking forward to meeting President Trump
* by US relations with his country.

As a result of his having left the meeting with Trump empty-handed and because of the April referendum, on
Sunday, May 21st of 2017, Erdoğan threatened* that he is going to extend his sweeping (dictatorial) rule over
* (Encyclopedia Britannica) even to a much greater and to a much more oppressive extent now. Watch
this video recorded by the * which shows the Turkish President *
watching the brutal attack apparently which he had ordered upon the protestors. In the video the Turkish embassy
security seemed to have grabbed a few of the pretty female protestors at random, likely sympathetic relatives
and possibly American citizens, and had tried to take them into the embassy with them. The Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan* came to power in 2003 and during his prolonged presidency by 2017,

So a proposed constitutional referendum that was held in Turkey in April of 2017* was the move toward
drastically turning Turkey into such a dictatorship. * and
the next day, President Trump had personally called Erdoğan and congratulated him for doing so*.
Under the Trump administration, for this reason and for a conglomeration of other reasons, innumerable
Americans suspect that if and when America becomes a dictatorship for the first time, the staunchly
loyal supporters of President Donald Trump* will not be able to explain why they didn’t know what he
was up to*, especially since he continues to lie about his * and will absolutely &
positively never have his taxes released voluntarily. Period!

Reality check:
He tells it like it ain’t!

Unsuspecting Trump Supporters* Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, Putin waits in the woods
! For * & his duped Alt right* allies to self-destruct!
Accompanied by the staff members of his entourage, * eventually left the scene and walked into
the ambassador’s residence on embassy row. A witness to the protest said that the violence began
when Turkish security officials had begun hitting, shoving, choking and relentlessly kicking
protesters who were carrying the Kurdish PYD* party flag.
The flag represents the Kurdish* left-wing * in Turkey which is a political
group that was founded in 2003 by Kurdish activists originating from the northern region of
*, * began insisting that the nation of * would now not participate
in the * (Defined*) which had been nicknamed “The Battle to End All Battles”
in the nation’s *( *).
This was a “ *” operation that is occurring between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)*
against the ISIL in the region called the “ *”. This operation had the goal
of isolating and eventually capturing the Islamic State's capital *.
* about Turkey’s non-participation in the Raqqa offensive. Led by US
backed forces, *, Kurds and Arabs * in * on Tuesday,
Oct. 17 of 2017 by capturing the *.

At American taxpayers’ expense, Trump hands another Christmas
gift on a golden platter* (2019) for America’s greatest rivals* (2018)!

Hastily wrapped up with a tweet bow on top, Trump* is congratulated

by Putin*, Assad* and * for backing out of Syria!
Trump discarded the advice of allies*, US intelligence*, and
even numerous Republican Senators* such as Lindsey Graham*.
Yet, on the other hand, following his previous brutal assault in Syria,
Putin was withdrawing his major war in it in March of 2017*.
Nonetheless, it’s hard for Trump to end the Syrian intervention*.
American allies, the Kurds are now threatened*
by Turkey’s Erdoğan and Syria’s Assad.

By October 7th of 2019, Trump decided to step aside

while our US ally, the Kurdish army will be slaughtered*
because, no doubt, it pleases the interests of Trump’s boss Putin.
Now Turkey’s Erdoğan is moving directly into Syria and taking it over.
Turkey, an ally of Putin as well as of Trump because of Trump’s
mercenary business interests in hotels that just use his name in both
Turkey and because his aspired interest in a possible Trump Tower
Moscow, planned to slaughter the Kurds* and is now doing just that*!
This will prove to be a boon for the respective hotels in Turkey that
merely bear Trump’s name and for his interest likewise in Moscow.

Surprisingly, several Republican members of the House of

Representatives and the Senate, now assail Trump’s decision to
withdraw from northern Syria as Turkey readied its attack on
America’s ally, the Kurds*. The Kurds are an ally of American business
interests not a mere ally of Trump’s hotel business interests. Trump
blocked the US Ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland from testifying
before Congress*. Sondland, however, wants to testify and now appears
before Congress to testify on Thursday Oct. 17th of 2019*.
Expedite Trump’s impeachment or prepare to lose America*!
Putin’s Boy “ *” Trump! An “Unholy Alliance*” with our historic rival!
Click here for: The Gangster in the Oval Office*!

A six pack of only a few of the investigations on Trump*. Click on the image below.

What the hell would you have to lose? Trump’s criminal enterprising*
and the sale of the great country of America to Russia*!
Only 17 of the known investigations of Trump, his campaign and Russia*.

Go ahead! You’re Making my day!
Mine is bigger! “Wow, OK*” (10/08/19)!
(We find out* whose is bigger by what the Dems do in the House*!)


My advice to you, Señor, is to:

Keep watching out for sharper & sharper teeth!

I tole you Señor, we won’t pay for your bleepin’ wall*!

I’m “The Houdini of Lies”!
How will I lie my way out of these ones?
Time is running out!


