Chapter 2

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University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Engineering Management and

Lecture -2-
Management Systems
University of Sulaimani
College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
Academic Year 2019-2020

Tavga Aram Abdalla
MSc. In Geotechnical Engineering

Management & Economy Lectures (Mrs. Tavga Aram) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Subject Overview
This subject covers aspects related to management systems scheduling
technique including critical path method (CPM) and the activities that
managers perform to achieve projects objectives. Other methods are
represented in this chapter that the students will need in their work.

Subject Objectives
Upon completion of this subject (Chapter 2), the student should Know:

1. Planning functions & methods of planning.

2. Activity on arrow diagram AOA.

3. Activity on node diagram AON.

4. Bar chart technique.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

System are consisting of elements and relationships between these
elements. The elements & their relationships are the structure of the

 every system has more or less different types of relationships with

their other systems too.

 Each system has a boundary, May physical or mental.

 System may be simple or complex.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Trade union Environment
Eng. union

In this fig. arrows means relationships:

1 2 Contractual Relationship
Direct working relationship

Indirect working relationship

m n
Work environment

Work Government relationship

System Boundary

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

In this figure elements are:

1 Owner

2 Contractor

m Manager

n Worker

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Management Functions:
The success of business projects, is fully dependent on:
Planning, organizational, structure, adequate supervision and training of
personal as well as upon technology.
 Management functions are the activities that the managers perform
to achieve project objectives and it consist of the following aspects:

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Management Functions

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Planning function:
• Planning is to see the end from the beginning and to see the
beginning from the end.

• Planning is an important tool of management; it means the

preparation of construction programs before the actual schedule can
begin, to ensure that the work is carried out with a maximum
economy, with in stated time and satisfies the criteria for
effectiveness and efficiency.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

What’s the difference the planning and scheduling?

Planning Scheduling
1. Planning is an important tool of 1. Scheduling is the conversion of the
management, it means the
preparation of construction programs construction plan to a time related
before the actual schedule can begin, chart.
to ensure that the work is carried out
with a maximum time and satisfies the 2. A schedule establishes the specific
criteria for effectiveness and start & end dates for the activities
and also establishes the total
2. In plan the activities don’t have project duration.
specific start & end dates. 3. A schedule determines when, for
3. A plan shows the activities & their how long & what resources are
logic relationship. needed for each activity.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

The steps in managing a project

The actual steps to manage a project are straightforward. The model in the
figure below illustrates the steps: Plan the project
Define a Develop • What must be done?
problem Solution • Who will do it?
Option • How will it be done?
• When must be done?
• What we need to do it?

Execute the plan

Close The Project Monitor Are we target?
What was done well? If not, what must be done?
What should be improved? and Control
Should the plan changed?
What else did we learn?

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Brief description of the actions involved:

You need to identify the problem to be solved by the project

What will be different?

What client need is being satisfied by the project?


Studying the available alternatives, which do you think will be best solve the

It is more or less costly than other suitable choices?

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Brief description of the actions involved:

Planning is answering questions

What must be done? By whom? For how much, how, when and so on.

4. EXECUTE THE PLAN: once the plan is drafted, it must be implemented.


Plans are developed so that you can achieve your end result successfully.
Unless you monitor your progress you cannot be sure you will succeed. Of
course, if a deviation from the plan is discovered, you must ask what must be
done to get back on track.
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Brief description of the actions involved:

Once the destination has been reached the project is finished.

The point here is to learn something from what you just did.

What was done well? Wat should be improved? What else did we learn?

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Project Scheduling Methods

The primary reason for scheduling a project is to ensure that the deadline
can be met.

 Until around 1950, the only tool for scheduling projects was the Bar
Chart that developed by Henry Gantt, they are often called Gantt Chart.
Bar chart is simple to construct and read but it didn’t show the
interdependencies of the work.

