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Traditional Ethnomedicinal Knowledge of Indian Tribes

Article  in  Current Science · February 2016


3 370

1 author:

Naveen K. Sharma
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University


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Cyanobacterial Eco-physiology View project

Tribal ethnomedicinal knowledge & traditions View project

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2. BIRAC-type models in all sectors of 6. Technology business incubators in all social transformation. Many of these in-
innovation. institutions. novations may be frugal, but they have a
3. Grand challenge initiative for the na- 7. Legal system to nurture innovation. huge scope, as our requirements are var-
tion. 8. Statutory framework for sharing of ied. Our institutions and human resource
4. National mission on scientific instru- ownership, technology, royalties. have to be prepared to absorb the scat-
mentation, including medical instru- tered research results available across the
mentation. Ministry of Science and Technology country to tackle these varied necessities,
5. Guidelines for valuation of pre- and systems have be created to channel-
revenue companies. 1. Interactive website – a window for ize the laboratory findings to economi-
6. Procurement/tender policy modifica- problems and solutions. cally viable and socially relevant
tions to accommodate incubated com- 2. Innovation in entrepreneur education. innovations. The recommendations cap-
panies just as cooperatives. 3. Showcasing products and entrepreneurs tured here as a result of a discussion
in national and international forums. meeting among technologists, academic-
4. Common centres for prototyping. turned entrepreneurs, incubatees, admin-
Ministry of Human Resource istrators and like-minded individuals
Development based on their experience in seeding and
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
nurturing incubation culture, if imple-
1. Creation of technology – social sci- mented consciously, have the potential to
ence interface. 1. Corporate Social Responsibility funds
for technology commercialization in transform the entrepreneurial landscape
2. Commercialization funds for social of our country.
innovation. rural India
3. Incorporation principles of sustain-
ability in products and practices. Epilogue
4. Enabling ESCROW accounts in all T. Pradeep, Indian Institute of Techno-
social sectors. India is at the threshold of translating logy Madras, Chennai 600 036, India.
5. Academic rewards for entrepreneurs. socially relevant research to engines of e-mail:


Traditional ethnomedicinal knowledge of Indian tribes*

According to the Government of India tion and record-keeping almost impossi- More than 1.5 million traditional medi-
2011 census data, schedule tribe popula- ble. Studies suggest that the tribal and cal practitioners in India use medicinal
tion in India is about 8.6% of the total ethnic communities in India as part of plants for preventive, promotional and
population. This population is subjected their healthcare systems use more than curative purposes. About 65% of the
to abject poverty and economic back- 8000 species of plants and approximately Indian population relies upon traditional
wardness, often lacking in proper educa- 25,000 folk medicine-based formula- medicine for its healthcare needs. In his
tion and healthcare facilities. For tions. inaugural address, Palpu Pushpangadan,
healthcare, they mainly rely on tradi- India harbours a rich repository of (formerly at National Botanical Research
tional medicines that solely depend upon untapped medicinal plants, with plenty of Institute, Lucknow) presented an in-
the supply of native medicinal plants. associated knowledge that needs to be depth analysis of the ethnobiological
Their knowledge of tribal medicine (also appropriately utilized. A conference on knowledge of the Indian tribes and pos-
known as ‘folk’ or ‘indigenous’ medi- traditional medicinal knowledge was sibilities of translating this knowledge in
cine) is mainly verbal, usually passed on organized recently, which was attended marketable pharmaceutical drugs. He
from one generation to another without by 80 participants, representing 12 states mentioned that scientific validation, sub-
any written script, making documenta- of the country. During three technical sequent commercialization through pat-
sessions, the following issues were dis- enting and licensing, and sharing of the
cussed – the rising need to preserve the benefits with stakeholders are crucial to
*A report on the three-day National Work-
traditional medicinal knowledge of the the popularization of traditional medici-
shop cum Seminar organized by the Faculty
of Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal country, legal protections (i.e. IRP-related nal knowledge. JEEVANI, an anti-ageing
University, Amarkantak during 9–11 March issues) available to traditional healers, and anti-depressive drug developed from
2015 on ‘Frontiers in Ethnomedicinal Res- conservation of medicinal resources, cul- the Arrogyapacha (Trichopus zeylanicus)
earch: Traditional to Translational (FER-15)’. tivation of medicinally important plants, plant was an outcome of the traditional
The event was supported by DST, DBT, and translation of the traditional knowl- knowledge of the Kani tribes of Kerala.
NMPB, ICMR and MPCST. edge into drug development programme. Therefore, the earnings from the drug

