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Her name is Mariana Hernández; she is 30 years old and was born on
November 8, 1991 in Barquisimeto.

To summarize how her life has been in terms of studies these years, both
primary and secondary she studied at the Andrés Bello school, after finishing high
school a thousand things go through her mind (what she is going to study) or (what
she would like to study).

Since she was little, she said that she would be a veterinarian because she
liked animals, but she really did not see herself in that career, meanwhile spending
almost a year after graduating, she made the decision to study social
communication, where she received a lot of learning, personal growth and between
her ups and downs she enjoyed each stage, halfway through the race he started
working on a website, where the function was to be a journalist and be present at
different events in Barquisimeto (concerts, press conferences, plays, conferences,
among others).

She graduated in 2014 and a few months later, he left the country and was
unable to practice.

Despite not having pursued a career the communication, she agreed to do

an interview because she is a good friend and likes to help.

1. Why did you decide to study Social Communication?

She said that among the many options she had was social communication,
she has always liked the entertainment world and as a child she said she wanted
to be on television, but when she studied for her degree she realized that television
was not her thing, the part that What caught her attention was the production, that
is, behind the camera.

2. What specific tasks to perform a graduate in this career?

She stated that Social Communication is such a broad career that many
people think that it is only TV and it is not like that, it ranges from journalism to
internal communication in a company.

3. What do you think about social networks?

She said that social networks are a type of communication, information and
fun where we can share sentimental, important moments; where we can express
ourselves towards others without having to be embarrassed obviously taking
precautions, where we can spend time talking with friends or family about any

4. What do you think about the future of the media?

She said that new technologies and the revolution in the media have had an
impact on the media, which adapt quickly to changes and are able to take
advantage of technological advances, and the presence of the Internet has opened
the doors of the world to media whose audiences are no longer local but
international, since their content is available from anywhere in the world.

5. What recommendation do you give to those who want to study

this career?

She recommended that those who choose to study social communication

should keep in mind that they are going to address the causes and why of
phenomena in society: their work should be understood and communicated in the
best possible way.

By Alejandra Garcia 19-04-2022

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