I’m a stable genius, I have a very high IQ! I do believe in IQs,

I do believe in IQs; I do, I do, I do believe in IQs.


We have met the enemy* and, indeed, he is proving to be self-serving

sellouts like Trummkopf* (Putin’s useful idiot and his supporters*)!

Trump gives a stern warning to a black man who had the courage to simply attend one of
Trump’s rallies and merely tell someone that he does not support Donald Trump.
While having his clothes torn off, the man was brutally beaten & evicted from the audience.

Big Nazi is watching you! Trump’s Nazi salute given now in the guise of a pledge of faith!

On the left above, Germans submit to Nazi hatred for the Jews during WWII. In the
middle above are some peaceful antifascists carrying a sign that simply reminds us to
love one another and not to hate. Yet we must physically stand up and fight against
hatred. Hatred is so painful for everyone, for me and mine and for you and yours!
There is plenty of human pain and suffering for everyone that can evolve from
Trump’s Hitlerian-style hatred, yet, in the end, the hater experiences the greatest
pain and suffering of all*, as it did with the Nazis did during WWII*!
Mitt Romney excoriates Trump who has no backbone*!

By joining in with Putin’s plan to destroy America*, both Trump and Erdoğan show
hatred for America* (10/17/19)! In due time, Trump will get paid off by the Russians &
like America’s heroic allies the Kurds, the next victims of Putin’s master plan will be
the American people! Click: to expand the impeachment inquiry*.

A dauntless American hero, Nancy Pelosi stands up* to the useful idiot

boys of Trump’s administration who are literally handing the United

States over to Russia on a golden platter for nothing, other than

to make themselves even richer because of it. They are:

1 little, 2 little, 3 little useful idiots! 4 little, 5 little, 6 little useful idiots!

7 little, 8 little, 9 little useful idiots . . .

10 little useful idiot boys!

Pelosi ~ “All roads lead to Putin*” for Trump!

The House was set to impeach* and the Senate was set to acquit*.
It would be up to the court of public opinion to decide* that
We had a master at negligent genocide as our ex-president*.

With their hearts blatantly filled with lust at the mere sight of their
next teenaged call girls, Crawlin’ King Snake Trump*
had quite often slithered into the same
snake pits as Jeffery Epstein, a shining example of
modern Christian morality during the Trump era.


Trump continually lies about his total lack of role he played in 9-11
recovery efforts & with the role that Giuliani played in it, Giuliani just
loves the notoriety he gets because of the terrorist attacks of 9-11*
that helped make them both national celebrities!

Just like Trump, Jerry’s got the mind of a lizard and the
morals of a rattlesnake! When’s the next visit to *?

This makes his wife real proud of him*.

“Holier than thou” evangelical minister, Reverend Jerry Falwell, Jr.
He’s got a good thing going with his collaborator Donald Trump!

Ah, the Christian good life on my luxurious yacht.

With all the Church donations and with my concubine at my side,
what more could a “holier than thou” Christian minister ask for?
Humphrey Bogart was right, there’s a sucker born every minute.
On Dec. 6, 2019, 47.7% of Americans want Trump impeached*
(according to fivethirtyeight). One day later, on December 7th of 2019
MarketWatch says 50% of Americans want Trump impeached*
spelling deep trouble for Donald Trump.

A Senate GOP-Led Committee Cleared Ukraine of US Election Meddling,

yet some Republicans are now spreading the very same Putin Propaganda*!

Republican Senator John Kennedy parrots Putin’s propaganda*

like a good little useful idiot boy*.

On December 8th of 2019, to the sound of audibly-uncontrollable background

laughter, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz also relegated himself to becoming:
Putin’s pumpkin-headed nincompoop* (video).

Through corrupt Republican ideology & petty partisan politics,

Senator Ted Cruz also parrots Putin’s propaganda
like a good little useful idiot*.

Trump lies to America once, shame on Trump*!

16,241 Lies*!

Trump lied to America more than 13,435 thousand times* by 10/14/19 and
lied 16,241 times* by 01/20/2020, shame on the enablers among corrupt Republicans and
idolatrous evangelicals for still believing even anything that comes out of his mouth!

Successfully enstupefied brainwashed by Putin

Trump supporters at a Trump rally!

Unsuspecting Trump Supporters* !

He tells it like it ain’t: Bribery is not bribery, obstruction is not obstruction,

the abuse of power is not an abuse of power (December 5th of 2019)*.
Trump’s alternate reality from his delusionary universe of false facts:
Truth is not truth*, racism is not racism, collusion is not collusion*,
obstruction is not obstruction*, cruelty is not sadism, conspiracy is not
conspiracy and the negligent genocide of the Kurds is not genocide*.

“ *”
At a wild Pennsylvania rally, a disgruntled Trump called the FBI 'scum' and blasted out at the
Inspector General’s report that disproved his theory that the Russia probe was a deep-state plot*.