486 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 110, NO. 4, 25 FEBRUARY 2016

were shared with the tribal people for as through isolation of lead molecules as metabolic pathways to understand the
their educational and socio-economic de- a part of new drug discovery pro- probable action sites of drugs. To test the
velopments. Cultivation of medicinally grammes. efficacy of the natural drugs, we need
important plants, especially by local Over-exploitation and increasing urba- to choose appropriate animal models.
tribal people, is another important step. nization may lead to the substantial loss Akash Gautam (Center for Neural and
This will not only protect plants from in diversity of medicinally important Cognitive Science, University of Hydera-
over-exploitation, but will be an added plants from their natural habitats. It is, bad) discussed the neuroprotective
source of income for the local people. therefore, relevant to think about their potential of Ashwagandha leaves in sco-
Universities and research institutions preservation and conservation. Majority polamine-induced amnesia (responsible
should play an important role in ensuring of these plants are still gathered and col- for memory loss) in mice brain. Nishi
that local populace of a region gets maxi- lected from the wild and relatively few Prakash Jain (Sagar Institute of Research
mum benefits from the medicinal wealth are cultivated in farmlands. Therefore, and Technology, Bhopal) provided an in-
of its nearby area. cultivation practices should be developed sight on the formulation, dose determina-
Rajiv Rai (Tropical Forest Research in order to meet the demands of the tion and in vitro evaluation of drugs
Institute, Jabalpur) highlighted various industries. Apart from lessening the ex- citing an example of using vesicular
measures that have been adopted to ploitation, this will also create jobs and delivery system of capsicum extract in
popularize traditional medicinal knowl- promote economic well-being of the hydrogel to treat psoriasis.
edge amongst the tribes of Madhya stakeholders. A shift from collection to Tribal people have evolved their
Pradesh (MP) and Chhattisgarh (CG). He cultivation of medicinally important unique way of identifying medicinal
emphasized that well-focused extension plants will further ensure the purity, au- plants and using them to treat a particular
education programmes are needed to in- thenticity and sustainable supply of raw disease. Commercial exploitation of local
crease awareness among the tribal people. drugs. Climatic and edaphic factors medicinal plants by natives is often con-
Increasing population, incidence of could play a crucial role in cultivation of strained by the lack of suitable marketing
side effects of synthetic medicines and medicinal plants. For example, rising en- strategies. S. P. Singh (Indian Institute of
our inability to provide modern medi- vironmental pollution could have detri- Forest Management, Bhopal) presented
cines to a vast section of the population mental effect on the quality of natural an account of various strategies to be
living in rural and remote areas of the medicinal products. Sudhir Kumar adopted for successful commercialization
country (availability, accessibility and Pandey (Guru Ghasidas University, of medicinal plants. The quality of active
affordability) have been the prime rea- Bilaspur) analysed the impact of foliar principle often gets destroyed under
sons for the growing popularity of alter- transfer of airborne toxic metals in improper storage conditions. Therefore,
native medicines amongst rural and selected medicinal plants of Bilaspur dis- maintaining a stringent quality control
remote population, and neo-rich people trict, CG. His study suggests that the measure is of utmost importance to get
in the developed countries. The World amount of different heavy metals accu- maximum business.
Health Organization (WHO) has reiter- mulated in the leaves of the exposed Demand for medicinal plants is grow-
ated that the goal of ‘health for all’ cannot plants could be well above the permissi- ing all around the world, which itself
be accomplished without herbal medi- ble level recommended by FAO and testifies the popularity and belief of peo-
cines. Natural products could be useful WHO. This presents a greater threat to ple in herbal medicines. This presents
in the treatment of serious diseases like the health of consumers. before us a great opportunity to utilize
cancer. S. K. Trigun (Banaras Hindu Since rural and tribal/ethnic people are our plant wealth and traditional medici-
University, Varanasi) presented his work major stakeholders of the traditional nal knowledge in the service of humanity
on modulation of carcinogenesis by medicinal knowledge, attempts should be with concomitant promotion of economic
fisetin (a natural flavonoid) in aflatoxin- made to protect their rights (e.g. Intellec- growth of the country. Overall the con-
B1-induced hepatocellular carcinoma. It tual Property Rights (IPR)). The relation- ference was a good initiative to bring
has been observed that more cancer ship between traditional medicinal together the important components of
patients die due to treatment than non- knowledge and IPR is intricate, and is ethanomedicinal research in the country.
availability of drug. Use of natural fla- related to the equitable sharing of bene-
vanoids could be effective in cancer fits arising out of the commercial exploi-
treatment without causing toxicity. Thus, tation of such knowledge. Naveen K. Sharma*, Prashant K.
traditional medicinal knowledge and In his deliberation on intracellular Singh, Vijay Pramanik, Biswjit Maji
associated plants could play a central parasitic protozoan Leshmania donovani, and Virendra K. Mishra, Indira Gandhi
role in the drug development programme. Ambak Kumar Rai (Motilal Nehru Insti- National Tribal University, Amarkantak
Herbal products or constituents could be tute of Technology, Allahabad) high- 484 887, India.
used directly as curative agents as well lighted the importance of different *e-mail:

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 110, NO. 4, 25 FEBRUARY 2016 487

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