Gene Keys: Hologenetic Profile

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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Resourcefulness.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Inadequacy.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of

Love Limitation into the Gift of Realism.
The highest expression of my heart is Exquisiteness.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Inspiration.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Psychosis.
I thrive best as part of a large network.

A journey of self illumination


My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 39

With this Gift representing your Life's Work, you are a living dynamo of creative, initiating energy. Your true
role in life is to catalyse stagnant situations and to shift blockages wherever you meet them. You have an
endless drive to move and create, so you need very clear channels in life into which you can pour your
dynamism. At the very least, you need to confront challenges that test your limits on a daily basis. At the
highest level, you are here to free yourself from your own conditioning and to push others beyond
themselves in this respect. Your natural energy requires a very physical lifestyle, so it will be essential for you
to spend a lot of time outdoors.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 38

You really can be your own worst enemy, but you can also be your own best friend. The former occurs when
you get caught up in taking things personally. Your life is not about being self-obsessed — your real purpose
is to serve something higher than yourself. It's quite easy for you to get locked into a frequency where you
seem to be struggling with something or someone outside yourself. However, there is no such thing for you.
You are always struggling with yourself, and the moment you realise this, you can begin to break the pattern
and the answers you seek will suddenly appear. Your Evolution provides a diagnostic tool to show you how
aligned you are to your Life's Work, and ultimately also your Radiance and Hidden Purpose. If you are either
struggling or feeling a sense of listlessness, you have somehow gone adrift. It is up to you alone to pull
yourself back on track.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 21

You have a deep need to be in control of your physical environment. However, if you take this to the
extreme, you can become obsessive. Your ultimate environment is your body which needs regular
cardiovascular exercise. If you do not give yourself this gift, your body will gradually accrue tension. Your
relationship to money is also very important as a governing factor in your well being. You need to have
financial independence no matter what your situation in life. You need to get the balance right between what
comes into your life and what goes out, so as important as saving money is spending it. There are times
when you really need to spoil yourself, especially concerning the enhancement of your home or personal
sense of style. Above all, you need to feel recognised as a figure of authority driven by a higher purpose. If
you don't feel good about yourself, you probably haven't let go of some deep controlling characteristic within
your own unconscious. As soon as you release this part of yourself, then you will begin to feel much more
energy in your life.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 48

You are here to be a deep resource of living wisdom for others. Your ultimate fulfilment lies in being of
service to others. Your highest potential is to become a living embodiment of wisdom, which entails having
to pass through some of life's deepest fears. It is through these very physical fears that you will come to
understand the unconscious forces that drive human beings, and thus you will be able to help them.
Ultimately, you will see that all fears are completely unfounded, and that life always has a way of working
things out in the end. It is this deeper trust in a hidden life beyond our individual ken that marks you as an
obvious guide for others. Your greatest wisdom is simply to give others permission to trust in their own
experiences as aspects of a greater plan, and to exalt human ordinariness and the power and beauty of

© Gene Keys Publishing 2022 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Liberation Birth City: Hanoi, Ha Nội, Vietnam

Life's Work
Provocation Birth Date: 1 Jul 2020
Line 1 - Creator 39.1
Birth Time: 09:11

Pearl Inspiration
61.4 Line 4 - Charity

Justice Vocation Culture Sanctity

Realism Inspiration
Line 5 - Management (responsibility) 60.5 61.4 Psychosis
Line 4 - Network

Valor Exquisiteness Honour

Radiance SQ Evolution
Authority Style Perseverance
Line 3 - Interaction 21.3 Mediocrity
Line 4 - Belonging (kinship and community) 8.4 38.1 Struggle
Line 1 - Self &
Mastery IQ EQ Universal Love
Versatility Acceptance
Line 1 - The Contemplative mind (hidden)
16.1 25.4 Constriction
Line 4 - Kindness/Meanness

Attraction Restraint
52.3 Line 3 - Promiscuity/Playfulness

Purpose Wisdom
48.3 Inadequacy
Line 3 - Movement (blood)

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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