Trump is a shining beacon for the effective use of superior Russian brainwashing techniques to takeover
peoples’ minds. Just hours after Democrats unveil charges, Trump blasted his upcoming
impeachment* at a Trump rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania on Dec. 10, 2019. Like good little useful idiots,
the people in the crowd nod their heads ‘yes’ in unison mindlessly thereby deeming the criminal
Mafia Don the Con as a shining example for Americans to follow. Despite the courageous
men and women of the FBI who on countless occasions risked their own lives or
had even died to save theirs, these deplorably shameless Trumpers, young and old alike,
cheer raucously at Trump’s blaring out to the crowd that the members of the FBI, are nothing but:

“ *”!
Through the Russian technology of mind control*, about one third of Americans have become
brainwashed by Moscow. Vladimir Putin’s takeover of the United States* by The Russian Federation is
not even suspected by the nation of sheep who will simply not believe we are in a cold war with Russia.
If Trump were to ever get back into power, when he declares martial law, Americans fail to envision the
Russian fighter jets that will be flying over our heads at Russian agent Donald Trump’s request.

Vladimir Putin has become America’s “Big Brother”:

[Big Brother* performed by Rare Earth* (band) in California* (Lyrics*)].
We are failing to envision the bombing of our TV stations, satellite towers and even of our own dwellings.
The nation of sheep has eyes that will not see, has ears that will not listen, has hearts that will not soften,
has minds that will not open up to the immense pain and suffering that we are sadistically causing others
to experience and will not even open up to the pain and suffering that we and our own families will
quite probably be about to endure ourselves. It was foretold that he would seduce the faithful,


A Special Place in Hell for Trump’s right-hand preacher, religious bigot Robert Jeffress*.

In the Holy City of Jerusalem, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior died for our sins and then appointed
“holier than thou” preacher, Robert Jeffress* as the judge of all humanity both the living and the dead.
While 58 Palestinian peaceful protestors* lay burning, suffering and dying, hardening his heart and
closing his eyes to the outside world that revolves around his tiny head, sanctimoniously and
mechanically, Robert Jeffress prays* “for the peace of Jerusalem”.

apostle of the antichrist

Before a very large gathering of believers in the Judaeo–Christian tradition, watch this video
as Jeffress condemned over half the World to hell*: Mormons*, Jews (including a holy man
Jewish Rabbi Zalman Wolowik* standing right next to him) Catholics*, gays, Muslims and
non-believers in his unchristianlike, compassionless & trumplike brand of religiosity.

Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, preciously, a Palestinian woman embraces her only son.
It feels that Trump’s constituent base of religious bigots and geeks reveled in ecstasy and saying:
‘Praise the lord, god is great! Yay, Trump’s god, the god of greed, revenge, *!’
On Sunday January 3rd of 2019, the members of First Baptist Church of Dallas* , Texas collected
their golden jewelry, rings, watches and other personal golden items and passed them down to
the front of the sanctuary. Evangelical Pastor Robert Jeffress then took a large pile of the
golden knickknacks* and then they were melted down into a giant statue of ex-President
Trump. The members of the church then were beginning to openly *
whereupon biblically, they were actually molding their molten jewelry
into a giant statue of Donald Trump (above picture on left).

“Beware of false Sheep’s clothing,

Prophets, but inwardly

Which come to they are

You in ravenous wolves!”

Once completed, the church members gathered around the statue and danced and then in a
cult-like reverie, they openly practiced idolatry when they sang their church’s hymn:
“Make America Great Again!” Contrarily, Trump’s idea of making America great again and
that of evangelical followers is by ethnic cleansing America of the darker races of the Earth.
People with darker skin, some say, is evidence enough that they bear “The Mark of Cain"*.
In the minds of these religious zealots, this makes the darker races of the Earth subject to
oppression, enslavement or to their outright extermination as in many of the racially motivated
police shootings of minorities* which has been the case only for a certain percentage of the
population. Click here for a picture of: What the data said* (Sept. 4, 2019). Check this out:
Trump now pushes towards DEFUNDING THE POLICE* in Democrat-led states & cities
September 3rd of 2020. Trump ordered efforts to cut federal funding to “anarchist” US cities*. 9/03/20
Trump signed memo to defund ‘lawless’ cities but experts raised legality doubts*. 9/02/20
Trump’s Apostle*
“Holier than thou” Robert Jeffress,
The apostle of the “chosen one”, Trump the antichrist,
who is leading the sheep herd, the pasture and the entire Earth to extinction!
A mercenary for his continued Russian monetary backing, Moscow Mitch McConnell told GOP
Senators he had the votes to move forward with his trial rules proposal* 01/07/20.
The entire Republican Party only feigns concern for the truth yet they were merely being
supportive of their master Putin and of his fake US president, his loyal puppet Trump.

Click on the image above to watch the video.

