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Human Resource Management MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 1

By A.Sulthan, Ph.D., -18415

1. Human Resource Management is the process of

Answer: Recruitment and selection

2. Management in HRM refers to

Answer: Proper and maximum utilization of resources

3. The core purpose of HRM is

Answer: Make efficient purpose of existing HR

4. “You must treat your employees with respect and dignity” –

Quoted by
Answer: Narayana Moorthy

5. The resources by themselves

A. Have to be collected
B. Must be coordinated
C. Need to be organized
D. All the above
Answer: D

6. HRM is an
Answer: Organization function

7. HRM includes
A. Planning personnel needs
B. Providing benefits and incentives
C. Appraising performance
D. All the above
Answer: D

8. The historical rule of the HRM is

Answer: One HR person for 100 employees

9. OPM means
Answer: Office of personnel management

10. The role of HR director is

Answer: Administration
11. “Man of all the resources available to man, can grow and
develop” quoted by
Answer: Peter.F. Drucker

12. The prespective for the need of HR is

Answer: The right person for the right job

13. HRM is
Answer: Inter – related
B. Inter dependent
C. Interacting
D. All the above
Answer: D

14. The skill and talents of HR

Answer: Exemplified

15. HR management on procurement, development and cooperation

A. To accomplish social objectives
B. To obtain organizational objectives
C. Both A and B
Answer: C

16. HRM is concerned with the ——————- discussion in

Answer: people

17. HRM can be understood as a process of

Answer: Maintaining competent HR

18. HRM is an art of

Answer: Managing people

19. What should be the basic positive attitude among workers?

Answer: Reducing wastage and maximum use of resources

20. HR policy makes employees

Answer: Train for future positions
21. Healthy HRM practices can help the organization
Answer: To maintain cordinal relationship unions

22. _____________practices teach individuals team work and

Answer: Effective Human Resource

23. Employee training requires to meet

Answer: Job requirement

24. _____________ can be promoted for the future for the top level
Answer: Potential employees

25. When industrial development increased by HR, it also stimulates

Answer: Economy

26. HR also focuses on

Answer: Attitude of the worker

27. What is Harmonious relationship at workplace

A. Friendly in nature
B. Pleasing and consistent
C. cordial and available
D. All the above
Answer: D

28. Working condition activities refers with

Answer: Health, safety, welfare services

29. Employee welfare is about

Answer: Determining employees’ real needs

30. ___________ is the art and science

Answer: Union management relationship

31. The objective of the HRM span right from the

Answer: Manpower needs
32. HRM is all about developing and managing
A. Knowledge
B. Skills
C. Creativity
D. All the above
Answer: D

33. Social objective of an organization

Answer: Minimize the negative impact

34. The exist of HRM department is to serve

Answer: The rest of the organization

35. HRM assists employees

Answer: To achieve personal goal

36. _________ Cannot perform their job in vaccum

Answer: The personnel managers

37. The primary importance of HRM as for environmental influence

Answer: Economic conditions
B. Labour workers
C. Laws and regulations
D. All the above
Answer: D

38. _________separately of in continuation can influence the HRM

function of any organization
Answer: External factors

39. Changes in the ___________ have profound impact on the

Answer: external environment

40. Rapid _______________ stimulates the innovation

Answer: Technological changes
41. _________________ are necessary to match the changing job
Answer: Technical skill personal

42. ____________ influence the financial wealth of the organization

Answer: Economical conditions

43. __________________have strength to match the growth of

Answer: employees organization

44. ______________ seek to organize with __________________

over the terms and conditions of employment for their members
Answer: Labour unions, Management

45. Labour market deals with

Answer: Demand and supply of labour

46. Organization undergoes changes consequent with

Answer: Changes in demand of employees

47. __________ will help to cope up with the changes

Answer: Attitude and aptitude

48. _________ of Human Resource in the country influence the HRM

function of any organization
A. Structure
B. Values
C. Education
D. All the above
Answer: D

49. ____ is the major strategy of our country’s HR focused to face the
foreign organization
Answer: Challenge the competition