To overcome the problem, two methods of scheduling were developed in

the late of 1950 and early 1960. One of these methods is called Critical Path
Method (CPM) and other is called Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT).
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Scheduling Process
1. Planning

Breaking in to activities+ Relations (Arrow Diagram)

2. Scheduling

Time Estimates Relations- Time Chart, Start/Finish times

(Critical activities, float Times)

3. Controlling

Use of arrow – diagram Progress & / or Diagram updates

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Critical path Method (CPM)

The critical path is the longest path through a project

network, all activities on the critical path must be
completed as scheduled, and a delay in CP delays the
project, similarly to accelerate the project is necessary to
reduce the total time required for the activities in the CP.
The overall time of the critical path is the contract duration.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering
Steps CPM project planning

1. Specify the individual activities

2. Determine the sequence of those activities.
3. Draw a network diagram
4. Estimate the completion time of each activity
5. Identify the critical path

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

 The critical path can be indicated either by thick line or two lines and the
activities lies on the critical path are critical activities.

 Network Diagram
Network is called arrow diagram, it provide a graphical representation of a
project plan showing the sequence in which the work is performed.

All projects can be broken down into a number of activities depending upon
details which is required and number of activities into which the project is

 There are two methods are used to draw arrow diagram:

 An activity on arrow diagram (AOA)

 An activity on node diagram (AON)

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Definition of net work diagram

ACTIVITY: it is the particular operation represent a portion of the project
that will be performed. An activity always consumes time and may also
consume resources. For example excavation works, casting concrete ….etc.

AN ARROW: used to represent an activity of a project or the sequence of

the activity.

CRITICAL: a critical activity or event is the one that must be achieved by a

certain time, having no latitude (slack or float).

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Definition of net work diagram

EVENT: is one of the defining points of arrow, at either ends of arrow
(beginning & ending points of arrows). Events are commonly denoted
graphically by a circle, square or any geometry shape and it carry identifying
numbers, letters.

A. Activity on arrow diagram

It is a graphical representation; it shows logical and sequential connected
arrows & activities of the project.

1. Each activity is represented by an arrow has an associated description

and expected duration.
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Activity on arrow diagram

2. The arrow is straight line, but there is no reason why the arrow should be
drawn as a straight line, it can be bent or curved to suit the construction of
the diagram.

3. The diagram indicates the relationship between activities. These

relationships are:
Predecessor activity: it is the activity that immediately comes before
another activity.
Successor activity: it is the activity that immediately follows anther activity.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Drawing Arrow Diagram:


1)B depends on A

2)B depend on A

C depend on A

3)B depend on A

C depend on B

E depend on B

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

1) A B

2) A B



Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

4. A dashed arrow can be drawn to represent a dummy activity. It is used to

only to maintain the logic of certain situation & prevent duplication of the
activities. It does not represent any work and has duration of zero.

5. The network must not have a loose ends or dangling events.

6. The network must not have looping.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Draw arrow diagram for the following activities
Activity Predecessor

Dummy Activity

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Using an activity on arrow diagram formulate the network diagram for the
following project activities:
Activity Duration Predecessor Successor activity
I 2 ---------- J,L
J 4 I K,M
K 3 J N
L 5 I N
M 6 J O
N 8 K,L O
O 3 M,N ----------

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering


Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Activity Predecessor

P ----------

Q -----------
R P, Q
T R, S

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University of Sulaimani College of Engineering


Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Activity Predecessor
A ----------
E C, D

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

B. Activity on node diagram (AON)

Or ( Precedence Diagram Method)
In this method the activities are represented by rectangles and these
rectangles are linked together by arrows to show the sequence and
precedence of the activities

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

What is Different between Node Network and Arrow Network?

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Basic Scheduling Computations

In order to compute network start & finish times, only two rules apply to all networks.
Each event or node box has ES, LS, EF and LF. These means:

ES: Early start time, it is the earliest time that an activity can be started. The early start
times are determined during the Forward pass calculation of the project schedule

LS: Late start time, it is the latest time that an activity can be started without delaying
the project completion. The late start times are determined during the backward pass
calculation of the project schedule network.