Andrew Napolitano 01/09/20* tried to explain what is involved with impeachment
that John Bolton will ultimately be required to testify. Trump’s three best friends forever on
Fox News act like spoiled children who ask why John Bolton should be subpoenaed to
testify, which is simply to arrive at the truth regarding the matter of Trump’s blatantly
evident bribing of the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. The lives of every American depends
upon the reality of truth and fact and not upon Trump’s fake realities, outright lies and
Russian disinformation that involve his personal business interests as the top
priority and supersedes even the top priorities of the nation.

The Provincial Governor of the US, a subsidiary of The Russian
Federation, America’s so-called “President” Donald J. Trump
mocked the US national anthem at a golf club Super Bowl party*.
Story February 3rd 2020. Watch the video for yourself*.

This is the same man who got Colin Kaepernick kicked off
the San Francisco 49’ers football team for kneeling and bowing
his head in reverence to the US national anthem, remember?

The US national anthem is not sacred to Trump*!

But don’t worry, Trump is the golden calf that the biblical
Jews in the desert worshipped instead of the Lord, Yahweh.
His cult of believers, Trump’s evangelical idolaters led by Robert
Jeffress, will still worship the antichrist, Donald Trump, anyway.
Trump is “the chosen one”, the antichrist, the man who was ‘chosen’
to lead our planet to extinction. As of February 4th of 2020, how will
Trump explain his deplorable irreverence for the US national anthem?
Yet, regardless, I will bet that the Houdini of Lies, the all-time champ
of the Burlington Liar’s Club, will again lie his way out of this one.
The antichrist propagandizing his gospel of hatred.


Instead of exalting the love of Jesus Christ, many evangelicals are now
worshipping “a sacred cow*”, the antichrist, Trump, and his gospel of hate.

Click on these *

links for: of Trump (11/04/19)*!

Trump spreads his gospel of hatred to the adoring fans of his cult*!
His dictum: Hatest thy neighbor as thou hateth thyself.
Many of these white evangelicals worship Trump as a false god*!
Tragically for themselves, for their families, for America and for the World,
many of these adoring fans worship their cult leader, Trump* as the second
coming of Jesus Christ*. Many will, through the negligent genocide of immigrant
nationalities, even kill for him through criminal negligence of other human beings
and will let them to die on the killing fields of their home countries. While Trump
plans his “ethnic cleansing” of the darker races of the Earth, whom countless
evangelicals say, bear “The Mark of Cain"* on their dark skin, and in their
minds this makes these races subject to enslavement, oppression and even to
extermination. Ironically, Jewish bankers at first, naively supported Trump’s
distant cousin Hitler’s rise to power! Likewise, many minorities are now naively
supporting the antichrist, that psychopathic monster Trump who, like Hitler,
could even obtain the dictatorial power to make them be stuffing their own kin
into ovens and then be burning them alive! Nonetheless, gullibly and tragically
for them and their relatives as well as for everyone else, these successfully
brainwashed Trumpers will quite likely even, still persist.

I am all that is: I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other
gods before me*! "I am who I am"* .



Rick Perry’s* climactic intro of a fake chosen one, Trump*!


0 ye s ago, Hitle thre ene gen ci of Euro ean Je s. obo s liste g*!
*: *.
*: *.
a *!

God’s greatest commandments!
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.39
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Matthew 22:35-40* King James Version.

The Chosen One*

Мы должны уважать нашего Господа Иисуса*
Your Suffering is Nothing Compared to What the Real Chosen One Jesus Faced*!
Practicing a modern form of idolatry, many evangelicals are following their demagogic “chosen one” Trump as
a false god*. The resulting evangelical blindness among Trump’s followers has influenced many
US government officials to even be backing the story told by Russia’s GRU Intel over the story told by US
Intel agencies. And the resulting partisan bickering is so pervasive that several turncoat members of
Trump’s administration and Republican senators have allied themselves with Putin’s army and have
resorted to subverting the US Constitution thereby enabling Trump and his assistance to Russia
in the attempt to subvert the US Constitution and to overthrow the US government.

Mafia Don is preparing one of his shoe shine boys “Moscow Mitch” to thwart his impeachment*. A staunchly
stonewalling partisan and rather than honor the oath he will take to be impartial*, McConnell rejected
Schumer’s call for witnesses (12/17/19)*. Followed by veritably the Russian army’s US Senate* and its
somewhat predictable failure to uphold the US Constitution by impeaching him, Trump’s fake exoneration by
the US Senate could yet potentially become followed by rampant policies that will still foster ethnic cleansing.
If Trump’s racist policies were ever to become completely unbridled as apparently he so desires, then
inevitably this will lead to an ethnic holocaust of an American minority and/or minorities in the near future.
“He wrote me beautiful letters and we fell in love*” (video).
Actual Trump quote while talking about HIS LOVER (!?) Kim Jong Un!
Even to an evangelical, doesn’t that seem a bit queer?

‘I don’t need to read and you can’t make me!’

Moscow Mitch is all bought and paid for with Russian rubles.