50. The candidates are having good education and communication

skills are getting more chance
Answer: For the Job market
51. __________ practices will help to overcome the HR promotions
Answer: Innovative

52. _____ is the big problem for every organization

Answer: Attracting and retaining

53. The company’s _____________ process ensures that it gets

people edge it needs
Answer: Recruitment

54. Sending employees for higher studies

Answer: Learning and development

55. No attendance monitoring is pertinent to

Answer: Compensation and benefits

56. Leadership and development consists of

Answer: Employee empowerment

57. The name of the facilitator in the HR department

Answer: People’s champion

58. _________ deals with orientation along with parents

Answer: Campus recruitment

59. What is the designation of the manager who energize the

workplace with focus
Answer: Employee engagement manager

60. ___________ ensures talented employees retained by

reassigning them to other groups
Answer: People movement management review committee

61. HRM policy is

Answer: Place of action
62. HRM policies lies in
A. An organization value
B. Philosophy
C. Concepts and principles
D. All the above
Answer: D

63. ______ is a well-Thought-out course of action

Answer: procedure

64. The basic purpose of a procedure is

Answer: To spell out clearly the way

65. Human resource policies are

Answer: Mitigate the company’s risk of liability

66. What are all the three basic compensation strategies?

Answer: Market leader, competitive with market and below market

67. An organization structure which is composed of

Answer: Line and staff people

68. The clearer the line of authority will be the clearer

Answer: The responsibility for decision making

69. In line authority the superior exercises

Answer: Direct supervision

70. What is the benefit of staff?

A. Handling complex managerial functions
B. Assisting in decision making
C. Reliving an over burden of top executives
D. All the above
Answer: D

71. _________ is responsible to run the organization according to a

strategic plan
Answer: Line authority
72. HRD will develop the
Answer: Organizational and personal skills

73. HRD deals with functions such as

A. career development
B. Performance development
C. Mentoring and coaching
D. All the above
Answer: D

74. Personnel management is mainly

Answer: Reactive

75. __________emphasizes the strict observance of defined rules

Answer: Personnel management

76. The personnel management employees get ______________

based on job evaluations
Answer: Uniform rewards

77. ____________ is all about the way of individual behaviours

Answer: Motivation

78. Intrinsic factors are

Answer: Driven to excel and fear of failure

79. Example of instinct theory of motivation

Answer: Seasonal migration

80. The important role in incentive theory is

Answer: Monetary reward
81. _________ theories of motivation are based on the cognitive
Answer: Humanistic theory

82. Love and Belongingness needs relate to the

Answer: Friendship and family
83. _________ impel a person to make creative or productive effects
Answer: Self actualization

84. According to McCelland achievement theory, achievers avoid

Answer: Low and High-risk situation

85. TAT means

Answer: Thematic Apperception Test

86. Which one of the following is dissatisfaction factor

Answer: Work conditions

87. valence refers to

Answer: emotional orientation

88. ________ means the desires of employees are fulfilled

Answer: Instrumentality

89. _____________refers to the individual’s perception of the

personality that different rewards depend upon different degrees of
Answer: Perceived effort

90. Ethnocentric means

Answer: Home country based

91. The main changes required in labour competencies

Answer: Technical

92. ______ is the recognition and valorization of individual

Answer: Diversity management

93. Human Resource planning is the process of

Answer: Forecasting
94. __________Facilitates the realization of the company’s
Answer: Human Resource Planning

95. The main objective of HR planning is

A. Forecast future requirements
B. Determine levels of recruitment and training
C. Facilitate productivity bargaining
D. All the above
Answer: D

96. Surplus or deficiency in _______ is the result of the absence of

effective planning
Answer: staff strength

97. HR managers are important facilitators of the

Answer: Strategic Planning process

98. Manpower planning provides essential information for

_____________ Personnel function.
Answer: Designing and implementation

99. From the updated HR information storage system the following

can be analyzed.
A. No of employees
B. Employees capacity
C. Performance and potential
D. All the above
Answer: D