EF: Early Finish Time, it is the earliest time that an activity can be finished. The early
finish times are determined during the Forward pass calculation of the project schedule
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Basic Scheduling Computations

LF: Late finish time, it is the latest time that an activity can be finished without delaying
the project completion. The late finish times are determined during the Backward pass
calculation of the project schedule network.

Float: is the amount of time that an activity may be delayed from it’s early
start without delaying the project finish time.

Total Float ( TF) or Slack: the amount of time that an activity may be delayed
from its early start without delaying the project finish date.

TF = (LS-ES)

Free Float: The amount of time that an activity can be delay without delaying
the early start of any immediately following activities.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Basic Scheduling Computations

Lag: Planned wait time between activities

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Basic Scheduling Computations

Duration of the activity (DU): the time calendar units between the start and
finish of an activity.

Lag time: is the forced period in the relationship between two variables.

 Figure below illustrates a rectangle diagram activity in activity on node

technique. The rectangle has spaces for entering activity time values directly on
node. It is also called Precedence diagram.

Activity Description

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Forward- Pass calculation

In this type of computation, start at the beginning of the network and pass towards
the end. The forward computation is used to determine earliest time (start, finish)
for all activities.

Rule 1: It is always true that the early finish for an activity becomes the early start
for the next activity.

Rule 2: When two or more activities precede another activity, the earliest time
when the activity can be started is the longer of the durations of the activities
preceding it.
Early Start = Maximum (or Highest) EF value from immediate Predecessor(s)
Early Finish = ES + Duration

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Forward- Pass calculation

An example of a Forward Pass calculation is shown in Figure below. Generic activities

are used in the examples in this paper to help illustrate the different calculation

Forward- Pass calculation

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Backward- Pass calculation

A backward pass is made through the network to compute the latest start and latest
finish times for each activity in the network. To do that, always begin at the end and
pass until arrive at the beginning.

Rule 3: When two or more activities, the latest time when doing backward-pass
calculations always use the smallest number for the LF of previous activities.

Rule 4: The critical passes through all events whose early event times are equal to
their late times.

Late Start = LF – Duration

Late Finish = Minimum (or Lowest) LS value from immediate Successor(s)

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Backward- Pass calculation

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Float calculation
The importance of calculating Total Float and Free Float are
found it the definitions of these terms. As stated earlier, float
values indicate how much each individual activity can be
delayed before affecting successor activities or the planned
project completion date. The float calculations for the sample
schedule are shown in Exhibit 5. Formulas for calculating
Total Float and Free Float are as follows:
Total Float = LS – ES (it is also calculated by LF – EF)
Free Float = Lowest ES of successors – EF
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Float calculation

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example: It’s required to:

A.Make forward & backward calculation & write ES, LS, EF & LF for each drawn
B.Make critical path & find project duration.
C.Prepare an activity time tabulation showing ES, EF,LS,LF & TF.
Activity Duration Followed by
A 5 B,C,D
B 10 E
C 35 G
D 8 E
E 5 F
F 15 G
G 15 H
H 30 -----------

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Activit DU ES EF LS LF TF FF Note
A 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 CA

B 10 5 15 10 20 5 0

C 35 5 40 5 40 0 0 CA

D 8 5 13 12 20 7 2

E 5 15 20 20 25 5 0

F 15 20 35 25 40 5 5

G 15 40 55 40 55 0 0 CA

H 30 55 85 55 85 0 0 CA

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

EXAMPLE What is the total float and free float of activity J?

Activity Duration Successor

(Weeks) (followed by
A 2 B
B 3 C
C 4 D
D 8 --------
E 2 F
F 3 G
G 4 H
H 5 ----------
I 2 J
J 1 G
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

For Activity J in this Example:

Total Float = LS – ES (it is also calculated by LF – EF) = 8-3 = 5 days

Free Float (FF) = ES of G – EF of J = 5-3 = 2 days

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Home Work:
from the following activities:

A.Make forward & backward calculation & write ES, LS, EF & LF for each drawn

B.Make critical path & find project duration.

C.Prepare an activity time tabulation showing ES, EF,LS,LF & TF.