Just good little boys at play never meanin’ no harm.

Trump goes godly* on us. Really though?
People have always looked for someone to idolize
even if it is a false god* such as cult leader demented Donnie.
Come ye and drink of the cult leader’s Kool-Aid.

Jesus is all that is. Trump is not all.

Neo-Nazi evangelicals worship Trump (and God)*!

God’s plan for Mike Pence ~ The Atlantic*.

Pence can’t serve two masters: Jesus Christ Versus Trump’s policies of ethnic cleansing.
He who serves election meddling is against our democracy of free elections!

Below is the beginning of a series of events that have already
happened for Mafia Don the Con Man:

The F.B.I. Opened An Inquiry Into Whether Mafia Don

Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia*.

The FBI probed Donald Trump for possible

secret Russian favors, report says*.
Fivethirtyeight Poll paints a dismal picture for Trump with 48.2% of overall

Americans wanting Trump thrown out of office January 29th of 2020*!

Trump’s imminent acquittal Feb 1, 2020*.

Watch Trump’s Impeachment trial Feb 3, 2020*

After Vladimir Putin’s Republican-dominated US Senate stages a mock trial:

Trump was expected to face acquittal* (Feb 3, 2020). Closing arguments*.

The eternal braggart Trump eventually claimed complete exoneration and

tried to go on a rampage of revenge* ala Josef Stalin by executing

some sort of purge, either in blood, money or power. Republican Rick Wilson:

Dems must continue to investigate Trump*. John Bolton was imminently

destined to not muster up enough balls to speak up before

Trump’s mock impeachment trial’s end*. Trump was eventually acquitted

by a hyper partisan, anti-democratic and ultimately anti-American Senate.

Below is a possible scenario of events that may happen
in the near future for the con man, Mafia Don:

Trump or Pence: Either way* the Koch brothers* win!

Trump is a master of deceit who hates America*!

He is loved by his idol worshippers*, Putin’s useful idiots* and
by the Republican mercenaries who are enabling him*.
Regardless, eventually sometime soon it will be:

Mueller Time*!
(Click on image for video)!

The King’s necktie*.

Articles of Trump’s Impeachment*!
The American Presidential Oath of Office*:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the

Office of President of the United States, and will to the
best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States.”

A tiny little man is trying to stomp out America’s Uncle Sam!

On a whim, one cold day in November of 2016

Uncle Sam’s girlfriend, Lady Liberty decided
to go skinny dipping out in the Atlantic . . .

However, lurking in deep waters between himself and his master,

“The Imperial Big Shark of Trump” waits for further orders on
deep “impenetrable backchannels”
with Russia for what to do and when to strike!

President Vladimir Putin has instructed his useful idiot,
Trump, to speak about Article II of the US Constitution*
by tweeting:

“Then I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do

whatever I want as president.”

In the deep waters of the undercurrents of the Atlantic,

contrariwise to whatever his master had instructed him to say:
Article II of US Constitution does not give Trump
the right to do whatever he wants to do*! It merely
sets up the president with executive power*. That’s about it!

Click here for: A transcription of the US Constitution*!

The Imperial Big Shark of Trump, however, shall be barricaded

by Article I of the US Constitution from devouring Lady Liberty
who is just now returning from her skinny dip out in the Atlantic:

Article I of the US Constitution:

Clause 8* Emoluments Clause:

“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person
holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the
Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office,
or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

Lady Liberty is returning from her skinny dip in the Atlantic!

Support Uncle Sam by protecting Lady Liberty from

getting violated* by the *!
Even little green men are laughing along with foreign dignitaries!

in the Solar system of the Milky Way Galaxy in the whole Universe!
Jesus Christ is appalled at all the laughing at a US president going on!
Americans can stop all the laughing at the United States
simply by impeaching the outlaw-in-chief, Donald Trump!

Several treasonous Republicans are still trying to subvert the US

Constitution* by backing the fake story told by Russian intelligence
about Ukraine’s so-called meddling in the 2016 election* (with the
exception of a few dignified Republicans like Mitt Romney who are
showing some true patriotic backbone). If Trump has his way with Lady
Liberty, then America will soon become part of The Russian Federation*
and Donald Trump will finally get his Trump Tower Moscow*. Idolatrous
evangelicals* worship their cult leader Trump* & unwary Americans have
no clue about what is really going on with the crooked Mafia Don*.

Though a Trump probably

Tower Moscow be mixed with

Burger does wet kielbasa* and

the appetite *

juices a bit, anyway!

it would No thanks!

The formidable Nancy Pelosi says to proceed with the

Articles of impeachment against Donald Trump* (12/05/19).
Precisely half of Americans want Trump impeached
and removed from office* (poll 11/26/19).
The Annexation of the United States by Russia*!

Repeat after ME!

I surrender Vlad!”

Chaos as Republicans storm impeachment inquiry depositions* (You Tube).

A parade of Putin’s useful idiots*!