100. The HR required at different positions according to their

________ to the estimated.
D. Job profile
Answer: D

101. ______ involves implementation of the human resources action

Answer: Monitoring, control and feedback
102. _______________ is useful foe overall management of all
personal activities
Answer: Job analysis

103. Job analysis is

Answer: Systematic exploration

104. ___________ is depends on the end use of the information

Answer: Type of data

105. ____________, implies objective listing of the job title, tasks,

Answer: Job description

106. _______ is concerned with the actual work place

Answer: Working environment

107. What is job Hazards?

Answer: Obstacles and obstructions

108. Content of job specification statement

A. Required education
B. Health and physical fitness
C. Appearance
D. All the above
Answer: D

109. The flow of work with organisation is strongly influenced by

Answer: Nature of product and service

110. Ergonomics concerned with

Answer: Designing and shaping jobs

111. Efficiency consideration must be balanced against

Answer: Abilities and availability of the people
112. _______ insist the job to be designed to meet the expectations
of workers
Answer: social and cultural expectations

113. Techno stress means

Answer: stress in technology and information

114. The process of identification of different sources of personnel is

Answer: Recruitment

115. _________ is involving with the shifting of an employee from

one job to another
Answer: promotion

116. The main inducement of internal transfer is

Answer: Morale of the employee increased

117. The important constraint of internal transfer

Answer: Lack in spirit of competition

118. Direct recruitment is otherwise called

Answer: Recruitment at factory gate

119. _______ Recruitment is very cheap

Answer: Direct recruitment

120. Senior positions in industry are filled by

Answer: Media advertisement

121. Compulsory notification of vacancies to __________ is required

by Law
Answer: employment exchanges

122. Who has offered middle level executive placements

Answer: Management consultants
123. Recruitment planning outlines the major responsibility
A. Skills
B. Experience
C. Level of pay
D. All the above
Answer: D

124. ______________ is an integral part of recruitment

Answer: screening

125. Sons of soil claim means

Answer: Suitable hands in vicinity of organization

126. ________ is hiring the best candidates from the pool of

Answer: selection

127. _____________ is the device used for collecting information

from candidates
Answer: Application Blank

128. _________ is the primary benefit of selecting the right

Answer: Competent employees

129. ________ is a process of assigning specific job to each of the

selected candidates
Answer: Placement

130. The significant of placement

A. Improves employee welfare
B. Reducing absenteeism
C. Reducing accident rates
D. All the above
Answer: D

131. __________will help to perform the employees’ duty effectively

Answer: Training
132. What is the characteristic of training
A. Clearly define parameters
B. Planned sequence of events
C. Induces behavioral changes
D. All the above
Answer: D

133. The main objective of the training

Answer: Improve the productivity

134. ——— is essential to reduce the training period

Answer: Systematic Training

135. The Primary Advantage of Training is

Answer: Technology updation

136. Employees Learn in Real working environment is

Answer: On the job training

137. ——– is the person in an organisation can offer more support

Answer: Mentor

138. “Sitting Next to Nellie” means

Answer: Learning with friend

139. JIT in HR is
Answer: Job Instructional Technique

140. The object —— is to make the trainees all round craftsmen

Answer: Apprenticeship Training

141. ——– offers access to something new in learning

Answer: Vestibule training

142. ——– is an artificial environment exactly similar to the actual

Answer: Simulation Exercises
143. Sensitive Training is also known as
Answer: Laboratory / T Group Training

144. The need assessment is to determine priorities

Answer: Allocate Resources

145. The First step in Need Assessment

Answer: Exploration and Identification

146. According to Knowles__________provides the basis for the

learning activities
Answer: Experience including mistakes

147. __________initiates center on enhancing capabilities

Answer: Development

148. __________method used to knowledge and attitudinal

development of trainees
Answer: Group discussion method

149. In Performance Appraisal

A. The Supervisor measure the pay of employees and compare it
B. The supervisors analyses the factors behind work performance
C. Employers are in position to guide
D. All the above
Answer: D

150.__________technique which is systematic collection of

performance data from all derived groups
Answer: 360-degree Feed back

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