Activity A B C D E F G H
predecessor A A B C C D,E F,G
Duration (days) 3 4 2 5 1 2 4 3

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Home Work:
A.Make forward & backward calculation & write ES, LS, EF & LF for each
drawn activity.
B.Make critical path & find project duration.
C.Prepare an activity time tabulation showing ES, EF,LS,LF & TF.
Number Activity Predecess Duration
or (month)
1 Design house and obtain ----- 3
2 Lay foundation 1 2
3 Order & receive materials 1 1
4 Build house 2,3 3
5 Select paints 2,3 1
6 Select carper 5 1
7 Finish work 4,6 1

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Relationship between activities in precedence diagram

 Finish to Start (FS): Activity B cannot start until Activity A has finished.
 Start to Start (SS): Activity B cannot start until Activity A has started.
 Finish to Finish (FF): Activity B cannot finish until Activity A has finished.
 Start to Finish (SF): Activity B cannot finish until Activity A has started.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

This Relationship between activities is called Lag Time:

Lag Time:
Lag is the delay of the successor activity. The successor activity
cannot start right after the end of the predecessor. In all
relationships, Finish- to-start, start- to-start, start – to finish and
finish-to finish, lag may be found. Lag time can be considered a
positive value. Lag time can be defined as a waiting period or a delay
between two activities

For example, we need a waiting time (lag) between plaster and paint
of wall.
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering


Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering


Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example 1:
Item Activity Duration Predecessor
A Install Form 3 NA

B Pour Concrete 5 A

C Remove Forms 3 B (FS7)

0 3 3
3 0 8 FS 7 15 0 18
0 3 3 3 5 8
15 3 18

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example 2:
Activity Duration Predecessor

A 3 NA

B 3 A (SS2)

C 4 A

D 6 A

E 5 B, C,D (FF2)

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example 2:

2 2 5
SS2 3 7
0 0 3
A 7 0 12
3 0 7
0 3 E
7 5 12
3 4 7
Project Duration = 12
days FF2
CA// A, C, E 3 1 9
4 6 10
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example 5 ; It’s required to:

1.Draw AON diagram for the following activities listed in the table below:
2.Find activity time values
3.Mark critical path & find project duration.
Activity DU (days) Following Relations Lag time
A (start) 10 B SS 5
FF 6
C SS 4
FF 7
B 8 D FS 3
C 12 E FS 3
D 15 F SS 4
FF 8
E 18 F SS 2
FF 5
F 10
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

3. Project Scheduling Method by using Gantt Chart

 A Gantt char or Bar chart is a graphical representation of project
activities shown in a time‐ scaled bar with no links shown between
 The bar chart was originally developed by Henry L, Gantt in 1917 and
alternatively called a Gantt chart.

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Advantage and disadvantage of Bar chart (Gantt chart)

 Simplicity of preparation

 Easy to understand

 Good communication tool

 Easy to update

 It can be loaded with other project information

 It does NOT show interrelation between activities

 It is not adequate documentation for claims

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example 2
For the following activities, by using tha Gantt chart technique find project
duration and critical path
Activity Predecessor Duration

A -------- 2

B A 1

C A 3

D B,C 1

E D 2

F D 3

G E 2

H G,F 2
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

63 Duration (Days)
Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example 3
For the following activities, by using tha Gantt chart technique find project
duration and critical path

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

• Example
1. A project, its activities are shown below, was started on (20/1/2014). Use the
Gantt chart technique to find its estimated delivery date.

2. If the project shown above had a delay of (2) weeks after(6 working weeks),
what would be its new delivery date?

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department
University of Sulaimani College of Engineering

Example 4:Draw Gantt Chart for the following activity

Activity Predecessor Duration (Days)

A ------ 3
B A (FS2) 2
C A (SS1) 2
D B (SS1) 4
E C (SF3) 1
F C (FF3) 2
G D (SS1), E 4
H F (SF2), G 3

Engineering Management & Economy ( Mrs. Tavga Aram)) 2019-2020 Civil Engineering Department

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