This political horde is owned entirely by Russian oligarchs*!
House Republicans disrupted the Impeachment hearings* about their
sacred cow Trump* who is attempting to make the United States get
annexed by the country of Russia*! (Cattle ranchers are now mad as hell
at Trump too* 10/03/19)! No wonder why Republicans launched a 2-front
offensive against the impeachment inquiry* O C T O B E R 2 4 , 2 0 1 9 /
1 0 : 2 3 A M / C B S N E W S . At the expense of Americans, if
Trump gets his way with Lady Liberty, then this will make
these Republicans much wealthier than they already are (or so they
gullibly think); and everyday Americans will become Putin’s peasants!
If that is the case, then get ready for the salt mines, America!

To get any more military assistance ordered by Congress for that purpose*,
Trump coerced Zelenskyy to vouch for him* that he was supposedly not bribed.
Only $250 million of the $400 ordered by Congress for that purpose was ever delivered.
Trump sent Giuliani to the Ukraine to try to cover their tracks and trump up any
dirt on Biden at all. Not everyone is ravenously corrupt like Trump who can’t possibly
believe that Biden is squeaky clean so he has to tryn’ trump something up.

‘What was described as a quid pro quo was not a description

of something for something, a this for that’

It was simply a description of having the Ukraine trump up a bunch

of lies about Biden* in exchange for money for the arms that

are protecting the Ukraine as well as the US!

It’s simple! Russia’s just gonna bomb the shit out of US, that’s all!

“Get over it*”! ~ Mick Mulvaney

Don’t run! The Russians are our friends*! (video)

“Sorry, Mick Mulvaney, I can’t ‘get over it*” (10/18/19).

We are paying a jinx like you to play with our tax dollars,
with our lives, with our own blood and with the blood of our Kurdish

and Ukrainian allies who gave their lives for us so that

we can live in a democratic society!

* (10/22/19)!
The Jinx, Yes Man* Mick “Wrongo Starr” Mulvaney, arrives at F Troop &
tips over the first domino to fall to Trump’s impeachment: He admits it*!

Trump, it’s time* to get rid of Mulvaney* fast or you will be impeached*!

Yet, Mick has a friend if he will only

who is still repeat the simple

keeping phrase
him with the that Trump

administration has given him.

Now, repeat the words after me, Mick.

“I am not Wrongo Starr. I am Lucky Starr!”

“I am not Wrongo Starr.

I am Lucky Starr!”

Take a break from the Impeachment Inquiry (10/23/19)* and Watch:

“Wrongo Starr and the Lady in Black*” and think of Mick!

It will make you laugh hysterically! And if you think that episode was funny,
after a brief ad, this one will make you laugh a perfect 10 three times as much:

“ *”
The acting White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney knew too much*
about Trump’s criminal activities for Trump to fire him*!

Mulvaney got fired by Trump anyway yet crooked Trump could
conceivably yet be bedding down on a metal bed! But I don’t think so.
Trump is like Metallo with a kryptonite heart of hatred & greed.
And joltin’ Joe Biden is Superman himself with a golden heart!
Impeach the Travesty of Justice, Attorney General William Barr*!



(“Putin’s Patsy”)!

‘My best friends* are always my most loyal fall guys*! Someone
who’ll even go to prison for me* like Cohen & Manafort. Nice Barr*!’
Nixon’s Attorney General John Mitchell* was sent to prison*.
William Barr appears to be destined for the same fate!

At the behest of Trump’s employer Vladimir Putin,

instead of protecting US elections from election interference,
the anti-American “Putin’s Patsy” William Barr turns the Russian
inquiry into a criminal matter* in an outright attack on the
pro-Constitutional segment of American society (10/24/19).

The Trump/Barr criminal probe into Russian inquiry begins*! (10/25/19).

Congress now has to perform precisely what Putin’s Patsy,
William “The Inimical” Barr had the duty to do*! (10/25/19).
It’s time to impeach the anti-American, William Barr*!

U.S. Attorney General William Barr's review of the Russia probe

takes a severe backlashing* from patriotic Americans!
Remember that US President Trump* is currently being paid by Russia
and has never accepted a paycheck from America* (no US paycheck*)!
Trump donates his salary* and gets a tax write-off* and
instead of getting paid by the United States government,
Trump is lavishly* getting paid off* by the Russian government*
so he is truly loyal only to Moscow!

Beware of billionaires bearing gifts!
Billionaires Only, Run Trump's Swampy Government*! NINA BURLEIGH 4/5/17.

The $12 billion farm welfare aid* given only to wealthy farmers* !

The middle class loses again & the wealthy take all again*!

Into the deep Swamp, they’ve been coaxed out from their fat-cat mansions
and off of their luxurious yachts by Donald Trump just to make Trump
greater again ~ along with these very, *
who are quite literally robbing Fort Knox blind*.

TRUMP LIE: “I will make our government honest again believe me. But first,
I’m going to have to Drain the Swamp in DC*.” ~ Trump tweet 10/18/16.

By October 14th of 2019, Trump had filled up his swampy administration

with fraudulent activities and had told 13,435 Whoppers* to America!

Check out my new fall guys, my faithful minions! Some old ones are
already down below! I got some new ones a brewin’ in my Swamp pot!

Did the rich get all of Trump’s tax cuts* ? 7/23/19 Virtually!

The US has acquired a whopping $22 trillion dollar debt under the
Trump administration yet the deficit is the real issue* 2/15/19!

And right now in 2019, the US deficit for 2019 is heading

straight skyward like being on one of Rocket Man’s rockets*!
The National deficit highest in 7 years at 1 trillion dollars* 10/25/19.

The US debt surpasses $23 trillion for the first time ever* 11/01/19.

The difference between the US debt Versus the US deficit*.

US Gross National Debt Jumps by $1.2 Trillion in Fiscal Year 2019, to

$22.7 Trillion, Hits 106.5% of GDP* (10/01/19). US Debt expands each second.
A White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct the
Trump summary version of the transcript of the Call to Zelenskyy*.
A top US expert on the Ukraine, the National Security Council, Lt. Col. Alexander
Vindman, arrived Tuesday, October 29th of 2019 on Capitol Hill to testify in the
impeachment inquiry. The no. 1 expert on the Ukraine is a witness who was listening to
what was being said in the call that was made in July between President Trump
& Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy* (11/01/19). Alexander Vindman* (11/07/19),
told the impeachment investigators in the House of Representatives that the
White House transcript summary of the call left out crucial words and phrases.
Three informants who know about Vindman’s testimony said that
Vindman tried to include them in accordance with proper procedure.
Alexander Vindman: Trump left the Ukraine little choice other
than to accept Trump’s highly corrupt shenanigan (11/19/19)*.

However, Trump is being grossly negligent by excluding key words and phrases in the
transcript summary. If not only performing an impeachable cover-up of the details,
he is in all actuality, performing a treasonous offense against the United States.
Colonel Vindman said that what was left out of the White House summary of the
transcript were crucial details about recordings of Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden
discussing Ukraine corruption and a mention by Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy*
about Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board that Hunter worked for.

* 10/07/19!

By starting with the vulnerable heroic Kurdish allies of America who depended upon
America’s continued military support in the region*, by betraying these heroic
Kurdish families who have died brutal deaths on the behalf of saving democratic
freedoms, Trump had entered the ethnic cleansing phase of his dictator’s checklist*.

Bah Bah Black Sheep! Have you any dirt? No Sir, No Sir says US Intelligence*!
Shunning the findings of American Intelligence, the entire Republican Party betrayed
US Intel by supporting Russian Intelligence*!
An Update on the Impeachment Inquiry*.
Whose side are you on anyway?
Are you on the side of Russian Intelligence with the corrupt Republicans?
Or are you on:
The side of US Intel with the Constitution-minded Democrats?
We are free to choose in America, however:
Nunes’ favoring of Russian defense of Trump spells bad news for Trump*!
Nunes drags Trump deep down into the quagmire of the deep swamp Trump made.
Lev Parnas, Giuliani’s indicted associate to tell Congress Nunes met with a Ukrainian
official to trump up some dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden CNN (11/23/19)*.
Flailingly, Nunes dodges a bullet* by denying any such action* (11/25/19).

Devin Nunes talks to Steve Castor, Republican attorney for the House Oversight Committee,
during the testimony of former U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch
at the House Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill on November 15th of 2019*.
Nunes hems and haws and he won’t say if he met with the ex-Ukrainian prosecutor*!
VOA News Updated November 24, 2019 05:50 PM

Republican Congressman Devin Nunes remains quiet about how he

met with a Ukrainian ex-prosecutor to trump up some dirt on Joe Biden* (11/24/19).

Benedict Arnold* was an American patriot turned British loyalist.
Today, Donald Trump stands before the nation’s democratic institutions
he is subverting on behalf of his beloved self, I mean, Mother Russia!

March to the Scaffold* (music video) Hector Berlioz*.

On 12/10/19 two articles of impeachment*. Hearings: (11/13/19)* (11/19/19)*.

Quite apparently dealing the whistleblower with the mafia-style tactics of henchmen,
Republican Rep Jim Jordan said that Congress won’t be able to question the one “who
started it all*”, the one who alerted US authorities of Trump’s grievous wrongdoing,
the whistleblower, whose identity is safeguarded by the US government.
Democrats were counting on the Impeachment Hearing to delegitimize the reality
TV fake presidency of Donald J. Trump* that is really being run by President Vladimir
Putin of Russia*, the payer of Trump’s “paychecks”. The lure of a Trump Tower
Moscow is ever so enticing for Trump so much so that he is truly loyal only to
Vladimir Putin. President Donald Trump is lavishly* being paid off* by the
Russian government*! So just to repeat again: Trump* is paid by Russia &
he, Trump, has never accepted a paycheck from America* (no US paycheck*!).

Trump is also paid by his Machiavellian* dealings in his “Art of the Con” with foreign
nations yet the US Treasury is his Number 1 patsy*. Trump’s main consideration is
to obtain more grasp over public funds by how much he can finagle out of the US
Treasury that favors his own business interests. For example, Trump’s lies
about holding up US military aid to our heroic ally, the Ukrainian army,
kin of Achilles and Odysseus, who live in the Ukraine* and then he also
lies about the Trump administration’s rat-finking out on our heroic ally,
the Kurds*, by leaving them and their families to rot on the killing fields of Syria*!
Trump’s Dark Assumption about America*!
P E T E R N I C H O L A S OCT 30, 2019.

The president always makes his political needs supersede America’s interests and
has set the stage for a crisis between Putin’s useful idiot Republicans who always
stand up for the rich Versus traditional Democrats who always stand up for the
American people. Trump is now selling out the United States over to America’s
enemies thereby grossly contravening American interests with a promise to
make himself and his Republican colleagues even richer.

Trump’s priority is his personal family business interests. Just one example
among myriads is his interest in the Trump hotels in Turkey that bear his name
“in name only”*. Turkey’s President Erdoğan threatened to remove the Trump
name on these hotels if Trump didn’t give him what he wanted and so Erdoğan’s
subsequent invasion of and ethnic “cleansing” of America’s Kurdish allies led to a
mercenary response by the easily bribable Trump who’s corruption lends him
completely devoid of compassion or any sign of human feeling whatsoever.
Treacherously, Trump said: Erdoğan was simply “cleaning up*” the region!

Upon the arrival of U.S. troops in April 1945,

U.S. Army/National Archives.

Trump’s act of negligent genocide upon our heroic allies*, the Kurds, who defeated
ISIS* was a depraved and cowardly act* of self-interest. It is reflective of
Trump’s racist plot to exterminate the darker races of America* and what
follows is quite evidently his conception of his hero Hitler’s policy of eugenics* by
establishing a white super race in America, complete with the neo-Nazi ovens of
ethnic cleansing that will be burning your darker babies alive! Naively, America’s
useful idiots, *, is silent and, after having been successfully
enstupified by Trump at his “brainwash rallies”, as America stands aghast, do
not object to the racist rhetoric of a blithering idiot! Astoundingly,
* is completely unaware that Trump is leading it to its eventual slaughter!

Dictators have fallen into mutual Russia’s American Czar
hatred for global democracies! Vladimir Putin!

White nationalists lack confidence in the enduring resiliency of the white race to
survive any influx of immigrants. By powerlessly allowing themselves to get
flakily bamboozled by Trump’s racist fear-mongering over the possibility that
the white race will become a US minority and by allying themselves with
America’s enemies, these Judas Iscariot Republican neo-Nazis are the ones who
are truly being the “human scum*” by making Trump’s personal business
interests more important than American security concerns! They are therefore,
collectively committing treason as well as committing a biblical form of idolatry
by defending their sacred cow, political-opportunist Trump, who is handing the
property underneath our feet over to The Russian Federation* for nothing; for
no reason other than the promise to make the rich even wealthier because of it!

“Dictator Donnie*” wants you darker Americans to vote Trump

so he can gas you or cram you* * and *!

Trump plans to do this how * hero* & distant* cousin* Hitler* was
Jewish-supported*-into-power* and then exterminated 6,000,000 Jews!

Trump voter wake up*! The president is a monster*!

The video below is a caricaturization of Trump’s truly childish mentality:


Trump incites anti—Semitism*!

Trump is tolerant of racism against Jews at his neo-Nazi rallies*

and it is leading US down the dark alley toward anti-Semitism.

Wanna be Nazi
Jeanine Pirro


‘Stop picking on poor little Dictator Donnie!’

‘Can’t you see that all this impeachment stuff is hard on that poor boy?
All he wants is to force a little bit of ethnic cleansing on the American people!
Why don’t you let him do it! Who is it hurting? Not us white people!’
Or will it?
Nazi racism against Jewish people, led to the Dachau Concentration Camp . .

.. *!

Trump Supporters Want Anybody "Darker Than A Latte" Deported*!

~ Rick Wilson.




Mulvaney !

Mick Mulvaney

Prez ?


The Ukrainian President Zelenskyy*, who is fighting a war on the

behalf of democratic institutions, was bribed in plain sight by

Donald Trump to get dirt on his main political rival Joe Biden.
Republican Senator Ron Johnson of WI says:

“Let’s try to minimize this*”.

To satisfy your own petty partisan concerns, make even the
security of your own children vulnerable through the

negligent genocide of our allies by defending the

sacred cow Trump and your so-called
“justifiable Trump business deal” that completely disparages
America’s national security concerns on our continent!
So let’s try n’ make Mt. Rainier into a mole hill.
Or try n’ make a high crime into a misdemeanor.


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